Пример #1
        public static CommentDetailsView ToCommentDetailsView(this CommentRecordViewModel comment)
            var commentDetailView = new CommentDetailsView()
                Content              = comment.Content,
                Created              = comment.Created,
                CreatedByAdmin       = comment.CreatedByAdmin,
                Creator              = comment.Creator,
                FileMimeType         = comment.FileMimeType,
                FileURL              = comment.FileURL,
                Id                   = comment.Id.ToString(),
                Parent               = comment.Parent.GetValueOrDefault().ToString(),
                Root                 = comment.Root.GetValueOrDefault().ToString(),
                UpvoteCount          = comment.UpvoteCount,
                UserHasUpvoted       = comment.UserHasUpvoted,
                UserVoted            = comment.UserVoted,
                CreatedByCurrentUser = comment.CreatedByCurrentUser,
                IsNew                = comment.IsNew,
                Modified             = comment.Modified,
                GroupId              = comment.GroupId,
                CommentGroupType     = comment.CommentGroupType,
                Pings                = comment.Pings,// .PingsSequence,
                CreatorName          = comment.CreatorName,
                FileName             = comment.FileURL,
                Fullname             = comment.Fullname,
                GroupName            = comment.GroupName,
                PostOnURL            = comment.PostOnURL,//.CommentURL,
                ProfilePictureUrl    = comment.Creator

Пример #2
        private async Task PrepareCommentNotifications(CommentRecordViewModel comment, string currentUserId)
            //Group chat case
            if (comment.CommentGroupType == CommentGroupType.GroupChat)
                await PrepareGroupChatNotifications(comment, currentUserId);

            //Profile chat case
            if (comment.CommentGroupType == CommentGroupType.ProfileChat)
                await PrepareProfileChatNotifications(comment, currentUserId);
            //post on profile case
            else if (comment.CommentGroupType == CommentGroupType.Group && comment.Root == null)
                //await PrepareGroupMainCommentsNotifications(comment, currentUserId);
            //profile page case: send notification for all profile follower
            else if (comment.CommentGroupType == CommentGroupType.Profile && comment.Root == null)
                //  await PrepareProfileMainCommentsNotifications(comment, currentUserId);
            //reply on comment case: send notification for all user who was comment on the post
            else if (comment.Root != null)
                // await PrepareReplyNotifications(comment, currentUserId);
Пример #3
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(CommentRecordViewModel model)
            if (!await _authorizationService.AuthorizeAsync(User, Intelli.Comments.Permissions.ManageComments))

            var commentRecord = await _commentsRepository.FindByIdAsync(model.Id);

            commentRecord.Content = model.Content;

            await _commentsRepository.UpdateAsync(commentRecord);

            //  await _session.CommitAsync();
            _notifier.Success(H["Comment has been saved."]);
            return(RedirectToAction(nameof(Edit), new { id = model.Id }));
Пример #4
        public async Task <IActionResult> PutComment(int id, CommentRecordViewModel comment)
            // var currentUserId = _userManager.GetUserId(User);

            comment.Modified = DateTime.Now;
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            // CommentRecord commentModel = await _context.Comment.SingleOrDefaultAsync(c => c.Id == comment.Id);
            var commentModel = await _commentRepository.FindByIdAsync(id);

            if (id != comment.Id || commentModel == null)

            commentModel.Content    = comment.Content;
            commentModel.UpdatedUtc = DateTime.Now;
            commentModel.Pings      = comment.Pings != null?string.Join(",", comment.Pings) : null;

            //  _context.Entry(commentModel).State = EntityState.Modified;
            // CreateTransaction(comment, currentUserId, CommentTransactionType.Edit);

                //await _context.SaveChangesAsync();
                await _commentRepository.UpdateAsync(commentModel);
            catch (Exception)
                if (!(await CommentExists(id)))

Пример #5
        private async Task <byte[]> GetCommentAttachedFile(CommentRecordViewModel comment)
            byte[] file = null;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment.FileURL))
                // This way you can check if the given file exists.
                if (await _customFileStore.GetFileInfoAsync(comment.FileURL) == null)
                    // return "Create the file first!";

                // If you want to extract the content of the file use a StreamReader to read the stream.
                using (var stream = await _customFileStore.GetFileStreamAsync(comment.FileURL))

                    file = new byte[stream.Length];
                    int numBytesToRead = (int)stream.Length;
                    int numBytesRead   = 0;
                    while (numBytesToRead > 0)
                        int n = stream.Read(file, numBytesRead, numBytesToRead);
                        if (n == 0)

