private static object CoapSetDigitalOutputsTxt(CoapRequest Request, object DecodedPayload) { string s = DecodedPayload as string; byte Values; if (s == null && DecodedPayload is byte[]) { s = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString((byte[])DecodedPayload); } if (s == null || !byte.TryParse(s, out Values)) { throw new CoapException(CoapResponseCode.ClientError_BadRequest); } int i; bool b; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { b = (Values & 1) != 0; digitalOutputs [i].Value = b; state.SetDO(i + 1, b); Values >>= 1; } state.UpdateIfModified(); return(CoapResponseCode.Success_Changed); }
public byte[] Serialize(CoapRequest request) { using (var output = new MemoryStream()) { using (var writer = new EndianBinaryWriter(EndianBitConverter.Big, output)) { var version = (request.ProtocolVersion & 0x3) << 30; var type = ((int)request.MessageType & 0x3) << 28; var tokenLength = (request.Token.Length & 0xF) << 24; var messageCode = ((int)request.Method & 0xFF) << 16; var messageId = request.Id & 0xFFFF; var header = version | type | tokenLength | messageCode | messageId; writer.Write(header); writer.Write(request.Token); // Options SerializeOptions(writer, request.Options); // Payload if (request.Payload?.Length > 0) { writer.Write(Convert.ToByte(0xFF)); writer.Write(request.Payload); } } return(output.ToArray()); } }
private static object CoapSetAlarmOutputTxt(CoapRequest Request, object DecodedPayload) { string s = Request.PayloadDecoded as string; bool b; if (s == null && Request.PayloadDecoded is byte[]) { s = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Request.Payload); } if (s == null || !XmlUtilities.TryParseBoolean(s, out b)) { throw new CoapException(CoapResponseCode.ClientError_BadRequest); } if (b) { AlarmOn(); state.Alarm = true; } else { AlarmOff(); state.Alarm = false; } state.UpdateIfModified(); return(CoapResponseCode.Success_Changed); }
public async Task UnobserveAsync(string resourceUriString) { if (!channel.IsConnected) { await ConnectAsync(); } session.UpdateKeepAliveTimestamp(); if (observers.ContainsKey(resourceUriString)) { string tokenString = observers[resourceUriString]; byte[] token = Convert.FromBase64String(tokenString); ushort id = session.CoapSender.NewId(token, false); string scheme = channel.IsEncrypted ? "coaps" : "coap"; string coapUriString = GetCoapUriString(scheme, resourceUriString); CoapRequest request = new CoapRequest(id, RequestMessageType.NonConfirmable, MethodType.GET, new Uri(coapUriString), null) { Observe = false }; await channel.SendAsync(request.Encode()); session.CoapSender.Unobserve(Convert.FromBase64String(tokenString)); } }
public void SendMessage(NAE.Data.Telemetry message) { string jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(message); byte[] payload = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonString); if (messageId == ushort.MaxValue || messageId == 0) { messageId = 1; } string resource = ""; Uri requestUri = new Uri(String.Format("coaps://{0}/publish?topic={1}", CoapAuthority, resource)); CoapRequest request = new CoapRequest(messageId++, RequestMessageType.NonConfirmable, MethodType.POST, requestUri, MediaType.Json, payload); byte[] coap = request.Encode(); try { Task task = client.SendAsync(coap); Task.WhenAll(task); Trace.TraceInformation("Message sent to cloud."); Trace.TraceInformation(jsonString); } catch (Exception ex) { Trace.TraceWarning("Web Socket expection."); Trace.TraceError(ex.Message); } }
public async Task SubscribeAsync(Uri uri) { CoapRequest request = new CoapRequest(messageId++, RequestMessageType.NonConfirmable, MethodType.POST, uri, MediaType.Json); byte[] message = request.Encode(); await client.SendAsync(message); }
