Пример #1
        public void CurrVerbReset()
            CompEquippable comp  = parent.GetComp <CompEquippable>();
            List <Verb>    verbs = comp.AllVerbs;

            if (comp == null)
                Log.ErrorOnce("[Explorite]CurrVerbReset Error: comp is null.", 41422);
            if (verbs == null)
                Log.ErrorOnce("[Explorite]CurrVerbReset Error: verbs is null, at comp: " + comp + ".", 41421);
            if (verbs.Count == 0)
                Log.ErrorOnce("[Explorite]CurrVerbReset Error: verbs contains no verb, at comp: " + comp + ", verbs:" + verbs + ".", 41423);
            if (currentVerb != null)
                for (int i = 0; i < verbs.Count; i++)
                    if (currentVerb == verbs[i])
            for (int i = 0; i < verbs.Count; i++)
                if (verbs[i].verbProps.isPrimary)
                    currentVerb = verbs[i];
            currentVerb = verbs[0];
        private static void DrawMeshModified(Mesh mesh, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Material mat, int layer, Thing eq, float aimAngle)
            CompOversizedWeapon compOversized = eq.TryGetCompFast <CompOversizedWeapon>();
            CompEquippable      equippable    = eq.TryGetCompFast <CompEquippable>();
            Pawn pawn = equippable.PrimaryVerb.CasterPawn;

            if (pawn == null)
            if (compOversized == null || (compOversized != null && compOversized.CompDeflectorIsAnimatingNow) || pawn == null || eq == null)
                OversizedUtil.Draw(mesh, default(Matrix4x4), mat, layer, eq, pawn, position, rotation);
            Vector3 s;

            if (pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike)
                if (HarmonyPatches_OversizedWeapon.enabled_AlienRaces)
                    Vector2 v = AlienRaceUtility.AlienRacesPatch(pawn, eq);
                    float   f = Mathf.Max(v.x, v.y);
                    s = new Vector3(eq.def.graphicData.drawSize.x * f, 1f, eq.def.graphicData.drawSize.y * f);
                    s = new Vector3(eq.def.graphicData.drawSize.x, 1f, eq.def.graphicData.drawSize.y);
                Vector2 v = pawn.ageTracker.CurKindLifeStage.bodyGraphicData.drawSize;
                s = new Vector3(eq.def.graphicData.drawSize.x + v.x / 10, 1f, eq.def.graphicData.drawSize.y + v.y / 10);
            Matrix4x4 matrix = default(Matrix4x4);

            matrix.SetTRS(position, rotation, s);
            OversizedUtil.Draw(mesh, matrix, mat, 0, eq, pawn, position, rotation);
Пример #3
        // debugging

         * public static void TicksPerMove_PostFix(Pawn __instance, ref float __result, bool diagonal) {
         *  if ( __instance.IsColonist )  {
         *      float num = __instance.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.MoveSpeed, true);
         *  //    Log.Message("move speed : "+__instance.Name+ " : (GetStatValue of MoveSpeed:" +num+") (TicksPerMove:"+__result+")");
         *  }
         * } */

        public static void PrimaryVerb_PostFix(CompEquippable __instance, ref Verb __result)
            if (__instance.parent.TryGetComp <OgsCompSlotLoadable.CompSlotLoadable>() != null)
                foreach (SlotLoadable slot in __instance.parent.TryGetComp <OgsCompSlotLoadable.CompSlotLoadable>().Slots)
                    if (slot.SlotOccupant != null)
                        CompSlottedBonus bonus = slot.SlotOccupant.TryGetComp <CompSlottedBonus>();
                        if (bonus.Props.verbReplacer != null)
                            __result.verbProps = bonus.Props.verbReplacer;
                if (__result.verbProps.LaunchesProjectile && __result.verbProps != __instance.parent.def.Verbs[0])
                    __result.verbProps = __instance.parent.def.Verbs[0];
        public override string GetDescriptionPart()
            string         str = string.Empty;
            CompEquippable c   = parent.GetComp <CompEquippable>();

            if (ForceWeapon)
                List <Tool>   list  = parent.def.tools.FindAll(x => x.capacities.Any(y => y.defName.Contains("OG_ForceWeapon_")));
                List <string> listl = new List <string>();
                list.ForEach(x => listl.Add(x.label));
                str = str + string.Format("\n Force Weapon: Attacks made by the following Tools can cause Force Attacks if the wielder is a Psyker:\n{0}", listl.ToCommaList(), ForceWeaponKillChance);
            if (Witchblade)
                List <Tool>   list  = parent.def.tools.FindAll(x => x.capacities.Any(y => y.defName.Contains("OG_WitchbladeWeapon_")));
                List <string> listl = new List <string>();
                list.ForEach(x => listl.Add(x.label));
                str = str + string.Format("\n Witchblade: Attacks made by the following Tools can cause increased damage if the wielder is a Psyker:\n{0}", listl.ToCommaList());

Пример #5
        public virtual void GiveDeflectJob(DamageInfo dinfo)
                Pawn pawn2 = dinfo.Instigator as Pawn;

                if (pawn2 != null)
                    Job job = new Job(CompDeflectorDefOf.CastDeflectVerb);
                    job.playerForced      = true;
                    job.locomotionUrgency = LocomotionUrgency.Sprint;
                    if (pawn2.equipment != null)
                        CompEquippable compEquip = pawn2.equipment.PrimaryEq;
                        if (compEquip != null)
                            if (compEquip.PrimaryVerb != null)
                                Verb_Deflected verbToUse = (Verb_Deflected)CopyAndReturnNewVerb(compEquip.PrimaryVerb);
                                verbToUse = (Verb_Deflected)ReflectionHandler(deflectVerb);
                                verbToUse.lastShotReflected = this.lastShotReflected;
                                pawn2 = ResolveDeflectionTarget(pawn2);
                                bool shouldContinue = false;
                                CriticalFailureHandler(dinfo, pawn2, out shouldContinue);
                                if (shouldContinue)
                                    job.targetA            = pawn2;
                                    job.verbToUse          = verbToUse;
                                    job.killIncappedTarget = pawn2.Downed;
            catch (NullReferenceException) { }
            ////Log.Message("TryToTakeOrderedJob Called");
        // Token: 0x06000028 RID: 40 RVA: 0x00002978 File Offset: 0x00000B78
        public static bool Patch_VerbTracker_PrimaryVerb_Prefix(ref VerbTracker __instance, ref Verb __result)
            bool flag = __instance.AllVerbs == null && MechaniteForgeHarmonyPatches.VerbTracker_InitVerbs != null;

            if (flag)
                MechaniteForgeHarmonyPatches.VerbTracker_InitVerbs.Invoke(__instance, new object[0]);
            CompEquippable compEquippable = __instance.directOwner as CompEquippable;
            MultiVerbComp  multiVerbComp  = null;
            bool           flag2          = compEquippable != null && (multiVerbComp = compEquippable.parent.TryGetComp <MultiVerbComp>()) != null;

            if (flag2)
                __result = __instance.AllVerbs[multiVerbComp.currentVerbIndex];
                bool flag3 = __result != null;
                if (flag3)
        public static IEnumerable <Command> Postfix(IEnumerable <Command> commands, CompEquippable __instance)
            if (__instance is CompEquipable_SecondaryThrown compSec && __instance.ParentHolder?.ParentHolder is Pawn pawn && pawn.IsColonistPlayerControlled)
                //Log.Message($"Found CompEquipable_SecondaryThrown");
                ThingWithComps owner = __instance.parent;

                //Want to return a verb that allows for single throws
                yield return(new VerbTarget_ThrownLight()
                    defaultDesc = owner.LabelCap + ": " + owner.def.description.CapitalizeFirst(),
                    icon = owner.def.uiIcon,
                    iconAngle = owner.def.uiIconAngle,
                    iconOffset = owner.def.uiIconOffset,
                    verb = __instance.PrimaryVerb,
                    comp = owner.GetComp <Comp_ChangeableProjectile_Thrown>()
            foreach (Command command in commands)
                yield return(command);
Пример #8
 public static void TryStartCastOn_SmartGun_Prefix(ref Verb __instance, LocalTargetInfo castTarg, ref bool __result)
     if (__instance.GetType() == typeof(Verb_Shoot))
         if (__instance.GetProjectile() != null)
             //    Log.Message("checking for EquipmentSource");
             if (__instance.EquipmentSource != null)
                 if (!__instance.EquipmentSource.AllComps.NullOrEmpty())
                     //    Log.Message("checking for smartgun");
                     if (__instance.EquipmentSource.GetComp <CompSmartgunSystem>() != null)
                         if (__instance.EquipmentSource.GetComp <CompSmartgunSystem>() is CompSmartgunSystem GunExt)
                             //    Log.Message("smartgun checking for targeter");
                             Thing          equipment = __instance.EquipmentSource;
                             CompEquippable eq        = __instance.EquipmentSource.TryGetComp <CompEquippable>();
                             Pawn           pawn      = __instance.CasterPawn;
                             if (GunExt.hasTargheter)
                                 __instance.verbProps.warmupTime = GunExt.AdjustedWarmup;
                                 //    Log.Message(string.Format("smartgun adjusted warmup: {0}", GunExt.AdjustedWarmup));
                                 __instance.verbProps.warmupTime = GunExt.originalwarmupTime;
                                 //    Log.Message(string.Format("smartgun original warmup: {0}", GunExt.originalwarmupTime));
        public static void TryStartCastOn_RapidFire_Postfix(ref Verb __instance, LocalTargetInfo castTarg, float __state)
            List <Type> types = typeof(Verb_LaunchProjectile).AllSubclassesNonAbstract().ToList();

