Пример #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("AddCollection Sample:");

            // ReSharper disable once UnusedVariable
            using (Library lib = new Library())
                Console.WriteLine("Initialized the library.");

                String sInput  = Library.ResourceDirectory + "Sample_Input/Attachments.pdf";
                String sOutput = "Portfolio.pdf";

                if (args.Length > 0)
                    sInput = args[0];

                Document doc = new Document(sInput);

                Console.WriteLine("Input file: " + sInput + ". Writing to " + sOutput);

                // Check if document already has collection
                Collection collection = doc.Collection;

                // if document doesn't have collection create it.
                if (collection == null)
                    collection = doc.Collection;

                // Create a couple of schema fields
                CollectionSchemaField field = new CollectionSchemaField("Description", SchemaFieldSubtype.Description);
                field.Name     = "DescriptionField";
                field.Index    = 0;
                field.Visible  = true;
                field.Editable = false;

                CollectionSchemaField field1 = new CollectionSchemaField("Number", SchemaFieldSubtype.Number);
                field1.Name     = "NumberField";
                field1.Index    = 1;
                field1.Visible  = true;
                field1.Editable = true;

                // Retrieve schema from collection.
                CollectionSchema schema = collection.Schema;

                // Add fields to the obtained schema.

                // Create sort collection.
                // Each element of the array is a name that identifies a field
                // described in the parent collection dictionary.
                // The array form is used to allow additional fields to contribute
                // to the sort, where each additional field is used to break ties.
                System.Collections.Generic.IList <CollectionSortItem> colSort =
                    new System.Collections.Generic.List <CollectionSortItem>();
                colSort.Add(new CollectionSortItem("Description", false));
                colSort.Add(new CollectionSortItem("Number", true));

                // Set sort array to the collection
                collection.Sort = colSort;

                // Set view mode
                collection.ChangeCollectionViewMode(CollectionViewType.Detail, CollectionSplitType.SplitPreview);

                int fieldsCount = schema.FieldsNumber;
                for (int i = 0; i < fieldsCount; ++i)
                    CollectionSchemaField fld = schema.GetField(i);
                    Console.WriteLine("Name: " + fld.Name + " Index:" + fld.Index);

                foreach (CollectionSortItem item in collection.Sort)
                    Console.WriteLine("Sort item name: " + item.Name + " Order:" + item.Ascending);

                doc.Save(SaveFlags.Full, sOutput);