public override void OnEndPage(PdfWriter writer, Document doc) { PdfContentByte cb = writer.DirectContent; cb.SetLineWidth(1f); cb.SetCMYKColorStroke(66, 59, 57, 38); cb.MoveTo(30, 55); cb.LineTo(doc.PageSize.Width - 30, 55); cb.Stroke(); cb.MoveTo(185, 80); cb.LineTo(185, 25); cb.Stroke(); ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(cb); BaseFont bfTimes = BaseFont.CreateFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.CP1252, false); Font times = new Font(bfTimes, 10); times.SetColor(90, 90, 90); ct.SetSimpleColumn(new Phrase("text text", times), 60, 60, 175, 78, 15, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); ct.Go(); times.SetColor(1, 73, 144); ct.SetSimpleColumn(new Phrase("text textn", times), 60, 38, 175, 55, 15, Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); ct.Go(); times.SetColor(90, 90, 90); ct.SetSimpleColumn(new Phrase("text here", times), 190, 60, doc.PageSize.Width - 32, 78, 15, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); ct.Go(); times.SetColor(90, 90, 90); ct.SetSimpleColumn(new Phrase("text here", times), 190, 38, doc.PageSize.Width - 32, 55, 15, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); ct.Go(); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // replace ContentParser.endElement() from Java example public void EndElement(string name) { if ("chapter".Equals(name)) { return; } String s = buf.ToString().Trim(); buf = new StringBuilder(); if (s.Length > 0) { Paragraph p = new Paragraph(s, font); p.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_JUSTIFIED; column.AddElement(p); int status = column.Go(); while (ColumnText.HasMoreText(status)) { canvas.EndMarkedContentSequence(); document.NewPage(); canvas.BeginMarkedContentSequence(current); column.SetSimpleColumn(36, 36, 384, 569); status = column.Go(); } } canvas.EndMarkedContentSequence(); }
public Chap1005() { Console.WriteLine("Chapter 10 example 5: Simple Columns"); // step 1: creation of a document-object Document document = new Document(); try { // step 2: // we create a writer that listens to the document // and directs a PDF-stream to a file PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, new FileStream("Chap1005.pdf", FileMode.Create)); // step 3: we open the document document.Open(); // step 4: // we create some content BaseFont bf = BaseFont.CreateFont(BaseFont.COURIER, BaseFont.CP1252, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); Font font = new Font(bf, 11, Font.NORMAL); Phrase unicodes = new Phrase(15, "UNI\n", font); Phrase characters = new Phrase(15, "\n", font); Phrase names = new Phrase(15, "NAME\n", font); for (int i = 0; i < 27; i++) { unicodes.Add(uni[i] + "\n"); characters.Add(code[i] + "\n"); names.Add(name[i] + "\n"); } // we grab the ContentByte and do some stuff with it PdfContentByte cb = writer.DirectContent; ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(cb); ct.SetSimpleColumn(unicodes, 60, 300, 100, 300 + 28 * 15, 15, Element.ALIGN_CENTER); ct.Go(); cb.Rectangle(103, 295, 52, 8 + 28 * 15); cb.Stroke(); ct.SetSimpleColumn(characters, 105, 300, 150, 300 + 28 * 15, 15, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); ct.Go(); ct.SetSimpleColumn(names, 160, 300, 500, 300 + 28 * 15, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT); ct.Go(); } catch (DocumentException de) { Console.Error.WriteLine(de.Message); } catch (IOException ioe) { Console.Error.WriteLine(ioe.Message); } // step 5: we close the document document.Close(); }
