Пример #1
        public void ComputeInverseComirvaMatrixUsingLomontTableFFT(Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix m, int column, ref double[] signal, int winsize, int hopsize)
            double[] spectrogramWindow = m.GetColumn(column);

            // extend window with the inverse duplicate array
            int len = spectrogramWindow.Length;

            double[] extendedWindow = new double[len * 2];
            Array.Copy(spectrogramWindow, extendedWindow, len);
            for (int i = 1; i < len; i++)
                extendedWindow[len + i] = spectrogramWindow[len - i];

            double[] complexSignal = FFTUtilsLomont.DoubleToComplexDouble(extendedWindow);
            lomonFFT.TableFFT(complexSignal, false);

            double[] window = win.GetWindow();

            // multiply by window w/ overlap-add
            int N = complexSignal.Length / 2;

            double[] returnArray = new double[N];
            for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
                double re = complexSignal[2 * j] / Math.Sqrt(winsize);
                //double img = complexSignal[2*j + 1];
                returnArray[j] = re * window[j];                 // smooth yet another time (also did this when doing FFT)

                // overlap-add method
                // scale with 2 just because the volume got so much lower when using a second smoothing filter when reconstrcting
                signal[j + hopsize * column] = signal[j + hopsize * column] + returnArray[j] * 2;
Пример #2
        public void ComputeComirvaMatrixUsingFftw(ref Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix m, int j, float[] audiodata, int pos)
            // apply the window method (e.g HammingWindow, HannWindow etc)
            win.Apply(ref data, audiodata, pos);

            Marshal.Copy(data, 0, fftwData, fftsize);
            Marshal.Copy(fftwData, fft, 0, fftsize);

            // fft input will now contain the FFT values in a Half Complex format
            // r0, r1, r2, ..., rn/2, i(n+1)/2-1, ..., i2, i1
            // Here, rk is the real part of the kth output, and ikis the imaginary part. (Division by 2 is rounded down.)
            // For a halfcomplex array hc[n], the kth component thus has its real part in hc[k] and its imaginary part in hc[n-k],
            // with the exception of k == 0 or n/2 (the latter only if n is even)—in these two cases, the imaginary part is zero due to symmetries of the real-input DFT, and is not stored.
            m.MatrixData[0][j] = Math.Sqrt(fft[0] * fft[0]);
            for (int i = 1; i < winsize / 2; i++)
                // amplitude (or magnitude) is the square root of the power spectrum
                // the magnitude spectrum is abs(fft), i.e. Math.Sqrt(re*re + img*img)
                // use 20*log10(Y) to get dB from amplitude
                // the power spectrum is the magnitude spectrum squared
                // use 10*log10(Y) to get dB from power spectrum
                m.MatrixData[i][j] = Math.Sqrt((fft[i * 2] * fft[i * 2] +
                                                fft[fftsize - i * 2] * fft[fftsize - i * 2]));
            //m.MatrixData[winsize/2][j] = Math.Sqrt(fft[winsize] * fft[winsize]);
Пример #3
        public static void RunTests()
            // Run the following matlab test:
            // T = 1; % threshold value
            // v = linspace(-5,5,1024);
            // clf;
            // hold('on');
            // plot(v, perform_thresholding(v,T,'hard'), 'b--');
            // plot(v, perform_thresholding(v,T,'soft'), 'r--');
            // plot(v, perform_thresholding(v,[T 2*T],'semisoft'), 'g');
            // plot(v, perform_thresholding(v,[T 4*T],'semisoft'), 'g:');
            // plot(v, perform_thresholding(v',400,'strict'), 'r:');
            // legend('hard', 'soft', 'semisoft, \mu=2', 'semisoft, \mu=4', 'strict, 400');
            // hold('off');

            // linspace in c#
            double start      = -5;
            double end        = 5;
            double totalCount = 1024;

            double[][] v = new double[1][];
            v[0] = new double[(int)totalCount];

            int count = 0;

            for (double i = start; i < end; i += (end - start) / totalCount)
                v[0][count] = i;

            // perform thresholding and plot
            int T = 1;

            double[][] hard = perform_hard_thresholding(v, T);
            Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix mHard = new Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix(hard);
            mHard.DrawMatrixGraph("thresholding-hard.png", false);

            double[][] soft = perform_soft_thresholding(v, T);
            Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix mSoft = new Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix(soft);
            mSoft.DrawMatrixGraph("thresholding-soft.png", false);

            double[][] semisoft1 = perform_semisoft_thresholding(v, T, 2 * T);
            Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix mSemiSoft1 = new Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix(semisoft1);
            mSemiSoft1.DrawMatrixGraph("thresholding-semisoft1.png", false);

            double[][] semisoft2 = perform_semisoft_thresholding(v, T, 4 * T);
            Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix mSemiSoft2 = new Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix(semisoft2);
            mSemiSoft2.DrawMatrixGraph("thresholding-semisoft2.png", false);

            double[][] strict = perform_strict_thresholding(v, 400);
            Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix mStrict = new Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix(strict);
            mStrict.DrawMatrixGraph("thresholding-strict.png", false);
Пример #4
        public void ComputeComirvaMatrixUsingLomontTableFFT(ref Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix m, int column, float[] audiodata, int pos)
            // apply the window method (e.g HammingWindow, HannWindow etc)
            win.Apply(ref data, audiodata, pos);

            double[] complexSignal = FFTUtilsLomont.FloatToComplexDouble(data);
            lomonFFT.TableFFT(complexSignal, true);

            int row = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < complexSignal.Length / 4; i += 2)
                double re  = complexSignal[2 * i];
                double img = complexSignal[2 * i + 1];
                m.MatrixData[row][column] = Math.Sqrt((re * re + img * img) * complexSignal.Length / 2);
Пример #5
        public void ComputeInverseComirvaMatrixUsingLomontRealFFT(Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix m, int column, ref double[] signal, int winsize, int hopsize)
            double[] spectrogramWindow = m.GetColumn(column);

            // extend window with the inverse duplicate array
            int len = spectrogramWindow.Length;

            double[] extendedWindow = new double[len * 2];
            Array.Copy(spectrogramWindow, extendedWindow, len);
            for (int i = 1; i < len; i++)
                extendedWindow[len + i] = spectrogramWindow[len - i];

            // ifft input must contain the FFT values
            // r0, r(n/2), r1, i1, r2, i2 ...

