public void Test_Training()
            double[][] clusterCentars = new double[3][];
            clusterCentars[0] = new double[] { 5.0, 5.0 };
            clusterCentars[1] = new double[] { 15.0, 15.0 };
            clusterCentars[2] = new double[] { 30.0, 30.0 };

            string[] attributes = new string[] { "Height", "Weight" };

            var rawData = Helpers.CreateSampleData(clusterCentars, 2, 10000, 0.5);

            int numAttributes = attributes.Length; // 2 in this demo (height,weight)
            int numClusters   = 3;                 // vary this to experiment (must be between 2 and number data tuples)
            int maxCount      = 300;               // trial and error

            ClusteringSettings clusterSettings = new ClusteringSettings(maxCount, numClusters, numAttributes, KmeansAlgorithm: 1, Replace: true);

            AnomalyDetectionAPI      kmeanApi = new AnomalyDetectionAPI(clusterSettings); //AnomalyDetectionAPI(clusterSettings), Constractor should not be null when run Training()
            AnomalyDetectionResponse response;

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                response = kmeanApi.Training(rawData, clusterCentars);

                Assert.True(response.Code == 0);

            //Save Cluster and Instance in json
            response = kmeanApi.Save("interface.json");

            Assert.True(response.Code == 0);
        public void Test_Save()
            double[][] clusterCenters = new double[3][];
            clusterCenters[0] = new double[] { 5.0, 5.0 };
            clusterCenters[1] = new double[] { 15.0, 15.0 };
            clusterCenters[2] = new double[] { 30.0, 30.0 };

            string[] attributes = new string[] { "Height", "Weight" };

            int numAttributes = attributes.Length; // 2 in this demo (height,weight)
            int numClusters   = 3;                 // vary this to experiment (must be between 2 and number data tuples)
            int maxCount      = 300;               // trial and error

            ClusteringSettings settings = new ClusteringSettings(maxCount, numClusters, numAttributes, KmeansAlgorithm: 2);

            // Creates learning api object
            LearningApi api = new LearningApi(loadDescriptor());

            // creates data
            var             rawData = Helpers.CreateSampleData(clusterCenters, 2, 10000, 0.5);
            KMeansAlgorithm kMeans  = new KMeansAlgorithm(settings);
            // train
            var response = kMeans.Run(rawData, api.Context);

            string fileName = "Test01.json";

            kMeans.Save(rootFolder + fileName);
        public void Test()
            AnomalyDetectionAPI      AnoDet_Api = new AnomalyDetectionAPI(null, 0);
            ClusteringSettings       Settings;
            SaveLoadSettings         SaveObject;
            SaveLoadSettings         LoadObject;
            AnomalyDetectionResponse ImportData;

            //TODO: Remove user specific paths from application.
            string FilePath = @"C:\Users\mhoshen\Desktop\DataSet\SampleDataSet.csv";

            double[][] RawData  = Helpers.cSVtoDoubleJaggedArray(FilePath);
            string     SavePath = @"C:\Users\mhoshen\Desktop\DataSet" + "json";

            ImportData = SaveLoadSettings.JSON_Settings(SavePath, out SaveObject, true);
            string LoadimpPath = @"C:\Users\mhoshen\Desktop\DataSet" + ".json";

            ImportData = SaveLoadSettings.JSON_Settings(LoadimpPath, out LoadObject, true);
            int kmeansMaxIterations = 5;
            int numClusters         = 2;
            int numOfAttributes     = 2;

            if (LoadimpPath.Contains("DataSet"))
                Settings = new ClusteringSettings(RawData, kmeansMaxIterations, numClusters, numOfAttributes, SaveObject, Replace: true);
                Settings = new ClusteringSettings(RawData, kmeansMaxIterations, numClusters, numOfAttributes, SaveObject, 1, false, LoadObject, Replace: true);

            ImportData = AnoDet_Api.ImportNewDataForClustering(Settings);
        public void Test_FunctionRecognitionModuleSave(int MinNoiseForPrediction, int MaxNoiseForPrediction)
            #region Train and Save
            var batch = 100;

            var funcData = FunctionGenerator.CreateFunction(500, 2, 2 * Math.PI / 100);

            LearningApi api = new LearningApi();
            api.UseActionModule <object, double[][]>((notUsed, ctx) =>
                var similarFuncData = FunctionGenerator.CreateSimilarFromReferenceFunc(funcData.ToArray(), 7, 10);

                double[][] formattedData = formatData(similarFuncData);


            double[][] initCentroids = new double[4][];
            initCentroids[0] = new double[] { 1.53, 0.63 };
            initCentroids[1] = new double[] { 4.68, -0.63 };
            initCentroids[2] = new double[] { 7.85, 0.62 };
            initCentroids[3] = new double[] { 10.99, -0.64 };

            ClusteringSettings settings = new ClusteringSettings(0, numClusters: 4, numDims: 2, KmeansAlgorithm: 2, initialCentroids: initCentroids, tolerance: 0)
                KmeansMaxIterations = 1000


            KMeansFunctionRecognitonScore res;

            while (batch-- > 0)
                res = api.RunBatch() as KMeansFunctionRecognitonScore;


            #region Load And Predict
            var api2       = LearningApi.Load("sinusmodel");
            var noisedFunc = FunctionGenerator.CreateSimilarFromReferenceFunc(funcData.ToArray(), MinNoiseForPrediction, MaxNoiseForPrediction);

            double[][] data = formatData(noisedFunc);

            var predictionResult = api2.Algorithm.Predict(data, null) as KMeansFunctionRecognitionResult;

            // TRUE positives
            if (MaxNoiseForPrediction <= 10)
                Assert.True(predictionResult.Loss == 1.0);
            // TRUE negatives
            else if (MaxNoiseForPrediction >= 25)
                Assert.False(predictionResult.Loss == 1.0);
        public void TestClusterCalcuation()
            // In test we know where are positions of centroids.
            // We will now create data around known centroids and let alorithm
            // find centroids.
            double[][] clusterCentars = new double[3][];
            clusterCentars[0] = new double[] { 5.0, 5.0 };
            clusterCentars[1] = new double[] { 15.0, 15.0 };
            clusterCentars[2] = new double[] { 30.0, 30.0 };

            string[] attributes = new string[] { "Height", "Weight" };

            var rawData = Helpers.CreateSampleData(clusterCentars, 2, 10000, 0.5);

            int numAttributes = attributes.Length; // 2 in this demo (height,weight)
            int numClusters   = 3;                 // vary this to experiment (must be between 2 and number data tuples)
            int maxCount      = 300;               // trial and error

            SaveLoadSettings persistenceProviderSettings;

            var resp = SaveLoadSettings.JSON_Settings("model.json", out persistenceProviderSettings, false);

            AnomalyDetectionAPI      kmeanApi        = new AnomalyDetectionAPI(rawData, numClusters);
            ClusteringSettings       clusterSettings = new ClusteringSettings(rawData, maxCount, numClusters, numAttributes, persistenceProviderSettings, KmeansAlgorithm: 1, Replace: true);
            AnomalyDetectionResponse response        = kmeanApi.ImportNewDataForClustering(clusterSettings);

            Assert.True(response.Code == 0);

            int detectedCluster;

            double[] Sample = new double[] { 26, 28 };
            CheckingSampleSettings SampleSettings = new CheckingSampleSettings(null, Sample, 3);

            response = kmeanApi.CheckSample(SampleSettings, out detectedCluster);
            Assert.True(response.Code == 0);
            Assert.True(detectedCluster == 0);

            double[] Sample2 = new double[] { 150, 16 };
            CheckingSampleSettings SampleSettings2 = new CheckingSampleSettings(null, Sample2, 3);

            response = kmeanApi.CheckSample(SampleSettings2, out detectedCluster);
            Assert.True(response.Code == 1);
            Assert.True(detectedCluster == -1);// Out of all clusters.