// =========================================================================== public override void Write(Stream stream) { // step 1 using (Document document = new Document()) { // step 2 PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream); // step 3 document.Open(); // step 4 PdfContentByte canvas = writer.DirectContent; DrawRectangles(canvas); ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(canvas); ct.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_JUSTIFIED; ct.Leading = 14; int column = 0; ct.SetColumns( new float[] { 36, 806, 36, 670, 108, 670, 108, 596, 36, 596, 36, 36 }, new float[] { 296, 806, 296, 484, 259, 484, 259, 410, 296, 410, 296, 36 } ); ct.SetColumns(LEFT[column], RIGHT[column]); // ct.SetColumns(LEFT[column], RIGHT[column]); // iText-ONLY, 'Initial value of the status' => 0 // iTextSharp **DOES NOT** include this member variable // int status = ColumnText.START_COLUMN; int status = 0; Phrase p; float y; IEnumerable <Movie> movies = PojoFactory.GetMovies(); foreach (Movie movie in movies) { y = ct.YLine; p = CreateMovieInformation(movie); ct.AddText(p); status = ct.Go(true); if (ColumnText.HasMoreText(status)) { column = Math.Abs(column - 1); if (column == 0) { document.NewPage(); DrawRectangles(canvas); } ct.SetColumns(LEFT[column], RIGHT[column]); y = 806; } ct.YLine = y; ct.SetText(p); status = ct.Go(); } } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void Write(Stream stream) { // step 1 using (Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4.Rotate())) { // step 2 PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream); // step 3 document.Open(); // step 4 ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(writer.DirectContent); int column = 0; ct.SetSimpleColumn( COLUMNS[column, 0], COLUMNS[column, 1], COLUMNS[column, 2], COLUMNS[column, 3] ); // iText-ONLY, 'Initial value of the status' => 0 // iTextSharp **DOES NOT** include this member variable // int status = ColumnText.START_COLUMN; int status = 0; float y; Image img; IEnumerable <Movie> movies = PojoFactory.GetMovies(); foreach (Movie movie in movies) { y = ct.YLine; img = Image.GetInstance( Path.Combine(RESOURCE, movie.Imdb + ".jpg") ); img.ScaleToFit(80, 1000); AddContent(ct, movie, img); status = ct.Go(true); if (ColumnText.HasMoreText(status)) { column = (column + 1) % 4; if (column == 0) { document.NewPage(); } ct.SetSimpleColumn( COLUMNS[column, 0], COLUMNS[column, 1], COLUMNS[column, 2], COLUMNS[column, 3] ); y = COLUMNS[column, 3]; } ct.YLine = y; ct.SetText(null); AddContent(ct, movie, img); status = ct.Go(); } } }
// =========================================================================== public override void Write(Stream stream) { // step 1 using (Document document = new Document()) { // step 2 PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream); // step 3 document.Open(); // step 4 ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(writer.DirectContent) { Alignment = Element.ALIGN_JUSTIFIED, ExtraParagraphSpace = 6, Leading = 14, Indent = 10, RightIndent = 3, SpaceCharRatio = PdfWriter.NO_SPACE_CHAR_RATIO }; int column = 0; // iText-ONLY, 'Initial value of the status' => 0 // iTextSharp **DOES NOT** include this member variable // int status = ColumnText.START_COLUMN; int status = 0; ct.SetSimpleColumn( COLUMNS[column][0], COLUMNS[column][1], COLUMNS[column][2], COLUMNS[column][3] ); IEnumerable <Movie> movies = PojoFactory.GetMovies(); foreach (Movie movie in movies) { ct.AddText(CreateMovieInformation(movie)); status = ct.Go(); if (ColumnText.HasMoreText(status)) { column = Math.Abs(column - 1); if (column == 0) { document.NewPage(); } ct.SetSimpleColumn( COLUMNS[column][0], COLUMNS[column][1], COLUMNS[column][2], COLUMNS[column][3] ); ct.YLine = COLUMNS[column][3]; status = ct.Go(); } } } }
// =========================================================================== public override void Write(Stream stream) { // step 1 using (Document document = new Document()) { // step 2 PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream); // step 3 document.Open(); // step 4 ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(writer.DirectContent); int column = 0; ct.SetSimpleColumn( COLUMNS[column][0], COLUMNS[column][1], COLUMNS[column][2], COLUMNS[column][3] ); // iText-ONLY, 'Initial value of the status' => 0 // iTextSharp **DOES NOT** include this member variable // int status = ColumnText.START_COLUMN; int status = 0; Phrase p; float y; IEnumerable <Movie> movies = PojoFactory.GetMovies(); foreach (Movie movie in movies) { y = ct.YLine; p = CreateMovieInformation(movie); ct.AddText(p); status = ct.Go(true); if (ColumnText.HasMoreText(status)) { column = Math.Abs(column - 1); if (column == 0) { document.NewPage(); } ct.SetSimpleColumn( COLUMNS[column][0], COLUMNS[column][1], COLUMNS[column][2], COLUMNS[column][3] ); y = COLUMNS[column][3]; } ct.YLine = y; ct.SetText(p); status = ct.Go(false); } } }