                        numBytesRead   += n;
                        numBytesToRead -= n;

                await _customFileStore.TryDeleteFileAsync(comment.FileURL);

Пример #6
        public async Task <IEnumerable <CommentRecordViewModel> > GetComments(string contentItemId, string currentuser)
            //  var currentUserId = _userManager.GetUserId(User);
            var currentUserId = currentuser;

            var commentViewModelList = new List <CommentRecordViewModel>();
            var currentCommentsId    = new List <int>();
            var comments             = await _commentRepository.GetCommentsAsync(contentItemId, 0);

            var currentCommentList = comments
                                     //  .Where(c => (currentUserGroupIds.Contains(c.GroupId) || c.GroupId == currentUserId) && c.Parent == null && c.CommentGroupTypeId != CommentGroupType.GroupChat)
                                     .OrderByDescending(c => c.CreatedUtc);

            //  .Skip(index)
            // .Take(NumberOfLoadingItems);

            if (currentCommentList != null)
                var rootIdList = new List <int>();

                //preparing post comments
                foreach (var comment in currentCommentList)
                    var commentViewModel = new CommentRecordViewModel()
                        Content              = comment.Content,
                        Created              = comment.CreatedUtc,
                        CreatedByAdmin       = comment.CreatedByAdmin,
                        CreatedByCurrentUser = comment.Creator == currentUserId,
                        Creator              = comment.Creator,
                        FileMimeType         = comment.FileMimeType,
                        FileURL              = comment.FileURL,
                        // Fullname = comment.FullName,
                        Id             = comment.Id,
                        IsNew          = comment.IsNew,
                        Modified       = comment.UpdatedUtc,
                        Parent         = comment.Parent,
                        UpvoteCount    = comment.UpvoteCount,
                        UserHasUpvoted =
                            !string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment.UserVoted) &&
                            comment.UserVoted.Split(',').Any(o => o == currentUserId),
                        UserVoted = comment.UserVoted,
                        // Pings = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment.Pings) ? comment.Pings.Split(',') : null,
                        GroupId = comment.GroupId,
                        // GroupName = comment.CommentGroupTypeId == CommentGroupType.Profile ? comment.Creator == currentUserId ? " your profile " : (comment.GenderId == Gender.Female ? "her profile" : "his profile") : comment.GroupName + " group",
                        //PostOnURL = comment.PostOnURL


                //Get all post child list, where root id=post id
                // var postChildList = new List<CommentViewModel>();
                if (rootIdList.Count >= 1)
                    //add parent comment childs
                    //var commentChilds = _context.Comment.Where(c => rootIdList.Contains(c.Root));

//                    var commentChilds = _context.Comment.Where(c => rootIdList.Contains(c.Root))
//                            .Join(_context.Users, c => c.Creator, u => u.Id, (comment, user) =>
//                           new
//                           {
//                               comment.Content,
//                               comment.Created,
//                               comment.CreatedByAdmin,
//                               CreatedByCurrentUser = comment.Creator,
//                               comment.Creator,
//                               comment.FileMimeType,
//                               comment.FileURL,
//                               FullName = user.UserName,
//                               comment.Id,
//                               comment.IsNew,
//                               comment.Modified,
//                               comment.Parent,
//                               comment.UpvoteCount,
//                               comment.UserHasUpvoted,
//                               comment.UserVoted,
//                               comment.Pings,
//                               comment.Root
//                           }).OrderBy(c => c.Created);
//                        foreach (var comment in commentChilds)
//                        {
//                            //preparing child comments
//                            var commentViewModel = new CommentRecordViewModel()
//                            {
//                                Content = comment.Content,
//                                Created = comment.Created,
//                                CreatedByAdmin = comment.CreatedByAdmin,
//                                CreatedByCurrentUser = comment.Creator == currentUserId,
//                                Creator = comment.Creator,
//                                FileMimeType = comment.FileMimeType,
//                                FileURL = comment.FileURL,
//                                Fullname = comment.FullName,
//                                Root = comment.Root,
//                                Id = comment.Id,
//                                IsNew = comment.IsNew,
//                                Modified = comment.Modified,
//                                Parent = comment.Parent,
//                                UpvoteCount = comment.UpvoteCount,
//                                UserHasUpvoted = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment.UserVoted) && (comment.UserVoted.Split(',').Any(o => o == currentUserId)),
//                                UserVoted = comment.UserVoted,
//                                Pings = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment.Pings) ? comment.Pings.Split(',') : null
//                            };
//                            commentViewModelList.Add(commentViewModel);
//                            currentCommentsId.Add(comment.Id);
//                        }