            double[] Sample3 = new double[] { 16, 14 };
            CheckingSampleSettings SampleSettings3 = new CheckingSampleSettings(null, Sample3, 3);

            response = kmeanApi.CheckSample(SampleSettings3, out detectedCluster);
            Assert.True(response.Code == 0);
            Assert.True(detectedCluster == 1);

            double[] Sample4 = new double[] { 6, 4 };
            CheckingSampleSettings SampleSettings4 = new CheckingSampleSettings(null, Sample4, 3);

            response = kmeanApi.CheckSample(SampleSettings4, out detectedCluster);
            Assert.True(response.Code == 0);
            Assert.True(detectedCluster == 2);
Пример #6
        public void Test_LoadSave()
            string moduleName = "test-action";

            double[][] clusterCentars = new double[3][];
            clusterCentars[0] = new double[] { 5.0, 5.0 };
            clusterCentars[1] = new double[] { 15.0, 15.0 };
            clusterCentars[2] = new double[] { 30.0, 30.0 };

            string[] attributes = new string[] { "Height", "Weight" };

            int numAttributes = attributes.Length; // 2 in this demo (height,weight)
            int numClusters   = 3;                 // vary this to experiment (must be between 2 and number data tuples)
            int maxCount      = 300;               // trial and error

            ClusteringSettings settings = new ClusteringSettings(maxCount, numClusters, numAttributes, KmeansAlgorithm: 1);

            // Creates learning api object
            LearningApi api = new LearningApi(loadDescriptor());

            // Defines action method, which will generate training data.
            api.UseActionModule <object, double[][]>((data, ctx) =>
                var rawData = Helpers.CreateSampleData(clusterCentars, 2, 10000, 0.5);
            }, moduleName);


            var resp = api.Run() as KMeansScore;

            Assert.True(resp.Model.Clusters != null);
            Assert.True(resp.Model.Clusters.Length == clusterCentars.Length);

            var result = api.Algorithm.Predict(clusterCentars, api.Context) as KMeansResult;

            Assert.True(result.PredictedClusters[0] == 0);
            Assert.True(result.PredictedClusters[1] == 1);
            Assert.True(result.PredictedClusters[2] == 2);

            // This is where trained model is saved.

            // Loads the saved model.
            var loadedApi = LearningApi.Load(nameof(TestLoadSave));

            // Because we have used action method in the LearningApi, we will have to setup it again.
            // This is not required because API design limitation. It is restriction of .NET framework. It cannot persist code.
            loadedApi.ReplaceActionModule <object, double[][]>(moduleName, (data, ctx) =>
                var rawData = Helpers.CreateSampleData(clusterCentars, 2, 10000, 0.5);

Пример #7
        public void ContinuousTrainData()
            double[][] initialCentroids = new double[4][];
            initialCentroids[0] = new double[] { 0.2, -4.0 };
            initialCentroids[1] = new double[] { 0.2, -6.0 };
            initialCentroids[2] = new double[] { 0.4, -4.0 };
            initialCentroids[3] = new double[] { 0.4, -6.0 };

            string[] attributes = new string[] { "x", "y" };

            int numAttributes = attributes.Length;  // 2 in this demo (x,y)
            int numClusters   = 4;
            int maxCount      = 300;

            SaveLoadSettings sett;

            var resp = SaveLoadSettings.JSON_Settings(@"C:\Data\Function1.json", out sett, true);

            AnomalyDetectionAPI kmeanApi = new AnomalyDetectionAPI(null, numClusters);

            LearningApi api = new LearningApi(loadMetaData1());

            api.UseActionModule <object[][], object[][]>((input, ctx) =>
                var rawDatalist = getRealDataSample(@"C:\Data\Function1.csv").ToList();

                double[][] oldSamples;

                var nn = kmeanApi.GetPreviousSamples(sett, out oldSamples);

                if (oldSamples != null)
                    foreach (var old in oldSamples)
                        var row = old.Cast <object>().ToArray();

            //this call must be first in the pipeline


            var rawData = api.Run() as double[][];


            ClusteringSettings Settings = new ClusteringSettings(rawData, maxCount, numClusters, numAttributes, sett, KmeansAlgorithm: 1, InitialGuess: true, Replace: true);

            AnomalyDetectionResponse response = kmeanApi.ImportNewDataForClustering(Settings);
Пример #8
        public void Test_LoadSave()
            string moduleName = "test-action";

            double[][] clusterCentars = new double[3][];
            clusterCentars[0] = new double[] { 5.0, 5.0 };
            clusterCentars[1] = new double[] { 15.0, 15.0 };
            clusterCentars[2] = new double[] { 30.0, 30.0 };

            string[] attributes = new string[] { "Height", "Weight" };

            int numAttributes = attributes.Length; // 2 in this demo (height,weight)
            int numClusters   = 3;                 // vary this to experiment (must be between 2 and number data tuples)
            int maxCount      = 300;               // trial and error

            ClusteringSettings settings = new ClusteringSettings(maxCount, numClusters, numAttributes, KmeansAlgorithm: 1);

            // Creates learning api object
            LearningApi api = new LearningApi(loadDescriptor());

            api.UseActionModule <object, double[][]>((data, ctx) =>
                var rawData = Helpers.CreateSampleData(clusterCentars, 2, 10000, 0.5);
            }, moduleName);


            var resp = api.Run() as KMeansScore;

            Assert.True(resp.Model.Clusters != null);
            Assert.True(resp.Model.Clusters.Length == clusterCentars.Length);

            var result = api.Algorithm.Predict(clusterCentars, api.Context) as KMeansResult;

            Assert.True(result.PredictedClusters[0] == 0);
            Assert.True(result.PredictedClusters[1] == 1);
            Assert.True(result.PredictedClusters[2] == 2);


            var loadedApi = LearningApi.Load(nameof(LoadSaveTests));

            loadedApi.ReplaceActionModule <object, double[][]>(moduleName, (data, ctx) =>
                var rawData = Helpers.CreateSampleData(clusterCentars, 2, 10000, 0.5);

        //Main functions

        public AnomalyDetectionResponse ImportNewDataForClustering(ClusteringSettings Settings)
            Random rnd = new Random();
            int    n   = rnd.Next(1);

            if (n == 0)
                return(new AnomalyDetectionResponse(0, "Clustering Complete. K-means converged at iteration: 5"));
                return(new AnomalyDetectionResponse(0, "Clustering Complete. K-means stopped at the maximum allowed iteration: 300"));
Пример #10
        public void Training()
            int cnt = 0;

            double[][] initialCentroids = new double[4][];
            initialCentroids[0] = new double[] { 0.4, 25.0 };
            initialCentroids[1] = new double[] { 0.4, 15.0 };
            initialCentroids[2] = new double[] { 0.6, 15.0 };
            initialCentroids[3] = new double[] { 0.6, 25.0 };

            string[] attributes = new string[] { "x", "y" };

            int numAttributes = attributes.Length;
            int numClusters   = 4;
            int maxCount      = 300;

            ClusteringSettings clusterSettings = new ClusteringSettings(maxCount, numClusters, numAttributes, KmeansAlgorithm: 1, Replace: true);

            AnomalyDetectionAPI      kmeanApi = new AnomalyDetectionAPI(clusterSettings); //AnomalyDetectionAPI(clusterSettings), Constractor should not be null when run Training()
            AnomalyDetectionResponse response;