private static void smethod_1(PdfContentByte pdfContentByte_0, Graphics graphics_0, int int_0, int int_1, int int_2, int int_3, string string_0, System.Drawing.Font font_0, System.Drawing.Color color_0) { try { PdfSpotColor sp = new PdfSpotColor("PANTONE 147", 0.9f, new iTextSharp.text.Color(color_0.R, color_0.G, color_0.B)); pdfContentByte_0.SetColorStroke(sp, 1f); pdfContentByte_0.SetColorFill(sp, 1f); int style = 0; if (font_0.Bold) { style++; } if (font_0.Italic) { style += 2; } if (font_0.Underline) { style += 4; } iTextSharp.text.Font font = new iTextSharp.text.Font(getBaseFont(font_0.Name), font_0.Size, style); ColumnText text = new ColumnText(pdfContentByte_0); Phrase phrase = new Phrase(string_0, font); text.SetSimpleColumn(phrase, (float)int_0, (float)int_1, (float)(int_2 + 100), (float)int_3, 0f, 0); text.Go(); } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception.Message); } }
public static byte[] AddPDFTextFields(byte[] filePdf, IEnumerable <PdfTextField> pdfFields) { var reader = new PdfReader(filePdf); var result = new MemoryStream(); using (var stamper = new PdfStamper(reader, result)) { foreach (var field in pdfFields) { var cb = stamper.GetOverContent(; ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(cb); ct.SetSimpleColumn(new Phrase(new Chunk(field.text, FontFactory.GetFont(field.fontName, field.fontEncoding, field.fontEmbeded, field.fontSize, Font.NORMAL, new BaseColor(System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml(field.color))))), field.x, field.y, field.x + field.width, field.y + field.height, field.fontSize, field.align); ct.Go(); if (field.showborder) { cb.SetColorStroke(BaseColor.BLUE); cb.Rectangle(field.x, field.y, field.width, field.height); cb.Stroke(); } } stamper.Close(); } reader.Close(); return(result.ToArray()); }
public void CreateTaggedPdf21() { try { InitializeDocument("21"); PdfTemplate template = writer.DirectContent.CreateTemplate(PageSize.A4.Width, PageSize.A4.Height); writer.DirectContent.AddTemplate(template, 0, 0, true); ColumnText columnText = new ColumnText(template); columnText.SetSimpleColumn(36, 36, 250, 750); columnText.AddText(new Phrase("Hello word \n\n")); columnText.Go(); document.NewPage(); writer.DirectContent.AddTemplate(template, 0, 0); document.Close(); } catch (Exception conformExc) { Assert.AreEqual("Template with tagged content could not be used more than once.", conformExc.Message); return; } finally { document.Close(); } Assert.Fail("Expected error: 'Template with tagged content could not be used more than once."); }
internal void BigTextLeftColumn(string text, float percentPage) { var phrase = new Phrase(text, new Font(GetFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA), 7)); var columnText = new ColumnText(_contentByte) { Alignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT, AdjustFirstLine = false, Leading = 10, }; var llx = 25f; var lly = (Position - (text.Length / 5.5f)); var urx = _doc.PageSize.Width * percentPage; var ury = Position; columnText.SetIndent(0, true); columnText.SetText(phrase); columnText.SetSimpleColumn(llx, lly, urx, ury); CheckPosition(ury - lly); columnText.Go(); SetAtualPosition(lly + 20); }