public async Task PublishAsync(string resourceUriString, string contentType, byte[] payload, bool confirmable, Action <CodeType, string, byte[]> action) { if (!channel.IsConnected) { await ConnectAsync(); } session.UpdateKeepAliveTimestamp(); byte[] token = CoapToken.Create().TokenBytes; ushort id = session.CoapSender.NewId(token, null, action); string scheme = channel.IsEncrypted ? "coaps" : "coap"; string coapUriString = GetCoapUriString(scheme, resourceUriString); RequestMessageType mtype = confirmable ? RequestMessageType.Confirmable : RequestMessageType.NonConfirmable; CoapRequest cr = new CoapRequest(id, mtype, MethodType.POST, token, new Uri(coapUriString), MediaTypeConverter.ConvertToMediaType(contentType), payload); queue.Enqueue(cr.Encode()); while (queue.Count > 0) { byte[] message = queue.Dequeue(); Task t = channel.SendAsync(message); await Task.WhenAll(t); } }
public static async Task <T> RequestAsync <T>(this ICoapClient client, CoapRequest request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var response = await client.RequestAsync(request, cancellationToken); var message = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(response.Payload); return(JsonSerializer.Deserialize <T>(message)); }
private static object CoapGetJson(CoapRequest Request, object Payload) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); ISensorDataExport SensorDataExport = new SensorDataJsonExport(sb); ExportSensorData(SensorDataExport, new ReadoutRequest(Request.ToHttpRequest())); return(JsonUtilities.Parse(sb.ToString())); }
CoapResponse ExecuteCoapRequest(CoapRequest coapRequest, PythonDictionary parameters) { var clientUid = Convert.ToString(parameters.get("client_uid", null)); var timeout = Convert.ToInt32(parameters.get("timeout", 1000)); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(clientUid)) { ICoapClient coapClient; lock (_clients) { if (!_clients.TryGetValue(clientUid, out coapClient)) { coapClient = CreateClient(parameters).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); _clients[clientUid] = coapClient; } } try { using (var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(timeout)) { lock (coapClient) { Console.WriteLine("SENDING COAP REQUEST"); return(coapClient.RequestAsync(coapRequest, cancellationTokenSource.Token).GetAwaiter().GetResult()); } } } catch { Console.WriteLine("CLOSING EXISTING COAP CLIENT"); coapClient.Dispose(); lock (_clients) { _clients.Remove(clientUid); } throw; } } CoapResponse coapResponse; using (var coapClient = CreateClient(parameters).GetAwaiter().GetResult()) { using (var cancellationTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(timeout)) { Console.WriteLine("SENDING COAP REQUEST"); coapResponse = coapClient.RequestAsync(coapRequest, cancellationTokenSource.Token).GetAwaiter().GetResult(); } Console.WriteLine("CLOSING COAP CLIENT"); } return(coapResponse); }
public static byte[] ConvertToCoap(CoapSession session, EventMessage message, byte[] observableToken = null) { CoapMessage coapMessage = null; CoapToken token = CoapToken.Create(); ushort id = observableToken == null?session.CoapSender.NewId(token.TokenBytes) : session.CoapSender.NewId(observableToken); string uriString = CoapUri.Create(session.Config.Authority, message.ResourceUri, IsEncryptedChannel); if (message.Protocol == ProtocolType.MQTT) { MqttMessage msg = MqttMessage.DecodeMessage(message.Message); PublishMessage pub = msg as PublishMessage; MqttUri uri = new MqttUri(pub.Topic); if (observableToken == null) { RequestMessageType messageType = msg.QualityOfService == QualityOfServiceLevelType.AtMostOnce ? RequestMessageType.NonConfirmable : RequestMessageType.Confirmable; //request coapMessage = new CoapRequest(id, messageType, MethodType.POST, new Uri(uriString), MediaTypeConverter.ConvertToMediaType(message.ContentType)); } else { //response coapMessage = new CoapResponse(id, ResponseMessageType.NonConfirmable, ResponseCodeType.Content, observableToken, MediaTypeConverter.ConvertToMediaType(uri.ContentType), msg.Payload); } } else if (message.Protocol == ProtocolType.COAP) { CoapMessage msg = CoapMessage.DecodeMessage(message.Message); if (observableToken == null) { //request coapMessage = new CoapRequest(id, msg.MessageType == CoapMessageType.Confirmable ? RequestMessageType.Confirmable : RequestMessageType.NonConfirmable, MethodType.POST, new Uri(uriString), MediaTypeConverter.ConvertToMediaType(message.ContentType), msg.Payload); } else { //response coapMessage = new CoapResponse(id, ResponseMessageType.NonConfirmable, ResponseCodeType.Content, observableToken, MediaTypeConverter.ConvertToMediaType(message.ContentType), msg.Payload); } } else { if (observableToken == null) { //request coapMessage = new CoapRequest(id, RequestMessageType.NonConfirmable, MethodType.POST, new Uri(uriString), MediaTypeConverter.ConvertToMediaType(message.ContentType), message.Message); } else { //response coapMessage = new CoapResponse(id, ResponseMessageType.NonConfirmable, ResponseCodeType.Content, observableToken, MediaTypeConverter.ConvertToMediaType(message.ContentType), message.Message); } } return(coapMessage.Encode()); }
