public List <CommentViewModel> Search(CommentSearchModel searchModel)
            var query = _context.Comments
                        .Select(x => new CommentViewModel
                Id            = x.Id,
                Name          = x.Name,
                Email         = x.Email,
                Website       = x.Website,
                Message       = x.Message,
                OwnerRecordId = x.OwnerRecordId,
                Type          = x.Type,
                IsCanceled    = x.IsCanceled,
                IsConfirmed   = x.IsConfirmed,
                CommentDate   = x.CreationDate.ToFarsi()

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchModel.Name))
                query = query.Where(x => x.Name.Contains(searchModel.Name));

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchModel.Email))
                query = query.Where(x => x.Email.Contains(searchModel.Email));

            return(query.OrderByDescending(x => x.Id).ToList());
Пример #2
        public PageSearchResult <CommentViewInfo> CommentSearchResult(CommentSearchModel search)
//            string sql = string.Format(@"select cm.JokeId,cm.ID as CommentId,cm.Content as Comment,cm.UserID,us.UserName,cm.Floor from T_Comment cm
//                            inner join T_Joke jk on cm.JokeId = jk.ID
//                            inner join T_User us on where cm.JokeId={0}",search.JokeID);

            string sql = string.Format(@"declare @@pagenum int ={1};
                        declare @@pagesize int = {2};
                        with tmp as(
                        select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER by cm.ID desc) as Num, cm.JokeId,cm.ID as CommentId,cm.Content as Comment,cm.UserID,us.UserName,cm.Floor  from T_Comment cm
                        inner join T_Joke jk on cm.JokeId = jk.ID
                        inner join T_User us on
                        where cm.JokeId={0})
                        select JokeId,CommentId,Comment,UserID,UserName,UserName,Floor from tmp where Num>(@@pagenum-1)*@@pagesize and Num<=@@pagenum*@@pagesize;
                        select count(1) from T_Comment with(nolock) where JokeId={0}", search.JokeID, search.Page, search.PageSize);

            var items      = this.jokeDatabase.FetchMultiple <CommentViewInfo, int>(sql, search.Page, search.PageSize);
            var pageResult = new PageSearchResult <CommentViewInfo>()
                Items      = items.Item1,
                Page       = search.Page,
                PageSize   = search.PageSize,
                TotalCount = items.Item2[0]

Пример #3
        public List <CommentViewModel> Search(CommentSearchModel searchModel)
            var query = _shopContext.Comments.Include(c => c.Product)
                        .Select(c => new CommentViewModel()
                Id           = c.Id,
                ProductId    = c.ProductId,
                Name         = c.Name,
                Email        = c.Email,
                Message      = c.Message,
                Product      = c.Product.Name,
                IsConfirmed  = c.IsConfirmed,
                IsCanceled   = c.IsCanceled,
                CreationDate = c.CreationDate.ToFarsi()

            if (searchModel.ProductId != 0)
                query = query.Where(c => c.ProductId == searchModel.ProductId);

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchModel.Name))
                query = query.Where(c => c.Name.Contains(searchModel.Name));

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchModel.Email))
                query = query.Where(c => c.Name.Contains(searchModel.Email));

            return(query.OrderByDescending(c => c.Id).ToList());
        public ActionResult CommentSearch(int EventId)
            Event newEvent = new Event();

            newEvent = db.EventDb.Where(x => x.Id == EventId).FirstOrDefault();
            NFLGameSchedule game = new NFLGameSchedule();

            game = db.NFLGameSchedulesDb.Where(x => x.Id == newEvent.NFLGameScheduleId).FirstOrDefault();
            string[] weather = NFL_API.GET_NFL.GetWeather(game.homeTeam);

            CommentSearchModel model = new CommentSearchModel()
                EventId = EventId
            var PeopleComments = db.Comments.Where(y => y.EventId == model.EventId).ToList();

            model.List_Commments = PeopleComments;
            foreach (var item in PeopleComments)
                var  userId      = db.Comments.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Comments == item.Comments);
                User commentUser = db.UserProfile.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Id == userId.UserId);
                model.UserName = commentUser.UserName;
            Event eventDetail = db.EventDb.FirstOrDefault(y => y.Id == model.EventId);

            model.EventTitle = eventDetail.EventTitle;
            NFLGameSchedule eventSchedule = db.NFLGameSchedulesDb.FirstOrDefault(z => z.Id == eventDetail.NFLGameScheduleId);

            model.gameDate      = eventSchedule.gameDate;
            model.gameWeek      = eventSchedule.gameWeek;
            model.gameTimeET    = eventSchedule.gameTimeET;
            model.homeTeam      = eventSchedule.homeTeam;
            model.awayTeam      = eventSchedule.awayTeam;
            model.EventComments = eventDetail.EventComments;
            model.stadium       = weather[8];
            model.isDome        = weather[9];
            model.geoLat        = weather[10];
            model.geoLong       = weather[11];
            model.low           = weather[12];
            model.high          = weather[13];
            model.forecast      = weather[14];
            model.windChill     = weather[15];
            model.windSpeed     = weather[16];
            model.domeImg       = weather[17];
            model.smallImg      = weather[18];
            model.mediumImg     = weather[19];
            model.largeImg      = weather[20];
        public ActionResult CommentSearch(CommentSearchModel model)
            //var PeopleComments = db.Comments.Where(y => y.EventId == model.EventId).ToList();
            //model.List_Commments = PeopleComments;
            var  userId      = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            User currentUser = db.UserProfile.FirstOrDefault(x => x.LoginId == userId);
            //model.UserName = currentUser.UserName;
            //Event eventDetail = db.EventDb.FirstOrDefault(y => y.Id == model.EventId);
            //model.EventTitle = eventDetail.EventTitle;
            var comment = new Comment
                UserId   = db.UserProfile.Where(x => x.LoginId == userId).FirstOrDefault().Id,
                EventId  = model.EventId,
                Comments = model.CommentString

