protected void btnback_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string qs = hfDistId.Value + "$" + hfLbId.Value + "$" + hfWard.Value + "$" + hfLbTyp.Value;

            qs = cc.DESEncrypt(qs);
            Response.Redirect("frmDiscrepancy.aspx?data=" + qs + "");
Пример #2
    //Change the Password for particular user
    public void ChangePassword()
        bool flag = false;

            urUserRegBLLObj.usrUserId         = Convert.ToString(Session["User"]);
            urUserRegBLLObj.usrPassword       = cc.DESEncrypt(txtOldPasswod.Text);
            urUserRegBLLObj.usrChangePassword = cc.DESEncrypt(txtConfirmNewPassword.Text);

            status = urUserRegBLLObj.BLLUserRegistrationChangePassword(urUserRegBLLObj);
            if (status > 0)
                List <UserRegistrationBLL> usrInfoList = new List <UserRegistrationBLL>();
                DataTable dtUserInfoList   = urUserRegBLLObj.BLLGetUserDetails(urUserRegBLLObj);
                DataRow   dRowUserInfoList = dtUserInfoList.Rows[0];

                //string myMobileNo = "91" + Convert.ToString(dRowUserInfoList["usrMobileNo"]);

                string myMobileNo = Convert.ToString(dRowUserInfoList["usrMobileNo"]);
                string myPassword = cc.DESDecrypt(Convert.ToString(dRowUserInfoList["usrPassword"]));
                string myName     = Convert.ToString(dRowUserInfoList["usrFirstName"]);

                // string mPassword = cc.DESDecrypt(urUserRegBLLObj.usrChangePassword);
                int    result   = onlineexam.UpdatePwd(myMobileNo, Convert.ToString(dRowUserInfoList["usrPassword"]));
                string sendFrom = "COM2MYCT";

                string passwordMessage = "Dear " + myName + ",Your a/c password changed for Password is: " + myPassword + " " + cc.AddSMS(myMobileNo);

                //  ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('Password  changed')", true);
                //string msg = "Your New Password is: " + cc.DESDecrypt(urUserRegBLLObj.usrChangePassword);
                flag = cc.SendMessageImp1(sendFrom, myMobileNo, passwordMessage);
                flag = cc.SendMessage1(sendFrom, myMobileNo, passwordMessage);

                if (flag == true)
                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('Password Changed Successfully...Password will be devlivered shortly on your registered Mobile No.')", true);
                    // System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Password Changed Successfully...Password will be devlivered shortly on your registered Mobile No.", "Come2MyCity");
                    // Response.Redirect("MyProfile.aspx");
                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('Password Changed Successfully...Password will be devlivered shortly on your registered Mobile No.')", true);
                    //ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('Password Changed Successfully But Message is not sent')", true);
                    // System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Password Changed Successfully But Message is not sent", "Come2MyCity");
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('Password Not changed')", true);
                // System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Password Not changed", "Come2MyCity");
        catch (Exception ex)
            //throw ex;
        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('Password Not changed')", true);
Пример #3
    public void ChangeRegisteredMobileNo()
            urUserRegBLLObj.usrUserId   = Convert.ToString(Session["User"]);
            urUserRegBLLObj.usrMobileNo = txtNewMobileNo.Text;
            Random rnd = new Random();
            urUserRegBLLObj.usrPassword = cc.DESEncrypt(Convert.ToString(rnd.Next(10001, 99999)));
            string MobileNo = Convert.ToString(txtNewMobileNo.Text);
            if (MobileNo.Length == 10)
                status = urUserRegBLLObj.BLLIsExistUserRegistrationInitial(urUserRegBLLObj);

                if (status == 0)
                    txtNewMobileNo.Text = "";
                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('Given New Mobile Number already registered in')", true);

                    // System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Given New Mobile Number already registered in", "Come2MyCity");
                    status = urUserRegBLLObj.BLLUserRegisteredMobileNoUpdate(urUserRegBLLObj);
                    Response.Write("<script>alert('Mobile number Changed.Login Again')</script>");
                    if (status > 0)
                        string senderId = "COM2MYCT";
                        //string myMobileNo = "91" + urUserRegBLLObj.usrMobileNo;
                        string myMobileNo      = urUserRegBLLObj.usrMobileNo;
                        string myPassword      = cc.DESDecrypt(urUserRegBLLObj.usrPassword);
                        string myName          = Convert.ToString(Session["userName"]);
                        string passwordMessage = "Dear " + myName + ",Password for ur Login with your New Registered Mobile No is:" + myPassword + " " + cc.AddSMS(myMobileNo);

                        cc.SendMessage1(senderId, myMobileNo, passwordMessage);
                        cc.SendMessageImp1(senderId, myMobileNo, passwordMessage);
                        // ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('Mobile number Changed.Login Again')", true);
                        Response.Write("<script>alert('Mobile number Changed.Login Again')</script>");
                        // System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Mobile number Changed Successfully.Login Again", "Come2MyCity");
                        // ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('Mobile number Not changed.')", true);
                        Response.Write("<script>alert('Mobile number Not changed.')</script>");
                        // System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("Mobile number Not changed.Please try again", "Come2MyCity");
                        txtNewMobileNo.Text = "";
                Response.Write("<script>alert('please Enter the 10 Disit mobile No..!')</script>");
        catch (Exception ex)
            // throw ex;
Пример #4
        protected void lnkShow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string     moNo     = string.Empty;
            LinkButton lbtnShow = (LinkButton)sender;

            moNo = lbtnShow.CommandArgument;
            Response.Redirect("~/Reports/frmAcceptExpenseMain.aspx?mNo=" + cc.DESEncrypt(moNo) + "");
            //cmd = new SqlCommand();
            //DataSet dsExpe = new DataSet();
            //cmd.Connection = con;
            //cmd.CommandText = "uspCandidateWiseDailyExp";
            //cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            //cmd.Parameters.Add("@mobileNo1", SqlDbType.NVarChar).Value = moNo;
            //da = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);

            //int dsCnt = dsExpe.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
            //if (dsCnt > 0)
            //    gvCandidateDailyEx.DataSource = dsExpe.Tables[0];
            //    gvCandidateDailyEx.DataBind();
            //    gvCandidateDailyEx.DataSource = dsExpe.Tables[0];
            //    gvCandidateDailyEx.DataBind();
Пример #5
    //---------------------------------------------------User Registration---------------------------------------------------------------------------

    #region UserRegistration
    public string UserRegistration(string Username, string MobileNo, string usrEmailId, string usrGender, string Age)
        string userid = "";

            //string[] FullName = Username.Split(' ');
            //string fname = Convert.ToString(FullName[0].Trim());
            //string lname = Convert.ToString(FullName[1].Trim());

            userid = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            Random rnd = new Random();
            string pwd = cc.DESEncrypt(Convert.ToString(rnd.Next(10001, 99999)));

            string Sql = "insert into usermaster(usrUserId,usrFirstName,usrMobileNo,usrPassword,usrEmailId,usrGender,Age)" +
                         " values('" + userid + "','" + Username + "','" + MobileNo + "','" + pwd + "','" + usrEmailId + "','" + usrGender + "','" + Age + "')";
            int ID = cc.ExecuteNonQuery(Sql);
            if (ID == 1)
                string myPassword      = cc.DESDecrypt(pwd);
                string passwordMessage = "Dear " + Username + ", Password for ur First Login is " + myPassword + " " + cc.AddSMS(MobileNo);
                int    smslength       = passwordMessage.Length;
                cc.TransactionalSMSCountry("Website", MobileNo, passwordMessage, smslength, 7);
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw ex;
Пример #6
        public string NewRegistration(string registrationString) //Want to change in this service as enc and dec algo
                if (registrationString != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(registrationString) && !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(registrationString))
                    String[] dataArray = registrationString.Split(new char[] { '*' });
                    if (dataArray.Length == 8)
                        //insert into database
                        Random          otpGenerator    = new Random();
                        string          otpNumber       = otpGenerator.Next(1000, 9999).ToString();
                        RegistrationDAL registrationDal = new RegistrationDAL();
                        CommonCode      commonCode      = new CommonCode();
                        // string password = commonCode.DESEncrypt(dataArray[3]);

                        //string password = dataArray[3];
                        string password = dataArray[3];
                        string userName = dataArray[2];

