/// <summary>
        ///     Tells the row owner about this element.
        /// </summary>
        public override void OnApplyTemplate()

            // Find the columns collection and set the ItemsSource.
            DataGrid grid = ParentDataGrid;

            if (grid != null)
                ItemsSource = new ColumnHeaderCollection(grid.Columns);
                grid.ColumnHeadersPresenter = this;
                DataGridHelper.TransferProperty(this, VirtualizingStackPanel.IsVirtualizingProperty);

                DataGridColumnHeader fillerColumnHeader = GetTemplateChild(ElementFillerColumnHeader) as DataGridColumnHeader;
                if (fillerColumnHeader != null)
                    DataGridHelper.TransferProperty(fillerColumnHeader, DataGridColumnHeader.StyleProperty);
                    DataGridHelper.TransferProperty(fillerColumnHeader, DataGridColumnHeader.HeightProperty);
                ItemsSource = null;
Пример #2
        internal static void PaintColumnMoveMarker(Graphics g, AdvTree tree, int columnMoveMarkerIndex, ColumnHeaderCollection columns)
            if (columnMoveMarkerIndex == -1) throw new ArgumentException("columnMoveMarkerIndex must be grater or equal than 0");
            if (columns == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("columns");

            Color lineColor = ColorScheme.GetColor("834DD5");
            Color fillColor = ColorScheme.GetColor("CCCFF8");
            Size markerSize = new Size(10, 14);

            ColumnHeader header = null;

            if (columnMoveMarkerIndex == columns.Count)
                header = columns.LastVisibleColumn;
                header = columns[columnMoveMarkerIndex];
            Rectangle markerBounds = Rectangle.Empty;
            if (columnMoveMarkerIndex == columns.Count)
                markerBounds = new Rectangle(header.Bounds.Right - markerSize.Width, header.Bounds.Bottom - markerSize.Height, markerSize.Width, markerSize.Height);
            else if (columns[columnMoveMarkerIndex] == columns.FirstVisibleColumn)
                markerBounds = new Rectangle(header.Bounds.X, header.Bounds.Bottom - markerSize.Height, markerSize.Width, markerSize.Height);
                markerBounds = new Rectangle(header.Bounds.X - markerSize.Width / 2 - tree.NodeLayout.GetCellLayout().LayoutSettings.CellHorizontalSpacing, header.Bounds.Bottom - markerSize.Height, markerSize.Width, markerSize.Height);
            if (tree.AutoScrollPosition.X != 0)
                markerBounds.Offset(tree.AutoScrollPosition.X, 0);
            using (GraphicsPath path = CreateMarker(markerBounds))
                using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(fillColor))
                    g.FillPath(brush, path);
                using (Pen pen = new Pen(lineColor, 1))
                    g.DrawPath(pen, path);
Пример #3
 public TreeListView()
     _columns            = new ColumnHeaderCollection();
     _panel              = new TreeListPanel();
     _panel.TreeListView = this;
     Scrollable          = true;
Пример #4
		public TreeListView()
			_columns = new ColumnHeaderCollection();
			_panel = new TreeListPanel();
			_panel.TreeListView = this;
			Scrollable = true;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Tells the row owner about this element.
        /// </summary>
        public override void OnApplyTemplate()

            // Find the columns collection and set the ItemsSource.
            DataGrid grid = ParentDataGrid;

            if (grid != null)
                ItemsSource = new ColumnHeaderCollection(grid.Columns);
                grid.ColumnHeadersPresenter = this;
                DataGridHelper.TransferProperty(this, VirtualizingStackPanel.IsVirtualizingProperty);

