public async Task CreateSceneAsync()
            var canvas = await Canvas.GetElementById(

            var engine = await Engine.NewEngine(

            // This creates a basic Babylon Scene object (non-mesh)
            var scene = await Scene.NewScene(engine);

            await scene.set_clearColor(
                await Color4.NewColor4(

            //add an arcRotateCamera to the scene
            var camera = await ArcRotateCamera.NewArcRotateCamera(
                await Tools.ToRadians(125),
                await Tools.ToRadians(70), 25,
                await Vector3.NewVector3(0, 3, 0),

            await camera.set_lowerRadiusLimit(10);

            await camera.set_upperRadiusLimit(40);

            // This attaches the camera to the canvas
            await camera.attachControl(true);

            //array for holding the cannon and "paired" animation group
            var cannonAnimationPairings = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            //array for holding readyToPlay status for the cannons
            var cannonReadyToPlay = new Dictionary <string, int>();

            //Load the tower assets
            var pirateFortImportEntity = await SceneLoader.ImportMeshAsync(

            var pirateFortImport = pirateFortImportEntity.ToEntity <SceneLoaderImportMeshEntity>();
            var meshes           = await pirateFortImport.get_meshes();

            await meshes[0].set_name("pirateFort");
            var   seaMesh = await scene.getMeshByName("sea");

            await(await seaMesh.get_material()).set_needDepthPrePass(true);
            await(await scene.getLightByName("Sun")).set_intensity(12);

            //Load the cannon model and create clones
            var cannonImportResult = (await SceneLoader.ImportMeshAsync(
                                          )).ToEntity <SceneLoaderImportMeshEntity>();
            //remove the top level root node
            var cannonMeshs = await cannonImportResult.get_meshes();

            var cannon = (await cannonMeshs[0].getChildren())[0];
            await cannon.setParent(null);

            await cannonMeshs[0].dispose();

            //set the metadata of each mesh to filter on later
            var cannonMeshes = await cannon.getChildMeshes();

            for (var i = 0; i < cannonMeshes.Length; i++)
                var metadata = await NodeMetadata.NewNodeMetadata();

                await metadata.set_name("cannon");

                await cannonMeshes[i].set_metadata(metadata);

            var importedAnimGroups = await cannonImportResult.get_animationGroups();

            //loop through all imported animation groups and copy the animation curve data to an array.
            var animations = new Animation[importedAnimGroups.Length];

            for (var i = 0; i < importedAnimGroups.Length; i++)
                await importedAnimGroups[i].stop();
                animations[i] = await(await importedAnimGroups[i].get_targetedAnimations())[0].get_animation();
                await importedAnimGroups[i].dispose();

            //create a new animation group and add targeted animations based on copied curve data from the "animations" array.
            var cannonAnimGroup = await AnimationGroup.NewAnimationGroup(

            await cannonAnimGroup.addTargetedAnimation(
                (await cannon.getChildMeshes())[1]

            await cannonAnimGroup.addTargetedAnimation(
                (await cannon.getChildMeshes())[0]

            //create a box for particle emission, position it at the muzzle of the cannon, turn off visibility and parent it to the cannon mesh
            var particleEmitter = await MeshBuilder.CreateBox(
                new { size = 0.05 },

            await particleEmitter.set_position(await Vector3.NewVector3(

            await(await particleEmitter.get_rotation()).set_x(await Tools.ToRadians(78.5m));
            await particleEmitter.set_isVisible(false);

            await particleEmitter.setParent(
                (await cannon.getChildMeshes())[1]

            //load particle system from the snippet server and set the emitter to the particleEmitter. Set its stopDuration.
            var baseurl = await Tools.get_BaseUrl();

            var snippetUrl = await ParticleHelper.get_SnippetUrl();

            var smokeBlast = await ParticleHelper.CreateFromSnippetAsync(
                await ParticleHelper.get_SnippetUrl()

            await smokeBlast.set_emitter(particleEmitter);

            await smokeBlast.set_targetStopDuration(0.2m);

            //load a cannon blast sound
            var cannonBlastSound = await Sound.NewSound(

            //position and rotation data for the placement of the cannon clones
            var cannonPositionArray = new Vector3[][] {
                new Vector3[]
                    await Vector3.NewVector3(0.97m, 5.52m, 1.79m),
                    await Vector3.NewVector3(await Tools.ToRadians(0), await Tools.ToRadians(0), await Tools.ToRadians(180))

                new Vector3[]
                    await Vector3.NewVector3(1.08m, 2.32m, 3.05m),
                    await Vector3.NewVector3(await Tools.ToRadians(0), await Tools.ToRadians(0), await Tools.ToRadians(180))

                new Vector3[]
                    await Vector3.NewVector3(1.46m, 2.35m, -0.73m),
                    await Vector3.NewVector3(await Tools.ToRadians(0), await Tools.ToRadians(90), await Tools.ToRadians(180))