            List <Type> nottypes = typeof(AbilityUser.Verb_UseAbility).AllSubclassesNonAbstract().ToList();

            if (!types.Contains(__instance.GetType()) || nottypes.Contains(__instance.GetType()))
                 * List<string> listl = new List<string>();
                 * types.ForEach(x => listl.Add(x.Name));
                 * Log.Message(string.Format("Mismatched Verbtype: {0}, needs {1}", __instance.GetType(), listl.ToCommaList()));
            if (__instance.EquipmentSource != null)
                ThingWithComps gun    = __instance.EquipmentSource;
                CompEquippable compeq = gun.TryGetComp <CompEquippable>();
                if (!__instance.EquipmentSource.AllComps.NullOrEmpty())
                    if (__instance.EquipmentSource.GetComp <CompWeapon_GunSpecialRules>() != null)
                        if (__instance.EquipmentSource.GetComp <CompWeapon_GunSpecialRules>() is CompWeapon_GunSpecialRules GunExt)
                            if (GunExt.OriginalwarmupTime != 0)
                                __instance.verbProps.warmupTime = (float)GunExt.OriginalwarmupTime;
                //    Log.Message(string.Format("postfix Instance modified Values, Warmup: {0}, ticksbetween: {1}, cooldown: {2}", __instance.verbProps.warmupTime, __instance.verbProps.ticksBetweenBurstShots, __instance.verbProps.defaultCooldownTime));
Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Refreshes the cached bulk and weight. Call this whenever items are added/removed from inventory
        /// </summary>
        public void UpdateInventory()
            if (parentPawn == null)
                Log.Error("CompInventory on non-pawn " + this.parent.ToString());
            float newBulk   = 0f;
            float newWeight = 0f;

            // Add equipped weapon
            if (parentPawn.equipment != null && parentPawn.equipment.Primary != null)
                GetEquipmentStats(parentPawn.equipment.Primary, out newWeight, out newBulk);

            // Add apparel
            if (parentPawn.apparel != null && parentPawn.apparel.WornApparelCount > 0)
                foreach (Thing apparel in parentPawn.apparel.WornApparel)
                    float apparelBulk   = apparel.GetStatValue(StatDef.Named("WornBulk"));
                    float apparelWeight = apparel.GetStatValue(StatDef.Named("WornWeight"));
                    newBulk   += apparelBulk;
                    newWeight += apparelWeight;

            // Add inventory items
            if (parentPawn.inventory != null && parentPawn.inventory.container != null)
                foreach (Thing thing in parentPawn.inventory.container)
                    // Check for weapons
                    ThingWithComps eq     = thing as ThingWithComps;
                    CompEquippable compEq = thing.TryGetComp <CompEquippable>();
                    if (eq != null && compEq != null)
                        if (compEq.PrimaryVerb != null)
                        // Calculate equipment weight
                        float eqWeight;
                        float eqBulk;
                        GetEquipmentStats(eq, out eqWeight, out eqBulk);
                        newWeight += eqWeight * thing.stackCount;
                        newBulk   += eqBulk * thing.stackCount;
                        // Add item weight
                        newBulk   += thing.GetStatValue(StatDef.Named("Bulk")) * thing.stackCount;
                        newWeight += thing.GetStatValue(StatDef.Named("Weight")) * thing.stackCount;
                    // Update ammo list
                    if (thing.def is AmmoDef)
            this.currentBulkCached   = newBulk;
            this.currentWeightCached = newWeight;
Пример #11
        public List <VerbEntry> GetUpdatedAvailableVerbsList()
            List <Verb> allVerbs = this.pawn.verbTracker.AllVerbs;

            for (int i = 0; i < allVerbs.Count; i++)
                if (allVerbs[i].IsStillUsableBy(this.pawn))
                    Pawn_MeleeVerbs.meleeVerbs.Add(new VerbEntry(allVerbs[i], this.pawn, null));
            if (this.pawn.equipment != null)
                List <ThingWithComps> allEquipmentListForReading = this.pawn.equipment.AllEquipmentListForReading;
                for (int j = 0; j < allEquipmentListForReading.Count; j++)
                    ThingWithComps thingWithComps = allEquipmentListForReading[j];
                    CompEquippable comp           = thingWithComps.GetComp <CompEquippable>();
                    if (comp != null)
                        List <Verb> allVerbs2 = comp.AllVerbs;
                        if (allVerbs2 != null)
                            for (int k = 0; k < allVerbs2.Count; k++)
                                if (allVerbs2[k].IsStillUsableBy(this.pawn))
                                    Pawn_MeleeVerbs.meleeVerbs.Add(new VerbEntry(allVerbs2[k], this.pawn, thingWithComps));
            if (this.pawn.apparel != null)
                List <Apparel> wornApparel = this.pawn.apparel.WornApparel;
                for (int l = 0; l < wornApparel.Count; l++)
                    Apparel        apparel = wornApparel[l];
                    CompEquippable comp2   = apparel.GetComp <CompEquippable>();
                    if (comp2 != null)
                        List <Verb> allVerbs3 = comp2.AllVerbs;
                        if (allVerbs3 != null)
                            for (int m = 0; m < allVerbs3.Count; m++)
                                if (allVerbs3[m].IsStillUsableBy(this.pawn))
                                    Pawn_MeleeVerbs.meleeVerbs.Add(new VerbEntry(allVerbs3[m], this.pawn, apparel));
            foreach (Verb verb in this.pawn.health.hediffSet.GetHediffsVerbs())
                if (verb.IsStillUsableBy(this.pawn))
                    Pawn_MeleeVerbs.meleeVerbs.Add(new VerbEntry(verb, this.pawn, null));
            if (this.pawn.Spawned)
                TerrainDef terrainDef = this.pawn.Map.terrainGrid.TerrainAt(this.pawn.Position);
                if (this.terrainVerbs == null || this.terrainVerbs.def != terrainDef)
                    this.terrainVerbs = Pawn_MeleeVerbs_TerrainSource.Create(this, terrainDef);
                List <Verb> allVerbs4 = this.terrainVerbs.tracker.AllVerbs;
                for (int n = 0; n < allVerbs4.Count; n++)
                    Verb verb2 = allVerbs4[n];
                    if (verb2.IsStillUsableBy(this.pawn))
                        Pawn_MeleeVerbs.meleeVerbs.Add(new VerbEntry(verb2, this.pawn, null));
Пример #12
 public static void TryStartCastOn_RapidFire_Prefix(ref Verb __instance, LocalTargetInfo castTarg, float __state, ref bool __result)
     if (__instance.GetType() == typeof(Verb_Shoot))
         if (__instance.EquipmentSource != null && __instance.CasterPawn != null)
             Pawn pawn = __instance.CasterPawn;
             if (castTarg != null /*&& castTarg.HasThing*/ && __instance.CanHitTarget(castTarg))
                 if (__instance.EquipmentSource.TryGetComp <CompLaserCapacitor>() != null)
                     if (__instance.EquipmentSource.GetComp <CompLaserCapacitor>() is CompLaserCapacitor GunExt)
                         if (GunExt.initalized == false)
                             GunExt.originalwarmupTime = __instance.verbProps.warmupTime;
                             GunExt.initalized         = true;
                         if (GunExt.hotshot)
                             CompEquippable eq      = __instance.EquipmentSource.TryGetComp <CompEquippable>();
                             IntVec3        lastpos = (IntVec3)GunExt.lastFiringLocation;
                             if (lastpos == pawn.Position)
                                 __instance.verbProps.warmupTime = Math.Max(GunExt.originalwarmupTime - (GunExt.Props.WarmUpReductionPerShot * GunExt.shotstack), 0);
                                 GunExt.shotstack = 0;
                                 __instance.verbProps.warmupTime = GunExt.originalwarmupTime;
                             GunExt.lastFiringLocation = pawn.Position;
                             if (GunExt.Props.Overheats && __instance.verbProps.warmupTime == 0f)
                                 if (Rand.Chance(GunExt.Props.OverheatChance))
                                     if (GunExt.Props.OverheatDestroys)
                                     if (GunExt.Props.OverheatMoteThrown != null)
                                         MoteThrown moteThrown = (MoteThrown)ThingMaker.MakeThing(GunExt.Props.OverheatMoteThrown, null);
                                         moteThrown.Scale         = Rand.Range(2f, 3f) * GunExt.Props.OverheatMoteSize;
                                         moteThrown.exactPosition = GunExt.lastFiringLocation.CenterVector3;
                                         moteThrown.rotationRate  = Rand.Range(-0.5f, 0.5f);
                                         moteThrown.SetVelocity((float)Rand.Range(30, 40), Rand.Range(0.008f, 0.012f));
                                         GenSpawn.Spawn(moteThrown, GunExt.lastFiringLocation.Cell, pawn.Map, WipeMode.Vanish);
                             if (GunExt.originalwarmupTime != 0)
                                 __instance.verbProps.warmupTime = GunExt.originalwarmupTime;
        public static void DrawMeshModified(Mesh mesh, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, Material mat, int layer, Thing eq, float aimAngle)
            if (enabled_YayosCombat)
                Log.Message("Yayos Oversized");
            CompOversizedWeapon compOversized = eq.TryGetCompFast <CompOversizedWeapon>();
            CompEquippable      equippable    = eq.TryGetCompFast <CompEquippable>();
            Pawn pawn = equippable.PrimaryVerb.CasterPawn;