                        userName = EncryptDecrypt.DecodeAndDecrypt(userName);
                        password = EncryptDecrypt.DecodeAndDecrypt(password);

                        string pw = password.Substring(0, password.Length - 12);
                        password = commonCode.DESEncrypt(pw);

                        string dt1 = userName.Substring(userName.Length - 12);
                        userName = userName.Substring(0, userName.Length - 12);

                        string retVal = objenc.DateTimeDec(dt1);

                        if (retVal == "0")

                        //string result = registrationDal.newRegistration(dataArray[0], dataArray[1], dataArray[2], password, otpNumber, dataArray[4], dataArray[5], dataArray[6], dataArray[7]);
                        string   result = registrationDal.newRegistration(dataArray[0], dataArray[1], userName, password, otpNumber, dataArray[4], dataArray[5], dataArray[6], dataArray[7]);
                        string[] r      = result.Split(new Char[] { '*' });
                        if (r[0] == CommonCode.OK.ToString())
                            //string message = "Dear " + dataArray[2] + " thanks to Register your Voter Profile in True Voter app. OTP for profile confirmation is " + otpNumber + "";
                            string message = "Dear " + userName + " thanks to Register your Voter Profile in True Voter app. OTP for profile confirmation is " + otpNumber + "";
                            SendSMS(dataArray[1], message);
            catch (Exception)
Пример #7
        protected void lnkShow_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            string     moNo     = string.Empty;
            LinkButton lbtnShow = (LinkButton)sender;

            moNo = lbtnShow.CommandArgument;

            Response.Redirect("~/Reports/frmaddExpenseByOfficerTwo.aspx?mNo=" + cc.DESEncrypt(moNo) + "");
        protected void lbtnGetDetails_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            LinkButton l   = (LinkButton)sender;
            string     mNo = l.CommandArgument.ToString();
            string     qs  = mNo + "$" + hfDistId.Value + "$" + hfLbId.Value + "$" + hfWard.Value + "$" + hfLbTyp.Value;

            qs = cc.DESEncrypt(qs);
            Response.Redirect("frmDiscrepancyDetails.aspx?data=" + qs + "");
Пример #9
    protected void gvToday_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
        string mobileId = Convert.ToString(e.CommandArgument);
        string Sql      = "  select tm.SchoolCode from UDISE_TeacherMaster as tm " +
                          " inner join UserMaster as um on um.usrUserId=tm.junior_id " +
                          " where um.usrMobileNo=N'" + Convert.ToString(mobileId) + "'";
        string schoolcode = cc.ExecuteScalar(Sql);

        mobileId   = cc.DESEncrypt(mobileId);
        schoolcode = cc.DESEncrypt(schoolcode);

        if ((mobileId != "" || mobileId != "null") && (schoolcode != "" || schoolcode != "null"))
            if (Convert.ToString(e.CommandName) == "Show")
                Response.Redirect("~/MarketingAdmin/SchoolAttendence.aspx?mn=" + mobileId + "&sc=" + schoolcode + "");
Пример #10
    public string GetRegisterToMahatet(string MobileNo, string Fname, string Lname, string address, string pincode, string EmailId)
        int    status, smslength;
        string id = "";

            UserRegistrationBLL balobj = new UserRegistrationBLL();
            CommonCode          cc     = new CommonCode();
            balobj.usrFirstName = Fname;
            balobj.usrLastName  = Lname;
            balobj.usrMobileNo  = MobileNo;
            balobj.usrAddress   = address;
            balobj.usrPIN       = pincode;
            balobj.usrEmailId   = EmailId;
            status = balobj.BLLIsExistUserRegistrationInitial(balobj);
            if (status > 0)
                balobj.usrUserId = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                Random rnd = new Random();
                balobj.usrPassword = cc.DESEncrypt(Convert.ToString(rnd.Next(10001, 99999)));
                status             = balobj.BLLInsertUserRegistrationInitial(balobj);
                if (status > 0)
                    id = balobj.usrUserId;
                    string myMobileNo      = balobj.usrMobileNo;
                    string myPassword      = cc.DESDecrypt(balobj.usrPassword);
                    string myName          = balobj.usrFirstName;
                    string passwordMessage = "Welcome " + myName + ", to,Password for ur First Login is " + myPassword + " " + cc.AddSMS(myMobileNo);
                    smslength = passwordMessage.Length;
                    //cc.SendMessageMahatetSMS("Mahatet", myMobileNo, passwordMessage, smslength);

                    cc.TransactionalSMSCountry("Mahatet", myMobileNo, passwordMessage, smslength, 20);
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                ds = balobj.BLLGetUserIdPassword(balobj);
                string name     = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["FullName"]);
                string password = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["usrPassword"]);
                password = cc.DESDecrypt(password);
                id       = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["usrUserid"]);
                string passwordMessage = "Welcome " + name + ", to,Password is " + password + " " + cc.AddSMS(MobileNo);
                smslength = passwordMessage.Length;
                //cc.SendMessageMahatetSMS("Mahatet", MobileNo, passwordMessage, smslength);

                cc.TransactionalSMSCountry("Mahatet", MobileNo, passwordMessage, smslength, 20);
        catch (Exception ex)
        { }
        // Insert into [Come2MyCityDB].[dbo].[sendercode](ProjectName,Code)values('Mahatet',20)
Пример #11
 protected void btnBack_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         string qs = hfDistId.Value + "$" + hfLbId.Value + "$" + hfWard.Value + "$" + hfLbTyp.Value + "$" + hfDistId.Value;
         qs = cc.DESEncrypt(qs);
         Response.Redirect("frmDiscrepancy.aspx?data=" + qs + "");
     catch (Exception)
Пример #12
    public string GetRegisterRecord(string MobileNo, string Fname, string Lname, string address, string pincode, string status)
        int    i, smslength;
        string id = "";
        UserRegistrationBLL balobj = new UserRegistrationBLL();
        CommonCode          cc     = new CommonCode();

        balobj.usrFirstName = Fname;
        balobj.usrLastName  = Lname;
        balobj.usrMobileNo  = MobileNo;
        balobj.usrAddress   = address;
        balobj.usrPIN       = pincode;
        i = balobj.BLLIsExistUserRegistrationInitial(balobj);
        if (i > 0)
            balobj.usrUserId = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            Random rnd = new Random();
            balobj.usrPassword = cc.DESEncrypt(Convert.ToString(rnd.Next(10001, 99999)));
            i = balobj.BLLInsertUserRegistrationInitial(balobj);
            if (i > 0)
                id = balobj.usrUserId;
                string myMobileNo      = balobj.usrMobileNo;
                string myPassword      = cc.DESDecrypt(balobj.usrPassword);
                string myName          = balobj.usrFirstName;
                string passwordMessage = "Welcome " + myName + ", to,for ur First Login Username="******" & Password is " + myPassword + "  " + cc.AddSMS(myMobileNo);
                smslength = passwordMessage.Length;
                cc.TransactionalSMSCountry("OnlineExam", myMobileNo, passwordMessage, smslength, 22);
            if (status == "1")
                DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                ds = balobj.BLLGetUserIdPassword(balobj);
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    string name     = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["FullName"]);
                    string password = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["usrPassword"]);
                    password = cc.DESDecrypt(password);
                    id       = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["usrUserid"]);
                    string passwordMessage = "Welcome " + name + ", to,Password for ur First Login is " + password + " " + cc.AddSMS(MobileNo);
                    smslength = passwordMessage.Length;
                    cc.TransactionalSMSCountry("OnlineExam", MobileNo, passwordMessage, smslength, 22);
Пример #13
 protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (ddlGroups.SelectedValue != "0")
         string groupId = ddlGroups.SelectedValue;
         string qs      = mob + "$" + groupId;
         qs = cc.DESEncrypt(qs);
         Response.Redirect("rptGroupExpense.aspx?data=" + qs + "");
         ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('Please Select Group')", true);
 protected void lbtnGetDetails_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
         LinkButton l   = (LinkButton)sender;
         string     mNo = l.CommandArgument.ToString();
         string     qs  = mNo + "$" + hfDistId.Value + "$" + hfLbId.Value + "$" + hfLbTyp.Value;
         qs = cc.DESEncrypt(qs);
         Response.Redirect("frmNoticeDetails.aspx?data=" + qs + "");
     catch (Exception)
Пример #15
    //------------------------------------------------------User Registration To MYCT------------------------------------------------------------------

