private Columns GetColumns(XmlNode tableOrViewNode) { XmlNode columnsNode = tableOrViewNode["c:Columns"]; if (columnsNode == null || columnsNode.ChildNodes.Count == 0) return null; XmlNodeList columnNodes = columnsNode.ChildNodes; Columns columns = new Columns(columnNodes.Count); foreach (XmlNode columnNode in columnNodes) { string id = columnNode.Attributes["Id"].InnerText; string displayName = columnNode["a:Name"].InnerText; string name = columnNode["a:Code"].InnerText; string comment = columnNode["a:Comment"] != null ? columnNode["a:Comment"].InnerText : string.Empty; string dataType = columnNode["a:DataType"] != null ? columnNode["a:DataType"].InnerText : string.Empty; string length = columnNode["a:Length"] != null ? columnNode["a:Length"].InnerText : "0"; string identity = columnNode["a:Identity"] != null ? columnNode["a:Identity"].InnerText : string.Empty; string mandatory = columnNode["a:Mandatory"] != null ? columnNode["a:Mandatory"].InnerText : string.Empty; string defaultValue = columnNode["a:DefaultValue"] != null ? columnNode["a:DefaultValue"].InnerText : string.Empty; Column column = new Column(id, displayName, name, dataType, comment); column.Length = Int32.Parse(length); column.IsAutoIncremented = identity.Equals("1"); column.IsNullable = mandatory.Equals("1"); column.DefaultValue = defaultValue.ToEmpty(); column.DataType = Regex.Replace(column.DataType, "\\(.*?\\)", ""); column.OriginalName = name; columns.Add(id, column); } return columns; }
public Columns CalculateColumns() { Columns columns = new Columns(); Column lastColumn = null; Offset lastOffset = Offset.Zero; int count = _members.Count; for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Offset thisOffset = this[i].TopOffset; if (thisOffset.IsLessThanOrEqualTo(lastOffset)) { if (lastColumn != null) { lastColumn.SetEnd(i); } Column col = new Column(this, i); columns.Add(col); lastColumn = col; } lastOffset = thisOffset; } lastColumn.SetEnd(count); return columns; }
private Columns GetColumns(string connectionString, string sqlCmd) { Columns columns = new Columns(50); MySqlDataReader dr = MySqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connectionString, sqlCmd); while (dr.Read()) { string id = dr.IsDBNull(2) ? string.Empty : dr.GetString(2); string displayName = dr.IsDBNull(2) ? string.Empty : dr.GetString(2); string name = dr.IsDBNull(2) ? string.Empty : dr.GetString(2); string dataType = dr.IsDBNull(3) ? string.Empty : dr.GetString(3); string key = dr.IsDBNull(4) ? string.Empty : dr.GetString(4); string defaultValue = dr.IsDBNull(5) ? string.Empty : dr.GetString(5); string isNullable = dr.IsDBNull(6) ? string.Empty : dr.GetString(6); string length = dr.IsDBNull(7) ? string.Empty : dr.GetString(7); string identity = dr.IsDBNull(8) ? string.Empty : dr.GetString(8); string comment = dr.IsDBNull(9) ? string.Empty : dr.GetString(9); Column column = new Column(id, displayName, name, dataType, comment); column.Length = ConvertHelper.GetInt32(length); column.IsAutoIncremented = identity.Equals("auto_increment"); column.IsNullable = isNullable.Equals("YES"); column.DefaultValue = defaultValue.ToEmpty(); column.DataType = dataType; column.OriginalName = name; columns.Add(id, column); } dr.Close(); return columns; }
private Columns GetColumns(string connectionString, string sqlCmd) { Columns columns = new Columns(50); SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connectionString, CommandType.Text, sqlCmd); while (dr.Read()) { string id = dr.IsDBNull(2) ? string.Empty : dr.GetString(2); string displayName = dr.IsDBNull(2) ? string.Empty : dr.GetString(2); string name = dr.IsDBNull(2) ? string.Empty : dr.GetString(2); int length = dr.IsDBNull(3) ? 0 : dr.GetInt16(3); bool identity = dr.IsDBNull(4) ? false : dr.GetBoolean(4); bool isNullable = dr.IsDBNull(5) ? false : dr.GetBoolean(5); bool isComputed = dr.IsDBNull(6) ? false : dr.GetBoolean(6); string dataType = dr.IsDBNull(7) ? string.Empty : dr.GetString(7); string comment = dr.IsDBNull(8) ? string.Empty : dr.GetString(8); string defaultValue = dr.IsDBNull(9) ? string.Empty : dr.GetString(9); Column column = new Column(id, displayName, name, dataType, comment); column.Length = length; column.IsAutoIncremented = identity; column.IsNullable = isNullable; column.DefaultValue = defaultValue; column.DataType = dataType; column.OriginalName = name; column.IsComputed = isComputed; columns.Add(id, column); } dr.Close(); return columns; }
public Move(Columns column, Rows row, Values value, int score = 0) : this() { Row = row; Column = column; Value = value; Score = score; }
public void Remove_Column() { var test = new Columns(); var column = new Column("testing", ColumnTypes.Bigint, true); test.Add(column); test.Remove(column); Assert.False(test.Items.Any(item => item.Name == "testing")); }
public Exporter(string path, List<Measurement> measurements, Columns[] columns, string lineTerminator, string delimiter, bool header) { this.path = path; this.measurements = measurements; this.columns = columns; this.lineTerminator = lineTerminator; this.delimiter = delimiter; this.header = header; }
public ViewComponentResult AddColumn(Columns model) { Columns tempColumn = new Columns(model.Name, model.BoardID); // The model got passed the last column ID m_context.Columns.Add(tempColumn); m_context.SaveChanges(); tempColumn.TasksList = new List<Tasks>(); return ViewComponent("Panel_Lists", tempColumn); }
public static GeneralColumn AddGeneralColumn(Columns Columns, TableField Field, bool IsEnabled, bool CanDisabled) { GeneralColumn Column = Columns.CreateGeneralColumn(); Column.Field = Field; Column.IsEnabled = IsEnabled; Column.CanDisable = CanDisabled; Columns.Add(Column); return Column; }
public static Document GenerateDocument() { Document document1 = new Document() { MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes() { Ignorable = "w14 wp14" } }; document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wpc", ""); document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", ""); document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("o", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"); document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", ""); document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("m", ""); document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"); document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wp14", ""); document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wp", ""); document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w10", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word"); document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", ""); document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", ""); document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wpg", ""); document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wpi", ""); document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wne", ""); document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wps", ""); DocumentBackground documentBackground1 = new DocumentBackground() { Color = "FF0000" }; V.Background background1 = new V.Background() { Id = "_x0000_s1025", BlackWhiteMode = Ovml.BlackAndWhiteModeValues.GrayScale, TargetScreenSize = Ovml.ScreenSizeValues.Sz1024x768 }; V.Fill fill1 = new V.Fill() { Type = V.FillTypeValues.Frame, Title = "Wedding_EnclosureCards", Recolor = true, Color = "FF0000" }; background1.Append(fill1); documentBackground1.Append(background1); Body body1 = new Body(); Paragraph paragraph1 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = "005F6C39", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "005F6C39" }; BookmarkStart bookmarkStart1 = new BookmarkStart() { Name = "_GoBack", Id = "0" }; BookmarkEnd bookmarkEnd1 = new BookmarkEnd() { Id = "0" }; paragraph1.Append(bookmarkStart1); paragraph1.Append(bookmarkEnd1); SectionProperties sectionProperties1 = new SectionProperties() { RsidR = "005F6C39" }; PageSize pageSize1 = new PageSize() { Width = (UInt32Value)12240U, Height = (UInt32Value)15840U }; PageMargin pageMargin1 = new PageMargin() { Top = 1440, Right = (UInt32Value)1440U, Bottom = 1440, Left = (UInt32Value)1440U, Header = (UInt32Value)720U, Footer = (UInt32Value)720U, Gutter = (UInt32Value)0U }; Columns columns1 = new Columns() { Space = "720" }; DocGrid docGrid1 = new DocGrid() { LinePitch = 360 }; sectionProperties1.Append(pageSize1); sectionProperties1.Append(pageMargin1); sectionProperties1.Append(columns1); sectionProperties1.Append(docGrid1); body1.Append(paragraph1); body1.Append(sectionProperties1); document1.Append(documentBackground1); document1.Append(body1); return document1; }
public Loader(string file, string delimiter, Columns[] columns, ITimeDomain timeDomain, int skip) { // Populate fields. this.CurrentLine = 1; this.Name = new FileInfo(file).Name; this.Data = new List<Measurement>(); this.columns = columns; this.delimiter = "\t"; this.timeDomain = timeDomain; this.skip = skip; this.file = file; }
public ZurbPanel(HtmlHelper html, Columns columnWidth, string cssClass = null) { _html = html; var panel = new TagBuilder("div"); panel.AddCssClass("panel"); panel.AddCssClass(String.Format("{0} columns", columnWidth.GetStringValue())); if (cssClass != null) panel.AddCssClass(cssClass); _html.ViewContext.Writer.Write(panel.ToString(TagRenderMode.StartTag)); }
private void AddColumns(SpreadsheetDocument doc, string sheetName) { var sheetData = doc.GetSheetDataByName(sheetName); var headerRow = sheetData.Descendants<Row>().FirstOrDefault(); if (headerRow == null) return; var colCount = headerRow.Descendants<Cell>().Count(); var columnRange = Enumerable.Range(0, colCount).Select(i => CreateColumn(doc, sheetData, i)); var columns = new Columns(columnRange); var sheet = doc.GetWorksheetByName(sheetName); sheet.InsertAt(columns, 0); }
private Columns AddColumns(String prefix) { var columns = new Columns(); columns.TracerAmountsByAreaColumns = AddDataColumns(prefix, "Tracer % (area)"); columns.TracerAmountsBySlopeColumns = AddDataColumns(prefix, "Tracer % (slope)"); columns.PrecursorEnrichmentColumns = AddDataColumns(prefix, "Precursor Enrichment"); columns.TurnoverColumns = AddDataColumns(prefix, "Turnover"); columns.AreaUnderCurveColumns = AddDataColumns(prefix, "Area Under Curve"); dataGridView1.Columns.Add(columns.ReplicateCountColumn = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn { HeaderText = prefix + "Count", }); return columns; }
public void Create(string fileName) { FileName = fileName; using (SpreadsheetDocument doc = SpreadsheetDocument.Create(FileName, DocumentFormat.OpenXml.SpreadsheetDocumentType.Workbook)) { var workbookPart = doc.AddWorkbookPart(); var worksheetPart = workbookPart.AddNewPart<WorksheetPart>(); // Create Styles var stylesPart = doc.WorkbookPart.AddNewPart<WorkbookStylesPart>(); Style = new CustomStylesheet(); LoadCustomFonts(); LoadCustomBorders(); LoadCustomStyles(); Style.Save(stylesPart); string relId = workbookPart.GetIdOfPart(worksheetPart); // create workbook and sheet var workbook = new Workbook(); var worksheet = new Worksheet(); var fileVersion = new FileVersion { ApplicationName = "Microsoft Office Excel" }; // create columns var columns = new Columns(); CreateColumns(columns); worksheet.Append(columns); // create Sheet var sheets = new Sheets(); var sheet = new Sheet { Name = "My sheet", SheetId = 1, Id = relId }; sheets.Append(sheet); workbook.Append(fileVersion); workbook.Append(sheets); var sheetData = new SheetData(); LoadData(sheetData); worksheet.Append(sheetData); worksheetPart.Worksheet = worksheet; worksheetPart.Worksheet.Save(); doc.WorkbookPart.Workbook = workbook; doc.WorkbookPart.Workbook.Save(); //doc.Close(); } }
protected override void InitializeColumns() { base.InitializeColumns(); if (Columns.FindByUId(new Guid("7972f6ee-21e8-41bf-b1f6-1ca5f4a9983a")) == null) { Columns.Add(CreatePageSchemaUIdColumn()); } if (Columns.FindByUId(new Guid("0eb8f654-d324-4e87-9268-9eab4d9bbc21")) == null) { Columns.Add(CreatePositionColumn()); } if (Columns.FindByUId(new Guid("5f4aaeb3-79db-426a-b1d5-d66ee7117661")) == null) { Columns.Add(CreatePageSchemaNameColumn()); } if (Columns.FindByUId(new Guid("9cc7ee54-1daa-4527-9d3b-f2f4ddba4ac3")) == null) { Columns.Add(CreateSchemaDescriptionColumn()); } if (Columns.FindByUId(new Guid("2ed304b0-a137-45c2-965a-46c5c94930de")) == null) { Columns.Add(CreateSysSchemaIdColumn()); } }
private void CreateRowWithCells(IDotvvmRequestContext context, DataItemContainer placeholder) { var isInEditMode = false; if (InlineEditing) { // if gridviewdataset is missing throw exception if (!(DataSource is IGridViewDataSet)) { throw new ArgumentException("You have to use GridViewDataSet with InlineEditing enabled."); } //checks if row is being edited isInEditMode = IsEditedRow(placeholder); } var row = CreateRow(placeholder, isInEditMode); // create cells foreach (var column in Columns.NotNull("GridView.Columns must be set")) { var cell = new HtmlGenericControl("td"); cell.SetValue(Internal.DataContextTypeProperty, column.GetValueRaw(Internal.DataContextTypeProperty)); SetCellAttributes(column, cell, false); row.Children.Add(cell); if (isInEditMode && column.IsEditable) { column.CreateEditControls(context, cell); } else { column.CreateControls(context, cell); } } }
protected override void InitializeColumns() { base.InitializeColumns(); if (Columns.FindByUId(new Guid("977fbc10-2e8f-4ad3-a98f-da1d7f52a2e1")) == null) { Columns.Add(CreateProductColumn()); } if (Columns.FindByUId(new Guid("b1bb8a4f-0f43-4f71-aaba-5208d9944676")) == null) { Columns.Add(CreateCurrencyColumn()); } if (Columns.FindByUId(new Guid("5575acd0-57f5-4eca-a9ff-075495e89ae4")) == null) { Columns.Add(CreateTaxColumn()); } if (Columns.FindByUId(new Guid("9c418440-11fc-45d0-b1a2-aea6415f29d3")) == null) { Columns.Add(CreatePriceColumn()); } if (Columns.FindByUId(new Guid("302e9470-1bfd-4907-b336-95f891378535")) == null) { Columns.Add(CreatePriceListColumn()); } }
protected override void OnCreateControl() { DataGridViewColumn dataGridColumnGraph; if (ColumnCount <= 0 || GraphColumn.HeaderText != "") { dataGridColumnGraph = new DataGridViewTextBoxColumn(); } else { dataGridColumnGraph = GraphColumn; } dataGridColumnGraph.HeaderText = ""; dataGridColumnGraph.Frozen = true; dataGridColumnGraph.Name = "dataGridColumnGraph"; dataGridColumnGraph.ReadOnly = true; dataGridColumnGraph.SortMode = DataGridViewColumnSortMode.NotSortable; dataGridColumnGraph.Width = 70; dataGridColumnGraph.DefaultCellStyle.Font = SystemFonts.DefaultFont; if (ColumnCount == 0 || GraphColumn.HeaderText != "") { Columns.Insert(0, dataGridColumnGraph); } }
protected override void InitializeColumns() { base.InitializeColumns(); if (Columns.FindByUId(new Guid("a921fc66-bbc8-4f59-9253-d410625ec49a")) == null) { Columns.Add(CreateUIdColumn()); } if (Columns.FindByUId(new Guid("c59fb128-90ee-487e-b702-c6f6acae2583")) == null) { Columns.Add(CreateNameColumn()); } if (Columns.FindByUId(new Guid("8ae30f71-25f0-473d-8c97-16cf03c8d408")) == null) { Columns.Add(CreateManagerNameColumn()); } if (Columns.FindByUId(new Guid("7c442291-96f2-402f-88f4-998317c143b3")) == null) { Columns.Add(CreateParentColumn()); } if (Columns.FindByUId(new Guid("ae58db1d-12b0-4b46-b4ec-0393898aadcd")) == null) { Columns.Add(CreateSysWorkspaceColumn()); } if (Columns.FindByUId(new Guid("5d589a1f-237d-4c7e-ac6c-c0e0582f1323")) == null) { Columns.Add(CreateSysPackageColumn()); } if (Columns.FindByUId(new Guid("b6a05bf8-5caa-4eb5-ab57-a617aa7eb230")) == null) { Columns.Add(CreateSysPackageUIdColumn()); } if (Columns.FindByUId(new Guid("1be83498-498b-47d4-aff1-c9a429b78dfd")) == null) { Columns.Add(CreateSysPackageLevelColumn()); } }
public void FromXml(XElement element, IFromXmlContext ctx) { DisplayName = element.Attribute("DisplayName") !.Value; Query = ctx.GetQuery(element.Attribute("Query") !.Value); EntityType = element.Attribute("EntityType")?.Let(a => ctx.GetTypeLite(a.Value)); HideQuickLink = element.Attribute("HideQuickLink")?.Let(a => bool.Parse(a.Value)) ?? false; Owner = element.Attribute("Owner")?.Let(a => Lite.Parse(a.Value)) !; IncludeDefaultFilters = element.Attribute("IncludeDefaultFilters")?.Let(a => bool.Parse(a.Value)); ChartScript = ctx.ChartScript(element.Attribute("ChartScript") !.Value); MaxRows = element.Attribute("MaxRows")?.Let(at => at.Value.ToInt()); Filters.Synchronize(element.Element("Filters")?.Elements().ToList(), (f, x) => f.FromXml(x, ctx)); Columns.Synchronize(element.Element("Columns")?.Elements().ToList(), (c, x) => c.FromXml(x, ctx)); var paramsXml = (element.Element("Parameters")?.Elements()).EmptyIfNull().ToDictionary(a => a.Attribute("Name") !.Value); Parameters.ForEach(p => { var pxml = paramsXml.TryGetC(p.Name); if (pxml != null) { p.FromXml(pxml, ctx); } }); ParseData(ctx.GetQueryDescription(Query)); }
private void InitialColumns() { var properties = this.GetType().GetProperties(); foreach (PropertyInfo proInfo in properties) { var attrs = proInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(DBFieldAttribute), true); var attr = (attrs != null && attrs.Length > 0) ? (DBFieldAttribute)attrs[0] : null; if (attr == null || !attr.IsValid) { continue; } if (Columns.ContainsKey(attr.Name)) { continue; } Columns.Add(attr.Name, attr.CreateDBColumn()); } if (Columns.Count <= 0) { throw new Exception(string.Format(GeneralMessages.ERR_ENTITY_EMPTY, this.GetType().FullName, typeof(DBFieldAttribute).FullName)); } }
protected override void InitializeColumns() { base.InitializeColumns(); if (Columns.FindByUId(new Guid("f1a3197e-feb0-48e9-8549-e462189c8176")) == null) { Columns.Add(CreateRemindingsCountColumn()); } if (Columns.FindByUId(new Guid("9191d2ea-1c14-4336-b7f0-fc2887ea24c9")) == null) { Columns.Add(CreateEmailsCountColumn()); } if (Columns.FindByUId(new Guid("04eac3b3-bdc6-4367-9cd1-bb6142eb63d3")) == null) { Columns.Add(CreateContactColumn()); } if (Columns.FindByUId(new Guid("0da83a47-56af-4ec6-b764-40c9991a1ce5")) == null) { Columns.Add(CreateSysAdminUnitColumn()); } if (Columns.FindByUId(new Guid("76ff2948-f355-4b17-b70e-6b13a16c044d")) == null) { Columns.Add(CreateVisaCountColumn()); } }
public virtual IQueryable <T> FilterBySearch(IQueryable <T> models) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Filter.Search)) { return(models); } List <String> queries = new List <String>(); foreach (String property in Columns.Where(column => !column.Hidden && column.Filterable).Select(column => column.Key)) { if (typeof(T).GetProperty(property)?.PropertyType == typeof(String)) { queries.Add($"({property} != null && {property}.ToLower().Contains(@0))"); } } if (queries.Count == 0) { return(models); } return(models.Where(String.Join(" || ", queries), Filter.Search.ToLower())); }
protected virtual void CreateHeaderRow(IDotvvmRequestContext context, Action <string?>?sortCommand) { head = new HtmlGenericControl("thead"); Children.Add(head); var gridViewDataSet = DataSource as IGridViewDataSet; var headerRow = new HtmlGenericControl("tr"); head.Children.Add(headerRow); foreach (var column in Columns.NotNull("GridView.Columns must be set")) { var cell = new HtmlGenericControl("th"); SetCellAttributes(column, cell, true); headerRow.Children.Add(cell); column.CreateHeaderControls(context, this, sortCommand, cell, gridViewDataSet); if (FilterPlacement == GridViewFilterPlacement.HeaderRow) { column.CreateFilterControls(context, this, cell, gridViewDataSet); } } if (FilterPlacement == GridViewFilterPlacement.ExtraRow) { headerRow = new HtmlGenericControl("tr"); head.Children.Add(headerRow); foreach (var column in Columns.NotNull("GridView.Columns must be set")) { var cell = new HtmlGenericControl("th"); SetCellAttributes(column, cell, true); headerRow.Children.Add(cell); column.CreateFilterControls(context, this, cell, gridViewDataSet); } } }
public MDataCell this[string key] { get { int index = -1; if (key.Length <= Count.ToString().Length) //2<=20 { //判断是否为数字。 if (!int.TryParse(key, out index)) { index = -1; } } if (index == -1) { index = Columns.GetIndex(key);//重新检测列是否一致。 } if (index > -1) { return(this[index]); } return(null); } }
protected override void InitializeColumns() { base.InitializeColumns(); if (Columns.FindByUId(new Guid("f5e69141-5900-4800-93b7-6c06ca1e991d")) == null) { Columns.Add(CreatePositionColumn()); } if (Columns.FindByUId(new Guid("dd703360-9b62-47fe-abb5-2f3ff6a57911")) == null) { Columns.Add(CreateTypeColumn()); } if (Columns.FindByUId(new Guid("a3d987f5-d9a8-4016-b260-ee47be3c60b8")) == null) { Columns.Add(CreateDelayTypeColumn()); } if (Columns.FindByUId(new Guid("e361f1d8-b6cb-47f5-9496-6347f6499848")) == null) { Columns.Add(CreateDelayColumn()); } if (Columns.FindByUId(new Guid("c28a0bba-c826-48dd-8a58-0b80b4f55dee")) == null) { Columns.Add(CreatePercentageColumn()); } }
private void parseColumn(DataTable data, DataColumn column) { string name = column.ColumnName; double max = 0, min = 0; // If the column has a continuous numeric type if (column.DataType == typeof(Double) || column.DataType == typeof(Decimal)) { object objMax = data.Compute("MAX([" + name + "])", String.Empty); object objMin = data.Compute("MIN([" + name + "])", String.Empty); if (objMax != DBNull.Value) { max = (double)objMax; } if (objMin != DBNull.Value) { min = (double)objMin; } } else if (column.DataType == typeof(String)) { double[] values = column.ToArray(); max = values.Max(); min = values.Min(); } if (!Columns.Contains(name)) { Columns.Add(new Options(name)); } Columns[name].SourceRange = new DoubleRange(min, max); // Columns[name].OutputRange = new DoubleRange(-1, +1); }
protected override void AssignColumns(DevExpress.XtraGrid.Views.Base.ColumnView cv, bool synchronize) { if (_gridListEditor == null) { base.AssignColumns(cv, synchronize); return; } if (synchronize) { base.AssignColumns(cv, true); } else { Columns.Clear(); var gridColumns = _gridListEditor.GridView.Columns.OfType <IXafGridColumn>(); foreach (var column in gridColumns) { var xpandXafGridColumn = column.CreateNew(column.TypeInfo, _gridListEditor); xpandXafGridColumn.ApplyModel(column.Model); Columns.Add((GridColumn)xpandXafGridColumn); xpandXafGridColumn.Assign((GridColumn)column); } } }
public ViewCanopenCycle() { AllowUserToAddRows = false; AllowUserToDeleteRows = false; AllowUserToOrderColumns = true; AllowUserToResizeRows = false; AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.AllCells; AutoSizeRowsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeRowsMode.DisplayedCells; MultiSelect = false; ReadOnly = true; RowHeadersVisible = false; RowHeadersWidthSizeMode = DataGridViewRowHeadersWidthSizeMode.DisableResizing; RowTemplate.Height = 18; ScrollBars = System.Windows.Forms.ScrollBars.None; SelectionMode = DataGridViewSelectionMode.FullRowSelect; VirtualMode = true; ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode = DataGridViewColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode.AutoSize; ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle = _HeaderStyle; Columns.AddRange(_Columns); }
public bool Merge(WorkbookSheet other) { if (!WorkbookHeader.Merge(other.WorkbookHeader)) { return(false); } WorkbookColumn[] backupColumns = new WorkbookColumn[Columns.Count]; Columns.CopyTo(backupColumns); for (int i = 0; i < Columns.Count; i++) { var column = Columns[i]; if (!column.Merge(other.Columns[i])) { Columns = backupColumns.ToList(); return(false); } Columns[i] = column; } Rows.AddRange(other.Rows); return(true); }
//TODO refactorizar para utilizar un diccionario basado en las propiedades, y eliminar las entradas basado en la propiedad public void RemoveColumnAt(int index) { Columns.RemoveAt(index); datafields.RemoveAt(index); }
// Generates content of mainDocumentPart1. private void GenerateMainDocumentPart1Content(MainDocumentPart mainDocumentPart1) { Document document1 = new Document(){ MCAttributes = new MarkupCompatibilityAttributes(){ Ignorable = "w14 w15 wp14" } }; document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wpc", ""); document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("mc", ""); document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("o", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"); document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", ""); document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("m", ""); document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"); document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wp14", ""); document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wp", ""); document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w10", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word"); document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", ""); document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w14", ""); document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w15", ""); document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wpg", ""); document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wpi", ""); document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wne", ""); document1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wps", ""); Body body1 = new Body(); SdtBlock sdtBlock1 = new SdtBlock(); SdtProperties sdtProperties1 = new SdtProperties(); RunProperties runProperties1 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts1 = new RunFonts(){ Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia }; runProperties1.Append(runFonts1); SdtAlias sdtAlias1 = new SdtAlias(){ Val = "Test1.1.1" }; Tag tag1 = new Tag(){ Val = "Test1.1.1" }; SdtId sdtId1 = new SdtId(){ Val = -1832063964 }; SdtPlaceholder sdtPlaceholder1 = new SdtPlaceholder(); DocPartReference docPartReference1 = new DocPartReference(){ Val = "DefaultPlaceholder_1081868558" }; sdtPlaceholder1.Append(docPartReference1); ShowingPlaceholder showingPlaceholder1 = new ShowingPlaceholder(); SdtContentText sdtContentText1 = new SdtContentText(); sdtProperties1.Append(runProperties1); sdtProperties1.Append(sdtAlias1); sdtProperties1.Append(tag1); sdtProperties1.Append(sdtId1); sdtProperties1.Append(sdtPlaceholder1); sdtProperties1.Append(showingPlaceholder1); sdtProperties1.Append(sdtContentText1); SdtEndCharProperties sdtEndCharProperties1 = new SdtEndCharProperties(); SdtContentBlock sdtContentBlock1 = new SdtContentBlock(); Paragraph paragraph1 = new Paragraph(){ RsidParagraphAddition = "00535C5E", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "000010BA" }; Run run1 = new Run(){ RsidRunProperties = "003E0DED" }; RunProperties runProperties2 = new RunProperties(); RunStyle runStyle1 = new RunStyle(){ Val = "PlaceholderText" }; runProperties2.Append(runStyle1); Text text1 = new Text(); text1.Text = "Click here to enter text."; run1.Append(runProperties2); run1.Append(text1); paragraph1.Append(run1); sdtContentBlock1.Append(paragraph1); sdtBlock1.Append(sdtProperties1); sdtBlock1.Append(sdtEndCharProperties1); sdtBlock1.Append(sdtContentBlock1); SdtBlock sdtBlock2 = new SdtBlock(); SdtProperties sdtProperties2 = new SdtProperties(); RunProperties runProperties3 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts2 = new RunFonts(){ Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia }; runProperties3.Append(runFonts2); SdtAlias sdtAlias2 = new SdtAlias(){ Val = "Test1.1.2" }; Tag tag2 = new Tag(){ Val = "Test1.1.2" }; SdtId sdtId2 = new SdtId(){ Val = -2043657734 }; SdtPlaceholder sdtPlaceholder2 = new SdtPlaceholder(); DocPartReference docPartReference2 = new DocPartReference(){ Val = "DefaultPlaceholder_1081868558" }; sdtPlaceholder2.Append(docPartReference2); SdtContentText sdtContentText2 = new SdtContentText(); sdtProperties2.Append(runProperties3); sdtProperties2.Append(sdtAlias2); sdtProperties2.Append(tag2); sdtProperties2.Append(sdtId2); sdtProperties2.Append(sdtPlaceholder2); sdtProperties2.Append(sdtContentText2); SdtEndCharProperties sdtEndCharProperties2 = new SdtEndCharProperties(); SdtContentBlock sdtContentBlock2 = new SdtContentBlock(); Paragraph paragraph2 = new Paragraph(){ RsidParagraphAddition = "000010BA", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "000010BA" }; Run run2 = new Run(); RunProperties runProperties4 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts3 = new RunFonts(){ Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia }; runProperties4.Append(runFonts3); Text text2 = new Text(); text2.Text = "Test string"; run2.Append(runProperties4); run2.Append(text2); paragraph2.Append(run2); sdtContentBlock2.Append(paragraph2); sdtBlock2.Append(sdtProperties2); sdtBlock2.Append(sdtEndCharProperties2); sdtBlock2.Append(sdtContentBlock2); SdtBlock sdtBlock3 = new SdtBlock(); SdtProperties sdtProperties3 = new SdtProperties(); RunProperties runProperties5 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts4 = new RunFonts(){ Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia }; runProperties5.Append(runFonts4); SdtAlias sdtAlias3 = new SdtAlias(){ Val = "Test1.2.1" }; Tag tag3 = new Tag(){ Val = "Test1.2.1" }; SdtId sdtId3 = new SdtId(){ Val = 401180698 }; SdtPlaceholder sdtPlaceholder3 = new SdtPlaceholder(); DocPartReference docPartReference3 = new DocPartReference(){ Val = "DefaultPlaceholder_1081868558" }; sdtPlaceholder3.Append(docPartReference3); SdtContentText sdtContentText3 = new SdtContentText(); sdtProperties3.Append(runProperties5); sdtProperties3.Append(sdtAlias3); sdtProperties3.Append(tag3); sdtProperties3.Append(sdtId3); sdtProperties3.Append(sdtPlaceholder3); sdtProperties3.Append(sdtContentText3); SdtEndCharProperties sdtEndCharProperties3 = new SdtEndCharProperties(); SdtContentBlock sdtContentBlock3 = new SdtContentBlock(); Paragraph paragraph3 = new Paragraph(){ RsidParagraphAddition = "000010BA", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "000010BA" }; Run run3 = new Run(); RunProperties runProperties6 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts5 = new RunFonts(){ Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia }; runProperties6.Append(runFonts5); Text text3 = new Text(); text3.Text = "Appearance1"; run3.Append(runProperties6); run3.Append(text3); paragraph3.Append(run3); sdtContentBlock3.Append(paragraph3); sdtBlock3.Append(sdtProperties3); sdtBlock3.Append(sdtEndCharProperties3); sdtBlock3.Append(sdtContentBlock3); SdtBlock sdtBlock4 = new SdtBlock(); SdtProperties sdtProperties4 = new SdtProperties(); RunProperties runProperties7 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts6 = new RunFonts(){ Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia }; runProperties7.Append(runFonts6); SdtAlias sdtAlias4 = new SdtAlias(){ Val = "Test1.2.2" }; Tag tag4 = new Tag(){ Val = "Test1.2.2" }; SdtId sdtId4 = new SdtId(){ Val = 2096980748 }; SdtPlaceholder sdtPlaceholder4 = new SdtPlaceholder(); DocPartReference docPartReference4 = new DocPartReference(){ Val = "DefaultPlaceholder_1081868558" }; sdtPlaceholder4.Append(docPartReference4); W15.Appearance appearance1 = new W15.Appearance(){ Val = W15.SdtAppearance.Tags }; SdtContentText sdtContentText4 = new SdtContentText(); sdtProperties4.Append(runProperties7); sdtProperties4.Append(sdtAlias4); sdtProperties4.Append(tag4); sdtProperties4.Append(sdtId4); sdtProperties4.Append(sdtPlaceholder4); sdtProperties4.Append(appearance1); sdtProperties4.Append(sdtContentText4); SdtEndCharProperties sdtEndCharProperties4 = new SdtEndCharProperties(); SdtContentBlock sdtContentBlock4 = new SdtContentBlock(); Paragraph paragraph4 = new Paragraph(){ RsidParagraphAddition = "000010BA", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "000010BA" }; Run run4 = new Run(); RunProperties runProperties8 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts7 = new RunFonts(){ Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia }; runProperties8.Append(runFonts7); Text text4 = new Text(); text4.Text = "Appearance2"; run4.Append(runProperties8); run4.Append(text4); paragraph4.Append(run4); sdtContentBlock4.Append(paragraph4); sdtBlock4.Append(sdtProperties4); sdtBlock4.Append(sdtEndCharProperties4); sdtBlock4.Append(sdtContentBlock4); SdtBlock sdtBlock5 = new SdtBlock(); SdtProperties sdtProperties5 = new SdtProperties(); RunProperties runProperties9 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts8 = new RunFonts(){ Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia }; runProperties9.Append(runFonts8); SdtAlias sdtAlias5 = new SdtAlias(){ Val = "Test1.2.3" }; Tag tag5 = new Tag(){ Val = "Test1.2.3" }; SdtId sdtId5 = new SdtId(){ Val = -343394056 }; SdtPlaceholder sdtPlaceholder5 = new SdtPlaceholder(); DocPartReference docPartReference5 = new DocPartReference(){ Val = "DefaultPlaceholder_1081868558" }; sdtPlaceholder5.Append(docPartReference5); W15.Appearance appearance2 = new W15.Appearance(){ Val = W15.SdtAppearance.Hidden }; SdtContentText sdtContentText5 = new SdtContentText(); sdtProperties5.Append(runProperties9); sdtProperties5.Append(sdtAlias5); sdtProperties5.Append(tag5); sdtProperties5.Append(sdtId5); sdtProperties5.Append(sdtPlaceholder5); sdtProperties5.Append(appearance2); sdtProperties5.Append(sdtContentText5); SdtEndCharProperties sdtEndCharProperties5 = new SdtEndCharProperties(); SdtContentBlock sdtContentBlock5 = new SdtContentBlock(); Paragraph paragraph5 = new Paragraph(){ RsidParagraphAddition = "000010BA", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "000010BA" }; Run run5 = new Run(); RunProperties runProperties10 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts9 = new RunFonts(){ Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia }; runProperties10.Append(runFonts9); Text text5 = new Text(); text5.Text = "Appearance3"; run5.Append(runProperties10); run5.Append(text5); paragraph5.Append(run5); sdtContentBlock5.Append(paragraph5); sdtBlock5.Append(sdtProperties5); sdtBlock5.Append(sdtEndCharProperties5); sdtBlock5.Append(sdtContentBlock5); SdtBlock sdtBlock6 = new SdtBlock(); SdtProperties sdtProperties6 = new SdtProperties(); RunProperties runProperties11 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts10 = new RunFonts(){ Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia }; runProperties11.Append(runFonts10); SdtAlias sdtAlias6 = new SdtAlias(){ Val = "Test1.3.1" }; Tag tag6 = new Tag(){ Val = "Test1.3.1" }; SdtId sdtId6 = new SdtId(){ Val = 1119424041 }; SdtPlaceholder sdtPlaceholder6 = new SdtPlaceholder(); DocPartReference docPartReference6 = new DocPartReference(){ Val = "DefaultPlaceholder_1081868558" }; sdtPlaceholder6.Append(docPartReference6); SdtContentText sdtContentText6 = new SdtContentText(); sdtProperties6.Append(runProperties11); sdtProperties6.Append(sdtAlias6); sdtProperties6.Append(tag6); sdtProperties6.Append(sdtId6); sdtProperties6.Append(sdtPlaceholder6); sdtProperties6.Append(sdtContentText6); SdtEndCharProperties sdtEndCharProperties6 = new SdtEndCharProperties(); SdtContentBlock sdtContentBlock6 = new SdtContentBlock(); Paragraph paragraph6 = new Paragraph(){ RsidParagraphAddition = "000010BA", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "000010BA" }; Run run6 = new Run(); RunProperties runProperties12 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts11 = new RunFonts(){ Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia }; runProperties12.Append(runFonts11); Text text6 = new Text(); text6.Text = "Color Content Control1"; run6.Append(runProperties12); run6.Append(text6); paragraph6.Append(run6); sdtContentBlock6.Append(paragraph6); sdtBlock6.Append(sdtProperties6); sdtBlock6.Append(sdtEndCharProperties6); sdtBlock6.Append(sdtContentBlock6); SdtBlock sdtBlock7 = new SdtBlock(); SdtProperties sdtProperties7 = new SdtProperties(); RunProperties runProperties13 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts12 = new RunFonts(){ Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia }; runProperties13.Append(runFonts12); SdtAlias sdtAlias7 = new SdtAlias(){ Val = "Test1.3.2" }; Tag tag7 = new Tag(){ Val = "Test1.3.2" }; SdtId sdtId7 = new SdtId(){ Val = 550972260 }; SdtPlaceholder sdtPlaceholder7 = new SdtPlaceholder(); DocPartReference docPartReference7 = new DocPartReference(){ Val = "DefaultPlaceholder_1081868558" }; sdtPlaceholder7.Append(docPartReference7); W15.Color color1 = new W15.Color(){ Val = "0000FF" }; SdtContentText sdtContentText7 = new SdtContentText(); sdtProperties7.Append(runProperties13); sdtProperties7.Append(sdtAlias7); sdtProperties7.Append(tag7); sdtProperties7.Append(sdtId7); sdtProperties7.Append(sdtPlaceholder7); sdtProperties7.Append(color1); sdtProperties7.Append(sdtContentText7); SdtEndCharProperties sdtEndCharProperties7 = new SdtEndCharProperties(); SdtContentBlock sdtContentBlock7 = new SdtContentBlock(); Paragraph paragraph7 = new Paragraph(){ RsidParagraphAddition = "000010BA", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "000010BA" }; Run run7 = new Run(); RunProperties runProperties14 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts13 = new RunFonts(){ Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia }; runProperties14.Append(runFonts13); Text text7 = new Text(); text7.Text = "Color Content Control2"; run7.Append(runProperties14); run7.Append(text7); paragraph7.Append(run7); sdtContentBlock7.Append(paragraph7); sdtBlock7.Append(sdtProperties7); sdtBlock7.Append(sdtEndCharProperties7); sdtBlock7.Append(sdtContentBlock7); SdtBlock sdtBlock8 = new SdtBlock(); SdtProperties sdtProperties8 = new SdtProperties(); RunProperties runProperties15 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts14 = new RunFonts(){ Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia }; runProperties15.Append(runFonts14); SdtAlias sdtAlias8 = new SdtAlias(){ Val = "Test1.4.1" }; Tag tag8 = new Tag(){ Val = "Test1.4.1" }; SdtId sdtId8 = new SdtId(){ Val = 1758249604 }; W15.SdtRepeatedSection sdtRepeatedSection1 = new W15.SdtRepeatedSection(); sdtProperties8.Append(runProperties15); sdtProperties8.Append(sdtAlias8); sdtProperties8.Append(tag8); sdtProperties8.Append(sdtId8); sdtProperties8.Append(sdtRepeatedSection1); SdtEndCharProperties sdtEndCharProperties8 = new SdtEndCharProperties(); SdtContentBlock sdtContentBlock8 = new SdtContentBlock(); SdtBlock sdtBlock9 = new SdtBlock(); SdtProperties sdtProperties9 = new SdtProperties(); RunProperties runProperties16 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts15 = new RunFonts(){ Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia }; runProperties16.Append(runFonts15); SdtId sdtId9 = new SdtId(){ Val = 481433089 }; SdtPlaceholder sdtPlaceholder8 = new SdtPlaceholder(); DocPartReference docPartReference8 = new DocPartReference(){ Val = "DefaultPlaceholder_1081868562" }; sdtPlaceholder8.Append(docPartReference8); ShowingPlaceholder showingPlaceholder2 = new ShowingPlaceholder(); W15.SdtRepeatedSectionItem sdtRepeatedSectionItem1 = new W15.SdtRepeatedSectionItem(); sdtProperties9.Append(runProperties16); sdtProperties9.Append(sdtId9); sdtProperties9.Append(sdtPlaceholder8); sdtProperties9.Append(showingPlaceholder2); sdtProperties9.Append(sdtRepeatedSectionItem1); SdtEndCharProperties sdtEndCharProperties9 = new SdtEndCharProperties(); SdtContentBlock sdtContentBlock9 = new SdtContentBlock(); Paragraph paragraph8 = new Paragraph(){ RsidParagraphAddition = "000010BA", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "000010BA" }; Run run8 = new Run(){ RsidRunProperties = "003E0DED" }; RunProperties runProperties17 = new RunProperties(); RunStyle runStyle2 = new RunStyle(){ Val = "PlaceholderText" }; runProperties17.Append(runStyle2); Text text8 = new Text(); text8.Text = "Enter any content that you want to repeat, including other content controls. You can also insert this control around table rows in order to repeat parts of a table."; run8.Append(runProperties17); run8.Append(text8); paragraph8.Append(run8); sdtContentBlock9.Append(paragraph8); sdtBlock9.Append(sdtProperties9); sdtBlock9.Append(sdtEndCharProperties9); sdtBlock9.Append(sdtContentBlock9); sdtContentBlock8.Append(sdtBlock9); sdtBlock8.Append(sdtProperties8); sdtBlock8.Append(sdtEndCharProperties8); sdtBlock8.Append(sdtContentBlock8); SdtBlock sdtBlock10 = new SdtBlock(); SdtProperties sdtProperties10 = new SdtProperties(); RunProperties runProperties18 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts16 = new RunFonts(){ Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia }; runProperties18.Append(runFonts16); SdtAlias sdtAlias9 = new SdtAlias(){ Val = "Test1.4.2" }; Tag tag9 = new Tag(){ Val = "Test1.4.2" }; SdtId sdtId10 = new SdtId(){ Val = -78606169 }; W15.SdtRepeatedSection sdtRepeatedSection2 = new W15.SdtRepeatedSection(); sdtProperties10.Append(runProperties18); sdtProperties10.Append(sdtAlias9); sdtProperties10.Append(tag9); sdtProperties10.Append(sdtId10); sdtProperties10.Append(sdtRepeatedSection2); SdtEndCharProperties sdtEndCharProperties10 = new SdtEndCharProperties(); SdtContentBlock sdtContentBlock10 = new SdtContentBlock(); SdtBlock sdtBlock11 = new