Пример #1
        private string ValidRow(IRow row, int cellCount, IList <MandatoryColumns> MColumnList, bool splitcol)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            var flag = false;

            var record = new ColumnsToDB();

            foreach (var a in MColumnList)
                if (a.columnName == "email")
                    if (row.GetCell(a.colIndex) != null || row.GetCell(a.colIndex).ToString().Trim() != "")
                        var test = Validator.EmailIsValid(row.GetCell(a.colIndex).ToString().ToLower().Trim());

                        if (test == false)
                            sb.Append("<tr><td>" + row.RowNum + "</td><td>" + row.GetCell(a.colIndex).ToString() + "</td><td>Not a Valid Email</td></tr>");
                            flag = true;
                        sb.Append("<tr><td>" + row.RowNum + "</td><td></td><td>Provide an email address</td></tr>");
                        flag = true;
                else if (a.columnName == "fname")
                    //Remove special characters from name
                    var fname = (row.GetCell(a.colIndex) == null) ? null : regex.Replace(row.GetCell(a.colIndex).ToString(), String.Empty);
                    if (fname == null || fname.ToString().Trim() == "")
                        sb.Append("<tr><td>" + row.RowNum + "</td><td></td><td>First Name is missing</td></tr>");
                        flag = true;

            if (flag == true)
Пример #2
        // GET: Upload/Details/5
        public ActionResult Async_Save(IEnumerable <IFormFile> files, short?eid)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            if (eid != null)
                IFormFile file        = Request.Form.Files[0];
                string    folderName  = "Upload";
                string    webRootPath = _env.WebRootPath;
                string    newPath     = Path.Combine(webRootPath, folderName);
                short     eGrpId      = GetNextGroupID(eid) == null ? (short)1 : (short)(GetNextGroupID(eid) + 1);
                if (!Directory.Exists(newPath))
                if (file.Length > 0)
                    string sFileExtension = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName).ToLower();
                    ISheet sheet;
                    string fullPath = Path.Combine(newPath, file.FileName);
                    bool   splitcol = false; //if file has no lname column then trigger the module to split the fname based on space character and create last name column
                    using (var stream = new FileStream(fullPath, FileMode.Create))
                        stream.Position = 0;
                        if (sFileExtension == ".xls")
                            HSSFWorkbook hssfwb = new HSSFWorkbook(stream); //This will read the Excel 97-2000 formats
                            sheet = hssfwb.GetSheetAt(0);                   //get first sheet from workbook
                            XSSFWorkbook hssfwb = new XSSFWorkbook(stream); //This will read 2007 Excel format
                            sheet = hssfwb.GetSheetAt(0);                   //get first sheet from workbook
                        IRow headerRow = sheet.GetRow(0);                   //Get Header Row
                        int  cellCount = headerRow.LastCellNum;

                        IList <MandatoryColumns> MColumnList = new List <MandatoryColumns>();

                        for (int j = 0; j < cellCount; j++)
                            ICell cell = headerRow.GetCell(j);

                            /********  Used to check whether mandatory column names exist*/
                            if (cell.ToString().ToLower().Contains("mail"))
                                MColumnList.Add(new MandatoryColumns()
                                    colIndex = j, columnName = "email"
                            else if (cell.ToString().ToLower().Contains("fname") || cell.ToString().ToLower().Contains("first"))
                                MColumnList.Add(new MandatoryColumns()
                                    colIndex = j, columnName = "fname"
                            else if (cell.ToString().ToLower().Contains("lname") || cell.ToString().ToLower().Contains("last"))
                                MColumnList.Add(new MandatoryColumns()
                                    colIndex = j, columnName = "lname"
                            else if (cell.ToString().ToLower().Contains("position"))
                                MColumnList.Add(new MandatoryColumns()
                                    colIndex = j, columnName = "position"
                            else if (cell.ToString().ToLower().Contains("company") || cell.ToString().ToLower().Contains("agency"))
                                MColumnList.Add(new MandatoryColumns()
                                    colIndex = j, columnName = "company"
                            else if (cell.ToString().ToLower().Contains("group"))
                                MColumnList.Add(new MandatoryColumns()
                                    colIndex = j, columnName = "eventgroupid"
                            else if (cell.ToString().ToLower().Contains("deadline"))
                                MColumnList.Add(new MandatoryColumns()
                                    colIndex = j, columnName = "deadline"
                            /* if header column is blank move to next*/
                            if (cell == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cell.ToString()))
                            // sb.Append("<th>" + cell.ToString() + "</th>");

