public void Attack(Weapons weapon, CombatChar target, bool isCounter) { // Perform the rolls to see if the attacks was succeded and if its a counter attack already, it doesn't cause another counter. int attkRoll = C.skills[weapon.attackSkill].GetMod(target.C.lvl); attkRoll += C.attributes[weapon.attackAttr].GetMod(target.C.lvl); attkRoll += C.Properties[Properties.Attack].GetValue(); attkRoll += (int)weapon.hitMod; attkRoll += Random.Range(1, 101); //attkRoll += CheckForArmorAndWeaponCritical(target); int evadeRoll = target.EvadeRoll(this.C.lvl); //Debug.Log("attacking " + attkRoll + " x " + evadeRoll ); if (attkRoll >= evadeRoll) { bool isCrit = CriticalRoll(weapon, target); float damage = Damage(target, weapon, isCrit); target.takeDamage(damage, isCrit, isCounter); } else if (!isCounter) { target.CheckForCounter(weapon, this); } }
public override void Effect(CombatChar target) { targetChar = target; targetChar.takeDamage(castDamage, false, false, true); target.sprite.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().color =; target.C.fillLife.color =; }