internal void TextRightWithBorder(string total, string forRoom, string daily, string rooms) { var font = BaseFont.HELVETICA_BOLD; var columnText = new ColumnText(_contentByte) { Alignment = Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, AdjustFirstLine = false, SpaceCharRatio = 1, Leading = 9, ExtraParagraphSpace = 0 }; var llx = _doc.PageSize.Width * 0.75f; var lly = Position; var urx = _doc.PageSize.Width - (_doc.Left * 2); var ury = Position + 60; columnText.SetIndent(0, true); columnText.AddText(new Phrase(total + "\n", new Font(GetFont(font), 10))); columnText.AddText(new Phrase(forRoom + "\n", new Font(GetFont(font), 8))); columnText.AddText(new Phrase(daily + "\n", new Font(GetFont(font), 8))); columnText.AddText(new Phrase(rooms + "\n", new Font(GetFont(font), 8))); var adjustX = 20f; var adjustY = 10f; columnText.SetSimpleColumn(llx - adjustX, lly - adjustY, urx - adjustX, ury - adjustY); columnText.Go(); Rectangle(llx, lly, urx - llx, ury - lly, 0.3f, 0, BaseColor.GRAY); SetAtualPosition(lly); }
private void Column(List <string> list, float llx) { var columnText = new ColumnText(_contentByte) { Alignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT, AdjustFirstLine = false, SpaceCharRatio = 1, Leading = 9, ExtraParagraphSpace = 0 }; var lly = Position - (list.Count * 8); var urx = llx + (_doc.PageSize.Width / 4); var ury = Position; columnText.SetIndent(0, true); list.ForEach(x => { columnText.AddText(new Phrase(x + "\n", new Font(GetFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA), 8))); }); columnText.SetSimpleColumn(llx, lly, urx, ury + 10); columnText.Go(); }
public override void DrawMe(float printingTop, EbReport Rep, List <Param> Params, int slno) { ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(Rep.Canvas); string column_val = Rep.GetDataFieldValue(ColumnName, slno, TableIndex); if (Prefix != "" || Suffix != "") { column_val = Prefix + " " + column_val + " " + Suffix; } Phrase phrase = GetPhrase(column_val, (DbType)DbType, Rep.Font); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(LinkRefId)) { Anchor a = CreateLink(phrase, LinkRefId, Rep.Doc, Params); Paragraph p = new Paragraph { a }; p.Font = GetItextFont(this.Font, Rep.Font); ct.AddText(p); } else { ct.AddText(phrase); } float ury = Rep.HeightPt - (printingTop + TopPt + Rep.detailprintingtop); float lly = Rep.HeightPt - (printingTop + TopPt + HeightPt + Rep.detailprintingtop); ct.SetSimpleColumn(Llx, lly, Urx, ury, Leading, (int)TextAlign); ct.Go(); }
public override void DrawMe(float printingTop, EbReport Rep, List <Param> Params, int slno) { float ury = Rep.HeightPt - (printingTop + TopPt + Rep.detailprintingtop); float lly = Rep.HeightPt - (printingTop + TopPt + HeightPt + Rep.detailprintingtop); string column_val = SummarizedValue.ToString(); ResetSummary(); column_val = FormatDecimals(column_val, AmountInWords, DecimalPlaces, Rep.CultureInfo?.NumberFormat, FormatUsingCulture); if (Rep.SummaryValInRow.ContainsKey(Title)) { Rep.SummaryValInRow[Title] = new PdfNTV { Name = Title.Replace(".", "_"), Type = PdfEbDbTypes.Int32, Value = column_val } } ; else { Rep.SummaryValInRow.Add(Title, new PdfNTV { Name = Title.Replace(".", "_"), Type = PdfEbDbTypes.Int32, Value = column_val }); } Phrase phrase = GetPhrase(column_val, (DbType)DbType, Rep.Font); ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(Rep.Canvas); ct.SetSimpleColumn(phrase, Llx, lly, Urx, ury, Leading, (int)TextAlign); ct.Go(); }
public override void DrawMe(float printingTop, EbReport Rep, List <Param> Params, int slno) { float ury = Rep.HeightPt - (printingTop + TopPt + Rep.detailprintingtop); float lly = Rep.HeightPt - (printingTop + TopPt + HeightPt + Rep.detailprintingtop); string column_val = SummarizedValue.ToString(); ResetSummary(); Phrase phrase = GetFormattedPhrase(this.Font, Rep.Font, column_val); ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(Rep.Canvas); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(LinkRefId)) { Anchor a = CreateLink(phrase, LinkRefId, Rep.Doc, Params); Paragraph p = new Paragraph { a }; p.Font = GetItextFont(this.Font, Rep.Font); ct.AddText(p); } else { ct.AddText(phrase); } ct.SetSimpleColumn(Llx, lly, Urx, ury, Leading, (int)TextAlign); ct.Go(); }