            // Creates learning api object
            LearningApi api = new LearningApi(loadMetaData1());

            api.UseActionModule <object[][], object[][]>((input, ctx) =>
                var rawDataArray = getData(cnt);



            for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
                cnt = i;

                var rawData = api.Run() as double[][];

                response = kmeanApi.Training(rawData, initialCentroids);

                Helpers.WriteToCSVFile(kmeanApi.GetCentroid(), $"Data\\Centroid{i}.csv");

                //response = kmeanApi.Save($"Function{i}.json");
Пример #11
        public void ContinuousTrainData2()
            int cnt = 0;

            double[][] initialCentroids = new double[4][];
            initialCentroids[0] = new double[] { 40.0, 10.0 };
            initialCentroids[1] = new double[] { 20.0, 10.0 };
            initialCentroids[2] = new double[] { 40.0, 20.0 };
            initialCentroids[3] = new double[] { 20.0, 20.0 };

            string[] attributes = new string[] { "x", "y" };

            int numAttributes = attributes.Length;  // 2 in this demo (x,y)
            int numClusters   = 4;
            int maxCount      = 300;

            SaveLoadSettings sett;

            var resp = SaveLoadSettings.JSON_Settings(@"C:\Data\Function1.json", out sett, true);

            AnomalyDetectionAPI kmeanApi = new AnomalyDetectionAPI(null, numClusters, initialCentroids);

            LearningApi api = new LearningApi(loadMetaData1());

            api.UseActionModule <object[][], object[][]>((input, ctx) =>
                var rawDatalist = getData(cnt);


            //this call must be first in the pipeline


            for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
                cnt = i;

                var rawData = api.Run() as double[][];

                ClusteringSettings Settings = new ClusteringSettings(rawData, maxCount, numClusters, numAttributes, sett, KmeansAlgorithm: 1, InitialGuess: true, Replace: true);

                AnomalyDetectionResponse response = kmeanApi.ImportNewDataForClustering(Settings);
        /// <summary>
        /// Provide settings for K-Means algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        public MouseGestureRecognizer()
            m_LearningApi = new LearningApi();

            m_LearningApi.UseActionModule <object, double[][]>((notUsed, ctx) =>

            double[][] initCentroids = new double[2][];
            initCentroids[0] = new double[] { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
            initCentroids[1] = new double[] { 400.0, 0.0, 0.0 };

            m_Settings = new ClusteringSettings(KmeansMaxIterations: 1000, numClusters: 2, numDims: 3, KmeansAlgorithm: 2, initialCentroids: initCentroids, tolerance: 0);

        public void Test_GetClusters()
            double[][] clusterCentars = new double[3][];
            clusterCentars[0] = new double[] { 5.0, 5.0 };
            clusterCentars[1] = new double[] { 15.0, 15.0 };
            clusterCentars[2] = new double[] { 30.0, 30.0 };

            double[][] initialCentroids = new double[3][];
            clusterCentars[0] = new double[] { 5.0, 5.0 };
            clusterCentars[1] = new double[] { 15.0, 15.0 };
            clusterCentars[2] = new double[] { 30.0, 30.0 };

            string[] attributes = new string[] { "Height", "Weight" };

            var rawData = Helpers.CreateSampleData(clusterCentars, 2, 10000, 0.5);

            int numAttributes = attributes.Length; // 2 in this demo (height,weight)
            int numClusters   = 3;                 // vary this to experiment (must be between 2 and number data tuples)
            int maxCount      = 300;               // trial and error

            ClusteringSettings Settings = new ClusteringSettings(maxCount, numClusters, numAttributes, KmeansAlgorithm: 1, InitialGuess: true, Replace: true);

            AnomalyDetectionAPI kmeanApi = new AnomalyDetectionAPI(Settings);

            AnomalyDetectionResponse response = kmeanApi.Training(rawData, clusterCentars);

            Assert.True(response.Code == 0);

            Cluster[] clusters;
            response = kmeanApi.GetClusters(null, out clusters); // Path can be null if GetClusters() runs after Training()
            Assert.True(response.Code == 0);
            Assert.True(clusters.Length != 0);
            Assert.True(clusters != null);

            AnomalyDetectionAPI kApi = new AnomalyDetectionAPI();
            string filePath          = $"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}\\Cluster Result\\CheckSample.json";

            Cluster[] clusters1;
            response = kmeanApi.GetClusters(null, out clusters1);
            Assert.True(response.Code == 0);
            Assert.True(clusters.Length != 0);
            Assert.True(clusters != null);
Пример #14
        public AnomalyDetectionResponse Training([FromBody] TrainingContent trainingContent)
            ClusteringSettings clusterSettings = new ClusteringSettings(trainingContent.KmeansMaxIterations, trainingContent.NumOfClusters, trainingContent.NumOfAttributes, KmeansAlgorithm: 1, Replace: true);

            AnomalyDetectionAPI      kmeanApi = new AnomalyDetectionAPI(clusterSettings);
            AnomalyDetectionResponse response = null;

                double[][] rawData = null;

                foreach (var file in trainingContent.CsvFilePaths)
                    rawData = dataProvider(file);

                    response = kmeanApi.Training(rawData);

                if (response.Code == 0)
                    response = kmeanApi.Save(trainingContent.SavePath);

            catch (Exception Ex)
                if (Ex is System.IO.FileNotFoundException)
                    response = new AnomalyDetectionResponse(200, "File not found");
                else if (Ex is System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException)
                    response = new AnomalyDetectionResponse(204, "Directory not found");
                    response = new AnomalyDetectionResponse(202, "File cannot be loaded");
Пример #15
        public void TestObjestWithCentroid()
            double[][] initialCentroids = new double[4][];
            initialCentroids[0] = new double[] { 0.2, -4.0 };
            initialCentroids[1] = new double[] { 0.2, -6.0 };
            initialCentroids[2] = new double[] { 0.4, -4.0 };
            initialCentroids[3] = new double[] { 0.4, -6.0 };

            string[] attributes = new string[] { "x", "y" };

            var data = getRealDataSample(@"C:\Data\Function1.csv");

            List <double[]> list = new List <double[]>();

            foreach (var n in data)
                double[] d = new double[n.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < n.Length; i++)
                    d[i] = double.Parse(n[i].ToString());


            var rawData       = list.ToArray();
            int numAttributes = attributes.Length; // 2 in this demo (height,weight)
            int numClusters   = 4;                 // vary this to experiment (must be between 2 and number data tuples)
            int maxCount      = 300;               // trial and error

            SaveLoadSettings sett;

            var resp = SaveLoadSettings.JSON_Settings(@"C:\Data\Function1.json", out sett, true);

            AnomalyDetectionAPI kmeanApi = new AnomalyDetectionAPI(rawData, numClusters);

            ClusteringSettings Settings = new ClusteringSettings(rawData, maxCount, numClusters, numAttributes, sett, KmeansAlgorithm: 1, InitialGuess: true, Replace: true);

            AnomalyDetectionResponse response = kmeanApi.ImportNewDataForClustering(Settings);
        public void Test_OptimalNumberOfCLusters()
            // directory to load
            string loadDirectory = rootFolder + "Functions\\";
            string FunctionName  = "SIN X"; //without extension
            string savePath      = rootFolder + "Optimal Clusters\\" + FunctionName + " Results.csv";

            double[][] function = Helpers.LoadFunctionData(loadDirectory + FunctionName + "\\" + FunctionName + ".csv");
            function = TestFunctionGenerators.normalizeData(function);

            int numAttributes = 2;   // 2 in this demo (height,weight)
            int numClusters   = 0;   // vary this to experiment (must be between 2 and number data tuples)
            int maxCount      = 300; // trial and error