public void Subscribe(Uri uri) { CoapRequest request = new CoapRequest(messageId++, RequestMessageType.NonConfirmable, MethodType.POST, uri, MediaType.Json); byte[] message = request.Encode(); Task task = client.SendAsync(message); Task.WaitAny(task); Trace.TraceInformation("Subscribed - {0}", uri.ToString()); }
private static object CoapGetDigitalOutputTxt(CoapRequest Request, object DecodedPayload) { int Index; if (!GetDigitalOutputIndex(Request, out Index)) { throw new CoapException(CoapResponseCode.ClientError_NotFound); } return(digitalOutputs [Index - 1].Value ? "1" : "0"); }
private static object CoapGetXml(CoapRequest Request, object Payload) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); ISensorDataExport SensorDataExport = new SensorDataXmlExport(sb, false, true); ExportSensorData(SensorDataExport, new ReadoutRequest(Request.ToHttpRequest())); XmlDocument Xml = new XmlDocument(); Xml.LoadXml(sb.ToString()); return(Xml); }
private async Task RunViaWebSocket() { if (! { Thread.Sleep(5000); } int index = 0; ushort id = 0; double gpsLatStart = 0; double gpsLonStart = 0; using (MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(Properties.Resources.RT_Telemetry_Test2))) { using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(stream)) { while (!reader.EndOfStream) { id++; string line = await reader.ReadLineAsync(); NAE.Data.Telemetry t = NAE.Data.Telemetry.Load(line); if (gpsLatStart == 0) { gpsLatStart = t.GpsLatitude; gpsLonStart = t.GpsLongitude; } t.GpsLatitudeStart = gpsLatStart; t.GpsLongitudeStart = gpsLonStart; t.RunId = this.runId; string jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(t); string coapUriString = String.Format("coaps://{0}", telemetryUriString); CoapRequest request = new CoapRequest(id, RequestMessageType.NonConfirmable, MethodType.POST, new Uri(coapUriString), MediaType.Json, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(jsonString)); byte[] message = request.Encode(); await ws.SendAsync(message); index++; Console.WriteLine("Sending message {0} sleeping 500ms AirSpeed {1}", index, t.GpsSpeedMph); Thread.Sleep(500); } } } }
private static object CoapGetDigitalOutputsTxt(CoapRequest Request, object DecodedPayload) { int i; byte b = 0; for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--) { b <<= 1; if (digitalOutputs [i].Value) { b |= 1; } } return(b.ToString()); }
private static object CoapGetTurtle(CoapRequest Request, object Payload) { try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); HttpServerRequest HttpRequest = Request.ToHttpRequest(); ISensorDataExport SensorDataExport = new SensorDataTurtleExport(sb, HttpRequest); ExportSensorData(SensorDataExport, new ReadoutRequest(HttpRequest)); return(sb.ToString()); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(ex); return(ex.Message); } }
public async Task UnsubscribeAsync(string resourceUriString, bool confirmable, Action <CodeType, string, byte[]> action) { if (!channel.IsConnected) { await ConnectAsync(); } session.UpdateKeepAliveTimestamp(); byte[] token = CoapToken.Create().TokenBytes; ushort id = session.CoapSender.NewId(token, null, action); string scheme = channel.IsEncrypted ? "coaps" : "coap"; string coapUriString = GetCoapUriString(scheme, config.Authority, resourceUriString); RequestMessageType mtype = confirmable ? RequestMessageType.Confirmable : RequestMessageType.NonConfirmable; CoapRequest cr = new CoapRequest(id, mtype, MethodType.DELETE, token, new Uri(coapUriString), null); await channel.SendAsync(cr.Encode()); }
