async public void Communicate() { using (var communicator = new Communicator(this.ip, this.port, this.password, this.key, this.iv)) { var clipbText = await Clipboard.GetTextAsync(); this.StatusHTML = "<p>Sending...</p>"; var success = true; try { await Task.Run(() => { communicator.Connect(); communicator.SendText(clipbText); }); } catch (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException ex) { success = false; this.StatusHTML = $"<p style=\"color:red\">{ex.Message}</p>"; } if (success) { this.StatusHTML = "<p style=\"color:green\">Finished.</p>"; } } }
async public void Communicate() { using var communicator = new Communicator(this.ip, this.port, this.password, this.key, this.iv); var picked = await FilePicker.PickAsync(); var fileName = picked.FileName; var inStream = await picked.OpenReadAsync(); this.StatusHTML = "<p>Sending...</p>"; var success = true; try { await Task.Run(() => { communicator.Connect(); communicator.SendStream(inStream, fileName); }); } catch (System.Net.Sockets.SocketException ex) { success = false; this.StatusHTML = $"<p style=\"color:red\">{ex.Message}</p>"; } if (success) { this.StatusHTML = "<p style=\"color:green\">Finished.</p>"; } }
public void Connect() { _device = _communicator.Search(_settings.Name); _communicator.Connect(_device.SerialPort); _timer.Start(); }
private void ListenForMessages() { Task.Run(() => { using (var cc = new Communicator(StreamVRApp.Instance.NatsServerURL, this.UserName, this.RoomCode, _log)) { cc.Connect(); cc.Subscribe(cc.TO_SERVER_CHANNEL, (Message msg) => { msgQueue.Enqueue(msg); }); bool _shutdown = false; while (!_shutdown) { if (msgQueue.Count > 0) { Message msg = msgQueue.Dequeue(); _log("[STREAMVR] Next msg"); _log(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(msg)); if (msg.Reply != null) { StreamVRApp.Instance.CurrentRequest = msg; _exEvent.Raise(); while (StreamVRApp.Instance.CurrentResponse == null) { Thread.Sleep(50); } Message response = StreamVRApp.Instance.CurrentResponse; if (response.Type == "ERROR") { _log($"[STREAMVR] Error response"); _log(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response)); } _log($"[STREAMVR] Replying to request"); response.Reply = msg.Reply; cc.Publish(msg.Reply, response); StreamVRApp.Instance.CurrentResponse = null; } else if (msg.Type == "EXIT") { _log("Exit command received"); _shutdown = true; } } Thread.Sleep(100); } } }); }
public void TextSubmitted() { if (Network.peerType == NetworkPeerType.Disconnected) { string connectionIP = ((UnityEngine.UI.InputField)textInput).text; communicator.Connect(connectionIP); } }
public static void ShutdownInterface() { var comms = new Communicator("", "lisamarie.mueller", "123456", Debug.Log); comms.Connect(); comms.Publish(comms.TO_SERVER_CHANNEL, new Message { Type = "EXIT" }); }
public static void ExportAllMaterials() { var comms = new Communicator("", "lisamarie.mueller", "123456", Debug.Log); comms.Connect(); Message response = comms.RequestSync(comms.TO_SERVER_CHANNEL, new Message { Type = "EXPORT_ALL_MATERIALS" }, 30000); Debug.Log(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(response)); }
public async Task ConnectsToServer() { // When var communicator = new Communicator("localhost", _port); communicator.Connect(); var communicatorSeenFromServer = await _acceptTask; // Then Assert.That(communicatorSeenFromServer.Connected); }
private async void RunCommunicationInTaskAsync(CancellationToken token, int delay, int workerId) { Communicator comm = null; int sleep = Math.Max(delay - 10, 10); try { comm = new Communicator(txtIpdAddress.Text, 11000, workerId); await comm.Connect(); for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) { var timer = Task.Delay(sleep, token).ConfigureAwait(false); bool isWorking = await comm.ReadData(token).ConfigureAwait(false); if (!isWorking) { comm.IsWorking = false; break; } await timer; } //TODO !comm.IsWorkint restart .... } catch (Exception e) { Di.Trace.WriteLine(e); } finally { lock (_lock) { _taskCouter--; if (_taskCouter == 0) { _watch.Stop(); var elapsedMs = _watch.ElapsedMilliseconds; Di.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} Finished test. Worker type: {1}, workers count: {2}, clientType: {3}", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss.fff"), "Pure Async", 64, "Async TcpClient")); Di.Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Duration {0}", elapsedMs)); } } if (comm != null) { await comm.Close().ConfigureAwait(false); } } }