            ClusteringSettings settings = new ClusteringSettings(maxCount, numClusters, numAttributes, KmeansAlgorithm: 2);

            // Creates learning api object
            LearningApi api = new LearningApi();

            api.UseActionModule <object, double[][]>((data, ctx) =>


            // train
            var resp = api.Run() as KMeansScore;

            Assert.True(resp.Model.NumberOfClusters > 1);

            double[][] OptimalClustersResults = new double[4][];
            OptimalClustersResults[0] = new double[] { 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
            OptimalClustersResults[1] = resp.Model.D;
            OptimalClustersResults[2] = resp.Model.DPrime;
            OptimalClustersResults[3] = resp.Model.Fmin;

            Helpers.Write2CSVFile(OptimalClustersResults, savePath);

            // implement
Пример #17
        public AnomalyDetectionResponse Training(string[] csvFilePath, string savePath, string loadimpPath, int numClusters, int numOfAttributes, int kmeansMaxIterations)
            ClusteringSettings clusterSettings = new ClusteringSettings(kmeansMaxIterations, numClusters, numOfAttributes, KmeansAlgorithm: 1, Replace: true);

            AnomalyDetectionAPI      kmeanApi = new AnomalyDetectionAPI(clusterSettings);
            AnomalyDetectionResponse response;

                double[][] rawData = null;

                foreach (var file in csvFilePath)
                    rawData = dataProvider(file);

                response = kmeanApi.Training(rawData);

                response = kmeanApi.Save(savePath);

            catch (Exception Ex)
                if (Ex is System.IO.FileNotFoundException)
                    response = new AnomalyDetectionResponse(200, "File not found");
                else if (Ex is System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException)
                    response = new AnomalyDetectionResponse(204, "Directory not found");
                    response = new AnomalyDetectionResponse(202, "File cannot be loaded");
        public void Test_BalancedClusters()
            // prepare the 2d functions for clustering
            double[][] mFun = Helpers.cSVtoDoubleJaggedArray(@"C:\Users\KywAnn\Desktop\Anomaly Detection Functions Normalized\Sine 3 HP\Sine 3 HP.csv");
            // normalize functions
            mFun = NormalizeData(mFun);
            // load the original function
            double[][] rawData = getSimilarFunctionsData(mFun, 1);

            // Settings for the K-Means Alg
            int maxCount            = 500;
            int maxNumberOfClusters = 5;
            int minNumberOfClusters = 2;
            int numAttributes       = 2;
            int KAlg = 2;
            // recommended number of clusters
            int recNumClusters;
            ClusteringSettings  clusterSettings = new ClusteringSettings(maxCount, 2, numAttributes, KmeansAlgorithm: KAlg, Replace: true);
            AnomalyDetectionAPI kmeanApi        = new AnomalyDetectionAPI(clusterSettings);
            // get the suggested number of clusters bas on the balanced clusters method
            AnomalyDetectionResponse ar = kmeanApi.RecommendedNumberOfClusters(rawData, maxCount, numAttributes, maxNumberOfClusters, minNumberOfClusters, 3, null, out recNumClusters, kmeansAlgorithm: KAlg);
Пример #19
        public void TestWithNormalize_GaussAndCentroid()
            double[][] initialCentroids = new double[4][];
            initialCentroids[0] = new double[] { 0.2, -4.0 };
            initialCentroids[1] = new double[] { 0.2, -6.0 };
            initialCentroids[2] = new double[] { 0.4, -4.0 };
            initialCentroids[3] = new double[] { 0.4, -6.0 };

            string[] attributes = new string[] { "x", "y" };
            // Creates learning api object
            LearningApi api = new LearningApi(loadMetaData1());

            //Real dataset must be defined as object type, because data can be numeric, binary and classification
            api.UseActionModule <object[][], object[][]>((input, ctx) =>

            //this call must be first in the pipeline


            var rawData = api.Run() as double[][];

            int numAttributes = attributes.Length; // 2 in this demo (height,weight)
            int numClusters   = 4;                 // vary this to experiment (must be between 2 and number data tuples)
            int maxCount      = 300;               // trial and error

            SaveLoadSettings sett;

            var resp = SaveLoadSettings.JSON_Settings(@"C:\Data\Function15.json", out sett, true);

            AnomalyDetectionAPI kmeanApi = new AnomalyDetectionAPI(rawData, numClusters);

            ClusteringSettings Settings = new ClusteringSettings(rawData, maxCount, numClusters, numAttributes, sett, KmeansAlgorithm: 1, InitialGuess: true, Replace: true);

            AnomalyDetectionResponse response = kmeanApi.ImportNewDataForClustering(Settings);
        public void Test_OptimalNumberOfClusters_TwoFunctions()
            int numAttributes  = 3;
            int MinNumClusters = 2;
            int MaxNumClusters = 10;
            int maxCount       = 300;

            double[] Fmins;

            // directory to load
            string loadDirectory = rootFolder + "Functions\\";

            string functionA = "SIN_SIN X";
            string functionB = "SIN_COS X";

            // load Data
            double[][] loadedSimFunctions1 = Helpers.LoadFunctionData(loadDirectory + functionA + "\\NRP5-10\\" + functionA + " SimilarFunctions Normalized NRP5-10.csv");
            double[][] loadedSimFunctions2 = Helpers.LoadFunctionData(loadDirectory + functionB + "\\NRP5-10\\" + functionB + " SimilarFunctions Normalized NRP5-10.csv");

            ClusteringSettings settings = new ClusteringSettings(maxCount, MinNumClusters, numAttributes, KmeansAlgorithm: 2);

            int recNumClusters = KMeansFunctionRecognitionAlgorithm.OptimalNumberOfClusters_TwoFunctions(loadedSimFunctions1, loadedSimFunctions2, settings, MinNumClusters, MaxNumClusters, out Fmins);
        public KMeansFunctionRecognitionAlgorithm(ClusteringSettings settings)
            this.Settings        = settings;
            this.Score           = new KMeansFunctionRecognitonScore();
            this.Score.Centroids = new double[settings.NumberOfClusters][];

            if (this.Settings.FuncRecogMethod == 1)
                this.Score.InClusterMaxDistance = new double[settings.NumberOfClusters];
                this.Score.MaxCentroid          = null;
                this.Score.MinCentroid          = null;

                for (int i = 0; i < settings.NumberOfClusters; i++)
                    this.Score.Centroids[i] = new double[settings.NumOfDimensions];
                this.Score.InClusterMaxDistance = null;
                this.Score.MaxCentroid          = new double[settings.NumberOfClusters][];
                this.Score.MinCentroid          = new double[settings.NumberOfClusters][];

                for (int i = 0; i < settings.NumberOfClusters; i++)
                    this.Score.MaxCentroid[i] = new double[settings.NumOfDimensions];
                    this.Score.MinCentroid[i] = new double[settings.NumOfDimensions];
                    this.Score.Centroids[i]   = new double[settings.NumOfDimensions];

                    for (int dim = 0; dim < settings.NumOfDimensions; dim++)
                        this.Score.MaxCentroid[i][dim] = double.MinValue;
                        this.Score.MinCentroid[i][dim] = double.MaxValue;
        public static int OptimalNumberOfClusters_TwoFunctions(double[][] functions1, double[][] functions2, ClusteringSettings settings, int MinNumClusters, int MaxNumClusters, out double[] Fmins_k)
            if (MinNumClusters < 2)
                MinNumClusters = 2;