private void KeepaliveTimer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e) { if (keepaliveTimestamp <= DateTime.UtcNow) { CoapToken token = CoapToken.Create(); ushort id = CoapSender.NewId(token.TokenBytes); CoapRequest ping = new CoapRequest { MessageId = id, Token = token.TokenBytes, Code = CodeType.EmptyMessage, MessageType = CoapMessageType.Confirmable }; OnKeepAlive?.Invoke(this, new CoapMessageEventArgs(ping)); } }
static async Task MainAsync(string[] args) { //using (var client = new HttpClient()) //{ // var request = new HttpRequest(HttpMethod.Get) // { // Uri = new Uri("") // }; // //request.SetHeader("Accept", "*/*"); // request.SetHeader("Connection", "close"); // Console.WriteLine("My request headers:"); // Console.WriteLine(request.BuildRequestHeader()); // var response = await client.Send(request); // Console.WriteLine("My response:"); // Console.WriteLine(response); //} // Test CoAP var request = new CoapRequest(CoapMethod.Post, CoapMessageType.Confirmable) { Id = 23, Options = new List <CoapOption> { new CoapOption(Option.UriPath, "storage"), new CoapOption(Option.ContentFormat, (int)MediaType.TextPlain) }, Payload = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("") }; var data = request.Serialize(); using (var client = new CoapUdpClient()) { var uri = new Uri("coap://localhost:5683"); var response = await client.Send(uri, data); } Console.ReadLine(); }
public async Task SubscribeAsync(string resourceUriString, NoResponseType nrt) { if (!channel.IsConnected) { await ConnectAsync(); } session.UpdateKeepAliveTimestamp(); byte[] token = CoapToken.Create().TokenBytes; ushort id = session.CoapSender.NewId(token); string scheme = channel.IsEncrypted ? "coaps" : "coap"; string coapUriString = GetCoapUriString(scheme, config.Authority, resourceUriString); CoapRequest cr = new CoapRequest(id, RequestMessageType.NonConfirmable, MethodType.PUT, token, new Uri(coapUriString), null); cr.NoResponse = nrt; await channel.SendAsync(cr.Encode()); }
private static object CoapGetRdf(CoapRequest Request, object Payload) { try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); HttpServerRequest HttpRequest = Request.ToHttpRequest(); ISensorDataExport SensorDataExport = new SensorDataRdfExport(sb, HttpRequest); ExportSensorData(SensorDataExport, new ReadoutRequest(HttpRequest)); XmlDocument Xml = new XmlDocument(); Xml.LoadXml(sb.ToString()); return(Xml); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception(ex); return(ex.Message); } }
private static bool GetDigitalOutputIndex(CoapRequest Request, out int Index) { CoapOptionUriPath Path; Index = 0; foreach (CoapOption Option in Request.Options) { if ((Path = Option as CoapOptionUriPath) != null && Path.Value.StartsWith("do")) { if (int.TryParse(Path.Value.Substring(2), out Index)) { return(true); } } } return(false); }
public async Task ObserveAsync(string resourceUriString, Action <CodeType, string, byte[]> action) { if (!channel.IsConnected) { await ConnectAsync(); } session.UpdateKeepAliveTimestamp(); byte[] token = CoapToken.Create().TokenBytes; ushort id = session.CoapSender.NewId(token, true, action); string scheme = channel.IsEncrypted ? "coaps" : "coap"; string coapUriString = GetCoapUriString(scheme, config.Authority, resourceUriString); CoapRequest cr = new CoapRequest(id, RequestMessageType.NonConfirmable, MethodType.GET, token, new Uri(coapUriString), null); cr.Observe = true; observers.Add(resourceUriString, Convert.ToBase64String(token)); byte[] observeRequest = cr.Encode(); await channel.SendAsync(observeRequest); }
public Task PublishAsync(string resourceUriString, string contentType, byte[] payload, NoResponseType nrt) { if (!channel.IsConnected) { Open(); Receive(); } session.UpdateKeepAliveTimestamp(); byte[] token = CoapToken.Create().TokenBytes; ushort id = session.CoapSender.NewId(token); string scheme = channel.IsEncrypted ? "coaps" : "coap"; string coapUriString = GetCoapUriString(scheme, config.Authority, resourceUriString); CoapRequest cr = new CoapRequest(id, RequestMessageType.NonConfirmable, MethodType.POST, new Uri(coapUriString), MediaTypeConverter.ConvertToMediaType(contentType), payload); cr.NoResponse = nrt; return(channel.SendAsync(cr.Encode())); }