                SetCurrentCommentsNotificationsAsSeen(currentUserId, currentCommentsId);

Пример #7
        private Task PrepareProfileChatNotifications(CommentRecordViewModel comment, string currentUserId)
            var friendId = comment.GroupId.Split("__").SingleOrDefault(f => f != currentUserId);//select the other user.__ is the friends id seperator

            var friendConnection = NotificationHub.Connections.SingleOrDefault(o => o.UserId == friendId);

            // var friendNotificationNum = 123;// _context.Notification.Count(n => n.ToUserId == friendId && n.IsSeen == false);

            //prepare the current post info

             * var currentComment = new CommentRecordViewModel()
             * {
             *  Content = comment.Content,
             *  Created = comment.Created,
             *  CreatedByAdmin = false,
             *  CreatedByCurrentUser = false,
             *  Creator = comment.Creator,
             *  FileMimeType = comment.FileMimeType,
             *  FileURL = comment.FileURL,
             *  Fullname = comment.Fullname,
             *  Id = comment.Id,
             *  IsNew = true,
             *  Modified = comment.Modified,
             *  Parent = comment.Parent,
             *  UpvoteCount = comment.UpvoteCount,
             *  UserHasUpvoted = false,
             *  Pings = comment.Pings,
             *  CommentGroupType = comment.CommentGroupType,
             *  FileName = comment.FileName,
             *  GroupId = comment.GroupId,
             * //  ProfilePictureUrl = comment.ProfilePictureUrl,
             *  Root = comment.Root,
             *  UserVoted = comment.UserVoted,
             *  CreatorName = User.Identity.Name,
             * //  GroupName = GetGommentGroupName(comment)
             * };

            //add notifications to other member
            if (friendId != null)
                /*var notification = new Notification
                 * {
                 *   Content = comment.Content,
                 *   CreatedUtc = DateTime.Now,
                 *   GroupId = comment.GroupId,
                 *   IsSeen = false,
                 *   FromUserId = currentUserId,
                 *   NotificationType = NotificationType.NewChatMessage,
                 *   Title = string.Format(" sent a message to you"),
                 *   CorrelationId = comment.Id.ToString(),
                 *   Event = "Message",
                 *   ToUserId = friendId
                 * };
                 * if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment.FileURL))
                 * {
                 *   notification.Title = string.Format(" sent an attachment to you ");
                 * }
                 * //  _context.Notification.Add(notification);
                 * await   _notificationRepository.InsertAsync(notification);*/

            //send notifications to current connected comment group member

            if (friendConnection != null)
                // await _realTimeNotifier.HubContext().Clients.Client(friendConnection.ConnectionID).SendAsync("RefreshChatNotificationNum", friendNotificationNum, currentComment);

Пример #8
        private async Task PrepareGroupChatNotifications(CommentRecordViewModel comment, string userId)
            //get all current group cliend connection id, and send the message to them.
            var groupsMember         = new[] { new { GroupId = 1, MemberId = 2, GroupName = "dddd" } };
            var groupMembersQuery    = _session.QueryIndex <ContentPickerFieldIndex>(x => x.SelectedContentItemId == comment.ContentItemId);
            var groupMemberIdResults = (await groupMembersQuery.ListAsync()).Select(x => x.ContentItemId);
//          var groupsMember = _context.GroupMember.Where(g => g.GroupId == comment.GroupId && g.MemberId != currentUserId)
//                .Join(_context.Group, gm => gm.GroupId, g => g.Id, (gm, g) => new
//                {
//                    gm.GroupId,
//                    gm.MemberId,
//                    GroupName = g.Name
//                });

            // get all the connected participant notification number.
            // get all the connected participant notification number.
            var connectedMemberNotificationNum = NotificationHub.Connections
                                                 .Where(uId => uId.UserId != userId);
            //  .GroupJoin(_unitOfWork.Notification
            //         .Find(o => o.GroupId == comment.GroupId && o.IsSeen == false), uId => uId, n => n.ToUserId,
            //    (UserId, NotificationNum) => new KeyValuePair<string, int>(UserId, NotificationNum.Count() + 1));

            // return (await _session.QueryIndex<AutoroutePartIndex>(o => o.ContentItemId != context.ContentItem.ContentItemId && o.Path == path).CountAsync()) ;

