public void Can_publish_approved_comment_notifications() { var ws = new InMemWorkspace(); int numberOfSentNotifications = 0; using (var context = GetDomainContext(ws)) using (var scope = new TransactionScope()) { //register a handler for CommentApprovedNotification, in this test, increase a local variable to //hold the number of sent CommentApprovedNotification context.MessageBus.RegisterHandler <ApprovedCommentEvent>(MessageHandlerType.Synchronous, commentApproved => OnTransactionCommitted.Invoke(() => numberOfSentNotifications++), false); var post = new Post(); post.Edit("AOP for dummies", "..."); post.Publish(); post.EnableComments(); Assert.AreEqual(0, post.Comments.Count()); post.ReplyTo("Roger Alsing", "*****@*****.**", "", "Hi there"); Comment comment = post.Comments.First(); comment.Approve(); //ensure that no comment approved notifications have been processed yet Assert.AreEqual(0, numberOfSentNotifications); ws.Commit(); scope.Complete(); } //ensure that one comment approved notification have been processed Assert.AreEqual(1, numberOfSentNotifications); }
public void ApproveComment(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { if (KMAuthentication.IsUserAdmin(User) == false) { return; } int commentId; if (Int32.TryParse(e.CommandArgument.ToString(), out commentId) == false) { return; } Comment.Approve(commentId); this.LoadPostComments(); }
public IHttpActionResult Approve(decimal id_post, decimal id_comment) { if (!Comment.belongsToPost(db, id_comment, id_post)) { return(NotFound()); } Comment comment = Comment.findById(db, id_comment); if (comment == null) { return(NotFound()); } comment.Approve(db); return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent)); }
public void Can_approve_comment() { var ws = new InMemWorkspace(); using (var context = GetDomainContext(ws)) { var post = new Post(); post.Edit("AOP for dummies", "..."); post.Publish(); post.EnableComments(); Assert.AreEqual(0, post.Comments.Count()); post.ReplyTo("Roger Alsing", "*****@*****.**", "", "Hi there"); Comment comment = post.Comments.First(); comment.Approve(); Assert.IsTrue(comment.Approved); } }