            // Perform the ifft and take just the real part
            double[] ifft = new double[winsize * 2];
            ifft[0] = extendedWindow[0];
            ifft[1] = extendedWindow[winsize / 2];
            for (int i = 1; i < extendedWindow.Length; i++)
                ifft[2 * i] = extendedWindow[i];

            lomonFFT.RealFFT(ifft, false);

            double[] window = win.GetWindow();

            // multiply by window w/ overlap-add
            int N = ifft.Length / 2;

            double[] returnArray = new double[N];
            for (int j = 0; j < N; j++)
                double re = ifft[2 * j] / Math.Sqrt(winsize);
                returnArray[j] = re * window[j];                 // smooth yet another time (also did this when doing FFT)

                // overlap-add method
                // scale with 5 just because the volume got so much lower when using a second smoothing filter when reconstrcting
                signal[j + hopsize * column] = signal[j + hopsize * column] + returnArray[j] * 5;
Пример #6
        public void ComputeComirvaMatrixUsingLomontRealFFT(ref Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix m, int column, float[] audiodata, int pos)
            // apply the window method (e.g HammingWindow, HannWindow etc)
            win.Apply(ref data, audiodata, pos);

            double[] fft = new double[data.Length / 2];
            Array.Copy(data, fft, data.Length / 2);
            lomonFFT.RealFFT(fft, true);

            // fft input will now contain the FFT values
            // r0, r(n/2), r1, i1, r2, i2 ...
            m.MatrixData[0][column] = Math.Sqrt(fft[0] * fft[0] * winsize);
            m.MatrixData[winsize / 2 - 1][column] = Math.Sqrt(fft[1] * fft[1] * winsize);
            for (int row = 1; row < winsize / 2; row++)
                // amplitude (or magnitude) is the square root of the power spectrum
                // the magnitude spectrum is abs(fft), i.e. Math.Sqrt(re*re + img*img)
                // use 20*log10(Y) to get dB from amplitude
                // the power spectrum is the magnitude spectrum squared
                // use 10*log10(Y) to get dB from power spectrum
                m.MatrixData[row][column] = Math.Sqrt((fft[2 * row] * fft[2 * row] +
                                                       fft[2 * row + 1] * fft[2 * row + 1]) * winsize);
Пример #7
        private static bool AnalyseAndAddScmsUsingFingerprints(List<bool[]> fingerprints,
		                                                       WorkUnitParameterObject param,
		                                                       Db db,
		                                                       int trackId,
		                                                       bool doOutputDebugInfo=DEFAULT_DEBUG_INFO)
            DbgTimer t = new DbgTimer();
            t.Start ();

            // Insert Statistical Cluster Model Similarity Audio Feature
            string fileName = param.FileName;

            int fingerprintWidth = param.FingerprintingConfiguration.FingerprintLength;
            int fingerprintHeight = param.FingerprintingConfiguration.LogBins;
            int fingerprintCount = 0;

            foreach (bool[] fingerprint in fingerprints) {
                Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix scmsMatrix = new Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix(fingerprintWidth, fingerprintHeight);

                for (int i = 0; i < fingerprintWidth /*128*/; i++) {
                    for (int j = 0; j < fingerprintHeight /*32*/; j++) {
                        // Negative Numbers = 01
                        // Positive Numbers = 10
                        // Zeros            = 00
                        bool v1 = fingerprint[(2 * fingerprintHeight * i) + (2 * j)];
                        bool v2 = fingerprint[(2 * fingerprintHeight * i) + (2 * j) + 1];

                        if (v1) {
                            scmsMatrix.MatrixData[i][j] = 2.0;
                        } else if (v2) {
                            scmsMatrix.MatrixData[i][j] = 0.0;
                        } else {
                            scmsMatrix.MatrixData[i][j] = 1.0;

                if (doOutputDebugInfo) {
                    scmsMatrix.DrawMatrixImage(String.Format("{0}_fingerprint_{1}.png", fileName, fingerprintCount), fingerprintWidth, fingerprintHeight);

                #region Store in a Statistical Cluster Model Similarity class.
                Scms audioFeature = Scms.GetScmsNoInverse(scmsMatrix, fileName);

                if (audioFeature != null) {

                    // Store bitstring hash as well
                    audioFeature.BitString = GetBitString(fingerprint);

                    // Store duration
                    audioFeature.Duration = (long) param.DurationInMs;

                    // Store file name
                    audioFeature.Name = param.PathToAudioFile;

                    // Add to database
                    int id = trackId;
                    if (db.AddTrack(audioFeature) == -1) {
                        Console.Out.WriteLine("Failed! Could not add audio feature to database ({0})!", fileName);
                        return false;
                } else {
                    return false;

            Dbg.WriteLine ("AnalyseAndAddScmsUsingFingerprints - Execution Time: {0} ms", t.Stop().TotalMilliseconds);
            return true;
Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to analyze and add using the soundfingerprinting methods
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="filePath">full file path</param>
        /// <param name="repository">Soundfingerprinting Repository</param>
        /// <param name="doOutputDebugInfo">decide whether to output debug info like spectrogram and audiofile (default value can be set)</param>
        /// <param name="useHaarWavelet">decide whether to use haar wavelet compression or DCT compression</param>
        /// <returns>true if successful</returns>
        public static bool AnalyzeAndAddSoundfingerprinting(FileInfo filePath, Repository repository, bool doOutputDebugInfo=DEFAULT_DEBUG_INFO, bool useHaarWavelet = true)
            DbgTimer t = new DbgTimer();
            t.Start ();