                new Vector3[]
                    await Vector3.NewVector3(1.45m, 5.52m, -1.66m),
                    await Vector3.NewVector3(await Tools.ToRadians(0), await Tools.ToRadians(90), await Tools.ToRadians(180))

                new Vector3[]
                    await Vector3.NewVector3(1.49m, 8.69m, -0.35m),
                    await Vector3.NewVector3(await Tools.ToRadians(0), await Tools.ToRadians(90), await Tools.ToRadians(180))

                new Vector3[]
                    await Vector3.NewVector3(-1.37m, 8.69m, -0.39m),
                    await Vector3.NewVector3(await Tools.ToRadians(0), await Tools.ToRadians(-90), await Tools.ToRadians(180))

                new Vector3[]
                    await Vector3.NewVector3(0.58m, 4, -2.18m),
                    await Vector3.NewVector3(await Tools.ToRadians(0), await Tools.ToRadians(180), await Tools.ToRadians(180))

                new Vector3[]
                    await Vector3.NewVector3(1.22m, 8.69m, -2.5m),
                    await Vector3.NewVector3(await Tools.ToRadians(0), await Tools.ToRadians(180), await Tools.ToRadians(180))

                new Vector3[]
                    await Vector3.NewVector3(-1.31m, 2.33m, -2.45m),
                    await Vector3.NewVector3(await Tools.ToRadians(0), await Tools.ToRadians(180), await Tools.ToRadians(180))

                new Vector3[]
                    await Vector3.NewVector3(-3.54m, 5.26m, -2.12m),
                    await Vector3.NewVector3(await Tools.ToRadians(0), await Tools.ToRadians(-90), await Tools.ToRadians(180))

            //create 10 cannon clones, each with unique position/rotation data. Note that particle systems are cloned with parent meshes
            //also create 10 new animation groups with targeted animations applied to the newly cloned meshes
            for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++)
                var cannonClone = await cannon.clone <AbstractMesh>(
                    "cannonClone" + i

                await cannonClone.set_position(cannonPositionArray[i][0]);

                await cannonClone.set_rotation(cannonPositionArray[i][1]);

                var cannonAnimGroupClone = await AnimationGroup.NewAnimationGroup(
                    "cannonAnimGroupClone" + i

                await cannonAnimGroupClone.addTargetedAnimation(
                    await (await cannonAnimGroup.get_targetedAnimations())[0].get_animation(),
                    (await cannonClone.getChildMeshes())[1]);

                await cannonAnimGroupClone.addTargetedAnimation(
                    await (await cannonAnimGroup.get_targetedAnimations())[1].get_animation(),
                    (await cannonClone.getChildMeshes())[0]);

                //store a key/value pair of each clone name and the name of the associated animation group name.
                cannonAnimationPairings[await cannonClone.get_name()] = await cannonAnimGroupClone.get_name();

                //store key/value pair for the cannon name and it's readyToPlay status as 1;
                cannonReadyToPlay[await cannonClone.get_name()] = 1;
            //dispose of the original cannon, animation group, and particle system
            await cannon.dispose();

            await cannonAnimGroup.dispose();

            await smokeBlast.dispose();

            //create an array for all particle systems in the scene, loop through it and stop all systems from playing.
            var smokeBlasts = await scene.get_particleSystems();

            for (var i = 0; i < smokeBlasts.Length; i++)
                await smokeBlasts[i].stop();

            //logic of what happens on a click
            await(await scene.get_onPointerObservable()).add(async(pointerInfo, eventState) =>
                // PointerEventTypes.POINTERDOWN
                if (await pointerInfo.get_type() != 1)
                var pickResult = await pointerInfo.get_pickInfo();
                //check if a mesh was picked and if that mesh has specific metadata
                var pickedMesh = await pickResult.get_pickedMesh();
                if (pickedMesh != null &&
                    await pickedMesh.get_metadata() != null)
                    var metadataNode = (await pickedMesh.get_metadata()).ToEntity <NodeMetadata>();
                    if (await metadataNode.get_name() != "cannon")
                    //find the top level parent (necessary since the cannon is an extra layer below the clone root)
                    var topParent = await(await pickResult.get_pickedMesh()).get_parent();
                    var parent    = await topParent.get_parent();
                    if (parent != null &&
                        await parent.get_name() != null)
                        topParent = parent;
                    var name = await topParent.get_name();
                    //wrap all 'play' elements into a check to make sure the cannon can be played.
                    if (cannonReadyToPlay[name] == 1)
                        //set the readyToPlay status to 0
                        cannonReadyToPlay[name] = 0;
                        //loop through all of the animation groups in the scene and play the correct group based on the top level parent of the picked mesh.
                        var animationToPlay = cannonAnimationPairings[name];
                        for (var i = 0; i < (await scene.get_animationGroups()).Length; i++)
                            if (await(await scene.get_animationGroups())[i].get_name() == animationToPlay)
                                await(await scene.get_animationGroups())[i].play();
                                //after the animation has finished, set the readyToPlay status for this cannon to 1;
                                await(await(await scene.get_animationGroups())[i].get_onAnimationGroupEndObservable()).addOnce(async(_, __) =>
                                    cannonReadyToPlay[await topParent.get_name()] = 1;
                        //loop through all particle systems in the scene, loop through all picked mesh submeshes. if there is a matching mesh and particle system emitter, start the particle system.
                        var childMeshes = await(await pickResult.get_pickedMesh()).getChildMeshes();
                        for (var i = 0; i < smokeBlasts.Length; i++)
                            for (var j = 0; j < childMeshes.Length; j++)
                                if (childMeshes[j].___guid == (await smokeBlasts[i].get_emitter()).___guid)
                                    await smokeBlasts[i].start();
            //scene.onPointerDown = function(evt, pickResult) {
            //    //check if a mesh was picked and if that mesh has specific metadata
            //    if (pickResult.pickedMesh && pickResult.pickedMesh.metadata === "cannon")
            //    {
            //        //find the top level parent (necessary since the cannon is an extra layer below the clone root)
            //        var topParent = pickResult.pickedMesh.parent;
            //        if (topParent.parent)
            //        {
            //            topParent = topParent.parent;
            //        }

