private string TryFlippingLightswitch(string[] inputs) { string message = "Try including an object to interact with after the verb."; if (CommandProcessingService.ValidateNoun(inputs)) { string noun = inputs[1]; switch (noun) { case "light": case "lights": case "lightswitch": case "switch": message = ToggleLights(); break; default: message = "Try including the title of the object you wish \n" + "to interact with."; break; } } return(message); }
protected override async Task ExecuteAsync(CancellationToken stoppingToken) { foreach (var token in await _apiTokenData.GetAllKeys()) { _logger.Info($"Setting up discord client for Server {token.ServerName}"); _discordSocketClient = new DiscordSocketClient(new DiscordSocketConfig { MessageCacheSize = 0, ExclusiveBulkDelete = true, AlwaysDownloadUsers = true, GatewayIntents = GatewayIntents.Guilds | GatewayIntents.GuildMembers | GatewayIntents.GuildMessageReactions | GatewayIntents.GuildMessages | GatewayIntents.GuildVoiceStates }); _discordSocketClient.Log += message => { if (message.Exception != null) { _logger.Warn($"DiscordClient: {message.Message} - {message.Exception.Message}"); } else { _logger.Info($"DiscordClient: {message.Message}"); } return(Task.CompletedTask); }; _discordSocketClient.Ready += () => { _logger.Info($"Discord client for {token.ServerName} is ready"); return(Task.CompletedTask); }; _discordSocketClient.Disconnected += exception => { _logger.Error($"Discord Client disconnected: {exception.Message}"); return(Task.CompletedTask); }; //TODO handle disconnected event and try to reconnect await _discordSocketClient.LoginAsync(TokenType.Bot, token.ApiKey); await _discordSocketClient.StartAsync(); _discordInterface = new DiscordInterface(_discordSocketClient); _commandProcessingService = new CommandProcessingService(_discordInterface, _schedulerFactory, _activityMonitor); await _commandProcessingService.StartAsync(CancellationToken.None); //TODO when monitoring users in channels create that service here break; //TODO only use 1 server at a time for now } }
static void Main(string[] args) { //Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkBlue; //Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine(OutputText.Logo); OutputText.ShowStatusText(); Console.WriteLine($"Passed args as command: {string.Join(" ", args)}"); Console.WriteLine(); cps = new CommandProcessingService(args); //begin the CLI cps.ReadCommand(); }
public MainWindow() { InitializeComponent(); _SerialPort = new SerialPort(); _ModuleConfiguration = new ModuleConfiguration(); _CommandProcessor = new CommandProcessingService(_SerialPort); _ConfigurationReader = new ConfigurationReader(_CommandProcessor, _ModuleConfiguration); _ConfigurationWriter = new ConfigurationWriter(_CommandProcessor, _ModuleConfiguration); _ServerConfiguration = new LocalServerConfiguration(); SettingsPage = new Settings(_SerialPort, _ConfigurationReader, _ConfigurationWriter, _ModuleConfiguration, _ServerConfiguration); BasicSetupPage = new BasicSetup(_CommandProcessor, _ModuleConfiguration); WiFiSetupPage = new WiFiSetup(_CommandProcessor, _ModuleConfiguration); TCPIPSetupPage = new TCPUDPSettings(_CommandProcessor, _ModuleConfiguration); DataLoggerPage = new DataLogging(_ServerConfiguration); RemoteTerminalPage = new RemoteTerminal(_ServerConfiguration); SettingsListViewItem.IsSelected = true; }
public static void BrowseLibrary() { IO.OutputNewLine(ShowBookTitles()); IO.OutputNewLine(); string[] actionsArray = IO.SplitAndSanitizeInput(IO.GetInput()); while (!actionsArray[0].Equals("leave")) { // Empty line buffer after getting input IO.OutputNewLine(); switch (actionsArray[0]) { case "read": if (CommandProcessingService.ValidateNoun(actionsArray)) { IO.OutputNewLine(ReadBook(actionsArray)); } else { IO.OutputNewLine("Try including a title after 'read'."); } break; default: IO.OutputNewLine("enter 'leave' to leave"); break; } // Empty line buffer before getting next input IO.OutputNewLine(); actionsArray = IO.SplitAndSanitizeInput(IO.GetInput()); } }
static void Main() { // Initialize and start the game Game.Start(); // Herein lies the major flow of the game: while (Game.GetState()) { // Collect and filter user commands string info = IO.PromptAndGetInput(); // Empty line buffer after getting input IO.OutputNewLine(); // Process user commands string[] commands = IO.SplitAndSanitizeInput(info); CommandProcessingService.ParseInput(commands); // Empty line buffer before getting next input IO.OutputNewLine(); } IO.GetInput(); }
public CommandsController(CommandProcessingService commandProcessingService) { _commandProcessingService = commandProcessingService; }
public WiFiSetup(CommandProcessingService Processor, ModuleConfiguration ModuleConfiguration) { InitializeComponent(); _CommandProcessor = Processor; _ModuleConfiguration = ModuleConfiguration; }
public TCPUDPSettings(CommandProcessingService Processor, Model.ModuleConfiguration ModuleConfiguration) { InitializeComponent(); _CommandProcessor = Processor; _ModuleConfiguration = ModuleConfiguration; }