                DataGridColumnHeader fillerColumnHeader = GetTemplateChild(ElementFillerColumnHeader) as DataGridColumnHeader;
                if (fillerColumnHeader != null)
                    DataGridHelper.TransferProperty(fillerColumnHeader, DataGridColumnHeader.StyleProperty);
                    DataGridHelper.TransferProperty(fillerColumnHeader, DataGridColumnHeader.HeightProperty);
                ItemsSource = null;
Пример #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialize a new instance <see cref="ListView"/>
 /// </summary>
 public ListView()
     Background       = Color.NotSet;
     Foreground       = Color.NotSet;
     headerForeground = Color.Yellow;
     summaryText      = string.Empty;
     showSummary      = false;
     AutoSize         = false;
     showGridLine     = true;
     columns          = 1;
     FocusForeground  = Color.Black;
     FocusBackground  = Color.Cyan;
     ColumnHeaders    = new ColumnHeaderCollection <T>(this);
     Items            = new ListViewItemCollection <T>(this);
     gridBorderChars  = new GridSpanBorderChars('╔', '═', '╗', '║', '║',
                                                '╚', '═', '╝', '╤', '╢', '╧', '╟',
                                                '│', '─', '┼',
                                                '┬', '┤', '┴', '├',
                                                '┌', '┐', '┘', '└');
     groupBase = new ListViewGroupBase <T>(this)
         borderColor = Application.SystemColors.BorderColor,
         borderChars = gridBorderChars,
     OnFocusChanged += InternalFocusChanged;
		public ListView ()
			background_color = Color.White;//ThemeEngine.Current.ColorWindow;
			groups = new ListViewGroupCollection (this);
			items = new ListViewItemCollection (this);
			items.Changed += new CollectionChangedHandler (OnItemsChanged);
			checked_indices = new CheckedIndexCollection (this);
			checked_items = new CheckedListViewItemCollection (this);
			columns = new ColumnHeaderCollection (this);
			foreground_color = SystemColors.WindowText;
			selected_indices = new SelectedIndexCollection (this);
			selected_items = new SelectedListViewItemCollection (this);
			items_location = new Point [16];
			items_matrix_location = new ItemMatrixLocation [16];
			reordered_items_indices = new int [16];
			item_tooltip = new ToolTip ();
			item_tooltip.Active = false;
			insertion_mark = new ListViewInsertionMark (this);

			InternalBorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;

			header_control = new HeaderControl (this);
			header_control.Visible = false;
			Controls.AddImplicit (header_control);

			item_control = new ItemControl (this);
			Controls.AddImplicit (item_control);

			h_marker = v_marker = 0;
			keysearch_tickcnt = 0;

			// scroll bars are disabled initially
			h_scroll.Visible = false;
			//h_scroll.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(HorizontalScroller);
			v_scroll.Visible = false;
			//v_scroll.ValueChanged += new EventHandler(VerticalScroller);

			// event handlers
			base.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(ListView_KeyDown);
			SizeChanged += new EventHandler (ListView_SizeChanged);
			//GotFocus += new EventHandler (FocusChanged);
			//LostFocus += new EventHandler (FocusChanged);
			//MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler(ListView_MouseWheel);
			//MouseEnter += new EventHandler (ListView_MouseEnter);
			Invalidated += new InvalidateEventHandler (ListView_Invalidated);

			BackgroundImageTiled = false;

			this.SetStyle (ControlStyles.UserPaint | ControlStyles.StandardClick
				| ControlStyles.UseTextForAccessibility
				, false);
Пример #8
        void InitializeComponent()
            _treeMenu       = new ContextMenuStrip();
            _treeMenuHelper = new ActionMenuHelper();
            ContextMenuStrip = _treeMenu;
            HideSelection    = false;
            // Sort the nodes using their compare to function
            UseCompareTo = true;
            DragDropSupport ddSupport = new DragDropSupport(this);

            ImageList = PresentationMap._icons;
            _columns  = new ColumnHeaderCollection();
Пример #9
        public void ColumnAutoSize()
            ColumnHeaderCollection cc = Columns;

            for (int i = 0; i < cc.Count; i++)
                int colWidth = TextRenderer.MeasureText(cc[i].Text, Font).Width + 20;
                if (colWidth > cc[i].Width)
                    cc[i].Width = colWidth;
Пример #10
		public ListView()
			items = new ListViewItemCollection(this);
			columns = new ColumnHeaderCollection(this);
			listItems = new ArrayList();
			autoArrange = true;
			hideSelection = true;
			labelWrap = true;
			multiSelect = true;
			scrollable = true;
			activation = ItemActivation.Standard;
			alignStyle = ListViewAlignment.Top;
			borderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
			headerStyle = ColumnHeaderStyle.Clickable;
			sorting = SortOrder.None;
			viewStyle = View.LargeIcon;
Пример #11
        /// <summary>
        ///     Tells the row owner about this element.
        /// </summary>
        public override void OnApplyTemplate()