            if (pawn == null)
            if (compOversized == null || (compOversized != null && compOversized.CompDeflectorIsAnimatingNow) || pawn == null || eq == null)
                OversizedUtil.Draw(mesh, default(Matrix4x4), mat, layer, eq, pawn, position, rotation);
            ThingWithComps  thingWithComps  = eq as ThingWithComps;
            bool            DualWeapon      = compOversized.Props != null && compOversized.Props.isDualWeapon;
            float           offHandAngle    = aimAngle;
            float           mainHandAngle   = aimAngle;
            Stance_Busy     stance_Busy     = pawn.stances.curStance as Stance_Busy;
            LocalTargetInfo localTargetInfo = null;

            if (stance_Busy != null && !stance_Busy.neverAimWeapon)
                localTargetInfo = stance_Busy.focusTarg;
            bool    Aiming         = OversizedUtil.CurrentlyAiming(stance_Busy);
            Vector3 offsetMainHand = default(Vector3);
            Vector3 offsetOffHand  = default(Vector3);

            if (compOversized.Props != null)
                OversizedUtil.SetAnglesAndOffsets(eq, thingWithComps, aimAngle, pawn, ref offsetMainHand, ref offsetOffHand, ref offHandAngle, ref mainHandAngle, Aiming, DualWeapon && Aiming);
            if (DualWeapon)
                Vector3 drawLoc = position + offsetMainHand;
                compOversized.renderPos = drawLoc;
                PawnRenderer_DrawEquipmentAiming_Vanilla_Transpiler.DrawEquipmentAimingOverride(mesh, eq, drawLoc, offHandAngle, compOversized, equippable, pawn);

            if (Aiming && localTargetInfo != null)
                mainHandAngle     = OversizedUtil.GetAimingRotation(pawn, localTargetInfo);
                offsetMainHand.y += 0.1f;
                Vector3 drawLoc2 = pawn.DrawPos + new Vector3(0f, 0f, 0.4f).RotatedBy(mainHandAngle) + (DualWeapon ? offsetOffHand : offsetMainHand);
                if (DualWeapon)
                    compOversized.renderPosDual = drawLoc2;
                    compOversized.renderPos = drawLoc2;
                PawnRenderer_DrawEquipmentAiming_Vanilla_Transpiler.DrawEquipmentAimingOverride(mesh, thingWithComps, drawLoc2, (DualWeapon ? mainHandAngle : aimAngle), compOversized, equippable, pawn, DualWeapon);
                Vector3 drawLoc2 = position + (DualWeapon ? offsetOffHand : offsetMainHand);
                if (DualWeapon)
                    compOversized.renderPosDual = drawLoc2;
                    compOversized.renderPos = drawLoc2;
                PawnRenderer_DrawEquipmentAiming_Vanilla_Transpiler.DrawEquipmentAimingOverride(mesh, thingWithComps, drawLoc2, (DualWeapon ? mainHandAngle : aimAngle), compOversized, equippable, pawn, false);
Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Refreshes the cached bulk and weight. Call this whenever items are added/removed from inventory
        /// </summary>
        public void UpdateInventory()
            if (parentPawn == null)
                Log.Error("CompInventory on non-pawn " + parent.ToString());
            float newBulk   = 0f;
            float newWeight = 0f;

            // Add equipped weapon
            if (parentPawn.equipment != null && parentPawn.equipment.Primary != null)
                GetEquipmentStats(parentPawn.equipment.Primary, out newWeight, out newBulk);

            // Add apparel
            if (parentPawn.apparel != null && parentPawn.apparel.WornApparelCount > 0)
                foreach (Thing apparel in parentPawn.apparel.WornApparel)
                    float apparelBulk   = apparel.GetStatValue(CE_StatDefOf.WornBulk);
                    float apparelWeight = apparel.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Mass);
                    newBulk   += apparelBulk;
                    newWeight += apparelWeight;
                    if (apparelBulk > 0 && parentPawn != null && parentPawn.IsColonist && parentPawn.Spawned)
                        LessonAutoActivator.TeachOpportunity(CE_ConceptDefOf.CE_WornBulk, OpportunityType.GoodToKnow);

            // Add inventory items
            if (parentPawn.inventory != null && parentPawn.inventory.innerContainer != null)

                List <HoldRecord> recs = LoadoutManager.GetHoldRecords(parentPawn);
                foreach (Thing thing in parentPawn.inventory.innerContainer)
                    // Check for weapons
                    ThingWithComps eq     = thing as ThingWithComps;
                    CompEquippable compEq = thing.TryGetComp <CompEquippable>();
                    if (eq != null && compEq != null)
                        if (eq.def.IsRangedWeapon)
                        // Calculate equipment weight
                        float eqWeight;
                        float eqBulk;
                        GetEquipmentStats(eq, out eqWeight, out eqBulk);
                        newWeight += eqWeight * thing.stackCount;
                        newBulk   += eqBulk * thing.stackCount;
                        // Add item weight
                        newBulk   += thing.GetStatValue(CE_StatDefOf.Bulk) * thing.stackCount;
                        newWeight += thing.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.Mass) * thing.stackCount;
                    // Update ammo list
                    if (thing.def is AmmoDef)
                    if (recs != null)
                        HoldRecord rec = recs.FirstOrDefault(hr => hr.thingDef == thing.def);
                        if (rec != null && !rec.pickedUp)
                            rec.pickedUp = true;
            currentBulkCached   = newBulk;
            currentWeightCached = newWeight;
        public override IEnumerable <Gizmo> EquippedGizmos()
            ThingWithComps owner = IsWorn ? GetWearer : parent;
            bool           flag  = Find.Selector.SingleSelectedThing == GetWearer;

            //   Log.Message(string.Format("0"));
            if (flag)
                CompEquippable c = parent.GetComp <CompEquippable>();
                //   Log.Message(string.Format("there are {0} verbs", c.verbTracker.AllVerbs.Count));
                // Verb verbA = parent.def.Verbs;
                foreach (Verb v in c.verbTracker.AllVerbs)
                    //   Log.Message(string.Format("v fires {0} {1}", v.verbProps.burstShotCount, v.verbProps.defaultProjectile.label));
                    if (v != v.verbTracker.PrimaryVerb && !v.IsMeleeAttack)
                        //   Log.Message(string.Format("selected v fires {0} {1}", v.verbProps.burstShotCount, v.verbProps.defaultProjectile.label));

