public JsonResult GetCityByState(Int64 StateId) { CommonBL objCommonBL = null; List <CityMaster> lstCity = null; try { objCommonBL = new CommonBL(); lstCity = objCommonBL.GetTable <CityMaster>(new TableFilter() { Condition = " and Status = 1 and StateId = " + StateId, IdColumn = "CityID", TextColumn = "CityName", TableName = "CityMaster" }); return(Json(new SelectList(lstCity, "CityID", "CityName"), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }
public JsonResult GetStateOnCountryId(Int64 CountryId) { CommonBL objCommonBL = null; try { objDetailsVM = new AreaDetailsVM(); objCommonBL = new CommonBL(); objDetailsVM.StateMst = objCommonBL.GetTable <StateMaster>(new TableFilter() { Condition = " and Status = 1 and CountryId = " + CountryId, IdColumn = "StateId", TextColumn = "StateName", TableName = "StateMaster" }); return(Json(new SelectList(objDetailsVM.StateMst, "StateID", "StateName"), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } }