async Task StrategyExecuteCmdletAsync(IAsyncCmdlet asyncCmdlet)
            ResourceGroupName   = ResourceGroupName ?? Name;
            VirtualNetworkName  = VirtualNetworkName ?? Name;
            SubnetName          = SubnetName ?? Name;
            PublicIpAddressName = PublicIpAddressName ?? Name;
            SecurityGroupName   = SecurityGroupName ?? Name;

            bool isWindows;

            Commands.Common.Strategies.Compute.Image image = null;
            if (ImageName.Contains(':'))
                var imageArray = ImageName.Split(':');
                if (imageArray.Length != 4)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid ImageName");
                image = new Commands.Common.Strategies.Compute.Image
                    publisher = imageArray[0],
                    offer     = imageArray[1],
                    sku       = imageArray[2],
                    version   = imageArray[3],
                isWindows = image.publisher.ToLower() == "MicrosoftWindowsServer".ToLower();
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DiskFile))
                // disk file parameter set requires the OS type input
                isWindows = !Linux;
                // get image
                var osTypeAndImage = Images
                                     .SelectMany(osAndMap => osAndMap
                                                 .Where(nameAndImage => nameAndImage.Key.ToLower() == ImageName.ToLower())
                                                 .Select(nameAndImage => new
                    OsType = osAndMap.Key,
                    Image  = nameAndImage.Value
                image     = osTypeAndImage.Image;
                isWindows = osTypeAndImage.OsType == "Windows";

            OpenPorts = OpenPorts ?? (isWindows ? new[] { 3389, 5985 } : new[] { 22 });

            var resourceGroup  = ResourceGroupStrategy.CreateResourceGroupConfig(ResourceGroupName);
            var virtualNetwork = resourceGroup.CreateVirtualNetworkConfig(
                name: VirtualNetworkName, addressPrefix: AddressPrefix);
            var subnet          = virtualNetwork.CreateSubnet(SubnetName, SubnetAddressPrefix);
            var publicIpAddress = resourceGroup.CreatePublicIPAddressConfig(
                name: PublicIpAddressName,
                getDomainNameLabel: () => DomainNameLabel,
                allocationMethod: AllocationMethod);
            var networkSecurityGroup = resourceGroup.CreateNetworkSecurityGroupConfig(
                name: SecurityGroupName,
                openPorts: OpenPorts);
            var networkInterface = resourceGroup.CreateNetworkInterfaceConfig(
                Name, subnet, publicIpAddress, networkSecurityGroup);

            var availabilitySet = AvailabilitySetName == null
                ? null
                : resourceGroup.CreateAvailabilitySetConfig(name: AvailabilitySetName);

            ResourceConfig <VirtualMachine> virtualMachine = null;

