public async Task Test1() { //Larva.MessageProcess.LoggerManager.SetLoggerProvider(new Log4NetLoggerProvider()); var consumer = new CommandConsumer(); consumer.Initialize(new ConsumerSettings { AmqpUri = new Uri("amqp://*****:*****@localhost/test") }, "MessageProcess_CommandTopic", 4, false, 1, new IInterceptor[] { new PerformanceCounterInterceptor() }, typeof(CommandTests).Assembly); consumer.Start(); var commandBus = new CommandBus(); commandBus.Initialize(new ProducerSettings { AmqpUri = new Uri("amqp://*****:*****@localhost/test") }, "MessageProcess_CommandTopic", 4, IPEndPoint.Parse("")); commandBus.Start(); for (var i = 1; i <= 5; i++) { for (var j = 1; j <= 5; j++) { await commandBus.SendAsync(new Command1($"Test{i}")); } } Thread.Sleep(1000); commandBus.Shutdown(); Thread.Sleep(10000); consumer.Shutdown(); }
/// <summary> /// Start the host post preparing and registering handlers. /// </summary> protected virtual void Start() { StartBusRegistrar(); var configurationManager = DependencyResolver.Current.Resolve <IConfigurationManager>(); bool setting; if (!configurationManager.TryGetSetting("Cqrs.Hosts.EnableEventReceiving", out setting)) { setting = true; } if (setting) { EventBus.Start(); } if (!configurationManager.TryGetSetting("Cqrs.Hosts.EnableCommandReceiving", out setting)) { setting = true; } if (setting) { CommandBus.Start(); } }