SdtBlock(); SdtProperties sdtProperties11 = new SdtProperties(); RunProperties runProperties19 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts17 = new RunFonts(){ Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia }; runProperties19.Append(runFonts17); SdtId sdtId11 = new SdtId(){ Val = -1356270719 }; SdtPlaceholder sdtPlaceholder9 = new SdtPlaceholder(); DocPartReference docPartReference9 = new DocPartReference(){ Val = "DefaultPlaceholder_1081868562" }; sdtPlaceholder9.Append(docPartReference9); W15.SdtRepeatedSectionItem sdtRepeatedSectionItem2 = new W15.SdtRepeatedSectionItem(); sdtProperties11.Append(runProperties19); sdtProperties11.Append(sdtId11); sdtProperties11.Append(sdtPlaceholder9); sdtProperties11.Append(sdtRepeatedSectionItem2); SdtEndCharProperties sdtEndCharProperties11 = new SdtEndCharProperties(); SdtContentBlock sdtContentBlock11 = new SdtContentBlock(); Paragraph paragraph9 = new Paragraph(){ RsidParagraphAddition = "000010BA", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "000010BA" }; ProofError proofError1 = new ProofError(){ Type = ProofingErrorValues.SpellStart }; ProofError proofError2 = new ProofError(){ Type = ProofingErrorValues.GrammarStart }; Run run9 = new Run(); RunProperties runProperties20 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts18 = new RunFonts(){ Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia }; runProperties20.Append(runFonts18); Text text9 = new Text(); text9.Text = "repeatingSectionItem"; run9.Append(runProperties20); run9.Append(text9); ProofError proofError3 = new ProofError(){ Type = ProofingErrorValues.SpellEnd }; ProofError proofError4 = new ProofError(){ Type = ProofingErrorValues.GrammarEnd }; paragraph9.Append(proofError1); paragraph9.Append(proofError2); paragraph9.Append(run9); paragraph9.Append(proofError3); paragraph9.Append(proofError4); sdtContentBlock11.Append(paragraph9); sdtBlock11.Append(sdtProperties11); sdtBlock11.Append(sdtEndCharProperties11); sdtBlock11.Append(sdtContentBlock11); sdtContentBlock10.Append(sdtBlock11); sdtBlock10.Append(sdtProperties10); sdtBlock10.Append(sdtEndCharProperties10); sdtBlock10.Append(sdtContentBlock10); SdtBlock sdtBlock12 = new SdtBlock(); SdtProperties sdtProperties12 = new SdtProperties(); RunProperties runProperties21 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts19 = new RunFonts(){ Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia }; runProperties21.Append(runFonts19); SdtAlias sdtAlias10 = new SdtAlias(){ Val = "Test1.4.3" }; Tag tag10 = new Tag(){ Val = "Test1.4.3" }; SdtId sdtId12 = new SdtId(){ Val = -294221661 }; W15.SdtRepeatedSection sdtRepeatedSection3 = new W15.SdtRepeatedSection(); W15.DoNotAllowInsertDeleteSection doNotAllowInsertDeleteSection1 = new W15.DoNotAllowInsertDeleteSection(){ Val = true }; sdtRepeatedSection3.Append(doNotAllowInsertDeleteSection1); sdtProperties12.Append(runProperties21); sdtProperties12.Append(sdtAlias10); sdtProperties12.Append(tag10); sdtProperties12.Append(sdtId12); sdtProperties12.Append(sdtRepeatedSection3); SdtEndCharProperties sdtEndCharProperties12 = new SdtEndCharProperties(); SdtContentBlock sdtContentBlock12 = new SdtContentBlock(); SdtBlock sdtBlock13 = new SdtBlock(); SdtProperties sdtProperties13 = new SdtProperties(); RunProperties runProperties22 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts20 = new RunFonts(){ Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia }; runProperties22.Append(runFonts20); SdtId sdtId13 = new SdtId(){ Val = 2112001363 }; Lock lock1 = new Lock(){ Val = LockingValues.SdtLocked }; SdtPlaceholder sdtPlaceholder10 = new SdtPlaceholder(); DocPartReference docPartReference10 = new DocPartReference(){ Val = "DefaultPlaceholder_1081868562" }; sdtPlaceholder10.Append(docPartReference10); W15.SdtRepeatedSectionItem sdtRepeatedSectionItem3 = new W15.SdtRepeatedSectionItem(); sdtProperties13.Append(runProperties22); sdtProperties13.Append(sdtId13); sdtProperties13.Append(lock1); sdtProperties13.Append(sdtPlaceholder10); sdtProperties13.Append(sdtRepeatedSectionItem3); SdtEndCharProperties sdtEndCharProperties13 = new SdtEndCharProperties(); SdtContentBlock sdtContentBlock13 = new SdtContentBlock(); Paragraph paragraph10 = new Paragraph(){ RsidParagraphAddition = "000010BA", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "000010BA" }; ProofError proofError5 = new ProofError(){ Type = ProofingErrorValues.SpellStart }; ProofError proofError6 = new ProofError(){ Type = ProofingErrorValues.GrammarStart }; Run run10 = new Run(); RunProperties runProperties23 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts21 = new RunFonts(){ Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia }; runProperties23.Append(runFonts21); Text text10 = new Text(); text10.Text = "doNotAllowInsertDeleteSection"; run10.Append(runProperties23); run10.Append(text10); ProofError proofError7 = new ProofError(){ Type = ProofingErrorValues.SpellEnd }; ProofError proofError8 = new ProofError(){ Type = ProofingErrorValues.GrammarEnd }; paragraph10.Append(proofError5); paragraph10.Append(proofError6); paragraph10.Append(run10); paragraph10.Append(proofError7); paragraph10.Append(proofError8); sdtContentBlock13.Append(paragraph10); sdtBlock13.Append(sdtProperties13); sdtBlock13.Append(sdtEndCharProperties13); sdtBlock13.Append(sdtContentBlock13); sdtContentBlock12.Append(sdtBlock13); sdtBlock12.Append(sdtProperties12); sdtBlock12.Append(sdtEndCharProperties12); sdtBlock12.Append(sdtContentBlock12); SdtBlock sdtBlock14 = new SdtBlock(); SdtProperties sdtProperties14 = new SdtProperties(); RunProperties runProperties24 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts22 = new RunFonts(){ Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia }; runProperties24.Append(runFonts22); SdtAlias sdtAlias11 = new SdtAlias(){ Val = "Test1.4.4" }; Tag tag11 = new Tag(){ Val = "Test1.4.4" }; SdtId sdtId14 = new SdtId(){ Val = -248501389 }; W15.SdtRepeatedSection sdtRepeatedSection4 = new W15.SdtRepeatedSection(); W15.SectionTitle sectionTitle1 = new W15.SectionTitle(){ Val = "Section title string" }; sdtRepeatedSection4.Append(sectionTitle1); sdtProperties14.Append(runProperties24); sdtProperties14.Append(sdtAlias11); sdtProperties14.Append(tag11); sdtProperties14.Append(sdtId14); sdtProperties14.Append(sdtRepeatedSection4); SdtEndCharProperties sdtEndCharProperties14 = new SdtEndCharProperties(); SdtContentBlock sdtContentBlock14 = new SdtContentBlock(); SdtBlock sdtBlock15 = new SdtBlock(); SdtProperties sdtProperties15 = new SdtProperties(); RunProperties runProperties25 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts23 = new RunFonts(){ Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia }; runProperties25.Append(runFonts23); SdtId sdtId15 = new SdtId(){ Val = 1971018620 }; SdtPlaceholder sdtPlaceholder11 = new SdtPlaceholder(); DocPartReference docPartReference11 = new DocPartReference(){ Val = "DefaultPlaceholder_1081868562" }; sdtPlaceholder11.Append(docPartReference11); W15.SdtRepeatedSectionItem sdtRepeatedSectionItem4 = new W15.SdtRepeatedSectionItem(); sdtProperties15.Append(runProperties25); sdtProperties15.Append(sdtId15); sdtProperties15.Append(sdtPlaceholder11); sdtProperties15.Append(sdtRepeatedSectionItem4); SdtEndCharProperties sdtEndCharProperties15 = new SdtEndCharProperties(); SdtContentBlock sdtContentBlock15 = new SdtContentBlock(); Paragraph paragraph11 = new Paragraph(){ RsidParagraphAddition = "000010BA", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "000010BA" }; ProofError proofError9 = new ProofError(){ Type = ProofingErrorValues.SpellStart }; ProofError proofError10 = new ProofError(){ Type = ProofingErrorValues.GrammarStart }; Run run11 = new Run(); RunProperties runProperties26 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts24 = new RunFonts(){ Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia }; runProperties26.Append(runFonts24); Text text11 = new Text(); text11.Text = "sectionTitle"; run11.Append(runProperties26); run11.Append(text11); ProofError proofError11 = new ProofError(){ Type = ProofingErrorValues.SpellEnd }; ProofError proofError12 = new ProofError(){ Type = ProofingErrorValues.GrammarEnd }; paragraph11.Append(proofError9); paragraph11.Append(proofError10); paragraph11.Append(run11); paragraph11.Append(proofError11); paragraph11.Append(proofError12); sdtContentBlock15.Append(paragraph11); sdtBlock15.Append(sdtProperties15); sdtBlock15.Append(sdtEndCharProperties15); sdtBlock15.Append(sdtContentBlock15); sdtContentBlock14.Append(sdtBlock15); sdtBlock14.Append(sdtProperties14); sdtBlock14.Append(sdtEndCharProperties14); sdtBlock14.Append(sdtContentBlock14); Table table1 = new Table(); TableProperties tableProperties1 = new TableProperties(); TableWidth tableWidth1 = new TableWidth(){ Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Auto }; TableBorders tableBorders1 = new TableBorders(); TopBorder topBorder1 = new TopBorder(){ Val = BorderValues.Double, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder1 = new LeftBorder(){ Val = BorderValues.Double, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder1 = new BottomBorder(){ Val = BorderValues.Double, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder1 = new RightBorder(){ Val = BorderValues.Double, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder1 = new InsideHorizontalBorder(){ Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder1 = new InsideVerticalBorder(){ Val = BorderValues.Single, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)4U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableBorders1.Append(topBorder1); tableBorders1.Append(leftBorder1); tableBorders1.Append(bottomBorder1); tableBorders1.Append(rightBorder1); tableBorders1.Append(insideHorizontalBorder1); tableBorders1.Append(insideVerticalBorder1); TableLayout tableLayout1 = new TableLayout(){ Type = TableLayoutValues.Fixed }; TableLook tableLook1 = new TableLook(){ Val = "0000" }; tableProperties1.Append(tableWidth1); tableProperties1.Append(tableBorders1); tableProperties1.Append(tableLayout1); tableProperties1.Append(tableLook1); TableGrid tableGrid1 = new TableGrid(); GridColumn gridColumn1 = new GridColumn(){ Width = "4788" }; GridColumn gridColumn2 = new GridColumn(){ Width = "4788" }; tableGrid1.Append(gridColumn1); tableGrid1.Append(gridColumn2); SdtRow sdtRow1 = new SdtRow(); SdtProperties sdtProperties16 = new SdtProperties(); SdtId sdtId16 = new SdtId(){ Val = 1391384564 }; SdtPlaceholder sdtPlaceholder12 = new SdtPlaceholder(); DocPartReference docPartReference12 = new DocPartReference(){ Val = "B207B2DF6D0E4E13956E6616811860CA" }; sdtPlaceholder12.Append(docPartReference12); W15.DataBinding dataBinding1 = new W15.DataBinding(){ XPath = "/books[1]/book", StoreItemId = "{F6DB09CA-2A79-464E-B71A-D37E08A01059}" }; W15.Appearance appearance3 = new W15.Appearance(){ Val = W15.SdtAppearance.Tags }; W15.SdtRepeatedSection sdtRepeatedSection5 = new W15.SdtRepeatedSection(); sdtProperties16.Append(sdtId16); sdtProperties16.Append(sdtPlaceholder12); sdtProperties16.Append(dataBinding1); sdtProperties16.Append(appearance3); sdtProperties16.Append(sdtRepeatedSection5); SdtEndCharProperties sdtEndCharProperties16 = new SdtEndCharProperties(); SdtContentRow sdtContentRow1 = new SdtContentRow(); SdtRow sdtRow2 = new SdtRow(); SdtProperties sdtProperties17 = new SdtProperties(); SdtId sdtId17 = new SdtId(){ Val = 1787311118 }; W15.Appearance appearance4 = new W15.Appearance(){ Val = W15.SdtAppearance.Tags }; W15.SdtRepeatedSectionItem sdtRepeatedSectionItem5 = new W15.SdtRepeatedSectionItem(); sdtProperties17.Append(sdtId17); sdtProperties17.Append(appearance4); sdtProperties17.Append(sdtRepeatedSectionItem5); SdtEndCharProperties sdtEndCharProperties17 = new SdtEndCharProperties(); SdtContentRow sdtContentRow2 = new SdtContentRow(); TableRow tableRow1 = new TableRow(){ RsidTableRowAddition = "00E930A2", RsidTableRowProperties = "00242789" }; SdtCell sdtCell1 = new SdtCell(); SdtProperties sdtProperties18 = new SdtProperties(); SdtAlias sdtAlias12 = new SdtAlias(){ Val = "Test1.5.1_1" }; Tag tag12 = new Tag(){ Val = "Test1.5.1_1" }; SdtId sdtId18 = new SdtId(){ Val = -1276551752 }; SdtPlaceholder sdtPlaceholder13 = new SdtPlaceholder(); DocPartReference docPartReference13 = new DocPartReference(){ Val = "B207B2DF6D0E4E13956E6616811860CA" }; sdtPlaceholder13.Append(docPartReference13); DataBinding dataBinding2 = new DataBinding(){ XPath = "/books[1]/book[1]/title[1]", StoreItemId = "{F6DB09CA-2A79-464E-B71A-D37E08A01059}" }; SdtContentText sdtContentText8 = new SdtContentText(); sdtProperties18.Append(sdtAlias12); sdtProperties18.Append(tag12); sdtProperties18.Append(sdtId18); sdtProperties18.Append(sdtPlaceholder13); sdtProperties18.Append(dataBinding2); sdtProperties18.Append(sdtContentText8); SdtEndCharProperties sdtEndCharProperties18 = new SdtEndCharProperties(); SdtContentCell sdtContentCell1 = new SdtContentCell(); TableCell tableCell1 = new TableCell(); TableCellProperties tableCellProperties1 = new TableCellProperties(); TableCellWidth tableCellWidth1 = new TableCellWidth(){ Width = "4788", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; Shading shading1 = new Shading(){ Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "auto" }; tableCellProperties1.Append(tableCellWidth1); tableCellProperties1.Append(shading1); Paragraph paragraph12 = new Paragraph(){ RsidParagraphAddition = "00E930A2", RsidParagraphProperties = "00E86739", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00E930A2" }; Run run12 = new Run(); RunProperties runProperties27 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts25 = new RunFonts(){ Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia }; runProperties27.Append(runFonts25); Text text12 = new Text(); text12.Text = "Repeating Section,Row1"; run12.Append(runProperties27); run12.Append(text12); Run run13 = new Run(){ RsidRunAddition = "00E86739" }; RunProperties runProperties28 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts26 = new RunFonts(){ Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia }; runProperties28.Append(runFonts26); Text text13 = new Text(); text13.Text = ",Cell1"; run13.Append(runProperties28); run13.Append(text13); paragraph12.Append(run12); paragraph12.Append(run13); tableCell1.Append(tableCellProperties1); tableCell1.Append(paragraph12); sdtContentCell1.Append(tableCell1); sdtCell1.Append(sdtProperties18); sdtCell1.Append(sdtEndCharProperties18); sdtCell1.Append(sdtContentCell1); SdtCell sdtCell2 = new SdtCell(); SdtProperties sdtProperties19 = new SdtProperties(); RunProperties runProperties29 = new RunProperties(); Kern kern1 = new Kern(){ Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; runProperties29.Append(kern1); SdtAlias sdtAlias13 = new SdtAlias(){ Val = "Test1.5.1_2" }; Tag tag13 = new Tag(){ Val = "Test1.5.1_2" }; SdtId sdtId19 = new SdtId(){ Val = -1317331761 }; SdtPlaceholder sdtPlaceholder14 = new SdtPlaceholder(); DocPartReference docPartReference14 = new DocPartReference(){ Val = "B207B2DF6D0E4E13956E6616811860CA" }; sdtPlaceholder14.Append(docPartReference14); DataBinding dataBinding3 = new DataBinding(){ XPath = "/books[1]/book[1]/author[1]", StoreItemId = "{F6DB09CA-2A79-464E-B71A-D37E08A01059}" }; SdtContentText sdtContentText9 = new SdtContentText(); sdtProperties19.Append(runProperties29); sdtProperties19.Append(sdtAlias13); sdtProperties19.Append(tag13); sdtProperties19.Append(sdtId19); sdtProperties19.Append(sdtPlaceholder14); sdtProperties19.Append(dataBinding3); sdtProperties19.Append(sdtContentText9); SdtEndCharProperties sdtEndCharProperties19 = new SdtEndCharProperties(); SdtContentCell sdtContentCell2 = new SdtContentCell(); TableCell tableCell2 = new TableCell(); TableCellProperties tableCellProperties2 = new TableCellProperties(); TableCellWidth tableCellWidth2 = new TableCellWidth(){ Width = "4788", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; Shading shading2 = new Shading(){ Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "auto" }; tableCellProperties2.Append(tableCellWidth2); tableCellProperties2.Append(shading2); Paragraph paragraph13 = new Paragraph(){ RsidParagraphAddition = "00E930A2", RsidParagraphProperties = "00E86739", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00E930A2" }; Run run14 = new Run(); RunProperties runProperties30 = new RunProperties(); Kern kern2 = new Kern(){ Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; runProperties30.Append(kern2); Text text14 = new Text(); text14.Text = "Repeating Section"; run14.Append(runProperties30); run14.Append(text14); Run run15 = new Run(){ RsidRunAddition = "00E86739" }; RunProperties runProperties31 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts27 = new RunFonts(){ Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia }; Kern kern3 = new Kern(){ Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; runProperties31.Append(runFonts27); runProperties31.Append(kern3); Text text15 = new Text(); text15.Text = ","; run15.Append(runProperties31); run15.Append(text15); Run run16 = new Run(); RunProperties runProperties32 = new RunProperties(); Kern kern4 = new Kern(){ Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; runProperties32.Append(kern4); Text text16 = new Text(); text16.Text = "Row1"; run16.Append(runProperties32); run16.Append(text16); Run run17 = new Run(){ RsidRunAddition = "00E86739" }; RunProperties runProperties33 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts28 = new RunFonts(){ Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia }; Kern kern5 = new Kern(){ Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; runProperties33.Append(runFonts28); runProperties33.Append(kern5); Text text17 = new Text(); text17.Text = ",Cell2"; run17.Append(runProperties33); run17.Append(text17); paragraph13.Append(run14); paragraph13.Append(run15); paragraph13.Append(run16); paragraph13.Append(run17); tableCell2.Append(tableCellProperties2); tableCell2.Append(paragraph13); sdtContentCell2.Append(tableCell2); sdtCell2.Append(sdtProperties19); sdtCell2.Append(sdtEndCharProperties19); sdtCell2.Append(sdtContentCell2); tableRow1.Append(sdtCell1); tableRow1.Append(sdtCell2); sdtContentRow2.Append(tableRow1); sdtRow2.Append(sdtProperties17); sdtRow2.Append(sdtEndCharProperties17); sdtRow2.Append(sdtContentRow2); SdtRow sdtRow3 = new SdtRow(); SdtProperties sdtProperties20 = new SdtProperties(); SdtId sdtId20 = new SdtId(){ Val = 689805002 }; W15.Appearance appearance5 = new W15.Appearance(){ Val = W15.SdtAppearance.Tags }; W15.SdtRepeatedSectionItem sdtRepeatedSectionItem6 = new W15.SdtRepeatedSectionItem(); sdtProperties20.Append(sdtId20); sdtProperties20.Append(appearance5); sdtProperties20.Append(sdtRepeatedSectionItem6); SdtEndCharProperties sdtEndCharProperties20 = new SdtEndCharProperties(); SdtContentRow sdtContentRow3 = new SdtContentRow(); TableRow tableRow2 = new TableRow(){ RsidTableRowAddition = "00E930A2", RsidTableRowProperties = "00242789" }; SdtCell sdtCell3 = new SdtCell(); SdtProperties sdtProperties21 = new SdtProperties(); SdtAlias sdtAlias14 = new SdtAlias(){ Val = "Test1.5.1_3" }; Tag tag14 = new Tag(){ Val = "Test1.5.1_3" }; SdtId sdtId21 = new SdtId(){ Val = 880594776 }; SdtPlaceholder sdtPlaceholder15 = new SdtPlaceholder(); DocPartReference docPartReference15 = new DocPartReference(){ Val = "4B632797D8B1461898B8F461443A20E0" }; sdtPlaceholder15.Append(docPartReference15); DataBinding dataBinding4 = new DataBinding(){ XPath = "/books[1]/book[4]/title[1]", StoreItemId = "{F6DB09CA-2A79-464E-B71A-D37E08A01059}" }; SdtContentText sdtContentText10 = new SdtContentText(); sdtProperties21.Append(sdtAlias14); sdtProperties21.Append(tag14); sdtProperties21.Append(sdtId21); sdtProperties21.Append(sdtPlaceholder15); sdtProperties21.Append(dataBinding4); sdtProperties21.Append(sdtContentText10); SdtEndCharProperties sdtEndCharProperties21 = new SdtEndCharProperties(); RunProperties runProperties34 = new RunProperties(); Kern kern6 = new Kern(){ Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; runProperties34.Append(kern6); sdtEndCharProperties21.Append(runProperties34); SdtContentCell sdtContentCell3 = new SdtContentCell(); TableCell tableCell3 = new TableCell(); TableCellProperties tableCellProperties3 = new TableCellProperties(); TableCellWidth tableCellWidth3 = new TableCellWidth(){ Width = "4788", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; Shading shading3 = new Shading(){ Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "auto" }; tableCellProperties3.Append(tableCellWidth3); tableCellProperties3.Append(shading3); Paragraph paragraph14 = new Paragraph(){ RsidParagraphAddition = "00E930A2", RsidParagraphProperties = "00E86739", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00E930A2" }; Run run18 = new Run(); RunProperties runProperties35 = new RunProperties(); Kern kern7 = new Kern(){ Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; runProperties35.Append(kern7); Text text18 = new Text(); text18.Text = "Repeating Section"; run18.Append(runProperties35); run18.Append(text18); Run run19 = new Run(){ RsidRunAddition = "00E86739" }; RunProperties runProperties36 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts29 = new RunFonts(){ Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia }; Kern kern8 = new Kern(){ Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; runProperties36.Append(runFonts29); runProperties36.Append(kern8); Text text19 = new Text(); text19.Text = ","; run19.Append(runProperties36); run19.Append(text19); Run run20 = new Run(); RunProperties runProperties37 = new RunProperties(); Kern kern9 = new Kern(){ Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; runProperties37.Append(kern9); Text text20 = new Text(); text20.Text = "Row"; run20.Append(runProperties37); run20.Append(text20); Run run21 = new Run(); RunProperties runProperties38 = new RunProperties(); 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sdtCell3.Append(sdtContentCell3); SdtCell sdtCell4 = new SdtCell(); SdtProperties sdtProperties22 = new SdtProperties(); RunProperties runProperties40 = new RunProperties(); Kern kern12 = new Kern(){ Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; runProperties40.Append(kern12); SdtAlias sdtAlias15 = new SdtAlias(){ Val = "Test1.5.1_4" }; Tag tag15 = new Tag(){ Val = "Test1.5.1_4" }; SdtId sdtId22 = new SdtId(){ Val = -1022928317 }; SdtPlaceholder sdtPlaceholder16 = new SdtPlaceholder(); DocPartReference docPartReference16 = new DocPartReference(){ Val = "4B632797D8B1461898B8F461443A20E0" }; sdtPlaceholder16.Append(docPartReference16); DataBinding dataBinding5 = new DataBinding(){ XPath = "/books[1]/book[4]/author[1]", StoreItemId = "{F6DB09CA-2A79-464E-B71A-D37E08A01059}" }; SdtContentText sdtContentText11 = new SdtContentText(); sdtProperties22.Append(runProperties40); sdtProperties22.Append(sdtAlias15); sdtProperties22.Append(tag15); sdtProperties22.Append(sdtId22); sdtProperties22.Append(sdtPlaceholder16); sdtProperties22.Append(dataBinding5); sdtProperties22.Append(sdtContentText11); SdtEndCharProperties sdtEndCharProperties22 = new SdtEndCharProperties(); SdtContentCell sdtContentCell4 = new SdtContentCell(); TableCell tableCell4 = new TableCell(); TableCellProperties tableCellProperties4 = new TableCellProperties(); TableCellWidth tableCellWidth4 = new TableCellWidth(){ Width = "4788", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; Shading shading4 = new Shading(){ Val = ShadingPatternValues.Clear, Color = "auto", Fill = "auto" }; tableCellProperties4.Append(tableCellWidth4); tableCellProperties4.Append(shading4); Paragraph paragraph15 = new Paragraph(){ RsidParagraphAddition = "00E930A2", RsidParagraphProperties = "00E86739", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "009651D6" }; Run run23 = new Run(); RunProperties runProperties41 = new RunProperties(); Kern kern13 = new Kern(){ Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; runProperties41.Append(kern13); Text text23 = new Text(); text23.Text = "Repeating Section"; run23.Append(runProperties41); run23.Append(text23); Run run24 = new Run(){ RsidRunAddition = "00E86739" }; RunProperties runProperties42 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts32 = new RunFonts(){ Hint = FontTypeHintValues.EastAsia }; Kern kern14 = new Kern(){ Val = (UInt32Value)0U }; runProperties42.Append(runFonts32); runProperties42.Append(kern14); Text text24 = new Text(); text24.Text = ",Row2,Cell2"; run24.Append(runProperties42); run24.Append(text24); paragraph15.Append(run23); paragraph15.Append(run24); tableCell4.Append(tableCellProperties4); tableCell4.Append(paragraph15); sdtContentCell4.Append(tableCell4); sdtCell4.Append(sdtProperties22); sdtCell4.Append(sdtEndCharProperties22); sdtCell4.Append(sdtContentCell4); tableRow2.Append(sdtCell3); tableRow2.Append(sdtCell4); sdtContentRow3.Append(tableRow2); sdtRow3.Append(sdtProperties20); sdtRow3.Append(sdtEndCharProperties20); sdtRow3.Append(sdtContentRow3); sdtContentRow1.Append(sdtRow2); sdtContentRow1.Append(sdtRow3); sdtRow1.Append(sdtProperties16); sdtRow1.Append(sdtEndCharProperties16); 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public bool Parse() { _values = new Dictionary <IKey, IDictionary <string, string> >(); try { // Validations if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(FilePath)) { throw new Exception("No origin file path specified"); } if (!File.Exists(FilePath)) { throw new Exception("Can not acces to origin file path"); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(SheetName)) { throw new Exception("No origin sheet name specified"); } if (Columns == null || !Columns.Any()) { throw new Exception("No origin columns specified"); } if (KeysColumns == null || !KeysColumns.Any()) { throw new Exception("No origin keys specified"); } NotifyIsBusy(true, "Parsing origin file"); using (var xlPackage = new ExcelPackage(new FileInfo(FilePath))) { var excelWorksheet = xlPackage.Workbook.Worksheets.FirstOrDefault(x => string.Equals(x.Name, SheetName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)); if (excelWorksheet == null) { throw new Exception("No origin worksheet found"); } var totalRows = excelWorksheet.Dimension.End.Row; for (var rowNum = 2; rowNum <= totalRows; rowNum++) { var key = IoC.Get <IKey>(); try { foreach (var keyColumn in KeysColumns) { key.AddKeyValue(excelWorksheet.Cells[keyColumn.Origin + rowNum].GetValue <string>()); } if (!_values.ContainsKey(key)) { _values.Add(key, new Dictionary <string, string>()); } foreach (var column in Columns) { _values[key].Add(column.Origin, excelWorksheet.Cells[column.Origin + rowNum].GetValue <string>()); } } catch (Exception) { if (key != null && _values.ContainsKey(key)) { _values.Remove(key); } } } } return(true); } catch (Exception ex) { NotifyException(ex); return(false); } finally { NotifyIsBusy(false, string.Empty); } }
public Values GetDeniedValues(Columns column, Rows row) { return GetRowValues(row) | GetColumnValues(column) | GetRegionValues(column, row); }
public Values GetCellValue(Columns column, Rows row) { return this._BoardValues[(int)column, (int)row]; }
private int NumberOfSquaresInColumnCouldUseValue(Columns column, Values value) { var result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { Rows r = (Rows)i; if (CouldPutValueInSquare(column, r, value)) result++; } return result; }
public IEnumerable<Values> GetValueOptions(Columns column, Rows row) { var usedValues = GetDeniedValues(column, row); for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++) { Values candidate = (Values)(1 << i); if ((usedValues & candidate) == Values.None) yield return candidate; } }
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run2.Append(runProperties2); run2.Append(text2); paragraph2.Append(paragraphProperties2); paragraph2.Append(run2); Paragraph paragraph3 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "00417926", RsidParagraphAddition = "00417926", RsidParagraphProperties = "00417926", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00417926" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties3 = new ParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines3 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; Justification justification3 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties3 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts5 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize5 = new FontSize() { Val = "16" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties3.Append(runFonts5); paragraphMarkRunProperties3.Append(fontSize5); paragraphProperties3.Append(spacingBetweenLines3); paragraphProperties3.Append(justification3); paragraphProperties3.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties3); Run run3 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "00417926" }; RunProperties runProperties3 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts6 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize6 = new FontSize() { Val = "16" }; runProperties3.Append(runFonts6); runProperties3.Append(fontSize6); Text text3 = new Text(); text3.Text = "PO Box 5645 Moray Pl, Dunedin 9058, New Zealand"; run3.Append(runProperties3); run3.Append(text3); paragraph3.Append(paragraphProperties3); paragraph3.Append(run3); Paragraph paragraph4 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "00417926", RsidParagraphAddition = "00417926", RsidParagraphProperties = "00417926", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00417926" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties4 = new ParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines4 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; Justification justification4 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties4 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts7 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize7 = new FontSize() { Val = "16" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties4.Append(runFonts7); paragraphMarkRunProperties4.Append(fontSize7); paragraphProperties4.Append(spacingBetweenLines4); paragraphProperties4.Append(justification4); paragraphProperties4.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties4); Run run4 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "00417926" }; RunProperties runProperties4 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts8 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize8 = new FontSize() { Val = "16" }; runProperties4.Append(runFonts8); runProperties4.Append(fontSize8); Text text4 = new Text(); text4.Text = "Phone: +64 3 4745983, Email: [email protected]"; run4.Append(runProperties4); run4.Append(text4); BookmarkStart bookmarkStart1 = new BookmarkStart() { Name = "_GoBack", Id = "0" }; BookmarkEnd bookmarkEnd1 = new BookmarkEnd() { Id = "0" }; paragraph4.Append(paragraphProperties4); paragraph4.Append(run4); paragraph4.Append(bookmarkStart1); paragraph4.Append(bookmarkEnd1); Paragraph paragraph5 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "00417926", RsidParagraphAddition = "00417926", RsidParagraphProperties = "00417926", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00417926" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties5 = new ParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines5 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; Justification justification5 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Center }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties5 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts9 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize9 = new FontSize() { Val = "16" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties5.Append(runFonts9); paragraphMarkRunProperties5.Append(fontSize9); paragraphProperties5.Append(spacingBetweenLines5); paragraphProperties5.Append(justification5); paragraphProperties5.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties5); Run run5 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "00417926" }; RunProperties runProperties5 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts10 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize10 = new FontSize() { Val = "16" }; runProperties5.Append(runFonts10); runProperties5.Append(fontSize10); Text text5 = new Text(); text5.Text = "GST: 70-526-627 Website:"; run5.Append(runProperties5); run5.Append(text5); paragraph5.Append(paragraphProperties5); paragraph5.Append(run5); Paragraph paragraph6 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = "00910498", RsidParagraphProperties = "00417926", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00910498" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties6 = new ParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines6 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties6 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts11 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties6.Append(runFonts11); paragraphProperties6.Append(spacingBetweenLines6); paragraphProperties6.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties6); paragraph6.Append(paragraphProperties6); Paragraph paragraph7 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = "00910498", RsidParagraphProperties = "00417926", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00910498" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties7 = new ParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines7 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties7 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts12 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties7.Append(runFonts12); SectionProperties sectionProperties1 = new SectionProperties() { RsidR = "00910498" }; PageSize pageSize1 = new PageSize() { Width = (UInt32Value)11906U, Height = (UInt32Value)16838U }; PageMargin pageMargin1 = new PageMargin() { Top = 1440, Right = (UInt32Value)1440U, Bottom = 1440, Left = (UInt32Value)1440U, Header = (UInt32Value)708U, Footer = (UInt32Value)708U, Gutter = (UInt32Value)0U }; 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paragraphMarkRunProperties8.Append(runFonts13); paragraphMarkRunProperties8.Append(fontSize11); paragraphProperties8.Append(spacingBetweenLines8); paragraphProperties8.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties8); Run run6 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "00417926" }; RunProperties runProperties6 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts14 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize12 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; runProperties6.Append(runFonts14); runProperties6.Append(fontSize12); LastRenderedPageBreak lastRenderedPageBreak1 = new LastRenderedPageBreak(); Text text6 = new Text(); text6.Text = "Invoice:"; run6.Append(runProperties6); run6.Append(lastRenderedPageBreak1); run6.Append(text6); paragraph8.Append(paragraphProperties8); paragraph8.Append(run6); Paragraph paragraph9 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = "00417926", RsidParagraphProperties = "00417926", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00910498" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties9 = new ParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines9 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties9 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts15 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize13 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties9.Append(runFonts15); paragraphMarkRunProperties9.Append(fontSize13); paragraphProperties9.Append(spacingBetweenLines9); paragraphProperties9.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties9); Run run7 = new Run(); RunProperties runProperties7 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts16 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize14 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; runProperties7.Append(runFonts16); runProperties7.Append(fontSize14); TabChar tabChar1 = new TabChar(); Text text7 = new Text(); //TODO add in customer name if(customer != null) text7.Text = customer.firstName + " " + customer.lastName; else text7.Text = order.firstName + " " + order.lastName; run7.Append(runProperties7); run7.Append(tabChar1); run7.Append(text7); paragraph9.Append(paragraphProperties9); paragraph9.Append(run7); Paragraph paragraphInstitute = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = "00417926", RsidParagraphProperties = "00417926", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00910498" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphInstituteProperties = new ParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines institudeSpacingBetweenLines = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphInstituteMarkRunProperties = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts paragraphRunFonts = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize paragraphFontSize = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; paragraphInstituteMarkRunProperties.Append(paragraphRunFonts); paragraphInstituteMarkRunProperties.Append(paragraphFontSize); paragraphInstituteProperties.Append(institudeSpacingBetweenLines); paragraphInstituteProperties.Append(paragraphInstituteMarkRunProperties); Run instituteRun = new Run(); RunProperties instituteRunProperties = new RunProperties(); RunFonts instituteRunFonts = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize instituteFontSize = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; instituteRunProperties.Append(instituteRunFonts); instituteRunProperties.Append(instituteFontSize); TabChar instituteTabChar = new TabChar(); Text instituteText = new Text(); //TODO add in institute instituteText.Text = customer.institution; instituteRun.Append(instituteRunProperties); instituteRun.Append(instituteTabChar); instituteRun.Append(instituteText); paragraphInstitute.Append(paragraphInstituteProperties); paragraphInstitute.Append(instituteRun); Paragraph paragraph10 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = "00910498", RsidParagraphProperties = "00417926", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00910498" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties10 = new ParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines10 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties10 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts17 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize15 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties10.Append(runFonts17); paragraphMarkRunProperties10.Append(fontSize15); paragraphProperties10.Append(spacingBetweenLines10); paragraphProperties10.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties10); Run run8 = new Run(); RunProperties runProperties8 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts18 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize16 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; runProperties8.Append(runFonts18); runProperties8.Append(fontSize16); TabChar tabChar2 = new TabChar(); Text text8 = new Text(); //TODO add in address1 //text8.Text = "62 Seaview Avenue"; if(customer != null) text8.Text = customer.address1; else text8.Text = ""; run8.Append(runProperties8); run8.Append(tabChar2); run8.Append(text8); paragraph10.Append(paragraphProperties10); paragraph10.Append(run8); Paragraph paragraph11 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = "00910498", RsidParagraphProperties = "00417926", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00910498" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties11 = new ParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines11 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties11 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts19 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize17 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties11.Append(runFonts19); paragraphMarkRunProperties11.Append(fontSize17); paragraphProperties11.Append(spacingBetweenLines11); paragraphProperties11.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties11); Run run9 = new Run(); RunProperties runProperties9 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts20 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize18 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; runProperties9.Append(runFonts20); runProperties9.Append(fontSize18); TabChar tabChar3 = new TabChar(); Text text9 = new Text(); //TODO add in address2 //text9.Text = "Northcote"; if(customer != null) text9.Text = customer.address2; else text9.Text = ""; run9.Append(runProperties9); run9.Append(tabChar3); run9.Append(text9); paragraph11.Append(paragraphProperties11); paragraph11.Append(run9); Paragraph paragraph12 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = "00910498", RsidParagraphProperties = "00417926", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00910498" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties12 = new ParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines12 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties12 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts21 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize19 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties12.Append(runFonts21); paragraphMarkRunProperties12.Append(fontSize19); paragraphProperties12.Append(spacingBetweenLines12); paragraphProperties12.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties12); Run run10 = new Run(); RunProperties runProperties10 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts22 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize20 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; runProperties10.Append(runFonts22); runProperties10.Append(fontSize20); TabChar tabChar4 = new TabChar(); Text text10 = new Text(); //TODO add in address3 //text10.Text = "Auckland"; if(customer != null) text10.Text = customer.address3; else text10.Text = ""; run10.Append(runProperties10); run10.Append(tabChar4); run10.Append(text10); paragraph12.Append(paragraphProperties12); paragraph12.Append(run10); Paragraph paragraph13 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = "00910498", RsidParagraphProperties = "00417926", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00910498" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties13 = new ParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines13 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties13 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts23 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize21 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties13.Append(runFonts23); paragraphMarkRunProperties13.Append(fontSize21); paragraphProperties13.Append(spacingBetweenLines13); paragraphProperties13.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties13); Run run11 = new Run(); RunProperties runProperties11 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts24 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize22 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; runProperties11.Append(runFonts24); runProperties11.Append(fontSize22); TabChar tabChar5 = new TabChar(); Text text11 = new Text(); //TODO add in postcode //text11.Text = "0627"; if(customer != null) text11.Text = customer.postCode; else text11.Text = ""; run11.Append(runProperties11); run11.Append(tabChar5); run11.Append(text11); paragraph13.Append(paragraphProperties13); paragraph13.Append(run11); Paragraph paragraph14 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = "00910498", RsidParagraphProperties = "00417926", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00910498" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties14 = new ParagraphProperties(); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines14 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties14 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts25 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize23 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties14.Append(runFonts25); paragraphMarkRunProperties14.Append(fontSize23); paragraphProperties14.Append(spacingBetweenLines14); paragraphProperties14.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties14); Run run12 = new Run(); RunProperties runProperties12 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts26 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize24 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; runProperties12.Append(runFonts26); runProperties12.Append(fontSize24); TabChar tabChar6 = new TabChar(); Text text12 = new Text(); //TODO add in country if(customer != null) text12.Text =; else text12.Text = ""; run12.Append(runProperties12); run12.Append(tabChar6); run12.Append(text12); paragraph14.Append(paragraphProperties14); paragraph14.Append(run12); Paragraph paragraph15 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = "003F6835", RsidParagraphProperties = "003F6835", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00910498" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties15 = new ParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs1 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop1 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 2835 }; tabs1.Append(tabStop1); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines15 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; 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ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties17 = new ParagraphProperties(); Justification justification6 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Right }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties17 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts31 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize29 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties17.Append(runFonts31); paragraphMarkRunProperties17.Append(fontSize29); paragraphProperties17.Append(justification6); paragraphProperties17.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties17); Run run15 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "00613B48" }; RunProperties runProperties15 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts32 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize30 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; runProperties15.Append(runFonts32); runProperties15.Append(fontSize30); Text text14 = new Text(); //TODO add invoice date //text14.Text = "2/02/2016"; text14.Text = order.invoiceDate.ToString("d/MM/yyyy"); ; run15.Append(runProperties15); run15.Append(text14); paragraph17.Append(paragraphProperties17); paragraph17.Append(run15); tableCell2.Append(tableCellProperties2); tableCell2.Append(paragraph17); tableRow1.Append(tableCell1); tableRow1.Append(tableCell2); TableRow tableRow2 = new TableRow() { RsidTableRowMarkRevision = "00613B48", RsidTableRowAddition = "00613B48", RsidTableRowProperties = "009B6C59" }; TableCell tableCell3 = new TableCell(); TableCellProperties tableCellProperties3 = new TableCellProperties(); TableCellWidth tableCellWidth3 = new TableCellWidth() { Width = "3261", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; GridSpan gridSpan2 = new GridSpan() { Val = 2 }; tableCellProperties3.Append(tableCellWidth3); tableCellProperties3.Append(gridSpan2); Paragraph paragraph18 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "00613B48", RsidParagraphAddition = "00613B48", RsidParagraphProperties = "00AB530E", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00613B48" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties18 = new ParagraphProperties(); ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties18 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts33 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize31 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties18.Append(runFonts33); paragraphMarkRunProperties18.Append(fontSize31); paragraphProperties18.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties18); Run run16 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "00613B48" }; RunProperties runProperties16 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts34 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize32 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; runProperties16.Append(runFonts34); runProperties16.Append(fontSize32); Text text15 = new Text(); text15.Text = "GST Tax Invoice Number:"; run16.Append(runProperties16); run16.Append(text15); paragraph18.Append(paragraphProperties18); paragraph18.Append(run16); tableCell3.Append(tableCellProperties3); tableCell3.Append(paragraph18); TableCell tableCell4 = new TableCell(); TableCellProperties tableCellProperties4 = new TableCellProperties(); TableCellWidth tableCellWidth4 = new TableCellWidth() { Width = "1099", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; tableCellProperties4.Append(tableCellWidth4); Paragraph paragraph19 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "00613B48", RsidParagraphAddition = "00613B48", RsidParagraphProperties = "00613B48", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00613B48" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties19 = new ParagraphProperties(); Justification justification7 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Right }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties19 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts35 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize33 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties19.Append(runFonts35); paragraphMarkRunProperties19.Append(fontSize33); paragraphProperties19.Append(justification7); paragraphProperties19.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties19); Run run17 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "00613B48" }; RunProperties runProperties17 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts36 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize34 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; runProperties17.Append(runFonts36); runProperties17.Append(fontSize34); Text text16 = new Text(); //TODO add invoice number/orderID //text16.Text = "39248"; text16.Text = order.orderID.ToString(); run17.Append(runProperties17); run17.Append(text16); paragraph19.Append(paragraphProperties19); paragraph19.Append(run17); tableCell4.Append(tableCellProperties4); tableCell4.Append(paragraph19); tableRow2.Append(tableCell3); tableRow2.Append(tableCell4); TableRow tableRow3 = new TableRow() { RsidTableRowMarkRevision = "00613B48", RsidTableRowAddition = "00613B48", RsidTableRowProperties = "00613B48" }; TableCell tableCell5 = new TableCell(); TableCellProperties tableCellProperties5 = new TableCellProperties(); TableCellWidth tableCellWidth5 = new TableCellWidth() { Width = "3006", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; tableCellProperties5.Append(tableCellWidth5); Paragraph paragraph20 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "00613B48", RsidParagraphAddition = "00613B48", RsidParagraphProperties = "00AB530E", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00613B48" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties20 = new ParagraphProperties(); ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties20 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts37 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize35 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties20.Append(runFonts37); paragraphMarkRunProperties20.Append(fontSize35); paragraphProperties20.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties20); Run run18 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "00613B48" }; RunProperties runProperties18 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts38 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize36 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; runProperties18.Append(runFonts38); runProperties18.Append(fontSize36); Text text17 = new Text(); text17.Text = "Your Reference:"; run18.Append(runProperties18); run18.Append(text17); paragraph20.Append(paragraphProperties20); paragraph20.Append(run18); tableCell5.Append(tableCellProperties5); tableCell5.Append(paragraph20); TableCell tableCell6 = new TableCell(); TableCellProperties tableCellProperties6 = new TableCellProperties(); TableCellWidth tableCellWidth6 = new TableCellWidth() { Width = "1354", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; GridSpan gridSpan3 = new GridSpan() { Val = 2 }; tableCellProperties6.Append(tableCellWidth6); tableCellProperties6.Append(gridSpan3); Paragraph paragraph21 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "00613B48", RsidParagraphAddition = "00613B48", RsidParagraphProperties = "00613B48", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00613B48" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties21 = new ParagraphProperties(); Justification justification8 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Right }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties21 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts39 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize37 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties21.Append(runFonts39); paragraphMarkRunProperties21.Append(fontSize37); paragraphProperties21.Append(justification8); paragraphProperties21.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties21); Run run19 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "00613B48" }; RunProperties runProperties19 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts40 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize38 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; runProperties19.Append(runFonts40); runProperties19.Append(fontSize38); Text text18 = new Text(); //TODO add order reference //text18.Text = "Visa"; text18.Text = order.orderReference; run19.Append(runProperties19); run19.Append(text18); paragraph21.Append(paragraphProperties21); paragraph21.Append(run19); tableCell6.Append(tableCellProperties6); tableCell6.Append(paragraph21); tableRow3.Append(tableCell5); tableRow3.Append(tableCell6); table1.Append(tableProperties1); table1.Append(tableGrid1); table1.Append(tableRow1); table1.Append(tableRow2); table1.Append(tableRow3); Paragraph paragraph22 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = "00EA7D1E", RsidParagraphProperties = "007F61F5", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00EA7D1E" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties22 = new ParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs2 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop2 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 3119 }; tabs2.Append(tabStop2); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines16 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties22 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts41 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize39 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties22.Append(runFonts41); paragraphMarkRunProperties22.Append(fontSize39); paragraphProperties22.Append(tabs2); paragraphProperties22.Append(spacingBetweenLines16); paragraphProperties22.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties22); paragraph22.Append(paragraphProperties22); Paragraph paragraph23 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = "00EA7D1E", RsidParagraphProperties = "007F61F5", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00EA7D1E" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties23 = new ParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs3 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop3 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 3119 }; tabs3.Append(tabStop3); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines17 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { After = "0" }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties23 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts42 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize40 = new FontSize() { Val = "24" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties23.Append(runFonts42); paragraphMarkRunProperties23.Append(fontSize40); SectionProperties sectionProperties2 = new SectionProperties() { RsidR = "00EA7D1E", RsidSect = "00015C18" }; SectionType sectionType1 = new SectionType() { Val = SectionMarkValues.Continuous }; PageSize pageSize2 = new PageSize() { Width = (UInt32Value)11906U, Height = (UInt32Value)16838U }; PageMargin pageMargin2 = new PageMargin() { Top = 1440, Right = (UInt32Value)1440U, Bottom = 1440, Left = (UInt32Value)1440U, Header = (UInt32Value)708U, Footer = (UInt32Value)708U, Gutter = (UInt32Value)0U }; Columns columns2 = new Columns() { Space = "286", ColumnCount = 2 }; DocGrid docGrid2 = new DocGrid() { LinePitch = 360 }; sectionProperties2.Append(sectionType1); sectionProperties2.Append(pageSize2); sectionProperties2.Append(pageMargin2); sectionProperties2.Append(columns2); sectionProperties2.Append(docGrid2); paragraphProperties23.Append(tabs3); paragraphProperties23.Append(spacingBetweenLines17); 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paragraphProperties24.Append(spacingBetweenLines18); paragraphProperties24.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties24); paragraph24.Append(paragraphProperties24); Table table2 = new Table(); TableProperties tableProperties2 = new TableProperties(); TableStyle tableStyle2 = new TableStyle() { Val = "TableGrid" }; TableWidth tableWidth2 = new TableWidth() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Auto }; TableBorders tableBorders2 = new TableBorders(); LeftBorder leftBorder2 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder2 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder2 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableBorders2.Append(leftBorder2); tableBorders2.Append(rightBorder2); tableBorders2.Append(insideVerticalBorder2); 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TableCell tableCell7 = new TableCell(); TableCellProperties tableCellProperties7 = new TableCellProperties(); TableCellWidth tableCellWidth7 = new TableCellWidth() { Width = "1418", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; tableCellProperties7.Append(tableCellWidth7); Paragraph paragraph25 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "00443ACA", RsidParagraphAddition = "00443ACA", RsidParagraphProperties = "00443ACA", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00443ACA" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties25 = new ParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs5 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop5 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 1560 }; TabStop tabStop6 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 3969 }; TabStop tabStop7 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 5387 }; TabStop tabStop8 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 6379 }; TabStop tabStop9 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 7938 }; tabs5.Append(tabStop5); tabs5.Append(tabStop6); tabs5.Append(tabStop7); tabs5.Append(tabStop8); tabs5.Append(tabStop9); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines19 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "60", After = "60" }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties25 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts44 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties25.Append(runFonts44); paragraphProperties25.Append(tabs5); paragraphProperties25.Append(spacingBetweenLines19); paragraphProperties25.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties25); ProofError proofError1 = new ProofError() { Type = ProofingErrorValues.SpellStart }; Run run20 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "00443ACA" }; RunProperties runProperties20 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts45 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; runProperties20.Append(runFonts45); Text text19 = new Text(); text19.Text = "BookID"; run20.Append(runProperties20); run20.Append(text19); ProofError proofError2 = new ProofError() { Type = ProofingErrorValues.SpellEnd }; paragraph25.Append(paragraphProperties25); paragraph25.Append(proofError1); paragraph25.Append(run20); paragraph25.Append(proofError2); tableCell7.Append(tableCellProperties7); tableCell7.Append(paragraph25); TableCell tableCell8 = new TableCell(); TableCellProperties tableCellProperties8 = new TableCellProperties(); TableCellWidth tableCellWidth8 = new TableCellWidth() { Width = "2719", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; tableCellProperties8.Append(tableCellWidth8); Paragraph paragraph26 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "00443ACA", RsidParagraphAddition = "00443ACA", RsidParagraphProperties = "00443ACA", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00443ACA" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties26 = new ParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs6 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop10 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 1560 }; TabStop tabStop11 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 3969 }; TabStop tabStop12 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 5387 }; TabStop tabStop13 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 6379 }; TabStop tabStop14 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 7938 }; tabs6.Append(tabStop10); tabs6.Append(tabStop11); tabs6.Append(tabStop12); tabs6.Append(tabStop13); tabs6.Append(tabStop14); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines20 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "60", After = "60" }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties26 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts46 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties26.Append(runFonts46); paragraphProperties26.Append(tabs6); paragraphProperties26.Append(spacingBetweenLines20); paragraphProperties26.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties26); Run run21 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "00443ACA" }; RunProperties runProperties21 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts47 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; runProperties21.Append(runFonts47); Text text20 = new Text(); text20.Text = "Description"; run21.Append(runProperties21); run21.Append(text20); paragraph26.Append(paragraphProperties26); paragraph26.Append(run21); tableCell8.Append(tableCellProperties8); tableCell8.Append(paragraph26); TableCell tableCell9 = new TableCell(); TableCellProperties tableCellProperties9 = new TableCellProperties(); TableCellWidth tableCellWidth9 = new TableCellWidth() { Width = "1036", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; tableCellProperties9.Append(tableCellWidth9); Paragraph paragraph27 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "00443ACA", RsidParagraphAddition = "00443ACA", RsidParagraphProperties = "00443ACA", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00443ACA" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties27 = new ParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs7 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop15 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 1560 }; TabStop tabStop16 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 3969 }; TabStop tabStop17 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 5387 }; TabStop tabStop18 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 6379 }; TabStop tabStop19 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 7938 }; tabs7.Append(tabStop15); tabs7.Append(tabStop16); tabs7.Append(tabStop17); tabs7.Append(tabStop18); tabs7.Append(tabStop19); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines21 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "60", After = "60" }; Justification justification9 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Right }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties27 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts48 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties27.Append(runFonts48); paragraphProperties27.Append(tabs7); paragraphProperties27.Append(spacingBetweenLines21); paragraphProperties27.Append(justification9); paragraphProperties27.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties27); Run run22 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "00443ACA" }; RunProperties runProperties22 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts49 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; runProperties22.Append(runFonts49); Text text21 = new Text(); text21.Text = "Quantity"; run22.Append(runProperties22); run22.Append(text21); paragraph27.Append(paragraphProperties27); paragraph27.Append(run22); tableCell9.Append(tableCellProperties9); tableCell9.Append(paragraph27); TableCell tableCell10 = new TableCell(); TableCellProperties tableCellProperties10 = new TableCellProperties(); TableCellWidth tableCellWidth10 = new TableCellWidth() { Width = "1364", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; tableCellProperties10.Append(tableCellWidth10); Paragraph paragraph28 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "00443ACA", RsidParagraphAddition = "00443ACA", RsidParagraphProperties = "00443ACA", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00443ACA" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties28 = new ParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs8 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop20 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 1560 }; TabStop tabStop21 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 3969 }; TabStop tabStop22 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 5387 }; TabStop tabStop23 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 6379 }; TabStop tabStop24 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 7938 }; tabs8.Append(tabStop20); tabs8.Append(tabStop21); tabs8.Append(tabStop22); tabs8.Append(tabStop23); tabs8.Append(tabStop24); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines22 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "60", After = "60" }; Justification justification10 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Right }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties28 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts50 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties28.Append(runFonts50); paragraphProperties28.Append(tabs8); paragraphProperties28.Append(spacingBetweenLines22); paragraphProperties28.Append(justification10); paragraphProperties28.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties28); Run run23 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "00443ACA" }; RunProperties runProperties23 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts51 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; runProperties23.Append(runFonts51); Text text22 = new Text(); text22.Text = "Price"; run23.Append(runProperties23); run23.Append(text22); paragraph28.Append(paragraphProperties28); paragraph28.Append(run23); tableCell10.Append(tableCellProperties10); tableCell10.Append(paragraph28); TableCell tableCell11 = new TableCell(); TableCellProperties tableCellProperties11 = new TableCellProperties(); TableCellWidth tableCellWidth11 = new TableCellWidth() { Width = "1411", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; tableCellProperties11.Append(tableCellWidth11); Paragraph paragraph29 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "00443ACA", RsidParagraphAddition = "00443ACA", RsidParagraphProperties = "00443ACA", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00443ACA" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties29 = new ParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs9 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop25 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 1560 }; TabStop tabStop26 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 3969 }; TabStop tabStop27 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 5387 }; TabStop tabStop28 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 6379 }; TabStop tabStop29 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 7938 }; tabs9.Append(tabStop25); tabs9.Append(tabStop26); tabs9.Append(tabStop27); tabs9.Append(tabStop28); tabs9.Append(tabStop29); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines23 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "60", After = "60" }; Justification justification11 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Right }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties29 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts52 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties29.Append(runFonts52); paragraphProperties29.Append(tabs9); paragraphProperties29.Append(spacingBetweenLines23); paragraphProperties29.Append(justification11); paragraphProperties29.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties29); Run run24 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "00443ACA" }; RunProperties runProperties24 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts53 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; runProperties24.Append(runFonts53); Text text23 = new Text(); text23.Text = "Discount"; run24.Append(runProperties24); run24.Append(text23); paragraph29.Append(paragraphProperties29); paragraph29.Append(run24); tableCell11.Append(tableCellProperties11); tableCell11.Append(paragraph29); TableCell tableCell12 = new TableCell(); TableCellProperties tableCellProperties12 = new TableCellProperties(); TableCellWidth tableCellWidth12 = new TableCellWidth() { Width = "1078", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; tableCellProperties12.Append(tableCellWidth12); Paragraph paragraph30 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "00443ACA", RsidParagraphAddition = "00443ACA", RsidParagraphProperties = "00443ACA", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00443ACA" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties30 = new ParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs10 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop30 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 1560 }; TabStop tabStop31 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 3969 }; TabStop tabStop32 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 5387 }; TabStop tabStop33 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 6379 }; TabStop tabStop34 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 7938 }; tabs10.Append(tabStop30); tabs10.Append(tabStop31); tabs10.Append(tabStop32); tabs10.Append(tabStop33); tabs10.Append(tabStop34); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines24 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "60", After = "60" }; Justification justification12 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Right }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties30 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts54 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties30.Append(runFonts54); paragraphProperties30.Append(tabs10); paragraphProperties30.Append(spacingBetweenLines24); paragraphProperties30.Append(justification12); paragraphProperties30.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties30); Run run25 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "00443ACA" }; RunProperties runProperties25 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts55 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; runProperties25.Append(runFonts55); Text text24 = new Text(); text24.Text = "Total"; run25.Append(runProperties25); run25.Append(text24); paragraph30.Append(paragraphProperties30); paragraph30.Append(run25); tableCell12.Append(tableCellProperties12); tableCell12.Append(paragraph30); tableRow4.Append(tableCell7); tableRow4.Append(tableCell8); tableRow4.Append(tableCell9); tableRow4.Append(tableCell10); tableRow4.Append(tableCell11); tableRow4.Append(tableCell12); table2.Append(tableProperties2); table2.Append(tableGrid2); table2.Append(tableRow4); /****** Loop from here? **********/ foreach (OrderedStock o in orderedStock) { //Create a table row TableRow orderedStockRow = new TableRow() { RsidTableRowAddition = "00443ACA", RsidTableRowProperties = "00506382" }; //Create cell to hold bookID TableCell cellBookID = new TableCell(); TableCellProperties cellBookIDProperties = new TableCellProperties(); TableCellWidth cellBookIDWidth = new TableCellWidth() { Width = "1418", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; cellBookIDProperties.Append(cellBookIDWidth); Paragraph paragraph31 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "00443ACA", RsidParagraphAddition = "00443ACA", RsidParagraphProperties = "00443ACA", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00443ACA" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties31 = new ParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs11 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop35 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 1560 }; TabStop tabStop36 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 3969 }; TabStop tabStop37 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 5387 }; TabStop tabStop38 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 6379 }; TabStop tabStop39 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 7938 }; tabs11.Append(tabStop35); tabs11.Append(tabStop36); tabs11.Append(tabStop37); tabs11.Append(tabStop38); tabs11.Append(tabStop39); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines25 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "60", After = "60" }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties31 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts56 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize42 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties31.Append(runFonts56); paragraphMarkRunProperties31.Append(fontSize42); paragraphProperties31.Append(tabs11); paragraphProperties31.Append(spacingBetweenLines25); paragraphProperties31.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties31); Run run26 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "00443ACA" }; RunProperties runProperties26 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts57 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize43 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; runProperties26.Append(runFonts57); runProperties26.Append(fontSize43); Text text25 = new Text(); //TODO Book ID text25.Text = o.bookID; run26.Append(runProperties26); run26.Append(text25); paragraph31.Append(paragraphProperties31); paragraph31.Append(run26); cellBookID.Append(cellBookIDProperties); cellBookID.Append(paragraph31); //Cell for description TableCell tableCell14 = new TableCell(); TableCellProperties tableCellProperties14 = new TableCellProperties(); TableCellWidth tableCellWidth14 = new TableCellWidth() { Width = "2719", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; tableCellProperties14.Append(tableCellWidth14); Paragraph paragraph32 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "00443ACA", RsidParagraphAddition = "00443ACA", RsidParagraphProperties = "00443ACA", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00443ACA" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties32 = new ParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs12 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop40 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 1560 }; TabStop tabStop41 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 3969 }; TabStop tabStop42 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 5387 }; TabStop tabStop43 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 6379 }; TabStop tabStop44 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 7938 }; tabs12.Append(tabStop40); tabs12.Append(tabStop41); tabs12.Append(tabStop42); tabs12.Append(tabStop43); tabs12.Append(tabStop44); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines26 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "60", After = "60" }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties32 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts58 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize44 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties32.Append(runFonts58); paragraphMarkRunProperties32.Append(fontSize44); paragraphProperties32.Append(tabs12); paragraphProperties32.Append(spacingBetweenLines26); paragraphProperties32.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties32); Run run27 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "00443ACA" }; RunProperties runProperties27 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts59 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize45 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; runProperties27.Append(runFonts59); runProperties27.Append(fontSize45); Text text26 = new Text() { Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve }; //TODO Author name string author =; text26.Text = author; run27.Append(runProperties27); run27.Append(text26); ProofError proofError3 = new ProofError() { Type = ProofingErrorValues.SpellStart }; RunProperties runProperties28 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts60 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize46 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; runProperties28.Append(runFonts60); runProperties28.Append(fontSize46); ProofError proofError4 = new ProofError() { Type = ProofingErrorValues.SpellEnd }; paragraph32.Append(paragraphProperties32); paragraph32.Append(run27); paragraph32.Append(proofError3); Paragraph paragraph33 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "00443ACA", RsidParagraphAddition = "00443ACA", RsidParagraphProperties = "00443ACA", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00443ACA" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties33 = new ParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs13 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop45 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 1560 }; TabStop tabStop46 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 3969 }; TabStop tabStop47 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 5387 }; TabStop tabStop48 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 6379 }; TabStop tabStop49 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 7938 }; tabs13.Append(tabStop45); tabs13.Append(tabStop46); tabs13.Append(tabStop47); tabs13.Append(tabStop48); tabs13.Append(tabStop49); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines27 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "60", After = "60" }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties33 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts61 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize47 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties33.Append(runFonts61); paragraphMarkRunProperties33.Append(fontSize47); paragraphProperties33.Append(tabs13); paragraphProperties33.Append(spacingBetweenLines27); paragraphProperties33.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties33); Run run29 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "00443ACA" }; RunProperties runProperties29 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts62 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize48 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; runProperties29.Append(runFonts62); runProperties29.Append(fontSize48); Text text28 = new Text(); //TODO Book title text28.Text = o.title; run29.Append(runProperties29); run29.Append(text28); paragraph33.Append(paragraphProperties33); paragraph33.Append(run29); tableCell14.Append(tableCellProperties14); tableCell14.Append(paragraph32); tableCell14.Append(paragraph33); //Cell for quantity TableCell tableCell15 = new TableCell(); TableCellProperties tableCellProperties15 = new TableCellProperties(); TableCellWidth tableCellWidth15 = new TableCellWidth() { Width = "1036", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; tableCellProperties15.Append(tableCellWidth15); Paragraph paragraph34 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "00443ACA", RsidParagraphAddition = "00443ACA", RsidParagraphProperties = "00443ACA", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00443ACA" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties34 = new ParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs14 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop50 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 1560 }; TabStop tabStop51 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 3969 }; TabStop tabStop52 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 5387 }; TabStop tabStop53 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 6379 }; TabStop tabStop54 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 7938 }; tabs14.Append(tabStop50); tabs14.Append(tabStop51); tabs14.Append(tabStop52); tabs14.Append(tabStop53); tabs14.Append(tabStop54); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines28 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "60", After = "60" }; Justification justification13 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Right }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties34 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts63 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize49 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties34.Append(runFonts63); paragraphMarkRunProperties34.Append(fontSize49); paragraphProperties34.Append(tabs14); paragraphProperties34.Append(spacingBetweenLines28); paragraphProperties34.Append(justification13); paragraphProperties34.