public void TabStopOutOfPageBoundColumnTextTest() { Font f = FontFactory.GetFont(FontFactory.COURIER, 11); Document doc = new Document(); Paragraph p; FileStream fs = new FileStream(TARGET + "/tabStopOutColumnText.pdf", FileMode.Create); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, fs); writer.CompressionLevel = 0; doc.Open(); ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(writer.DirectContent); ct.SetSimpleColumn(36, 0, 436, 836); f.Size = 16; p = new Paragraph(Chunk.TABBING); p.Add(new Chunk("Hello world", f)); List <TabStop> tabStopsList = new List <TabStop>(); tabStopsList.Add(new TabStop(1000, new DottedLineSeparator())); tabStopsList.Add(new TabStop(1050, new LineSeparator(), TabStop.Alignment.ANCHOR, ',')); tabStopsList.Add(new TabStop(1100, new DottedLineSeparator(), TabStop.Alignment.ANCHOR)); p.TabSettings = new TabSettings(tabStopsList, 50); AddTabs(p, f, 15, "l.aal"); AddTabs(p, f, 13, "laa,l"); AddTabs(p, f, 13, "laa.l"); AddTabs(p, f, 13, "l,aal"); ct.AddElement(p); ct.Go(); doc.Close(); writer.Close(); Assert.IsTrue(CompareInnerText(SOURCE17, TARGET + "/tabStopOutColumnText.pdf")); }
public void Verify_Issue37_CanBe_Processed() { var pdfDoc = new Document(PageSize.A4); var pdfFilePath = TestUtils.GetOutputFileName(); var fileStream = new FileStream(pdfFilePath, FileMode.Create); var writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(pdfDoc, fileStream); pdfDoc.AddAuthor(TestUtils.Author); pdfDoc.Open(); var ct = new ColumnText(writer.DirectContent); var text = new Phrase("TEST paragraph\nAfter Newline"); text.Add(new Chunk("\u00A0Test Test\u00A0")); text.Add(new Chunk("\nNew line")); ct.SetSimpleColumn( phrase: text, llx: 34, lly: 750, urx: 580, ury: 317, leading: 15, alignment: Element.ALIGN_LEFT); ct.Go(); pdfDoc.Close(); fileStream.Dispose(); TestUtils.VerifyPdfFileIsReadable(pdfFilePath); }
public void Verify_Unicode_PDF_File_CanBeCreated_Using_Chunks() { var pdfDoc = new Document(PageSize.A4); var pdfFilePath = TestUtils.GetOutputFileName(); var fileStream = new FileStream(pdfFilePath, FileMode.Create); var pdfWriter = PdfWriter.GetInstance(pdfDoc, fileStream); pdfDoc.AddAuthor(TestUtils.Author); pdfDoc.Open(); var tahomaFont = TestUtils.GetUnicodeFont("Tahoma", TestUtils.GetTahomaFontPath(), 10, Font.NORMAL, BaseColor.Black); var ct = new ColumnText(pdfWriter.DirectContent) { RunDirection = PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_RTL }; ct.SetSimpleColumn(100, 100, 500, 800, 24, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); var chunk = new Chunk("آزمایش", tahomaFont); ct.AddElement(chunk); ct.Go(); pdfDoc.Close(); fileStream.Dispose(); TestUtils.VerifyPdfFileIsReadable(pdfFilePath); }
public void NestedTablesTest01() { String output = "nestedTablesTest.pdf"; String cmp = "cmp_nestedTablesTest.pdf"; Stopwatch timer = new Stopwatch(); timer.Start(); Document doc = new Document(PageSize.A4); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(doc, File.Create(outFolder + output)); doc.Open(); ColumnText column = new ColumnText(writer.DirectContent); column.SetSimpleColumn(72, 72, 523, 770); column.AddElement(CreateNestedTables(15)); column.Go(); doc.Close(); timer.Stop(); Console.WriteLine(timer.ElapsedMilliseconds); CompareDocuments(output, cmp, false); }
public void go(Int64 x, Int64 y, Int64 width, Int64 height, bool outline) { m_column_text.AddText(m_content); m_column_text.Leading = m_leading; m_column_text.Alignment = m_alignment; m_column_text.SetSimpleColumn( dkw(x), dkh(y), dkw(width), dkh(height) ); m_column_text.Go(); m_height = height - m_page_property.H_R2P((Int64)m_column_text.YLine); if (outline) { m_direct_content.Rectangle( dkw(x), dkh(y), dkw(width - x), dkh(height - y)); m_direct_content.Stroke(); } }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- public void Write(Stream stream) { // step 1 using (Document document = new Document()) { // step 2 PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream); // step 3 