                        verb = v;
                        Command_VerbTarget command_VerbTarget = new Command_VerbTarget();
                        command_VerbTarget.defaultDesc    = parent.LabelCap + ": " + parent.def.description.CapitalizeFirst();
                        command_VerbTarget.icon           = parent.def.uiIcon;
                        command_VerbTarget.iconAngle      = parent.def.uiIconAngle;
                        command_VerbTarget.iconOffset     = parent.def.uiIconOffset;
                        command_VerbTarget.tutorTag       = "VerbTarget";
                        command_VerbTarget.verb           = verb;
                        command_VerbTarget.verb.verbProps = verb.verbProps;
                        command_VerbTarget.verb.verbProps.defaultProjectile      = verb.verbProps.defaultProjectile;
                        command_VerbTarget.verb.verbProps.defaultCooldownTime    = verb.verbProps.defaultCooldownTime;
                        command_VerbTarget.verb.verbProps.burstShotCount         = verb.verbProps.burstShotCount;
                        command_VerbTarget.verb.verbProps.verbClass              = verb.verbProps.verbClass;
                        command_VerbTarget.verb.verbProps.warmupTime             = verb.verbProps.warmupTime;
                        command_VerbTarget.verb.verbProps.ticksBetweenBurstShots = verb.verbProps.ticksBetweenBurstShots;
                        command_VerbTarget.verb.verbProps.soundCast              = verb.verbProps.soundCast;
                        command_VerbTarget.defaultLabel  = "Fire: " + parent.def.label;
                        command_VerbTarget.activateSound = SoundDef.Named("Click");
                        if (verb.caster.Faction != Faction.OfPlayer)
                        else if (verb.CasterIsPawn)
                            if (verb.CasterPawn.story.WorkTagIsDisabled(WorkTags.Violent))
                                command_VerbTarget.Disable("IsIncapableOfViolence".Translate(verb.CasterPawn.LabelShort, verb.CasterPawn));
                            else if (!verb.CasterPawn.drafter.Drafted)
                                command_VerbTarget.Disable("IsNotDrafted".Translate(verb.CasterPawn.LabelShort, verb.CasterPawn));
                        yield return(command_VerbTarget);
                        Command_Action command_Action = new Command_Action();
                        command_Action.defaultLabel = parent.def.label;
                        command_Action.defaultDesc  = "This colonist is equipped with a " + parent.def.label;
                        command_Action.hotKey       = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc2;
                        command_Action.icon         = parent.def.uiIcon;
                        command_Action.disabled     = true;
                        yield return(command_Action);
            yield break;
Пример #16
        public List <VerbEntry> GetUpdatedAvailableVerbsList(bool terrainTools)
            if (!terrainTools)
                List <Verb> allVerbs = pawn.verbTracker.AllVerbs;
                for (int i = 0; i < allVerbs.Count; i++)
                    if (IsUsableMeleeVerb(allVerbs[i]))
                if (pawn.equipment != null)
                    List <ThingWithComps> allEquipmentListForReading = pawn.equipment.AllEquipmentListForReading;
                    for (int j = 0; j < allEquipmentListForReading.Count; j++)
                        CompEquippable comp = allEquipmentListForReading[j].GetComp <CompEquippable>();
                        if (comp == null)
                        List <Verb> allVerbs2 = comp.AllVerbs;
                        if (allVerbs2 == null)
                        for (int k = 0; k < allVerbs2.Count; k++)
                            if (IsUsableMeleeVerb(allVerbs2[k]))
                if (pawn.apparel != null)
                    List <Apparel> wornApparel = pawn.apparel.WornApparel;
                    for (int l = 0; l < wornApparel.Count; l++)
                        CompEquippable comp2 = wornApparel[l].GetComp <CompEquippable>();
                        if (comp2 == null)
                        List <Verb> allVerbs3 = comp2.AllVerbs;
                        if (allVerbs3 == null)
                        for (int m = 0; m < allVerbs3.Count; m++)
                            if (IsUsableMeleeVerb(allVerbs3[m]))
                foreach (Verb hediffsVerb in pawn.health.hediffSet.GetHediffsVerbs())
                    if (IsUsableMeleeVerb(hediffsVerb))
            else if (pawn.Spawned)
                TerrainDef terrain = pawn.Position.GetTerrain(pawn.Map);
                if (terrainVerbs == null || terrainVerbs.def != terrain)
                    terrainVerbs = Pawn_MeleeVerbs_TerrainSource.Create(this, terrain);
                List <Verb> allVerbs4 = terrainVerbs.tracker.AllVerbs;
                for (int n = 0; n < allVerbs4.Count; n++)
                    Verb verb = allVerbs4[n];
                    if (IsUsableMeleeVerb(verb))
            float num = 0f;

            foreach (Verb item in verbsToAdd)
                float num2 = VerbUtility.InitialVerbWeight(item, pawn);
                if (num2 > num)
                    num = num2;
            foreach (Verb item2 in verbsToAdd)
                meleeVerbs.Add(new VerbEntry(item2, pawn, verbsToAdd, num));

            bool IsUsableMeleeVerb(Verb v)
                if (v.IsStillUsableBy(pawn))
        public static bool Muzzle(this Thing thing, out float barrelLength, out float barrelOffset, out float bulletOffset, out FleckDef flareDef, out float flareSize, out FleckDef smokeDef, out float smokeSize)
            bool            result = false;
            IMuzzlePosition m;

            barrelLength = 0;
            barrelOffset = 0;
            bulletOffset = 0;
            flareDef     = null;
            flareSize    = 0;
            smokeDef     = null;
            smokeSize    = 0;
            string         rstring = "\nbarrelLength: {0} barrelOffset: {1}\nflareDef: {2} flareSize: {3}\nsmokeDef: {4} smokeSize: {5}";
            StringBuilder  builder = new StringBuilder();
            CompEquippable eq      = thing.TryGetCompFast <CompEquippable>();

            if (eq != null)
                if ((m = eq.PrimaryVerb?.verbProps as IMuzzlePosition) != null)
                    result       = true;
                    barrelLength = m.BarrelLength;
                    barrelOffset = m.BarrelOffset;
                    bulletOffset = m.BulletOffset;
                    flareDef ??= m.MuzzleFlareDef;
                    flareSize = m.MuzzleFlareSize > 0 ? m.MuzzleFlareSize : flareSize;
                    smokeDef ??= m.MuzzleSmokeDef;
                    smokeSize = m.MuzzleSmokeSize > 0 ? m.MuzzleSmokeSize : smokeSize;
                    builder.AppendLine("m = " + thing.Label + " verbProps" + string.Format(rstring, barrelLength, barrelOffset, flareDef, flareSize, smokeDef, smokeSize));
                    if ((m = thing as IMuzzlePosition) != null)
                        result       = true;
                        barrelLength = m.BarrelLength;
                        barrelOffset = m.BarrelOffset;
                        bulletOffset = m.BulletOffset;
                        flareDef ??= m.MuzzleFlareDef;
                        flareSize = m.MuzzleFlareSize > 0 ? m.MuzzleFlareSize : flareSize;
                        smokeDef ??= m.MuzzleSmokeDef;
                        smokeSize = m.MuzzleSmokeSize > 0 ? m.MuzzleSmokeSize : smokeSize;
                        builder.AppendLine("m = " + thing.Label + " IMuzzlePosition" + string.Format(rstring, barrelLength, barrelOffset, flareDef, flareSize, smokeDef, smokeSize));
                    if ((m = thing.def.GetModExtensionFast <BarrelOffsetExtension>()) != null)
                        result       = true;
                        barrelLength = m.BarrelLength;
                        barrelOffset = m.BarrelOffset;
                        bulletOffset = m.BulletOffset;
                        flareDef ??= m.MuzzleFlareDef;
                        flareSize = m.MuzzleFlareSize > 0 ? m.MuzzleFlareSize : flareSize;
                        smokeDef ??= m.MuzzleSmokeDef;
                        smokeSize = m.MuzzleSmokeSize > 0 ? m.MuzzleSmokeSize : smokeSize;
                        builder.AppendLine("m = " + thing.Label + " BarrelOffsetExtension" + string.Format(rstring, barrelLength, barrelOffset, flareDef, flareSize, smokeDef, smokeSize));
                if ((m = eq.PrimaryVerb?.GetProjectile()?.GetModExtensionFast <ProjectileVFX>()) != null)
                    result        = true;
                    barrelLength += m.BarrelLength;
                    barrelOffset += m.BarrelOffset;
                    bulletOffset += m.BulletOffset;
                    flareDef ??= m.MuzzleFlareDef;
                    flareSize = m.MuzzleFlareSize > 0 ? m.MuzzleFlareSize : flareSize;
                    smokeDef ??= m.MuzzleSmokeDef;
                    smokeSize = m.MuzzleSmokeSize > 0 ? m.MuzzleSmokeSize : smokeSize;
                    builder.AppendLine("m = " + thing.Label + " PrimaryVerb GetProjectile" + string.Format(rstring, barrelLength, barrelOffset, flareDef, flareSize, smokeDef, smokeSize));
                if ((m = thing.def.GetModExtensionFast <ProjectileVFX>()) != null)
                    result        = true;
                    barrelLength += m.BarrelLength;
                    barrelOffset += m.BarrelOffset;
                    bulletOffset += m.BulletOffset;
                    flareDef ??= m.MuzzleFlareDef;
                    flareSize = m.MuzzleFlareSize > 0 ? m.MuzzleFlareSize : flareSize;
                    smokeDef ??= m.MuzzleSmokeDef;
                    smokeSize = m.MuzzleSmokeSize > 0 ? m.MuzzleSmokeSize : smokeSize;
                    builder.AppendLine("m = " + thing.Label + " EffectProjectileExtension" + string.Format(rstring, barrelLength, barrelOffset, flareDef, flareSize, smokeDef, smokeSize));
            if (builder.Length > 0 && MechanicusDebugViewSettings.drawMuzzlePosition)
                //     Log.Message(builder.ToString());
Пример #18
        public override float GetValueUnfinalized(StatRequest req, bool applyPostProcess = true)
            if (!(req.Def is ThingDef def))

            CompEquippable         equipComp = null;
            CompLootAffixableThing lootComp  = null;

            if (req.HasThing)
                var thing = (ThingWithComps)req.Thing;
                equipComp = thing.TryGetComp <CompEquippable>();
                lootComp  = thing.TryGetComp <CompLootAffixableThing>();