    #region RegToUserMaster
    public string RegToUserMaster(string MobileNo, string Fname, string Lname, string address, string pincode, string strDevId)
        string uid = String.Empty;

        string str = "select usrUserId from [Come2myCityDB].[dbo].[UserMaster] where usrMobileNo='" + MobileNo + "'  ";

        uid = cc.ExecuteScalar(str);
        if (uid == "" || uid == null)
            string newUid   = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            Random rnd      = new Random();
            string Password = cc.DESEncrypt(Convert.ToString(rnd.Next(10001, 99999)));

            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@usrMobileNo", MobileNo);
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@usrFirstName", Fname);
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@usrLastName", Lname);
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@usrPassword", Password);
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@usrAddress", address);
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@usrPIN", pincode);
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@strDevId", strDevId);
            cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@usrUserId", newUid);

            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
            cmd.CommandText = "uspUserMasterInsert";
            cmd.Connection  = con;
            if (cmd.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)

            int i = cmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
            //----------Send SMS---------------------
            if (i > 0)
                string myMobileNo      = MobileNo;
                string myPassword      = cc.DESDecrypt(Password);
                string myName          = Fname;
                string passwordMessage = "Welcome " + myName + ",for ur First Login for MyCt Password Username="******" & Password is " + myPassword + "  " + cc.AddSMS(myMobileNo);
                int    smslength       = passwordMessage.Length;
                cc.TransactionalSMSCountry("OnlineExam", myMobileNo, passwordMessage, smslength, 22);
            uid = newUid;

Пример #16
    protected void btnUpdate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        UserBLL user = new UserBLL();

        user.LoginId = Convert.ToString(Session["LoginId"]);
        if (txtUserName.Text == "")
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('Enter user Name.')", true);
        else if (txtPassword.Text == "")
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('Password should not be blank.')", true);
        else if (txtPassword.Text != txtRePassword.Text)
            ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('Both Password should be same.')", true);
                CommonCode cc = new CommonCode();
                user.UserName  = txtUserName.Text.ToString();
                user.Password  = cc.DESEncrypt(txtPassword.Text.ToString());
                user.ContactNo = txtContactNo.Text.ToString();
                user.Address   = txtAddress.Text.ToString();
                user.Role      = 0;
                user.CompanyId = 0;
                user.DOJ       = Convert.ToDateTime("01-Apr-2011");
                int status = user.UpdateOwnDetails(user);
                if (status == 1)
                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('User Updated Successfully.')", true);
                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('User  Updated Successfully.')", true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('User  Updated Successfully.')", true);
Пример #17
    public int Addnew(string fname, string lname, string mobileno)
            string userid = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            Random rnd    = new Random();
            string pwd    = cc.DESEncrypt(Convert.ToString(rnd.Next(10001, 99999)));

            string Sql = "insert into usermaster(usrUserId,usrFirstName,usrLastName,usrMobileNo,usrPassword)" +
                         " values('" + userid + "','" + fname + "','" + lname + "','" + mobileno + "','" + pwd + "')";
            int ID = cc.ExecuteNonQuery(Sql);

        catch (Exception ex)
            throw ex;
Пример #18
    public string RegisterUser(string FirstName, string lastName, string MobileNo)
        int ID;

            string sql     = "select usrPassword from usermaster where usrMobileNo= '" + MobileNo + "' ";
            string already = cc.ExecuteScalar(sql);// check this user already register
            if (already == "" || already == null)
                string userid = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                Random rnd    = new Random();

                pwd = cc.DESEncrypt(Convert.ToString(rnd.Next(10001, 99999)));

                string Sql = "insert into usermaster(usrUserId,usrFirstName,usrLastName,usrMobileNo,usrPassword)" +
                             " values('" + userid + "','" + FirstName + "','" + lastName + "','" + MobileNo + "','" + pwd + "')";
                ID = cc.ExecuteNonQuery(Sql);
                if (ID == 1)
                    pwd = cc.DESDecrypt(pwd);
                    string error = "error";
                //string sql1 = "select usrPassword from usermaster where usrMobileNo= '" + mobileno + "' ";
                //pwd = cc.ExecuteScalarCt1(sql1);// check this user already register

                pwd = cc.DESDecrypt(already);
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw ex;
Пример #19
 public void Autenticateuser()
         // ds = cc.getLoginDetails(txtUserId.Text.ToString(), cc.DESEncrypt(txtPassword.Text.ToString()));
         CTdll.UserLogin ul = new CTdll.UserLogin();
         sc            = ul.getLoggedIn(txtUserId.Text.ToString(), cc.DESEncrypt(txtPassword.Text.ToString()), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnectionString"], "Login");
         Session["SC"] = sc;
         if (sc != null)
             Session["User"] = Convert.ToString(sc.UserId);
             //Session["MobileNoN"] = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["MobileNo"]);
             Session["UserFirstNameN"] = Convert.ToString(sc.UserFName);
             Session["UserLastNameN"]  = Convert.ToString(sc.UserLName);
             Session["UserMiddleName"] = Convert.ToString(sc.UserMName);
             Session["CityNameN"]      = Convert.ToString(sc.CityName);
             Session["City"]           = Convert.ToString(sc.CityId);
             Session["Mobile"]         = Convert.ToString(sc.Mobile);
             Session["lastLogin"]      = Convert.ToString(sc.LastLogin);
             if (Convert.ToString(sc.UserId).Trim() == "")
                 lblMsg.Text = "Invalid User";
                 ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('User Name or Password is Incorrect ...Please try again')", true);
             lblMsg.Text = "Invalid User";
             ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('User Name or Password is Incorrect ...Please try again')", true);
     catch (Exception ex)
         string msg = ex.Message;
         lblMsg.Text = "Invalid User";
         ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('User Name or Password is Incorrect...Please try again')", true);
Пример #20
    public DataTable UserLoginAuthenticate(string MobileNo, string Password)
        DataSet             ds     = new DataSet();
        CommonCode          cc     = new CommonCode();
        UserRegistrationBLL balobj = new UserRegistrationBLL();

        balobj.usrMobileNo = MobileNo;
        int roleid = balobj.BLLGetUserRoleId(balobj);

        balobj.usrPassword = cc.DESEncrypt(Password);
        ds = cc.getLoginDetails(MobileNo, balobj.usrPassword);
        DataTable dt = ds.Tables[0];

        dt.Columns.Add("Roleid", typeof(Int32));
        foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
            dr["Roleid"] = roleid;
            dt           = dr.Table;

Пример #21
    public bool RegisterUser(string TeacherMobileNo, string FirstName, string lastName, string Address, string PIN, string email)
        bool   Flag        = false;
        string usrUserId   = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
        Random rnd         = new Random();
        string usrPassword = cc.DESEncrypt(Convert.ToString(rnd.Next(10001, 99999)));

        string sql = "insert into UserMaster(usrUserId,usrMobileNo,usrAddress,usrPassword,usrFirstName,usrLastName,usrPIN,usrEmailId) " +
                     " values('" + usrUserId + "','" + TeacherMobileNo + "','" + Address + "','" + usrPassword.ToString() + "','" + FirstName + "','" + lastName + "','" + PIN + "','" + email + "')  ";
        int ststus = cc.ExecuteNonQuery(sql);

        if (ststus > 0)
            Flag = true;
            Flag = false;
Пример #22
    //------------------------------------------------------User Registration To MYCT------------------------------------------------------------------

    #region GetRegistration
    public string GetRegisterRecord(string MobileNo, string Fname, string Lname, string address, string pincode, string strDevId)
        int     i, smslength;
        string  id = "";
        DataSet ds = new DataSet();