document.Open(); // step 4 BaseFont bf = BaseFont.CreateFont( "c:/windows/fonts/arialuni.ttf", BaseFont.IDENTITY_H, BaseFont.EMBEDDED ); Font font = new Font(bf, 20); document.Add(new Paragraph("Movie title: Lawrence of Arabia (UK)")); document.Add(new Paragraph("directed by David Lean")); document.Add(new Paragraph("Wrong: " + MOVIE, font)); ColumnText column = new ColumnText(writer.DirectContent); column.SetSimpleColumn(36, 730, 569, 36); column.RunDirection = PdfWriter.RUN_DIRECTION_RTL; column.AddElement(new Paragraph("Wrong: " + MOVIE_WITH_SPACES, font)); column.AddElement(new Paragraph(MOVIE, font)); column.Go(); } }
public override void RenderObject() { ColumnText itextText = new ColumnText(PdfContent); itextText.SetSimpleColumn(ObjectLayoutContainer.Layout.Left.Points, ObjectLayoutContainer.Layout.Top.Points, ObjectLayoutContainer.Layout.Right.Points, ObjectLayoutContainer.Layout.Bottom.Points); Paragraph pdfContentParagraph = new Paragraph(); itextText.AddElement(pdfContentParagraph); if (_textlines.Count > 0) { Models.Text.Paragraph currentParagraph = _textlines.First().ParagraphModel; pdfContentParagraph.Leading = currentParagraph.Leading.Points; pdfContentParagraph.Alignment = (int)currentParagraph.Alignment; foreach (Textline textline in _textlines) { if (currentParagraph != textline.ParagraphModel) { pdfContentParagraph = new Paragraph(textline.ParagraphModel.Leading.Points) { Alignment = (int)textline.ParagraphModel.Alignment }; itextText.AddElement(pdfContentParagraph); } textline.Render(pdfContentParagraph); currentParagraph = textline.ParagraphModel; } itextText.Go(); } }
private static void AddInvoiceHeadingPart(PdfContentByte directContent, Invoice invoice) { var table = new PdfPTable(2) { HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_LEFT, WidthPercentage = 100 }; table.SetWidths(new float[] { 55, 55 }); table.AddCell(PdfHelper.GetCell("Factuurdatum", PdfHelper.BoldFont).AlignRight()); table.AddCell(PdfHelper.GetCell(invoice.Date.ToShortDateString())); table.AddCell(PdfHelper.GetCell("Vervaldatum", PdfHelper.BoldFont).AlignRight()); table.AddCell(PdfHelper.GetCell(invoice.ExpiryDate.ToShortDateString())); table.AddCell(PdfHelper.GetCell("Factuurnummer", PdfHelper.BoldFont).AlignRight()); table.AddCell(PdfHelper.GetCell(invoice.FullNumber).BorderRight()); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(invoice.TheirReference)) { table.AddCell(PdfHelper.GetCell("Uw referentie", PdfHelper.BoldFont).AlignRight()); table.AddCell(PdfHelper.GetCell(invoice.TheirReference).BorderRight()); } PdfHelper.SurroundBorders(table); var columnText = new ColumnText(directContent); var size = directContent.PdfDocument.PageSize; columnText.SetSimpleColumn(size.Right - 300, size.Top - 135, size.Right - 50, size.Top - 500); columnText.AddElement(table); columnText.Go(); }
// =========================================================================== public virtual void Write(Stream stream) { // step 1 using (Document document = new Document()) { // step 2 PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.GetInstance(document, stream); // step 3 document.Open(); // step 4 IEnumerable <Movie> movies = PojoFactory.GetMovies(); ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(writer.DirectContent); foreach (Movie movie in movies) { ct.AddText(CreateMovieInformation(movie)); ct.AddText(Chunk.NEWLINE); } ct.Alignment = Element.ALIGN_JUSTIFIED; ct.ExtraParagraphSpace = 6; ct.SetLeading(0, 1.2f); ct.FollowingIndent = 27; int linesWritten = 0; int column = 0; // iText-ONLY, 'Initial value of the status' => 0 // iTextSharp **DOES NOT** include this member variable // int status = ColumnText.START_COLUMN; int status = 0; while (ColumnText.HasMoreText(status)) { ct.SetSimpleColumn( COLUMNS[column][0], COLUMNS[column][1], COLUMNS[column][2], COLUMNS[column][3] ); ct.YLine = COLUMNS[column][3]; status = ct.Go(); linesWritten += ct.LinesWritten; column = Math.Abs(column - 1); if (column == 0) { document.NewPage(); } } ct.AddText(new Phrase("Lines written: " + linesWritten)); ct.Go(); } }