            if (image != null)
                virtualMachine = resourceGroup.CreateVirtualMachineConfig(
                    name: Name,
                    networkInterface: networkInterface,
                    isWindows: isWindows,
                    adminUsername: Credential.UserName,
                    adminPassword: new NetworkCredential(string.Empty, Credential.Password).Password,
                    image: image,
                    size: Size,
                    availabilitySet: availabilitySet);
                var resourceClient =
                    AzureSession.Instance.ClientFactory.CreateArmClient <ResourceManagementClient>(DefaultProfile.DefaultContext,
                if (!resourceClient.ResourceGroups.CheckExistence(ResourceGroupName))
                    var st0 = resourceClient.ResourceGroups.CreateOrUpdate(ResourceGroupName, new ResourceGroup
                        Location = Location,
                        Name     = ResourceGroupName
                var storageClient =
                    AzureSession.Instance.ClientFactory.CreateArmClient <StorageManagementClient>(DefaultProfile.DefaultContext,
                var st1 = storageClient.StorageAccounts.Create(ResourceGroupName, Name, new StorageAccountCreateParameters
                    AccountType = AccountType.PremiumLRS,
                    Sku = new SM.Sku
                        Name = SkuName.PremiumLRS
                    Location = Location
                var filePath = new FileInfo(SessionState.Path.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath(DiskFile));
                using (var vds = new VirtualDiskStream(filePath.FullName))
                    if (vds.DiskType == DiskType.Fixed)
                        long divisor = Convert.ToInt64(Math.Pow(2, 9));
                        long rem     = 0;
                        Math.DivRem(filePath.Length, divisor, out rem);
                        if (rem != 0)
                            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(
                                      string.Format("Given vhd file '{0}' is a corrupted fixed vhd", filePath));
                var     storageAccount = storageClient.StorageAccounts.GetProperties(ResourceGroupName, Name);
                BlobUri destinationUri = null;
                    new Uri(string.Format(
                    out destinationUri);
                if (destinationUri == null || destinationUri.Uri == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("destinationUri");
                var storageCredentialsFactory = new StorageCredentialsFactory(
                    this.ResourceGroupName, storageClient, DefaultContext.Subscription);
                var parameters = new UploadParameters(destinationUri, null, filePath, true, 2)
                    Cmdlet            = this,
                    BlobObjectFactory = new CloudPageBlobObjectFactory(storageCredentialsFactory, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1))
                if (!string.Equals(
                        Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("AZURE_TEST_MODE"), "Playback", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
                    var st2 = VhdUploaderModel.Upload(parameters);
                var disk = resourceGroup.CreateManagedDiskConfig(
                    name: Name,
                    sourceUri: destinationUri.Uri.ToString()
                virtualMachine = resourceGroup.CreateVirtualMachineConfig(
                    name: Name,
                    networkInterface: networkInterface,
                    isWindows: isWindows,
                    disk: disk,
                    size: Size,
                    availabilitySet: availabilitySet);

            var client = new Client(DefaultProfile.DefaultContext);

            // get current Azure state
            var current = await virtualMachine.GetStateAsync(client, new CancellationToken());

            if (Location == null)
                Location = current.GetLocation(virtualMachine);
                if (Location == null)
                    Location = "eastus";

            // generate a domain name label if it's not specified.
            DomainNameLabel = await PublicIPAddressStrategy.UpdateDomainNameLabelAsync(
                domainNameLabel : DomainNameLabel,
                name : Name,
                location : Location,
                client : client);

            var fqdn = PublicIPAddressStrategy.Fqdn(DomainNameLabel, Location);

            // create target state
            var target = virtualMachine.GetTargetState(current, client.SubscriptionId, Location);

            if (target.Get(availabilitySet) != null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Availability set doesn't exist.");

            // apply target state
            var newState = await virtualMachine
                new CancellationToken(),
                new ShouldProcess(asyncCmdlet),

            var result = newState.Get(virtualMachine);

            if (result == null)
                result = current.Get(virtualMachine);
            if (result != null)
                var psResult = ComputeAutoMapperProfile.Mapper.Map <PSVirtualMachine>(result);
                psResult.FullyQualifiedDomainName = fqdn;
                    ? "Use 'mstsc /v:" + fqdn + "' to connect to the VM."
                    : "Use 'ssh " + Credential.UserName + "@" + fqdn + "' to connect to the VM.");
Пример #2
        async Task SimpleParameterSetExecuteCmdlet(IAsyncCmdlet asyncCmdlet)
            ResourceGroupName   = ResourceGroupName ?? VMScaleSetName;
            VirtualNetworkName  = VirtualNetworkName ?? VMScaleSetName;
            SubnetName          = SubnetName ?? VMScaleSetName;
            PublicIpAddressName = PublicIpAddressName ?? VMScaleSetName;
            DomainNameLabel     = DomainNameLabel ?? (VMScaleSetName + ResourceGroupName).ToLower();
            SecurityGroupName   = SecurityGroupName ?? VMScaleSetName;
            LoadBalancerName    = LoadBalancerName ?? VMScaleSetName;
            FrontendPoolName    = FrontendPoolName ?? VMScaleSetName;
            BackendPoolName     = BackendPoolName ?? VMScaleSetName;

