protected void UpdateCompany(object sender, EventArgs e)
        bool is_dupe = CompanyManager.UpdateCompany(hf_cpy_id.Value);

        if (div_contacts.Visible)

        // If company name is a duplicate AFTER we've updated, alert
        if (is_dupe && hf_original_company_name.Value != CompanyManager.CompanyName)

            if (((HtmlTable)CompanyManager.FindControl("tbl_company_merger")).Visible)
                RadButton btn_open_merger = (RadButton)CompanyManager.FindControl("btn_open_merger");
                btn_open_merger.OnClientClicking = "function(button, args){var rw = GetRadWindow(); var rwm = rw.get_windowManager(); setTimeout(function ()" +
                                                   "{'companymerger.aspx?cpy_id=" + Server.UrlEncode(hf_cpy_id.Value) + "', 'rw_merge_companies'); rw.Close();}, 0);}";

            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "Resize",
                                                "var rw = GetRadWindow(); rw.set_height(490);;", true);

            hf_original_company_name.Value = CompanyManager.CompanyName;

            Util.PageMessageAlertify(this, "Multiple companies with the name you've specified exist in the database. This company's name has been updated but please consider using the merger tool to merge any duplicate companies together." +
                                     "<br/><br/>Alternatively, if you think the duplicates are unique companies, try to pick a more appropriate name for this company, e.g. 'Subway' in Canada could become 'Subway Canada'.", "Duplicate Name Detected!");
        // Otherwise simply close window
            Util.CloseRadWindow(this, String.Empty, false);