            // get work config from the audio file
            WorkUnitParameterObject param = GetWorkUnitParameterObjectFromAudioFile(filePath);
            param.FingerprintingConfiguration = fingerprintingConfigCreation;
            string fileName = param.FileName;

            // build track
            Track track = new Track();
            track.Title = param.FileName;
            track.TrackLengthMs = (int) param.DurationInMs;
            track.FilePath = param.PathToAudioFile;
            track.Tags = param.Tags;
            track.Id = -1; // this will be set by the insert method

            // Get fingerprint signatures using the Soundfingerprinting methods
            double[][] logSpectrogram;
            List<bool[]> fingerprints;
            List<double[][]> spectralImages;
            if (repository.InsertTrackInDatabaseUsingSamples(track, param.FingerprintingConfiguration.NumberOfHashTables, param.FingerprintingConfiguration.NumberOfKeys,  param, out logSpectrogram, out fingerprints, out spectralImages)) {

                // store logSpectrogram as Matrix
                Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix logSpectrogramMatrix = new Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix(logSpectrogram);
                logSpectrogramMatrix = logSpectrogramMatrix.Transpose();

                #region Debug for Soundfingerprinting Method
                if (doOutputDebugInfo) {
                    // Image Service
                    ImageService imageService = new ImageService(repository.FingerprintService.SpectrumService, repository.FingerprintService.WaveletService);
                    imageService.GetLogSpectralImages(logSpectrogram, fingerprintingConfigCreation.Stride, fingerprintingConfigCreation.FingerprintLength, fingerprintingConfigCreation.Overlap, 2).Save(fileName + "_specgram_logimages.png");

                    logSpectrogramMatrix.DrawMatrixImageLogValues(fileName + "_specgram_logimage.png", true);

                    if (DEBUG_OUTPUT_TEXT) {
                        logSpectrogramMatrix.WriteCSV(fileName + "_specgram_log.csv", ";");
            } else {
                // failed
                Console.Out.WriteLine("Failed! Could not compute the soundfingerprint {0}!", fileName);
                return false;

            Dbg.WriteLine ("AnalyzeAndAddSoundfingerprinting - Total Execution Time: {0} ms", t.Stop().TotalMilliseconds);
            return true;
Пример #9
        private static bool AnalyseAndAddScmsUsingFingerprints(List<double[][]> spectralImages,
		                                                       List<bool[]> fingerprints,
		                                                       WorkUnitParameterObject param,
		                                                       Db db,
		                                                       int trackId,
		                                                       bool doOutputDebugInfo=DEFAULT_DEBUG_INFO)
            DbgTimer t = new DbgTimer();
            t.Start ();

            // Insert Statistical Cluster Model Similarity Audio Feature
            string fileName = param.FileName;

            // Merge the arrays in the List using Linq
            var result = spectralImages.SelectMany(i => i).ToArray();
            Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix scmsMatrix = new Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix(result);

            if (doOutputDebugInfo) {
                scmsMatrix.DrawMatrixImage(String.Format("{0}_spectral.png", fileName));

            #region Store in a Statistical Cluster Model Similarity class.
            Scms audioFeature = Scms.GetScms(scmsMatrix, fileName);

            if (audioFeature != null) {

                // Store bitstring hash as well
                audioFeature.BitString = GetBitString(scmsMatrix);

                // Store duration
                audioFeature.Duration = (long) param.DurationInMs;

                // Store file name
                audioFeature.Name = param.PathToAudioFile;

                // Add to database
                int id = trackId;
                if (db.AddTrack(audioFeature) == -1) {
                    Console.Out.WriteLine("Failed! Could not add audio feature to database ({0})!", fileName);
                    return false;
            } else {
                return false;

            Dbg.WriteLine ("AnalyseAndAddScmsUsingFingerprints2 - Execution Time: {0} ms", t.Stop().TotalMilliseconds);
            return true;
Пример #10
        public static AudioFeature AnalyzeSoundfingerprinting(FileInfo filePath, bool doOutputDebugInfo=DEFAULT_DEBUG_INFO, bool useHaarWavelet = true)
            DbgTimer t = new DbgTimer();
            t.Start ();

            float[] audiodata = AudioFileReader.Decode(filePath.FullName, SAMPLING_RATE, SECONDS_TO_ANALYZE);
            if (audiodata == null || audiodata.Length == 0)  {
                Dbg.WriteLine("Error! - No Audio Found");
                return null;

            // Read TAGs using BASS
            FindSimilar.AudioProxies.BassProxy bass = FindSimilar.AudioProxies.BassProxy.Instance;
            Un4seen.Bass.AddOn.Tags.TAG_INFO tag_info = bass.GetTagInfoFromFile(filePath.FullName);

            // Name of file being processed
            string name = StringUtils.RemoveNonAsciiCharacters(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath.Name));

            #if DEBUG
            if (Analyzer.DEBUG_INFO_VERBOSE) {
                if (DEBUG_OUTPUT_TEXT) WriteAscii(audiodata, name + "_audiodata.ascii");
                if (DEBUG_OUTPUT_TEXT) WriteF3Formatted(audiodata, name + "_audiodata.txt");

            if (doOutputDebugInfo) {
                DrawGraph(MathUtils.FloatToDouble(audiodata), name + "_audiodata.png");

            // Calculate duration in ms
            double duration = (double) audiodata.Length / SAMPLING_RATE * 1000;

            // zero pad if the audio file is too short to perform a mfcc
            if (audiodata.Length < (fingerprintingConfig.WdftSize + fingerprintingConfig.Overlap))
                int lenNew = fingerprintingConfig.WdftSize + fingerprintingConfig.Overlap;
                Array.Resize<float>(ref audiodata, lenNew);