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties34); Run run30 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "00443ACA" }; RunProperties runProperties30 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts64 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize50 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; runProperties30.Append(runFonts64); runProperties30.Append(fontSize50); Text text29 = new Text(); //TODO Quantity text29.Text = o.quantity.ToString(); run30.Append(runProperties30); run30.Append(text29); paragraph34.Append(paragraphProperties34); paragraph34.Append(run30); tableCell15.Append(tableCellProperties15); tableCell15.Append(paragraph34); //Cell for price TableCell tableCell16 = new TableCell(); TableCellProperties tableCellProperties16 = new TableCellProperties(); TableCellWidth tableCellWidth16 = new TableCellWidth() { Width = "1364", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; tableCellProperties16.Append(tableCellWidth16); Paragraph paragraph35 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "00443ACA", RsidParagraphAddition = "00443ACA", RsidParagraphProperties = "00443ACA", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00443ACA" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties35 = new ParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs15 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop55 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 1560 }; TabStop tabStop56 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 3969 }; TabStop tabStop57 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 5387 }; TabStop tabStop58 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 6379 }; TabStop tabStop59 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 7938 }; tabs15.Append(tabStop55); tabs15.Append(tabStop56); tabs15.Append(tabStop57); tabs15.Append(tabStop58); tabs15.Append(tabStop59); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines29 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "60", After = "60" }; Justification justification14 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Right }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties35 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts65 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize51 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties35.Append(runFonts65); paragraphMarkRunProperties35.Append(fontSize51); paragraphProperties35.Append(tabs15); paragraphProperties35.Append(spacingBetweenLines29); paragraphProperties35.Append(justification14); paragraphProperties35.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties35); Run run31 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "00443ACA" }; RunProperties runProperties31 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts66 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize52 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; runProperties31.Append(runFonts66); runProperties31.Append(fontSize52); Text text30 = new Text(); //TODO Price text30.Text = "$" + String.Format("{0:0.00}", o.price); run31.Append(runProperties31); run31.Append(text30); paragraph35.Append(paragraphProperties35); paragraph35.Append(run31); tableCell16.Append(tableCellProperties16); tableCell16.Append(paragraph35); //Cell for discount TableCell tableCell17 = new TableCell(); TableCellProperties tableCellProperties17 = new TableCellProperties(); TableCellWidth tableCellWidth17 = new TableCellWidth() { Width = "1411", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; tableCellProperties17.Append(tableCellWidth17); Paragraph paragraph36 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "00443ACA", RsidParagraphAddition = "00443ACA", RsidParagraphProperties = "00443ACA", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00443ACA" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties36 = new ParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs16 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop60 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 1560 }; TabStop tabStop61 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 3969 }; TabStop tabStop62 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 5387 }; TabStop tabStop63 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 6379 }; TabStop tabStop64 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 7938 }; tabs16.Append(tabStop60); tabs16.Append(tabStop61); tabs16.Append(tabStop62); tabs16.Append(tabStop63); tabs16.Append(tabStop64); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines30 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "60", After = "60" }; Justification justification15 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Right }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties36 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts67 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize53 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties36.Append(runFonts67); paragraphMarkRunProperties36.Append(fontSize53); paragraphProperties36.Append(tabs16); paragraphProperties36.Append(spacingBetweenLines30); paragraphProperties36.Append(justification15); paragraphProperties36.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties36); Run run32 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "00443ACA" }; RunProperties runProperties32 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts68 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize54 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; runProperties32.Append(runFonts68); runProperties32.Append(fontSize54); Text text31 = new Text(); //TODO Discount text31.Text = "$" + String.Format("{0:0.00}",; run32.Append(runProperties32); run32.Append(text31); paragraph36.Append(paragraphProperties36); paragraph36.Append(run32); tableCell17.Append(tableCellProperties17); tableCell17.Append(paragraph36); //Cell for total TableCell tableCell18 = new TableCell(); TableCellProperties tableCellProperties18 = new TableCellProperties(); TableCellWidth tableCellWidth18 = new TableCellWidth() { Width = "1078", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; tableCellProperties18.Append(tableCellWidth18); Paragraph paragraph37 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "00443ACA", RsidParagraphAddition = "00443ACA", RsidParagraphProperties = "00443ACA", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00443ACA" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties37 = new ParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs17 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop65 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 1560 }; TabStop tabStop66 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 3969 }; TabStop tabStop67 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 5387 }; TabStop tabStop68 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 6379 }; TabStop tabStop69 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 7938 }; tabs17.Append(tabStop65); tabs17.Append(tabStop66); tabs17.Append(tabStop67); tabs17.Append(tabStop68); tabs17.Append(tabStop69); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines31 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "60", After = "60" }; Justification justification16 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Right }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties37 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts69 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize55 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties37.Append(runFonts69); paragraphMarkRunProperties37.Append(fontSize55); paragraphProperties37.Append(tabs17); paragraphProperties37.Append(spacingBetweenLines31); paragraphProperties37.Append(justification16); paragraphProperties37.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties37); Run run33 = new Run() { RsidRunProperties = "00443ACA" }; RunProperties runProperties33 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts70 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize56 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; runProperties33.Append(runFonts70); runProperties33.Append(fontSize56); Text text32 = new Text(); //Total double total = o.price -; grandTotal += total; //TODO have price display as decimal text32.Text = "$" + String.Format("{0:0.00}", total); run33.Append(runProperties33); run33.Append(text32); paragraph37.Append(paragraphProperties37); paragraph37.Append(run33); tableCell18.Append(tableCellProperties18); tableCell18.Append(paragraph37); //Add cells into the row orderedStockRow.Append(cellBookID); orderedStockRow.Append(tableCell14); orderedStockRow.Append(tableCell15); orderedStockRow.Append(tableCell16); orderedStockRow.Append(tableCell17); orderedStockRow.Append(tableCell18); //Add row for book into the table table2.Append(orderedStockRow); } /***************** End loop *******************/ Paragraph paragraph38 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = "00B5104A", RsidParagraphProperties = "00116604", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00B5104A" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties38 = new ParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs18 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop70 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 7938 }; tabs18.Append(tabStop70); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines32 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "40", After = "40" }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties38 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts71 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; Bold bold5 = new Bold(); FontSize fontSize57 = new FontSize() { Val = "18" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties38.Append(runFonts71); paragraphMarkRunProperties38.Append(bold5); paragraphMarkRunProperties38.Append(fontSize57); paragraphProperties38.Append(tabs18); paragraphProperties38.Append(spacingBetweenLines32); paragraphProperties38.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties38); paragraph38.Append(paragraphProperties38); Table table3 = new Table(); TableProperties tableProperties3 = new TableProperties(); TableStyle tableStyle3 = new TableStyle() { Val = "TableGrid" }; TableWidth tableWidth3 = new TableWidth() { Width = "0", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Auto }; TableIndentation tableIndentation1 = new TableIndentation() { Width = 6516, Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; TableBorders tableBorders3 = new TableBorders(); TopBorder topBorder2 = new TopBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; LeftBorder leftBorder3 = new LeftBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; BottomBorder bottomBorder2 = new BottomBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; RightBorder rightBorder3 = new RightBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideHorizontalBorder insideHorizontalBorder2 = new InsideHorizontalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; InsideVerticalBorder insideVerticalBorder3 = new InsideVerticalBorder() { Val = BorderValues.None, Color = "auto", Size = (UInt32Value)0U, Space = (UInt32Value)0U }; tableBorders3.Append(topBorder2); tableBorders3.Append(leftBorder3); tableBorders3.Append(bottomBorder2); tableBorders3.Append(rightBorder3); tableBorders3.Append(insideHorizontalBorder2); tableBorders3.Append(insideVerticalBorder3); TableLook tableLook3 = new TableLook() { Val = "04A0", FirstRow = true, LastRow = false, FirstColumn = true, LastColumn = false, NoHorizontalBand = false, NoVerticalBand = true }; tableProperties3.Append(tableStyle3); tableProperties3.Append(tableWidth3); tableProperties3.Append(tableIndentation1); tableProperties3.Append(tableBorders3); tableProperties3.Append(tableLook3); TableGrid tableGrid3 = new TableGrid(); GridColumn gridColumn10 = new GridColumn() { Width = "1559" }; GridColumn gridColumn11 = new GridColumn() { Width = "941" }; tableGrid3.Append(gridColumn10); tableGrid3.Append(gridColumn11); TableRow tableRow6 = new TableRow() { RsidTableRowAddition = "00B5104A", RsidTableRowProperties = "00BD60A1" }; TableCell tableCell19 = new TableCell(); TableCellProperties tableCellProperties19 = new TableCellProperties(); TableCellWidth tableCellWidth19 = new TableCellWidth() { Width = "1559", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; tableCellProperties19.Append(tableCellWidth19); Paragraph paragraph39 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = "00B5104A", RsidParagraphProperties = "00116604", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00B5104A" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties39 = new ParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs19 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop71 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 7938 }; tabs19.Append(tabStop71); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines33 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "40", After = "40" }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties39 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts72 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; Bold bold6 = new Bold(); FontSize fontSize58 = new FontSize() { Val = "20" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties39.Append(runFonts72); paragraphMarkRunProperties39.Append(bold6); paragraphMarkRunProperties39.Append(fontSize58); paragraphProperties39.Append(tabs19); paragraphProperties39.Append(spacingBetweenLines33); paragraphProperties39.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties39); Run run34 = new Run(); RunProperties runProperties34 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts73 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize59 = new FontSize() { Val = "20" }; runProperties34.Append(runFonts73); runProperties34.Append(fontSize59); Text text33 = new Text(); text33.Text = "Total:"; run34.Append(runProperties34); run34.Append(text33); paragraph39.Append(paragraphProperties39); paragraph39.Append(run34); tableCell19.Append(tableCellProperties19); tableCell19.Append(paragraph39); TableCell tableCell20 = new TableCell(); TableCellProperties tableCellProperties20 = new TableCellProperties(); TableCellWidth tableCellWidth20 = new TableCellWidth() { Width = "941", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; tableCellProperties20.Append(tableCellWidth20); Paragraph paragraph40 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = "00B5104A", RsidParagraphProperties = "00B5104A", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00B5104A" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties40 = new ParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs20 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop72 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 7938 }; tabs20.Append(tabStop72); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines34 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "40", After = "40" }; Justification justification17 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Right }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties40 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts74 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; Bold bold7 = new Bold(); FontSize fontSize60 = new FontSize() { Val = "20" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties40.Append(runFonts74); paragraphMarkRunProperties40.Append(bold7); paragraphMarkRunProperties40.Append(fontSize60); paragraphProperties40.Append(tabs20); paragraphProperties40.Append(spacingBetweenLines34); paragraphProperties40.Append(justification17); paragraphProperties40.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties40); Run run35 = new Run(); RunProperties runProperties35 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts75 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize61 = new FontSize() { Val = "20" }; runProperties35.Append(runFonts75); runProperties35.Append(fontSize61); Text text34 = new Text(); //TODO total after the table text34.Text = "$" + String.Format("{0:0.00}", grandTotal); run35.Append(runProperties35); run35.Append(text34); paragraph40.Append(paragraphProperties40); paragraph40.Append(run35); tableCell20.Append(tableCellProperties20); tableCell20.Append(paragraph40); tableRow6.Append(tableCell19); tableRow6.Append(tableCell20); TableRow tableRow7 = new TableRow() { RsidTableRowAddition = "00B5104A", RsidTableRowProperties = "00BD60A1" }; TableCell tableCell21 = new TableCell(); TableCellProperties tableCellProperties21 = new TableCellProperties(); TableCellWidth tableCellWidth21 = new TableCellWidth() { Width = "1559", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; tableCellProperties21.Append(tableCellWidth21); Paragraph paragraph41 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = "00B5104A", RsidParagraphProperties = "00116604", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00B5104A" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties41 = new ParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs21 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop73 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 7938 }; tabs21.Append(tabStop73); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines35 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "40", After = "40" }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties41 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts76 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize62 = new FontSize() { Val = "20" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties41.Append(runFonts76); paragraphMarkRunProperties41.Append(fontSize62); paragraphProperties41.Append(tabs21); paragraphProperties41.Append(spacingBetweenLines35); paragraphProperties41.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties41); Run run36 = new Run(); RunProperties runProperties36 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts77 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize63 = new FontSize() { Val = "20" }; runProperties36.Append(runFonts77); runProperties36.Append(fontSize63); Text text35 = new Text(); text35.Text = "Freight:"; run36.Append(runProperties36); run36.Append(text35); paragraph41.Append(paragraphProperties41); paragraph41.Append(run36); tableCell21.Append(tableCellProperties21); tableCell21.Append(paragraph41); TableCell tableCell22 = new TableCell(); TableCellProperties tableCellProperties22 = new TableCellProperties(); TableCellWidth tableCellWidth22 = new TableCellWidth() { Width = "941", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; tableCellProperties22.Append(tableCellWidth22); Paragraph paragraph42 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = "00B5104A", RsidParagraphProperties = "00B5104A", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00B5104A" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties42 = new ParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs22 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop74 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 6663 }; TabStop tabStop75 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 8364 }; tabs22.Append(tabStop74); tabs22.Append(tabStop75); SpacingBetweenLines spacingBetweenLines36 = new SpacingBetweenLines() { Before = "40", After = "40" }; Justification justification18 = new Justification() { Val = JustificationValues.Right }; ParagraphMarkRunProperties paragraphMarkRunProperties42 = new ParagraphMarkRunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts78 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize64 = new FontSize() { Val = "20" }; paragraphMarkRunProperties42.Append(runFonts78); paragraphMarkRunProperties42.Append(fontSize64); paragraphProperties42.Append(tabs22); paragraphProperties42.Append(spacingBetweenLines36); paragraphProperties42.Append(justification18); paragraphProperties42.Append(paragraphMarkRunProperties42); Run run37 = new Run(); RunProperties runProperties37 = new RunProperties(); RunFonts runFonts79 = new RunFonts() { Ascii = "Arial", HighAnsi = "Arial", ComplexScript = "Arial" }; FontSize fontSize65 = new FontSize() { Val = "20" }; runProperties37.Append(runFonts79); runProperties37.Append(fontSize65); Text text36 = new Text(); //TODO freight price text36.Text = "$" + String.Format("{0:0.00}", order.freightCost); run37.Append(runProperties37); run37.Append(text36); paragraph42.Append(paragraphProperties42); paragraph42.Append(run37); tableCell22.Append(tableCellProperties22); tableCell22.Append(paragraph42); tableRow7.Append(tableCell21); tableRow7.Append(tableCell22); TableRow tableRow8 = new TableRow() { RsidTableRowAddition = "00B5104A", RsidTableRowProperties = "00BD60A1" }; TableCell tableCell23 = new TableCell(); TableCellProperties tableCellProperties23 = new TableCellProperties(); TableCellWidth tableCellWidth23 = new TableCellWidth() { Width = "1559", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; tableCellProperties23.Append(tableCellWidth23); Paragraph paragraph43 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = "00B5104A", RsidParagraphProperties = "00116604", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00B5104A" }; 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paragraph44.Append(run40); tableCell24.Append(tableCellProperties24); tableCell24.Append(paragraph44); tableRow8.Append(tableCell23); tableRow8.Append(tableCell24); TableRow tableRow9 = new TableRow() { RsidTableRowAddition = "00B5104A", RsidTableRowProperties = "00BD60A1" }; TableCell tableCell25 = new TableCell(); TableCellProperties tableCellProperties25 = new TableCellProperties(); TableCellWidth tableCellWidth25 = new TableCellWidth() { Width = "2500", Type = TableWidthUnitValues.Dxa }; GridSpan gridSpan4 = new GridSpan() { Val = 2 }; tableCellProperties25.Append(tableCellWidth25); tableCellProperties25.Append(gridSpan4); Paragraph paragraph45 = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphMarkRevision = "00690638", RsidParagraphAddition = "00B5104A", RsidParagraphProperties = "00B5104A", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00B5104A" }; ParagraphProperties paragraphProperties45 = new ParagraphProperties(); Tabs tabs25 = new Tabs(); TabStop tabStop79 = new TabStop() { Val = TabStopValues.Left, Position = 6663 }; 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} if (customer.institution != "") body1.Append(paragraphInstitute); if(customer.address1 != "") body1.Append(paragraph10); if(customer.address2 != "") body1.Append(paragraph11); if(customer.address3 != "") body1.Append(paragraph12); if(customer.postCode != "") body1.Append(paragraph13); if( != "") body1.Append(paragraph14); body1.Append(paragraph15); body1.Append(table1); body1.Append(paragraph22); body1.Append(paragraph23); body1.Append(paragraph24); body1.Append(table2); body1.Append(paragraph38); body1.Append(table3); body1.Append(paragraph46); body1.Append(sectionProperties3); document1.Append(body1); mainDocumentPart1.Document = document1; }
public void Script() { var test = new Columns(); test.Add(new Column("testing", ColumnTypes.Bigint, true)); Assert.Contains("testing", test.Script()); }
public SYS_PARAMATERSStructs(IDataProvider provider) : base("SYS_PARAMATERS", provider) { ClassName = "SYS_PARAMATERS"; SchemaName = "dbo"; Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("Id", this) { IsPrimaryKey = true, DataType = DbType.Int32, IsNullable = false, AutoIncrement = true, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 0, PropertyName = "Id" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("Code", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.AnsiString, IsNullable = true, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 10, PropertyName = "Code" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("VALUE", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.AnsiString, IsNullable = true, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 10, PropertyName = "VALUE" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("KEY_CN", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.AnsiString, IsNullable = true, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 30, PropertyName = "KEY_CN" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("MEMO", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.AnsiString, IsNullable = true, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 30, PropertyName = "MEMO" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("Area_Id", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.String, IsNullable = true, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 30, PropertyName = "Area_Id" }); }
public void GenerateDifferences <T>(Columns <T> originFields, Columns <T> destinationFields) where T : ISchemaBase { int restPosition = 0; int sumPosition = 0; foreach (Column node in originFields) { if (!destinationFields.Contains(node.FullName)) { node.Status = ObjectStatus.Drop; restPosition++; } else { originFields[node.FullName].Position -= restPosition; } } foreach (Column node in destinationFields) { if (!originFields.Contains(node.FullName)) { Column newNode = node.Clone(originFields.Parent); if ((newNode.Position == 1) || ((newNode.DefaultConstraint == null) && (!newNode.IsNullable) && (!newNode.IsComputed) && (!newNode.IsIdentity) && (!newNode.IsIdentityForReplication))) { newNode.Status = ObjectStatus.Create; newNode.Parent.Status = ObjectStatus.Rebuild; } else { newNode.Status = ObjectStatus.Create; } sumPosition++; originFields.Add(newNode); } else { Column originField = originFields[node.FullName]; /*ColumnConstraint oldDefault = null; * if (originField.DefaultConstraint != null) * oldDefault = originField.DefaultConstraint.Clone(originField);*/ Boolean IsColumnEqual = Column.Compare(originField, node); if ((!IsColumnEqual) || (originField.Position != node.Position)) { if (Column.CompareIdentity(originField, node)) { if (node.HasToRebuildOnlyConstraint) { node.Status = ObjectStatus.Alter; if ((originField.IsNullable) && (!node.IsNullable)) { node.Status += (int)ObjectStatus.Update; } } else { if (node.HasToRebuild(originField.Position + sumPosition, originField.Type, originField.IsFileStream)) { node.Status = ObjectStatus.Rebuild; } else { if (!IsColumnEqual) { node.Status = ObjectStatus.Alter; if ((originField.IsNullable) && (!node.IsNullable)) { node.Status += (int)ObjectStatus.Update; } } } } if (node.Status != ObjectStatus.Rebuild) { if (!Column.CompareRule(originField, node)) { node.Status += (int)ObjectStatus.Bind; } } } else { node.Status = ObjectStatus.Rebuild; } originFields[node.FullName] = node.Clone(originFields.Parent); } originFields[node.FullName].DefaultConstraint = CompareColumnsConstraints.GenerateDifferences(originField, node); } } }
public AirDeviceTable() { Columns.Add("ADCFM", typeof(double)); Columns.Add("QTY", typeof(double)); Columns.Add("NOTES", typeof(string)); }
private Columns GetPrimaryKeys(int objectId, string connectionString, Columns columns) { StringBuilder sqlBuilder = new StringBuilder(); sqlBuilder.Append("select from syscolumns,sysobjects,sysindexes,sysindexkeys "); sqlBuilder.AppendFormat("where ={0} ", objectId); sqlBuilder.Append("and sysobjects.xtype = 'PK' and sysobjects.parent_obj = "); sqlBuilder.Append("and = and = and "); sqlBuilder.Append(" = and sysindexkeys.indid = sysindexes.indid and syscolumns.colid = sysindexkeys.colid"); Columns primaryKeys = new Columns(4); SqlDataReader dr = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(connectionString, CommandType.Text, sqlBuilder.ToString()); while (dr.Read()) { string name = dr.IsDBNull(0) ? string.Empty : dr.GetString(0); if (columns.ContainsKey(name)) primaryKeys.Add(name, columns[name]); } dr.Close(); return primaryKeys; }
private bool CouldPutValueInSquare(Columns column, Rows row, Values value) { int r = (int)row; int c = (int)column; return ( ((_RowValues[r] & value) == 0) && ((_ColumnValues[c] & value) > 0) && ((_RegionValues[c / 3, r / 3] & value) == 0) ); }
public UdtTupleIntString() : base(nameof(UdtTupleIntString)) { Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Item1", typeof(int))); Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Item2", typeof(string))); }
private int NumberOfSquaresInRegionCouldUseValue(Columns column, Rows row, Values value) { int r = (int)row / 3; int c = (int)column / 3; var result = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) for (int j = 0; j < 3; j ++ ) { Rows ro = (Rows)(r*3+i); Columns co = (Columns)(c * 3 + i); if (CouldPutValueInSquare(co, ro, value)) result++; } return result; }
public V_Purchase01_PRODUCT00Structs(IDataProvider provider) : base("V_Purchase01_PRODUCT00", provider) { ClassName = "V_Purchase01_PRODUCT00"; SchemaName = "dbo"; Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("Id", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.Int32, IsNullable = false, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 0, PropertyName = "Id" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("SHOP_ID", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.AnsiString, IsNullable = false, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 10, PropertyName = "SHOP_ID" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("Purchase_ID", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.AnsiString, IsNullable = false, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 30, PropertyName = "Purchase_ID" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("SNo", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.Int32, IsNullable = false, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 0, PropertyName = "SNo" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("PROD_ID", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.AnsiString, IsNullable = false, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 20, PropertyName = "PROD_ID" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("QUANTITY", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.Decimal, IsNullable = false, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 0, PropertyName = "QUANTITY" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("STD_UNIT", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.AnsiString, IsNullable = false, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 6, PropertyName = "STD_UNIT" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("STD_CONVERT", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.Int32, IsNullable = false, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 0, PropertyName = "STD_CONVERT" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("STD_QUAN", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.Decimal, IsNullable = false, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 0, PropertyName = "STD_QUAN" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("STD_PRICE", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.Decimal, IsNullable = false, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 0, PropertyName = "STD_PRICE" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("Tax", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.Decimal, IsNullable = false, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 0, PropertyName = "Tax" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("QUAN1", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.Decimal, IsNullable = false, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 0, PropertyName = "QUAN1" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("QUAN2", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.Decimal, IsNullable = false, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 0, PropertyName = "QUAN2" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("Item_DISC_Amt", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.Decimal, IsNullable = false, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 0, PropertyName = "Item_DISC_Amt" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("MEMO", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.AnsiString, IsNullable = true, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 200, PropertyName = "MEMO" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("PROD_NAME1", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.AnsiString, IsNullable = false, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 40, PropertyName = "PROD_NAME1" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("STD_UNIT_NAME", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.AnsiString, IsNullable = true, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 10, PropertyName = "STD_UNIT_NAME" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("SUP_COST", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.Decimal, IsNullable = true, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 0, PropertyName = "SUP_COST" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("SUP_COST1", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.Decimal, IsNullable = true, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 0, PropertyName = "SUP_COST1" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("SUP_COST2", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.Decimal, IsNullable = true, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 0, PropertyName = "SUP_COST2" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("UNIT_NAME", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.AnsiString, IsNullable = true, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 10, PropertyName = "UNIT_NAME" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("UNIT_NAME1", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.AnsiString, IsNullable = true, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 10, PropertyName = "UNIT_NAME1" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("UNIT_NAME2", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.AnsiString, IsNullable = true, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 10, PropertyName = "UNIT_NAME2" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("PROD_CONVERT1", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.Int32, IsNullable = false, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 0, PropertyName = "PROD_CONVERT1" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("PROD_CONVERT2", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.Int32, IsNullable = false, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 0, PropertyName = "PROD_CONVERT2" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("PRCAREA_ID", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.AnsiString, IsNullable = true, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 6, PropertyName = "PRCAREA_ID" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("TAX_TYPE", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.Byte, IsNullable = true, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 0, PropertyName = "TAX_TYPE" }); Columns.Add(new DatabaseColumn("Tax_Num", this) { IsPrimaryKey = false, DataType = DbType.Int32, IsNullable = true, AutoIncrement = false, IsForeignKey = false, MaxLength = 0, PropertyName = "Tax_Num" }); }
public Values GetColumnValues(Columns column) { return _ColumnValues[(int)column]; }
public void FillRow(int row, T item) { foreach (var column in Columns) { var field = datafields [Columns.IndexOf(column)]; var propertyName = column.Title.Dehumanize(); var property = type.GetProperty(propertyName); switch (Type.GetTypeCode(property.PropertyType)) { case TypeCode.Int32: if (property.PropertyType.IsEnum) { var value = property.GetValue(item, null); store.SetValue(row, (IDataField <string>)field, ((Enum)value).Humanize()); } else { store.SetValue <string> (row, (IDataField <string>)field, string.Format("{0:D}", (int)property.GetValue(item, null))); } break; case TypeCode.Double: store.SetValue <string> (row, (IDataField <string>)field, string.Format("{0:#0.######}", (double)property.GetValue(item, null))); break; case TypeCode.Decimal: store.SetValue <string> (row, (IDataField <string>)field, string.Format("{0:N}", (decimal)property.GetValue(item, null))); break; case TypeCode.Boolean: store.SetValue <bool> (row, (IDataField <bool>)field, (bool)property.GetValue(item, null)); break; case TypeCode.DateTime: var date = (DateTime)property.GetValue(item, null); string dateString = date == date.Date ? date.ToShortDateString() : date.ToString(); store.SetValue <string> (row, (IDataField <string>)field, dateString); break; case TypeCode.String: store.SetValue <string> (row, (IDataField <string>)field, (string)property.GetValue(item, null)); break; default: if (property.PropertyType == typeof(DateTime?)) { var datenull = (DateTime?)property.GetValue(item, null); string datenullString = datenull.HasValue ? (datenull.Value == datenull.Value.Date ? datenull.Value.ToShortDateString() : datenull.ToString()) : string.Empty; store.SetValue <string> (row, (IDataField <string>)field, datenullString); break; } else { object value; try { value = property.GetValue(item, null); } catch (Exception) { value = string.Empty; } store.SetValue(row, (IDataField <object>)field, value); break; } } store.SetValue(row, itemDataField, item); } }
public Values GetRegionValues(Columns oneCellColumn, Rows oneCellRow) { int column = (int)oneCellColumn; int row = (int)oneCellRow; return _RegionValues[column / 3, row / 3]; }
//TODO evaluar como poder definir que columnas y en que orden mostrar en la grilla. Una idea es que la clase implemente intefaces de vista, y se pase al constructor la interfaaz a utilizar para la presentacion public ListView() { type = typeof(T); datafields = new List <IDataField> (); PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties(); foreach (var property in properties) { IDataField datafield; switch (Type.GetTypeCode(property.PropertyType)) { case TypeCode.Boolean: datafield = new DataField <bool> (); break; case TypeCode.DateTime: case TypeCode.String: case TypeCode.Int32: case TypeCode.Double: case TypeCode.Decimal: datafield = new DataField <string> (); break; default: if (property.PropertyType == typeof(DateTime?)) { datafield = new DataField <string> (); break; } else { datafield = new DataField <object> (); break; } } datafields.Add(datafield); } datafields.Add(itemDataField); store = new ListStore(datafields.ToArray()); for (int i = 0; i < properties.Length; i++) { switch (Type.GetTypeCode(properties [i].PropertyType)) { case TypeCode.Boolean: var boolColumn = new ListViewColumn(properties [i].Name.Humanize(), new CheckBoxCellView((IDataField <bool>)datafields [i])) { CanResize = true, //FIXME revisar porque la ordenacion esta causando que en el resfresco no se muestre contenido en algunas celdas // SortDataField = datafields [i] }; Columns.Add(boolColumn); break; case TypeCode.Int32: case TypeCode.Double: case TypeCode.Decimal: var numberColumn = new ListViewColumn(properties [i].Name.Humanize(), new TextCellView(datafields [i])) { CanResize = true, //TODO ver como aliniear las celdas de contenido, esta propiedad solo alinea la celda de la cabecera //Alignment = Alignment.End, // SortDataField = datafields [i], }; Columns.Add(numberColumn); break; case TypeCode.DateTime: case TypeCode.String: var textColumn = new ListViewColumn(properties [i].Name.Humanize(), new TextCellView(datafields [i])) { CanResize = true, // SortDataField = datafields [i], }; Columns.Add(textColumn); break; default: var otherColumn = new ListViewColumn(properties [i].Name.Humanize(), new TextCellView(datafields [i])) { CanResize = true, //UNDONE ver como hacer para poder ordenar una columna en que el tipo es T //SortDataField = datafields [i] }; Columns.Add(otherColumn); break; } } DataSource = store; SelectionChanged += (sender, e) => OnSelectionItemChanged(e); }
