Пример #1
        private void AddMenuItem(ToolStripItemCollection destinationItems, System.Windows.Controls.MenuItem menuItem)
            string MenuHeader = (string)menuItem.Header;

            ToolStripMenuItem NewMenuItem;

            if (menuItem.Icon is Bitmap MenuBitmap)
                NewMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(MenuHeader, MenuBitmap);

            else if (menuItem.Icon is Icon MenuIcon)
                NewMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(MenuHeader, MenuIcon.ToBitmap());

                NewMenuItem = new ToolStripMenuItem(MenuHeader);

            NewMenuItem.Click += OnMenuClicked;
            // See PrepareMenuItem for using the visibility to carry Visible/Enabled flags
            NewMenuItem.Visible = (menuItem.Visibility != System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed);
            NewMenuItem.Enabled = (menuItem.Visibility == System.Windows.Visibility.Visible);
            NewMenuItem.Checked = menuItem.IsChecked;

            MenuTable.Add(NewMenuItem, this);
            CommandTable.Add(NewMenuItem, menuItem.Command);
Пример #2
        private static void InitializeCommandsAndIcons()
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Assembly, List <IPluginClient> > Entry in LoadedPluginTable)
                foreach (IPluginClient Plugin in Entry.Value)
                    List <ICommand> PluginCommandList = Plugin.CommandList;
                    if (PluginCommandList != null)
                        List <ICommand> FullPluginCommandList = new List <ICommand>();
                        FullCommandList.Add(FullPluginCommandList, Plugin.Name);

                        foreach (ICommand Command in PluginCommandList)

                            if (!IsSeparatorCommand(Command))
                                CommandTable.Add(Command, Plugin);

                    Icon PluginIcon = Plugin.Icon;
                    if (PluginIcon != null)
Пример #3
        private void ParseTextSection(string line)
            // Check for label
            var labelIndex = line.IndexOf(":", StringComparison.Ordinal);

            if (labelIndex > -1)
                var label = line.Substring(0, labelIndex);
                CommandTable.Add(label, CommandList.Count);

                if (line.Length > labelIndex + 1)
                    line = line.Substring(labelIndex + 1).Trim(' ', '\t');

            // Add new Command
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets up the command tables
        /// </summary>
        protected void InitCommandTables()
            cmdTable = new CommandTable();

            //help commands
            cmdTable.Add("commands", "cmds", CommandType.General, UserFlags.Normal, "Returns a list of all the commands available to you", null, new Action<User, string>(cmd_Commands));

            //testing commands (temp?)
            cmdTable.Add("admin", CommandType.General, UserFlags.Normal, "", null, new Action<User, string>(cmd_Admin));
            cmdTable.Add("mod", "moderator", CommandType.General, UserFlags.Normal, "", null, new Action<User, string>(cmd_Mod));
            cmdTable.Add("thread", "threads", CommandType.General, UserFlags.Normal, "", null, new Action<User, string>(cmd_Thread));

            //normal user
            cmdTable.Add("join", "j", CommandType.General, UserFlags.Normal, "Joins a channel", null, new Action<User, string>(cmd_Join));
            cmdTable.Add("rejoin", "rj", CommandType.General, UserFlags.Normal, "Rejoins your current channel", null, new Action<User, string>(cmd_Rejoin));
            cmdTable.Add("stats", CommandType.General, UserFlags.Normal, "", null, new Action<User, string>(cmd_Stats));
            cmdTable.Add("users", CommandType.General, UserFlags.Normal, "", null, new Action<User, string>(cmd_Users));
            cmdTable.Add("whisper", "w", "message", "msg", "m", CommandType.General, UserFlags.Normal, "", null, new Action<User, List<User>, string>(cmd_Whisper));
            cmdTable.Add("say", "talk", "s", CommandType.General, UserFlags.Normal, "", null, new Action<User, string>(cmd_Talk));
            cmdTable.Add("emote", "me", "em", CommandType.General, UserFlags.Normal, "", null, new Action<User, string>(cmd_Emote));
            cmdTable.Add("who", CommandType.General, UserFlags.Normal, "", null, new Action<User, string>(cmd_Who));