            UserRegistrationBLL balobj = new UserRegistrationBLL();
            CommonCode          cc     = new CommonCode();
            balobj.usrFirstName = Fname;
            balobj.usrLastName  = Lname;
            balobj.usrMobileNo  = MobileNo;
            balobj.usrAddress   = address;
            balobj.usrPIN       = pincode;
            balobj.StrDevId     = strDevId;
            i = balobj.BLLIsExistUserRegistrationInitial(balobj);//check user is exist or not if i = 0 then already exist
            if (i > 0)
                balobj.usrUserId = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                Random rnd = new Random();
                balobj.usrPassword = cc.DESEncrypt(Convert.ToString(rnd.Next(10001, 99999)));
                i = balobj.BLLInsertUserRegistrationInitial(balobj);
                if (i > 0)
                    id = balobj.usrUserId;
                    string myMobileNo      = balobj.usrMobileNo;
                    string myPassword      = cc.DESDecrypt(balobj.usrPassword);
                    string myName          = balobj.usrFirstName;
                    string passwordMessage = "Welcome " + myName + ",for ur First Login Username="******" & Password is " + myPassword + "  " + cc.AddSMS(myMobileNo);
                    smslength = passwordMessage.Length;
                    cc.TransactionalSMSCountry("OnlineExam", myMobileNo, passwordMessage, smslength, 22);

                    //------------------------------ For Dublicate IMEI number....................

                    string sql3 = "select [usrMobileNo] from usermaster where strDevId = '" + strDevId + "'";//takes all mobile number who have same IMEI number
                    ds = cc.ExecuteDataset(sql3);

                    foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                        if (row[0].Equals(MobileNo))
                            string sql = "update usermaster set StrDevId = '0' where [usrMobileNo] ='" + row[0] + "' ";
                            int    j   = cc.ExecuteNonQuery(sql);
                string sqlget = "select usrUserid from usermaster where usrMobileNo='" + MobileNo + "'";//geting userid of user
                id = cc.ExecuteScalar(sqlget);

                string sql2 = "select strDevId from usermaster where usrUserid='" + id + "' ";
                string str  = cc.ExecuteScalar(sql2);

                if (str == "" || str == null || str == "0")                                                            // If IMEI no is null
                    string sql = "Update usermaster set StrDevId = '" + strDevId + "' where usrUserid ='" + id + "' "; //to add/update IMEI no's for old entries
                    int    j   = cc.ExecuteNonQuery(sql);
                string sql3 = "select [usrMobileNo] from usermaster where strDevId = '" + str + "'";//takes all mobile number who have same IMEI number
                ds = cc.ExecuteDataset(sql3);

                foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    if (row[0].Equals(MobileNo))
                        string sql = "update usermaster set StrDevId = '0' where [usrMobileNo] ='" + row[0] + "' ";
                        int    j   = cc.ExecuteNonQuery(sql);
        catch (Exception ex)
        { }
Пример #23
 public void Autenticateuser()
         // ds = cc.getLoginDetails(txtUserId.Text.ToString(), cc.DESEncrypt(txtPassword.Text.ToString()));
         CTdll.UserLogin ul = new CTdll.UserLogin();
         sc            = ul.getLoggedIn(txtUserId.Text.ToString(), cc.DESEncrypt(txtPassword.Text.ToString()), ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ConnectionString"], "Login");
         Session["SC"] = sc;
         if (sc != null)
             if (txtUserId.Text.Length == 10)
                 Session["User"] = Convert.ToString(sc.UserId);
                 //Session["MobileNoN"] = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["MobileNo"]);
                 Session["UserFirstNameN"] = Convert.ToString(sc.UserFName);
                 Session["UserLastNameN"]  = Convert.ToString(sc.UserLName);
                 Session["UserMiddleName"] = Convert.ToString(sc.UserMName);
                 Session["CityNameN"]      = Convert.ToString(sc.CityName);
                 Session["City"]           = Convert.ToString(sc.CityId);
                 Session["Mobile"]         = Convert.ToString(sc.Mobile);
                 Session["lastLogin"]      = Convert.ToString(sc.LastLogin);
                 Session["MobileNo"]       = txtUserId.Text.ToString();
                 if (Convert.ToString(sc.UserId).Trim() == "")
                     lblMsg.Text = "Invalid User";
                     ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('User Name or Password is Incorrect ...Please try again')", true);
                     string sql = "select id from [DBCome2myct].[come2mycity].[DemoOnline] where userid='" + sc.UserId + "'";
                     string id  = cc.ExecuteScalar(sql);
                     if (id == "" || id == null)
                         sql = "insert into [DBCome2myct].[come2mycity].[DemoOnline](userid,status)values('" + sc.UserId + "','Active')";
                         int a = cc.ExecuteNonQuery(sql);
                         sql = "update [DBCome2myct].[come2mycity].[DemoOnline] set status='Active' where userid='" + sc.UserId + "'";
                         int a = cc.ExecuteNonQuery(sql);
                     string hostipadd = HttpContext.Current.Request.UserHostAddress;
                     UserRegistrationBLL userRegBLL = new UserRegistrationBLL();
                     userRegBLL.usrUserId = Convert.ToString(Session["User"]);
                     //userRegBLL.IPAddress = hostipadd;
                     Response.Redirect("html/HomePage.aspx", false); ///changes done by pooja
                 lblMsg.Text = "10 digit Mobile no";
                 ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('Please enter the 10 disit mobile No....!')", true);
             lblMsg.Text = "Invalid User";
             ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('User Name or Password is Incorrect ...Please try again')", true);
     catch (Exception ex)
         string msg = ex.Message;
         lblMsg.Text = "Invalid User";
         ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('User Name or Password is Incorrect...Please try again')", true);
Пример #24
    public bool RegisterNew(string mno, string fnm, string lnm, string pin, string gr, string Add)
        int  status = 1;
        bool Check  = false;

        //cqc.usrAltMobileNo=mno ;
            string usrmoNo = Convert.ToString(Session["Mobile"]); //textBox2.Text.ToString();
            cqc.usrMobileNo = usrmoNo.ToString();
            status          = BLLIsExistUserRegistrationInitial(usrmoNo);
            if (status == 0)
                status = BLLIsExistUserRegistrationInitial(mno);
                if (status == 0)
                    //DataTable dt1 = new DataTable();
                    string  sql = "select usrUserId, usrFirstName,usrCityId from UserMaster where usrMobileNo='" + usrmoNo.ToString() + "'";
                    DataSet ds  = new DataSet();
                    ds = ExecuteDataset(sql);
                    //dt1 = ds.Tables[0];
                    string userId;
                    string usrName = "";
                    int    cityId;
                    foreach (DataRow dr1 in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                        userId           = Convert.ToString(dr1["usrUserId"]);
                        usrName          = Convert.ToString(dr1["usrFirstName"]);
                        cityId           = Convert.ToInt32(dr1["usrCityId"]);
                        cqc.frnrelUserId = userId;
                        cqc.usrCityId    = cityId;
                        //ur.frnrelFrnRelName = usrName;
                        //ur.frnrelRelation = "friend";
                        //ur.frnrelGroup = "1";
                    string  sql1 = "select usrUserId, usrFirstName from UserMaster where usrMobileNo='" + mno.ToString() + "'";
                    DataSet ds1  = new DataSet();
                    ds1 = ExecuteDataset(sql1);
                    string   FriId;
                    string   FriName;
                    string[] RgArr = gr.Split('&');
                    if (RgArr.Length > 0)
                        for (int s = 0; s < RgArr.Length; s++)
                            foreach (DataRow dr2 in ds1.Tables[0].Rows)
                                FriId                = Convert.ToString(dr2["usrUserId"]);
                                FriName              = Convert.ToString(dr2["usrFirstName"]);
                                cqc.frnrelFriendId   = FriId;
                                cqc.frnrelFrnRelName = FriName;
                                cqc.frnrelRelation   = "friend";
                                cqc.frnrelGroup      = RgArr[s].ToString();

                            status = cqc.BLLInsertUserFriendRelative(cqc);
                        foreach (DataRow dr2 in ds1.Tables[0].Rows)
                            FriId                = Convert.ToString(dr2["usrUserId"]);
                            FriName              = Convert.ToString(dr2["usrFirstName"]);
                            cqc.frnrelFriendId   = FriId;
                            cqc.frnrelFrnRelName = FriName;
                            cqc.frnrelRelation   = "friend";
                            cqc.frnrelGroup      = "1";