            //prepare the current post info

            /*var currentComment = new CommentRecordViewModel()
             * {
             *  Content = comment.Content,
             *  Created = comment.Created,
             *  CreatedByAdmin = false,
             *  CreatedByCurrentUser = false,
             *  Creator = comment.Creator,
             *  FileMimeType = comment.FileMimeType,
             *  FileURL = comment.FileURL,
             *  Fullname = comment.Fullname,
             *  Id = comment.Id,
             *  IsNew = true,
             *  Modified = comment.Modified,
             *  Parent = comment.Parent,
             *  UpvoteCount = comment.UpvoteCount,
             *  UserHasUpvoted = false,
             *  Pings = comment.Pings,
             *  CommentGroupType = comment.CommentGroupType,
             *  FileName = comment.FileName,
             *  GroupId = comment.GroupId,
             * // ProfilePictureUrl = comment.ProfilePictureUrl,
             *  Root = comment.Root,
             *  UserVoted = comment.UserVoted,
             *  CreatorName = User.Identity.Name,
             * //  GroupName = GetGommentGroupName(comment)
             * };*/

            /*foreach (var member in groupsMember)
             * {
             *  //add notifications to other member
             * // if (member.MemberId != null)
             * // {
             *      var notification = new Notification
             *      {
             *          Content = comment.Content,
             *          CreatedUtc = DateTime.Now,
             *          GroupId = comment.GroupId,
             *          IsSeen = false,
             *          FromUserId = userId,
             *          NotificationType = NotificationType.NewChatMessage,
             *          Title = string.Format(" sent a message {0}", string.IsNullOrEmpty(member.GroupName) ? "" : string.Format(" in {0} chat session ", member.GroupName)), //need to improve in next version
             *          CorrelationId = comment.Id.ToString(),
             *          Event = "Comment",
             *          ToUserId = member.MemberId.ToString()
             *      };
             *      if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment.FileURL))
             *      {
             *          notification.Title = string.Format(" sent an attachment {0}", string.IsNullOrEmpty(member.GroupName) ? "" : string.Format(" in {0} chat session  ", member.GroupName)); //need to improve in next version
             *      }
             *      await   _notificationRepository.InsertAsync(notification);
             *      // _context.Notification.Add(notification);
             * // }
             * }*/

            //send notifications to current connected comment group member

            /*foreach (var conn in connectedMemberNotificationNum)
             * {
             *  if (conn.ConnectionID != null)
             *  {
             *      await _realTimeNotifier.HubContext().Clients.Client(conn.ConnectionID).SendAsync("RefreshChatNotificationNum", conn.NotificationNum, currentComment);
             *      //  await _hubContext.Clients.Client(conn.ConnectionID).SendAsync("ReceiveMessage", currentComment, conn.NotificationNum);
             *  }
             * }*/
Пример #9
        public async Task <IActionResult> PostComment(CommentRecordViewModel comment)
//            string userId = SignInManager
//                .AuthenticationManager
//                .AuthenticationResponseGrant.Identity.GetUserId();
            byte[] file = await  GetCommentAttachedFile(comment);

            //   var currentUserId = _userManager.GetUserId(User);

            //comment.Id = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            comment.CreatedByCurrentUser = false;
            //   comment.Creator = currentUserId;
            comment.IsNew = true;
            comment.CreatedByCurrentUser = true;

            #region Get the current comment root Id

            CommentRecord parent = null;
            if (comment.Parent != null)
                //  parent = _context.Comment.SingleOrDefault(o => o.Id == comment.Parent);
                parent = await _commentRepository.FindByIdAsync(comment.Parent.GetValueOrDefault());

                if (parent != null)
//                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parent.Parent))
                    if (parent.Parent != null)
                        comment.Root = parent.Id;
                        comment.Root = parent.Root;


            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            var commentModel = new CommentRecord()
                Content        = comment.Content ?? "",
                CreatedUtc     = DateTime.Now,
                CreatedByAdmin = false,
                Creator        = comment.Creator,
                FileMimeType   = comment.FileMimeType,
                FileURL        = comment.FileURL,
                // Id = comment.Id,
                ContentItemId                                       = comment.ContentItemId,
                Parent                                              = comment.Parent,
                Root                                                = comment.Root,
                UpvoteCount                                         = 0,
                UserHasUpvoted                                      = false,
                UserVoted                                           = "",
                CreatedByCurrentUser                                = false,
                IsNew                                               = false,
                UpdatedUtc                                          = DateTime.Now,
                Pings                                               = comment.Pings != null?string.Join(",", comment.Pings) : null,
                                                   File             = file,
                                                   GroupId          = parent != null ? parent.GroupId : comment.GroupId,
                                                   CommentGroupType = parent != null ? parent.CommentGroupType : comment.CommentGroupType

            comment.GroupId          = commentModel.GroupId;
            comment.CommentGroupType = commentModel.CommentGroupType;