public ItemFromListProviderViewModel(Dictionary <T, SelectOption>?items, IComparer <CheckableSelectOption <T> > comparer, Func <T, bool> shouldBeSelected, bool asFlags, T?current = default, string?title = null) { Items = items; Title = title ?? "Picker"; this.asFlags = asFlags; this.items = AutoDispose(new SourceList <CheckableSelectOption <T> >()); ReadOnlyObservableCollection <CheckableSelectOption <T> > outFilteredList; currentFilter = AutoDispose(new ReactiveProperty <Func <CheckableSelectOption <T>, bool> >(_ => true, Compare.CreateEqualityComparer <Func <CheckableSelectOption <T>, bool> >((_, _) => false, _ => 0))); AutoDispose(this.items.Connect() .Filter(currentFilter) .Sort(comparer) .Bind(out outFilteredList) .Subscribe()); FilteredItems = outFilteredList; CheckableSelectOption <T>?selected = null; if (items != null) { this.items.Edit(list => { foreach (T key in items.Keys) { bool isSelected = shouldBeSelected(key); var item = new CheckableSelectOption <T>(key, items[key], isSelected); if (isSelected) { selected = item; } list.Add(item); } }); } SelectedItem = selected; Columns = new ObservableCollection <ColumnDescriptor> { new("Key", "Entry", 80), new("Name", "Name", 220), new("Description", "Description", 320) }; if (asFlags) { Columns.Insert(0, new ColumnDescriptor("", "IsChecked", 35, true)); } if (items == null || items.Count == 0) { SearchText = current != null?current.ToString() ?? "" : ""; } ShowItemsList = items?.Count > 0; DesiredHeight = ShowItemsList ? 670 : 130; DesiredWidth = ShowItemsList ? 800 : 400; Accept = new DelegateCommand(() => { if (SelectedItem == null && FilteredItems.Count == 1) { SelectedItem = FilteredItems[0]; } CloseOk?.Invoke(); }, () => asFlags || SelectedItem != null || FilteredItems.Count == 1 || int.TryParse(SearchText, out _)); Cancel = new DelegateCommand(() => CloseCancel?.Invoke()); FilteredItems.ObserveCollectionChanges().Subscribe(_ => Accept.RaiseCanExecuteChanged()); this.WhenPropertyChanged(t => t.SearchText).Subscribe(_ => Accept.RaiseCanExecuteChanged()); this.WhenPropertyChanged(t => t.SelectedItem).Subscribe(_ => Accept.RaiseCanExecuteChanged()); }
/// <summary> /// Executes the given query and returns the matching records. /// </summary> /// <param name="query">The query to run</param> /// <param name="args">Optional query parameters</param> /// <returns>A list of records</returns> public static List <T> Query(string query, params object[] args) { List <T> result = new List <T>(); var tx = args.Count() > 0 && args[0] is IDbTransaction ? (IDbTransaction)args[0] : null; args = tx != null?args.Subset(1) : args; using (IDbConnection conn = tx != null ? null : Database.OpenConnection()) { using (IDbCommand cmd = Database.CreateCommand(tx != null ? tx.Connection : conn, tx, query, args)) { using (IDataReader rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.Default)) { while (rdr.Read()) { // Create and fill object object o = Activator.CreateInstance <T>(); for (int n = 0; n < rdr.FieldCount; n++) { if (Columns.ContainsKey(rdr.GetName(n))) { object val = rdr[n] != DBNull.Value ? rdr[n] : null; string name = rdr.GetName(n); // If this is JSON, deserialize before possible OnLoad method if (Attributes[name].Json) { try { JavaScriptSerializer json = new JavaScriptSerializer(); val = json.Deserialize(Convert.ToString(val), Columns[name].PropertyType); } catch { val = null; } if (val == null) { val = Activator.CreateInstance(Columns[name].PropertyType); } } // Check if the property is marked with the "OnLoad" property if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Attributes[name].OnLoad)) { MethodInfo m = o.GetType().GetMethod(Attributes[name].OnLoad, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance); val = m.Invoke(o, new object[] { val }); } else { // Automatically convert strings to HtmlString if needed. if (Columns[name].PropertyType == typeof(HtmlString)) { val = new HtmlString(Convert.ToString(val)); } else if (typeof(Enum).IsAssignableFrom(Columns[name].PropertyType)) { val = Enum.Parse(Columns[name].PropertyType, (string)val); } // Extra type conversions for MySql if (Database.IsMySql) { if (Columns[name].PropertyType == typeof(Guid) && val == null) { val = Guid.Empty; } else if (Columns[name].PropertyType == typeof(Guid) && val.GetType() == typeof(string)) { val = new Guid((string)val); } else if (Columns[name].PropertyType == typeof(bool) && val.GetType() == typeof(ulong)) { val = (ulong)val == 1; } } } Columns[name].SetValue(o, val, null); } } // Set correct object state if (o is ActiveRecord <T> ) { ((ActiveRecord <T>)o).IsNew = false; } result.Add((T)o); } } } } return(result); }
internal virtual void VisitColumns(Columns columns) { }
private static void UpdateColumn(Column column, Columns columns, Dictionary<uint, Column> sheetColumnsByMin) { var co = column.Min.Value; Column newColumn; if (!sheetColumnsByMin.ContainsKey(co)) { newColumn = (Column)column.CloneNode(true); columns.AppendChild(newColumn); sheetColumnsByMin.Add(co, newColumn); } else { var existingColumn = sheetColumnsByMin[column.Min.Value]; newColumn = (Column)existingColumn.CloneNode(true); newColumn.Min = column.Min; newColumn.Max = column.Max; newColumn.Style = column.Style; newColumn.Width = column.Width; newColumn.CustomWidth = column.CustomWidth; if (column.Hidden != null) newColumn.Hidden = true; else newColumn.Hidden = null; if (column.Collapsed != null) newColumn.Collapsed = true; else newColumn.Collapsed = null; if (column.OutlineLevel != null && column.OutlineLevel > 0) newColumn.OutlineLevel = (byte)column.OutlineLevel; else newColumn.OutlineLevel = null; sheetColumnsByMin.Remove(column.Min.Value); if (existingColumn.Min + 1 > existingColumn.Max) { //existingColumn.Min = existingColumn.Min + 1; //columns.InsertBefore(existingColumn, newColumn); //existingColumn.Remove(); columns.RemoveChild(existingColumn); columns.AppendChild(newColumn); sheetColumnsByMin.Add(newColumn.Min.Value, newColumn); } else { //columns.InsertBefore(existingColumn, newColumn); columns.AppendChild(newColumn); sheetColumnsByMin.Add(newColumn.Min.Value, newColumn); existingColumn.Min = existingColumn.Min + 1; sheetColumnsByMin.Add(existingColumn.Min.Value, existingColumn); } } }
/// <summary> /// Wraps creation of an Excel worksheet /// </summary> internal void AppendWorksheet() { if (Package == null) { Package = new ExcelPackage(); } ExcelWorksheet worksheet = Package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(Name); var rowOffset = 0; //if no columns specified auto generate them with reflection if (Columns == null || !Columns.Any()) { Columns = AutoGenerateColumns(); } //render title rows if (Titles != null) { for (var i = 0; i < Titles.Count; i++) { ExcelRange range = worksheet.Cells[rowOffset + 1 + i, 1, rowOffset + 1 + i, Columns.Count]; range.Merge = true; range.Value = Titles[i].Title; Configuration.ConfigureTitle?.Invoke(range); Titles[i].ConfigureTitle?.Invoke(range); } rowOffset = rowOffset + Titles.Count; } //render headers if (AppendHeaderRow) { for (var i = 0; i < Columns.Count; i++) { worksheet.Cells[rowOffset + 1, i + 1].Value = Columns[i].Header; Configuration.ConfigureHeader?.Invoke(worksheet.Cells[rowOffset + 1, i + 1]); } //configure the header row if (Configuration.ConfigureHeaderRow != null) { Configuration.ConfigureHeaderRow.Invoke(worksheet.Cells[rowOffset + 1, 1, rowOffset + 1, Columns.Count]); } rowOffset++; } CreateTableIfPossible(worksheet); //render data if (Rows != null) { for (var r = 0; r < Rows.Count(); r++) { for (var c = 0; c < Columns.Count(); c++) { worksheet.Cells[r + rowOffset + 1, c + 1].Value = Columns[c].Map(Rows.ElementAt(r)); Configuration.ConfigureCell?.Invoke(worksheet.Cells[r + rowOffset + 1, c + 1], Rows.ElementAt(r)); } } } //configure columns for (var i = 0; i < Columns.Count; i++) { Configuration.ConfigureColumn?.Invoke(worksheet.Column(i + 1)); Columns[i].ConfigureColumn?.Invoke(worksheet.Column(i + 1)); } }
// Generates content of worksheetPart1. private void GenerateWorksheetPart1Content(WorksheetPart worksheetPart1) { Worksheet worksheet1 = new Worksheet(); worksheet1.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", ""); SheetProperties sheetProperties1 = new SheetProperties(); PageSetupProperties pageSetupProperties1 = new PageSetupProperties() { FitToPage = true }; sheetProperties1.Append(pageSetupProperties1); SheetDimension sheetDimension1 = new SheetDimension() { Reference = "A1:AL30" }; SheetViews sheetViews1 = new SheetViews(); SheetView sheetView1 = new SheetView() { ShowGridLines = false, ShowZeros = false, TabSelected = true, ZoomScale = (UInt32Value)85U, WorkbookViewId = (UInt32Value)0U }; Selection selection1 = new Selection() { ActiveCell = "AM27", SequenceOfReferences = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "AM27" } }; sheetView1.Append(selection1); sheetViews1.Append(sheetView1); SheetFormatProperties sheetFormatProperties1 = new SheetFormatProperties() { BaseColumnWidth = (UInt32Value)10U, DefaultRowHeight = 12.75D }; Columns columns1 = new Columns(); Column column1 = new Column() { Min = (UInt32Value)2U, Max = (UInt32Value)2U, Width = 33.42578125D, BestFit = true, CustomWidth = true }; Column column2 = new Column() { Min = (UInt32Value)3U, Max = (UInt32Value)11U, Width = 2.140625D, BestFit = true, CustomWidth = true }; Column column3 = new Column() { Min = (UInt32Value)12U, Max = (UInt32Value)31U, Width = 3.140625D, BestFit = true, CustomWidth = true }; Column column4 = new Column() { Min = (UInt32Value)32U, Max = (UInt32Value)32U, Width = 4.28515625D, CustomWidth = true }; Column column5 = new Column() { Min = (UInt32Value)33U, Max = (UInt32Value)33U, Width = 3.140625D, BestFit = true, CustomWidth = true }; Column column6 = new Column() { Min = (UInt32Value)34U, Max = (UInt32Value)34U, Width = 9.28515625D, Style = (UInt32Value)62U, BestFit = true, CustomWidth = true }; Column column7 = new Column() { Min = (UInt32Value)35U, Max = (UInt32Value)35U, Width = 7.7109375D, Style = (UInt32Value)51U, BestFit = true, CustomWidth = true }; Column column8 = new Column() { Min = (UInt32Value)36U, Max = (UInt32Value)36U, Width = 9.28515625D, Style = (UInt32Value)62U, BestFit = true, CustomWidth = true }; Column column9 = new Column() { Min = (UInt32Value)37U, Max = (UInt32Value)37U, Width = 11.28515625D, Style = (UInt32Value)41U, BestFit = true, CustomWidth = true }; columns1.Append(column1); columns1.Append(column2); columns1.Append(column3); columns1.Append(column4); columns1.Append(column5); columns1.Append(column6); columns1.Append(column7); columns1.Append(column8); columns1.Append(column9); SheetData sheetData1 = new SheetData(); Row row1 = new Row() { RowIndex = (UInt32Value)1U, Spans = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "1:38" } }; Cell cell1 = new Cell() { CellReference = "A1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)10U }; Cell cell2 = new Cell() { CellReference = "B1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell3 = new Cell() { CellReference = "C1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell4 = new Cell() { CellReference = "D1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell5 = new Cell() { CellReference = "E1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell6 = new Cell() { CellReference = "F1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell7 = new Cell() { CellReference = "G1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell8 = new Cell() { CellReference = "H1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell9 = new Cell() { CellReference = "I1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell10 = new Cell() { CellReference = "J1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell11 = new Cell() { CellReference = "K1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell12 = new Cell() { CellReference = "L1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell13 = new Cell() { CellReference = "M1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell14 = new Cell() { CellReference = "N1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell15 = new Cell() { CellReference = "O1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell16 = new Cell() { CellReference = "P1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell17 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Q1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell18 = new Cell() { CellReference = "R1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell19 = new Cell() { CellReference = "S1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell20 = new Cell() { CellReference = "T1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell21 = new Cell() { CellReference = "U1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell22 = new Cell() { CellReference = "V1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell23 = new Cell() { CellReference = "W1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell24 = new Cell() { CellReference = "X1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell25 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Y1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell26 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Z1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell27 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AA1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell28 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AB1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell29 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AC1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell30 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AD1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell31 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AE1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell32 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AF1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell33 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AG1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)11U }; Cell cell34 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AH1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)52U }; Cell cell35 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AI1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)42U }; Cell cell36 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AJ1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)52U }; Cell cell37 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AK1", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)38U }; row1.Append(cell1); row1.Append(cell2); row1.Append(cell3); row1.Append(cell4); row1.Append(cell5); row1.Append(cell6); row1.Append(cell7); row1.Append(cell8); row1.Append(cell9); row1.Append(cell10); row1.Append(cell11); row1.Append(cell12); row1.Append(cell13); row1.Append(cell14); row1.Append(cell15); row1.Append(cell16); row1.Append(cell17); row1.Append(cell18); row1.Append(cell19); row1.Append(cell20); row1.Append(cell21); row1.Append(cell22); row1.Append(cell23); row1.Append(cell24); row1.Append(cell25); row1.Append(cell26); row1.Append(cell27); row1.Append(cell28); row1.Append(cell29); row1.Append(cell30); row1.Append(cell31); row1.Append(cell32); row1.Append(cell33); row1.Append(cell34); row1.Append(cell35); row1.Append(cell36); row1.Append(cell37); Row row2 = new Row() { RowIndex = (UInt32Value)2U, Spans = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "1:38" }, StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)4U, CustomFormat = true, Height = 11.25D }; Cell cell38 = new Cell() { CellReference = "A2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)12U }; Cell cell39 = new Cell() { CellReference = "B2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)13U }; Cell cell40 = new Cell() { CellReference = "C2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)6U }; Cell cell41 = new Cell() { CellReference = "D2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)5U }; Cell cell42 = new Cell() { CellReference = "E2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell43 = new Cell() { CellReference = "F2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell44 = new Cell() { CellReference = "G2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell45 = new Cell() { CellReference = "H2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell46 = new Cell() { CellReference = "I2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell47 = new Cell() { CellReference = "J2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell48 = new Cell() { CellReference = "K2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell49 = new Cell() { CellReference = "L2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell50 = new Cell() { CellReference = "M2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell51 = new Cell() { CellReference = "N2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell52 = new Cell() { CellReference = "O2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell53 = new Cell() { CellReference = "P2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell54 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Q2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell55 = new Cell() { CellReference = "R2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell56 = new Cell() { CellReference = "S2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell57 = new Cell() { CellReference = "T2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell58 = new Cell() { CellReference = "U2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell59 = new Cell() { CellReference = "V2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell60 = new Cell() { CellReference = "W2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell61 = new Cell() { CellReference = "X2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell62 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Y2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell63 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Z2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell64 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AA2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell65 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AB2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell66 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AC2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell67 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AD2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell68 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AE2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell69 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AF2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell70 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AG2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell71 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AH2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)53U }; Cell cell72 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AI2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)43U }; Cell cell73 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AJ2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)53U }; Cell cell74 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AK2", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)39U }; row2.Append(cell38); row2.Append(cell39); row2.Append(cell40); row2.Append(cell41); row2.Append(cell42); row2.Append(cell43); row2.Append(cell44); row2.Append(cell45); row2.Append(cell46); row2.Append(cell47); row2.Append(cell48); row2.Append(cell49); row2.Append(cell50); row2.Append(cell51); row2.Append(cell52); row2.Append(cell53); row2.Append(cell54); row2.Append(cell55); row2.Append(cell56); row2.Append(cell57); row2.Append(cell58); row2.Append(cell59); row2.Append(cell60); row2.Append(cell61); row2.Append(cell62); row2.Append(cell63); row2.Append(cell64); row2.Append(cell65); row2.Append(cell66); row2.Append(cell67); row2.Append(cell68); row2.Append(cell69); row2.Append(cell70); row2.Append(cell71); row2.Append(cell72); row2.Append(cell73); row2.Append(cell74); Row row3 = new Row() { RowIndex = (UInt32Value)3U, Spans = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "1:38" }, StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)4U, CustomFormat = true, Height = 11.25D }; Cell cell75 = new Cell() { CellReference = "A3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)12U }; Cell cell76 = new Cell() { CellReference = "B3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)13U }; Cell cell77 = new Cell() { CellReference = "C3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)6U }; Cell cell78 = new Cell() { CellReference = "D3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)5U }; Cell cell79 = new Cell() { CellReference = "E3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell80 = new Cell() { CellReference = "F3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell81 = new Cell() { CellReference = "G3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell82 = new Cell() { CellReference = "H3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell83 = new Cell() { CellReference = "I3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell84 = new Cell() { CellReference = "J3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell85 = new Cell() { CellReference = "K3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell86 = new Cell() { CellReference = "L3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell87 = new Cell() { CellReference = "M3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell88 = new Cell() { CellReference = "N3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell89 = new Cell() { CellReference = "O3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell90 = new Cell() { CellReference = "P3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell91 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Q3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell92 = new Cell() { CellReference = "R3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell93 = new Cell() { CellReference = "S3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell94 = new Cell() { CellReference = "T3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell95 = new Cell() { CellReference = "U3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell96 = new Cell() { CellReference = "V3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell97 = new Cell() { CellReference = "W3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell98 = new Cell() { CellReference = "X3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell99 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Y3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell100 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Z3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell101 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AA3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell102 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AB3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell103 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AC3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell104 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AD3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell105 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AE3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell106 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AF3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell107 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AG3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell108 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AH3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)53U }; Cell cell109 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AI3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)43U }; Cell cell110 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AJ3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)53U }; Cell cell111 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AK3", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)39U }; row3.Append(cell75); row3.Append(cell76); row3.Append(cell77); row3.Append(cell78); row3.Append(cell79); row3.Append(cell80); row3.Append(cell81); row3.Append(cell82); row3.Append(cell83); row3.Append(cell84); row3.Append(cell85); row3.Append(cell86); row3.Append(cell87); row3.Append(cell88); row3.Append(cell89); row3.Append(cell90); row3.Append(cell91); row3.Append(cell92); row3.Append(cell93); row3.Append(cell94); row3.Append(cell95); row3.Append(cell96); row3.Append(cell97); row3.Append(cell98); row3.Append(cell99); row3.Append(cell100); row3.Append(cell101); row3.Append(cell102); row3.Append(cell103); row3.Append(cell104); row3.Append(cell105); row3.Append(cell106); row3.Append(cell107); row3.Append(cell108); row3.Append(cell109); row3.Append(cell110); row3.Append(cell111); Row row4 = new Row() { RowIndex = (UInt32Value)4U, Spans = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "1:38" }, StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)4U, CustomFormat = true, Height = 11.25D }; Cell cell112 = new Cell() { CellReference = "A4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)12U }; Cell cell113 = new Cell() { CellReference = "B4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)13U }; Cell cell114 = new Cell() { CellReference = "C4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)6U }; Cell cell115 = new Cell() { CellReference = "D4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)5U }; Cell cell116 = new Cell() { CellReference = "E4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell117 = new Cell() { CellReference = "F4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell118 = new Cell() { CellReference = "G4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell119 = new Cell() { CellReference = "H4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell120 = new Cell() { CellReference = "I4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell121 = new Cell() { CellReference = "J4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell122 = new Cell() { CellReference = "K4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell123 = new Cell() { CellReference = "L4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell124 = new Cell() { CellReference = "M4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell125 = new Cell() { CellReference = "N4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell126 = new Cell() { CellReference = "O4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell127 = new Cell() { CellReference = "P4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell128 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Q4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell129 = new Cell() { CellReference = "R4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell130 = new Cell() { CellReference = "S4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell131 = new Cell() { CellReference = "T4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell132 = new Cell() { CellReference = "U4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell133 = new Cell() { CellReference = "V4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell134 = new Cell() { CellReference = "W4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell135 = new Cell() { CellReference = "X4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell136 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Y4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell137 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Z4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell138 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AA4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell139 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AB4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell140 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AC4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell141 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AD4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell142 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AE4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell143 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AF4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell144 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AG4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell145 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AH4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)53U }; Cell cell146 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AI4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)43U }; Cell cell147 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AJ4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)53U }; Cell cell148 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AK4", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)39U }; row4.Append(cell112); row4.Append(cell113); row4.Append(cell114); row4.Append(cell115); row4.Append(cell116); row4.Append(cell117); row4.Append(cell118); row4.Append(cell119); row4.Append(cell120); row4.Append(cell121); row4.Append(cell122); row4.Append(cell123); row4.Append(cell124); row4.Append(cell125); row4.Append(cell126); row4.Append(cell127); row4.Append(cell128); row4.Append(cell129); row4.Append(cell130); row4.Append(cell131); row4.Append(cell132); row4.Append(cell133); row4.Append(cell134); row4.Append(cell135); row4.Append(cell136); row4.Append(cell137); row4.Append(cell138); row4.Append(cell139); row4.Append(cell140); row4.Append(cell141); row4.Append(cell142); row4.Append(cell143); row4.Append(cell144); row4.Append(cell145); row4.Append(cell146); row4.Append(cell147); row4.Append(cell148); Row row5 = new Row() { RowIndex = (UInt32Value)5U, Spans = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "1:38" }, StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)4U, CustomFormat = true, Height = 11.25D }; Cell cell149 = new Cell() { CellReference = "A5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)12U }; Cell cell150 = new Cell() { CellReference = "B5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)5U, DataType = CellValues.SharedString }; CellValue cellValue1 = new CellValue(); cellValue1.Text = "1"; cell150.Append(cellValue1); Cell cell151 = new Cell() { CellReference = "C5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)6U }; Cell cell152 = new Cell() { CellReference = "D5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)5U }; Cell cell153 = new Cell() { CellReference = "E5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell154 = new Cell() { CellReference = "F5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell155 = new Cell() { CellReference = "G5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell156 = new Cell() { CellReference = "H5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell157 = new Cell() { CellReference = "I5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell158 = new Cell() { CellReference = "J5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell159 = new Cell() { CellReference = "K5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell160 = new Cell() { CellReference = "L5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell161 = new Cell() { CellReference = "M5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell162 = new Cell() { CellReference = "N5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell163 = new Cell() { CellReference = "O5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell164 = new Cell() { CellReference = "P5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell165 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Q5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell166 = new Cell() { CellReference = "R5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell167 = new Cell() { CellReference = "S5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell168 = new Cell() { CellReference = "T5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell169 = new Cell() { CellReference = "U5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell170 = new Cell() { CellReference = "V5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell171 = new Cell() { CellReference = "W5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell172 = new Cell() { CellReference = "X5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell173 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Y5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell174 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Z5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell175 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AA5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell176 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AB5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell177 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AC5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell178 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AD5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell179 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AE5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell180 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AF5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell181 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AG5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell182 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AH5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)53U }; Cell cell183 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AI5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)43U }; Cell cell184 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AJ5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)53U }; Cell cell185 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AK5", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)39U }; row5.Append(cell149); row5.Append(cell150); row5.Append(cell151); row5.Append(cell152); row5.Append(cell153); row5.Append(cell154); row5.Append(cell155); row5.Append(cell156); row5.Append(cell157); row5.Append(cell158); row5.Append(cell159); row5.Append(cell160); row5.Append(cell161); row5.Append(cell162); row5.Append(cell163); row5.Append(cell164); row5.Append(cell165); row5.Append(cell166); row5.Append(cell167); row5.Append(cell168); row5.Append(cell169); row5.Append(cell170); row5.Append(cell171); row5.Append(cell172); row5.Append(cell173); row5.Append(cell174); row5.Append(cell175); row5.Append(cell176); row5.Append(cell177); row5.Append(cell178); row5.Append(cell179); row5.Append(cell180); row5.Append(cell181); row5.Append(cell182); row5.Append(cell183); row5.Append(cell184); row5.Append(cell185); Row row6 = new Row() { RowIndex = (UInt32Value)6U, Spans = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "1:38" }, StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)4U, CustomFormat = true, Height = 11.25D }; Cell cell186 = new Cell() { CellReference = "A6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)12U }; Cell cell187 = new Cell() { CellReference = "B6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)5U, DataType = CellValues.SharedString }; CellValue cellValue2 = new CellValue(); cellValue2.Text = "2"; cell187.Append(cellValue2); Cell cell188 = new Cell() { CellReference = "C6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)6U }; Cell cell189 = new Cell() { CellReference = "D6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)5U }; Cell cell190 = new Cell() { CellReference = "E6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell191 = new Cell() { CellReference = "F6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell192 = new Cell() { CellReference = "G6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell193 = new Cell() { CellReference = "H6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell194 = new Cell() { CellReference = "I6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell195 = new Cell() { CellReference = "J6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell196 = new Cell() { CellReference = "K6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell197 = new Cell() { CellReference = "L6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell198 = new Cell() { CellReference = "M6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell199 = new Cell() { CellReference = "N6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell200 = new Cell() { CellReference = "O6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell201 = new Cell() { CellReference = "P6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell202 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Q6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell203 = new Cell() { CellReference = "R6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell204 = new Cell() { CellReference = "S6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell205 = new Cell() { CellReference = "T6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell206 = new Cell() { CellReference = "U6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell207 = new Cell() { CellReference = "V6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell208 = new Cell() { CellReference = "W6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell209 = new Cell() { CellReference = "X6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell210 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Y6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell211 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Z6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell212 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AA6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell213 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AB6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell214 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AC6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell215 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AD6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell216 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AE6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell217 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AF6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell218 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AG6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell219 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AH6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)53U }; Cell cell220 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AI6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)43U }; Cell cell221 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AJ6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)53U }; Cell cell222 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AK6", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)39U }; row6.Append(cell186); row6.Append(cell187); row6.Append(cell188); row6.Append(cell189); row6.Append(cell190); row6.Append(cell191); row6.Append(cell192); row6.Append(cell193); row6.Append(cell194); row6.Append(cell195); row6.Append(cell196); row6.Append(cell197); row6.Append(cell198); row6.Append(cell199); row6.Append(cell200); row6.Append(cell201); row6.Append(cell202); row6.Append(cell203); row6.Append(cell204); row6.Append(cell205); row6.Append(cell206); row6.Append(cell207); row6.Append(cell208); row6.Append(cell209); row6.Append(cell210); row6.Append(cell211); row6.Append(cell212); row6.Append(cell213); row6.Append(cell214); row6.Append(cell215); row6.Append(cell216); row6.Append(cell217); row6.Append(cell218); row6.Append(cell219); row6.Append(cell220); row6.Append(cell221); row6.Append(cell222); Row row7 = new Row() { RowIndex = (UInt32Value)7U, Spans = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "1:38" }, StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)4U, CustomFormat = true, Height = 11.25D }; Cell cell223 = new Cell() { CellReference = "A7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)12U }; Cell cell224 = new Cell() { CellReference = "B7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)5U }; Cell cell225 = new Cell() { CellReference = "C7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)6U }; Cell cell226 = new Cell() { CellReference = "D7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)5U }; Cell cell227 = new Cell() { CellReference = "E7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell228 = new Cell() { CellReference = "F7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell229 = new Cell() { CellReference = "G7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell230 = new Cell() { CellReference = "H7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell231 = new Cell() { CellReference = "I7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell232 = new Cell() { CellReference = "J7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell233 = new Cell() { CellReference = "K7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell234 = new Cell() { CellReference = "L7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell235 = new Cell() { CellReference = "M7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell236 = new Cell() { CellReference = "N7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell237 = new Cell() { CellReference = "O7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell238 = new Cell() { CellReference = "P7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell239 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Q7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell240 = new Cell() { CellReference = "R7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell241 = new Cell() { CellReference = "S7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell242 = new Cell() { CellReference = "T7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell243 = new Cell() { CellReference = "U7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell244 = new Cell() { CellReference = "V7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell245 = new Cell() { CellReference = "W7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell246 = new Cell() { CellReference = "X7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell247 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Y7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell248 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Z7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell249 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AA7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell250 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AB7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell251 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AC7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell252 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AD7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell253 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AE7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell254 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AF7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell255 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AG7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell256 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AH7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)53U }; Cell cell257 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AI7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)43U }; Cell cell258 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AJ7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)53U }; Cell cell259 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AK7", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)39U }; row7.Append(cell223); row7.Append(cell224); row7.Append(cell225); row7.Append(cell226); row7.Append(cell227); row7.Append(cell228); row7.Append(cell229); row7.Append(cell230); row7.Append(cell231); row7.Append(cell232); row7.Append(cell233); row7.Append(cell234); row7.Append(cell235); row7.Append(cell236); row7.Append(cell237); row7.Append(cell238); row7.Append(cell239); row7.Append(cell240); row7.Append(cell241); row7.Append(cell242); row7.Append(cell243); row7.Append(cell244); row7.Append(cell245); row7.Append(cell246); row7.Append(cell247); row7.Append(cell248); row7.Append(cell249); row7.Append(cell250); row7.Append(cell251); row7.Append(cell252); row7.Append(cell253); row7.Append(cell254); row7.Append(cell255); row7.Append(cell256); row7.Append(cell257); row7.Append(cell258); row7.Append(cell259); Row row8 = new Row() { RowIndex = (UInt32Value)8U, Spans = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "1:38" }, StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)4U, CustomFormat = true, Height = 19.5D }; Cell cell260 = new Cell() { CellReference = "A8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)12U }; Cell cell261 = new Cell() { CellReference = "B8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)14U, DataType = CellValues.SharedString }; CellValue cellValue3 = new CellValue(); cellValue3.Text = "12"; cell261.Append(cellValue3); Cell cell262 = new Cell() { CellReference = "C8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)32U }; Cell cell263 = new Cell() { CellReference = "D8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)15U }; Cell cell264 = new Cell() { CellReference = "E8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell265 = new Cell() { CellReference = "F8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell266 = new Cell() { CellReference = "G8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell267 = new Cell() { CellReference = "H8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell268 = new Cell() { CellReference = "I8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell269 = new Cell() { CellReference = "J8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell270 = new Cell() { CellReference = "K8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell271 = new Cell() { CellReference = "L8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell272 = new Cell() { CellReference = "M8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell273 = new Cell() { CellReference = "N8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell274 = new Cell() { CellReference = "O8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell275 = new Cell() { CellReference = "P8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell276 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Q8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell277 = new Cell() { CellReference = "R8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell278 = new Cell() { CellReference = "S8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell279 = new Cell() { CellReference = "T8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell280 = new Cell() { CellReference = "U8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell281 = new Cell() { CellReference = "V8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell282 = new Cell() { CellReference = "W8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell283 = new Cell() { CellReference = "X8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell284 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Y8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell285 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Z8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell286 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AA8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell287 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AB8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell288 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AC8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell289 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AD8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell290 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AE8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell291 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AF8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell292 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AG8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell293 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AH8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)53U }; Cell cell294 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AI8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)43U }; Cell cell295 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AJ8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)53U }; Cell cell296 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AK8", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)39U }; row8.Append(cell260); row8.Append(cell261); row8.Append(cell262); row8.Append(cell263); row8.Append(cell264); row8.Append(cell265); row8.Append(cell266); row8.Append(cell267); row8.Append(cell268); row8.Append(cell269); row8.Append(cell270); row8.Append(cell271); row8.Append(cell272); row8.Append(cell273); row8.Append(cell274); row8.Append(cell275); row8.Append(cell276); row8.Append(cell277); row8.Append(cell278); row8.Append(cell279); row8.Append(cell280); row8.Append(cell281); row8.Append(cell282); row8.Append(cell283); row8.Append(cell284); row8.Append(cell285); row8.Append(cell286); row8.Append(cell287); row8.Append(cell288); row8.Append(cell289); row8.Append(cell290); row8.Append(cell291); row8.Append(cell292); row8.Append(cell293); row8.Append(cell294); row8.Append(cell295); row8.Append(cell296); Row row9 = new Row() { RowIndex = (UInt32Value)9U, Spans = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "1:38" }, StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)4U, CustomFormat = true }; Cell cell297 = new Cell() { CellReference = "A9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)12U }; Cell cell298 = new Cell() { CellReference = "B9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)14U, DataType = CellValues.SharedString }; CellValue cellValue4 = new CellValue(); cellValue4.Text = "3"; cell298.Append(cellValue4); Cell cell299 = new Cell() { CellReference = "C9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)33U }; Cell cell300 = new Cell() { CellReference = "D9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)5U }; Cell cell301 = new Cell() { CellReference = "E9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell302 = new Cell() { CellReference = "F9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell303 = new Cell() { CellReference = "G9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell304 = new Cell() { CellReference = "H9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell305 = new Cell() { CellReference = "I9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell306 = new Cell() { CellReference = "J9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell307 = new Cell() { CellReference = "K9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell308 = new Cell() { CellReference = "L9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell309 = new Cell() { CellReference = "M9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell310 = new Cell() { CellReference = "N9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell311 = new Cell() { CellReference = "O9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell312 = new Cell() { CellReference = "P9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell313 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Q9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell314 = new Cell() { CellReference = "R9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell315 = new Cell() { CellReference = "S9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell316 = new Cell() { CellReference = "T9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell317 = new Cell() { CellReference = "U9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell318 = new Cell() { CellReference = "V9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell319 = new Cell() { CellReference = "W9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell320 = new Cell() { CellReference = "X9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell321 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Y9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell322 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Z9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell323 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AA9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell324 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AB9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell325 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AC9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell326 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AD9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell327 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AE9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell328 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AF9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell329 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AG9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell330 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AH9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)53U }; Cell cell331 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AI9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)43U }; Cell cell332 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AJ9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)53U }; Cell cell333 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AK9", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)39U }; row9.Append(cell297); row9.Append(cell298); row9.Append(cell299); row9.Append(cell300); row9.Append(cell301); row9.Append(cell302); row9.Append(cell303); row9.Append(cell304); row9.Append(cell305); row9.Append(cell306); row9.Append(cell307); row9.Append(cell308); row9.Append(cell309); row9.Append(cell310); row9.Append(cell311); row9.Append(cell312); row9.Append(cell313); row9.Append(cell314); row9.Append(cell315); row9.Append(cell316); row9.Append(cell317); row9.Append(cell318); row9.Append(cell319); row9.Append(cell320); row9.Append(cell321); row9.Append(cell322); row9.Append(cell323); row9.Append(cell324); row9.Append(cell325); row9.Append(cell326); row9.Append(cell327); row9.Append(cell328); row9.Append(cell329); row9.Append(cell330); row9.Append(cell331); row9.Append(cell332); row9.Append(cell333); Row row10 = new Row() { RowIndex = (UInt32Value)10U, Spans = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "1:38" }, StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)4U, CustomFormat = true }; Cell cell334 = new Cell() { CellReference = "A10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)12U }; Cell cell335 = new Cell() { CellReference = "B10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)16U, DataType = CellValues.SharedString }; CellValue cellValue5 = new CellValue(); cellValue5.Text = "13"; cell335.Append(cellValue5); Cell cell336 = new Cell() { CellReference = "C10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)32U }; Cell cell337 = new Cell() { CellReference = "D10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)5U }; Cell cell338 = new Cell() { CellReference = "E10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell339 = new Cell() { CellReference = "F10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell340 = new Cell() { CellReference = "G10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell341 = new Cell() { CellReference = "H10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell342 = new Cell() { CellReference = "I10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell343 = new Cell() { CellReference = "J10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell344 = new Cell() { CellReference = "K10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell345 = new Cell() { CellReference = "L10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell346 = new Cell() { CellReference = "M10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell347 = new Cell() { CellReference = "N10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell348 = new Cell() { CellReference = "O10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell349 = new Cell() { CellReference = "P10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell350 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Q10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell351 = new Cell() { CellReference = "R10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell352 = new Cell() { CellReference = "S10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell353 = new Cell() { CellReference = "T10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell354 = new Cell() { CellReference = "U10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell355 = new Cell() { CellReference = "V10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell356 = new Cell() { CellReference = "W10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell357 = new Cell() { CellReference = "X10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell358 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Y10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell359 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Z10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell360 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AA10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell361 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AB10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell362 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AC10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell363 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AD10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell364 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AE10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell365 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AF10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell366 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AG10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell367 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AH10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)53U }; Cell cell368 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AI10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)43U }; Cell cell369 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AJ10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)53U }; Cell cell370 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AK10", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)39U }; row10.Append(cell334); row10.Append(cell335); row10.Append(cell336); row10.Append(cell337); row10.Append(cell338); row10.Append(cell339); row10.Append(cell340); row10.Append(cell341); row10.Append(cell342); row10.Append(cell343); row10.Append(cell344); row10.Append(cell345); row10.Append(cell346); row10.Append(cell347); row10.Append(cell348); row10.Append(cell349); row10.Append(cell350); row10.Append(cell351); row10.Append(cell352); row10.Append(cell353); row10.Append(cell354); row10.Append(cell355); row10.Append(cell356); row10.Append(cell357); row10.Append(cell358); row10.Append(cell359); row10.Append(cell360); row10.Append(cell361); row10.Append(cell362); row10.Append(cell363); row10.Append(cell364); row10.Append(cell365); row10.Append(cell366); row10.Append(cell367); row10.Append(cell368); row10.Append(cell369); row10.Append(cell370); Row row11 = new Row() { RowIndex = (UInt32Value)11U, Spans = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "1:38" }, StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)4U, CustomFormat = true }; Cell cell371 = new Cell() { CellReference = "A11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)12U }; Cell cell372 = new Cell() { CellReference = "B11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)14U, DataType = CellValues.SharedString }; CellValue cellValue6 = new CellValue(); cellValue6.Text = "14"; cell372.Append(cellValue6); Cell cell373 = new Cell() { CellReference = "C11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)34U }; Cell cell374 = new Cell() { CellReference = "D11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)5U }; Cell cell375 = new Cell() { CellReference = "E11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell376 = new Cell() { CellReference = "F11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell377 = new Cell() { CellReference = "G11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell378 = new Cell() { CellReference = "H11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell379 = new Cell() { CellReference = "I11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell380 = new Cell() { CellReference = "J11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell381 = new Cell() { CellReference = "K11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell382 = new Cell() { CellReference = "L11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell383 = new Cell() { CellReference = "M11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell384 = new Cell() { CellReference = "N11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell385 = new Cell() { CellReference = "O11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell386 = new Cell() { CellReference = "P11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell387 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Q11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell388 = new Cell() { CellReference = "R11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell389 = new Cell() { CellReference = "S11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell390 = new Cell() { CellReference = "T11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell391 = new Cell() { CellReference = "U11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell392 = new Cell() { CellReference = "V11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell393 = new Cell() { CellReference = "W11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell394 = new Cell() { CellReference = "X11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell395 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Y11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell396 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Z11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell397 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AA11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell398 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AB11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell399 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AC11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell400 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AD11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell401 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AE11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell402 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AF11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell403 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AG11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell404 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AH11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)53U }; Cell cell405 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AI11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)43U }; Cell cell406 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AJ11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)53U }; Cell cell407 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AK11", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)39U }; row11.Append(cell371); row11.Append(cell372); row11.Append(cell373); row11.Append(cell374); row11.Append(cell375); row11.Append(cell376); row11.Append(cell377); row11.Append(cell378); row11.Append(cell379); row11.Append(cell380); row11.Append(cell381); row11.Append(cell382); row11.Append(cell383); row11.Append(cell384); row11.Append(cell385); row11.Append(cell386); row11.Append(cell387); row11.Append(cell388); row11.Append(cell389); row11.Append(cell390); row11.Append(cell391); row11.Append(cell392); row11.Append(cell393); row11.Append(cell394); row11.Append(cell395); row11.Append(cell396); row11.Append(cell397); row11.Append(cell398); row11.Append(cell399); row11.Append(cell400); row11.Append(cell401); row11.Append(cell402); row11.Append(cell403); row11.Append(cell404); row11.Append(cell405); row11.Append(cell406); row11.Append(cell407); Row row12 = new Row() { RowIndex = (UInt32Value)12U, Spans = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "1:38" }, StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)5U, CustomFormat = true }; Cell cell408 = new Cell() { CellReference = "A12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)12U }; Cell cell409 = new Cell() { CellReference = "B12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)14U, DataType = CellValues.SharedString }; CellValue cellValue7 = new CellValue(); cellValue7.Text = "15"; cell409.Append(cellValue7); Cell cell410 = new Cell() { CellReference = "C12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)35U }; Cell cell411 = new Cell() { CellReference = "D12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)6U }; Cell cell412 = new Cell() { CellReference = "E12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell413 = new Cell() { CellReference = "F12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell414 = new Cell() { CellReference = "G12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell415 = new Cell() { CellReference = "H12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell416 = new Cell() { CellReference = "I12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell417 = new Cell() { CellReference = "J12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell418 = new Cell() { CellReference = "K12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell419 = new Cell() { CellReference = "L12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell420 = new Cell() { CellReference = "M12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell421 = new Cell() { CellReference = "N12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell422 = new Cell() { CellReference = "O12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell423 = new Cell() { CellReference = "P12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell424 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Q12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell425 = new Cell() { CellReference = "R12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell426 = new Cell() { CellReference = "S12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell427 = new Cell() { CellReference = "T12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell428 = new Cell() { CellReference = "U12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell429 = new Cell() { CellReference = "V12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell430 = new Cell() { CellReference = "W12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell431 = new Cell() { CellReference = "X12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell432 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Y12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell433 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Z12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell434 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AA12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell435 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AB12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell436 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AC12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell437 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AD12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell438 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AE12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell439 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AF12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell440 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AG12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell441 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AH12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)53U }; Cell cell442 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AI12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)43U }; Cell cell443 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AJ12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)53U }; Cell cell444 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AK12", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)39U }; row12.Append(cell408); row12.Append(cell409); row12.Append(cell410); row12.Append(cell411); row12.Append(cell412); row12.Append(cell413); row12.Append(cell414); row12.Append(cell415); row12.Append(cell416); row12.Append(cell417); row12.Append(cell418); row12.Append(cell419); row12.Append(cell420); row12.Append(cell421); row12.Append(cell422); row12.Append(cell423); row12.Append(cell424); row12.Append(cell425); row12.Append(cell426); row12.Append(cell427); row12.Append(cell428); row12.Append(cell429); row12.Append(cell430); row12.Append(cell431); row12.Append(cell432); row12.Append(cell433); row12.Append(cell434); row12.Append(cell435); row12.Append(cell436); row12.Append(cell437); row12.Append(cell438); row12.Append(cell439); row12.Append(cell440); row12.Append(cell441); row12.Append(cell442); row12.Append(cell443); row12.Append(cell444); Row row13 = new Row() { RowIndex = (UInt32Value)13U, Spans = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "1:38" }, StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)5U, CustomFormat = true, Height = 11.25D }; Cell cell445 = new Cell() { CellReference = "A13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)12U }; Cell cell446 = new Cell() { CellReference = "B13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)14U, DataType = CellValues.SharedString }; CellValue cellValue8 = new CellValue(); cellValue8.Text = "16"; cell446.Append(cellValue8); Cell cell447 = new Cell() { CellReference = "C13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)36U }; Cell cell448 = new Cell() { CellReference = "D13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)6U }; Cell cell449 = new Cell() { CellReference = "E13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell450 = new Cell() { CellReference = "F13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell451 = new Cell() { CellReference = "G13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell452 = new Cell() { CellReference = "H13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell453 = new Cell() { CellReference = "I13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell454 = new Cell() { CellReference = "J13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell455 = new Cell() { CellReference = "K13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell456 = new Cell() { CellReference = "L13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell457 = new Cell() { CellReference = "M13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell458 = new Cell() { CellReference = "N13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell459 = new Cell() { CellReference = "O13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell460 = new Cell() { CellReference = "P13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell461 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Q13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell462 = new Cell() { CellReference = "R13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell463 = new Cell() { CellReference = "S13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell464 = new Cell() { CellReference = "T13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell465 = new Cell() { CellReference = "U13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell466 = new Cell() { CellReference = "V13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell467 = new Cell() { CellReference = "W13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell468 = new Cell() { CellReference = "X13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell469 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Y13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell470 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Z13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell471 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AA13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell472 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AB13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell473 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AC13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell474 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AD13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell475 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AE13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell476 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AF13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell477 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AG13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)7U }; Cell cell478 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AH13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)53U }; Cell cell479 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AI13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)43U }; Cell cell480 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AJ13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)53U }; Cell cell481 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AK13", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)39U }; row13.Append(cell445); row13.Append(cell446); row13.Append(cell447); row13.Append(cell448); row13.Append(cell449); row13.Append(cell450); row13.Append(cell451); row13.Append(cell452); row13.Append(cell453); row13.Append(cell454); row13.Append(cell455); row13.Append(cell456); row13.Append(cell457); row13.Append(cell458); row13.Append(cell459); row13.Append(cell460); row13.Append(cell461); row13.Append(cell462); row13.Append(cell463); row13.Append(cell464); row13.Append(cell465); row13.Append(cell466); row13.Append(cell467); row13.Append(cell468); row13.Append(cell469); row13.Append(cell470); row13.Append(cell471); row13.Append(cell472); row13.Append(cell473); row13.Append(cell474); row13.Append(cell475); row13.Append(cell476); row13.Append(cell477); row13.Append(cell478); row13.Append(cell479); row13.Append(cell480); row13.Append(cell481); Row row14 = new Row() { RowIndex = (UInt32Value)14U, Spans = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "1:38" } }; Cell cell482 = new Cell() { CellReference = "A14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)17U }; Cell cell483 = new Cell() { CellReference = "B14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)14U, DataType = CellValues.SharedString }; CellValue cellValue9 = new CellValue(); cellValue9.Text = "17"; cell483.Append(cellValue9); Cell cell484 = new Cell() { CellReference = "C14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)37U }; Cell cell485 = new Cell() { CellReference = "D14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell486 = new Cell() { CellReference = "E14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell487 = new Cell() { CellReference = "F14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell488 = new Cell() { CellReference = "G14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell489 = new Cell() { CellReference = "H14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell490 = new Cell() { CellReference = "I14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell491 = new Cell() { CellReference = "J14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell492 = new Cell() { CellReference = "K14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell493 = new Cell() { CellReference = "L14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell494 = new Cell() { CellReference = "M14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell495 = new Cell() { CellReference = "N14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell496 = new Cell() { CellReference = "O14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell497 = new Cell() { CellReference = "P14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell498 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Q14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell499 = new Cell() { CellReference = "R14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell500 = new Cell() { CellReference = "S14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell501 = new Cell() { CellReference = "T14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell502 = new Cell() { CellReference = "U14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell503 = new Cell() { CellReference = "V14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell504 = new Cell() { CellReference = "W14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell505 = new Cell() { CellReference = "X14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell506 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Y14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell507 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Z14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell508 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AA14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell509 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AB14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell510 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AC14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell511 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AD14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell512 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AE14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell513 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AF14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell514 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AG14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell515 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AH14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)54U }; Cell cell516 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AI14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)44U }; Cell cell517 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AJ14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)54U }; Cell cell518 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AK14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)30U }; Cell cell519 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AL14", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; row14.Append(cell482); row14.Append(cell483); row14.Append(cell484); row14.Append(cell485); row14.Append(cell486); row14.Append(cell487); row14.Append(cell488); row14.Append(cell489); row14.Append(cell490); row14.Append(cell491); row14.Append(cell492); row14.Append(cell493); row14.Append(cell494); row14.Append(cell495); row14.Append(cell496); row14.Append(cell497); row14.Append(cell498); row14.Append(cell499); row14.Append(cell500); row14.Append(cell501); row14.Append(cell502); row14.Append(cell503); row14.Append(cell504); row14.Append(cell505); row14.Append(cell506); row14.Append(cell507); row14.Append(cell508); row14.Append(cell509); row14.Append(cell510); row14.Append(cell511); row14.Append(cell512); row14.Append(cell513); row14.Append(cell514); row14.Append(cell515); row14.Append(cell516); row14.Append(cell517); row14.Append(cell518); row14.Append(cell519); Row row15 = new Row() { RowIndex = (UInt32Value)15U, Spans = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "1:38" } }; Cell cell520 = new Cell() { CellReference = "A15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)17U }; Cell cell521 = new Cell() { CellReference = "B15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)14U, DataType = CellValues.SharedString }; CellValue cellValue10 = new CellValue(); cellValue10.Text = "18"; cell521.Append(cellValue10); Cell cell522 = new Cell() { CellReference = "C15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)37U }; Cell cell523 = new Cell() { CellReference = "D15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell524 = new Cell() { CellReference = "E15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell525 = new Cell() { CellReference = "F15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell526 = new Cell() { CellReference = "G15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell527 = new Cell() { CellReference = "H15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell528 = new Cell() { CellReference = "I15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell529 = new Cell() { CellReference = "J15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell530 = new Cell() { CellReference = "K15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell531 = new Cell() { CellReference = "L15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell532 = new Cell() { CellReference = "M15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell533 = new Cell() { CellReference = "N15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell534 = new Cell() { CellReference = "O15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell535 = new Cell() { CellReference = "P15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell536 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Q15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell537 = new Cell() { CellReference = "R15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell538 = new Cell() { CellReference = "S15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell539 = new Cell() { CellReference = "T15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell540 = new Cell() { CellReference = "U15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell541 = new Cell() { CellReference = "V15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell542 = new Cell() { CellReference = "W15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell543 = new Cell() { CellReference = "X15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell544 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Y15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell545 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Z15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell546 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AA15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell547 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AB15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell548 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AC15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell549 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AD15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell550 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AE15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell551 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AF15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell552 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AG15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell553 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AH15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)54U }; Cell cell554 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AI15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)44U }; Cell cell555 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AJ15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)54U }; Cell cell556 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AK15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)30U }; Cell cell557 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AL15", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; row15.Append(cell520); row15.Append(cell521); row15.Append(cell522); row15.Append(cell523); row15.Append(cell524); row15.Append(cell525); row15.Append(cell526); row15.Append(cell527); row15.Append(cell528); row15.Append(cell529); row15.Append(cell530); row15.Append(cell531); row15.Append(cell532); row15.Append(cell533); row15.Append(cell534); row15.Append(cell535); row15.Append(cell536); row15.Append(cell537); row15.Append(cell538); row15.Append(cell539); row15.Append(cell540); row15.Append(cell541); row15.Append(cell542); row15.Append(cell543); row15.Append(cell544); row15.Append(cell545); row15.Append(cell546); row15.Append(cell547); row15.Append(cell548); row15.Append(cell549); row15.Append(cell550); row15.Append(cell551); row15.Append(cell552); row15.Append(cell553); row15.Append(cell554); row15.Append(cell555); row15.Append(cell556); row15.Append(cell557); Row row16 = new Row() { RowIndex = (UInt32Value)16U, Spans = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "1:38" } }; Cell cell558 = new Cell() { CellReference = "A16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)17U }; Cell cell559 = new Cell() { CellReference = "B16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)14U }; Cell cell560 = new Cell() { CellReference = "C16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell561 = new Cell() { CellReference = "D16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell562 = new Cell() { CellReference = "E16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell563 = new Cell() { CellReference = "F16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell564 = new Cell() { CellReference = "G16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell565 = new Cell() { CellReference = "H16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell566 = new Cell() { CellReference = "I16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell567 = new Cell() { CellReference = "J16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell568 = new Cell() { CellReference = "K16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell569 = new Cell() { CellReference = "L16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell570 = new Cell() { CellReference = "M16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell571 = new Cell() { CellReference = "N16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell572 = new Cell() { CellReference = "O16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell573 = new Cell() { CellReference = "P16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell574 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Q16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell575 = new Cell() { CellReference = "R16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell576 = new Cell() { CellReference = "S16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell577 = new Cell() { CellReference = "T16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell578 = new Cell() { CellReference = "U16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell579 = new Cell() { CellReference = "V16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell580 = new Cell() { CellReference = "W16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell581 = new Cell() { CellReference = "X16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell582 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Y16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell583 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Z16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell584 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AA16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell585 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AB16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell586 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AC16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell587 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AD16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell588 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AE16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell589 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AF16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell590 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AG16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell591 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AH16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)54U }; Cell cell592 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AI16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)44U }; Cell cell593 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AJ16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)54U }; Cell cell594 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AK16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)30U }; Cell cell595 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AL16", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; row16.Append(cell558); row16.Append(cell559); row16.Append(cell560); row16.Append(cell561); row16.Append(cell562); row16.Append(cell563); row16.Append(cell564); row16.Append(cell565); row16.Append(cell566); row16.Append(cell567); row16.Append(cell568); row16.Append(cell569); row16.Append(cell570); row16.Append(cell571); row16.Append(cell572); row16.Append(cell573); row16.Append(cell574); row16.Append(cell575); row16.Append(cell576); row16.Append(cell577); row16.Append(cell578); row16.Append(cell579); row16.Append(cell580); row16.Append(cell581); row16.Append(cell582); row16.Append(cell583); row16.Append(cell584); row16.Append(cell585); row16.Append(cell586); row16.Append(cell587); row16.Append(cell588); row16.Append(cell589); row16.Append(cell590); row16.Append(cell591); row16.Append(cell592); row16.Append(cell593); row16.Append(cell594); row16.Append(cell595); Row row17 = new Row() { RowIndex = (UInt32Value)17U, Spans = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "1:38" } }; Cell cell596 = new Cell() { CellReference = "A17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)17U }; Cell cell597 = new Cell() { CellReference = "B17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)19U, DataType = CellValues.SharedString }; CellValue cellValue11 = new CellValue(); cellValue11.Text = "5"; cell597.Append(cellValue11); Cell cell598 = new Cell() { CellReference = "C17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)20U }; Cell cell599 = new Cell() { CellReference = "D17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)21U }; Cell cell600 = new Cell() { CellReference = "E17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)21U }; Cell cell601 = new Cell() { CellReference = "F17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)21U }; Cell cell602 = new Cell() { CellReference = "G17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)21U }; Cell cell603 = new Cell() { CellReference = "H17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)21U }; Cell cell604 = new Cell() { CellReference = "I17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)21U }; Cell cell605 = new Cell() { CellReference = "J17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)21U }; Cell cell606 = new Cell() { CellReference = "K17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)21U }; Cell cell607 = new Cell() { CellReference = "L17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)21U }; Cell cell608 = new Cell() { CellReference = "M17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)21U }; Cell cell609 = new Cell() { CellReference = "N17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)21U }; Cell cell610 = new Cell() { CellReference = "O17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)21U }; Cell cell611 = new Cell() { CellReference = "P17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)21U }; Cell cell612 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Q17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)21U }; Cell cell613 = new Cell() { CellReference = "R17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)21U }; Cell cell614 = new Cell() { CellReference = "S17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)21U }; Cell cell615 = new Cell() { CellReference = "T17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)21U }; Cell cell616 = new Cell() { CellReference = "U17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)21U }; Cell cell617 = new Cell() { CellReference = "V17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)21U }; Cell cell618 = new Cell() { CellReference = "W17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)21U }; Cell cell619 = new Cell() { CellReference = "X17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)21U }; Cell cell620 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Y17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)21U }; Cell cell621 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Z17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)21U }; Cell cell622 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AA17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)21U }; Cell cell623 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AB17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)21U }; Cell cell624 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AC17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)21U }; Cell cell625 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AD17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)21U }; Cell cell626 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AE17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)21U }; Cell cell627 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AF17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)21U }; Cell cell628 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AG17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)21U }; Cell cell629 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AH17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)55U }; Cell cell630 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AI17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)45U }; Cell cell631 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AJ17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)54U }; Cell cell632 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AK17", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)30U }; row17.Append(cell596); row17.Append(cell597); row17.Append(cell598); row17.Append(cell599); row17.Append(cell600); row17.Append(cell601); row17.Append(cell602); row17.Append(cell603); row17.Append(cell604); row17.Append(cell605); row17.Append(cell606); row17.Append(cell607); row17.Append(cell608); row17.Append(cell609); row17.Append(cell610); row17.Append(cell611); row17.Append(cell612); row17.Append(cell613); row17.Append(cell614); row17.Append(cell615); row17.Append(cell616); row17.Append(cell617); row17.Append(cell618); row17.Append(cell619); row17.Append(cell620); row17.Append(cell621); row17.Append(cell622); row17.Append(cell623); row17.Append(cell624); row17.Append(cell625); row17.Append(cell626); row17.Append(cell627); row17.Append(cell628); row17.Append(cell629); row17.Append(cell630); row17.Append(cell631); row17.Append(cell632); Row row18 = new Row() { RowIndex = (UInt32Value)18U, Spans = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "1:38" }, Height = 12.75D, CustomHeight = true }; Cell cell633 = new Cell() { CellReference = "A18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)17U }; Cell cell634 = new Cell() { CellReference = "B18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)22U, DataType = CellValues.SharedString }; CellValue cellValue12 = new CellValue(); cellValue12.Text = "6"; cell634.Append(cellValue12); Cell cell635 = new Cell() { CellReference = "C18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)23U }; Cell cell636 = new Cell() { CellReference = "D18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)23U }; Cell cell637 = new Cell() { CellReference = "E18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)23U }; Cell cell638 = new Cell() { CellReference = "F18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)23U }; Cell cell639 = new Cell() { CellReference = "G18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)23U }; Cell cell640 = new Cell() { CellReference = "H18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)23U }; Cell cell641 = new Cell() { CellReference = "I18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)23U }; Cell cell642 = new Cell() { CellReference = "J18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)23U }; Cell cell643 = new Cell() { CellReference = "K18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)23U }; Cell cell644 = new Cell() { CellReference = "L18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)23U }; Cell cell645 = new Cell() { CellReference = "M18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)23U }; Cell cell646 = new Cell() { CellReference = "N18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)23U }; Cell cell647 = new Cell() { CellReference = "O18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)23U }; Cell cell648 = new Cell() { CellReference = "P18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)23U }; Cell cell649 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Q18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)23U }; Cell cell650 = new Cell() { CellReference = "R18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)23U }; Cell cell651 = new Cell() { CellReference = "S18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)23U }; Cell cell652 = new Cell() { CellReference = "T18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)23U }; Cell cell653 = new Cell() { CellReference = "U18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)23U }; Cell cell654 = new Cell() { CellReference = "V18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)23U }; Cell cell655 = new Cell() { CellReference = "W18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)23U }; Cell cell656 = new Cell() { CellReference = "X18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)23U }; Cell cell657 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Y18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)23U }; Cell cell658 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Z18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)23U }; Cell cell659 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AA18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)23U }; Cell cell660 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AB18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)23U }; Cell cell661 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AC18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)23U }; Cell cell662 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AD18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)23U }; Cell cell663 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AE18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)23U }; Cell cell664 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AF18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)23U }; Cell cell665 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AG18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)26U }; Cell cell666 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AH18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)56U, DataType = CellValues.SharedString }; CellValue cellValue13 = new CellValue(); cellValue13.Text = "7"; cell666.Append(cellValue13); Cell cell667 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AI18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)46U, DataType = CellValues.SharedString }; CellValue cellValue14 = new CellValue(); cellValue14.Text = "9"; cell667.Append(cellValue14); Cell cell668 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AJ18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)63U, DataType = CellValues.SharedString }; CellValue cellValue15 = new CellValue(); cellValue15.Text = "8"; cell668.Append(cellValue15); Cell cell669 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AK18", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)40U, DataType = CellValues.SharedString }; CellValue cellValue16 = new CellValue(); cellValue16.Text = "4"; cell669.Append(cellValue16); row18.Append(cell633); row18.Append(cell634); row18.Append(cell635); row18.Append(cell636); row18.Append(cell637); row18.Append(cell638); row18.Append(cell639); row18.Append(cell640); row18.Append(cell641); row18.Append(cell642); row18.Append(cell643); row18.Append(cell644); row18.Append(cell645); row18.Append(cell646); row18.Append(cell647); row18.Append(cell648); row18.Append(cell649); row18.Append(cell650); row18.Append(cell651); row18.Append(cell652); row18.Append(cell653); row18.Append(cell654); row18.Append(cell655); row18.Append(cell656); row18.Append(cell657); row18.Append(cell658); row18.Append(cell659); row18.Append(cell660); row18.Append(cell661); row18.Append(cell662); row18.Append(cell663); row18.Append(cell664); row18.Append(cell665); row18.Append(cell666); row18.Append(cell667); row18.Append(cell668); row18.Append(cell669); Row row19 = new Row() { RowIndex = (UInt32Value)19U, Spans = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "1:38" } }; Cell cell670 = new Cell() { CellReference = "A19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)17U }; Cell cell671 = new Cell() { CellReference = "B19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)24U }; Cell cell672 = new Cell() { CellReference = "C19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue17 = new CellValue(); cellValue17.Text = "1"; cell672.Append(cellValue17); Cell cell673 = new Cell() { CellReference = "D19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue18 = new CellValue(); cellValue18.Text = "2"; cell673.Append(cellValue18); Cell cell674 = new Cell() { CellReference = "E19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue19 = new CellValue(); cellValue19.Text = "3"; cell674.Append(cellValue19); Cell cell675 = new Cell() { CellReference = "F19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue20 = new CellValue(); cellValue20.Text = "4"; cell675.Append(cellValue20); Cell cell676 = new Cell() { CellReference = "G19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue21 = new CellValue(); cellValue21.Text = "5"; cell676.Append(cellValue21); Cell cell677 = new Cell() { CellReference = "H19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue22 = new CellValue(); cellValue22.Text = "6"; cell677.Append(cellValue22); Cell cell678 = new Cell() { CellReference = "I19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue23 = new CellValue(); cellValue23.Text = "7"; cell678.Append(cellValue23); Cell cell679 = new Cell() { CellReference = "J19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue24 = new CellValue(); cellValue24.Text = "8"; cell679.Append(cellValue24); Cell cell680 = new Cell() { CellReference = "K19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue25 = new CellValue(); cellValue25.Text = "9"; cell680.Append(cellValue25); Cell cell681 = new Cell() { CellReference = "L19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue26 = new CellValue(); cellValue26.Text = "10"; cell681.Append(cellValue26); Cell cell682 = new Cell() { CellReference = "M19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue27 = new CellValue(); cellValue27.Text = "11"; cell682.Append(cellValue27); Cell cell683 = new Cell() { CellReference = "N19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue28 = new CellValue(); cellValue28.Text = "12"; cell683.Append(cellValue28); Cell cell684 = new Cell() { CellReference = "O19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue29 = new CellValue(); cellValue29.Text = "13"; cell684.Append(cellValue29); Cell cell685 = new Cell() { CellReference = "P19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue30 = new CellValue(); cellValue30.Text = "14"; cell685.Append(cellValue30); Cell cell686 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Q19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue31 = new CellValue(); cellValue31.Text = "15"; cell686.Append(cellValue31); Cell cell687 = new Cell() { CellReference = "R19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue32 = new CellValue(); cellValue32.Text = "16"; cell687.Append(cellValue32); Cell cell688 = new Cell() { CellReference = "S19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue33 = new CellValue(); cellValue33.Text = "17"; cell688.Append(cellValue33); Cell cell689 = new Cell() { CellReference = "T19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue34 = new CellValue(); cellValue34.Text = "18"; cell689.Append(cellValue34); Cell cell690 = new Cell() { CellReference = "U19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue35 = new CellValue(); cellValue35.Text = "19"; cell690.Append(cellValue35); Cell cell691 = new Cell() { CellReference = "V19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue36 = new CellValue(); cellValue36.Text = "20"; cell691.Append(cellValue36); Cell cell692 = new Cell() { CellReference = "W19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue37 = new CellValue(); cellValue37.Text = "21"; cell692.Append(cellValue37); Cell cell693 = new Cell() { CellReference = "X19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue38 = new CellValue(); cellValue38.Text = "22"; cell693.Append(cellValue38); Cell cell694 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Y19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue39 = new CellValue(); cellValue39.Text = "23"; cell694.Append(cellValue39); Cell cell695 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Z19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue40 = new CellValue(); cellValue40.Text = "24"; cell695.Append(cellValue40); Cell cell696 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AA19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue41 = new CellValue(); cellValue41.Text = "25"; cell696.Append(cellValue41); Cell cell697 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AB19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue42 = new CellValue(); cellValue42.Text = "26"; cell697.Append(cellValue42); Cell cell698 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AC19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue43 = new CellValue(); cellValue43.Text = "27"; cell698.Append(cellValue43); Cell cell699 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AD19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue44 = new CellValue(); cellValue44.Text = "28"; cell699.Append(cellValue44); Cell cell700 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AE19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue45 = new CellValue(); cellValue45.Text = "29"; cell700.Append(cellValue45); Cell cell701 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AF19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue46 = new CellValue(); cellValue46.Text = "30"; cell701.Append(cellValue46); Cell cell702 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AG19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellValue cellValue47 = new CellValue(); cellValue47.Text = "31"; cell702.Append(cellValue47); Cell cell703 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AH19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)57U, DataType = CellValues.SharedString }; CellValue cellValue48 = new CellValue(); cellValue48.Text = "10"; cell703.Append(cellValue48); Cell cell704 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AI19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)47U, DataType = CellValues.SharedString }; CellValue cellValue49 = new CellValue(); cellValue49.Text = "11"; cell704.Append(cellValue49); Cell cell705 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AJ19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)63U }; Cell cell706 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AK19", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)40U }; row19.Append(cell670); row19.Append(cell671); row19.Append(cell672); row19.Append(cell673); row19.Append(cell674); row19.Append(cell675); row19.Append(cell676); row19.Append(cell677); row19.Append(cell678); row19.Append(cell679); row19.Append(cell680); row19.Append(cell681); row19.Append(cell682); row19.Append(cell683); row19.Append(cell684); row19.Append(cell685); row19.Append(cell686); row19.Append(cell687); row19.Append(cell688); row19.Append(cell689); row19.Append(cell690); row19.Append(cell691); row19.Append(cell692); row19.Append(cell693); row19.Append(cell694); row19.Append(cell695); row19.Append(cell696); row19.Append(cell697); row19.Append(cell698); row19.Append(cell699); row19.Append(cell700); row19.Append(cell701); row19.Append(cell702); row19.Append(cell703); row19.Append(cell704); row19.Append(cell705); row19.Append(cell706); Row row20 = new Row() { RowIndex = (UInt32Value)20U, Spans = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "1:38" } }; Cell cell707 = new Cell() { CellReference = "A20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)17U }; Cell cell708 = new Cell() { CellReference = "B20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)2U }; Cell cell709 = new Cell() { CellReference = "C20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell710 = new Cell() { CellReference = "D20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell711 = new Cell() { CellReference = "E20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell712 = new Cell() { CellReference = "F20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell713 = new Cell() { CellReference = "G20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell714 = new Cell() { CellReference = "H20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell715 = new Cell() { CellReference = "I20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell716 = new Cell() { CellReference = "J20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell717 = new Cell() { CellReference = "K20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell718 = new Cell() { CellReference = "L20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell719 = new Cell() { CellReference = "M20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell720 = new Cell() { CellReference = "N20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell721 = new Cell() { CellReference = "O20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell722 = new Cell() { CellReference = "P20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell723 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Q20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell724 = new Cell() { CellReference = "R20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell725 = new Cell() { CellReference = "S20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell726 = new Cell() { CellReference = "T20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell727 = new Cell() { CellReference = "U20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell728 = new Cell() { CellReference = "V20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell729 = new Cell() { CellReference = "W20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell730 = new Cell() { CellReference = "X20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell731 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Y20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell732 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Z20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell733 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AA20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell734 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AB20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell735 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AC20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell736 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AD20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell737 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AE20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell738 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AF20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell739 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AG20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)8U }; Cell cell740 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AH20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)58U }; CellFormula cellFormula1 = new CellFormula(); cellFormula1.Text = "SUM(C20:AG20)"; CellValue cellValue50 = new CellValue(); cellValue50.Text = "0"; cell740.Append(cellFormula1); cell740.Append(cellValue50); Cell cell741 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AI20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)28U }; Cell cell742 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AJ20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)58U }; Cell cell743 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AK20", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)28U }; CellFormula cellFormula2 = new CellFormula(); cellFormula2.Text = "+AH20*AI20*AJ20"; CellValue cellValue51 = new CellValue(); cellValue51.Text = "0"; cell743.Append(cellFormula2); cell743.Append(cellValue51); row20.Append(cell707); row20.Append(cell708); row20.Append(cell709); row20.Append(cell710); row20.Append(cell711); row20.Append(cell712); row20.Append(cell713); row20.Append(cell714); row20.Append(cell715); row20.Append(cell716); row20.Append(cell717); row20.Append(cell718); row20.Append(cell719); row20.Append(cell720); row20.Append(cell721); row20.Append(cell722); row20.Append(cell723); row20.Append(cell724); row20.Append(cell725); row20.Append(cell726); row20.Append(cell727); row20.Append(cell728); row20.Append(cell729); row20.Append(cell730); row20.Append(cell731); row20.Append(cell732); row20.Append(cell733); row20.Append(cell734); row20.Append(cell735); row20.Append(cell736); row20.Append(cell737); row20.Append(cell738); row20.Append(cell739); row20.Append(cell740); row20.Append(cell741); row20.Append(cell742); row20.Append(cell743); Row row21 = new Row() { RowIndex = (UInt32Value)21U, Spans = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "1:38" } }; Cell cell744 = new Cell() { CellReference = "A21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)17U }; Cell cell745 = new Cell() { CellReference = "B21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)3U, DataType = CellValues.SharedString }; CellValue cellValue52 = new CellValue(); cellValue52.Text = "0"; cell745.Append(cellValue52); Cell cell746 = new Cell() { CellReference = "C21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula3 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, Reference = "C21:AE21", SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)0U }; cellFormula3.Text = "SUM(C20:C20)"; CellValue cellValue53 = new CellValue(); cellValue53.Text = "0"; cell746.Append(cellFormula3); cell746.Append(cellValue53); Cell cell747 = new Cell() { CellReference = "D21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula4 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)0U }; cellFormula4.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue54 = new CellValue(); cellValue54.Text = "0"; cell747.Append(cellFormula4); cell747.Append(cellValue54); Cell cell748 = new Cell() { CellReference = "E21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula5 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)0U }; cellFormula5.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue55 = new CellValue(); cellValue55.Text = "0"; cell748.Append(cellFormula5); cell748.Append(cellValue55); Cell cell749 = new Cell() { CellReference = "F21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula6 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)0U }; cellFormula6.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue56 = new CellValue(); cellValue56.Text = "0"; cell749.Append(cellFormula6); cell749.Append(cellValue56); Cell cell750 = new Cell() { CellReference = "G21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula7 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)0U }; cellFormula7.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue57 = new CellValue(); cellValue57.Text = "0"; cell750.Append(cellFormula7); cell750.Append(cellValue57); Cell cell751 = new Cell() { CellReference = "H21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula8 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)0U }; cellFormula8.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue58 = new CellValue(); cellValue58.Text = "0"; cell751.Append(cellFormula8); cell751.Append(cellValue58); Cell cell752 = new Cell() { CellReference = "I21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula9 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)0U }; cellFormula9.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue59 = new CellValue(); cellValue59.Text = "0"; cell752.Append(cellFormula9); cell752.Append(cellValue59); Cell cell753 = new Cell() { CellReference = "J21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula10 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)0U }; cellFormula10.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue60 = new CellValue(); cellValue60.Text = "0"; cell753.Append(cellFormula10); cell753.Append(cellValue60); Cell cell754 = new Cell() { CellReference = "K21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula11 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)0U }; cellFormula11.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue61 = new CellValue(); cellValue61.Text = "0"; cell754.Append(cellFormula11); cell754.Append(cellValue61); Cell cell755 = new Cell() { CellReference = "L21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula12 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)0U }; cellFormula12.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue62 = new CellValue(); cellValue62.Text = "0"; cell755.Append(cellFormula12); cell755.Append(cellValue62); Cell cell756 = new Cell() { CellReference = "M21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula13 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)0U }; cellFormula13.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue63 = new CellValue(); cellValue63.Text = "0"; cell756.Append(cellFormula13); cell756.Append(cellValue63); Cell cell757 = new Cell() { CellReference = "N21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula14 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)0U }; cellFormula14.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue64 = new CellValue(); cellValue64.Text = "0"; cell757.Append(cellFormula14); cell757.Append(cellValue64); Cell cell758 = new Cell() { CellReference = "O21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula15 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)0U }; cellFormula15.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue65 = new CellValue(); cellValue65.Text = "0"; cell758.Append(cellFormula15); cell758.Append(cellValue65); Cell cell759 = new Cell() { CellReference = "P21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula16 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)0U }; cellFormula16.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue66 = new CellValue(); cellValue66.Text = "0"; cell759.Append(cellFormula16); cell759.Append(cellValue66); Cell cell760 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Q21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula17 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)0U }; cellFormula17.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue67 = new CellValue(); cellValue67.Text = "0"; cell760.Append(cellFormula17); cell760.Append(cellValue67); Cell cell761 = new Cell() { CellReference = "R21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula18 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)0U }; cellFormula18.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue68 = new CellValue(); cellValue68.Text = "0"; cell761.Append(cellFormula18); cell761.Append(cellValue68); Cell cell762 = new Cell() { CellReference = "S21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula19 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)0U }; cellFormula19.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue69 = new CellValue(); cellValue69.Text = "0"; cell762.Append(cellFormula19); cell762.Append(cellValue69); Cell cell763 = new Cell() { CellReference = "T21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula20 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)0U }; cellFormula20.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue70 = new CellValue(); cellValue70.Text = "0"; cell763.Append(cellFormula20); cell763.Append(cellValue70); Cell cell764 = new Cell() { CellReference = "U21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula21 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)0U }; cellFormula21.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue71 = new CellValue(); cellValue71.Text = "0"; cell764.Append(cellFormula21); cell764.Append(cellValue71); Cell cell765 = new Cell() { CellReference = "V21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula22 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)0U }; cellFormula22.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue72 = new CellValue(); cellValue72.Text = "0"; cell765.Append(cellFormula22); cell765.Append(cellValue72); Cell cell766 = new Cell() { CellReference = "W21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula23 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)0U }; cellFormula23.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue73 = new CellValue(); cellValue73.Text = "0"; cell766.Append(cellFormula23); cell766.Append(cellValue73); Cell cell767 = new Cell() { CellReference = "X21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula24 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)0U }; cellFormula24.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue74 = new CellValue(); cellValue74.Text = "0"; cell767.Append(cellFormula24); cell767.Append(cellValue74); Cell cell768 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Y21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula25 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)0U }; cellFormula25.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue75 = new CellValue(); cellValue75.Text = "0"; cell768.Append(cellFormula25); cell768.Append(cellValue75); Cell cell769 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Z21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula26 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)0U }; cellFormula26.