                        status = cqc.BLLInsertUserFriendRelative(cqc);
                    //if (status > 0)
                    //    string SendTo = mno.ToString();
                    //    string sendFrom = usrmoNo.ToString();
                    //    string message = "I " + usrName + "(" + sendFrom.ToString() + ") added u in to send free SMS." + cc.AdvMessage();
                    //    //string passwordMessage = "I " + usrName + "(" + sendFrom.ToString() + ") of Abhinav B.Ed college Chikhli,Dist-Buldhana,added u as a Frnd 2 send free SMS frm For B.Ed admission help pl call me";
                    //    cc.SendMessage1(sendFrom, SendTo, message);

                    Check = true;
                    string  sql3 = "select usrUserId, usrFirstName,usrCityId from UserMaster where usrMobileNo='" + cqc.usrMobileNo + "'";
                    DataSet ds   = new DataSet();
                    ds = ExecuteDataset(sql3);
                    //dt1 = ds.Tables[0];
                    string userId;
                    string usrName  = "";
                    int    cityId   = 0;
                    string cityName = "";
                    foreach (DataRow dr1 in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                        userId           = Convert.ToString(dr1["usrUserId"]);
                        usrName          = Convert.ToString(dr1["usrFirstName"]);
                        cityId           = Convert.ToInt32(dr1["usrCityId"]);
                        cqc.frnrelUserId = userId;
                        cqc.usrCityId    = cityId;
                        //ur.frnrelFrnRelName = usrName;
                        //ur.frnrelRelation = "friend";
                        //ur.frnrelGroup = "1";
                    string sqlquery = "select cityName from CityMaster where cityId='" + Convert.ToString(cityId) + "'";
                    cityName = ExecuteScalar(sqlquery);

                    cqc.usrUserId   = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                    cqc.usrAddress  = Convert.ToString(Add);
                    cqc.usrMobileNo = mno.ToString();

                    cqc.usrFirstName = fnm.ToString();
                    cqc.usrLastName  = lnm.ToString();
                    cqc.usrPIN       = pin.ToString();

                    Random rnd = new Random();
                    cqc.usrPasssword = cc.DESEncrypt(Convert.ToString(rnd.Next(10001, 99999)));

                    status = cqc.DALInsertUserRegistrationInitial(cqc);
                    if (status > 0)
                        string  sql1 = "select usrUserId, usrFirstName from UserMaster where usrMobileNo='" + cqc.usrMobileNo + "'";
                        DataSet ds1  = new DataSet();
                        ds1 = ExecuteDataset(sql1);
                        //dt1 = ds.Tables[0];
                        string   FriId;
                        string   FriName;
                        string[] RgArr = gr.Split('&');
                        if (RgArr.Length > 0)
                            for (int s = 0; s < RgArr.Length; s++)
                                foreach (DataRow dr2 in ds1.Tables[0].Rows)
                                    FriId                = Convert.ToString(dr2["usrUserId"]);
                                    FriName              = Convert.ToString(dr2["usrFirstName"]);
                                    cqc.frnrelFriendId   = FriId;
                                    cqc.frnrelFrnRelName = FriName;
                                    cqc.frnrelRelation   = "friend";
                                    cqc.frnrelGroup      = RgArr[s].ToString();

                                status = cqc.BLLInsertUserFriendRelative(cqc);
                            foreach (DataRow dr2 in ds1.Tables[0].Rows)
                                FriId                = Convert.ToString(dr2["usrUserId"]);
                                FriName              = Convert.ToString(dr2["usrFirstName"]);
                                cqc.frnrelFriendId   = FriId;
                                cqc.frnrelFrnRelName = FriName;
                                cqc.frnrelRelation   = "friend";
                                cqc.frnrelGroup      = "1";

                        //string FriId;
                        //string FriName;
                        //foreach (DataRow dr2 in ds1.Tables[0].Rows)
                        //    FriId = Convert.ToString(dr2["usrUserId"]);
                        //    FriName = Convert.ToString(dr2["usrFirstName"]);
                        //    cqc.frnrelFriendId = FriId;
                        //    cqc.frnrelFrnRelName = FriName;
                        //    cqc.frnrelRelation = "friend";
                        //    cqc.frnrelGroup = "1";


                        status = cqc.BLLInsertUserFriendRelative(cqc);
                        if (status > 0)
                        string senderId        = Convert.ToString(Session["Mobile"]); //textBox2.Text.ToString();
                        string sendThrugh      = "myctin";
                        string myMobileNo      = mno.ToString();
                        string myPassword      = cc.DESDecrypt(cqc.usrPasssword);
                        string myName          = cqc.frnrelFrnRelName;
                        string passwordMessage = "I " + usrName + "(" + senderId.ToString() + ") added u in city " + cityName + " on use it to send free SMS.Password for ur First Login is " + myPassword + " for";
                        string NewTraResp      = "Dear " + fnm.ToString() + " I " + usrName.ToString() + "(" + senderId.ToString() + ") added  u on as a friend to send imp messages. Ur login password is " + myPassword.ToString() + " thanks.Via";
                        cc.SendMessage1(sendThrugh, myMobileNo, NewTraResp);
                        Check = true;
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw ex;
        public string Registration(string AppMobileNo, string RefmobileNo, string strDevId, string strSimSerialNo, string keyword, string firstName,
                                   string lastName, string firmName, string address, string SchoolCode, string eMailId, string Role_Id, string pincode,
                                   string passcode, string latitude, string longitude, string state, string district, string Taluka, string userType,
                                   string DealerMobNo)
            string returnStrig = string.Empty;

                Random rnd      = new Random();
                string Password = cc.DESEncrypt(Convert.ToString(rnd.Next(10001, 99999)));
                string regValue = string.Empty;

                Random rand   = new Random();
                string otpstr = Convert.ToString(rand.Next(1001, 9999));

                string  sqlSelect = "SELECT [RegId] FROM [TrueVoterDB].[dbo].[Logins](NOLOCK) WHERE [UserName] = '" + AppMobileNo + "' ";
                DataSet dsSelect  = cc.ExecuteDataset(sqlSelect);

                if (dsSelect.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    string sqlUpdate = "UPDATE [TrueVoterDB].[dbo].[Logins] SET [Name]=N'" + firstName + "',[LName]=N'" + lastName + "',[LATITUTE]='" + latitude + "',[LAGITUTE]='" + longitude + "',[EmailId]='" + eMailId + "',[UserType]='" + Role_Id + "',[ImeiNumber]='" + strDevId + "',[RefMobileNo]='" + RefmobileNo + "',[ModifyDate]='" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "',[ModifyBy]='" + AppMobileNo + "',[address]=N'" + address + "',[State]=" + state + ",[District]=" + district + ",[Taluka]=" + Taluka + ",[strSimSerialno]='" + strSimSerialNo + "' " +
                                       "WHERE [RegId] = '" + dsSelect.Tables[0].Rows[0]["RegId"].ToString() + "'";


                    if (Role_Id == "1") //VOTER
                        regValue = "PASS";
                    else if (Role_Id == "2") //OFFICER
                        string  sqlAdd = "SELECT * FROM [TrueVoterDB].[dbo].[tblAddRefferances](NOLOCK) WHERE [UserMobile] = '" + AppMobileNo + "' AND [RefMobile] = '" + RefmobileNo + "' AND [keyword] = 'JUNIOR' AND [isActive] = 'Active'";
                        DataSet dsAdd  = cc.ExecuteDataset(sqlAdd);

                        if (dsAdd.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)//is aprove asel tr msg not send here it get approval
                            string sqlIsppUpdate = "UPDATE [TrueVoterDB].[dbo].[Logins] SET [IsApproved] = 1 WHERE [UserName] = '" + AppMobileNo + "'";
                            regValue = "PASS";
                            string officerRole = string.Empty;
                            officerRole = "Officer";

                            string msg = "I " + firstName + " " + lastName + " " + AppMobileNo + " installed TRUE VOTER for election purpose as " + officerRole + " role" +
                                         " Add me under you as Junior to give proper reporting thru TRUE VOTER";
                            cc.SMS(RefmobileNo, msg);
                            regValue = "PASS";
                        // This Work is For Candidate add representative
                        string  sqlAdd = "SELECT * FROM [TrueVoterDB].[dbo].[tblAddRefferances](NOLOCK) WHERE [UserMobile] = '" + AppMobileNo + "' AND [RefMobile] = '" + RefmobileNo + "' AND [keyword] = 'REPRESENTATIVE' AND [isActive] = 'Active'";
                        DataSet dsAdd  = cc.ExecuteDataset(sqlAdd);

