Пример #1
        public static CodeIgnoreType CheckForIgnoreType(CodeIgnoreType current, char c, int i = -1)
            CodeIgnoreType IgnoreType = current;

            if (c == '"')
                if (IgnoreType == CodeIgnoreType.None)
                    IgnoreType = CodeIgnoreType.String;
                else if (IgnoreType == CodeIgnoreType.String)
                    IgnoreType = CodeIgnoreType.None;

                LogIgnoreType(IgnoreType, c, i);

            if (c == "'"[0] && IgnoreType == CodeIgnoreType.None)
                IgnoreType = CodeIgnoreType.Char;
                LogIgnoreType(IgnoreType, c, i);
            else if (c == "'"[0] && IgnoreType == CodeIgnoreType.Char)
                IgnoreType = CodeIgnoreType.None;
                LogIgnoreType(IgnoreType, c, i);

Пример #2
        public static KeyValuePair <string, string> ConvertStringToArgumentsContainer(string Command, int startPosition = 0)
            string TypeName           = "";
            string ArgumentsContainer = "";

            bool           ParsingArgs = false;
            CodeIgnoreType IgnoreType  = CodeIgnoreType.None;

            for (int i = 0; i < Command.Length; i++)
                char c = Command[i];

                if (!ParsingArgs)
                    if (c == '(')
                        ParsingArgs = true;
                        IgnoreType  = CodeIgnoreType.None;

                    if (c == ';')

                    TypeName += c;
                    if (c == ';' && IgnoreType == CodeIgnoreType.None)

                    IgnoreType = CheckForIgnoreType(IgnoreType, c, i);

                    ArgumentsContainer += c;

            TypeName           = TypeName.Trim(SpacesAndTabs);
            ArgumentsContainer = ArgumentsContainer.Trim(SpacesAndTabs);

            if (ArgumentsContainer[ArgumentsContainer.Length - 1] != ')')
                throw new Exceptions.ParserException("Arguments container is invalid. Ending symbol is not found.");
                ArgumentsContainer = ArgumentsContainer.Remove(ArgumentsContainer.Length - 1, 1);

            return(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(TypeName, ArgumentsContainer));
Пример #3
        private static void LogIgnoreType(CodeIgnoreType IgnoreType, char c = '\0', int i = -1)
            if (!Variables.GetBool("parserDebug"))

            string idx = "";

            if (c != '\0')
                idx += ", char: " + c;

            if (i != -1)
                idx += ", at " + i.ToString();

            Debug.Log("Parser", $"({new StackTrace().GetFrame(2).GetMethod().Name}) IgnoreType = {IgnoreType.ToString()}{idx}", ConsoleColor.DarkBlue);
Пример #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Do not use namespaces. Use only for variables.
        /// To use namespace, type <code>using NamespaceName;</code>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Command">Command</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static object Resolve(string Command, object ParentVariable = null)
            bool ContainsDots = false;

            // this will make command without strings
            CodeIgnoreType IgnoreType = CodeIgnoreType.None;

            for (int i = 0; i < Command.Length; i++)
                char c = Command[i];

                IgnoreType = CheckForIgnoreType(IgnoreType, c, i);

                if (IgnoreType == CodeIgnoreType.None)
                    if (c == '.')
                        ContainsDots = true;

            if (!ContainsDots)
                return(new VNull());

            // return normal command
            string Name = Command;

            string[] Sections       = Name.Split('.');
            string   RealName       = Sections[Sections.Length - 1].Trim(EParser.SpacesAndTabs);
            int      AllSectionsLen = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < Sections.Length - 1; i++)
                AllSectionsLen += Sections[i].Length - 1;

            Name = RealName;

            string section      = "";
            object prevVariable = null;
            var    variable     = ParentVariable;
            bool   LookInside   = ParentVariable != null ? true : false;

            for (int i = 0; i < Sections.Length; i++)
                if (i >= 1)
                    section += '.';
                section += Sections[i];

                prevVariable = variable;
                variable     = Variables.Get(section, true);

                if (variable != null)
                    EClass c = EnvironmentManager.SearchForType(variable.GetType().Name);

                    foreach (var field in c.PropertiesAndFields)
                        if (field.Name == RealName)

                    foreach (var method in c.Methods)
                        if (method.Name == RealName)

                    throw new TypeAccessException($"Field/property/method '{RealName}' is not found in '{section}'");

            throw new TypeAccessException($"Type '{section}' is not found. If it's a namespace, do 'using' instead");
Пример #5
        private static object[] StaticArgsToArray(string ArgumentsContainer)
            // RULE: Ignore parser symbols in strings
            // Input: a,bc,";c:", d, Kek()
            // Output: [0] a
            //         [1] bc
            //         [2] ";c:"
            //         ...

