Пример #1
        public Dictionary <string, object> PurchasePage(string index, string size, string name, string number)
            var LikeSql = "";

            if (number.Trim() != "")
                LikeSql += " and PurchaseNumber  like '%" + number + "%' ";
            if (name.Trim() != "")
                LikeSql += " and SCompanyName like '%" + name + "%' ";
            string PageSql   = @"select top " + size + " p.PurchaseName,PurchaseSum,PurchaseMoney,UnitName , PurchaseID,DepotName,n.Wid,PurchaseNumber,d.Department,PurchaseMan,SCompanyName,PurchaseType,PurchaseDate ,PurchaseNote ,CheckId from Purchase p inner join Supplier s on p.Supplierid=s.SId  inner join WareHouse w on p.Depotid=w.Depotid inner join WareName  n on w.wid=n.Wid inner join DepartMent d on p.DepartId=d.DepartId inner join Unit t on t.Unitid=p.Unitid  where p.PDeleted=0 " + LikeSql + " and(PurchaseID not in (select top (" + size + "*(" + index + "-1))PurchaseID  from Purchase order by PurchaseID)) order by PurchaseID";
            string CountSql  = @"select count(*) from Purchase p 
                              inner join Supplier s on p.Supplierid=s.SId 
                              inner join WareHouse w on p.Depotid=w.Depotid
                              inner join DepartMent d on p.DepartId=d.DepartId 
                              inner join WareName  n on w.wid=n.Wid
                              inner join Unit t on t.Unitid=p.Unitid
                              where p.PDeleted=0";
            string DataSql   = Common.CommonClass.DataTableToJson(com.Selcets(PageSql));
            string DataCount = Common.CommonClass.DataTableToJson(com.Selcets(CountSql));
            Dictionary <string, object> dic = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            dic.Add("DataSql", DataSql);
            dic.Add("DataCount", DataCount);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// 供应商资料
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Dictionary <string, object> GetSupplierPage(string index, string size, string name, string contacts, string contactnumber, string createdate, string enddate)
            string AddToSql = "";

            if (name.Trim() != "")
                AddToSql += " and SCompanyName like '%" + name + "%' ";
            if (contacts.Trim() != "")
                AddToSql += " and SContacts like '%" + contacts + "%' ";
            if (contactnumber.Trim() != "")
                AddToSql += " and SPhone like '%" + contactnumber + "%' ";
            if (createdate.Trim() != "" && enddate.Trim() != "")
                AddToSql += " and '" + createdate + "'< SCreateTime and SCreateTime <'" + enddate + "' ";
            //  string PageSQL = "select top "+size+ " Superid,SCompanyName,SContacts,SAddress,SPhone,SEmail,SCreateTime,SUpdateTime,SFax from Supplier where SDelete=0 " + AddToSql+" and (SId not in (select top (" + size+"*("+index+"-1)) SId from Supplier order by Sid))order by Sid";
            string SupperPage = @"select* from (select Superid, SCompanyName, SContacts, SAddress, SPhone, SEmail, SCreateTime, SUpdateTime, SFax, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Superid desc) as rank from Supplier where SDelete = 0  " + AddToSql + " ) as t where t.rank between (((" + index + " - 1) * " + size + ") + 1) and(" + index + " * " + size + ") ORDER BY Superid desc";

            //string SuperPageSQL = "select top "+size+ " Superid,SCompanyName,SContacts,SAddress,SPhone,SEmail,SCreateTime,SUpdateTime,SFax from Supplier where SDelete=0 " + AddToSql + " and (Superid not in(select top (" + size+"*("+index+"-1)) Superid from Supplier order by Superid)) order by Superid ";
            string PageTotal = "select count(*) from Supplier where SDelete=0 " + AddToSql + "";
            string Data      = Common.CommonClass.DataTableToJson(Com.Selcets(SupperPage));
            string Count     = Common.CommonClass.DataTableToJson(Com.Selcets(PageTotal));
            Dictionary <string, object> dic = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            dic.Add("Data", Data);
            dic.Add("Count", Count);
Пример #3
        public string GetDepartMentInfo()
            string SelDepartSql = "select DepartId,Department from DepartMent";
            string result       = Common.CommonClass.DataTableToJson(Com.Selcets(SelDepartSql));

Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// 入库单分页显示
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index"></param>
        /// <param name="size"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Dictionary <string, object> PageStock(string index, string size)
            string PageSql  = @"select top " + size + " s.Stockid,s.Mid,u.Mnumber,u.Mname,u.Msellingprice,u.MCreateDate,t.UnitName ,d.DataText,UserName from StockIn s inner join Merchandise u on s.Mid=u.Mid inner join Unit t on u.Unitid=t.Unitid inner join Dictionary d on u.DictionaryID=d.DictionaryID  left join Users r on r.UId=u.UId where StockDelete=0 and (Stockid not in (select top (" + size + "*(" + index + "-1)) s.Stockid from StockIn order by s.Stockid)) order by Stockid ";
            string CountSql = @"select count(*) from StockIn";//计算总条数
            string PageStr  = Common.CommonClass.DataTableToJson(com.Selcets(PageSql));
            string CountStr = Common.CommonClass.DataTableToJson(com.Selcets(CountSql));
            Dictionary <string, object> dic = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            dic.Add("PageStr", PageStr);
            dic.Add("CountStr", CountStr);
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// lookup加载客户信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="index"></param>
        /// <param name="size"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Dictionary <string, object> SelectAccount(string name, string index, string size)
            string AddSQl = "";