                        if (dsAdd.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                            string sqlIsppUpdate = "UPDATE [TrueVoterDB].[dbo].[Logins] SET [IsApproved] = 1 WHERE [UserName] = '" + AppMobileNo + "'";
                            regValue = "PASS";
                            string candidateRole = string.Empty;
                            candidateRole = "Candidate";//"Representative";

                            string msg = "I " + firstName + " " + lastName + " " + AppMobileNo + " installed TRUE VOTER for election purpose as " + candidateRole + "" +
                                         " Add me under you as Representative to give proper reporting thru TRUE VOTER";
                            cc.SMS(RefmobileNo, msg);
                            regValue = "PASS";


                    returnnew = SendOtpTrueVoter(AppMobileNo, otpstr, keyword, strDevId, RefmobileNo, firstName, Role_Id, regValue); //SEND OTP
                    regValue  = objTrueReg.newRegistration(firstName, AppMobileNo, AppMobileNo, Password, otpstr, " ", lastName, latitude, longitude, eMailId, Role_Id, strDevId, RefmobileNo, strSimSerialNo, address, state, district, Taluka);
                    returnnew = SendOtpTrueVoter(AppMobileNo, otpstr, keyword, strDevId, RefmobileNo, firstName, Role_Id, regValue); //SEND OTP

                return(returnStrig = "0");
        public string login(string userName, string password)
            CommonCode cc         = new CommonCode();
            SqlCommand sqlCommand = new SqlCommand();

                sqlCommand.Connection  = new SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["TrueVoterConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
                sqlCommand.CommandText = "[TrueVoterDB].[dbo].[uspLogin]";
                sqlCommand.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

                SqlParameter registrationSqlParameter = new SqlParameter("@regid", "");
                registrationSqlParameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                registrationSqlParameter.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.NVarChar;
                registrationSqlParameter.Size      = 20;

                userName = EncryptDecrypt.DecodeAndDecrypt(userName);
                password = EncryptDecrypt.DecodeAndDecrypt(password);
                //changes on 25-10-2016 SM
                string pw = password.Substring(0, password.Length - 12);
                password = cc.DESEncrypt(pw);

                //line Coment of reject encription

                string dt1 = userName.Substring(userName.Length - 12);
                userName = userName.Substring(0, userName.Length - 12);
                string retVal = objenc.DateTimeDec(dt1);

                // password = password.Substring(0, password.Length - 10);

                if (retVal == "0")

                string temppass = password;

                CommonCode commoncode = new CommonCode();
                //password = commoncode.DESEncrypt(password); double method error in voter login 25-10-2016
                SqlParameter[] sqlParameter = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@userName", userName), new SqlParameter("@pasword", password), registrationSqlParameter };
                SqlParameter returnValue = sqlCommand.CreateParameter();
                returnValue.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int;
                returnValue.Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue;

                if (sqlCommand.Connection.State == ConnectionState.Closed)

                if (Convert.ToString(returnValue.Value) == "1")
                    //RegID Encription 28-10-2016
                    string concate1    = sqlCommand.Parameters["@regid"].Value.ToString();
                    string currentdate = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("ddMMyyHHmmss");
                    string RegiID      = currentdate + "" + concate1;
                    string regIdEnc    = EncryptDecrypt.EncryptAndEncode(RegiID);

                    //string regIdEnc = EncryptDecrypt.EncryptAndEncode(sqlCommand.Parameters["@regid"].Value.ToString());
                    Session["regId"] = sqlCommand.Parameters["@regid"].Value.ToString();
                    return(CommonCode.OK.ToString() + "*" + regIdEnc);
                    //Session["regID"] = (sqlCommand.Parameters["@regid"].Value.ToString());
            catch (SqlException)
            catch (Exception)
            finally { sqlCommand.Connection.Close(); sqlCommand.Dispose(); }
        public XmlDocument Login(string Password, string MobileNo, string imeiNumber) //Change made 09.11.2016
                XmlDataDocument xmldata  = new XmlDataDocument();
                DataSet         ds       = new DataSet();
                DataTable       dt       = new DataTable();
                CommonCode      cc       = new CommonCode();
                string          sqlQuery = string.Empty;

                MobileNo = EncryptDecrypt.DecodeAndDecrypt(MobileNo);
                Password = EncryptDecrypt.DecodeAndDecrypt(Password);

                string pw = Password.Substring(0, Password.Length - 12);
                Password = cc.DESEncrypt(pw);

                string dt1 = MobileNo.Substring(MobileNo.Length - 12);
                MobileNo = MobileNo.Substring(0, MobileNo.Length - 12);
                string retVal = objenc.DateTimeDec(dt1);
                //retVal = "1";
                if (retVal == "0")
                    dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("NoRecord", typeof(int)));
                    DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
                    dr["NoRecord"] = "105";
                    DataSet ds3 = new DataSet();
                    ds3.Tables[0].TableName = "NO";
                    xmldata = new XmlDataDocument(ds3);
                    XmlElement xmlelement = xmldata.DocumentElement;

                //if (imeiNumber == "")
                //    sqlQuery = "SELECT [UserType] AS [typeOfUse_Id] " +
                //                  "FROM [TrueVoterDB].[dbo].[Logins] WHERE [UserName]='" + MobileNo + "' AND [Password]='" + Password + "'";
                sqlQuery = "SELECT [UserType] AS [typeOfUse_Id] " +
                           "FROM [TrueVoterDB].[dbo].[Logins](NOLOCK) WHERE [UserName]='" + MobileNo + "' AND [Password]='" + Password + "' AND [ImeiNumber] = '" + imeiNumber + "'";
                // }

                ds = cc.ExecuteDataset(sqlQuery);

                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    string roleId = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["typeOfUse_Id"].ToString();

                    if (roleId == "2")
                        sqlQuery = "SELECT [keyword]='TRUEVOTER',[ImeiNumber] AS [strDevId],[strSimSerialno] AS [strSimSerialNo],[Name] AS [firstName],[LName] AS [lastName],'0' AS [firmName], [MobileNo] AS [mobileNo], [address],[EmailId] AS [eMailId],[UserType] AS [typeOfUse_Id],[RefMobileNo] AS [RefMobileNo],[State],[District],[Taluka],[LATITUTE] AS [latitude],[LAGITUTE] AS [longitude] " +
                                   ",[IsApproved]=0,[usrMobileNumber],[DesignationId],[DesignationName],[LokingAfterId],[LokingAfterName],[LocalBodyId],[LocalBodyName],[refMobileNumber],[OfficerDistrictId],[Post],[AllocatedWard] " +
                                   "FROM [TrueVoterDB].[dbo].[Logins] INNER JOIN [TrueVoterDB].[dbo].[tblNewDataRegExtra] " +
                                   "ON [TrueVoterDB].[dbo].[Logins].[UserName] = [TrueVoterDB].[dbo].[tblNewDataRegExtra].[usrMobileNumber] WHERE [UserName]='" + MobileNo + "' AND [Password]='" + Password + "'";
                        sqlQuery = "SELECT [keyword]='TRUEVOTER',[ImeiNumber] AS [strDevId],[strSimSerialno] AS [strSimSerialNo],[Name] AS [firstName],[LName] AS [lastName],'0' AS [firmName], " +
                                   "[MobileNo] AS [mobileNo], [address],[EmailId] AS [eMailId],[UserType] AS [typeOfUse_Id],[RefMobileNo] AS [RefMobileNo], " +
                                   "[State],[District],[Taluka],[LATITUTE] AS [latitude], [LAGITUTE] AS [longitude],[IsApproved]=0,[usrMobileNumber],[CandidateRole],[CandidateRoleName],[CandidateDistrictID], " +
                                   "[LocalBodyType] AS CandiLocalBodyType,[LocalBodyName] As CandiLocalBodyName,[WardNo] As CandiWard,[LocalBodyID] As CandiLocalBodyId,[AssemblyID] As CandiAssemblyId " +
                                   "FROM [TrueVoterDB].[dbo].[Logins] INNER JOIN [TrueVoterDB].[dbo].[tblNewDataCandi_Reg] " +
                                   "ON [TrueVoterDB].[dbo].[Logins].[UserName] = [TrueVoterDB].[dbo].[tblNewDataCandi_Reg].[usrMobileNumber] " +
                                   "WHERE [UserName]='" + MobileNo + "' AND [Password]='" + Password + "' AND [ImeiNumber] = '" + imeiNumber + "'";