            // Get fingerprint signatures using the Soundfingerprinting methods

            // Get database
            DatabaseService databaseService = DatabaseService.Instance;

            IPermutations permutations = new LocalPermutations("Soundfingerprinting\\perms.csv", ",");
            Repository repository = new Repository(permutations, databaseService, fingerprintService);

            // Image Service
            ImageService imageService = new ImageService(

            // work config
            WorkUnitParameterObject param = new WorkUnitParameterObject();
            param.FingerprintingConfiguration = fingerprintingConfig;
            param.AudioSamples = audiodata;
            param.PathToAudioFile = filePath.FullName;
            param.MillisecondsToProcess = SECONDS_TO_ANALYZE * 1000;
            param.StartAtMilliseconds = 0;

            // build track
            Track track = new Track();
            track.Title = name;
            track.TrackLengthMs = (int) duration;
            track.FilePath = filePath.FullName;
            track.Id = -1; // this will be set by the insert method

            #region parse tag_info
            if (tag_info != null) {
                Dictionary<string, string> tags = new Dictionary<string, string>();

                //if (tag_info.title != string.Empty) tags.Add("title", tag_info.title);
                if (tag_info.artist != string.Empty) tags.Add("artist", tag_info.artist);
                if (tag_info.album != string.Empty) tags.Add("album", tag_info.album);
                if (tag_info.albumartist != string.Empty) tags.Add("albumartist", tag_info.albumartist);
                if (tag_info.year != string.Empty) tags.Add("year", tag_info.year);
                if (tag_info.comment != string.Empty) tags.Add("comment", tag_info.comment);
                if (tag_info.genre != string.Empty) tags.Add("genre", tag_info.genre);
                if (tag_info.track != string.Empty) tags.Add("track", tag_info.track);
                if (tag_info.disc != string.Empty) tags.Add("disc", tag_info.disc);
                if (tag_info.copyright != string.Empty) tags.Add("copyright", tag_info.copyright);
                if (tag_info.encodedby != string.Empty) tags.Add("encodedby", tag_info.encodedby);
                if (tag_info.composer != string.Empty) tags.Add("composer", tag_info.composer);
                if (tag_info.publisher != string.Empty) tags.Add("publisher", tag_info.publisher);
                if (tag_info.lyricist != string.Empty) tags.Add("lyricist", tag_info.lyricist);
                if (tag_info.remixer != string.Empty) tags.Add("remixer", tag_info.remixer);
                if (tag_info.producer != string.Empty) tags.Add("producer", tag_info.producer);
                if (tag_info.bpm != string.Empty) tags.Add("bpm", tag_info.bpm);
                //if (tag_info.filename != string.Empty) tags.Add("filename", tag_info.filename);
                tags.Add("channelinfo", tag_info.channelinfo.ToString());
                //if (tag_info.duration > 0) tags.Add("duration", tag_info.duration.ToString());
                if (tag_info.bitrate > 0) tags.Add("bitrate", tag_info.bitrate.ToString());
                if (tag_info.replaygain_track_gain != -100f) tags.Add("replaygain_track_gain", tag_info.replaygain_track_gain.ToString());
                if (tag_info.replaygain_track_peak != -1f) tags.Add("replaygain_track_peak", tag_info.replaygain_track_peak.ToString());
                if (tag_info.conductor != string.Empty) tags.Add("conductor", tag_info.conductor);
                if (tag_info.grouping != string.Empty) tags.Add("grouping", tag_info.grouping);
                if (tag_info.mood != string.Empty) tags.Add("mood", tag_info.mood);
                if (tag_info.rating != string.Empty) tags.Add("rating", tag_info.rating);
                if (tag_info.isrc != string.Empty) tags.Add("isrc", tag_info.isrc);

                foreach(var nativeTag in tag_info.NativeTags) {
                    string[] keyvalue = nativeTag.Split('=');
                    tags.Add(keyvalue[0], keyvalue[1]);
                track.Tags = tags;

            AudioFeature audioFeature = null;
            double[][] logSpectrogram;
            if (repository.InsertTrackInDatabaseUsingSamples(track, 25, 4, param, out logSpectrogram)) {

                if (doOutputDebugInfo) {
                    imageService.GetLogSpectralImages(logSpectrogram, fingerprintingConfig.Stride, fingerprintingConfig.FingerprintLength, fingerprintingConfig.Overlap, 2).Save(name + "_specgram_logimages.png");

                    Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix logSpectrogramMatrix = new Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix(logSpectrogram);
                    logSpectrogramMatrix = logSpectrogramMatrix.Transpose();
                    logSpectrogramMatrix.DrawMatrixImageLogValues(name + "_specgram_logimage.png", true);

                    if (DEBUG_OUTPUT_TEXT) {
                        logSpectrogramMatrix.WriteCSV(name + "_specgram_log.csv", ";");

                audioFeature = new DummyAudioFeature();

                // Store duration
                audioFeature.Duration = (long) duration;

                // Store file name
                audioFeature.Name = filePath.FullName;
            } else {
                // failed

            Dbg.WriteLine ("Soundfingerprinting - Total Execution Time: {0} ms", t.Stop().TotalMilliseconds);
            return audioFeature;
Пример #11
        //private static Mfcc mfccOptimized = new Mfcc(WINDOW_SIZE, SAMPLING_RATE, MEL_COEFFICIENTS, MFCC_COEFFICIENTS);


        #region Methods

        public static bool AnalyzeAndAdd(FileInfo filePath, Db db, DatabaseService databaseService, bool doOutputDebugInfo=DEFAULT_DEBUG_INFO, bool useHaarWavelet = true)
            DbgTimer t = new DbgTimer();
            t.Start ();

            float[] audiodata = AudioFileReader.Decode(filePath.FullName, SAMPLING_RATE, SECONDS_TO_ANALYZE);
            if (audiodata == null || audiodata.Length == 0)  {
                Dbg.WriteLine("Error! - No Audio Found");
                return false;