private static object CoapSetDigitalOutputTxt(CoapRequest Request, object DecodedPayload) { int Index; if (!GetDigitalOutputIndex(Request, out Index)) { throw new CoapException(CoapResponseCode.ClientError_NotFound); } string s = Request.PayloadDecoded as string; bool b; if (s == null && Request.PayloadDecoded is byte[]) { s = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Request.Payload); } if (s == null || !XmlUtilities.TryParseBoolean(s, out b)) { throw new CoapException(CoapResponseCode.ClientError_BadRequest); } if (b) { digitalOutputs [Index - 1].High(); state.SetDO(Index, true); } else { digitalOutputs [Index - 1].Low(); state.SetDO(Index, false); } state.UpdateIfModified(); return(CoapResponseCode.Success_Changed); }
static async Task Main() { var optionBuilder = new CoapMessageOptionFactory(); var coapClient = new CoapFactory().CreateClient(); Console.WriteLine("CONNECTING..."); var request = new CoapRequest { Method = CoapRequestMethod.Get, Uri = "15001" }; await coapClient.ConnectAsync(new CoapClientConnectOptions { Host = "", Port = 5684, TransportLayer = new UdpWithDtlsCoapTransportLayer() { Credentials = new PreSharedKey { Identity = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("IDENTITY"), Key = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("lqxbBH6o2eAKSo5A") } } }, CancellationToken.None); var response = await coapClient.Request(request, CancellationToken.None); Console.WriteLine("DATA RECEIVED"); Console.WriteLine("Code = " + response.StatusCode); Console.WriteLine("Payload = " + Encoding.ASCII.GetString(response.Payload.ToArray())); Console.ReadLine(); }
private static object CoapGetXml (CoapRequest Request, object Payload) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); ISensorDataExport SensorDataExport = new SensorDataXmlExport (sb, false, true); ExportSensorData (SensorDataExport, new ReadoutRequest (Request.ToHttpRequest ())); XmlDocument Xml = new XmlDocument (); Xml.LoadXml (sb.ToString ()); return Xml; }
private static object CoapSetAlarmOutputTxt (CoapRequest Request, object DecodedPayload) { string s = Request.PayloadDecoded as string; bool b; if (s == null && Request.PayloadDecoded is byte[]) s = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString (Request.Payload); if (s == null || !XmlUtilities.TryParseBoolean (s, out b)) throw new CoapException (CoapResponseCode.ClientError_BadRequest); if (b) { AlarmOn (); state.Alarm = true; } else { AlarmOff (); state.Alarm = false; } state.UpdateIfModified (); return CoapResponseCode.Success_Changed; }
private static object CoapGetAlarmOutputTxt (CoapRequest Request, object DecodedPayload) { return alarmThread != null ? "1" : "0"; }
private static object CoapSetDigitalOutputsTxt (CoapRequest Request, object DecodedPayload) { string s = DecodedPayload as string; byte Values; if (s == null && DecodedPayload is byte[]) s = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString ((byte[])DecodedPayload); if (s == null || !byte.TryParse (s, out Values)) throw new CoapException (CoapResponseCode.ClientError_BadRequest); int i; bool b; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) { b = (Values & 1) != 0; digitalOutputs [i].Value = b; state.SetDO (i + 1, b); Values >>= 1; } state.UpdateIfModified (); return CoapResponseCode.Success_Changed; }
private static object CoapGetDigitalOutputsTxt (CoapRequest Request, object DecodedPayload) { int i; byte b = 0; for (i = 7; i >= 0; i--) { b <<= 1; if (digitalOutputs [i].Value) b |= 1; } return b.ToString (); }
private static object CoapSetDigitalOutputTxt (CoapRequest Request, object DecodedPayload) { int Index; if (!GetDigitalOutputIndex (Request, out Index)) throw new CoapException (CoapResponseCode.ClientError_NotFound); string s = Request.PayloadDecoded as string; bool b; if (s == null && Request.PayloadDecoded is byte[]) s = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString (Request.Payload); if (s == null || !XmlUtilities.TryParseBoolean (s, out b)) throw new CoapException (CoapResponseCode.ClientError_BadRequest); if (b) { digitalOutputs [Index - 1].High (); state.SetDO (Index, true); } else { digitalOutputs [Index - 1].Low (); state.SetDO (Index, false); } state.UpdateIfModified (); return CoapResponseCode.Success_Changed; }