                    //if (imeiNumber != "")
                    DataSet dsWholeData = cc.ExecuteDataset(sqlQuery);
                    xmldata = new XmlDataDocument(dsWholeData);
                    //    xmldata = new XmlDataDocument(ds);

                    XmlElement xmlele = xmldata.DocumentElement;
                    dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("NoRecord", typeof(int)));
                    DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
                    dr["NoRecord"] = "105";
                    DataSet ds3 = new DataSet();
                    ds3.Tables[0].TableName = "NO";
                    xmldata = new XmlDataDocument(ds3);
                    XmlElement xmlelement = xmldata.DocumentElement;
                CommonCode commonCode = new CommonCode();
Пример #28
    public void Autenticateuser()
        DataSet    ds  = new DataSet();
        DataSet    ds1 = new DataSet();
        CommonCode cc  = new CommonCode();

            Session["MobileNumber"] = txtUserId.Text;
            ds = cc.getLoginDetails(txtUserId.Text.ToString(), cc.DESEncrypt(txtPassword.Text.ToString()));

            if (Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["IsMarketingPerson"]) == "y" || Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["IsMarketingPerson"]) == "Y")
                if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
                    SessionContext.UserId = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserId"]);
                    string uid = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserId"]);
                    //string sqlfullname = "select usrFirstName+''+usrLastName as FullName from usermaster where usrUserid='" + uid + "'";
                    //string FullName = cc.ExecuteScalar(sqlfullname);
                    string FullName = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["FullName"]);
                    string sqlcheck = "select MID from [Come2myCityDB].[come2mycity].[MartketingSubuser] where Uid1='" + uid + "'";
                    // DataSet dd=cc.ExecuteDataset(sqlcheck);

                    string id = cc.ExecuteScalar(sqlcheck);
                    //string roleid=Convert.ToString(dd.Tables[0].Rows[0]["RoeId"]);
                    if (id == "" || id == null)
                        string sqlexe = "select roleid from [Come2myCityDB].[come2mycity].[AdminSubMarketingSubUser] where friendid='" + uid + "' and  mainrole=1 ";
                        string roleid = cc.ExecuteScalar(sqlexe);
                        if (roleid != "")
                            //string sql12 = "select roleid from AdminSubMarketingSubUser where id='" + iduser + "' ";
                            //string roleid = cc.ExecuteScalar(sql12);
                            //string sql121 = "select roleid from SubMenuPermission where RoleName='" + rolename + "'";
                            //string roleid = cc.ExecuteScalar(sql121);
                            Session["RoleId"] = roleid;
                            //Session["RoleName"] = rolename;
                            SessionContext.CityName = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CityName"]);

                            Session["MarketingUser"] = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserId"]);
                            string s8 = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserId"]);
                            Session["UserFirstNameN"] = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["FirstName"]);

                            Session["UserLastNameN"] = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["LastName"]);

                            Session["Name"] = FullName;

                            Response.Write("<script>alert('You are not member of myctin')</script>");

                        string sql  = "select RoeId from [Come2myCityDB].[come2mycity].[MartketingSubuser] where Uid1='" + uid + "'";
                        string Role = cc.ExecuteScalar(sql);
                        // string sql1 = "select RoleName from SubMenuPermission where RoleName='" + Role + "'";
                        // string RoleName1 = cc.ExecuteScalar(sql1);
                        Session["RoleId"] = Role;
                        string sql121   = "select RoleName from [Come2myCityDB].[come2mycity].[SubMenuPermission] where roleid='" + Role + "'";
                        string RoleName = cc.ExecuteScalar(sql121);
                        Session["RoleName"]     = RoleName;
                        SessionContext.CityName = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["CityName"]);

                        Session["MarketingUser"]  = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["UserId"]);
                        Session["UserFirstNameN"] = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["FirstName"]);

                        Session["UserLastNameN"] = Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["LastName"]);

                        Session["Name"] = FullName;

                        Response.Redirect("~/MarketingAdmin/Home.aspx", false);
                    lblMsg.Text = "Invalid User credential";
                    Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "MessagePopUp", "alert('User Name or Password is Incorrect...Please try again')", true);
                lblMsg.Text = "Invalid User credential";
                Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "MessagePopUp", "alert('You Have  Not A Marketing Person')", true);
        catch (Exception ex)
            string m = ex.Message;
            lblMsg.Text = "Invalid User credential";
            Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(typeof(Page), "MessagePopUp", "alert('You Have  Not A Marketing Person')", true);
Пример #29
    public void UserRegistrationIntial()
            if (txtFirstName.Text == "")
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('Please Enter the Frist Name..!')", true);
            else if (txtLastName.Text == "")
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('Please Enter the Last Name..!')", true);
            else if (txtMobileNumber.Text == "")
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('Please Enter the Mobile No..!')", true);
                urUserRegBLLObj.usrUserId     = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
                urUserRegBLLObj.usrMobileNo   = Convert.ToString(txtMobileNumber.Text);
                urUserRegBLLObj.usrAddress    = Convert.ToString(txtAddress.Text);
                urUserRegBLLObj.usrFirstName  = Convert.ToString(txtFirstName.Text);
                urUserRegBLLObj.usrLastName   = Convert.ToString(txtLastName.Text);
                urUserRegBLLObj.usrStateId    = Convert.ToInt32(Session["State"]);
                urUserRegBLLObj.usrDistrictId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["District"]);
                urUserRegBLLObj.usrCityId     = Convert.ToInt32(Session["City"]);
                urUserRegBLLObj.usrGender     = Convert.ToString(rdoGender.SelectedValue);
                urUserRegBLLObj.frnrelGroup   = "1";
                cityBLLObj.cityId             = Convert.ToInt32(Session["City"]);
                //For Createing Password & Encrypting it

                Random rnd = new Random();
                urUserRegBLLObj.usrPassword = cc.DESEncrypt(Convert.ToString(rnd.Next(10001, 99999)));
                status = urUserRegBLLObj.BLLIsExistUserRegistrationInitial(urUserRegBLLObj);

                if (status == 0)
                    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('User already Exists')", true);
                    status = urUserRegBLLObj.BLLInsertUserRegistrationInitial(urUserRegBLLObj);

                    if (status > 0)
                        string myMobileNo = urUserRegBLLObj.usrMobileNo;
                        string myPassword = cc.DESDecrypt(urUserRegBLLObj.usrPassword);
                        string myName     = urUserRegBLLObj.usrFirstName;

