Пример #1
 /// <summary>
 /// ConsiderSkin
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="skin"></param>
 /// <returns>bool</returns>
 public override bool ConsiderSkin(CollisionSkin skin)
     return(skin.ID != mSkin.ID);
Пример #2
 public GridEntry(CollisionSkin skin)
     Skin     = skin;
     Previous = Next = null;
Пример #3
 /// <summary>
 /// WheelPred
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="carSkin"></param>
 public WheelPred(CollisionSkin carSkin)
     mSkin = carSkin;
Пример #4
        /// <summary> // TODO teting testing testing ...
        /// Adds the forces die to this wheel to the parent. Return value indicates if it's
        /// on the ground.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dt"></param>
        public bool AddForcesToCar(float dt)
            Vector3 force = Vector3.Zero;

            lastDisplacement = displacement;
            displacement     = 0.0f;

            Body carBody = car.Chassis.Body;

            Vector3 worldPos  = carBody.Position + Vector3Extensions.TransformNormal(pos, carBody.Orientation); // *mPos;
            Vector3 worldAxis = Vector3Extensions.TransformNormal(axisUp, carBody.Orientation);                 // *mAxisUp;

            //Vector3 wheelFwd = RotationMatrix(mSteerAngle, worldAxis) * carBody.Orientation.GetCol(0);
            // OpenGl has differnet row/column order for matrixes than XNA has ..
            Vector3 wheelFwd = Vector3Extensions.TransformNormal(carBody.Orientation.Right(), JiggleMath.RotationMatrix(steerAngle, worldAxis));
            //Vector3 wheelFwd = RotationMatrix(mSteerAngle, worldAxis) * carBody.GetOrientation().GetCol(0);
            Vector3 wheelUp   = worldAxis;
            Vector3 wheelLeft = Vector3.Cross(wheelUp, wheelFwd);


            wheelUp = Vector3.Cross(wheelFwd, wheelLeft);

            // start of ray
            float   rayLen      = 2.0f * radius + travel;
            Vector3 wheelRayEnd = worldPos - radius * worldAxis;
            Segment wheelRay    = new Segment(wheelRayEnd + rayLen * worldAxis, -rayLen * worldAxis);

            CollisionSystem collSystem = PhysicsSystem.CurrentPhysicsSystem.CollisionSystem;

            int numRaysUse = System.Math.Min(numRays, maxNumRays);

            // adjust the start position of the ray - divide the wheel into numRays+2
            // rays, but don't use the first/last.
            float deltaFwd      = (2.0f * radius) / (numRaysUse + 1);
            float deltaFwdStart = deltaFwd;

            lastOnFloor = false;
            int bestIRay = 0;
            int iRay;

            for (iRay = 0; iRay < numRaysUse; ++iRay)
                fracs[iRay] = float.MaxValue; //SCALAR_HUGE;
                // work out the offset relative to the middle ray
                float distFwd = (deltaFwdStart + iRay * deltaFwd) - radius;
                //float zOffset = mRadius * (1.0f - CosDeg(90.0f * (distFwd / mRadius)));
                float zOffset = radius * (1.0f - (float)System.Math.Cos(OpenTKHelper.ToRadians(90.0f * (distFwd / radius))));

                segments[iRay]         = wheelRay;
                segments[iRay].Origin += distFwd * wheelFwd + zOffset * wheelUp;

                if (collSystem.SegmentIntersect(out fracs[iRay], out otherSkins[iRay],
                                                out groundPositions[iRay], out groundNormals[iRay], segments[iRay], pred))
                    lastOnFloor = true;

                    if (fracs[iRay] < fracs[bestIRay])
                        bestIRay = iRay;

            if (!lastOnFloor)

            //Assert(bestIRay < numRays);

            // use the best one
            Vector3       groundPos = groundPositions[bestIRay];
            float         frac      = fracs[bestIRay];
            CollisionSkin otherSkin = otherSkins[bestIRay];

            //  const Vector3 groundNormal = (worldPos - segments[bestIRay].GetEnd()).NormaliseSafe();
            //  const Vector3 groundNormal = groundNormals[bestIRay];

            Vector3 groundNormal = worldAxis;

            if (numRaysUse > 1)
                for (iRay = 0; iRay < numRaysUse; ++iRay)
                    if (fracs[iRay] <= 1.0f)
                        groundNormal += (1.0f - fracs[iRay]) * (worldPos - segments[iRay].GetEnd());

                JiggleMath.NormalizeSafe(ref groundNormal);
                groundNormal = groundNormals[bestIRay];

            Body worldBody = otherSkin.Owner;

            displacement = rayLen * (1.0f - frac);
            displacement = OpenTKHelper.Clamp(displacement, 0, travel);

            float displacementForceMag = displacement * spring;

            // reduce force when suspension is par to ground
            displacementForceMag *= Vector3.Dot(groundNormals[bestIRay], worldAxis);