            Verb           verb      = equipComp?.AllVerbs.First(v => v.verbProps.isPrimary);
            VerbProperties verbProps = verb != null ? verb.verbProps : def.Verbs.First(vp => vp.isPrimary);
            Pawn           attacker  = req.HasThing ? GetCurrentWeaponUser(req.Thing) : null;
            var            projProps = verbProps.defaultProjectile.projectile;

            var projModifier = (LootAffixModifier_VerbPropertiesChange_Def)lootComp?.AllModifiers.FirstOrFallback(
                lam => lam.AppliesTo == ModifierTarget.VerbProperties && lam is LootAffixModifier_VerbPropertiesChange_Def lamVPCD && lamVPCD.affectedField == "defaultProjectile"
            ThingDef modProjectile = projModifier != null ? (ThingDef)projModifier.resolvedDef : null;
            var      modProjProps  = modProjectile?.projectile;

            float chance = modProjProps != null ? 1f - projModifier.GetRealChance(lootComp.parent) : 1f;

            if (chance <= 0.05f)
                chance = 1f;                   // already permanently set to "base" verbProps
            float baseDamage =
                projProps.damageDef.harmsHealth == false ? 0f :
                req.HasThing         ? projProps.GetDamageAmount(req.Thing) :
                req.StuffDef != null?projProps.GetDamageAmount(def.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.RangedWeapon_DamageMultiplier, req.StuffDef)) :

            float damage = baseDamage * verbProps.burstShotCount * chance;

            if (chance < 1f)
                float modChance     = 1f - chance;
                float modBaseDamage =
                    modProjProps.damageDef.harmsHealth == false ? 0f :

                damage += modBaseDamage * verbProps.burstShotCount * modChance;

            // FIXME: Confirm warmupTime (and AimingDelayFactor) is used in a full shot cycle
            // FIXME: warmupTime * this.CasterPawn.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.AimingDelayFactor, true)).SecondsToTicks()
            float secondsSpent = 0;

            if (verb != null)
                secondsSpent = verbProps.AdjustedFullCycleTime(verb, attacker);
                secondsSpent  = verbProps.warmupTime + ((verbProps.burstShotCount - 1) * verbProps.ticksBetweenBurstShots).TicksToSeconds();
                secondsSpent +=
                    req.HasThing         ? req.Thing.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.RangedWeapon_Cooldown, true) :
                    req.StuffDef != null?def.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.RangedWeapon_Cooldown, req.StuffDef) :

            // Every integer range possible as an average
            float avgAccuracy = 0;

            for (int i = 3; i <= verbProps.range; i++)
                float rngAccuracy = verbProps.GetHitChanceFactor(req.Thing, i);
                if (attacker != null)
                    rngAccuracy *= ShotReport.HitFactorFromShooter(attacker, i);
                avgAccuracy += rngAccuracy;
            if (verbProps.range >= 3)
                avgAccuracy /= verbProps.range - 2;

            return(secondsSpent == 0 ? 0.0f : damage / secondsSpent * avgAccuracy);
Пример #19
        public override string GetExplanationUnfinalized(StatRequest req, ToStringNumberSense numberSense)
            if (!(req.Def is ThingDef def))

            /* Damage section */
            CompEquippable         equipComp = null;
            CompLootAffixableThing lootComp  = null;

            if (req.HasThing)
                var thing = (ThingWithComps)req.Thing;
                equipComp = thing.TryGetComp <CompEquippable>();
                lootComp  = thing.TryGetComp <CompLootAffixableThing>();

            Verb           verb      = equipComp?.AllVerbs.First(v => v.verbProps.isPrimary);
            VerbProperties verbProps = verb != null ? verb.verbProps : def.Verbs.First(vp => vp.isPrimary);
            Pawn           attacker  = req.HasThing ? GetCurrentWeaponUser(req.Thing) : null;
            var            projProps = verbProps.defaultProjectile.projectile;

            var projModifier = (LootAffixModifier_VerbPropertiesChange_Def)lootComp?.AllModifiers.FirstOrFallback(
                lam => lam.AppliesTo == ModifierTarget.VerbProperties && lam is LootAffixModifier_VerbPropertiesChange_Def lamVPCD && lamVPCD.affectedField == "defaultProjectile"
            ThingDef modProjectile = projModifier != null ? (ThingDef)projModifier.resolvedDef : null;
            var      modProjProps  = modProjectile?.projectile;

            float chance = modProjProps != null ? 1f - projModifier.GetRealChance(lootComp.parent) : 1f;

            if (chance <= 0.05f)
                chance = 1f;                   // already permanently set to "base" verbProps
            string chanceStr = GenText.ToStringPercent(chance);

            float baseDamage =
                projProps.damageDef.harmsHealth == false ? 0f :
                req.HasThing         ? projProps.GetDamageAmount(req.Thing) :
                req.StuffDef != null?projProps.GetDamageAmount(def.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.RangedWeapon_DamageMultiplier, req.StuffDef)) :

            float damage = baseDamage * verbProps.burstShotCount * chance;

            string reportText = "Damage".Translate() + ":\n";

            if (chance < 1f)
                reportText += "    " + "RimLoot_StatsReport_ProjectileWithChance".Translate(
                    verbProps.defaultProjectile.Named("PROJECTILE"), chanceStr.Named("chance")
                    ) + "\n";
                reportText += string.Format("    {0}: {1} * {2} * {3} = {4}\n\n",

                float  modChance    = 1f - chance;
                string modChanceStr = GenText.ToStringPercent(modChance);

                float modBaseDamage =
                    modProjProps.damageDef.harmsHealth == false ? 0f :
                float modDamage = modBaseDamage * verbProps.burstShotCount * modChance;

                reportText += "    " + "RimLoot_StatsReport_ProjectileWithChance".Translate(
                    modProjectile.Named("PROJECTILE"), modChanceStr.Named("chance")
                    ) + "\n";
                reportText += string.Format("    {0}: {1} * {2} * {3} = {4}\n\n",

                reportText += string.Format("{0}: {1}\n\n", "StatsReport_TotalValue".Translate(), (damage + modDamage).ToStringDecimalIfSmall());
                reportText += "    " + "RimLoot_StatsReport_Projectile".Translate(verbProps.defaultProjectile.Named("PROJECTILE")) + "\n";
                reportText += string.Format("    {0}: {1} * {2} = {3}\n\n",

            /* Seconds per attack */
            float secondsSpent = 0;
            float cooldown     =
                req.HasThing         ? req.Thing.GetStatValue(StatDefOf.RangedWeapon_Cooldown, true) :
                req.StuffDef != null?def.GetStatValueAbstract(StatDefOf.RangedWeapon_Cooldown, req.StuffDef) :

            float burstShotTime = ((verbProps.burstShotCount - 1) * verbProps.ticksBetweenBurstShots).TicksToSeconds();

            if (verb != null)
                secondsSpent = verbProps.AdjustedFullCycleTime(verb, attacker);
                secondsSpent = verbProps.warmupTime + cooldown + burstShotTime;

            reportText += GenText.ToTitleCaseSmart("SecondsPerAttackLower".Translate()) + ":\n";
            reportText += string.Format("    {0}: {1}\n", "WarmupTime".Translate(), "PeriodSeconds".Translate(verbProps.warmupTime.ToStringDecimalIfSmall()));
            if (burstShotTime > 0)
                reportText += string.Format("    {0}: {1}\n", "BurstShotFireRate".Translate(), "PeriodSeconds".Translate(burstShotTime.ToStringDecimalIfSmall()));
            reportText += string.Format("    {0}: {1}\n", "CooldownTime".Translate(), "PeriodSeconds".Translate(cooldown.ToStringDecimalIfSmall()));
            reportText += string.Format("{0}: {1}\n\n", "StatsReport_TotalValue".Translate(), "PeriodSeconds".Translate(secondsSpent.ToStringDecimalIfSmall()));

            /* Average accuracy */

            // Every integer range possible as an average
            float wpnAccuracy  = 0;
            float pawnAccuracy = 0;

            for (int i = 3; i <= verbProps.range; i++)
                wpnAccuracy += verbProps.GetHitChanceFactor(req.Thing, i);
                if (attacker != null)
                    pawnAccuracy += ShotReport.HitFactorFromShooter(attacker, i);
            if (verbProps.range >= 3)
                wpnAccuracy /= verbProps.range - 2;
                if (attacker != null)
                    pawnAccuracy /= verbProps.range - 2;

            reportText += "AverageAccuracy".Translate() + ":\n";
            reportText += string.Format("    {0}: {1}\n", "ShootReportWeapon".Translate(), wpnAccuracy.ToStringPercent("F1"));
            if (pawnAccuracy > 0)
                reportText += string.Format("    {0}: {1}\n", "ShootReportShooterAbility".Translate(), pawnAccuracy.ToStringPercent("F1"));

        public void UpdateRangedVerbs()
            List <Verb> allVerbs = this.Pawn.verbTracker.AllVerbs;