            // get image
            bool isWindows;

            Commands.Common.Strategies.Compute.Image image;
            if (ImageName.Contains(':'))
                var imageArray = ImageName.Split(':');
                if (imageArray.Length != 4)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid ImageName");
                image = new Commands.Common.Strategies.Compute.Image
                    publisher = imageArray[0],
                    offer     = imageArray[1],
                    sku       = imageArray[2],
                    version   = imageArray[3],
                isWindows = image.publisher.ToLower() == "MicrosoftWindowsServer".ToLower();
                // get image
                var osTypeAndImage = Images
                                     .SelectMany(osAndMap => osAndMap
                                                 .Where(nameAndImage => nameAndImage.Key.ToLower() == ImageName.ToLower())
                                                 .Select(nameAndImage => new
                    OsType = osAndMap.Key,
                    Image  = nameAndImage.Value
                image     = osTypeAndImage.Image;
                isWindows = osTypeAndImage.OsType == "Windows";

            BackendPort = BackendPort ?? (isWindows ? new[] { 3389, 5985 } : new[] { 22 });

            var resourceGroup = ResourceGroupStrategy.CreateResourceGroupConfig(ResourceGroupName);

            var publicIpAddress = resourceGroup.CreatePublicIPAddressConfig(
                name: PublicIpAddressName,
                domainNameLabel: DomainNameLabel,
                allocationMethod: AllocationMethod);

            var virtualNetwork = resourceGroup.CreateVirtualNetworkConfig(
                name: VirtualNetworkName, addressPrefix: VnetAddressPrefix);

            var subnet = virtualNetwork.CreateSubnet(SubnetName, SubnetAddressPrefix);

            var loadBalancer = resourceGroup.CreateLoadBalancerConfig(
                name: LoadBalancerName,
                froontendPoolName: FrontendPoolName,
                backendPoolName: BackendPoolName,
                zones: Zone,
                publicIPAddress: publicIpAddress,
                subnet: subnet);

            var frontendIpConfiguration = loadBalancer.CreateFrontendIPConfiguration(
                name: FrontendPoolName,
                zones: Zone,
                publicIPAddress: publicIpAddress,
                subnet: subnet);

            var backendAddressPool = loadBalancer.CreateBackendAddressPool(
                name: BackendPoolName);

            var virtualMachineScaleSet = resourceGroup.CreateVirtualMachineScaleSetConfig(
                name: VMScaleSetName,
                subnet: subnet,
                frontendIpConfigurations: new[] { frontendIpConfiguration },
                backendAdressPool: backendAddressPool,
                isWindows: isWindows,
                adminUsername: Credential.UserName,
                adminPassword: new NetworkCredential(string.Empty, Credential.Password).Password,
                image: image,
                vmSize: VmSize,
                instanceCount: InstanceCount,
                upgradeMode: (MyInvocation.BoundParameters.ContainsKey("UpgradePolicyMode") == true) ? UpgradePolicyMode : (UpgradeMode?)null);

            var client = new Client(DefaultProfile.DefaultContext);

            // get current Azure state
            var current = await virtualMachineScaleSet.GetStateAsync(client, new CancellationToken());

            if (Location == null)
                Location = current.GetLocation(virtualMachineScaleSet);
                if (Location == null)
                    Location = "eastus";

            var target = virtualMachineScaleSet.GetTargetState(current, client.SubscriptionId, Location);

            var newState = await virtualMachineScaleSet
                new CancellationToken(),
                new ShouldProcess(asyncCmdlet),

            var result = newState.Get(virtualMachineScaleSet);

            if (result == null)
                result = current.Get(virtualMachineScaleSet);