private static bool GetDigitalOutputIndex (CoapRequest Request, out int Index) { CoapOptionUriPath Path; Index = 0; foreach (CoapOption Option in Request.Options) { if ((Path = Option as CoapOptionUriPath) != null && Path.Value.StartsWith ("do")) { if (int.TryParse (Path.Value.Substring (2), out Index)) return true; } } return false; }
private static object CoapGetDigitalOutputTxt (CoapRequest Request, object DecodedPayload) { int Index; if (!GetDigitalOutputIndex (Request, out Index)) throw new CoapException (CoapResponseCode.ClientError_NotFound); return digitalOutputs [Index - 1].Value ? "1" : "0"; }
private static object CoapGetRdf (CoapRequest Request, object Payload) { try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); HttpServerRequest HttpRequest = Request.ToHttpRequest (); ISensorDataExport SensorDataExport = new SensorDataRdfExport (sb, HttpRequest); ExportSensorData (SensorDataExport, new ReadoutRequest (HttpRequest)); XmlDocument Xml = new XmlDocument (); Xml.LoadXml (sb.ToString ()); return Xml; } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception (ex); return ex.Message; } }
private static object CoapGetTurtle (CoapRequest Request, object Payload) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); HttpServerRequest HttpRequest = Request.ToHttpRequest (); ISensorDataExport SensorDataExport = new SensorDataTurtleExport (sb, HttpRequest); ExportSensorData (SensorDataExport, new ReadoutRequest (HttpRequest)); return sb.ToString (); }
public void Connect() { if (client != null && client.IsConnected) { return; } if (client == null) { client = new WebSocketClient(); } if (client.IsConnected) { Task closeTask = client.CloseAsync(); Task.WaitAny(closeTask); if (OnStatusChange != null) { OnStatusChange(this, "Closed"); } client = null; } if (OnStatusChange != null) { OnStatusChange(this, "Connecting"); } client = new WebSocketClient(); client.OnClose += client_OnClose; client.OnError += client_OnError; client.OnOpen += client_OnOpen; client.OnMessage += client_OnMessage; Task task = Task.Factory.StartNew(async() => { await client.ConnectAsync(host, subprotocol, token); }); Task.WhenAll(task); while (!client.IsConnected) { Thread.Sleep(100); } if (OnStatusChange != null) { OnStatusChange(this, "Connected"); } foreach (Uri uri in subscriptions) { CoapRequest request = new CoapRequest(messageId++, RequestMessageType.NonConfirmable, MethodType.POST, uri, MediaType.Json); client.Send(request.Encode()); //Task subTask = client.SendAsync(request.Encode()); //Task.WaitAll(subTask); } }
private static object CoapGetAlarmOutputTxt(CoapRequest Request, object DecodedPayload) { return(alarmThread != null ? "1" : "0"); }
private static object CoapGetJson (CoapRequest Request, object Payload) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); ISensorDataExport SensorDataExport = new SensorDataJsonExport (sb); ExportSensorData (SensorDataExport, new ReadoutRequest (Request.ToHttpRequest ())); return JsonUtilities.Parse (sb.ToString ()); }
private static object CoapGetTurtle (CoapRequest Request, object Payload) { try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder (); HttpServerRequest HttpRequest = Request.ToHttpRequest (); ISensorDataExport SensorDataExport = new SensorDataTurtleExport (sb, HttpRequest); ExportSensorData (SensorDataExport, new ReadoutRequest (HttpRequest)); return sb.ToString (); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Exception (ex); return ex.Message; } }