                        string passwordMessage = "Dear " + myName + ", Password for ur First Login is " + myPassword + " " + cc.AddSMS(myMobileNo);
                        int    smslength       = passwordMessage.Length;
                        cc.TransactionalSMSCountry("Website", myMobileNo, passwordMessage, smslength, 7);
                        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('User Registration is Successful.Your Password will be delivered shortly on your mobile. Use it to Sign In your account.')", true);
                        ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(Page), "msg", "alert('User Registration UnSuccessful')", true);
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw ex;
Пример #30
    public void AddFriendByLongCodeF(UserRegistrationBLL ur, string userMobileWhoSendFriendReq, int grid)
    {//Mahesh: Use second parameter mobile for only send sms only, because at run time mobile number of sender change.
            string sender  = "";
            string joiner  = "";
            bool   JoinAll = false;
            string flagMob = ur.usrAltMobileNo;
            status = urRegistBll.BLLIsExistUserRegistrationInitial(ur);
            if (status == 0)
                status = urRegistBll.BLLIsExistUserRegistrationInitialByLc(ur);
                if (status == 0)
                    string sqlFlagStr = "select JoinFlag from userMaster where usrMobileNo='" + flagMob.ToString() + "'";
                    int    jof        = Convert.ToInt32(cc.ExecuteScalar(sqlFlagStr));
                    if (jof > 1)
                        JoinAll         = true;
                        ur.JoinFlagProp = Convert.ToString(jof);
                    //DataTable dt1 = new DataTable();
                    string  sql = "select usrUserId, usrFirstName,usrCityId from UserMaster where usrMobileNo='" + ur.usrMobileNo + "'";
                    DataSet ds  = new DataSet();
                    ds = cc.ExecuteDataset(sql);
                    //dt1 = ds.Tables[0];
                    string userId;
                    string usrName = "";
                    int    cityId;
                    foreach (DataRow dr1 in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                        userId            = Convert.ToString(dr1["usrUserId"]);
                        usrName           = Convert.ToString(dr1["usrFirstName"]);
                        cityId            = Convert.ToInt32(dr1["usrCityId"]);
                        ur.frnrelFriendId = userId;
                        ur.usrCityId      = cityId;
                        joiner            = Convert.ToString(usrName);
                        //ur.frnrelFrnRelName = usrName;
                        //ur.frnrelRelation = "friend";
                        //ur.frnrelGroup = "1";
                    string  sql1 = "select usrUserId, usrFirstName from UserMaster where usrMobileNo='" + ur.usrAltMobileNo + "'";
                    DataSet ds1  = new DataSet();
                    ds1 = cc.ExecuteDataset(sql1);
                    //dt1 = ds.Tables[0];
                    string FriId;
                    string FriName;
                    foreach (DataRow dr2 in ds1.Tables[0].Rows)
                        FriId               = Convert.ToString(dr2["usrUserId"]);
                        FriName             = Convert.ToString(dr2["usrFirstName"]);
                        ur.frnrelUserId     = FriId;
                        ur.frnrelFrnRelName = FriName;
                        ur.frnrelRelation   = "friend";
                        sender              = Convert.ToString(FriName);
                        //ur.frnrelGroup = "1";
                        //status = ur.BLLInsertUserFriendRelative(ur);
                        ur.frnrelGroup = Convert.ToString(grid);

                    status = ur.BLLInsertUserFriendRelative(ur);
                    if (status > 0)
                        string SendTo   = ur.usrAltMobileNo;
                        string sendFrom = ur.usrMobileNo;
                        string message  = "I " + usrName + "(" + sendFrom.ToString() + ") added u in to send SMS." + cc.AddSMS(SendTo);

                        cc.SendMessage1(sendFrom, SendTo, message);
                        if (JoinAll == true)
                            string resJoinAll = "Thanks " + joiner.ToString() + ", I " + sender.ToString() + "( " + SendTo.ToString() + " ) also added u on " + cc.AddSMS(sendFrom);
                            cc.SendMessage1(SendTo, sendFrom, resJoinAll);
                        string changeFlagSql = "update come2mycity.test set FlagStatus = 0 where PK=" + Convert.ToInt32(ur.usrPKval);
                        int    pkchange      = 0;
                        pkchange = cc.ExecuteNonQuery(changeFlagSql);
                        if (pkchange == 0)
                            pkchange = cc.ExecuteNonQuery(changeFlagSql);
                        string SendTo   = ur.usrAltMobileNo;
                        string sendFrom = ur.usrMobileNo;
                        string message  = "Dear " + joiner.ToString() + " u already added " + sender.ToString() + " in to send SMS." + cc.AddSMS(sendFrom);

                        cc.SendMessage1(SendTo, sendFrom, message);

                        string changeFlagSql = "update come2mycity.test set FlagStatus = 0 where PK=" + Convert.ToInt32(ur.usrPKval);
                        int    pkchange      = 0;
                        pkchange = cc.ExecuteNonQuery(changeFlagSql);
                        if (pkchange == 0)
                            pkchange = cc.ExecuteNonQuery(changeFlagSql);
                    string  sql3 = "select usrUserId, usrFirstName,usrCityId from UserMaster where usrMobileNo='" + ur.usrMobileNo + "'";
                    DataSet ds   = new DataSet();
                    ds = cc.ExecuteDataset(sql3);
                    //dt1 = ds.Tables[0];
                    string userId;
                    flagMob = ur.usrAltMobileNo;
                    string usrName  = "";
                    int    cityId   = 0;
                    string cityName = "";
                    foreach (DataRow dr1 in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                        userId          = Convert.ToString(dr1["usrUserId"]);
                        usrName         = Convert.ToString(dr1["usrFirstName"]);
                        cityId          = Convert.ToInt32(dr1["usrCityId"]);
                        ur.frnrelUserId = userId;
                        ur.usrCityId    = cityId;
                        joiner          = Convert.ToString(usrName);
                        //ur.frnrelFrnRelName = usrName;
                        //ur.frnrelRelation = "friend";
                        //ur.frnrelGroup = "1";
                    string sqlFlagStr = "select JoinFlag from userMaster where usrMobileNo='" + flagMob.ToString() + "'";
                    int    jof        = Convert.ToInt32(cc.ExecuteScalar(sqlFlagStr));
                    if (jof >= 1)
                        JoinAll         = true;
                        ur.JoinFlagProp = Convert.ToString(jof);
                    string sqlquery = "select cityName from CityMaster where cityId='" + Convert.ToString(cityId) + "'";
                    cityName = cc.ExecuteScalar(sqlquery);

                    urRegistBll.usrUserId = System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

                    ur.usrMobileNo = ur.usrAltMobileNo;

                    ur.usrFirstName = ur.frnrelFrnRelName;

                    Random rnd = new Random();
                    urRegistBll.usrPassword = cc.DESEncrypt(Convert.ToString(rnd.Next(10001, 99999)));

                    status = urRegistBll.BLLInsertUserRegistrationInitial(urRegistBll);
                    if (status > 0)
                        string  sql1 = "select usrUserId, usrFirstName from UserMaster where usrMobileNo='" + ur.usrAltMobileNo + "'";
                        DataSet ds1  = new DataSet();
                        ds1 = cc.ExecuteDataset(sql1);
                        //dt1 = ds.Tables[0];
                        string FriId;
                        string FriName;
                        foreach (DataRow dr2 in ds1.Tables[0].Rows)
                            FriId               = Convert.ToString(dr2["usrUserId"]);
                            FriName             = Convert.ToString(dr2["usrFirstName"]);
                            ur.frnrelFriendId   = FriId;
                            ur.frnrelFrnRelName = FriName;
                            ur.frnrelRelation   = "friend";
                            ur.frnrelGroup      = Convert.ToString(grid);
                            sender              = Convert.ToString(FriName);

                        status = ur.BLLInsertUserFriendRelative(ur);
                        if (status > 0)
                        string senderId   = userMobileWhoSendFriendReq.ToString();
                        string myMobileNo = urRegistBll.usrMobileNo;
                        string myPassword = cc.DESDecrypt(urRegistBll.usrPassword);
                        string myName     = ur.frnrelFrnRelName;
                        string thisDir    = Server.MapPath("~");

                        if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(thisDir + "\\User_Resource\\" + ur.usrUserId + "\\Profile_Photo\\"))
                            System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(thisDir + "\\User_Resource\\" + ur.usrUserId + "\\Profile_Photo\\");

                            File.Copy(thisDir + "\\User_Resource\\Profile_Photo\\default_user.jpg", thisDir + "\\User_Resource\\" + ur.usrUserId + "\\Profile_Photo\\default_user.jpg");

                        //string passwordMessage = "Dear " + myName + ", Password for ur First Login is " + myPassword + " " + cc.AdvMessage();
                        string passwordMessage = "I " + usrName + "(" + senderId.ToString() + ") added u in U use it to send SMS.Dear " + myName + ",Password for ur First Login is " + myPassword + " for";
                        cc.SendMessage1(senderId, myMobileNo, passwordMessage);
                        cc.SendMessageImp1(senderId, myMobileNo, passwordMessage);
                        if (JoinAll == true)
                            string resJoinAll = "Thanks " + joiner.ToString() + ", I " + sender.ToString() + "( " + myMobileNo.ToString() + " ) also added u on " + cc.AddSMS(senderId);
                            cc.SendMessage1(myMobileNo, senderId, resJoinAll);
                        string changeFlagSql = "update come2mycity.test set FlagStatus = 0 where PK=" + Convert.ToInt32(ur.usrPKval);
                        int    pkchange      = 0;
                        pkchange = cc.ExecuteNonQuery(changeFlagSql);
                        if (pkchange == 0)
                            pkchange = cc.ExecuteNonQuery(changeFlagSql);
        catch (Exception ex)
            throw ex;