            double[][] oneFunction = new double[settings.NumOfDimensions][];
            int        numFun      = 0;
            double     dist;
            int        score = 0;
            KMeansFunctionRecognitionAlgorithm kMeansFR1, kMeansFR2;
            KMeansFunctionRecognitonScore      res1, res2;

            double Fmax = 0;
            double Fmin = double.MaxValue;

            double[] Fmins;
            Fmins_k = new double[MaxNumClusters - MinNumClusters + 1];
            double F       = 0;
            int    cluster = -1;

            for (int k = MinNumClusters; k <= MaxNumClusters; k++)
                settings.InitialCentroids = null;
                settings.NumberOfClusters = k;

                kMeansFR1 = new KMeansFunctionRecognitionAlgorithm(settings);
                kMeansFR2 = new KMeansFunctionRecognitionAlgorithm(settings);
                res1      = new KMeansFunctionRecognitonScore();
                res2      = new KMeansFunctionRecognitonScore();

                numFun = functions1.Length / settings.NumOfDimensions;
                for (int f = 0; f < numFun; f++)
                    oneFunction = KMeansAlgorithm.transposeFunction(KMeansAlgorithm.selectFunction(functions1, f + 1, settings.NumOfDimensions));
                    res1        = kMeansFR1.Run(oneFunction, null) as KMeansFunctionRecognitonScore;

                numFun = functions2.Length / settings.NumOfDimensions;

                settings.InitialCentroids = null;
                for (int f = 0; f < numFun; f++)
                    oneFunction = KMeansAlgorithm.transposeFunction(KMeansAlgorithm.selectFunction(functions2, f + 1, settings.NumOfDimensions));
                    res2        = kMeansFR2.Run(oneFunction, null) as KMeansFunctionRecognitonScore;

                Fmins = new double[k];
                // check if there is a non intersection cluster
                for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                    Fmin  = double.MaxValue;
                    score = 0;
                    for (int j = 0; j < k; j++)
                        dist = KMeansAlgorithm.calculateDistance(res1.Centroids[i], res2.Centroids[j]);
                        if (dist > res1.InClusterMaxDistance[i] + res2.InClusterMaxDistance[j])

                    if (score == k)
                        //calculate F;
                        for (int j = 0; j < k; j++)
                            F = KMeansAlgorithm.calculateDistance(res1.Centroids[i], res2.Centroids[j]) / (res1.InClusterMaxDistance[i] + res2.InClusterMaxDistance[j]);
                            // select min F among the two functions
                            if (F < Fmin)
                                Fmin = F;
                    //save Fmin of each centroid
                    if (Fmin != double.MaxValue)
                        Fmins[i] = Fmin;
                // save max Fmin per number of clusters
                for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                    if (Fmins[i] > Fmins_k[k - MinNumClusters])
                        Fmins_k[k - MinNumClusters] = Fmins[i];

            //select max F among different number of cluters
            for (int i = 0; i < Fmins_k.Length; i++)
                if (Fmins_k[i] > Fmax)
                    Fmax    = Fmins_k[i];
                    cluster = i + MinNumClusters;

        public void Test_CheckSample()
            double[][] clusterCentars = new double[3][];
            clusterCentars[0] = new double[] { 5.0, 5.0 };
            clusterCentars[1] = new double[] { 15.0, 15.0 };
            clusterCentars[2] = new double[] { 30.0, 30.0 };

            double[][] initialCentroids = new double[3][];
            clusterCentars[0] = new double[] { 5.0, 5.0 };
            clusterCentars[1] = new double[] { 15.0, 15.0 };
            clusterCentars[2] = new double[] { 30.0, 30.0 };

            string[] attributes = new string[] { "Height", "Weight" };

            var rawData = Helpers.CreateSampleData(clusterCentars, 2, 10000, 0.5);

            int numAttributes = attributes.Length; // 2 in this demo (height,weight)
            int numClusters   = 3;                 // vary this to experiment (must be between 2 and number data tuples)
            int maxCount      = 300;               // trial and error

            ClusteringSettings Settings = new ClusteringSettings(maxCount, numClusters, numAttributes, KmeansAlgorithm: 1, InitialGuess: true, Replace: true);

            AnomalyDetectionAPI kmeanApi = new AnomalyDetectionAPI(Settings);

            AnomalyDetectionResponse response = kmeanApi.Training(rawData, clusterCentars);

            Assert.True(response.Code == 0);

            response = kmeanApi.Save("CheckSample.json");
            Assert.True(response.Code == 0);

            int detectedCluster;

            double[] Sample = new double[] { 26, 28 };
            CheckingSampleSettings SampleSettings = new CheckingSampleSettings(null, Sample, 3); //If path is null you should run Training()

            response = kmeanApi.CheckSample(SampleSettings, out detectedCluster);
            Assert.True(response.Code == 0);
            Assert.True(detectedCluster == 2);

            AnomalyDetectionAPI kApi = new AnomalyDetectionAPI();
            string filePath          = $"{Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()}\\Instance Result\\CheckSample.json";

            double[] Sample2 = new double[] { 150, 16 };
            CheckingSampleSettings SampleSettings2 = new CheckingSampleSettings(filePath, Sample2, 3);

            response = kApi.CheckSample(SampleSettings2, out detectedCluster);
            Assert.True(response.Code == 1);
            Assert.True(detectedCluster == -1);// Out of all clusters.

            double[] Sample3 = new double[] { 16, 14 };
            CheckingSampleSettings SampleSettings3 = new CheckingSampleSettings(filePath, Sample3, 3);

            response = kApi.CheckSample(SampleSettings3, out detectedCluster);
            Assert.True(response.Code == 0);
            Assert.True(detectedCluster == 1);

            double[] Sample4 = new double[] { 6, 4 };
            CheckingSampleSettings SampleSettings4 = new CheckingSampleSettings(filePath, Sample4, 3);

            response = kApi.CheckSample(SampleSettings4, out detectedCluster);
            Assert.True(response.Code == 0);
            Assert.True(detectedCluster == 0);
        public void Test_TrainingSimilarFunctions()
            // Settings to import the functions (NRP should match the desired loading file)
            string FunctionName = "SIN 2X"; //without extension
            string directory    = rootFolder + FunctionName + "\\";
            int    NRPmin       = 5;
            int    NRPmax       = 10;
            string NRP          = NRPmin + "-" + NRPmax;

            // Settings for the K-Means Alg
            int maxCount      = 500;
            int numClusters   = 10;
            int numAttributes = 2;
            int KAlg          = 2;
            int Runs          = 1;

            // prepare the functions for clustering
            // Holds the data of all function. Attribute of every function contains data in a row.
            // N dimensions of fnctionmeans N rows per function.
            //double[][] allFunctionsData = Helpers.LoadFunctionData(directory + "\\NRP" + NRP + "\\" + FunctionName + " SimilarFunctions Normalized NRP" + NRP + ".csv");
            double[][] allFunctionsData = Helpers.LoadFunctionData(directory + "\\NRP" + NRP + "\\" + FunctionName + " SimilarFunctions NRP" + NRP + ".csv");

            int numFunc = allFunctionsData.Length / numAttributes;

            // Creates learning api object
            LearningApi api;