            if (!allVerbs.NullOrEmpty())
                for (int i = 0; i < allVerbs.Count; i++)
                    if (!allVerbs[i].IsMeleeAttack && allVerbs[i].IsStillUsableBy(this.Pawn))
                        this.rangedVerbs.Add(new VerbEntry(allVerbs[i], this.Pawn));
            if (this.Pawn.equipment != null)
                List <ThingWithComps> allEquipmentListForReading = this.Pawn.equipment.AllEquipmentListForReading;
                for (int j = 0; j < allEquipmentListForReading.Count; j++)
                    ThingWithComps thingWithComps = allEquipmentListForReading[j];
                    CompEquippable equipmentComp  = thingWithComps.GetComp <CompEquippable>();
                    if (equipmentComp != null)
                        List <Verb> allEquipmentVerbs = equipmentComp.AllVerbs;
                        if (allEquipmentVerbs != null)
                            for (int k = 0; k < allEquipmentVerbs.Count; k++)
                                if (VEF_ModCompatibilityCheck.enabled_rooloDualWield)
                                        ((Action)(() =>
                                            object[] parameters = new object[] { pawn.equipment, null };
                                            bool hasOffHandThing = (bool)VEF_ReflectionData.MB_TryGetOffHandEquipment.Invoke(null, parameters);
                                            ThingWithComps offHandThing = (ThingWithComps)parameters[1];
                                            if (hasOffHandThing != false)
                                                if (!allEquipmentVerbs[k].IsMeleeAttack && allEquipmentVerbs[k].EquipmentSource != offHandThing && allEquipmentVerbs[k].IsStillUsableBy(this.Pawn))
                                                    this.rangedVerbs.Add(new VerbEntry(allEquipmentVerbs[k], this.Pawn));
                                                if (!allEquipmentVerbs[k].IsMeleeAttack && allEquipmentVerbs[k].IsStillUsableBy(this.Pawn))
                                                    this.rangedVerbs.Add(new VerbEntry(allEquipmentVerbs[k], this.Pawn));
                                    catch (TypeLoadException ex)
                                else if (VEF_ModCompatibilityCheck.enabled_CombatExtended)
                                        ((Action)(() =>
                                            if (allEquipmentVerbs[k].verbProps.GetType().Equals(typeof(CombatExtended.VerbPropertiesCE)) && !allEquipmentVerbs[k].IsMeleeAttack && allEquipmentVerbs[k].IsStillUsableBy(this.Pawn) && allEquipmentVerbs[k].EquipmentSource.TryGetComp <CombatExtended.CompAmmoUser>() == null || allEquipmentVerbs[k].EquipmentSource.TryGetComp <CombatExtended.CompAmmoUser>().CanBeFiredNow)
                                                this.rangedVerbs.Add(new VerbEntry(allEquipmentVerbs[k], this.Pawn));
                                    catch (TypeLoadException ex)
                                    if (!allEquipmentVerbs[k].IsMeleeAttack && allEquipmentVerbs[k].IsStillUsableBy(this.Pawn))
                                        this.rangedVerbs.Add(new VerbEntry(allEquipmentVerbs[k], this.Pawn));
            if (!VEF_ModCompatibilityCheck.enabled_CombatExtended)
                foreach (Verb verb in this.Pawn.health.hediffSet.GetHediffsVerbs())
                    if (!verb.IsMeleeAttack && verb.IsStillUsableBy(this.Pawn))
                        this.rangedVerbs.Add(new VerbEntry(verb, this.Pawn));
 public static void TryStartCastOn_RapidFire_Prefix(ref Verb __instance, LocalTargetInfo castTarg, float __state)
      * List<Type> types = typeof(Verb_LaunchProjectile).AllSubclassesNonAbstract().ToList();
      * types.Add(typeof(Verb_LaunchProjectile));
      * List<Type> nottypes = typeof(AbilityUser.Verb_UseAbility).AllSubclassesNonAbstract().ToList();
      * nottypes.Add(typeof(AbilityUser.Verb_UseAbility));
      * if (!types.Contains(__instance.GetType()) || nottypes.Contains(__instance.GetType()))
      * {
      *  return;
      * }
     if (__instance.GetType() != typeof(Verb_Shoot) && __instance.GetType() != typeof(Verb_ShootEquipment))
     if (__instance.EquipmentSource != null)
         ThingWithComps gun    = __instance.EquipmentSource;
         CompEquippable compeq = gun.TryGetComp <CompEquippable>();
         if (!__instance.EquipmentSource.AllComps.NullOrEmpty())
             if (__instance.EquipmentSource.GetComp <CompWeapon_GunSpecialRules>() != null)
                 if (__instance.EquipmentSource.GetComp <CompWeapon_GunSpecialRules>() is CompWeapon_GunSpecialRules GunExt)
                     //    Log.Message(string.Format("prefix pre-modified Values, Warmup: {0}, ticksbetween: {1}, cooldown: {2}, last move tick: {3}", gun.def.Verbs[0].warmupTime, gun.def.Verbs[0].ticksBetweenBurstShots, gun.def.Verbs[0].defaultCooldownTime, GunExt.LastMovedTick));
                     if (GunExt.RapidFire)
                         if (__instance.caster.Position.InHorDistOf(castTarg.Cell, __instance.verbProps.range / 2))
                             if (GunExt.DualFireMode && GunExt.Toggled)
                                 __instance.verbProps.warmupTime = GunExt.Props.VerbEntries[1].VerbProps.warmupTime / 2;
                                 __instance.verbProps.warmupTime = GunExt.OriginalwarmupTime / 2;
                             if (GunExt.DualFireMode && GunExt.Toggled)
                                 __instance.verbProps.warmupTime = GunExt.Props.VerbEntries[1].VerbProps.warmupTime;
                                 __instance.verbProps.warmupTime = GunExt.OriginalwarmupTime;
                     else if (GunExt.HeavyWeapon)
                         if (GunExt.ticksHere < GunExt.HeavyWeaponSetupTime.SecondsToTicks())
                             __instance.verbProps.warmupTime = GunExt.OriginalwarmupTime + (GunExt.HeavyWeaponSetupTime - GunExt.ticksHere.TicksToSeconds());
                             __instance.verbProps.warmupTime = GunExt.OriginalwarmupTime;
             if (compeq != null)
                 if (__instance.GetProjectile().projectile.Conversion())
                     float distance = __instance.caster.Position.DistanceTo(castTarg.Cell);
                     __instance.verbProps.warmupTime = (float)__state + (distance / 30);
        public List <VerbEntry> GetUpdatedAvailableVerbsList()
            List <Verb> allVerbs = this.pawn.verbTracker.AllVerbs;

            for (int i = 0; i < allVerbs.Count; i++)
                if (allVerbs[i].IsStillUsableBy(this.pawn))
                    Pawn_MeleeVerbs.meleeVerbs.Add(new VerbEntry(allVerbs[i], this.pawn, null));
            if (this.pawn.equipment != null)
                List <ThingWithComps> allEquipmentListForReading = this.pawn.equipment.AllEquipmentListForReading;
                for (int j = 0; j < allEquipmentListForReading.Count; j++)
                    ThingWithComps thingWithComps = allEquipmentListForReading[j];
                    CompEquippable comp           = thingWithComps.GetComp <CompEquippable>();
                    if (comp != null)
                        List <Verb> allVerbs2 = comp.AllVerbs;
                        if (allVerbs2 != null)
                            for (int k = 0; k < allVerbs2.Count; k++)
                                Pawn_MeleeVerbs.meleeVerbs.Add(new VerbEntry(allVerbs2[k], this.pawn, thingWithComps));
            if (this.pawn.apparel != null)
                List <Apparel> wornApparel = this.pawn.apparel.WornApparel;
                for (int l = 0; l < wornApparel.Count; l++)
                    Apparel        apparel = wornApparel[l];
                    CompEquippable comp2   = apparel.GetComp <CompEquippable>();
                    if (comp2 != null)
                        List <Verb> allVerbs3 = comp2.AllVerbs;
                        if (allVerbs3 != null)
                            for (int m = 0; m < allVerbs3.Count; m++)
                                Pawn_MeleeVerbs.meleeVerbs.Add(new VerbEntry(allVerbs3[m], this.pawn, apparel));
            foreach (Verb hediffsVerb in this.pawn.health.hediffSet.GetHediffsVerbs())
                if (hediffsVerb.IsStillUsableBy(this.pawn))
                    Pawn_MeleeVerbs.meleeVerbs.Add(new VerbEntry(hediffsVerb, this.pawn, null));
Пример #23
        public static bool GetVerbsCommands_Prefix(ref IEnumerable <Command> __result, CompEquippable __instance)
            var rangedVerbs = __instance.AllVerbs.Where(v => !v.IsMeleeAttack).ToList();

            if (rangedVerbs.Count <= 1)
            var man = __instance.PrimaryVerb?.CasterPawn?.Manager(false);