                        //error message initialisation
                        ViewData["Import Error"] = "<ul>";

                        if (!MColumnList.Any(i => i.columnName == "email"))
                            ViewData["Import Error"] = ViewData["Import Error"] + "<li>No Email Address Column</li>";
                        else if (!MColumnList.Any(i => i.columnName == "fname"))
                            ViewData["Import Error"] = ViewData["Import Error"] + "<li>No First Name Column</li>";
                        else if (!MColumnList.Any(i => i.columnName == "lname"))
                            splitcol = true;
                            // ViewData["Import Error"] = ViewData["Import Error"] + "<li>No Last Name Column</li>";

                        ViewData["Import Error"] = ViewData["Import Error"] + "</ul>";

                        //if manadatory column missing then return with error message
                        if ((string)ViewData["Import Error"] != "<ul></ul>")

                        var errorTD = "";                                                 //this variable will have the html to display error if the row is not valid

                        for (int i = (sheet.FirstRowNum + 1); i <= sheet.LastRowNum; i++) //Read Excel File
                            IRow row = sheet.GetRow(i);
                            if (row == null)

                            if (row.Cells.All(d => d.CellType == CellType.Blank))

                            errorTD = errorTD + ValidRow(row, cellCount, MColumnList, splitcol);


                        if (errorTD == "") // if no error loop thru xl file and  create hashset to write to database
                            // HashSet<ColumnsToDB> recordSet = new HashSet<ColumnsToDB>(new EmailComparer());

                            HashSet <Ams> recordSet      = new HashSet <Ams>(new EmailComparer1());
                            IList <Ams>   recordSetL     = new List <Ams>();
                            StringBuilder tranferTD      = new StringBuilder();
                            var           checks         = _context.Ams.Where(i => i.EventId == eid).Select(r => r.EmailId).ToArray();
                            var           emailExistInDb = 0;

                            for (int i = (sheet.FirstRowNum + 1); i <= sheet.LastRowNum; i++) //Read Excel File
                                IRow row = sheet.GetRow(i);
                                var  r   = new ColumnsToDB();
                                if (row == null)
                                if (row.Cells.All(d => d.CellType == CellType.Blank))
                                r = GetHashSet(row, cellCount, MColumnList, splitcol);

                                if (!checks.Contains(r.Email))
                                    recordSet.Add(new Ams {
                                        Fname = r.Fname, Lname = r.Lname, EmailId = r.Email, Position = r.Position, Company = r.Company, EventId = eid, EventGroupId = eGrpId
                                    if (r.Fname.Length <= 2 || r.Fname.Contains(".") || r.Fname.Contains("_") || r.Fname.Contains("-"))
                                        tranferTD.Append("<tr><td  class='btn-primary'>" + r.Fname + "</td><td  class='btn-primary'>" + r.Lname + "</td><td  class='btn-primary'>" + r.Email + "</td></tr>");
                                        tranferTD.Append("<tr><td>" + r.Fname + "</td><td>" + r.Lname + "</td><td>" + r.Email + "</td></tr>");
                                    emailExistInDb = emailExistInDb + 1;

                                // check recordSet for fname =="Error occured" string and report to user to contact marketing department
                            //Bulkinsert require a list. to remove duplicates we use hashset. so converted hashset to list
                            recordSetL = recordSet.ToList();
                            //follow the below link to bulk insert - to improve insertion time