            // Find the columns collection and set the ItemsSource.
            DataGrid grid = ParentDataGrid;

            if (grid != null)
                ItemsSource = new ColumnHeaderCollection(grid.Columns);
                grid.ColumnHeadersPresenter = this;
                DataGridHelper.TransferProperty(this, VirtualizingStackPanel.IsVirtualizingProperty);
                ItemsSource = null;
Пример #12
        /// <include file='doc\ListView.uex' path='docs/doc[@for="ListView.ListView"]/*' />
        /// <devdoc>
        ///     Creates an empty ListView with default styles.
        /// </devdoc>
        public ListView() : base() {

            listViewState = new System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32(LISTVIEWSTATE_scrollable |
                                                                           LISTVIEWSTATE_multiSelect |
                                                                           LISTVIEWSTATE_labelWrap |
                                                                           LISTVIEWSTATE_hideSelection |
                                                                           LISTVIEWSTATE_autoArrange |

            listViewState1 = new System.Collections.Specialized.BitVector32(LISTVIEWSTATE1_useCompatibleStateImageBehavior);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, false);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.StandardClick, false);
            SetStyle(ControlStyles.UseTextForAccessibility, false);

            odCacheFont = Font;
            odCacheFontHandle = FontHandle;

            listItemCollection = new ListViewItemCollection(new ListViewNativeItemCollection(this));
            columnHeaderCollection = new ColumnHeaderCollection(this);
Пример #13
		void InitializeComponent()
			_treeMenu = new ContextMenuStrip();
			_treeMenuHelper = new ActionMenuHelper();
			ContextMenuStrip = _treeMenu;
			HideSelection = false;
			// Sort the nodes using their compare to function
			UseCompareTo = true;
			DragDropSupport ddSupport = new DragDropSupport(this);
			ImageList = PresentationMap._icons;
			_columns = new ColumnHeaderCollection();
Пример #14
 public static void NewMethod(this ColumnHeaderCollection collection)
     //do stuff here
 public ColumnCollection(ColumnHeaderCollection columnCollection)
     _base = columnCollection;
Пример #16
 internal override void PaintColumnHeaders(ColumnHeaderCollection columns, Graphics g, bool treeControlHeader)
      // Setup rendering
     TreeRenderer renderer = m_SystemRenderer;
     if (this.Tree.NodeRenderer != null && this.Tree.RenderMode == eNodeRenderMode.Custom)
         renderer = this.Tree.NodeRenderer;
     //else if (this.Tree.RenderMode == eNodeRenderMode.Professional)
     //    renderer = m_ProfRenderer;
     PaintColumnHeaders(renderer, columns, g, treeControlHeader);
Пример #17
 public Sheet()
         ColumnHeaders = new ColumnHeaderCollection(this);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Tells the row owner about this element.
        /// </summary>
        public override void OnApplyTemplate()

            // Find the columns collection and set the ItemsSource.
            DataGrid grid = ParentDataGrid;