            cmdTable.Add("kick", CommandType.Moderation, UserFlags.Operator, "Kicks a user from the channel", null, new Action<User, List<User>, string>(cmd_Kick));
            cmdTable.Add("ban", CommandType.Moderation, UserFlags.Operator, "Bans a user from the channel", null, new Action<User, List<User>, string>(cmd_Ban));
            cmdTable.Add("ipban", "banip", CommandType.Moderation, UserFlags.Operator, "Bans a user's IP from the channel", null, new Action<User, List<User>, string>(cmd_IPBan));
            cmdTable.Add("unban", "unipban", "unbanip", CommandType.Moderation, UserFlags.Operator, "Unbans a user & their IP from the channel", null, new Action<User, List<User>, string>(cmd_Unban));
            cmdTable.Add("op", "operator", CommandType.Moderation, UserFlags.Operator, "Gives up your operator status to another user", null, new Action<User, List<User>, string>(cmd_Op));
            cmdTable.Add("resign", CommandType.General, UserFlags.Operator, "Gives up your operator status", null, new Action<User, string>(cmd_Resign));


            cmdTable.Add("invisible", "invis", CommandType.General, UserFlags.Admin, "", null, new Action<User, string>(cmd_Invisible));
            cmdTable.Add("visible", "vis", CommandType.General, UserFlags.Admin, "", null, new Action<User, string>(cmd_Visible));
            cmdTable.Add("pop", "move", CommandType.General, UserFlags.Admin, "", null, new Action<User, List<User>, string>(cmd_Pop));
Пример #5
        public static bool Init(bool isElevated, string embeddedPluginName, Guid embeddedPluginGuid, Dispatcher dispatcher, IPluginLogger logger)
            PluginInterfaceType = typeof(IPluginClient);

            Assembly CurrentAssembly         = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
            string   Location                = CurrentAssembly.Location;
            string   AppFolder               = Path.GetDirectoryName(Location);
            int      AssemblyCount           = 0;
            int      CompatibleAssemblyCount = 0;

            Dictionary <Assembly, List <Type> > PluginClientTypeTable = new Dictionary <Assembly, List <Type> >();
            Assembly    PluginAssembly;
            List <Type> PluginClientTypeList;

            if (embeddedPluginName != null)
                AssemblyName[] AssemblyNames = CurrentAssembly.GetReferencedAssemblies();
                foreach (AssemblyName name in AssemblyNames)
                    if (name.Name == embeddedPluginName)
                        FindPluginClientTypesByName(name, out PluginAssembly, out PluginClientTypeList);
                        if (PluginAssembly != null && PluginClientTypeList != null && PluginClientTypeList.Count > 0)
                            PluginClientTypeTable.Add(PluginAssembly, PluginClientTypeList);

            string[] Assemblies = Directory.GetFiles(AppFolder, "*.dll");
            foreach (string AssemblyPath in Assemblies)
                FindPluginClientTypesByPath(AssemblyPath, out PluginAssembly, out PluginClientTypeList);
                if (PluginAssembly != null && PluginClientTypeList != null)
                    PluginClientTypeTable.Add(PluginAssembly, PluginClientTypeList);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <Assembly, List <Type> > Entry in PluginClientTypeTable)

                PluginAssembly       = Entry.Key;
                PluginClientTypeList = Entry.Value;

                if (PluginClientTypeList.Count > 0)

                    CreatePluginList(PluginAssembly, PluginClientTypeList, embeddedPluginGuid, logger, out List <IPluginClient> PluginList);
                    if (PluginList.Count > 0)
                        LoadedPluginTable.Add(PluginAssembly, PluginList);

            if (LoadedPluginTable.Count > 0)
                foreach (KeyValuePair <Assembly, List <IPluginClient> > Entry in LoadedPluginTable)
                    foreach (IPluginClient Plugin in Entry.Value)
                        IPluginSettings Settings = new PluginSettings(GuidToString(Plugin.Guid), logger);
                        Plugin.Initialize(isElevated, dispatcher, Settings, logger);

                        if (Plugin.RequireElevated)
                            RequireElevated = true;

                foreach (KeyValuePair <Assembly, List <IPluginClient> > Entry in LoadedPluginTable)
                    foreach (IPluginClient Plugin in Entry.Value)
                        List <ICommand> PluginCommandList = Plugin.CommandList;
                        if (PluginCommandList != null)
                            List <ICommand> FullPluginCommandList = new List <ICommand>();
                            FullCommandList.Add(FullPluginCommandList, Plugin.Name);

                            foreach (ICommand Command in PluginCommandList)

                                if (Command != null)
                                    CommandTable.Add(Command, Plugin);

                        Icon PluginIcon = Plugin.Icon;
                        if (PluginIcon != null)

                foreach (IPluginClient Plugin in ConsolidatedPluginList)
                    if (Plugin.HasClickHandler)
                        PreferredPlugin = Plugin;

                if (PreferredPlugin == null && ConsolidatedPluginList.Count > 0)
                    PreferredPlugin = ConsolidatedPluginList[0];

                logger.AddLog($"Could not load plugins, {AssemblyCount} assemblies found, {CompatibleAssemblyCount} are compatible.");