            ClusteringSettings clusterSettings;

            double[][] lastCalculatedCentroids = null;

            double[][] Centroids = null;
            // original Centroids
            double[][] oCentroids;
            // matched Centroids
            double[][] mCentroids;

            for (int k = 2; k < numClusters + 1; k++)
                oCentroids      = new double[k][];
                clusterSettings = new ClusteringSettings(maxCount, k, numAttributes, KmeansAlgorithm: KAlg);
                for (int j = 0; j < Runs; j++)
                    // save directory
                    //string savePath = directory + "NRP" + NRP + "\\" + FunctionName + " SimilarFunctions Normalized Centroids NRP" + NRP + " KA" + KAlg + " C" + k + " I" + maxCount + " R" + (j + 1) + ".csv";
                    string savePath = directory + "NRP" + NRP + "\\" + FunctionName + " SimilarFunctions Centroids NRP" + NRP + " KA" + KAlg + " C" + k + " I" + maxCount + " R" + (j + 1) + ".csv";
                    lastCalculatedCentroids = null;
                    for (int funcIndx = 0; funcIndx < numFunc; funcIndx++)
                        // Get data of specific function with indec funcIndx.
                        double[][] rawData = getSimilarFunctionsData(allFunctionsData, numAttributes, funcIndx + 1);
                        api = new LearningApi();
                        api.UseActionModule <object, double[][]>((data, ctx) =>

                        clusterSettings.InitialCentroids = lastCalculatedCentroids;

                        // train
                        var resp = api.Run() as KMeansScore;

                        // get resulting centroids
                        lastCalculatedCentroids = new double[k][];
                        for (int i = 0; i < k; i++)
                            lastCalculatedCentroids[i] = resp.Model.Clusters[i].Centroid;

                        Centroids = lastCalculatedCentroids;

                         * // match the centroids centroids
                         * if (funcIndx == 0)
                         * {
                         *  oCentroids = Centroids;
                         *  mCentroids = Centroids;
                         * }
                         * else
                         * {
                         *  mCentroids = matchCentroids(Centroids, oCentroids);
                         * }*/

                        // save centroids
                        if (funcIndx == 0)
                            // save or overwrite
                            Helpers.Write2CSVFile(Centroids, savePath);
                            // append
                            Helpers.Write2CSVFile(Centroids, savePath, true);
        public void Test_TrainPartials()
            double[][] clusterCenters = new double[3][];
            clusterCenters[0] = new double[] { 5.0, 5.0 };
            clusterCenters[1] = new double[] { 15.0, 15.0 };
            clusterCenters[2] = new double[] { 30.0, 30.0 };

            double[][] clusterCenters2 = new double[3][];
            clusterCenters2[0] = new double[] { 6, 5 };
            clusterCenters2[1] = new double[] { 17, 18 };
            clusterCenters2[2] = new double[] { 28, 30 };

            string[] attributes = new string[] { "Height", "Weight" };

            int numAttributes = attributes.Length; // 2 in this demo (height,weight)
            int numClusters   = 3;                 // vary this to experiment (must be between 2 and number data tuples)
            int maxCount      = 300;               // trial and error

            double[][] apiResp1Centroid    = new double[numClusters][];
            double[]   apiResp1MaxDistance = new double[numClusters];
            double[]   apiResp1NumSamples  = new double[numClusters];

            ClusteringSettings settings = new ClusteringSettings(maxCount, numClusters, numAttributes, KmeansAlgorithm: 2);

            // Creates learning api object
            LearningApi api  = new LearningApi(loadDescriptor());
            LearningApi api2 = new LearningApi(loadDescriptor());

            double[][] rawData  = Helpers.CreateSampleData(clusterCenters, 2, 10000, 0.5);
            double[][] rawData2 = Helpers.CreateSampleData(clusterCenters2, 2, 5000, 0.5);

            int runNum = 0;

            api.UseActionModule <object, double[][]>((data, ctx) =>
                if (runNum == 0)

            api2.UseActionModule <object, double[][]>((data, ctx) =>

            // start api2 that runs only second raw data (rawData2)

            // train
            var api2Resp = api2.Run() as KMeansScore;

            Assert.True(api2Resp.Model.Clusters != null);
            Assert.True(api2Resp.Model.Clusters.Length == clusterCenters.Length);

            // start api that runs first raw data (rawData) and save results in variables

            // train
            var apiResp = api.Run() as KMeansScore;

            Assert.True(apiResp.Model.Clusters != null);
            Assert.True(apiResp.Model.Clusters.Length == clusterCenters.Length);

            // save first run results in variables
            for (int i = 0; i < numClusters; i++)
                apiResp1Centroid[i]    = apiResp.Model.Clusters[i].Centroid;
                apiResp1MaxDistance[i] = apiResp.Model.Clusters[i].InClusterMaxDistance;
                apiResp1NumSamples[i]  = apiResp.Model.Clusters[i].NumberOfSamples;

            /// run with new data

            // continue partial api run using second raw data (rawData2)
            settings = new ClusteringSettings(maxCount, numClusters, numAttributes, KmeansAlgorithm: 2, initialCentroids: apiResp1Centroid);

            // train
            apiResp = api.Run() as KMeansScore;

            Assert.True(apiResp.Model.Clusters != null);
            Assert.True(apiResp.Model.Clusters.Length == clusterCenters.Length);

            //// compare results

            double f, res;

            for (int i = 0; i < numClusters; i++)
                // partial formula f*res
                f = (double)1 / apiResp.Model.Clusters[i].NumberOfSamples;
                for (int j = 0; j < numAttributes; j++)
                    res = apiResp1Centroid[i][j] * apiResp1NumSamples[i] + api2Resp.Model.Clusters[i].Centroid[j] * api2Resp.Model.Clusters[i].NumberOfSamples;
                    // partial centroid check
                    Assert.True(apiResp.Model.Clusters[i].Centroid[j] == f * res);
                // max distance in cluster check
                Assert.True(apiResp.Model.Clusters[i].InClusterMaxDistance >= apiResp1MaxDistance[i] + KMeansAlgorithm.calculateDistance(apiResp1Centroid[i], apiResp.Model.Clusters[i].Centroid));
        public KmeansDataController()
            if (numofclstrs == 0)
                numofclstrs = 3;

            int numberofclusters = 3;
            /// desired number of clusters
            int numberofattributes = 2;

            /// X,Y,Z components

            double[][] result = MockApi.MockApi.CSVtoDoubleJaggedArray(@"F:\ProData\data.csv");
            /// CSV to Array Conversion
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(@"F:\ProData\data.csv"))
                numberofattributes = result[0].Length;
            /// Number of attributes are 3 for 3D and 2 for 2D
            IAnomalyDetectionApi X = new AnomalyDetectionApi.AnomalyDetectionAPI(result, numofclstrs);
            ClusteringSettings   Y = new ClusteringSettings(result, 10, numofclstrs, numberofattributes, @"F:\ProData\cluster.json", Replace: true);

            /// Set number of clusters, max iterations and give data in result
            /// CheckSample is a function that detect to which cluster the given sample belongs to.
            ClusteringResults[] r;
            /// All the Kmeans results needed for plotting
            AnomalyDetectionResponse Z = X.GetResults(@"F:\ProData\cluster.json", out r);