            if (grid != null)
                ItemsSource = new ColumnHeaderCollection(grid.Columns);
                grid.ColumnHeadersPresenter = this;
                DataGridHelper.TransferProperty(this, VirtualizingStackPanel.IsVirtualizingProperty);
                ItemsSource = null;
Пример #19
 private void PaintGridLines(NodeDisplayContext context, ColumnHeaderCollection columnHeaderCollection, Rectangle bounds)
     Color color = this.Tree.GridLinesColor.IsEmpty ? context.NodeRenderer.ColorTable.GridLines : this.Tree.GridLinesColor;
     Graphics g = context.Graphics;
     for (int i = 0; i < columnHeaderCollection.Count; i++)
         ColumnHeader columnHeader = columnHeaderCollection.ColumnAtDisplayIndex(i);
         if (!columnHeader.Visible || columnHeader.Bounds.Width <= 0) continue;
         Rectangle r = columnHeader.Bounds;
         if (columnHeaderCollection.ParentNode == null)
             if (!columnHeader.CellsBackColor.IsEmpty)
                 SmoothingMode oldSmoothing = g.SmoothingMode;
                 g.SmoothingMode = SmoothingMode.None;
                 Rectangle rBack = new Rectangle(r.X - 5, context.ClientRectangle.Y, r.Width + 4, context.ClientRectangle.Height);
                 using (SolidBrush brush = new SolidBrush(columnHeader.CellsBackColor))
                     g.FillRectangle(brush, rBack);
                 g.SmoothingMode = oldSmoothing;
         DisplayHelp.DrawLine(g, r.Right - (columnHeader.IsLastVisible ? 0 : 1), bounds.Y, r.Right - (columnHeader.IsLastVisible ? 0 : 1), bounds.Bottom, color, 1);
Пример #20
 internal virtual void PaintColumnHeaders(ColumnHeaderCollection columns, Graphics g, bool treeControlHeader)
Пример #21
        internal void PaintColumnHeaders(TreeRenderer renderer, ColumnHeaderCollection columns, Graphics g, bool treeControlHeader)
            ColumnHeaderRendererEventArgs ce = new ColumnHeaderRendererEventArgs();
            ce.Graphics = g;
            ce.Tree = this.Tree;
            ce.SortIndicatorColor = renderer.ColorTable.ColumnSortIndicatorColor;

            ElementStyle defaultNormalStyle = GetDefaultColumnStyleNormal(renderer);
            ElementStyle headerStyle = null;
                headerStyle = this.Tree.ColumnsBackgroundStyle == null ? GetDefaultHeaderStyle(renderer) : this.Tree.ColumnsBackgroundStyle;
                headerStyle = this.Tree.NodesColumnsBackgroundStyle == null ? GetDefaultNodesHeaderStyle(renderer) : this.Tree.NodesColumnsBackgroundStyle;

            if (Tree.ColumnStyleNormal != null && Tree.ColumnStyleNormal.Custom)
                defaultNormalStyle = Tree.ColumnStyleNormal;

            Point offset = Point.Empty;
            if (this.Tree.AutoScroll)
                offset = this.Tree.GetAutoScrollPositionOffset();
                if (treeControlHeader)
                    offset.Y = 0;

            Rectangle columnsBounds = columns.Bounds;
            if (!treeControlHeader) columnsBounds.Offset(offset);
            ElementStyleDisplayInfo di = new ElementStyleDisplayInfo(headerStyle, g, columnsBounds);
            Color columnSeparator = (headerStyle != null && !headerStyle.BorderColor.IsEmpty) ? headerStyle.BorderColor : Color.Empty;
            for (int i = 0; i < columns.Count; i++)
                ColumnHeader column = columns.ColumnAtDisplayIndex(i);
                if (!column.Visible) continue;
                ElementStyle style = null;
                if (column.StyleNormal != "")
                    style = Tree.Styles[column.StyleNormal].Copy();
                    style = defaultNormalStyle.Copy();

                if (column.IsMouseDown)
                    if (column.StyleMouseDown != "")
                    else if (Tree.ColumnStyleMouseDown != null)
                else if (column.IsMouseOver)
                    if (column.StyleMouseOver != "")
                    else if (Tree.ColumnStyleMouseOver != null)

                ce.ColumnHeader = column;
                Rectangle columnBounds = column.Bounds;
                ce.Bounds = columnBounds;
                ce.Style = style;
                if (!columnSeparator.IsEmpty)
                    DisplayHelp.DrawLine(g, columnBounds.Right - (column.IsLastVisible ? 0 : 1), columnBounds.Y, columnBounds.Right - (column.IsLastVisible ? 0 : 1), columnBounds.Bottom - 1, columnSeparator, 1);
 public ListView()
     base.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, false);
     base.SetStyle(ControlStyles.StandardClick, false);
     base.SetStyle(ControlStyles.UseTextForAccessibility, false);
     this.odCacheFont = this.Font;
     this.odCacheFontHandle = base.FontHandle;
     base.SetBounds(0, 0, 0x79, 0x61);
     this.listItemCollection = new ListViewItemCollection(new ListViewNativeItemCollection(this));
     this.columnHeaderCollection = new ColumnHeaderCollection(this);