Пример #1
        public override Vector2 <decimal> EquatorialCoordinates(DateTime date)
            var pos = EclipticEarth3D(date);
            var X = pos.X; var Y = pos.Y; var Z = pos.Z;
            var R         = DecimalMath.Sqrt(X * X + Y * Y + Z * Z);
            var lambda    = DecimalMath.Atan2(Y, X);
            var sinLambda = DecimalMath.Sin(lambda);
            var cosLambda = DecimalMath.Cos(lambda);
            var beta      = DecimalMath.Asin(Z / R);
            var tanBeta   = DecimalMath.Tan(beta);
            var sinBeta   = DecimalMath.Sin(beta);
            var cosBeta   = DecimalMath.Cos(beta);

            var tilt    = CommonCalculations.GetAxialTilt(date) * DecimalMath.DegToRad;
            var cosTilt = DecimalMath.Cos(tilt);
            var sinTilt = DecimalMath.Sin(tilt);
            var RA      = DecimalMath.Atan2(sinLambda * cosTilt - tanBeta * sinTilt, cosLambda) * DecimalMath.RadToDeg;
            var Dec     = DecimalMath.Asin(sinBeta * cosTilt + cosBeta * sinTilt * sinLambda) * DecimalMath.RadToDeg;

            RA = CommonCalculations.From0To360(RA);
            Console.WriteLine($"R = {R} lambda = {lambda}, beta = {beta}, tilt = {tilt}, RA = {RA}, dec = {Dec}");

            return(new Vector2 <decimal>(RA, Dec));
Пример #2
        public Vector2 <decimal> EquatorialCoordinates(DateTime date)
            var DegToRad = DecimalMath.DegToRad;

            var d = JulianDateCalculator.ToJulianDaysJ2000(date);
            var L = FL(d); var Lrad = L * DegToRad;
            var M = FMMoon(d); var Mrad = M * DegToRad;
            var F = FF(d); var Frad = F * DegToRad;

            var lambda = (L + 6.289M * DecimalMath.Sin(Mrad)) * DegToRad;
            var beta   = (5.128m * DecimalMath.Sin(Frad)) * DegToRad;
            var tilt   = CommonCalculations.GetAxialTilt(date) * DegToRad;

            var sinLambda = DecimalMath.Sin(lambda);
            var cosLambda = DecimalMath.Cos(lambda);

            var sinBeta = DecimalMath.Sin(beta);
            var cosBeta = DecimalMath.Cos(beta);
            var tanBeta = DecimalMath.Tan(beta);

            var sinTilt = DecimalMath.Sin(tilt);
            var cosTilt = DecimalMath.Cos(tilt);

            var RA  = DecimalMath.Atan2(sinLambda * cosTilt - tanBeta * sinTilt, cosLambda) * DecimalMath.RadToDeg;
            var Dec = DecimalMath.Asin(sinBeta * cosTilt + cosBeta * sinTilt * sinLambda) * DecimalMath.RadToDeg;

            return(new Vector2 <decimal>(CommonCalculations.From0To360(RA), Dec));
Пример #3
        public override Vector2 <decimal> EquatorialCoordinates(DateTime date)
            var pos = EclipticEarth3D(date);

            Console.WriteLine($"Sun ecliptic position: X={pos.X} Y={pos.Y} Z={pos.Z}");

            var tiltRad = CommonCalculations.GetAxialTilt(date) * DecimalMath.DegToRad;
            var Xe      = pos.X;
            var Ye      = pos.Y * DecimalMath.Cos(tiltRad);
            var Ze      = pos.Y * DecimalMath.Sin(tiltRad);

            Console.WriteLine($"Sun equatorial position: X={Xe} Y={Ye} Z={Ze} with tilt {tiltRad}");

            var RA  = DecimalMath.Atan2(Ye, Xe) * DecimalMath.RadToDeg;
            var Dec = DecimalMath.Atan2(Ze, DecimalMath.Sqrt(Xe * Xe + Ye * Ye)) * DecimalMath.RadToDeg;

            Console.WriteLine($"Sun RA = {RA} Dec={Dec}");
            return(new Vector2 <decimal>(CommonCalculations.From0To360(RA), Dec));
        public static decimal GetAscendant(double longi, double lat, DateTime dateTime, bool isVedic = true)
            var Pi          = DecimalMath.Pi;
            var DegToRad    = Pi / 180;
            var longitude   = Convert.ToDecimal(-longi); // East should be positive, West negative
            var latitudeRad = Convert.ToDecimal(lat) * DegToRad;
            var tilt        = CommonCalculations.GetAxialTilt(dateTime);
            var tiltRad     = tilt * DegToRad;

            Console.WriteLine($"tilt: {tilt}");
            var siderealTime    = SiderealTime.Calculate(longitude, dateTime);
            var siderealTimeRad = siderealTime * DegToRad;
            Console.WriteLine($"sidereal Time: {siderealTime}");
            var y = -DecimalMath.Cos(siderealTimeRad);
            Console.WriteLine($"y :{y}");
                $"sin(RAMC) = {DecimalMath.Sin(siderealTimeRad)}" +
                $"\ncos(TILT) = {DecimalMath.Cos(tiltRad)}" +
                $"\ntan(LAT) = {DecimalMath.Tan(latitudeRad)}" +
                $"\nsin(TILT) = {DecimalMath.Sin(tiltRad)}");
            var x = DecimalMath.Sin(siderealTimeRad) * DecimalMath.Cos(tiltRad)
                    + DecimalMath.Tan(latitudeRad) * DecimalMath.Sin(tiltRad);
            Console.WriteLine($"x :{x}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Decimal y/x: {y / x}");
            Console.WriteLine($"Atan(y/x): {DecimalMath.ATan(y / x)}");
            var output = DecimalMath.ATan(y / x) * 180 / Pi;

            if (output < 0)
                output += 180;
            if (siderealTimeRad > Pi / 2 && siderealTimeRad < 3 * Pi / 2)
                output += 180;
                output %= 360;
            Console.WriteLine($"output before applying sidereal diff{output}");
Пример #5
        public Vector2 <decimal> EquatorialCoordinates(DateTime date)
            var tilt    = CommonCalculations.GetAxialTilt(date) * DecimalMath.DegToRad;
            var sintilt = DecimalMath.Sin(tilt);
            var costilt = DecimalMath.Cos(tilt);

            var pos = EclipticEarthXYZ(date);
            var xe  = pos.X;
            var ye  = pos.Y * costilt - pos.Z * sintilt;
            var ze  = pos.Y * sintilt - pos.Z * costilt;

            Console.WriteLine($"Pluto equatorial X= {xe}, Y = {ye}, Z = {ze}");

            var RA  = DecimalMath.Atan2(ye, xe) * DecimalMath.RadToDeg;
            var Dec = DecimalMath.Atan2(ze, DecimalMath.Sqrt(xe * xe, ye * ye)) * DecimalMath.RadToDeg;

            Console.WriteLine($"Pluto Ra= {RA}, DEC = {Dec}");
            return(new Vector2 <decimal>(CommonCalculations.From0To360(RA), Dec));