            if (result != null)
                var psObject = new PSVirtualMachineScaleSet();
                ComputeAutomationAutoMapperProfile.Mapper.Map <VirtualMachineScaleSet, PSVirtualMachineScaleSet>(result, psObject);
Пример #3
        async Task StrategyExecuteCmdletAsync(IAsyncCmdlet asyncCmdlet)
            ResourceGroupName   = ResourceGroupName ?? Name;
            VirtualNetworkName  = VirtualNetworkName ?? Name;
            SubnetName          = SubnetName ?? Name;
            PublicIpAddressName = PublicIpAddressName ?? Name;
            DomainNameLabel     = DomainNameLabel ?? (Name + '-' + ResourceGroupName).ToLower();
            SecurityGroupName   = SecurityGroupName ?? Name;

            bool isWindows;

            Commands.Common.Strategies.Compute.Image image;
            if (ImageName.Contains(':'))
                var imageArray = ImageName.Split(':');
                if (imageArray.Length != 4)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid ImageName");
                image = new Commands.Common.Strategies.Compute.Image
                    publisher = imageArray[0],
                    offer     = imageArray[1],
                    sku       = imageArray[2],
                    version   = imageArray[3],
                isWindows = image.publisher.ToLower() == "MicrosoftWindowsServer".ToLower();
                // get image
                var osTypeAndImage = Images
                                     .SelectMany(osAndMap => osAndMap
                                                 .Where(nameAndImage => nameAndImage.Key.ToLower() == ImageName.ToLower())
                                                 .Select(nameAndImage => new
                    OsType = osAndMap.Key,
                    Image  = nameAndImage.Value
                image     = osTypeAndImage.Image;
                isWindows = osTypeAndImage.OsType == "Windows";

            OpenPorts = OpenPorts ?? (isWindows ? new[] { 3389, 5985 } : new[] { 22 });

            var resourceGroup  = ResourceGroupStrategy.CreateResourceGroupConfig(ResourceGroupName);
            var virtualNetwork = resourceGroup.CreateVirtualNetworkConfig(
                name: VirtualNetworkName, addressPrefix: AddressPrefix);
            var subnet          = virtualNetwork.CreateSubnet(SubnetName, SubnetAddressPrefix);
            var publicIpAddress = resourceGroup.CreatePublicIPAddressConfig(
                name: PublicIpAddressName,
                domainNameLabel: DomainNameLabel,
                allocationMethod: AllocationMethod);
            var networkSecurityGroup = resourceGroup.CreateNetworkSecurityGroupConfig(
                name: SecurityGroupName,
                openPorts: OpenPorts);
            var networkInterface = resourceGroup.CreateNetworkInterfaceConfig(
                Name, subnet, publicIpAddress, networkSecurityGroup);
            var virtualMachine = resourceGroup.CreateVirtualMachineConfig(
                name: Name,
                networkInterface: networkInterface,
                isWindows: isWindows,
                adminUsername: Credential.UserName,
                adminPassword: new NetworkCredential(string.Empty, Credential.Password).Password,
                image: image,
                size: Size);

            var client = new Client(DefaultProfile.DefaultContext);

            // get current Azure state
            var current = await virtualMachine.GetStateAsync(client, new CancellationToken());

            if (Location == null)
                Location = current.GetLocation(virtualMachine);
                if (Location == null)
                    Location = "eastus";

            var fqdn = DomainNameLabel + "." + Location + "";

            // create target state
            var target = virtualMachine.GetTargetState(current, client.SubscriptionId, Location);

            // apply target state
            var newState = await virtualMachine
                new CancellationToken(),
                new ShouldProcess(asyncCmdlet),

            var result = newState.Get(virtualMachine);

            if (result == null)
                result = current.Get(virtualMachine);
            if (result != null)
                var psResult = ComputeAutoMapperProfile.Mapper.Map <PSVirtualMachine>(result);
                psResult.FullyQualifiedDomainName = fqdn;
                    ? "Use 'mstsc /v:" + fqdn + "' to connect to the VM."
                    : "Use 'ssh " + Credential.UserName + "@" + fqdn + "' to connect to the VM.");