Пример #1
        public void CreateExpressionByTypeTest()
            var memberField = "myFieldName";

            var type   = typeof(string);
            var actual = CodeMethodComposer.CreateExpressionByType(type, memberField);

            Assert.IsInstanceOfType <CodePrimitiveExpression>(actual);
            Assert.AreEqual("Value of myFieldName", ((CodePrimitiveExpression)actual).Value);

            type   = typeof(Type);
            actual = CodeMethodComposer.CreateExpressionByType(type, memberField);
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType <CodeTypeOfExpression>(actual);
            Assert.AreEqual("System.Object", ((CodeTypeOfExpression)actual).Type.BaseType);
Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle property related stuff before type generation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">The context. Todo: remove it with specialized parameters after development.</param>
        /// <param name="typeMember">The type member.</param>
        /// <param name="builderData">The builder data.</param>
        /// <param name="testObjectName">Name of the test object member field.</param>
        /// <param name="propertyName">Name of the property.</param>
        /// <exception cref="NotImplementedException">The context of the builder does not supply a valid
        /// <see cref="ISetupAndTearDownCreationContext"/>.</exception>
        /// <exception cref="NotImplementedException">The context of the builder does not supply a valid
        /// <see cref="TestObjectComposer"/>.</exception>
        protected virtual void ComputeCodeMemberProperty(
            IMemberBuildContext context,
            CodeMemberMethod typeMember,
            IBuilderData builderData,
            string testObjectName,
            string propertyName)
            var propertyData = builderData as PropertyBuilderData;

            if (propertyData == null)

            var setAccessor = propertyData.SetAccessor;
            var getAccessor = propertyData.GetAccessor;

            if (getAccessor == null)

            if (setAccessor == null)
                // create the actual and expected var's here.
                // actualRef
                // expectedRef

            var propName = propertyData.PropertyName;

            // devel: how to create a string initializer from possible constructor setups of the 'SetUp' method.
            var co = context.SetUpTearDownContext as ISetupAndTearDownCreationContext;

            if (co == null)
                throw new NotImplementedException("The context of the builder does not supply a valid ISetupAndTearDownCreationContext.");

            // Todo: put these used methods into the interfaces of TestObjectComposer and maybe modify
            // ISetupAndTearDownContext that it provides the co.TestObjectCreator. ... or fix all this in the
            // pre-build?!!
            var creator = co.TestObjectCreator as TestObjectComposer;

            if (creator == null)
                throw new NotImplementedException("The context of the builder does not supply a valid TestObjectBuilder.");

            ConstructorAssignment ctorAssignment;
            var found = creator.TryFindConstructorAssignment(propName, out ctorAssignment, false);

            CodeExpression ctorAssignmentRight = CodeMethodComposer.CreateExpressionByType(getAccessor.ReturnType, propertyData.PropertyName);
            // CodeExpression ctorAssignmentRight = new CodePrimitiveExpression("Insert expected object here");
            var assertionKind = "AreEqual";

            if (found)
                // use the value of the ctor initializer.
                //ctorAssignmentRight = ctorAssignment.AssignStatement.Right;
                // use the field reference itself.
                ctorAssignmentRight = ctorAssignment.AssignStatement.Left;
                assertionKind       = "AreSame";

            typeMember.Statements.Add(new CodeSnippetStatement(string.Empty));
            typeMember.Statements.Add(new CodeCommentStatement("Test read access of '" + propName + "' Property."));

            var expectedAsign = new CodeVariableDeclarationStatement(


            var testObjRef  = new CodeTypeReferenceExpression(testObjectName);
            var testPropRef = new CodePropertyReferenceExpression(testObjRef, propName);
            var actualAsign = new CodeVariableDeclarationStatement("var", "actual", testPropRef);


            var assertExpr = new CodeMethodInvokeExpression(
                new CodeTypeReferenceExpression("Assert"),
                new CodeVariableReferenceExpression("expected"),
                new CodeVariableReferenceExpression("actual"));
