internal frmNewBeam(Common.ExceptionHandler ExceptionTarget, Common.ChildFormClosed FormClosed, Components.BeamInfo Beam) { InitializeComponent(); this.ExHandler = ExceptionTarget; this.ChildClosed = FormClosed; this._Beam = Beam; _StiffnerFormA = new frmStiffner(); _StiffnerFormB = new frmStiffner(); _BearingFormA = new frmBearingPlate(); _BearingFormB = new frmBearingPlate(); _UserFormA = new frmUserDefined(); _UserFormB = new frmUserDefined(); _ExtrasForm = new frmExtras(); //All of this block is just to get the lookup codes from the database for the dropdown. Common.dbConnection.Open(); List <string> _DropdownOptions = new List <string>(); SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand("select lookup from SteelLookup"); command.Connection = Common.dbConnection; SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { _DropdownOptions.Add(reader.GetString(0)); } Common.dbConnection.Close(); cmbBeamType.DataSource = _DropdownOptions; cmbBeamType.Text = "W813"; }
internal frmNewHandrail(Common.ExceptionHandler ExceptionTarget, Common.ChildFormClosed FormClosed, Components.HandrailInfo Handrail) { InitializeComponent(); this.ExHandler = ExceptionTarget; this.ChildClosed = FormClosed; this._Handrail = Handrail; }
internal frmNewStairs(Common.ExceptionHandler ExceptionTarget, Common.ChildFormClosed FormClosed, Components.StairsInfo Stairs) { InitializeComponent(); this.ExHandler = ExceptionTarget; this.ChildClosed = FormClosed; this._Stairs = Stairs; }
public frmUserWorksheet(Forms.frmSplashScreen InitScreen) { InitializeComponent(); lblError.Text = ""; SplashScreen = InitScreen; LogTarget = Common.WriteLog; ExceptionTarget = this.Exceptions; ChildClosed = this.RefreshGrid; SetupDetails = new Components.ProjectSetup(); LaborTimings = new Components.LaborTimes(LogTarget, ExceptionTarget); LaborTimings.LoadFromFile(); GridViewSource = new Data.UIGridViewDataTable(); Parts = new Dictionary <int, Common.Part>(); dataGridView1.ReadOnly = true; _HighlightStyle = new DataGridViewCellStyle(); _HighlightStyle.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightSteelBlue; _HighlightRows = new List <Int32>(); }
internal frmNewColumn(Common.ExceptionHandler ExceptionTarget, Common.ChildFormClosed FormClosed, Components.ColumnInfo Column) { InitializeComponent(); this.ExHandler = ExceptionTarget; this.ChildClosed = FormClosed; this._Column = Column; //All of this block is just to get the lookup codes from the database for the dropdown. Common.dbConnection.Open(); List <string> _DropdownOptions = new List <string>(); SQLiteCommand command = new SQLiteCommand("select lookup from SteelLookup"); command.Connection = Common.dbConnection; SQLiteDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); while (reader.Read()) { _DropdownOptions.Add(reader.GetString(0)); } Common.dbConnection.Close(); cmbBeamType.DataSource = _DropdownOptions; cmbBeamType.Text = "W813"; }