            // _context.Comment.Add(commentModel);
            await _commentRepository.InsertAsync(commentModel);

            comment.Id         = commentModel.Id;
            comment.CreatedUtc = commentModel.CreatedUtc;

            // CreateTransaction(comment, currentUserId, CommentTransactionType.Add);

            #region prepare all Notifications types

             * //maybe could use field indexes to get group members
             * var groupMembersQuery = _session.QueryIndex<ContentPickerFieldIndex>(x =>x.SelectedContentItemId == comment.ContentItemId);
             * var groupMemberIdResults = (await groupMembersQuery.ListAsync()).Select(x=> x.ContentItemId);

            //push notifications
            await _pushNotificationService.PushCommentToGroupMembers(comment.ContentItemId, comment.ToCommentDetailsView());

            //await _pushNotificationService.PushNotifications(connectedUserNotificationNumList, _commentsRetrievalService.GetCommentView(newComment.Id)?.ToCommentDetailsView());

            //await PrepareCommentNotifications(comment, comment.Creator);


            // await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

Пример #10
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(int id, string localId)
            if (!await _authorizationService.AuthorizeAsync(User, Intelli.Comments.Permissions.ManageComments))

            var newLocalId = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(localId) ? Guid.NewGuid().ToString() : localId;
            // var availableActivities = _activityLibrary.ListActivities();
            var comment = await _commentsRepository.FindByIdAsync(id);

            if (comment == null)

//            var workflow = _workflowManager.NewWorkflow(workflowType);
//            var workflowContext = await _workflowManager.CreateWorkflowExecutionContextAsync(workflowType, workflow);
//            var activityContexts = await Task.WhenAll(workflowType.Activities.Select(async x => await _workflowManager.CreateActivityExecutionContextAsync(x, x.Properties)));
//            var workflowCount = await _session.QueryIndex<WorkflowIndex>(x => x.WorkflowTypeId == workflowType.WorkflowTypeId).CountAsync();
//            var activityThumbnailShapes = new List<dynamic>();
//            var index = 0;
//            foreach (var activity in availableActivities)
//            {
//                activityThumbnailShapes.Add(await BuildActivityDisplay(activity, index++, id, newLocalId, "Thumbnail"));
//            }
//            var activityDesignShapes = new List<dynamic>();
//            index = 0;
//            foreach (var activityContext in activityContexts)
//            {
//                activityDesignShapes.Add(await BuildActivityDisplay(activityContext, index++, id, newLocalId, "Design"));
//            }
//            var activitiesDataQuery = activityContexts.Select(x => new
//            {
//                Id = x.ActivityRecord.ActivityId,
//                X = x.ActivityRecord.X,
//                Y = x.ActivityRecord.Y,
//                Name = x.ActivityRecord.Name,
//                IsStart = x.ActivityRecord.IsStart,
//                IsEvent = x.Activity.IsEvent(),
//                Outcomes = x.Activity.GetPossibleOutcomes(workflowContext, x).ToArray()
//            });
//            var workflowTypeData = new
//            {
//                Id = workflowType.Id,
//                Name = workflowType.Name,
//                IsEnabled = workflowType.IsEnabled,
//                Activities = activitiesDataQuery.ToArray(),
//                Transitions = workflowType.Transitions
//            };
            var viewModel = new CommentRecordViewModel()
                Content        = comment.Content,
                Created        = comment.CreatedUtc,
                CreatedByAdmin = comment.CreatedByAdmin,
                // CreatedByCurrentUser = comment.Creator ,
                Creator      = comment.Creator,
                FileMimeType = comment.FileMimeType,
                FileURL      = comment.FileURL,
                // Fullname = comment.FullName,
                Id          = comment.Id,
                IsNew       = comment.IsNew,
                Modified    = comment.UpdatedUtc,
                Parent      = comment.Parent,
                UpvoteCount = comment.UpvoteCount,
//                UserHasUpvoted =
//                    !string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment.UserVoted) &&
//                    comment.UserVoted.Split(',').Any(o => o == currentUserId),
                UserVoted = comment.UserVoted,
                // Pings = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(comment.Pings) ? comment.Pings.Split(',') : null,
                GroupId = comment.GroupId,
                // GroupName = comment.CommentGroupTypeId == CommentGroupType.Profile ? comment.Creator == currentUserId ? " your profile " : (comment.GenderId == Gender.Female ? "her profile" : "his profile") : comment.GroupName + " group",
                //PostOnURL = comment.PostOnURL