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue76 = new CellValue(); cellValue76.Text = "0"; cell769.Append(cellFormula26); cell769.Append(cellValue76); Cell cell770 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AA21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula27 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)0U }; cellFormula27.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue77 = new CellValue(); cellValue77.Text = "0"; cell770.Append(cellFormula27); cell770.Append(cellValue77); Cell cell771 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AB21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula28 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)0U }; cellFormula28.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue78 = new CellValue(); cellValue78.Text = "0"; cell771.Append(cellFormula28); cell771.Append(cellValue78); Cell cell772 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AC21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula29 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)0U }; cellFormula29.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue79 = new CellValue(); cellValue79.Text = "0"; cell772.Append(cellFormula29); cell772.Append(cellValue79); Cell cell773 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AD21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula30 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)0U }; cellFormula30.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue80 = new CellValue(); cellValue80.Text = "0"; cell773.Append(cellFormula30); cell773.Append(cellValue80); Cell cell774 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AE21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula31 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)0U }; cellFormula31.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue81 = new CellValue(); cellValue81.Text = "0"; cell774.Append(cellFormula31); cell774.Append(cellValue81); Cell cell775 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AF21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula32 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, Reference = "AF21:AG21", SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; cellFormula32.Text = "SUM(AF20:AF20)"; CellValue cellValue82 = new CellValue(); cellValue82.Text = "0"; cell775.Append(cellFormula32); cell775.Append(cellValue82); Cell cell776 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AG21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)9U }; CellFormula cellFormula33 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; cellFormula33.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue83 = new CellValue(); cellValue83.Text = "0"; cell776.Append(cellFormula33); cell776.Append(cellValue83); Cell cell777 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AH21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)59U }; CellFormula cellFormula34 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, Reference = "AH21:AK21", SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)2U }; cellFormula34.Text = "SUM(AH20:AH20)"; CellValue cellValue84 = new CellValue(); cellValue84.Text = "0"; cell777.Append(cellFormula34); cell777.Append(cellValue84); Cell cell778 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AI21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)29U }; CellFormula cellFormula35 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)2U }; cellFormula35.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue85 = new CellValue(); cellValue85.Text = "0"; cell778.Append(cellFormula35); cell778.Append(cellValue85); Cell cell779 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AJ21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)59U }; CellFormula cellFormula36 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)2U }; cellFormula36.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue86 = new CellValue(); cellValue86.Text = "0"; cell779.Append(cellFormula36); cell779.Append(cellValue86); Cell cell780 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AK21", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)29U }; CellFormula cellFormula37 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)2U }; cellFormula37.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue87 = new CellValue(); cellValue87.Text = "0"; cell780.Append(cellFormula37); cell780.Append(cellValue87); row21.Append(cell744); row21.Append(cell745); row21.Append(cell746); row21.Append(cell747); row21.Append(cell748); row21.Append(cell749); row21.Append(cell750); row21.Append(cell751); row21.Append(cell752); row21.Append(cell753); row21.Append(cell754); row21.Append(cell755); row21.Append(cell756); row21.Append(cell757); row21.Append(cell758); row21.Append(cell759); row21.Append(cell760); row21.Append(cell761); row21.Append(cell762); row21.Append(cell763); row21.Append(cell764); row21.Append(cell765); row21.Append(cell766); row21.Append(cell767); row21.Append(cell768); row21.Append(cell769); row21.Append(cell770); row21.Append(cell771); row21.Append(cell772); row21.Append(cell773); row21.Append(cell774); row21.Append(cell775); row21.Append(cell776); row21.Append(cell777); row21.Append(cell778); row21.Append(cell779); row21.Append(cell780); Row row22 = new Row() { RowIndex = (UInt32Value)22U, Spans = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "1:38" } }; Cell cell781 = new Cell() { CellReference = "A22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)17U }; Cell cell782 = new Cell() { CellReference = "B22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell783 = new Cell() { CellReference = "C22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell784 = new Cell() { CellReference = "D22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell785 = new Cell() { CellReference = "E22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell786 = new Cell() { CellReference = "F22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell787 = new Cell() { CellReference = "G22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell788 = new Cell() { CellReference = "H22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell789 = new Cell() { CellReference = "I22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell790 = new Cell() { CellReference = "J22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell791 = new Cell() { CellReference = "K22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell792 = new Cell() { CellReference = "L22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell793 = new Cell() { CellReference = "M22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell794 = new Cell() { CellReference = "N22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell795 = new Cell() { CellReference = "O22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell796 = new Cell() { CellReference = "P22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell797 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Q22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell798 = new Cell() { CellReference = "R22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell799 = new Cell() { CellReference = "S22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell800 = new Cell() { CellReference = "T22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell801 = new Cell() { CellReference = "U22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell802 = new Cell() { CellReference = "V22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell803 = new Cell() { CellReference = "W22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell804 = new Cell() { CellReference = "X22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell805 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Y22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell806 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Z22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell807 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AA22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell808 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AB22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell809 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AC22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell810 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AD22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell811 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AE22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell812 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AF22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell813 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AG22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; Cell cell814 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AH22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)54U }; Cell cell815 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AI22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)44U }; Cell cell816 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AJ22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)54U }; Cell cell817 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AK22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)30U }; Cell cell818 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AL22", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)18U }; row22.Append(cell781); row22.Append(cell782); row22.Append(cell783); row22.Append(cell784); row22.Append(cell785); row22.Append(cell786); row22.Append(cell787); row22.Append(cell788); row22.Append(cell789); row22.Append(cell790); row22.Append(cell791); row22.Append(cell792); row22.Append(cell793); row22.Append(cell794); row22.Append(cell795); row22.Append(cell796); row22.Append(cell797); row22.Append(cell798); row22.Append(cell799); row22.Append(cell800); row22.Append(cell801); row22.Append(cell802); row22.Append(cell803); row22.Append(cell804); row22.Append(cell805); row22.Append(cell806); row22.Append(cell807); row22.Append(cell808); row22.Append(cell809); row22.Append(cell810); row22.Append(cell811); row22.Append(cell812); row22.Append(cell813); row22.Append(cell814); row22.Append(cell815); row22.Append(cell816); row22.Append(cell817); row22.Append(cell818); Row row23 = new Row() { RowIndex = (UInt32Value)23U, Spans = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "1:38" } }; Cell cell819 = new Cell() { CellReference = "A23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)17U }; Cell cell820 = new Cell() { CellReference = "B23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)27U, DataType = CellValues.SharedString }; CellValue cellValue88 = new CellValue(); cellValue88.Text = "0"; cell820.Append(cellValue88); Cell cell821 = new Cell() { CellReference = "C23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula38 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, Reference = "C23:AE23", SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)3U }; cellFormula38.Text = "+C21"; CellValue cellValue89 = new CellValue(); cellValue89.Text = "0"; cell821.Append(cellFormula38); cell821.Append(cellValue89); Cell cell822 = new Cell() { CellReference = "D23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula39 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)3U }; cellFormula39.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue90 = new CellValue(); cellValue90.Text = "0"; cell822.Append(cellFormula39); cell822.Append(cellValue90); Cell cell823 = new Cell() { CellReference = "E23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula40 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)3U }; cellFormula40.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue91 = new CellValue(); cellValue91.Text = "0"; cell823.Append(cellFormula40); cell823.Append(cellValue91); Cell cell824 = new Cell() { CellReference = "F23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula41 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)3U }; cellFormula41.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue92 = new CellValue(); cellValue92.Text = "0"; cell824.Append(cellFormula41); cell824.Append(cellValue92); Cell cell825 = new Cell() { CellReference = "G23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula42 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)3U }; cellFormula42.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue93 = new CellValue(); cellValue93.Text = "0"; cell825.Append(cellFormula42); cell825.Append(cellValue93); Cell cell826 = new Cell() { CellReference = "H23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula43 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)3U }; cellFormula43.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue94 = new CellValue(); cellValue94.Text = "0"; cell826.Append(cellFormula43); cell826.Append(cellValue94); Cell cell827 = new Cell() { CellReference = "I23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula44 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)3U }; cellFormula44.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue95 = new CellValue(); cellValue95.Text = "0"; cell827.Append(cellFormula44); cell827.Append(cellValue95); Cell cell828 = new Cell() { CellReference = "J23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula45 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)3U }; cellFormula45.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue96 = new CellValue(); cellValue96.Text = "0"; cell828.Append(cellFormula45); cell828.Append(cellValue96); Cell cell829 = new Cell() { CellReference = "K23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula46 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)3U }; cellFormula46.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue97 = new CellValue(); cellValue97.Text = "0"; cell829.Append(cellFormula46); cell829.Append(cellValue97); Cell cell830 = new Cell() { CellReference = "L23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula47 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)3U }; cellFormula47.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue98 = new CellValue(); cellValue98.Text = "0"; cell830.Append(cellFormula47); cell830.Append(cellValue98); Cell cell831 = new Cell() { CellReference = "M23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula48 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)3U }; cellFormula48.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue99 = new CellValue(); cellValue99.Text = "0"; cell831.Append(cellFormula48); cell831.Append(cellValue99); Cell cell832 = new Cell() { CellReference = "N23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula49 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)3U }; cellFormula49.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue100 = new CellValue(); cellValue100.Text = "0"; cell832.Append(cellFormula49); cell832.Append(cellValue100); Cell cell833 = new Cell() { CellReference = "O23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula50 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)3U }; cellFormula50.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue101 = new CellValue(); cellValue101.Text = "0"; cell833.Append(cellFormula50); cell833.Append(cellValue101); Cell cell834 = new Cell() { CellReference = "P23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula51 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)3U }; cellFormula51.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue102 = new CellValue(); cellValue102.Text = "0"; cell834.Append(cellFormula51); cell834.Append(cellValue102); Cell cell835 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Q23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula52 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)3U }; cellFormula52.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue103 = new CellValue(); cellValue103.Text = "0"; cell835.Append(cellFormula52); cell835.Append(cellValue103); Cell cell836 = new Cell() { CellReference = "R23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula53 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)3U }; cellFormula53.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue104 = new CellValue(); cellValue104.Text = "0"; cell836.Append(cellFormula53); cell836.Append(cellValue104); Cell cell837 = new Cell() { CellReference = "S23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula54 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)3U }; cellFormula54.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue105 = new CellValue(); cellValue105.Text = "0"; cell837.Append(cellFormula54); cell837.Append(cellValue105); Cell cell838 = new Cell() { CellReference = "T23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula55 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)3U }; cellFormula55.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue106 = new CellValue(); cellValue106.Text = "0"; cell838.Append(cellFormula55); cell838.Append(cellValue106); Cell cell839 = new Cell() { CellReference = "U23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula56 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)3U }; cellFormula56.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue107 = new CellValue(); cellValue107.Text = "0"; cell839.Append(cellFormula56); cell839.Append(cellValue107); Cell cell840 = new Cell() { CellReference = "V23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula57 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)3U }; cellFormula57.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue108 = new CellValue(); cellValue108.Text = "0"; cell840.Append(cellFormula57); cell840.Append(cellValue108); Cell cell841 = new Cell() { CellReference = "W23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula58 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)3U }; cellFormula58.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue109 = new CellValue(); cellValue109.Text = "0"; cell841.Append(cellFormula58); cell841.Append(cellValue109); Cell cell842 = new Cell() { CellReference = "X23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula59 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)3U }; cellFormula59.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue110 = new CellValue(); cellValue110.Text = "0"; cell842.Append(cellFormula59); cell842.Append(cellValue110); Cell cell843 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Y23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula60 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)3U }; cellFormula60.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue111 = new CellValue(); cellValue111.Text = "0"; cell843.Append(cellFormula60); cell843.Append(cellValue111); Cell cell844 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Z23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula61 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)3U }; cellFormula61.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue112 = new CellValue(); cellValue112.Text = "0"; cell844.Append(cellFormula61); cell844.Append(cellValue112); Cell cell845 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AA23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula62 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)3U }; cellFormula62.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue113 = new CellValue(); cellValue113.Text = "0"; cell845.Append(cellFormula62); cell845.Append(cellValue113); Cell cell846 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AB23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula63 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)3U }; cellFormula63.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue114 = new CellValue(); cellValue114.Text = "0"; cell846.Append(cellFormula63); cell846.Append(cellValue114); Cell cell847 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AC23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula64 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)3U }; cellFormula64.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue115 = new CellValue(); cellValue115.Text = "0"; cell847.Append(cellFormula64); cell847.Append(cellValue115); Cell cell848 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AD23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula65 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)3U }; cellFormula65.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue116 = new CellValue(); cellValue116.Text = "0"; cell848.Append(cellFormula65); cell848.Append(cellValue116); Cell cell849 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AE23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula66 = new CellFormula() { FormulaType = CellFormulaValues.Shared, SharedIndex = (UInt32Value)3U }; cellFormula66.Text = ""; CellValue cellValue117 = new CellValue(); cellValue117.Text = "0"; cell849.Append(cellFormula66); cell849.Append(cellValue117); Cell cell850 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AF23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula67 = new CellFormula(); cellFormula67.Text = "+AF21"; CellValue cellValue118 = new CellValue(); cellValue118.Text = "0"; cell850.Append(cellFormula67); cell850.Append(cellValue118); Cell cell851 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AG23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)25U }; CellFormula cellFormula68 = new CellFormula(); cellFormula68.Text = "+AG21"; CellValue cellValue119 = new CellValue(); cellValue119.Text = "0"; cell851.Append(cellFormula68); cell851.Append(cellValue119); Cell cell852 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AH23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)60U }; CellFormula cellFormula69 = new CellFormula(); cellFormula69.Text = "+AH21"; CellValue cellValue120 = new CellValue(); cellValue120.Text = "0"; cell852.Append(cellFormula69); cell852.Append(cellValue120); Cell cell853 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AI23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)48U }; Cell cell854 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AJ23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)60U }; CellFormula cellFormula70 = new CellFormula(); cellFormula70.Text = "+AJ21"; CellValue cellValue121 = new CellValue(); cellValue121.Text = "0"; cell854.Append(cellFormula70); cell854.Append(cellValue121); Cell cell855 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AK23", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)31U }; row23.Append(cell819); row23.Append(cell820); row23.Append(cell821); row23.Append(cell822); row23.Append(cell823); row23.Append(cell824); row23.Append(cell825); row23.Append(cell826); row23.Append(cell827); row23.Append(cell828); row23.Append(cell829); row23.Append(cell830); row23.Append(cell831); row23.Append(cell832); row23.Append(cell833); row23.Append(cell834); row23.Append(cell835); row23.Append(cell836); row23.Append(cell837); row23.Append(cell838); row23.Append(cell839); row23.Append(cell840); row23.Append(cell841); row23.Append(cell842); row23.Append(cell843); row23.Append(cell844); row23.Append(cell845); row23.Append(cell846); row23.Append(cell847); row23.Append(cell848); row23.Append(cell849); row23.Append(cell850); row23.Append(cell851); row23.Append(cell852); row23.Append(cell853); row23.Append(cell854); row23.Append(cell855); Row row24 = new Row() { RowIndex = (UInt32Value)26U, Spans = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "1:38" } }; Cell cell856 = new Cell() { CellReference = "A26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell857 = new Cell() { CellReference = "B26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell858 = new Cell() { CellReference = "C26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell859 = new Cell() { CellReference = "D26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell860 = new Cell() { CellReference = "E26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell861 = new Cell() { CellReference = "F26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell862 = new Cell() { CellReference = "G26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell863 = new Cell() { CellReference = "H26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell864 = new Cell() { CellReference = "I26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell865 = new Cell() { CellReference = "J26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell866 = new Cell() { CellReference = "K26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell867 = new Cell() { CellReference = "L26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell868 = new Cell() { CellReference = "M26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell869 = new Cell() { CellReference = "N26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell870 = new Cell() { CellReference = "O26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell871 = new Cell() { CellReference = "P26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell872 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Q26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell873 = new Cell() { CellReference = "R26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell874 = new Cell() { CellReference = "S26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell875 = new Cell() { CellReference = "T26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell876 = new Cell() { CellReference = "U26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell877 = new Cell() { CellReference = "V26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell878 = new Cell() { CellReference = "W26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell879 = new Cell() { CellReference = "X26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell880 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Y26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell881 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Z26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell882 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AA26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell883 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AB26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell884 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AC26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell885 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AD26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell886 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AE26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell887 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AF26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell888 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AG26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell889 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AH26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)61U }; Cell cell890 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AI26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)49U }; Cell cell891 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AJ26", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)61U }; row24.Append(cell856); row24.Append(cell857); row24.Append(cell858); row24.Append(cell859); row24.Append(cell860); row24.Append(cell861); row24.Append(cell862); row24.Append(cell863); row24.Append(cell864); row24.Append(cell865); row24.Append(cell866); row24.Append(cell867); row24.Append(cell868); row24.Append(cell869); row24.Append(cell870); row24.Append(cell871); row24.Append(cell872); row24.Append(cell873); row24.Append(cell874); row24.Append(cell875); row24.Append(cell876); row24.Append(cell877); row24.Append(cell878); row24.Append(cell879); row24.Append(cell880); row24.Append(cell881); row24.Append(cell882); row24.Append(cell883); row24.Append(cell884); row24.Append(cell885); row24.Append(cell886); row24.Append(cell887); row24.Append(cell888); row24.Append(cell889); row24.Append(cell890); row24.Append(cell891); Row row25 = new Row() { RowIndex = (UInt32Value)27U, Spans = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "1:38" } }; Cell cell892 = new Cell() { CellReference = "A27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell893 = new Cell() { CellReference = "B27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell894 = new Cell() { CellReference = "C27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell895 = new Cell() { CellReference = "D27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell896 = new Cell() { CellReference = "E27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell897 = new Cell() { CellReference = "F27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell898 = new Cell() { CellReference = "G27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell899 = new Cell() { CellReference = "H27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell900 = new Cell() { CellReference = "I27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell901 = new Cell() { CellReference = "J27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell902 = new Cell() { CellReference = "K27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell903 = new Cell() { CellReference = "L27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell904 = new Cell() { CellReference = "M27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell905 = new Cell() { CellReference = "N27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell906 = new Cell() { CellReference = "O27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell907 = new Cell() { CellReference = "P27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell908 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Q27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell909 = new Cell() { CellReference = "R27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell910 = new Cell() { CellReference = "S27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell911 = new Cell() { CellReference = "T27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell912 = new Cell() { CellReference = "U27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell913 = new Cell() { CellReference = "V27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell914 = new Cell() { CellReference = "W27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell915 = new Cell() { CellReference = "X27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell916 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Y27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell917 = new Cell() { CellReference = "Z27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell918 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AA27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell919 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AB27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell920 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AC27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell921 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AD27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell922 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AE27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell923 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AF27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell924 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AG27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)1U }; Cell cell925 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AH27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)61U }; Cell cell926 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AI27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)49U }; Cell cell927 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AJ27", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)61U }; row25.Append(cell892); row25.Append(cell893); row25.Append(cell894); row25.Append(cell895); row25.Append(cell896); row25.Append(cell897); row25.Append(cell898); row25.Append(cell899); row25.Append(cell900); row25.Append(cell901); row25.Append(cell902); row25.Append(cell903); row25.Append(cell904); row25.Append(cell905); row25.Append(cell906); row25.Append(cell907); row25.Append(cell908); row25.Append(cell909); row25.Append(cell910); row25.Append(cell911); row25.Append(cell912); row25.Append(cell913); row25.Append(cell914); row25.Append(cell915); row25.Append(cell916); row25.Append(cell917); row25.Append(cell918); row25.Append(cell919); row25.Append(cell920); row25.Append(cell921); row25.Append(cell922); row25.Append(cell923); row25.Append(cell924); row25.Append(cell925); row25.Append(cell926); row25.Append(cell927); Row row26 = new Row() { RowIndex = (UInt32Value)28U, Spans = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "1:38" } }; Cell cell928 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AI28", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)49U }; row26.Append(cell928); Row row27 = new Row() { RowIndex = (UInt32Value)29U, Spans = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "1:38" } }; Cell cell929 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AI29", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)50U }; row27.Append(cell929); Row row28 = new Row() { RowIndex = (UInt32Value)30U, Spans = new ListValue<StringValue>() { InnerText = "1:38" } }; Cell cell930 = new Cell() { CellReference = "AI30", StyleIndex = (UInt32Value)50U }; row28.Append(cell930); sheetData1.Append(row1); sheetData1.Append(row2); sheetData1.Append(row3); sheetData1.Append(row4); sheetData1.Append(row5); sheetData1.Append(row6); sheetData1.Append(row7); sheetData1.Append(row8); sheetData1.Append(row9); sheetData1.Append(row10); sheetData1.Append(row11); sheetData1.Append(row12); sheetData1.Append(row13); sheetData1.Append(row14); sheetData1.Append(row15); sheetData1.Append(row16); sheetData1.Append(row17); sheetData1.Append(row18); sheetData1.Append(row19); sheetData1.Append(row20); sheetData1.Append(row21); sheetData1.Append(row22); sheetData1.Append(row23); sheetData1.Append(row24); sheetData1.Append(row25); sheetData1.Append(row26); sheetData1.Append(row27); sheetData1.Append(row28); MergeCells mergeCells1 = new MergeCells() { Count = (UInt32Value)2U }; MergeCell mergeCell1 = new MergeCell() { Reference = "AJ18:AJ19" }; MergeCell mergeCell2 = new MergeCell() { Reference = "AK18:AK19" }; mergeCells1.Append(mergeCell1); mergeCells1.Append(mergeCell2); PhoneticProperties phoneticProperties1 = new PhoneticProperties() { FontId = (UInt32Value)0U, Type = PhoneticValues.NoConversion }; PageMargins pageMargins1 = new PageMargins() { Left = 0.75D, Right = 0.68D, Top = 0.95D, Bottom = 1D, Header = 0D, Footer = 0D }; PageSetup pageSetup1 = new PageSetup() { PaperSize = (UInt32Value)9U, Scale = (UInt32Value)71U, Orientation = OrientationValues.Landscape, HorizontalDpi = (UInt32Value)300U, VerticalDpi = (UInt32Value)300U, Id = "rId1" }; HeaderFooter headerFooter1 = new HeaderFooter() { AlignWithMargins = false }; Drawing drawing1 = new Drawing() { Id = "rId2" }; worksheet1.Append(sheetProperties1); worksheet1.Append(sheetDimension1); worksheet1.Append(sheetViews1); worksheet1.Append(sheetFormatProperties1); worksheet1.Append(columns1); worksheet1.Append(sheetData1); worksheet1.Append(mergeCells1); worksheet1.Append(phoneticProperties1); worksheet1.Append(pageMargins1); worksheet1.Append(pageSetup1); worksheet1.Append(headerFooter1); worksheet1.Append(drawing1); worksheetPart1.Worksheet = worksheet1; }
public JsonResult ExportExcel(string SSN = "", string DEPSEQ = "", string claim = "", string Dependent = "", string SortingColumn = "", string Orderby = "", DateTime? Fromdate = null, DateTime? Todate = null) { DataTable ExcelDatatable = new DataTable(); var fileName = "ClaimDetails" + ".xlsx"; string fullPath = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/ExcelFile"), fileName); try { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); if (DEPSEQ == null || DEPSEQ == "0") { dt = Db2Connnect.GetDataTable(GetSqlQuery.GeTMemberClaims(SSN, claim, Fromdate, Todate, Dependent, SortingColumn, Orderby, 0, 0), CommandType.Text); } else { dt = Db2Connnect.GetDataTable(GetSqlQuery.GeTDependentClaims(SSN, DEPSEQ, claim, Fromdate, Todate, Dependent, SortingColumn, Orderby, 0, 0), CommandType.Text); } ExcelDatatable = GetClaimDetailExportDatatable(dt); using (SpreadsheetDocument myDoc = SpreadsheetDocument.Create(fullPath, SpreadsheetDocumentType.Workbook)) { WorkbookPart workbookpart = myDoc.AddWorkbookPart(); workbookpart.Workbook = new Workbook(); // Add a WorksheetPart to the WorkbookPart. WorksheetPart worksheetPart = workbookpart.AddNewPart<WorksheetPart>(); Worksheet ws = new Worksheet(); SheetData sheetData = new SheetData(); WorkbookStylesPart wbsp = workbookpart.AddNewPart<WorkbookStylesPart>(); wbsp.Stylesheet = GenerateStylesheet(); wbsp.Stylesheet.Save(); Columns columns = new Columns(); columns.Append(CreateColumnData(1, 1, 11)); columns.Append(CreateColumnData(2, 3, 16)); columns.Append(CreateColumnData(4, 4, 20)); columns.Append(CreateColumnData(5, 5, 11)); columns.Append(CreateColumnData(6, 6, 28)); columns.Append(CreateColumnData(7, 9, 11)); ws.Append(columns); //add a row Row firstRow = new Row(); firstRow.RowIndex = (UInt32)1; Cell dataCell = new Cell(); CellValue cellValue = new CellValue(); firstRow = new Row(); dataCell = new Cell(); dataCell.DataType = CellValues.String; dataCell.CellReference = "A1"; dataCell.StyleIndex = 2; dataCell.CellValue = new CellValue("Filtered By"); firstRow.Append(dataCell); sheetData.Append(firstRow); firstRow = new Row(); dataCell = new Cell(); dataCell.DataType = CellValues.String; dataCell.CellReference = "A2"; dataCell.StyleIndex = 0; dataCell.CellValue = new CellValue("From Date : " + ((Fromdate == null) ? "ALL" : Fromdate?.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"))); firstRow.Append(dataCell); sheetData.Append(firstRow); firstRow = new Row(); dataCell = new Cell(); dataCell.DataType = CellValues.String; dataCell.CellReference = "A3"; dataCell.StyleIndex = 0; dataCell.CellValue = new CellValue("To Date : " + ((Todate == null) ? "ALL" : Todate?.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy"))); firstRow.Append(dataCell); sheetData.Append(firstRow); firstRow = new Row(); dataCell = new Cell(); dataCell.DataType = CellValues.String; dataCell.CellReference = "A4"; dataCell.StyleIndex = 0; dataCell.CellValue = new CellValue("DEPN# : " + ((DEPSEQ == "") ? "ALL" : DEPSEQ)); firstRow.Append(dataCell); sheetData.Append(firstRow); firstRow = new Row(); dataCell = new Cell(); dataCell.DataType = CellValues.String; dataCell.CellReference = "A5"; dataCell.StyleIndex = 0; dataCell.CellValue = new CellValue("CLAIM# : " + ((claim == "") ? "ALL" : claim)); firstRow.Append(dataCell); sheetData.Append(firstRow); firstRow = new Row(); List<String> columns1 = new List<string>(); foreach (System.Data.DataColumn column in ExcelDatatable.Columns) { columns1.Add(column.ColumnName); dataCell = new Cell(); dataCell.DataType = CellValues.String; dataCell.StyleIndex = 2; dataCell.CellValue = new CellValue(column.ColumnName); firstRow.Append(dataCell); } sheetData.Append(firstRow); foreach (DataRow dsrow in ExcelDatatable.Rows) { firstRow = new Row(); foreach (String col in columns1) { dataCell = new Cell(); dataCell.DataType = CellValues.String; //c.CellReference = "A2"; dataCell.StyleIndex = 1; dataCell.CellValue = new CellValue(dsrow[col].ToString()); firstRow.Append(dataCell); } sheetData.Append(firstRow); } ws.Append(sheetData); worksheetPart.Worksheet = ws; MergeCells mergeCells = new MergeCells(); //append a MergeCell to the mergeCells for each set of merged cells mergeCells.Append(new MergeCell() { Reference = new StringValue("A1:I1") }); mergeCells.Append(new MergeCell() { Reference = new StringValue("A2:I2") }); mergeCells.Append(new MergeCell() { Reference = new StringValue("A3:I3") }); mergeCells.Append(new MergeCell() { Reference = new StringValue("A4:I4") }); mergeCells.Append(new MergeCell() { Reference = new StringValue("A5:I5") }); worksheetPart.Worksheet.InsertAfter(mergeCells, worksheetPart.Worksheet.Elements<SheetData>().First()); //this is the part that was missing from your code Sheets sheets = myDoc.WorkbookPart.Workbook.AppendChild(new Sheets()); sheets.AppendChild(new Sheet() { Id = myDoc.WorkbookPart.GetIdOfPart(myDoc.WorkbookPart.WorksheetParts.First()), SheetId = 1, Name = "Sheet1" }); //myDoc.WorkbookPart.Workbook = workbookpart.Workbook; myDoc.WorkbookPart.Workbook.Save(); myDoc.Close(); } } catch (Exception) { throw; } return Json(new { fileName = fileName }); }
public void Add_Column() { var test = new Columns(); test.Add(new Column("testing", ColumnTypes.Bigint, true)); Assert.True(test.Items.Any(item => item.Name == "testing")); }