private void SetCollabCtr(CollabCtr cc)
            lblCCId.Text      = cc.Id > 0 ? cc.Id.ToString() : "";
            txtCCName.Value   = cc.Name;
            txtCCAbbrv.Value  = cc.NameAbbrv;
            txtStartDate.Text = cc.StartDate != default(DateTime) ? Convert.ToDateTime(cc.StartDate).ToShortDateString() : "";
            txtEndDate.Text   = cc.EndDate != null?Convert.ToDateTime(cc.EndDate).ToShortDateString() : "";

            txtNextInvoiceDate.Text = cc.NextInvoiceDate != null?Convert.ToDateTime(cc.NextInvoiceDate).ToShortDateString() : "";

            txtName.Value            = cc.Contact;
            txtPhone.Value           = cc.Phone;
            txtEmail.Value           = cc.Email;
            txtFiscalName.Value      = cc.FiscalContact;
            txtFiscalPhone.Value     = cc.FiscalPhone;
            txtFiscalEmail.Value     = cc.FiscalEmail;
            txtFiscalMail1.Value     = cc.FiscalMail1;
            txtFiscalMail2.Value     = cc.FiscalMail2;
            txtFiscalCity.Value      = cc.City;
            ddlFiscalState.Value     = cc.State != null ? cc.State : "";
            txtFiscalZip.Value       = cc.ZipCode;
            ddlBillingSchedule.Value = cc.BillingSchedule != null ? cc.BillingSchedule : "";
            txtBillOther.Text        = cc.BillOther;
            txtMemo.Value            = cc.Memo;
        private CollabCtr GetCollabCtr(int ccId)
            DateTime  dt;
            CollabCtr cc = new CollabCtr()
                Id              = ccId,
                Name            = txtCCName.Value,
                NameAbbrv       = txtCCAbbrv.Value,
                StartDate       = DateTime.TryParse(txtStartDate.Text, out dt) ? dt : DateTime.Now,
                EndDate         = DateTime.TryParse(txtEndDate.Text, out dt) ? dt : (DateTime?)null,
                NextInvoiceDate = DateTime.TryParse(txtNextInvoiceDate.Text, out dt) ? dt : (DateTime?)null,
                Contact         = txtName.Value,
                Phone           = txtPhone.Value,
                Email           = txtEmail.Value,
                FiscalContact   = txtFiscalName.Value,
                FiscalPhone     = txtFiscalPhone.Value,
                FiscalEmail     = txtFiscalEmail.Value,
                FiscalMail1     = txtFiscalMail1.Value,
                FiscalMail2     = txtFiscalMail2.Value,
                City            = txtFiscalCity.Value,
                State           = ddlFiscalState.Value,
                ZipCode         = txtFiscalZip.Value,
                BillingSchedule = ddlBillingSchedule.Value,
                BillOther       = ddlBillingSchedule.Value == "Other" ? txtBillOther.Text : "",
                Memo            = txtMemo.Value,
                Creator         = Page.User.Identity.Name,
                CreateDate      = DateTime.Now

        private void ClearEditForm()
            CollabCtr newCtr = new CollabCtr();

            newCtr.StartDate = default(DateTime);

        private CollabCtr GetCollabCtrById(int id)
            CollabCtr ctr = null;

            using (ProjectTrackerContainer db = new ProjectTrackerContainer())
                ctr = db.CollabCtr.FirstOrDefault(t => t.Id == id);

        protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int ccId = 0;

            Int32.TryParse(lblCCId.Text, out ccId);

            CollabCtr cc = GetCollabCtr(ccId);

            if (SaveCC(cc) < 0)
                //error handling

            ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(),
                                                    "ModalScript", PageUtility.LoadEditScript(false), false);

        protected void rptCC_ItemCommand(Object sender, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e)
            if (((Button)e.CommandSource).Text.Equals("Edit"))
                lblCCId.Text = ((Button)e.CommandSource).CommandArgument;

                int id = 0;
                int.TryParse(lblCCId.Text, out id);

                if (id > 0)
                    CollabCtr cc = GetCollabCtrById(id);

                    if (cc != null)

                        ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(),
                                                                "ModalScript", PageUtility.LoadEditScript(true), false);
        private int SaveCC(CollabCtr cc)
            int ccid = -1;

                using (ProjectTrackerContainer db = new ProjectTrackerContainer())
                    if (cc.Id > 0) //update
                        var prevCC = db.CollabCtr.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Id == cc.Id);

                        if (prevCC != null)
                    else //new

                    ccid = cc.Id;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;

Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads Collaborative Center form given id.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id">Referred collab center id.</param>
        private void LoadCCForm(int id)
            collabCtrProjSxn.Visible       = true;
            collabCtrClientAgmtSxn.Visible = true;

            var dropDownSource        = new Dictionary <int, string>();
            var dropDownSourcewString = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            /// Populates dropdowns of projects and client agreements associated with the collaboration center.
            using (ProjectTrackerContainer db = new ProjectTrackerContainer())
                /// List of Collab Centers
                dropDownSource = db.CollabCtr
                                 .OrderBy(c => c.NameAbbrv)
                                 .Where(c => c.Id > 0)
                                 .Select(x => new { x.Id, FullName = (x.NameAbbrv + " | " + x.Name) })
                                 .ToDictionary(c => c.Id, c => c.FullName);
                PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlCollab, dropDownSource, string.Empty);

                /// Pulls list of projects associated with collaborative center OR
                /// if collaborative center is SONDH, pulls the projects with
                /// "MOU" listed as the grant payment.
                dropDownSource = db.Project2
                    p => p.GrantDepartmentFundingType,
                    ja => ja.Id,
                    (p, ja) => new { p, ja })
                                 .Where(y => y.p.ClientAgmt.FirstOrDefault().CollabCtrId == id ||
                                        (id == 116 &&
                                         y.ja.FirstOrDefault().Name == "School of Nursing & Dental Hygiene") &&
                                        (y.p.IsMOU == 1 || y.p.GrantOther.Contains("MOU") || (y.p.AknOther.Contains("MOU"))))
                                 .OrderByDescending(y => y.p.Id)
                                 .Select(x => new { x.p.Id, FullName = (x.p.Id + " " + x.p.Title).Substring(0, 150) })
                                 .ToDictionary(d => d.Id, d => d.FullName);

                PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlCollabCtrProjects, dropDownSource, "-- List of Projects for Collaborative Center --");

                /// Pulls list of Client Agreements associated with collaborative center.
                dropDownSourcewString = db.ClientAgmt
                                        .Join(db.CollabCtr, ca => ca.CollabCtrId, cct => cct.Id, (ca, cct) => new { ca, cct })
                                        .Where(z => == id)
                                        .OrderByDescending(y =>
                                        .Select(x => new { /**/, FullName = ( + " - " + + " - " + + " - Project ID " +, 150) })
                                        .ToDictionary(d => d.AgmtId, d => d.FullName);

                PageUtility.BindDropDownList(ddlCollabCtrClientAgmts, dropDownSourcewString, "-- List of Client Agreements for Collaborative Center --");

            CollabCtr cc = GetCollabCtrById(id);

            if (cc != null)

                if (cc.Id > 0)
                    ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, this.GetType(),
                                                            "ModalScript", PageUtility.LoadEditScript(true), false);