internal void TextColumn(string text, string nameFont, int sizeFont, float xInfEsq, float yInfEsq, float xSupDir, float ySupDir) { var ct = new ColumnText(this.PdfContentByte); ct.SetSimpleColumn(xInfEsq, yInfEsq, xSupDir, ySupDir); ct.AddElement(TextJustified(text, nameFont, sizeFont)); ct.Go(); }
private void WriteTable(PdfContentByte directContent, PdfPTable table, Rectangle coordinates) { ColumnText columnText = new ColumnText(directContent); columnText.SetSimpleColumn(coordinates); columnText.AddElement(table); columnText.Go(); }
public void CreateColumnText(string Text, float x, float y, float length, float height) { ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(_pDFWriter.DirectContent); ct.SetSimpleColumn(new Rectangle(x, y, length, height)); ct.AddElement(new Paragraph(Text)); ct.Go(); }
private void ProcessStampSolidOutline(ATShape dr, PdfStamper stamper, PdfReader pdfReader, bool isFilled) { var pageHeight = pdfReader.GetPageSizeWithRotation(dr.Mark.PageIndex).Height; var cb = stamper.GetOverContent(dr.Mark.PageIndex); var outer = new Rectangle(dr.PositionX, pageHeight - (dr.PositionY + dr.Height), dr.PositionX + dr.Width, pageHeight - dr.PositionY); var color = GetColor(dr.StampColor ?? "#990000"); cb.SetColorStroke(color); var strokeWidth = 4f; cb.SetLineWidth(strokeWidth); cb.RoundRectangle( outer.Left, outer.Bottom + strokeWidth, outer.Width - strokeWidth, outer.Height - strokeWidth, 5); if (isFilled) { cb.SetColorFill(color); cb.FillStroke(); } else { cb.Stroke(); } var text = dr.LabelText; // Create a font to work with color = GetColor(dr.LabelTextColor ?? "#000000"); cb.SetRGBColorFill(color.R, color.G, color.B); // Note: The x,y of the Pdf Matrix is from bottom left corner. // This command tells iTextSharp to write the text at a certain location with a certain angle. // Again, this will angle the text from bottom left corner to top right corner and it will // place the text in the middle of the page. var size = 13f; var baseFont = BaseFont.CreateFont(BaseFont.TIMES_BOLD, Encoding.ASCII.EncodingName, true); var ct = new ColumnText(cb); var p = new Paragraph(text, new Font(baseFont, size)); var t = new PdfPTable(1); var c = new PdfPCell(p); c.VerticalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE; c.HorizontalAlignment = Element.ALIGN_CENTER; c.FixedHeight = outer.Height + 10; c.BorderWidth = 0; c.SetLeading(0f, 1.2f); c.PaddingBottom = c.PaddingLeft = c.PaddingRight = c.PaddingTop = 0; t.AddCell(c); // TODO: remove this hardcoded adjust, was added to conform client ct.SetSimpleColumn(outer.Left - 2, outer.Bottom, outer.Right + 2, outer.Top + 12); ct.AddElement(t); ct.Go(); }
public void CreateTaggedPdf8() { InitializeDocument("8"); ColumnText columnText = new ColumnText(writer.DirectContent); List list = new List(true); try { list = new List(true); ListItem listItem = new ListItem( new Chunk( "Quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog. A very long line appears here because we need new line.")); list.Add(listItem); Image i = Image.GetInstance(RESOURCES + "img\\fox.bmp"); Chunk c = new Chunk(i, 0, 0); c.SetAccessibleAttribute(PdfName.ALT, new PdfString("Fox image")); listItem = new ListItem(c); list.Add(listItem); listItem = new ListItem(new Chunk("jumped over a lazy")); list.Add(listItem); i = Image.GetInstance(RESOURCES + "img\\dog.bmp"); c = new Chunk(i, 0, 0); c.SetAccessibleAttribute(PdfName.ALT, new PdfString("Dog image")); listItem = new ListItem(c); list.Add(listItem); listItem = new ListItem(new Paragraph(text)); list.Add(listItem); } catch (Exception) { } columnText.SetSimpleColumn(36, 36, 400, 800); columnText.AddElement(h1); columnText.AddElement(list); columnText.Go(); document.NewPage(); columnText.SetSimpleColumn(36, 36, 400, 800); columnText.Go(); document.Close(); int[] nums = new int[] { 64, 35 }; CheckNums(nums); CompareResults("8"); }