Пример #1
    void Start()
        IMap map = null;

        if (mapGameObject != null)
            map = UnityEngineHelper.GetInterface <IMap>(mapGameObject);

        if (map == null)
            Debug.LogError("MapMesh needs a reference to a game object containing at least one component that implements IMap");

        if (!map.Finished())
            Debug.LogError("MapMesh script can only execute after the component that implements IMap (Configure execution order that in Edit > Project Settings > Script Execution Order)");

        int width            = Mathf.CeilToInt(map.GetWidth() * samplingScale),
            height           = Mathf.CeilToInt(map.GetHeight() * samplingScale);
        Texture2D mapTexture = new Texture2D(width, height, TextureFormat.RGB24, true);

        Color[]          pixels = new Color[width * height];
        ColorGradient    gradient = new ColorGradient(colors);
        int              y = (invertY) ? height - 1 : 0;
        Func <int, bool> yCompare, xCompare;
        Func <int, int>  yMove, xMove;

        if (invertY)
            yCompare = (a) => a >= 0;
            yMove    = (a) => a - 1;
            yCompare = (a) => a < height;
            yMove    = (a) => a + 1;
        if (invertX)
            xCompare = (a) => a >= 0;
            xMove    = (a) => a - 1;
            xCompare = (a) => a < width;
            xMove    = (a) => a + 1;
        for (int p = 0; yCompare(y); y = yMove(y))
            float wY = y / samplingScale + map.GetMinY();
            int   x  = (invertX) ? width - 1 : 0;
            for (; xCompare(x); x = xMove(x), p++)
                float wX    = x / samplingScale + map.GetMinX();
                Color pixel = new Color();
                gradient.GetColorAtValue(map.GetNormalizedValue(wX, wY), ref pixel);
                pixels[p] = pixel;
        GameObject mapGO = new GameObject("Map");
        Mesh       mesh  = new Mesh();

        mesh.vertices = new Vector3[]
            new Vector3(map.GetMinX(), map.GetMaxY(), z),
            new Vector3(map.GetMaxX(), map.GetMaxY(), z),
            new Vector3(map.GetMaxX(), map.GetMinY(), z),
            new Vector3(map.GetMinX(), map.GetMinY(), z)
        mesh.triangles = new int[]
            0, 1, 2,
            0, 2, 3
        mesh.uv = new Vector2[]
            new Vector2(1, 1),
            new Vector2(0, 1),
            new Vector2(0, 0),
            new Vector2(1, 0)
        mesh.normals = new Vector3[]
        mapGO.AddComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh = mesh;
        Material material = new Material(Shader.Find("Unlit/Texture"));

        material.SetTexture("_MainTex", mapTexture);
        mapGO.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = material;
        mapGO.transform.parent        = transform;
        mapGO.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.identity;