                            sb.Append("<div class='alert alert-success' role='success'> <h4 class='alert-heading'>" + (recordSet.Count == 0 ? "No Records Updated.!": "Successfully Updated.!") + "</h4></div>" +
                                      "<ul><li>(" + recordSet.Count().ToString() + ") Records Inserted </li> <li>(" + (sheet.LastRowNum - recordSet.Count - emailExistInDb).ToString() + ") Duplicates found and eliminated</li><li>(" + (emailExistInDb).ToString() + ") Already Exist in Database</li></ul>");
                            sb.Append("<table id='resultGrid' class='table table-striped table-bordered'>");
                            sb.Append("<th>First Name</th><th>Last Name</th><th>Email</th>");
                            sb.Append((tranferTD.ToString() == "" ? "<tr><td colspan='3'>No Records to update</td></tr>":tranferTD.ToString()) + "</table>");
                            sb.Append("<div class='alert alert-danger' role='alert'> <h4 class='alert-heading'> File not updated.!</h4><p> Please fix the below errors in" + file.FileName + "and try upload again</p></div>");
                            sb.Append("<table id='resultGrid' class='table table-striped table-bordered'>");
                            sb.Append("<th>Row#</th><th>First Name/ Email</th><th>Error Message</th>");
                            sb.Append(errorTD + "</tr> </table>");
                            //Response.StatusCode = (int)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
                    sb.Append("<div class='alert alert-danger' role='alert'> <h4 class='alert-heading'>No files selected !</h4></div>");
                //Response.StatusCode = (int)System.Net.HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
                sb.Append("<div class='alert alert-danger' role='alert'> <h4 class='alert-heading'>No Event Selected !</h4><p> Please select an event from the drop down list</p></div>");

            // return this.Content(sb.ToString());
Пример #3
        public ColumnsToDB GetHashSet(IRow row, int cellCount, IList <MandatoryColumns> MColumnList, bool splitcol)
            CultureInfo cultureInfo = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;
            TextInfo    textInfo    = cultureInfo.TextInfo;

            var record = new ColumnsToDB();

                foreach (var a in MColumnList)
                    if (splitcol == true && a.columnName == "fname")
                        var name = textInfo.ToTitleCase(row.GetCell(a.colIndex).ToString().ToLower().Trim()).Split(" ", 2);
                        //if any change in expression change in validRow module as well
                        name[0]      = regex.Replace(name[0], String.Empty); //remove any special character
                        record.Fname = name[0];
                        record.Lname = (name.Length > 0) ? null : textInfo.ToTitleCase(name[1].ToString().ToLower().Trim());
                    else if (splitcol == false && a.columnName == "fname")
                        record.Fname = textInfo.ToTitleCase(row.GetCell(a.colIndex).ToString().ToLower().Trim());
                    if (a.columnName == "lname")
                        record.Lname = row.GetCell(a.colIndex) == null ? null : textInfo.ToTitleCase(row.GetCell(a.colIndex).ToString().ToLower().Trim());
                    else if (a.columnName == "email")
                        record.Email = row.GetCell(a.colIndex).ToString().ToLower().Trim();
                    else if (a.columnName == "position")
                        record.Position = row.GetCell(a.colIndex) == null ? null : textInfo.ToTitleCase(row.GetCell(a.colIndex).ToString().ToLower().Trim());
                    else if (a.columnName == "company")
                        record.Company = row.GetCell(a.colIndex) == null ? null : textInfo.ToTitleCase(row.GetCell(a.colIndex).ToString().ToLower().Trim());
                    else if (a.columnName == "eventgroupid")
                        if (short.TryParse(row.GetCell(a.colIndex).ToString(), out short gid))
                            record.EventGroupId = gid;
                    else if (a.columnName == "deadline")
                        if (DateTime.TryParse(row.GetCell(a.colIndex).ToString().Trim(), out DateTime dateValue))
                            record.IndividualDeadline = dateValue;
                ;  //record created

                //to remove duplicates hashset of objects
            catch (Exception ex)
                record.Fname = "Error occured";
                record.Email = row.RowNum + "@rownumber";