            __result = rangedVerbs
                       .SelectMany(v => v.GetGizmosForVerb(man?.GetManagedVerbForVerb(v)))
                       .OfType <Command>();
Пример #24
 public List <VerbEntry> GetUpdatedAvailableVerbsList(bool terrainTools)
     if (!terrainTools)
         List <Verb> allVerbs = pawn.verbTracker.AllVerbs;
         for (int i = 0; i < allVerbs.Count; i++)
             if (allVerbs[i].IsStillUsableBy(pawn))
                 meleeVerbs.Add(new VerbEntry(allVerbs[i], pawn));
         if (pawn.equipment != null)
             List <ThingWithComps> allEquipmentListForReading = pawn.equipment.AllEquipmentListForReading;
             for (int j = 0; j < allEquipmentListForReading.Count; j++)
                 ThingWithComps thingWithComps = allEquipmentListForReading[j];
                 CompEquippable comp           = thingWithComps.GetComp <CompEquippable>();
                 if (comp != null)
                     List <Verb> allVerbs2 = comp.AllVerbs;
                     if (allVerbs2 != null)
                         for (int k = 0; k < allVerbs2.Count; k++)
                             if (allVerbs2[k].IsStillUsableBy(pawn))
                                 meleeVerbs.Add(new VerbEntry(allVerbs2[k], pawn));
         if (pawn.apparel != null)
             List <Apparel> wornApparel = pawn.apparel.WornApparel;
             for (int l = 0; l < wornApparel.Count; l++)
                 Apparel        apparel = wornApparel[l];
                 CompEquippable comp2   = apparel.GetComp <CompEquippable>();
                 if (comp2 != null)
                     List <Verb> allVerbs3 = comp2.AllVerbs;
                     if (allVerbs3 != null)
                         for (int m = 0; m < allVerbs3.Count; m++)
                             if (allVerbs3[m].IsStillUsableBy(pawn))
                                 meleeVerbs.Add(new VerbEntry(allVerbs3[m], pawn));
         foreach (Verb hediffsVerb in pawn.health.hediffSet.GetHediffsVerbs())
             if (hediffsVerb.IsStillUsableBy(pawn))
                 meleeVerbs.Add(new VerbEntry(hediffsVerb, pawn));
     else if (pawn.Spawned)
         TerrainDef terrain = pawn.Position.GetTerrain(pawn.Map);
         if (terrainVerbs == null || terrainVerbs.def != terrain)
             terrainVerbs = Pawn_MeleeVerbs_TerrainSource.Create(this, terrain);
         List <Verb> allVerbs4 = terrainVerbs.tracker.AllVerbs;
         for (int n = 0; n < allVerbs4.Count; n++)
             Verb verb = allVerbs4[n];
             if (verb.IsStillUsableBy(pawn))
                 meleeVerbs.Add(new VerbEntry(verb, pawn));
        public static void DrawEquipmentAimingOverride(Mesh mesh, Thing eq, Vector3 drawLoc, float aimAngle, CompOversizedWeapon compOversized, CompEquippable equippable, Pawn pawn, bool offhand = false)
            float num = aimAngle - 90f;

            if (aimAngle > 20f && aimAngle < 160f)
                mesh = MeshPool.plane10;
                num += eq.def.equippedAngleOffset;
                if (aimAngle > 200f && aimAngle < 340f)
                    mesh = offhand ? (mesh == MeshPool.plane10 ? MeshPool.plane10Flip : MeshPool.plane10) : MeshPool.plane10Flip;
                    num -= 180f;
                    num -= eq.def.equippedAngleOffset;
                    mesh = MeshPool.plane10;
                    num += eq.def.equippedAngleOffset;
            num %= 360f;
            Vector3 s;

            if (pawn.RaceProps.Humanlike)
                if (HarmonyPatches_OversizedWeapon.enabled_AlienRaces)
                    Vector2 v = AlienRaceUtility.AlienRacesPatch(pawn, eq);
                    float   f = Mathf.Max(v.x, v.y);
                    s = new Vector3(eq.def.graphicData.drawSize.x * f, 1f, eq.def.graphicData.drawSize.y * f);
                    s = new Vector3(eq.def.graphicData.drawSize.x, 1f, eq.def.graphicData.drawSize.y);
                Vector2 v = pawn.ageTracker.CurKindLifeStage.bodyGraphicData.drawSize;
                s = new Vector3(eq.def.graphicData.drawSize.x + v.x / 10, 1f, eq.def.graphicData.drawSize.y + v.y / 10);
            Matrix4x4  matrix   = default(Matrix4x4);
            Quaternion rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(num, Vector3.up);

            matrix.SetTRS(drawLoc, rotation, s);
            Graphic_StackCount graphic_StackCount = eq.Graphic as Graphic_StackCount;
            bool     flag3 = graphic_StackCount != null;
            Material matSingle;

            if (flag3)
                matSingle = graphic_StackCount.SubGraphicForStackCount(1, eq.def).MatSingle;
                matSingle = eq.Graphic.MatSingle;
            OversizedUtil.Draw(mesh, matrix, matSingle, 0, eq, pawn, drawLoc, rotation);
Пример #26
        public static void GetVerbsCommandsPostfix(ref VerbTracker __instance, ref IEnumerable <Command> __result)
            CompEquippable compEquippable = __instance.directOwner as CompEquippable;

            if (compEquippable == null)

            Thing thing = compEquippable.parent;

            CompRangedWeaponAvali compWeaponAvali = null;

            //Log.Message("thing: " + thing);

            if (thing != null)
                compWeaponAvali = thing.TryGetComp <CompRangedWeaponAvali>();
            if (compWeaponAvali == null)

            string currentBindMode = compWeaponAvali.currentBindMode;
            //Log.Message("currentBindMode: " + currentBindMode);
            bool   isDisabled       = false;
            string isDisabledReason = "CannotOrderNonControlled".Translate();

            Pawn holderPawn = compEquippable.PrimaryVerb.CasterPawn;

            //Log.Message("ownerPawn: " + ownerPawn);
            if (holderPawn == null || holderPawn.IsColonist == false)

            if (!holderPawn.Awake())
                isDisabled       = true;
                isDisabledReason = string.Format("NotAwake".Translate(), holderPawn.LabelShort.CapitalizeFirst());
            else if (compWeaponAvali.ownerPawn != null && holderPawn != compWeaponAvali.ownerPawn)
                if (currentBindMode == CompRangedWeaponAvali.bindMode.OwnerPawnOnly.ToString() ||
                    currentBindMode == CompRangedWeaponAvali.bindMode.AnyPawnInFaction.ToString())
                    isDisabled       = true;
                    isDisabledReason = "OwnerNotCasterPawn".Translate();
            else if (holderPawn.Drafted)
                isDisabled       = true;
                isDisabledReason = string.Format("ShouldBeUndrafted".Translate(), holderPawn.LabelShort.CapitalizeFirst());
            //Log.Message("isDisabled: " + isDisabled);

            List <Command> result = __result.ToList();

            /*result.Add(new Command_Action
             * {
             *      action = delegate
             *      {
             *              compWeaponAvali.ChangeBindMode();
             *      },
             *      disabled = isDisabled,
             *      disabledReason = isDisabledReason,
             *      //defaultLabel = ("BindMode_" + currentBindMode).Translate(),
             *      defaultDesc = ("BindMode_" + currentBindMode + "Desc").Translate(),
             *      icon = ContentFinder<Texture2D>.Get("UI/Commands/" + "BindMode_" + currentBindMode, true),
             *      hotKey = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc4
             * });*/
            result.Add(new Command_Action
                action = delegate
                disabled       = isDisabled,
                disabledReason = isDisabledReason,
                //defaultLabel = "EraseOwnerPawnInfo".Translate(),
                defaultDesc = "EraseOwnerPawnInfoDesc".Translate(),
                icon        = ContentFinder <Texture2D> .Get("UI/Commands/EraseOwnerPawnInfo", true),
                hotKey      = KeyBindingDefOf.Misc5

            List <Verb> verbs = __instance.AllVerbs;

            for (int i = 0; i < verbs.Count; i++)
                Verb verb = verbs[i];
                if (verb.verbProps.hasStandardCommand)
                    __result = result;
        public static void ThrowMuzzleFlash(IntVec3 cell, Map map, ThingDef moteDef, float scale, Verb verb)
            bool skip = false;

