Пример #1
 public void PushAllEventsWithinDistance(float distance)
     foreach (Tuple <float, CollisionEventData> pair in _items)
         if (pair.Item1 > distance)
         CollisionEventData eventData = pair.Item2;
Пример #2
    protected override void OnPhysicsCollision(CollisionEventData eventData)
        if (!IsServer)

        if (eventData.Entity is SandboxPlayer)

        var propData = GetModelPropData();

        var minImpactSpeed = propData.MinImpactDamageSpeed;

        if (minImpactSpeed <= 0.0f)
            minImpactSpeed = 500;

        var impactDmg = propData.ImpactDamage;

        if (impactDmg <= 0.0f)
            impactDmg = 10;

        var speed = eventData.Speed;

        if (speed > minImpactSpeed)
            if (eventData.Entity.IsValid() && eventData.Entity != this)
                var damage = speed / minImpactSpeed * impactDmg * 1.2f;
                                            .WithAttacker(Driver != null ? Driver : this, Driver != null ? this : null)

                if (eventData.Entity.LifeState == LifeState.Dead && eventData.Entity is not SandboxPlayer)
                    PhysicsBody.Velocity        = eventData.PreVelocity;
                    PhysicsBody.AngularVelocity = eventData.PreAngularVelocity;
        protected void ReflectBall(CollisionEventData eventData, float multiplier)
            var reflect = Vector3.Reflect(eventData.PreVelocity.Normal, eventData.Normal.Normal).Normal;

            var normalDot = eventData.PreVelocity.Normal.Dot(eventData.Normal);

            // Don't do any reflection if we hit it at such an angle
            if (normalDot <= 0.10)

            // Collision sound happens at this point, not entity
            var sound = Sound.FromWorld(BounceSound.Name, eventData.Pos);

            sound.SetVolume(0.2f + Math.Clamp(eventData.Speed / 1250.0f, 0.0f, 0.8f));
            sound.SetPitch(0.5f + Math.Clamp(eventData.Speed / 1250.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f));

            var particle = Particles.Create("particles/ball_hit.vpcf", eventData.Pos);

            particle.SetPos(0, eventData.Pos);

            var newSpeed = Math.Max(eventData.PreVelocity.Length, eventData.Speed);

            newSpeed *= multiplier;

            // Adjust the speed depending on the hit normal, slight hit = more speed
            newSpeed *= (1 - normalDot / 2);

            var newVelocity = reflect * newSpeed;

            // TODO: not a fan of this, should determine by the dot normal
            newVelocity.z = 0;

            PhysicsBody.Velocity        = newVelocity;
            PhysicsBody.AngularVelocity = Vector3.Zero;

            if (Debug)
                DebugOverlay.Text(eventData.Pos, $"V {eventData.PreVelocity.Length} -> {newSpeed}", 5f);
                DebugOverlay.Text(eventData.Pos + Vector3.Up * 8, $"N. {normalDot}", 5f);
                DebugOverlay.Line(eventData.Pos, eventData.Pos - (eventData.PreVelocity.Normal * 64.0f), 5f);
                DebugOverlay.Line(eventData.Pos, eventData.Pos + (reflect * 64.0f), 5f);
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle CollisionEntered events.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="evt">
        /// The <see cref="IEvent"/> event to handle.
        /// </param>
        private void OnCollisionEntered(IEvent evt)
            CollisionEventData data = (CollisionEventData)evt.EventData;

            BallComponent ball;

            if (!this.Game.ComponentSystem.TryGetComponent <BallComponent>(data.ColliderId, out ball))

            // Why check here again? Because the check before was performed by a Unity bridge component, based on
            // the component being attached to a game object. You will want to check, whether the component is actually
            // being tracked by a component manager and probably access its values later.
            CollidableComponent collidable;

            if (!this.Game.ComponentSystem.TryGetComponent <CollidableComponent>(data.CollideeId, out collidable))

            // Remember the last player, who touched the ball.
            PaddleComponent paddle;

            if (this.Game.ComponentSystem.TryGetComponent <PaddleComponent>(data.CollideeId, out paddle))
                ball.PlayerId = paddle.PlayerId;

            // Reflect the ball off the collidable object.
            Collision collisionInfo = (Collision)data.Context;
            Vector3   velocity      = Vector3.Reflect(ball.Velocity, collisionInfo.contacts[0].normal);

            // Make sure the velocity in Z direction is always zero. There should actually not ever be a value
            // zero value in Z as a result of reflecting a vector with value 0 the collision normal first place,
            // when considering a perfect spherical object, but ours is not a perfect sphere.
            velocity.z = 0.0f;

            // Make sure the ball is always moving vertically, as the game may be locked otherwise.
            velocity.x    = Mathf.Max(0.5f, Mathf.Abs(velocity.x)) * Mathf.Sign(velocity.x);
            velocity.y    = Mathf.Max(0.5f, Mathf.Abs(velocity.y)) * Mathf.Sign(velocity.y);
            ball.Velocity = velocity;
Пример #5
    public void Initialize(ScenarioController controller)
        _sceneController = controller;

        var footData = new CollisionEventData
            CollisionEnterAction = OnFootCollisionEnter,
            CollisionExitAction  = OnFootCollisionExit

        var frontData = new CollisionEventData
            CollisionEnterAction = OnFrontCollisionEnter,
            CollisionExitAction  = OnFrontCollisionExit


