Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Force a GC on process processID
        /// </summary>
        internal static void ForceGC(int processID, TextWriter log = null)
            // We force a GC by turning on an ETW provider, which needs admin to do.
            if (!App.IsElevated)
                throw new ApplicationException("Must be Administrator (elevated) to use Force GC option.");

            var arch = GetArchForProcess(processID);

            if (log != null)
                log.WriteLine("Starting Heap dump on Process {0} running architecture {1}.", processID, arch);

            var heapDumpExe = Path.Combine(SupportFiles.SupportFileDir, arch + @"\HeapDump.exe");
            var options     = new CommandOptions().AddNoThrow().AddTimeout(1 * 3600 * 1000);

            if (log != null)

            var commandLine = string.Format("\"{0}\" /ForceGC {1}", heapDumpExe, processID.ToString());

            log.WriteLine("Exec: {0}", commandLine);
            var cmd = Command.Run(commandLine, options);

            if (cmd.ExitCode != 0)
                throw new ApplicationException("HeapDump failed with exit code " + cmd.ExitCode + ".  See log for details.");
Пример #2
        private static void DumpGCHeap(string qualifiers, string inputArg, string outputFile, TextWriter log, ProcessorArchitecture arch)
            var directory   = arch == ProcessorArchitecture.X86 ? "x86" : "amd64";
            var heapDumpExe = Path.Combine(SupportFiles.SupportFileDir, Path.Combine(directory, "HeapDump.exe"));

            var options = new CommandOptions().AddNoThrow().AddTimeout(CommandOptions.Infinite);

            if (log != null)

            // TODO breaking abstraction to know about StackWindow.
            options.AddEnvironmentVariable("_NT_SYMBOL_PATH", App.SymbolPath);
            log.WriteLine("set _NT_SYMBOL_PATH={0}", App.SymbolPath);

            var commandLine = string.Format("\"{0}\" {1} \"{2}\" \"{3}\"", heapDumpExe, qualifiers, inputArg, outputFile);

            log.WriteLine("Exec: {0}", commandLine);
            PerfViewLogger.Log.TriggerHeapSnapshot(outputFile, inputArg, qualifiers);
            var cmd = Command.Run(commandLine, options);

            if (cmd.ExitCode != 0)
                throw new ApplicationException("HeapDump failed with exit code " + cmd.ExitCode);

            if (log != null)
                log.WriteLine("Completed Heap Dump for {0} to {1}", inputArg, outputFile);