            if (!AMAMod.settings.AllowMuzzlePosition)
                skip = true;
            if (verb.GetProjectile() != null)
                if (verb.GetProjectile() as Lasers.LaserBeamDef != null)
                    skip = true;
                if (verb.GetProjectile().GetType().ToString().Contains("Lasers.LaserBeamDef"))
                    skip = true;
            if (verb.EquipmentSource != null && !skip)
                if (verb.verbProps.range > 1.48f)
                    ThingDef       mote       = moteDef;
                    CompEquippable equippable = verb.EquipmentCompSource;
                    Vector3        origin     = verb.CasterIsPawn ? verb.CasterPawn.Drawer.DrawPos : verb.Caster.DrawPos;
                    Vector3        a          = verb.CurrentTarget.CenterVector3;
                    float          aimAngle   = 0f;
                    if ((a - origin).MagnitudeHorizontalSquared() > 0.001f)
                        aimAngle = (a - origin).AngleFlat();
                    if (verb.Caster is Building_TurretGun _TurretGun)
                        origin += new Vector3(_TurretGun.def.building.turretTopOffset.x, 0, _TurretGun.def.building.turretTopOffset.y);
                        OgsCompOversizedWeapon.CompOversizedWeapon compOversized = verb.EquipmentSource.TryGetCompFast <OgsCompOversizedWeapon.CompOversizedWeapon>();
                        if (compOversized != null)
                            bool    DualWeapon     = compOversized.Props != null && compOversized.Props.isDualWeapon;
                            Vector3 offsetMainHand = default(Vector3);
                            Vector3 offsetOffHand  = default(Vector3);
                            float   offHandAngle   = aimAngle;
                            float   mainHandAngle  = aimAngle;
                            OgsCompOversizedWeapon.OversizedUtil.SetAnglesAndOffsets(compOversized.parent, compOversized.parent, aimAngle, verb.Caster, ref offsetMainHand, ref offsetOffHand, ref offHandAngle, ref mainHandAngle, true, DualWeapon && !compOversized.FirstAttack);
                            //    if (DualWeapon && AMAMod.Dev) Log.Message("Throwing flash for " + compOversized.parent.LabelCap + " offsetMainHand: " + offsetMainHand + " offsetOffHand: " + offsetOffHand + " Using " + (!compOversized.FirstAttack ? "OffHand" : "MainHand") + " FirstAttack: " + compOversized.FirstAttack);
                            origin += DualWeapon && !compOversized.FirstAttack ? offsetOffHand : offsetMainHand;
                            // origin += compOversized.AdjustRenderOffsetFromDir(equippable.PrimaryVerb.CasterPawn, !compOversized.FirstAttack);
                            if (compOversized.Props.isDualWeapon)
                                compOversized.FirstAttack = !compOversized.FirstAttack;

                    origin = verb.MuzzlePositionFor(aimAngle, true);
                    if (verb.GetProjectile() != null)
                        origin.y = verb.GetProjectile().Altitude;
                    AdeptusMoteMaker.MakeStaticMote(origin, map, mote, scale);

                AdeptusMoteMaker.MakeStaticMote(cell.ToVector3Shifted(), map, moteDef, scale);
        public static bool GetVerbsCommands_Prefix(ref IEnumerable <Command> __result, CompEquippable __instance)
            var rangedVerbs = __instance.AllVerbs.Where(v => !v.IsMeleeAttack).ToList();
            var melee       = VerbManager.PreferMelee(__instance.parent);

            if (rangedVerbs.Count <= 1 && !melee)
            var man = __instance.PrimaryVerb?.CasterPawn?.Manager(false);

            __result = rangedVerbs
                       .SelectMany(v => v.GetGizmosForVerb(man?.GetManagedVerbForVerb(v)))
                       .OfType <Command>();
            if (melee)
                __result = __result.Prepend((Command)CreateVerbTargetCommand.Invoke(__instance.verbTracker,
                                                                                    new object[] { __instance.parent, __instance.AllVerbs.First(v => v.verbProps.IsMeleeAttack) }));
Пример #29
        public static float AdjustedWarmup(float warmUpTime, Verb verb, LocalTargetInfo castTarg)
            if (AdeptusIntergrationUtility.enabled_CombatExtended)
                if (!CE(verb))
                if (!(verb is Verb_Shoot) && !(verb is AbilitesExtended.Verb_ShootEquipment))
            float result = warmUpTime;
            //    AdvancedVerbProperties props = verb.verbProps as AdvancedVerbProperties;
            IAdvancedVerb  props      = verb.verbProps as IAdvancedVerb;
            ThingWithComps gun        = verb.EquipmentSource;
            CompEquippable compeq     = verb.EquipmentCompSource;
            Thing          caster     = verb.caster;
            Pawn           CasterPawn = verb.CasterPawn;

            if (props != null)
                if (verb.GetsHot(out bool GetsHotCrit, out float GetsHotCritChance, out bool GetsHotCritExplosion, out float GetsHotCritExplosionChance, out bool canDamageWeapon, out float extraWeaponDamage))

                if (props.RapidFire)
                    //    log.message(string.Format("RapidFire prefix pre-modified Values, Warmup: {0}", gun.def.Verbs[0].warmupTime, cooldown));
                    if (caster.Position.InHorDistOf(castTarg.Cell, verb.verbProps.range * props.RapidFireRange))
                        float reduction = ((verb.verbProps.burstShotCount - 1) * verb.verbProps.ticksBetweenBurstShots).TicksToSeconds() / 4;
                        reduction += warmUpTime / 2;
                        result    -= reduction;
                    //    log.message(string.Format("RapidFire prefix post-modified Values, Warmup: {0}", gun.def.Verbs[0].warmupTime, cooldown));
                else if (props.HeavyWeapon && verb.CasterIsPawn)
                    CompWeapon_GunSpecialRules GunExt = gun.TryGetCompFast <CompWeapon_GunSpecialRules>();
                    if (GunExt.ticksHere < (props.HeavyWeaponSetupTime.SecondsToTicks()))
                        float extra = props.HeavyWeaponSetupTime;
                        if (CasterPawn.story?.bodyType == BodyTypeDefOf.Hulk)
                            extra *= 0.5f;
                        extra = Math.Max(0, extra - GunExt.ticksHere.TicksToSeconds());
                        //    Log.Message(string.Format("HeavyWeapon prefix pre-modified Values, Warmup: {0} + {1}, last move tick: {2}", __instance.verbProps.warmupTime, extra, GunExt.LastMovedTick));
                        result += extra;
                    //    log.message(string.Format("HeavyWeapon prefix post-modified Values, Warmup: {0}, last move tick: {1}", gun.def.Verbs[0].warmupTime, GunExt.LastMovedTick));
                if (compeq != null)
                    if (verb.GetProjectile().projectile.Conversion())
                        float distance = caster.Position.DistanceTo(castTarg.Cell);
                        result = (float)warmUpTime + (distance / 30);
            //    Log.Message("Testing return result" + result + " warmUpTime: " + warmUpTime + " for verb: " + verb + " casting at " + castTarg);
Пример #30
        public static bool GetUpdatedAvailableVerbsList(Pawn_MeleeVerbs __instance, ref List <VerbEntry> __result, bool terrainTools)
            Pawn this_pawn = pawn(__instance);
            List <VerbEntry> meleeVerbs = new List <VerbEntry>();
            List <Verb>      verbsToAdd = new List <Verb>();

            if (!terrainTools)
                List <Verb> allVerbs1 = this_pawn.verbTracker.AllVerbs;
                for (int index = 0; index < allVerbs1.Count; ++index)
                    if (IsUsableMeleeVerb(allVerbs1[index]))
                if (this_pawn.equipment != null)
                    List <ThingWithComps> equipmentListForReading = this_pawn.equipment.AllEquipmentListForReading;
                    for (int index1 = 0; index1 < equipmentListForReading.Count; ++index1)
                        CompEquippable comp = equipmentListForReading[index1].GetComp <CompEquippable>();
                        if (comp != null)
                            List <Verb> allVerbs2 = comp.AllVerbs;
                            if (allVerbs2 != null)
                                for (int index2 = 0; index2 < allVerbs2.Count; ++index2)
                                    if (IsUsableMeleeVerb(allVerbs2[index2]))
                if (this_pawn.apparel != null)
                    List <Apparel> wornApparel = this_pawn.apparel.WornApparel;
                    for (int index1 = 0; index1 < wornApparel.Count; ++index1)
                        CompEquippable comp = wornApparel[index1].GetComp <CompEquippable>();
                        if (comp != null)
                            List <Verb> allVerbs2 = comp.AllVerbs;
                            if (allVerbs2 != null)
                                for (int index2 = 0; index2 < allVerbs2.Count; ++index2)
                                    if (IsUsableMeleeVerb(allVerbs2[index2]))
                foreach (Verb hediffsVerb in this_pawn.health.hediffSet.GetHediffsVerbs())
                    if (IsUsableMeleeVerb(hediffsVerb))
            else if (this_pawn.Spawned)
                TerrainDef terrain = this_pawn.Position.GetTerrain(this_pawn.Map);
                if (terrainVerbs(__instance) == null || terrainVerbs(__instance).def != terrain)
                    terrainVerbs(__instance) = Pawn_MeleeVerbs_TerrainSource.Create(__instance, terrain);
                List <Verb> allVerbs = terrainVerbs(__instance).tracker.AllVerbs;
                for (int index = 0; index < allVerbs.Count; ++index)
                    Verb v = allVerbs[index];
                    if (IsUsableMeleeVerb(v))
            float highestSelWeight = 0.0f;

            foreach (Verb v in verbsToAdd)
                float num = VerbUtility.InitialVerbWeight(v, this_pawn);
                if ((double)num > (double)highestSelWeight)
                    highestSelWeight = num;
            foreach (Verb verb in verbsToAdd)
                meleeVerbs.Add(new VerbEntry(verb, this_pawn, verbsToAdd, highestSelWeight));
            __result = meleeVerbs;

            bool IsUsableMeleeVerb(Verb v)
                return(v.IsStillUsableBy(this_pawn) && v.IsMeleeAttack);