            List <object>  result       = new List <object>();
            bool           InsideInvoke = false;
            CodeIgnoreType IgnoreType   = CodeIgnoreType.None;
            string         CurrentArg   = "";

            for (int i = 0; i < ArgumentsContainer.Length; i++)
                char c = ArgumentsContainer[i];

                IgnoreType = CheckForIgnoreType(IgnoreType, c, i);

                if (c == '(' && IgnoreType == CodeIgnoreType.None)
                    InsideInvoke = true;

                if (c == ')' && IgnoreType == CodeIgnoreType.None)
                    InsideInvoke = false;

                CurrentArg += c;

                if (IgnoreType == CodeIgnoreType.None && !InsideInvoke)
                    if (c == ',' || i == ArgumentsContainer.Length - 1) // command end/split thing
                        result.Add(CurrentArg.TrimEnd(new char[] { ',' }).Trim(SpacesAndTabs).TrimEnd(new char[] { ',' }));
                        CurrentArg = ""; // new command;

            for (int i = 0; i < result.Count; i++)
                var a    = result[i];
                var type = GetCommandType((string)a);
                if (IsCommandTypeCompatibleWith(type, CommandTypes.Method))
                    var invokeResult = Cmd.Process(((string)a) + ";", false);

                    if (invokeResult != null)
                        if (invokeResult.GetType() == typeof(string))
                            invokeResult = "\"" + invokeResult.ToString() + "\"";

                    result[i] = invokeResult;

                     * string varName = GlobalVars.RandomString(15);
                     * Variables.SetVariableObject(varName, invokeResult, new List<string>() { "Hidden" });
                     * result[i] = varName;
                     * ParserDebug.Log("Arg-invoke variable: " + varName);
                     * if (invokeResult != null)
                     *  ParserDebug.Log($"              Value: ({invokeResult.GetType().Name}) " + invokeResult.ToString());
                else if (type == CommandTypes.CastValue)
                    result[i] = ConvertStringToVar((string)a);

Пример #6
        public static string[] NormalizeInvokeLines(string Command)
            // Input example:
            // string a = "BB;;\\n;;;\n; ;;;BB";int test =KEK(a);      FAK(test); if (a == b){
            // kek }else{}

            // Output example:
            // [0] string a = "BB;;\n;;;
            //                 ; ;;;BB";
            // [1] int test =KEK(a, ";");
            // [2]       FAK(test);
            // [3] if (a == b){kek}else{} (TODO)

            // TODO:
            // string formatting (\n,\r...)

            // RULES:
            // Only strings can contain ; char which will be ignored
            // Strings must be in " and always has startign " and ending "

            // How to avoid ; in strings? :thinking:
            // SPLIT IT MANUALLY

            List <string> result = new List <string>();

            string           CurrentCmd  = "";
            CodeCommentTypes CommentType = CodeCommentTypes.None;
            CodeIgnoreType   IgnoreType  = CodeIgnoreType.None;

            for (int i = 0; i < Command.Length; i++)
                char c = Command[i];

                IgnoreType = CheckForIgnoreType(IgnoreType, c, i);

                // Code comment remover START
                if (IgnoreType == CodeIgnoreType.None && Command.Length >= 2)
                    if (Command[i] == '/' && Command[i + 1] == '*' && CommentType == CodeCommentTypes.None)
                        CommentType = CodeCommentTypes.MultiLineComment;
                    if (Command[i] == '/' && Command[i + 1] == '/' && CommentType == CodeCommentTypes.None)
                        CommentType = CodeCommentTypes.SingleLineComment;

                // Parsed string writer
                if (CommentType == CodeCommentTypes.None)
                    CurrentCmd += c;

                // Code comment remover END
                if (IgnoreType == CodeIgnoreType.None && Command.Length > i && i >= 1)
                    if (Command[i] == '/' && Command[i - 1] == '*' && CommentType == CodeCommentTypes.MultiLineComment)
                        CommentType = CodeCommentTypes.None;

                // Code line finalizer
                if (IgnoreType == CodeIgnoreType.None)
                    if (c == '\r' || c == '\n')
                    { // replace this with spaces, they will be removed later
                        c = ' ';
                        // disable singleline comment at the end of the line
                        if (CommentType == CodeCommentTypes.SingleLineComment)
                            CommentType = CodeCommentTypes.None;

                    // disable single line comment at the end of the command
                    if (i == Command.Length && CommentType == CodeCommentTypes.SingleLineComment)
                        CommentType = CodeCommentTypes.None;

                    if (c == ';' && CommentType == CodeCommentTypes.None) // command end/split thing
                        CommentType = CodeCommentTypes.None;
                        IgnoreType  = CodeIgnoreType.None;
                        CurrentCmd  = ""; // new command;

            //if (result.Count == 0)
            //    throw new Exceptions.ParserException("Can't normalize commands");
