/// <summary>
        /// The runnable method for this class. This will produce an image using
        /// the current RenderableImage and RenderContext and send it to all the
        /// ImageConsumer currently registered with this class.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void Run()
            // First get the rendered image
            RenderedImage rdrdImage;

            if (Rc != null)
                rdrdImage = RdblImage.CreateRendering(Rc);
                rdrdImage = RdblImage.CreateDefaultRendering();

            // And its ColorModel
            ColorModel  colorModel  = rdrdImage.ColorModel;
            Raster      raster      = rdrdImage.Data;
            SampleModel sampleModel = raster.SampleModel;
            DataBuffer  dataBuffer  = raster.DataBuffer;

            if (colorModel == null)
                colorModel = ColorModel.RGBdefault;
            int minX   = raster.MinX;
            int minY   = raster.MinY;
            int width  = raster.Width;
            int height = raster.Height;

            System.Collections.IEnumerator icList;
            ImageConsumer ic;

            // Set up the ImageConsumers
            icList = Ics.elements();
            while (icList.hasMoreElements())
                ic = (ImageConsumer)icList.nextElement();
                ic.SetDimensions(width, height);
                ic.Hints = java.awt.image.ImageConsumer_Fields.TOPDOWNLEFTRIGHT | java.awt.image.ImageConsumer_Fields.COMPLETESCANLINES | java.awt.image.ImageConsumer_Fields.SINGLEPASS | java.awt.image.ImageConsumer_Fields.SINGLEFRAME;

            // Get RGB pixels from the raster scanline by scanline and
            // send to consumers.
            int[] pix = new int[width];
            int   i, j;
            int   numBands = sampleModel.NumBands;

            int[] tmpPixel = new int[numBands];
            for (j = 0; j < height; j++)
                for (i = 0; i < width; i++)
                    sampleModel.GetPixel(i, j, tmpPixel, dataBuffer);
                    pix[i] = colorModel.GetDataElement(tmpPixel, 0);
                // Now send the scanline to the Consumers
                icList = Ics.elements();
                while (icList.hasMoreElements())
                    ic = (ImageConsumer)icList.nextElement();
                    ic.SetPixels(0, j, width, 1, colorModel, pix, 0, width);

            // Now tell the consumers we're done.
            icList = Ics.elements();
            while (icList.hasMoreElements())
                ic = (ImageConsumer)icList.nextElement();