            //        //wrap all 'play' elements into a check to make sure the cannon can be played.
            //        if (cannonReadyToPlay[] === 1)
            //        {
            //            //set the readyToPlay status to 0
            //            cannonReadyToPlay[] = 0;
            //            //loop through all of the animation groups in the scene and play the correct group based on the top level parent of the picked mesh.
            //            var animationToPlay = cannonAnimationPairings[];
            //            for (var i = 0; i < scene.animationGroups.length; i++)
            //            {
            //                if (scene.animationGroups[i].name === animationToPlay)
            //                {
            //                    scene.animationGroups[i].play();
            //                    //after the animation has finished, set the readyToPlay status for this cannon to 1;
            //                    scene.animationGroups[i].onAnimationGroupEndObservable.addOnce(() =>
            //                    {
            //                        cannonReadyToPlay[] = 1;
            //                    });
            //                }
            //            }
            //            //loop through all particle systems in the scene, loop through all picked mesh submeshes. if there is a matching mesh and particle system emitter, start the particle system.
            //            var childMeshes = pickResult.pickedMesh.getChildMeshes();
            //            for (var i = 0; i < smokeBlasts.length; i++)
            //            {
            //                for (var j = 0; j < childMeshes.length; j++)
            //                {
            //                    if (childMeshes[j] === smokeBlasts[i].emitter)
            //                    {
            //                        smokeBlasts[i].start();
            //                    }
            //                }
            //            }
            //  ;
            //        }
            //    }

            _scene = scene;
            await _scene.set_activeCamera(camera);

            await engine.runRenderLoop(new ActionCallback(
                                           () => Task.Run(() => _scene.render(true, false))

            _engine = engine;
Пример #2
        public async Task CreateScene()
            var canvas = await Canvas.GetElementById(

            var engine = await Engine.NewEngine(

            var scene = await Scene.NewScene(

            await scene.set_clearColor(
                await Color4.NewColor4(0, 0, 0, 0)

            var light0 = await PointLight.NewPointLight(
                await Vector3.NewVector3(

            var light1 = await HemisphericLight.NewHemisphericLight(
                await Vector3.NewVector3(

            var advancedTexture = await AdvancedDynamicTexture.CreateFullscreenUI("UI");

            var UiPanel = await StackPanel.NewStackPanel("name");

            await UiPanel.set_width("220px");

            await UiPanel.set_fontSize("14px");

            await UiPanel.set_horizontalAlignment(await Control.get_HORIZONTAL_ALIGNMENT_RIGHT());

            await UiPanel.set_verticalAlignment(await Control.get_VERTICAL_ALIGNMENT_CENTER());

            await advancedTexture.addControl(UiPanel);

            var house = await SceneLoader.ImportMeshAsync(

            var animationGroups = await house.get_animationGroups();

            foreach (var animation in animationGroups)
                await animation.stop();

                _animationMap.Add(await animation.get_name(), animation);
                await AddRunAnimationButton(
                    await animation.get_name()
            if (_animationMap.Count > 0)
                _runningAnimation = _animationMap.First().Value;
                await _runningAnimation.start(true);

            var camera = await ArcRotateCamera.NewArcRotateCamera(
                (decimal)(System.Math.PI / 2),
                (decimal)(System.Math.PI / 4),
                await Vector3.NewVector3(0, 1, 0),

            await camera.set_lowerRadiusLimit(2);

            await camera.set_upperRadiusLimit(10);

            await camera.set_wheelDeltaPercentage(0.01m);

            await scene.set_activeCamera(camera);

            await camera.attachControl(

            await engine.runRenderLoop(new ActionCallback(
                                           () => Task.Run(() => scene.render(true, false))

            _engine = engine;

            await Canvas.RemoveBlur(