Пример #6
        public JsonResult SearchComments([FromBody] CommentSearchModel searchModel)
                var response = _context.Comment.AsQueryable();

                // Get all the propertyInfo of searchModel
                PropertyInfo[] propInfo = searchModel.GetType().GetProperties();
                foreach (var prop in propInfo)
                    if (prop.GetValue(searchModel) != null)
                        // Generate query
                        string query = "";
                        if (prop.PropertyType == typeof(string))
                            // String type query
                            query = string.Format("{0}.Contains(@0)", prop.Name.ToString());
                            // Number Type query
                            query = string.Format("{0} == @0", prop.Name.ToString());

                        // Get Value base on this property
                        var searchValue = prop.GetValue(searchModel).ToString();
                        // execute
                        response = response.Where(query, searchValue);

            catch (Exception ex)
                return(Json(new { result = "ERROR", message = ex.Message }));
        public IQueryable <Comment> BulidCommentQuery(IQueryable <Comment> query, CommentSearchModel model)
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Search))
                query = query.Where(c => c.Author.Contains(model.Search) || c.Content.Contains(model.Search));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.IpAddress))
                query = query.Where(c => c.AuthorIP == model.IpAddress);

            if (model.Status == null)
                query = query.Where(c => c.Status == CommentStatus.Open || c.Status == CommentStatus.Verify);
                query = query.Where(c => c.Status == model.Status);

 public List <CommentViewModel> Search(CommentSearchModel searchModel)
        public ActionResult Index(CommentSearchModel model, string message = null, string method = null, int[] commentIds = null)
            if (method != null)
                if (method.Equals("Trash"))
                else if (method.Equals("Delete"))
                else if (method.Equals("UnTrash"))

            ViewBag.Message = message;
            int pageSize = int.Parse(_settingService.GetSetting("AdminCommentPageSize"));

            if (model.PageSize != null && model.PageSize > 0 && model.PageSize != pageSize)
                _settingService.SetSetting("AdminCommentPageSize", model.PageSize.ToString());
                model.PageSize = pageSize;
            PageInfo <Comment> pageInfo = new PageInfo <Comment>();
            int count = (int)_commentService.Single(query => BulidCommentQuery(query, model).Count());

            pageInfo.TotalItem = count;
            pageInfo.PageSize  = model.PageSize.Value;

            model.PageIndex = model.PageIndex > pageInfo.TotalPage ? pageInfo.TotalPage : model.PageIndex;
            model.PageIndex = model.PageIndex < 1 ? 1 : model.PageIndex;

            IList <Comment> list = _commentService.Find(query => BulidCommentQuery(query, model).OrderByDescending(c => c.CreateDate).Skip((model.PageIndex - 1) * model.PageSize.Value).Take(model.PageSize.Value));

            pageInfo.PageItems = list;
            model.PageInfo     = pageInfo;

            model.AllCount    = (int)_commentService.Single(query => query.Where(c => (c.Status == CommentStatus.Open) || (c.Status == CommentStatus.Verify)).Count());
            model.OpenCount   = (int)_commentService.Single(query => query.Where(c => (c.Status == CommentStatus.Open)).Count());
            model.VerifyCount = (int)_commentService.Single(query => query.Where(c => (c.Status == CommentStatus.Verify)).Count());
            model.DeleteCount = (int)_commentService.Single(query => query.Where(c => (c.Status == CommentStatus.Delete)).Count());

            IDictionary <int, int> VerifyComment = new Dictionary <int, int>();

            foreach (Comment comment in model.PageInfo)
                if (!VerifyComment.ContainsKey(comment.Article.ArticleId))
                    VerifyComment[comment.Article.ArticleId] = (int)_commentService.GetCommentSingle(query => query.Where(c => c.Article.Type == ArticleType.Blog && c.Article.ArticleId == comment.Article.ArticleId && c.Status == CommentStatus.Verify).Count());
            ViewBag.VerifyComment = VerifyComment;
Пример #10
 public void OnGet(CommentSearchModel searchModel)
     Comments = _commentApplication.Search(searchModel);
Пример #11
        public ActionResult CommentList(CommentSearchModel search)
            var items = jokeBusinessLogic.CommentSearchResult(search);

Пример #12
        public PageSearchResult <CommentViewInfo> CommentSearchResult(CommentSearchModel search)
            var items = commentData.CommentSearchResult(search);

Пример #13
 public void OnGet(CommentSearchModel searchModel)
     Comments = _commentApplication.Search(searchModel);
     Products = new SelectList(_productApplication.GetProducts(), "Id", "Name");