            // Read TAGs using BASS
            FindSimilar.AudioProxies.BassProxy bass = FindSimilar.AudioProxies.BassProxy.Instance;
            Un4seen.Bass.AddOn.Tags.TAG_INFO tag_info = bass.GetTagInfoFromFile(filePath.FullName);

            // Name of file being processed
            string name = StringUtils.RemoveNonAsciiCharacters(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filePath.Name));

            #if DEBUG
            if (Analyzer.DEBUG_INFO_VERBOSE) {
                if (DEBUG_OUTPUT_TEXT) WriteAscii(audiodata, name + "_audiodata.ascii");
                if (DEBUG_OUTPUT_TEXT) WriteF3Formatted(audiodata, name + "_audiodata.txt");

            if (doOutputDebugInfo) {
                DrawGraph(MathUtils.FloatToDouble(audiodata), name + "_audiodata.png");

            // Calculate duration in ms
            double duration = (double) audiodata.Length / SAMPLING_RATE * 1000;

            // Explode samples to the range of 16 bit shorts (–32,768 to 32,767)
            // Matlab multiplies with 2^15 (32768)
            // e.g. if( max(abs(speech))<=1 ), speech = speech * 2^15; end;
            MathUtils.Multiply(ref audiodata, AUDIO_MULTIPLIER); // 65536

            // zero pad if the audio file is too short to perform a mfcc
            if (audiodata.Length < (fingerprintingConfig.WdftSize + fingerprintingConfig.Overlap))
                int lenNew = fingerprintingConfig.WdftSize + fingerprintingConfig.Overlap;
                Array.Resize<float>(ref audiodata, lenNew);

            // Get fingerprint signatures using the Soundfingerprinting methods
            IPermutations permutations = new LocalPermutations("Soundfingerprinting\\perms.csv", ",");
            Repository repository = new Repository(permutations, databaseService, fingerprintService);

            // Image Service
            ImageService imageService = new ImageService(

            // work config
            WorkUnitParameterObject param = new WorkUnitParameterObject();
            param.FingerprintingConfiguration = fingerprintingConfig;
            param.AudioSamples = audiodata;
            param.PathToAudioFile = filePath.FullName;
            param.MillisecondsToProcess = SECONDS_TO_ANALYZE * 1000;
            param.StartAtMilliseconds = 0;

            // build track
            Track track = new Track();
            track.Title = name;
            track.TrackLengthMs = (int) duration;
            track.FilePath = filePath.FullName;
            track.Id = -1; // this will be set by the insert method

            #region parse tag_info
            if (tag_info != null) {
                Dictionary<string, string> tags = new Dictionary<string, string>();

                //if (tag_info.title != string.Empty) tags.Add("title", tag_info.title);
                if (tag_info.artist != string.Empty) tags.Add("artist", tag_info.artist);
                if (tag_info.album != string.Empty) tags.Add("album", tag_info.album);
                if (tag_info.albumartist != string.Empty) tags.Add("albumartist", tag_info.albumartist);
                if (tag_info.year != string.Empty) tags.Add("year", tag_info.year);
                if (tag_info.comment != string.Empty) tags.Add("comment", tag_info.comment);
                if (tag_info.genre != string.Empty) tags.Add("genre", tag_info.genre);
                if (tag_info.track != string.Empty) tags.Add("track", tag_info.track);
                if (tag_info.disc != string.Empty) tags.Add("disc", tag_info.disc);
                if (tag_info.copyright != string.Empty) tags.Add("copyright", tag_info.copyright);
                if (tag_info.encodedby != string.Empty) tags.Add("encodedby", tag_info.encodedby);
                if (tag_info.composer != string.Empty) tags.Add("composer", tag_info.composer);
                if (tag_info.publisher != string.Empty) tags.Add("publisher", tag_info.publisher);
                if (tag_info.lyricist != string.Empty) tags.Add("lyricist", tag_info.lyricist);
                if (tag_info.remixer != string.Empty) tags.Add("remixer", tag_info.remixer);
                if (tag_info.producer != string.Empty) tags.Add("producer", tag_info.producer);
                if (tag_info.bpm != string.Empty) tags.Add("bpm", tag_info.bpm);
                //if (tag_info.filename != string.Empty) tags.Add("filename", tag_info.filename);
                tags.Add("channelinfo", tag_info.channelinfo.ToString());
                //if (tag_info.duration > 0) tags.Add("duration", tag_info.duration.ToString());
                if (tag_info.bitrate > 0) tags.Add("bitrate", tag_info.bitrate.ToString());
                if (tag_info.replaygain_track_gain != -100f) tags.Add("replaygain_track_gain", tag_info.replaygain_track_gain.ToString());
                if (tag_info.replaygain_track_peak != -1f) tags.Add("replaygain_track_peak", tag_info.replaygain_track_peak.ToString());
                if (tag_info.conductor != string.Empty) tags.Add("conductor", tag_info.conductor);
                if (tag_info.grouping != string.Empty) tags.Add("grouping", tag_info.grouping);
                if (tag_info.mood != string.Empty) tags.Add("mood", tag_info.mood);
                if (tag_info.rating != string.Empty) tags.Add("rating", tag_info.rating);
                if (tag_info.isrc != string.Empty) tags.Add("isrc", tag_info.isrc);

                foreach(var nativeTag in tag_info.NativeTags) {
                    string[] keyvalue = nativeTag.Split('=');
                    tags.Add(keyvalue[0], keyvalue[1]);
                track.Tags = tags;

            double[][] logSpectrogram;
            if (repository.InsertTrackInDatabaseUsingSamples(track, 25, 4, param, out logSpectrogram)) {

                // store logSpectrogram as Matrix
                Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix logSpectrogramMatrix = new Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix(logSpectrogram);
                logSpectrogramMatrix = logSpectrogramMatrix.Transpose();