            /// Codes for Errors and Success
            //if (PgaeLoadFlag == 1) //use this only for first time page load
            if (r != null)                             // in case result contains some value we need to add results
                if (kmeansdata.IsValueCreated == true) //if already points are created we need to reinitiallize
                    checksample = kmeansdata.Value[0].CheckSampleResult;
                    kmeansdata  = new Lazy <List <KmeansData> >();
                int i = 0;                                            //Counts number of Samples we have
                for (int j = 0; j < numofclstrs; j++)                 //Runs for numberofclusters defined earlier
                    for (int k = 0; k < r[j].ClusterData.Length; k++) // add the data in web Api
                        if (numberofattributes == 3)                  // add data for 2D
                            kmeansdata.Value.Add(new KmeansData {
                                ID = i, ClustersDataLength = r[j].ClusterData.Length, TotalCentroid = r.Length, CentroidIdNumber = j, CentroidX = r[j].Centroid[0], CentroidY = r[j].Centroid[1], CentroidZ = r[j].Centroid[2], Xaxis = r[j].ClusterData[k][0], Yaxis = r[j].ClusterData[k][1], Zaxis = r[j].ClusterData[k][2], ClusterDataDistanceToCentroid = r[j].ClusterDataDistanceToCentroid[k], ClusterDataOriginalIndex = r[j].ClusterDataOriginalIndex[k], ClusterOfNearestForeignSample = r[j].ClusterOfNearestForeignSample, DistanceToNearestClusterCentroid = r[j].DistanceToNearestClusterCentroid, DistanceToNearestForeignSample = r[j].DistanceToNearestForeignSample, DistanceToNearestForeignSampleInNearestCluster = r[j].DistanceToNearestForeignSampleInNearestCluster, InClusterFarthestSampleX = r[j].InClusterFarthestSample[0], InClusterFarthestSampleY = r[j].InClusterFarthestSample[1], InClusterFarthestSampleZ = r[j].InClusterFarthestSample[2], InClusterFarthestSampleIndex = r[j].InClusterFarthestSampleIndex, InClusterMaxDistance = r[j].InClusterMaxDistance, MeanX = r[j].Mean[0], MeanY = r[j].Mean[1], MeanZ = r[j].Mean[2], NearestCluster = r[j].NearestCluster, NearestForeignSampleX = r[j].NearestForeignSample[0], NearestForeignSampleY = r[j].NearestForeignSample[1], NearestForeignSampleZ = r[j].NearestForeignSample[2], NearestForeignSampleInNearestClusterX = r[j].NearestForeignSampleInNearestCluster[0], NearestForeignSampleInNearestClusterY = r[j].NearestForeignSampleInNearestCluster[1], NearestForeignSampleInNearestClusterZ = r[j].NearestForeignSampleInNearestCluster[2], NumberOfAttribs = numberofattributes
                        if (numberofattributes == 2)    // add data for 3D
                            kmeansdata.Value.Add(new KmeansData {
                                ID = i, ClustersDataLength = r[j].ClusterData.Length, TotalCentroid = r.Length, CentroidIdNumber = j, CentroidX = r[j].Centroid[0], CentroidY = r[j].Centroid[1], Xaxis = r[j].ClusterData[k][0], Yaxis = r[j].ClusterData[k][1], ClusterDataDistanceToCentroid = r[j].ClusterDataDistanceToCentroid[k], ClusterDataOriginalIndex = r[j].ClusterDataOriginalIndex[k], ClusterOfNearestForeignSample = r[j].ClusterOfNearestForeignSample, DistanceToNearestClusterCentroid = r[j].DistanceToNearestClusterCentroid, DistanceToNearestForeignSample = r[j].DistanceToNearestForeignSample, DistanceToNearestForeignSampleInNearestCluster = r[j].DistanceToNearestForeignSampleInNearestCluster, InClusterFarthestSampleX = r[j].InClusterFarthestSample[0], InClusterFarthestSampleY = r[j].InClusterFarthestSample[1], InClusterFarthestSampleIndex = r[j].InClusterFarthestSampleIndex, InClusterMaxDistance = r[j].InClusterMaxDistance, MeanX = r[j].Mean[0], MeanY = r[j].Mean[1], NearestCluster = r[j].NearestCluster, NearestForeignSampleX = r[j].NearestForeignSample[0], NearestForeignSampleY = r[j].NearestForeignSample[1], NearestForeignSampleInNearestClusterX = r[j].NearestForeignSampleInNearestCluster[0], NearestForeignSampleInNearestClusterY = r[j].NearestForeignSampleInNearestCluster[1], NumberOfAttribs = numberofattributes

                //   PgaeLoadFlag++;
                kmeansdata.Value[0].CheckSampleResult = checksample;
        // POST api/product

         * public void KmeansDataAdd(KmeansData data) //post method
         * {
         *   data.ID = ProductID;
         *   kmeansdata.Value.Add(data); //add the post product data to the product list
         *   ProductID++;
         *   //instead of adding product data to the static product list you can save data to the database.
         * }
         * /*/
        public void KmeansDataCheck(KmeansData data) //post method
            if (data.NumberOfClstrs != 0 && data.NumberOfClstrs != null)
                numofclstrs = data.NumberOfClstrs;
                //  if (System.IO.File.Exists(@"F:\ProData\cluster.json"))// in case some files exist already delete them and upload the current one
                //  {
                //      System.IO.File.Delete(@"F:\ProData\cluster.json");
                //      System.IO.File.Delete(@"F:\ProData\Result\cluster.json");
                //  }
                int numberofattributes = 2;
                /// X,Y,Z components

                double[][] result = MockApi.MockApi.CSVtoDoubleJaggedArray(@"F:\ProData\data.csv");
                /// CSV to Array Conversion
                if (System.IO.File.Exists(@"F:\ProData\data.csv"))
                    numberofattributes = result[0].Length;
                /// Number of attributes are 3 for 3D and 2 for 2D
                IAnomalyDetectionApi X = new AnomalyDetectionApi.AnomalyDetectionAPI(result, numofclstrs);
                ClusteringSettings   Y = new ClusteringSettings(result, 10, numofclstrs, numberofattributes, @"F:\ProData\cluster.json", Replace: true);
                /// Set number of clusters, max iterations and give data in result
                AnomalyDetectionResponse AB = X.ImportNewDataForClustering(Y);
                /// CheckSample is a function that detect to which cluster the given sample belongs to.
                ClusteringResults[] r;
                /// All the Kmeans results needed for plotting
                AnomalyDetectionResponse Z = X.GetResults(@"F:\ProData\cluster.json", out r);
                /// Codes for Errors and Success
                //if (PgaeLoadFlag == 1) //use this only for first time page load
                //    if (r != null)// in case result contains some value we need to add results
                //   {
                if (kmeansdata.IsValueCreated == true)    //if already points are created we need to reinitiallize
                    checksample = kmeansdata.Value[0].CheckSampleResult;
                    kmeansdata  = new Lazy <List <KmeansData> >();
                int i = 0;                                            //Counts number of Samples we have
                for (int j = 0; j < numofclstrs; j++)                 //Runs for numberofclusters defined earlier
                    for (int k = 0; k < r[j].ClusterData.Length; k++) // add the data in web Api
                        if (numberofattributes == 3)                  // add data for 2D
                            kmeansdata.Value.Add(new KmeansData {
                                ID = i, ClustersDataLength = r[j].ClusterData.Length, TotalCentroid = r.Length, CentroidIdNumber = j, CentroidX = r[j].Centroid[0], CentroidY = r[j].Centroid[1], CentroidZ = r[j].Centroid[2], Xaxis = r[j].ClusterData[k][0], Yaxis = r[j].ClusterData[k][1], Zaxis = r[j].ClusterData[k][2], ClusterDataDistanceToCentroid = r[j].ClusterDataDistanceToCentroid[k], ClusterDataOriginalIndex = r[j].ClusterDataOriginalIndex[k], ClusterOfNearestForeignSample = r[j].ClusterOfNearestForeignSample, DistanceToNearestClusterCentroid = r[j].DistanceToNearestClusterCentroid, DistanceToNearestForeignSample = r[j].DistanceToNearestForeignSample, DistanceToNearestForeignSampleInNearestCluster = r[j].DistanceToNearestForeignSampleInNearestCluster, InClusterFarthestSampleX = r[j].InClusterFarthestSample[0], InClusterFarthestSampleY = r[j].InClusterFarthestSample[1], InClusterFarthestSampleZ = r[j].InClusterFarthestSample[2], InClusterFarthestSampleIndex = r[j].InClusterFarthestSampleIndex, InClusterMaxDistance = r[j].InClusterMaxDistance, MeanX = r[j].Mean[0], MeanY = r[j].Mean[1], MeanZ = r[j].Mean[2], NearestCluster = r[j].NearestCluster, NearestForeignSampleX = r[j].NearestForeignSample[0], NearestForeignSampleY = r[j].NearestForeignSample[1], NearestForeignSampleZ = r[j].NearestForeignSample[2], NearestForeignSampleInNearestClusterX = r[j].NearestForeignSampleInNearestCluster[0], NearestForeignSampleInNearestClusterY = r[j].NearestForeignSampleInNearestCluster[1], NearestForeignSampleInNearestClusterZ = r[j].NearestForeignSampleInNearestCluster[2], NumberOfAttribs = numberofattributes
                        if (numberofattributes == 2)    // add data for 3D
                            kmeansdata.Value.Add(new KmeansData {
                                ID = i, ClustersDataLength = r[j].ClusterData.Length, TotalCentroid = r.Length, CentroidIdNumber = j, CentroidX = r[j].Centroid[0], CentroidY = r[j].Centroid[1], Xaxis = r[j].ClusterData[k][0], Yaxis = r[j].ClusterData[k][1], ClusterDataDistanceToCentroid = r[j].ClusterDataDistanceToCentroid[k], ClusterDataOriginalIndex = r[j].ClusterDataOriginalIndex[k], ClusterOfNearestForeignSample = r[j].ClusterOfNearestForeignSample, DistanceToNearestClusterCentroid = r[j].DistanceToNearestClusterCentroid, DistanceToNearestForeignSample = r[j].DistanceToNearestForeignSample, DistanceToNearestForeignSampleInNearestCluster = r[j].DistanceToNearestForeignSampleInNearestCluster, InClusterFarthestSampleX = r[j].InClusterFarthestSample[0], InClusterFarthestSampleY = r[j].InClusterFarthestSample[1], InClusterFarthestSampleIndex = r[j].InClusterFarthestSampleIndex, InClusterMaxDistance = r[j].InClusterMaxDistance, MeanX = r[j].Mean[0], MeanY = r[j].Mean[1], NearestCluster = r[j].NearestCluster, NearestForeignSampleX = r[j].NearestForeignSample[0], NearestForeignSampleY = r[j].NearestForeignSample[1], NearestForeignSampleInNearestClusterX = r[j].NearestForeignSampleInNearestCluster[0], NearestForeignSampleInNearestClusterY = r[j].NearestForeignSampleInNearestCluster[1], NumberOfAttribs = numberofattributes