            if (name.Trim() != "")
                AddSQl += " and AccountName like '%" + name + "%'";
            string GetAccount               = "select * from (select AccountId,AccountNo,AccountName,ROW_NUMBER()OVER(ORDER by AccountId desc)as rank from Account where AccountDelete=0 " + AddSQl + ") as t where t.rank between(((" + index + "-1)*" + size + ")+1 )and (" + index + "*" + size + ") ";
            string GetAccountCount          = "select count(*) from Account  where AccountDelete=0 " + AddSQl;
            string DoGetAccount             = Common.CommonClass.DataTableToJson(com.Selcets(GetAccount));
            string DoGetAccountCount        = Common.CommonClass.DataTableToJson(com.Selcets(GetAccountCount));
            Dictionary <string, object> dic = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            dic.Add("Page", DoGetAccount);
            dic.Add("Count", DoGetAccountCount);
Пример #6
        /// <summary>
        /// 加载商品信息
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index"></param>
        /// <param name="size"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Dictionary <string, object> EditGoodsPage(string index, string size, string product)
            string AddSQl = "";

            if (product.Trim() != "")
                AddSQl = " and Mname like '%" + product + "%'";
            string PageSQL  = @"SELECT TOP " + size + " m.Mid,Mname,UnitName,Mnumber,m.Unitid,DataText,Msellingprice,ISNULL(InvertorySum,0) as InvertorySum,Mnote,MCreateDate FROM Merchandise m inner join Unit u on m.Unitid=u.Unitid inner join Dictionary d on m.DictionaryID=d.DictionaryID  left join Inventory i on m.Mid=i.Mid  WHERE MDelete=0 " + AddSQl + " and(m.Mid NOT IN(SELECT TOP (" + size + "*(" + index + "-1)) Mid FROM Merchandise ORDER BY Mid))ORDER BY m.Mid";
            string CountSQL = @"select count(*) from Merchandise where MDelete=0 " + AddSQl + "";
            string StrPage  = Common.CommonClass.DataTableToJson(com.Selcets(PageSQL));
            string StrCount = Common.CommonClass.DataTableToJson(com.Selcets(CountSQL));
            Dictionary <string, object> dic = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            dic.Add("StrPage", StrPage);
            dic.Add("StrCount", StrCount);
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// 子窗体显示供应商
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index"></param>
        /// <param name="size"></param>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Dictionary <string, object> PuSupplier(string index, string size, string name)
            string LikeSql = "";

            if (name.Trim() != "")
                LikeSql += " and SCompanyName like '%" + name + "%' ";
            string PageSql  = @"select * from (select Superid ,SCompanyName,SupplierNumber,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Superid)AS RANK FROM Supplier WHERE SDelete= 0) as t where t.rank between (((" + index + "-1)*" + size + ")+1) and (" + index + "*" + size + ") order by Superid";
            string CountSql = @"select count(*) from Supplier where SDelete=0 " + LikeSql + "";

            Common.CommonClass          com       = new Common.CommonClass();
            string                      DataSql   = Common.CommonClass.DataTableToJson(com.Selcets(PageSql));
            string                      DataCount = Common.CommonClass.DataTableToJson(com.Selcets(CountSql));
            Dictionary <string, object> dic       = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            dic.Add("DataSql", DataSql);
            dic.Add("DataCount", DataCount);
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// 显示子窗口仓库列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="index"></param>
        /// <param name="size"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Dictionary <string, object> DpotPage(string index, string size, string name)
            string LikeSql = "";

            if (name.Trim() != "")
                LikeSql += " and WareHouseName like '%" + name + "%' ";
            string PageSql  = @"select top " + size + " n.Wid, Depotid,WareHousDate,DepotName,DepotStatus ,WareHouseAddress from WareHouse  w inner join WareName n on w.wid=n.Wid inner join Depot d on d.WHid=w.WHid where WDelete=0  " + LikeSql + " and (Depotid not in (select top (" + size + "*(" + index + "-1))Depotid  from WareHouse order by Depotid)) order by Depotid";
            string CountSql = @"select count(*) from WareHouse w inner join WareName n on w.wid=n.Wid inner join Depot d on d.WHid=w.WHid where WDelete=0 " + LikeSql + "";

            Common.CommonClass          com       = new Common.CommonClass();
            string                      DataSql   = Common.CommonClass.DataTableToJson(com.Selcets(PageSql));
            string                      DataCount = Common.CommonClass.DataTableToJson(com.Selcets(CountSql));
            Dictionary <string, object> dic       = new Dictionary <string, object>();

            dic.Add("DataSql", DataSql);
            dic.Add("DataCount", DataCount);