                #region Debug for Soundfingerprinting Method
                if (doOutputDebugInfo) {
                    imageService.GetLogSpectralImages(logSpectrogram, fingerprintingConfig.Stride, fingerprintingConfig.FingerprintLength, fingerprintingConfig.Overlap, 2).Save(name + "_specgram_logimages.png");

                    logSpectrogramMatrix.DrawMatrixImageLogValues(name + "_specgram_logimage.png", true);

                    if (DEBUG_OUTPUT_TEXT) {
                        logSpectrogramMatrix.WriteCSV(name + "_specgram_log.csv", ";");

                #region Insert Statistical Cluster Model Similarity Audio Feature as well
                Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix scmsMatrix = null;
                if (useHaarWavelet) {
                    #region Wavelet Transform
                    int lastHeight = 0;
                    int lastWidth = 0;
                    scmsMatrix = mfccMirage.ApplyWaveletCompression(ref logSpectrogramMatrix, out lastHeight, out lastWidth);

                    #if DEBUG
                    if (Analyzer.DEBUG_INFO_VERBOSE) {
                        if (DEBUG_OUTPUT_TEXT) scmsMatrix.WriteAscii(name + "_waveletdata.ascii");

                    if (doOutputDebugInfo) {
                        scmsMatrix.DrawMatrixImageLogValues(name + "_waveletdata.png", true);

                    #if DEBUG
                    if (Analyzer.DEBUG_INFO_VERBOSE) {
                        #region Inverse Wavelet
                        // try to do an inverse wavelet transform
                        Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix stftdata_inverse_wavelet = mfccMirage.InverseWaveletCompression(ref scmsMatrix, lastHeight, lastWidth, logSpectrogramMatrix.Rows, logSpectrogramMatrix.Columns);

                        if (DEBUG_OUTPUT_TEXT) stftdata_inverse_wavelet.WriteCSV(name + "_specgramlog_inverse_wavelet.csv", ";");
                        stftdata_inverse_wavelet.DrawMatrixImageLogValues(name + "_specgramlog_inverse_wavelet.png", true);
                } else {
                    #region DCT Transform
                    // It seems the Mirage way of applying the DCT is slightly faster than the
                    // Comirva way due to less loops
                    scmsMatrix = mfccMirage.ApplyDCT(ref logSpectrogramMatrix);

                    #if DEBUG
                    if (Analyzer.DEBUG_INFO_VERBOSE) {
                        if (DEBUG_OUTPUT_TEXT) scmsMatrix.WriteAscii(name + "_mfccdata.ascii");

                    if (doOutputDebugInfo) {
                        scmsMatrix.DrawMatrixImageLogValues(name + "_mfccdata.png", true);

                    #if DEBUG
                    if (Analyzer.DEBUG_INFO_VERBOSE) {
                        #region Inverse MFCC
                        // try to do an inverse mfcc
                        Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix stftdata_inverse_mfcc = mfccMirage.InverseDCT(ref scmsMatrix);

                        if (DEBUG_OUTPUT_TEXT) stftdata_inverse_mfcc.WriteCSV(name + "_stftdata_inverse_mfcc.csv", ";");
                        stftdata_inverse_mfcc.DrawMatrixImageLogValues(name + "_specgramlog_inverse_mfcc.png", true);

                // Store in a Statistical Cluster Model Similarity class.
                // A Gaussian representation of a song
                Scms audioFeature = Scms.GetScms(scmsMatrix, name);

                if (audioFeature != null) {

                    // Store image if debugging
                    if (doOutputDebugInfo) {
                        audioFeature.Image = scmsMatrix.DrawMatrixImageLogValues(name + "_featuredata.png", true, false, 0, 0, true);

                    // Store bitstring hash as well
                    string hashString = GetBitString(scmsMatrix);
                    audioFeature.BitString = hashString;

                    // Store duration
                    audioFeature.Duration = (long) duration;

                    // Store file name
                    audioFeature.Name = filePath.FullName;

                    int id = track.Id;
                    if (db.AddTrack(ref id, audioFeature) == -1) {
                        Console.Out.WriteLine("Failed! Could not add audioFeature to database {0}!", name);

            } else {
                // failed
                return false;

            Dbg.WriteLine ("AnalyzeAndAdd - Total Execution Time: {0} ms", t.Stop().TotalMilliseconds);
            return true;
Пример #12
        private static void TestSoundfingerprintingAlgorithm(string filename, string name)
            // work config
            WorkUnitParameterObject param = new WorkUnitParameterObject();
            param.PathToAudioFile = filename;
            param.StartAtMilliseconds = 0;
            param.MillisecondsToProcess = 0;
            param.FingerprintingConfiguration = fingerprintingConfig;

            // Soundfingerprinting Service
            FingerprintService fingerprintService = GetSoundfingerprintingService();

            // Image Service
            ImageService imageService = new ImageService(

            // Configuration
            AudioServiceConfiguration audioServiceConfiguration = new AudioServiceConfiguration
                LogBins = fingerprintingConfig.LogBins,
                LogBase = fingerprintingConfig.LogBase,
                MaxFrequency = fingerprintingConfig.MaxFrequency,
                MinFrequency = fingerprintingConfig.MinFrequency,
                Overlap = fingerprintingConfig.Overlap,
                SampleRate = fingerprintingConfig.SampleRate,
                WdftSize = fingerprintingConfig.WdftSize,
                NormalizeSignal = fingerprintingConfig.NormalizeSignal,
                UseDynamicLogBase = fingerprintingConfig.UseDynamicLogBase

            double[][] spectrogram = fingerprintService.AudioService.CreateSpectrogram(filename, new Mirage.HannWindow(fingerprintingConfig.WdftSize), fingerprintingConfig.SampleRate, fingerprintingConfig.Overlap, fingerprintingConfig.WdftSize);
            imageService.GetSpectrogramImage(spectrogram, 600, 400).Save("imageservice_" + name + "_specgram.png");

            Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix stftdata = new Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix(spectrogram).Transpose();
            #if DEBUG
            if (Analyzer.DEBUG_INFO_VERBOSE) {
                if (DEBUG_OUTPUT_TEXT) {
                    stftdata.WriteAscii(name + "_stftdata2.ascii");
                    stftdata.WriteCSV(name + "_stftdata2.csv", ";");

                // same as specgram(audio*32768, 2048, 44100, hanning(2048), 1024);
                stftdata.DrawMatrixImageLogValues(name + "_specgram2.png", true);

                // spec gram with log values for the y axis (frequency)
                stftdata.DrawMatrixImageLogY(name + "_specgramlog2.png", SAMPLING_RATE, 20, SAMPLING_RATE/2, 120, WINDOW_SIZE);

            double[][] logSpectrogram = fingerprintService.AudioService.CreateLogSpectrogram(filename, new Mirage.HannWindow(fingerprintingConfig.WdftSize), audioServiceConfiguration);
            imageService.GetLogSpectralImages(logSpectrogram, fingerprintingConfig.Stride, fingerprintingConfig.FingerprintLength, fingerprintingConfig.Overlap, 2).Save("imageservice_" + name + "_specgram_logimages.png");

            Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix stftdataLog = new Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix(logSpectrogram).Transpose();
            #if DEBUG
            if (Analyzer.DEBUG_INFO_VERBOSE) {
                if (DEBUG_OUTPUT_TEXT) {
                    stftdataLog.WriteAscii(name + "_stftdataLog.ascii");
                    stftdataLog.WriteCSV(name + "_stftdataLog.csv", ";");

                // same as specgram(audio*32768, 2048, 44100, hanning(2048), 1024);
                stftdataLog.DrawMatrixImageLogValues(name + "_stftdataLog.png", true);

            // Get fingerprints
            double[][] LogSpectrogram;
            List<bool[]> fingerprints = fingerprintService.CreateFingerprintsFromAudioFile(param, out LogSpectrogram);
            int width = fingerprintingConfig.FingerprintLength;
            int height = fingerprintingConfig.LogBins;
            imageService.GetImageForFingerprints(fingerprints, width, height, 2).Save("imageservice_" + name + "_fingerprints.png");

            IPermutations permutations = new LocalPermutations("Soundfingerprinting\\perms.csv", ",");
            Soundfingerprinting.DuplicatesDetector.DataAccess.Repository repository = new Soundfingerprinting.DuplicatesDetector.DataAccess.Repository(permutations);

            // Define track
            Soundfingerprinting.DuplicatesDetector.Model.Track track
                = new Soundfingerprinting.DuplicatesDetector.Model.Track {
                Title = name,
                Path = filename

            // Get the HashSignatures
            List<Soundfingerprinting.DuplicatesDetector.Model.HashSignature> signatures = repository.GetSignatures(fingerprints, track, 25, 4);
            return signatures;
Пример #13
				private static void TestComirvaMatrix() {

					// http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/pmc/section5/pmc541.htm

					// Tested in:
					// octave-3.2.4.exe or
					// octave3.6.2_gcc4.6.2
					// > format short g
					// > X = [4, 2, 0.6; 4.2, 2.1, .59; 3.9, 2, .58; 4.3, 2.1, 0.6; 4.1, 2.2, 0.63]
					// > mean (X)
					// ans =
					// 	4.1        2.08         0.6
					// 	> mean (X')
					// 	ans =
					// 		2.2      2.2967        2.16      2.3333        2.31
					// > cov (X)
					//	ans =
					// 	 	0.025     0.0075   	0.00075
					// 		0.0075    0.007    	0.00125
					// 		0.00075   0.00125  	0.00035

					// 	> cov (X')
					// 	ans =
					// 		2.92       3.098       2.846        3.18       2.966
					// 		3.098       3.287      3.0199      3.3737      3.1479
					// 		2.846      3.0199      2.7748       3.099      2.8933
					// 		3.18      3.3737       3.099      3.4633       3.229
					// 		2.966      3.1479      2.8933       3.229      3.0193
					// > inverse ( cov (X) )
					// 	ans =
					// 		 70.297 	-133.66     326.73
					// 	   -133.66     	 648.51   -2029.7
					// 		326.73 	   -2029.7     9405.9
					// > inverse (cov (X'))
					// warning: inverse: matrix singular to machine precision, rcond = 2.41562e-018
					// ans =
					//   -1.1505e+015  6.7533e+014   1.9306e+015  -4.7521e+014  -9.1573e+014
					//   -7.9177e+015 -9.2709e+015   1.0708e+016   7.809e+015   -1.1689e+015
					//    3.8489e+015  1.4136e+015  -3.5083e+015  -2.405e+015    6.7916e+014
					//    4.7087e+015  5.3658e+015  -7.4667e+015  -4.0211e+015   1.2355e+015
					//    6.6107e+014  1.9093e+015  -1.7135e+015  -1.0698e+015   1.4605e+014
					long start, stop;
					double elapsed;
					double[][] x = new double[][] {
						new double[] {4.00000, 2.00000, 0.60000},
						new double[] {4.20000, 2.10000, 0.59000},
						new double[] {3.90000, 2.00000, 0.58000},
						new double[] {4.30000, 2.10000, 0.60000},
						new double[] {4.10000, 2.20000, 0.63000}
					Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix X = new Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix(5, 3);
					X.MatrixData = x;

					X.Transpose().Mean(1).Print(); // or X.Mean(2).Transpose().Print();

					X.Transpose().Cov().Print(); // or X.Cov(X.Mean(2)).Print();

					Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix A = Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix.Random(500,500);
					Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix B = Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix.Random(500,500);
					start = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
					Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix C0 = A * B;
					stop = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
					elapsed = (stop - start) / 1000.0 / 10000;
					Console.WriteLine("Standards Multiply:  " + elapsed + " seconds");

					start = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
					Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix C1 = Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix.MatrixProductParallel(A, B);
					stop = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
					elapsed = (stop - start) / 1000.0 / 10000;
					Console.WriteLine("MatrixProductParallel:  " + elapsed + " seconds");
					start = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
					Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix C2 = Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix.MatrixProductFast(A, B);
					stop = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
					elapsed = (stop - start) / 1000.0 / 10000;
					Console.WriteLine("MatrixProductFast:  " + elapsed + " seconds");
					if (C0 == C1 && C0 == C2) {
						Console.WriteLine("C0, C1 and C2 are Equal");
Пример #14
		/// <summary>
		/// Method to analyse and add all the different types of audio features
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="filePath">full file path</param>
		/// <param name="db">Scms database (Mirage)</param>
		/// <param name="repository">Soundfingerprinting Repository</param>
		/// <param name="doOutputDebugInfo">decide whether to output debug info like spectrogram and audiofile (default value can be set)</param>
		/// <param name="useHaarWavelet">decide whether to use haar wavelet compression or DCT compression</param>
		/// <returns>true if successful</returns>
		public static bool AnalyzeAndAddComplete(FileInfo filePath, Db db, Repository repository, bool doOutputDebugInfo=DEFAULT_DEBUG_INFO, bool useHaarWavelet = true) {
			DbgTimer t = new DbgTimer();
			t.Start ();
			// get work config from the audio file
			WorkUnitParameterObject param = GetWorkUnitParameterObjectFromAudioFile(filePath);
			if (param == null) return false;
			param.FingerprintingConfiguration = fingerprintingConfigCreation;
			string fileName = param.FileName;
			// build track
			Track track = new Track();
			track.Title = param.FileName;
			track.TrackLengthMs = (int) param.DurationInMs;
			track.FilePath = param.PathToAudioFile;
			track.Tags = param.Tags;
			track.Id = -1; // this will be set by the insert method
			double[][] logSpectrogram;
			List<bool[]> fingerprints;
			if (repository.InsertTrackInDatabaseUsingSamples(track, param.FingerprintingConfiguration.NumberOfHashTables, param.FingerprintingConfiguration.NumberOfKeys, param, out logSpectrogram, out fingerprints)) {

				// store logSpectrogram as Matrix
				try {
					Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix logSpectrogramMatrix = new Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix(logSpectrogram);
					logSpectrogramMatrix = logSpectrogramMatrix.Transpose();
					#region Output debugging information (Saving spectrograms and/or csv files)
					if (doOutputDebugInfo) {
						logSpectrogramMatrix.DrawMatrixImageLogValues(fileName + "_matrix_spectrogram.png", true);

						if (DEBUG_OUTPUT_TEXT) {
							logSpectrogramMatrix.WriteCSV(fileName + "_matrix_spectrogram.csv", ";");

						// Save debug images using fingerprinting methods
						SaveFingerprintingDebugImages(fileName, logSpectrogram, fingerprints, repository.FingerprintService, param.FingerprintingConfiguration);
					// Insert Statistical Cluster Model Similarity Audio Feature as well
					if (!AnalyseAndAddScmsUsingLogSpectrogram(logSpectrogramMatrix, param, db, track.Id, doOutputDebugInfo, useHaarWavelet)) {
						Dbg.WriteLine("AnalyzeAndAddComplete - Failed inserting Statistical Cluster Model Similarity Audio Feature");
						// Failed, but ignore!
				} catch (Exception e) {
					Dbg.WriteLine("AnalyzeAndAddComplete - Failed creating Statistical Cluster Model Similarity Audio Feature");
					// Failed, but ignore!
			} else {
				// Failed
				return false;

			Dbg.WriteLine("AnalyzeAndAddComplete - Total Execution Time: {0} ms", t.Stop().TotalMilliseconds);
			return true;
Пример #15
		public static void RunTests() {
			// Run the following matlab test:
			// T = 1; % threshold value
			// v = linspace(-5,5,1024);
			// clf;
			// hold('on');
			// plot(v, perform_thresholding(v,T,'hard'), 'b--');
			// plot(v, perform_thresholding(v,T,'soft'), 'r--');
			// plot(v, perform_thresholding(v,[T 2*T],'semisoft'), 'g');
			// plot(v, perform_thresholding(v,[T 4*T],'semisoft'), 'g:');
			// plot(v, perform_thresholding(v',400,'strict'), 'r:');
			// legend('hard', 'soft', 'semisoft, \mu=2', 'semisoft, \mu=4', 'strict, 400');
			// hold('off');
			// linspace in c#
			double start = -5;
			double end = 5;
			double totalCount = 1024;
			double[][] v = new double[1][];
			v[0] = new double[(int) totalCount];
			int count = 0;
			for(double i = start; i < end; i += (end-start)/totalCount) {
				v[0][count] = i;
			// perform thresholding and plot
			int T = 1;
			double[][] hard = perform_hard_thresholding(v, T);
			Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix mHard = new Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix(hard);
			mHard.DrawMatrixGraph("thresholding-hard.png", false);

			double[][] soft = perform_soft_thresholding(v, T);
			Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix mSoft = new Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix(soft);
			mSoft.DrawMatrixGraph("thresholding-soft.png", false);

			double[][] semisoft1 = perform_semisoft_thresholding(v, T, 2*T);
			Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix mSemiSoft1 = new Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix(semisoft1);
			mSemiSoft1.DrawMatrixGraph("thresholding-semisoft1.png", false);

			double[][] semisoft2 = perform_semisoft_thresholding(v, T, 4*T);
			Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix mSemiSoft2 = new Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix(semisoft2);
			mSemiSoft2.DrawMatrixGraph("thresholding-semisoft2.png", false);
			double[][] strict = perform_strict_thresholding(v, 400);
			Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix mStrict = new Comirva.Audio.Util.Maths.Matrix(strict);
			mStrict.DrawMatrixGraph("thresholding-strict.png", false);