        _rigidbody2D = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>();
 protected void NotifyTouchChanged(CollisionEventData col)
 public void Initialize(CollisionEventData data)
     _data        = data;
     _collider    = GetComponent <Collider2D>();
     _initialized = true;
Пример #8
 public static unsafe float HitTest(ref Collider coll, ref CollisionEventData collEvent,
                                    ref DynamicBuffer <BallInsideOfBufferElement> insideOf, in BallData ball, float dTime)
Пример #9
        public void CalculateDetailsTest()
            // Simple collision event with straight normal and 3 contact points
            CollisionEventDataRef collisionEventData;

                int length = CollisionEventData.CalculateSize(3);
                collisionEventData = new CollisionEventDataRef((CollisionEventData *)(UnsafeUtility.Malloc(length, 1, Allocator.Temp)));
            collisionEventData.Value.BodyIndices.BodyAIndex    = 0;
            collisionEventData.Value.BodyIndices.BodyBIndex    = 1;
            collisionEventData.Value.ColliderKeys.ColliderKeyA = ColliderKey.Empty;
            collisionEventData.Value.ColliderKeys.ColliderKeyB = ColliderKey.Empty;
            collisionEventData.Value.Normal = new float3(0.0f, -1.00000f, 0.0f);
            collisionEventData.Value.NumNarrowPhaseContactPoints = 3;
            collisionEventData.Value.SolverImpulse = 1.0f;

            // Initialize 3 contact points
            collisionEventData.Value.AccessContactPoint(0) =
                new ContactPoint
                Distance = 0.177905f,
                Position = new float3(-22.744950f, 2.585318f, -50.108990f)
            collisionEventData.Value.AccessContactPoint(1) =
                new ContactPoint
                Distance = 0.276652f,
                Position = new float3(-20.731140f, 2.486506f, -50.322240f)
            collisionEventData.Value.AccessContactPoint(2) =
                new ContactPoint
                Distance = 0.278534f,
                Position = new float3(-20.766140f, 2.484623f, -50.652630f)

            // Wrapping collision event
            CollisionEvent collisionEvent = new CollisionEvent();

            collisionEvent.EventData = collisionEventData;
            collisionEvent.TimeStep  = 1.0f / 60.0f;

            // Input velocity is obviously separating, but high angular velocity still caused an event
            collisionEvent.InputVelocityA = new Velocity
                Angular = new float3(-0.00064f, 11.17604f, 0.02133f),
                Linear  = new float3(-3.81205f, -0.56607f, 9.14945f)
            collisionEvent.InputVelocityB = new Velocity
                Angular = new float3(0.00000f, 0.00000f, 0.00000f),
                Linear  = new float3(0.00000f, 0.00000f, 0.00000f)

            // Allocate a simple world of 1 dynamic and 1 static body
            var simpleWorld      = new Physics.PhysicsWorld(1, 1, 0);
            var motionVelocities = simpleWorld.MotionVelocities;
            var motionDatas      = simpleWorld.MotionDatas;

            motionDatas[0] = new MotionData
                LinearDamping   = 0.0f,
                AngularDamping  = 0.0f,
                GravityFactor   = 1.0f,
                BodyFromMotion  = new RigidTransform(new quaternion(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f), new float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f)),
                WorldFromMotion = new RigidTransform(new quaternion(0.09212853f, 0.1400256f, -0.006776567f, -0.9858292f), new float3(-22.17587f, 0.5172966f, -52.24425f))
            motionVelocities[0] = new MotionVelocity
                LinearVelocity         = new float3(-3.81221f, -1.37538f, -15.41893f),
                AngularVelocity        = new float3(-7.30913f, -4.78899f, 1.14168f),
                InverseInertia         = new float3(0.00045f, 0.00045f, 0.00045f),
                InverseMass            = 0.00018f,
                AngularExpansionFactor = 2.05061f

            // Calculate the collision event details and make sure 1 contact point is returned
            var details = collisionEvent.CalculateDetails(ref simpleWorld);

            Assert.AreEqual(details.EstimatedContactPointPositions.Length, 1);

            // Dispose the world data
 /// <summary>
 /// Collides without triggering the animation, which is what the
 /// <see cref="Poly3DCollider"/> does.
 /// </summary>
 public static void Collide(ref BallData ball, ref NativeQueue <EventData> .ParallelWriter events,
                            ref CollisionEventData collEvent, ref DynamicBuffer <BallInsideOfBufferElement> insideOfs, in Collider coll)
            //bool sorted;

            internal void NotifyTouched(CollisionEventData col)
Пример #12
 public void Add(float distance, CollisionEventData data)
     _items.Add(new Tuple <float, CollisionEventData>(distance, data));
 public static void Collide(ref BallData ball, ref NativeQueue <EventData> .ParallelWriter events,
                            ref CollisionEventData collEvent, ref BumperRingAnimationData ringData, ref BumperSkirtAnimationData skirtData,
                            in Collider collider, in BumperStaticData data, ref Random random)
 protected void NotifyUnTouched(CollisionEventData col)
     //if (touch.touchedObjects.Contains(col.ColliderData.gameObject))
Пример #15
	protected override void OnPhysicsCollision( CollisionEventData eventData )
		var speed = eventData.PreVelocity.Length;
		var direction = Vector3.Reflect( eventData.PreVelocity.Normal, eventData.Normal.Normal ).Normal;
		Velocity = direction * MathF.Min( speed * SpeedMul, MaxSpeed );
Пример #16
 protected override void OnPhysicsCollision(CollisionEventData eventData)
Пример #17
 public void ReceiveCollision(CollisionEventData eventData)
 internal void NotifyUnTouched(CollisionEventData col)
 internal void NotifyTouchChanged(CollisionEventData col)