public static ICommunicator Connect() { ICommunicator comms = new Communicator(BusConnector.natsEndpoint, BusConnector.username, BusConnector.roomCode, Debug.Log); Debug.Log("Connecting..."); comms.Connect(); Debug.Log("Connected"); Debug.Log($"> {natsEndpoint}"); Debug.Log($"> {username}"); Debug.Log($"> {roomCode}"); return(comms); }
public void Connect() { communicator = new Communicator(); string clientName = String.Format("{0}_client", robotName == null ? "control" : robotName); if (communicator.Connect(hostname, port, clientName) < 0) { log.Fatal("Cannot connect to RoBOSS Controller. Exiting."); communicator.Dispose(); Environment.Exit(1); } log.Info("Connected to RoBOSS Controller."); SendAck(); }
public void connect(String ipAddr, String port) { lock (this) { if (!IsConnected) { communicator = new Communicator(); if (communicator.Connect(ipAddr, port, TestController.robossClientName) < 0) { string msg = "Unable to connect RoboSS controller " + ipAddr + ":" + port; LOG.Debug(msg); communicator = null; throw new CommunicatorException(msg); } LOG.Info("Connected to RoboSS controller " + ipAddr + ":" + port); IsConnected = true; } } }
public override void Init() { base.Init(); communicator = new Communicator(); Parameters paramerters = new Parameters(); paramerters.epsilon = epsilon; paramerters.gamma = gamma; paramerters.alpha = alpha; paramerters.states = new List <int>(); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { paramerters.states.Add(i + 10 * j); } } string envMessage = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(paramerters, Formatting.Indented); communicator.Connect(envMessage, OnRecv); Debug.Log("**** socket is init ****"); }
public async Task ReceivesMessageFromServer() { // Give var message = "testMessage"; var buffer = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message); var messageLen = BitConverter.GetBytes(IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder((Int32)buffer.Length)); var communicator = new Communicator("localhost", _port); communicator.Connect(); var communicatorSeenFromServer = await _acceptTask; var stream = communicatorSeenFromServer.GetStream(); stream.Write(messageLen, 0, 4); stream.Write(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); // When var result = communicator.Receive(); // Then Assert.That(String.Equals(message, result)); }
private void ListenForMessages(UIDocument uiDoc) { using (var cc = new Communicator(this.serverUrl, this.userName, this.roomCode, this.Debug)) { cc.Connect(); cc.Subscribe(cc.TO_SERVER_CHANNEL, (Message msg) => { msgQueue.Enqueue(msg); }); bool _shutdown = false; while (!_shutdown) { if (msgQueue.Count > 0) { Message msg = msgQueue.Dequeue(); Debug(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(msg)); if (msg.Reply != null) { Message response = HandleClientRequest(uiDoc.Document, msg); response.Reply = msg.Reply; cc.Publish(msg.Reply, response); } else if (msg.Type == "EXIT") { Debug("Exit command received"); _shutdown = true; } } uiDoc.RefreshActiveView(); Thread.Sleep(200); } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { var options = new Options(); if (!Parser.Default.ParseArguments(args, options)) { return; } var settings = new Settings { Name = options.Name, DontBlock = options.Block, PathFinderGiveUpLimit = options.TickAdjust * 9, FillGiveUpLimit = options.TickAdjust * 4 }; var converter = new ManualStreamToMessageConverter(); var communicator = new Communicator(options.Address, options.Port, converter); var gameClient = new GameClient(communicator, settings); try { communicator.Connect(); gameClient.StartGame(); } catch (Exception e) { System.Console.WriteLine("Exception: " + e.Message); } finally { System.Console.Read(); communicator.Dispose(); } }
public async Task SendsMessageToServer() { // Give var message = "testMessage"; var communicator = new Communicator("localhost", _port); communicator.Connect(); var communicatorSeenFromServer = await _acceptTask; var stream = communicatorSeenFromServer.GetStream(); // When communicator.Send(message); byte[] fourBytes = new byte[4]; stream.Read(fourBytes, 0, 4); var messageLen = IPAddress.NetworkToHostOrder(BitConverter.ToInt32(fourBytes, 0)); byte[] buffer = new byte[messageLen]; stream.Read(buffer, 0, messageLen); var result = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(buffer); // Then Assert.That(String.Equals(message, result)); }
/// <summary> /// Connects to the EV3 using the given serial port. /// </summary> /// <param name="port">The serial port to use for communicating with /// the EV3.</param> /// <returns>True if connected, false if not connected.</returns> public bool Connect(string port) { return(communicator.Connect(port)); }