/// <summary>
        /// This message is sent from NEventstore after a commit is created.  Commits might not be sent in the correct order however...
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        private void Received(CommitNotification msg)

            if (!_currentCheckpoint.HasValue)
                List <OrderedCommitNotification> cachedCommits = _cache.GetCommitsAfter(_currentCheckpoint.Get());
                if (cachedCommits.Count > 0)
                    //local cache can ensure we have all the commits in order: project them
                    _backlogCommitCount = 0;
                    //local cache can't ensure we have all the commits in order
                    PollEventStoreWithExponentialBackoff(msg, _currentCheckpoint);
        /// <summary>
        /// The first commit we recieve can't be ordered by this actor.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="msg"></param>
        private void HandleFirstCommitAfterStartup(CommitNotification msg)
            //NEventStore doesn't allow the getting of a commit prior to a checkpoint. so we cant' create the ordered commit notification, instead we just treat this commit as the head
            _currentCheckpoint = msg.Commit.CheckpointToken.ToSome(); //this commit is now considered the head

            //but tell the projectors to catchup, otherwise 1st commit is not projected
            Context.ActorSelection(_projectorsBroadCastRouter).Tell(new CatchUpMessage()); //tell projectors to catch up
        private void PollEventStoreWithExponentialBackoff(CommitNotification msg, Option <long> afterCheckpoint)
            //we poll exponentially, on the size of the backlog of unprojected commits
            if (!IsPowerOfTwo((ulong)_backlogCommitCount))

            //log @warning.  Detected situation is entirely normal and expected, but should be rare.
            var currentCheckpoint = _currentCheckpoint.Map(x => x.ToString()).GetOrElse("no currentcommit");

                "Received a commit notification (checkpoint {0}) whilst currentcheckpoint={1}.  Commit couldn't be serialised via the cache so polling with @backlog count={2}",
                msg.Commit.CheckpointToken, currentCheckpoint, _backlogCommitCount);

            var eventStorePollerActor = MakeNewEventStorePollerActor();

            //ask the poller to get the commits directly from the store
            .Tell(new SendCommitAfterCurrentHeadCheckpointMessage(afterCheckpoint, _backlogCommitCount.ToSome()));