/// <summary> Generates a barcode(with checksum) for a given string </summary> /// <param name="ItemID"> ItemID for the material </param> /// <param name="Action"> Indicates the Imaging action represented by this barcode</param> /// <param name="FilenameToSave"> Name of the output file to save </param> /// <returns>The url of the generated barcode GIF image</returns> public string Get_BarcodeImageUrl_from_string(int ItemID, string Action, string FilenameToSave) { string convertedItemID = int_to_base26(ItemID); string inputString = (convertedItemID + Action).ToUpper(); if (inputString == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("InputString"); } //Calculate the checksum int actionNum; Int32.TryParse(Action, out actionNum); int checksumInt = (ItemID + actionNum) % 26; string checksum = int_to_base26(checksumInt).ToUpper(); string barcodeString = inputString + checksum; string image_save_location = image_location + "\\" + FilenameToSave + ".gif"; //Generate the image Code39BarcodeDraw barcode39 = BarcodeDrawFactory.Code39WithoutChecksum; System.Drawing.Image barcode_image = barcode39.Draw(barcodeString, 60); //Save the image barcode_image.Save(@image_save_location, ImageFormat.Gif); string url = CurrentRequest.Base_URL + "temp/" + "tsBarcodes/" + ItemID; return(url + "/" + FilenameToSave + ".gif"); }
public String Get39BarCode(String barcode) { String token = CreateUniqueToken(); String Route = string.Format("{0}\\{1}.{2}", Directorio, token, Tipo.jpg); int maxheight = 40; Code39BarcodeDraw barcode39 = BarcodeDrawFactory.Code39WithoutChecksum; Image img = barcode39.Draw(barcode, maxheight); img.Save(Route, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg); return(Route); }
private void setBarcode(Document doc, PdfWriter writer, string barcode) { Code39BarcodeDraw barcode39 = BarcodeDrawFactory.Code39WithoutChecksum; System.Drawing.Image img = barcode39.Draw(barcode, 50); Image im = Image.GetInstance(img, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); float y = writer.GetVerticalPosition(false); im.SetAbsolutePosition(175, y + 28); doc.Add(im); PdfContentByte cb = writer.DirectContent; ColumnText ct = new ColumnText(cb); Phrase myText = new Phrase(barcode); ct.SetSimpleColumn(myText, 300, y + 28, 580, 317, 15, Element.ALIGN_LEFT); ct.Go(); }
/*private void xmlButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) * { * if (xmlOpenFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) * { * try * { * string xml = File.ReadAllText(xmlOpenFileDialog.FileName); * InvoiceModel invoice = _invoice.XmlDecode(xml); * try * { * _invoice.Add(invoice); * MessageBox.Show("Zapisano z XML'a do bazy"); * } * catch (Exception ex) * { * MessageBox.Show(ex.Message.ToString()); * } * * } * catch (Exception err) * { * MessageBox.Show(err.Message); * } * } * }*/ private void buttonKreskowe_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor; Dict si = comboBoxKreskowe.SelectedItem as Dict; string text = textBoxBarcode.Text; Image barcodeImage = null; switch (si.Key) { case "qr": CodeQrBarcodeDraw bd = BarcodeDrawFactory.CodeQr; barcodeImage = bd.Draw(text, 2, 2); break; case "code_11": if (Barcode.isValidCode11(text)) { Code11BarcodeDraw bd_code11 = BarcodeDrawFactory.Code11WithoutChecksum; barcodeImage = bd_code11.Draw(text, 60, 1); } else { MessageBox.Show("Wprowadzona wartość nie może zostać wygenerowana.\nCode 11 zawiera cyfry od 0 do 9 oraz łącznik (-)."); } break; case "code_39": if (Barcode.isValidCode39(text)) { Code39BarcodeDraw bd_code39 = BarcodeDrawFactory.Code39WithoutChecksum; barcodeImage = bd_code39.Draw(text, 60, 1); } else { MessageBox.Show("Wprowadzona wartość nie może zostać wygenerowana.\n" + "Code 39 zawiera wszystkie litery, cyfry od 0 do 9, następujące znaki specjalne \"-.$/+%\" i spacje."); } break; case "code_128": if (Barcode.isValidCode128(text)) { Code128BarcodeDraw bd_code128 = BarcodeDrawFactory.Code128WithChecksum; barcodeImage = bd_code128.Draw(text, 60, 1); } else { MessageBox.Show("Wprowadzona wartość nie może zostać wygenerowana.\n" + ""); } break; case "ean8": if (Barcode.isValidEan8(text)) { CodeEan8BarcodeDraw bd_ean8 = BarcodeDrawFactory.CodeEan8WithChecksum; barcodeImage = bd_ean8.Draw(text, 60, 1); } else { MessageBox.Show("Wprowadzona wartość nie może zostać wygenerowana.\n" + "Kod ten zawiera 8 cyfr, ale ostatni znak jest sumą kontrolną, więc należy wprowadzić 7 znaków."); } break; case "ean13": if (Barcode.isValidEan13(text)) { CodeEan13BarcodeDraw bd_ean13 = BarcodeDrawFactory.CodeEan13WithChecksum; barcodeImage = bd_ean13.Draw(text, 60, 1); } else { MessageBox.Show("Wprowadzona wartość nie może zostać wygenerowana.\n" + "Kod ten zawiera 13 cyfr, ale ostatni znak jest sumą kontrolną, więc należy wprowadzić 12 znaków."); } break; } if (barcodeImage != null) { Print print = new Print(); print.printBarcode(barcodeImage, text); pictureBoxKreskowe.Image = barcodeImage; } Cursor = Cursors.Default; }