public override object GET(CoapRequest Request, object DecodedPayload) { CoapOptionUriPath[] Path = Request.SubPath; int c = Path.Length; Node Node; if (c == 0) { Node = Topology.Root; if (!Node.IsVisible(this.user)) { Node = null; } } else { Node = Topology.GetNode(HttpUtilities.UrlDecode(Path[c - 1].Value), false, this.user); } if (Node == null) { throw new CoapException(CoapResponseCode.ClientError_NotFound); } if (!Node.IsReadable) { return(string.Empty); } ReadoutType Types = (ReadoutType)0; DateTime From = DateTime.MinValue; DateTime To = DateTime.MaxValue; CoapOptionUriQuery Parameter; DateTime TP; string s, Name, Value; int i; bool b; foreach (CoapOption Option in Request.Options) { if ((Parameter = Option as CoapOptionUriQuery) != null) { s = Parameter.Value; i = s.IndexOf('='); if (i < 0) { continue; } Name = s.Substring(0, i); Value = s.Substring(i + 1); switch (Name.ToLower()) { case "all": if (XmlUtilities.TryParseBoolean(Value, out b)) { if (b) { Types |= ReadoutType.All; } else { throw new CoapException(CoapResponseCode.ClientError_BadRequest); } } break; case "historical": if (XmlUtilities.TryParseBoolean(Value, out b)) { if (b) { Types |= ReadoutType.HistoricalValues; } else { throw new CoapException(CoapResponseCode.ClientError_BadRequest); } } break; case "momentary": if (XmlUtilities.TryParseBoolean(Value, out b)) { if (b) { Types |= ReadoutType.MomentaryValues; } else { throw new CoapException(CoapResponseCode.ClientError_BadRequest); } } break; case "peak": if (XmlUtilities.TryParseBoolean(Value, out b)) { if (b) { Types |= ReadoutType.PeakValues; } else { throw new CoapException(CoapResponseCode.ClientError_BadRequest); } } break; case "status": if (XmlUtilities.TryParseBoolean(Value, out b)) { if (b) { Types |= ReadoutType.StatusValues; } else { throw new CoapException(CoapResponseCode.ClientError_BadRequest); } } break; case "computed": if (XmlUtilities.TryParseBoolean(Value, out b)) { if (b) { Types |= ReadoutType.Computed; } else { throw new CoapException(CoapResponseCode.ClientError_BadRequest); } } break; case "identity": if (XmlUtilities.TryParseBoolean(Value, out b)) { if (b) { Types |= ReadoutType.Identity; } else { throw new CoapException(CoapResponseCode.ClientError_BadRequest); } } break; case "historicalSecond": if (XmlUtilities.TryParseBoolean(Value, out b)) { if (b) { Types |= ReadoutType.HistoricalValuesSecond; } else { throw new CoapException(CoapResponseCode.ClientError_BadRequest); } } break; case "historicalMinute": if (XmlUtilities.TryParseBoolean(Value, out b)) { if (b) { Types |= ReadoutType.HistoricalValuesMinute; } else { throw new CoapException(CoapResponseCode.ClientError_BadRequest); } } break; case "historicalHour": if (XmlUtilities.TryParseBoolean(Value, out b)) { if (b) { Types |= ReadoutType.HistoricalValuesHour; } else { throw new CoapException(CoapResponseCode.ClientError_BadRequest); } } break; case "historicalDay": if (XmlUtilities.TryParseBoolean(Value, out b)) { if (b) { Types |= ReadoutType.HistoricalValuesDay; } else { throw new CoapException(CoapResponseCode.ClientError_BadRequest); } } break; case "historicalWeek": if (XmlUtilities.TryParseBoolean(Value, out b)) { if (b) { Types |= ReadoutType.HistoricalValuesWeek; } else { throw new CoapException(CoapResponseCode.ClientError_BadRequest); } } break; case "historicalMonth": if (XmlUtilities.TryParseBoolean(Value, out b)) { if (b) { Types |= ReadoutType.HistoricalValuesMonth; } else { throw new CoapException(CoapResponseCode.ClientError_BadRequest); } } break; case "historicalQuarter": if (XmlUtilities.TryParseBoolean(Value, out b)) { if (b) { Types |= ReadoutType.HistoricalValuesQuarter; } else { throw new CoapException(CoapResponseCode.ClientError_BadRequest); } } break; case "historicalYear": if (XmlUtilities.TryParseBoolean(Value, out b)) { if (b) { Types |= ReadoutType.HistoricalValuesYear; } else { throw new CoapException(CoapResponseCode.ClientError_BadRequest); } } break; case "historicalOther": if (XmlUtilities.TryParseBoolean(Value, out b)) { if (b) { Types |= ReadoutType.HistoricalValuesOther; } else { throw new CoapException(CoapResponseCode.ClientError_BadRequest); } } break; case "from": if (XmlUtilities.TryParseDateTimeXml(Value, out TP)) { From = TP; } break; case "to": if (XmlUtilities.TryParseDateTimeXml(Value, out TP)) { To = TP; } break; } } } if ((int)Types == 0) { Types = ReadoutType.All; } try { Field[] Fields = Node.SynchronousReadout(Types, From, To, 10000); FieldResult Result = new FieldResult(Node, true, null, Fields); string Xml = Result.ExportXmppXep0323XmlString(0); XmlDocument Doc = new XmlDocument(); Doc.LoadXml(Xml); return(Doc); } catch (Exception) { throw new CoapException(CoapResponseCode.ServerError_ServiceUnavailable); } }