private async Task <Errorable <Commit[]> > getCommitsRecursively(CommitID id, int depthLevel, int depthMaximum)
            // Get the current commit:
            var eroot = await getCommit(id).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

            if (eroot.HasErrors)

            var root    = eroot.Value;
            var rootArr = new Commit[1] {

            // We have no parents:
            if (root.Parents.Length == 0)

            // This is the last depth level:
            if (depthLevel >= depthMaximum)

            // Recurse up the commit parents:
            Task <Errorable <Commit[]> >[] tasks = new Task <Errorable <Commit[]> > [root.Parents.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < root.Parents.Length; ++i)
                tasks[i] = getCommitsRecursively(root.Parents[i], depthLevel + 1, depthMaximum);

            // Await all the tree retrievals:
            var allCommits = await Task.WhenAll(tasks).ConfigureAwait(continueOnCapturedContext: false);

            // Roll up all the errors:
            ErrorContainer errors =
                    from ecms in allCommits
                    where ecms.HasErrors
                    select ecms.Errors
                ).Aggregate(new ErrorContainer(), (acc, err) => acc + err);

            if (errors.HasAny)

            // Flatten out the tree arrays:
            var flattened =
                from ecms in allCommits
                from cm in ecms.Value
                select cm;

            // Return the final array:
            return(rootArr.Concat(flattened).ToArray(allCommits.Sum(ca => ca.Value.Length) + 1));