            // apply damping
            float dampingForceMag = upSpeed * damping;

            float totalForceMag = displacementForceMag + dampingForceMag;

            if (totalForceMag < 0.0f)
                totalForceMag = 0.0f;

            Vector3 extraForce = totalForceMag * worldAxis;

            force += extraForce;

            // side-slip friction and drive force. Work out wheel- and floor-relative coordinate frame
            Vector3 groundUp   = groundNormal;
            Vector3 groundLeft = Vector3.Cross(groundNormal, wheelFwd);

            JiggleMath.NormalizeSafe(ref groundLeft);

            Vector3 groundFwd = Vector3.Cross(groundLeft, groundUp);

            Vector3 wheelPointVel = carBody.Velocity +
                                    Vector3.Cross(carBody.AngularVelocity, Vector3Extensions.TransformNormal(pos, carBody.Orientation));// * mPos);

            Vector3 rimVel = angVel * Vector3.Cross(wheelLeft, groundPos - worldPos);

            wheelPointVel += rimVel;

            // if sitting on another body then adjust for its velocity.
            if (worldBody != null)
                Vector3 worldVel = worldBody.Velocity +
                                   Vector3.Cross(worldBody.AngularVelocity, groundPos - worldBody.Position);

                wheelPointVel -= worldVel;

            // sideways forces
            float noslipVel  = 0.2f;
            float slipVel    = 0.4f;
            float slipFactor = 0.7f;

            float smallVel = 3;
            float friction = sideFriction;

            float sideVel = Vector3.Dot(wheelPointVel, groundLeft);

            if ((sideVel > slipVel) || (sideVel < -slipVel))
                friction *= slipFactor;
            if ((sideVel > noslipVel) || (sideVel < -noslipVel))
                friction *= 1.0f - (1.0f - slipFactor) * (System.Math.Abs(sideVel) - noslipVel) / (slipVel - noslipVel);

            if (sideVel < 0.0f)
                friction *= -1.0f;

            if (System.Math.Abs(sideVel) < smallVel)
                friction *= System.Math.Abs(sideVel) / smallVel;

            float sideForce = -friction * totalForceMag;

            extraForce = sideForce * groundLeft;
            force     += extraForce;

            // fwd/back forces
            friction = fwdFriction;
            float fwdVel = Vector3.Dot(wheelPointVel, groundFwd);

            if ((fwdVel > slipVel) || (fwdVel < -slipVel))
                friction *= slipFactor;
            if ((fwdVel > noslipVel) || (fwdVel < -noslipVel))
                friction *= 1.0f - (1.0f - slipFactor) * (System.Math.Abs(fwdVel) - noslipVel) / (slipVel - noslipVel);

            if (fwdVel < 0.0f)
                friction *= -1.0f;

            if (System.Math.Abs(fwdVel) < smallVel)
                friction *= System.Math.Abs(fwdVel) / smallVel;

            float fwdForce = -friction * totalForceMag;

            extraForce = fwdForce * groundFwd;
            force     += extraForce;

            //if (!force.IsSensible())
            //  TRACE_FILE_IF(ONCE_1)
            //    TRACE("Bad force in car wheel\n");
            //  return true;

            // fwd force also spins the wheel
            Vector3 wheelCentreVel = carBody.Velocity +
                                     Vector3.Cross(carBody.AngularVelocity, Vector3Extensions.TransformNormal(pos, carBody.Orientation));// * mPos);

            angVelForGrip = Vector3.Dot(wheelCentreVel, groundFwd) / radius;
            torque       += -fwdForce * radius;

            // add force to car
            carBody.AddWorldForce(force, groundPos);

            //if (float.IsNaN(force.X))
            //    while(true){}

            // add force to the world
            if (worldBody != null && !worldBody.Immovable)
                // todo get the position in the right place...
                // also limit the velocity that this force can produce by looking at the
                // mass/inertia of the other object
                float maxOtherBodyAcc   = 500.0f;
                float maxOtherBodyForce = maxOtherBodyAcc * worldBody.Mass;

                if (force.LengthSquared > (maxOtherBodyForce * maxOtherBodyForce))
                    force *= maxOtherBodyForce / force.Length;

                worldBody.AddWorldForce(-force, groundPos);
Пример #5
 public virtual bool HandleCollision(CollisionSkin collider, CollisionSkin collidee)
Пример #6
        private bool CollidedRecently = true; // we want the object to update immediately once created

        bool CollisionSkin_callbackFn(CollisionSkin skin0, CollisionSkin skin1)
            CollidedRecently = true; // we just want to know when it collided
            return(true);            // let the physics system handle the collision
Пример #7
 //we will only normally provide this method in a class that sub-classes CollidableObject e.g. PickupCollidableObject or PlayerCollidableObject
 public virtual bool CollisionSkin_callbackFn(CollisionSkin skin0, CollisionSkin skin1)