                //   PgaeLoadFlag++;
                kmeansdata.Value[0].CheckSampleResult = checksample;

            //   }
                numofclstrs = 3;
                int numberofclusters = 3;
                /// desired number of clusters
                int numberofattributes = 3;
                /// X,Y,Z components
                double[][] result = MockApi.MockApi.CSVtoDoubleJaggedArray(@"F:\ProData\data.csv");
                /// CSV to Array Conversion
                if (System.IO.File.Exists(@"F:\ProData\data.csv"))
                    numberofattributes = result[0].Length;
                if (numberofattributes == data.ClustersDataLength)
                    /// Number of attributes are 3 for 3D and 2 for 2D
                    IAnomalyDetectionApi X = new AnomalyDetectionApi.AnomalyDetectionAPI(result, numofclstrs);
                    ClusteringSettings   Y = new ClusteringSettings(result, 10, numofclstrs, numberofattributes, @"F:\ProData\cluster.json");
                    /// Set number of clusters, max iterations and give data in result
                    /// CheckSample is a function that detect to which cluster the given sample belongs to.
                    ClusteringResults[] r;
                    /// All the Kmeans results needed for plotting
                    AnomalyDetectionResponse Z = X.GetResults(@"F:\ProData\cluster.json", out r);

                    if (numberofattributes == 3)
                        double[] sample = new double[3] {
                            data.XaxisCheck, data.YaxisCheck, data.ZaxisCheck
                        CheckingSampleSettings A = new CheckingSampleSettings(@"F:\ProData\cluster.json", sample, 10);
                        int N;
                        Z = X.CheckSample(A, out N);
                        data.CheckSampleResult = Z.Message;
                        kmeansdata.Value[0].CheckSampleResult = Z.Message;
                    if (numberofattributes == 2)
                        double[] sample = new double[2] {
                            data.XaxisCheck, data.YaxisCheck
                        CheckingSampleSettings A = new CheckingSampleSettings(@"F:\ProData\cluster.json", sample, 10);
                        int N;
                        Z = X.CheckSample(A, out N);
                        data.CheckSampleResult = Z.Message;
                        kmeansdata.Value[0].CheckSampleResult = Z.Message;
                    kmeansdata.Value[0].CheckSampleResult = "Your Data attributes are invalid ! Please Enter number of Cordinates according to the File Uploaded !";
            //data.XaxisCheck = ProductID;
            //kmeansdata.Value.Add(data); //add the post product data to the product list
            //instead of adding product data to the static product list you can save data to the database.
        public void GenerateAndTest()
            // Settings to Generate Similar functions
            string FunctionName = "Function0";
            string directory    = @"C:\Users\KywAnn\Desktop\Anomaly Detection Functions Normalized\" + FunctionName + "\\";
            // number of similar functions
            int NumSimFunc = 999;
            // added noise level (distortion) between -NL & NL
            int NL = 1;

            // Settings for the K-Means Alg
            int maxCount      = 500;
            int numClusters   = 6;
            int numAttributes = 2;
            int KAlg          = 2;
            int Runs          = 5;

            // generate the similar functions
            GenerateSimilarFunctions(directory + FunctionName + ".csv", NumSimFunc, NL);

            // prepare the 2d functions for clustering
            double[][] mFun = Helpers.cSVtoDoubleJaggedArray(directory + "\\NL" + NL + "\\" + FunctionName + " SimilarFunctions NL" + NL + ".csv");
            // normalize the functions
            mFun = NormalizeData(mFun);
            // save the normalized similar functions
            Helpers.Write2CSVFile(mFun, directory + "\\NL" + NL + "\\" + FunctionName + " SimilarFunctions Normalized NL" + NL + ".csv");
            int NumFun = mFun.Length - 1;

            ClusteringSettings       clusterSettings;
            AnomalyDetectionAPI      kmeanApi;
            AnomalyDetectionResponse response;

            double[][] Centroids;
            // original Centroids
            double[][] oCentroids;
            // matched Centroids
            double[][] mCentroids;

            for (int k = 2; k < numClusters + 1; k++)
                oCentroids      = new double[k][];
                clusterSettings = new ClusteringSettings(maxCount, k, numAttributes, KmeansAlgorithm: KAlg, Replace: true);
                kmeanApi        = new AnomalyDetectionAPI(clusterSettings);
                for (int j = 0; j < Runs; j++)
                    // save directory
                    string SavePath = directory + "NL" + NL + "\\" + FunctionName + " SimilarFunctions Centroids NL" + NL + " KA" + KAlg + " C" + k + " I" + maxCount + " R" + (j + 1) + ".csv";

                    for (int i = 0; i < NumFun; i++)
                        // cluster each function
                        double[][] rawData = getSimilarFunctionsData(mFun, i + 1);
                        response  = kmeanApi.Training(rawData);
                        Centroids = kmeanApi.GetCentroid();
                        // match the centroids centroids
                        if (i == 0)
                            oCentroids = Centroids;
                            mCentroids = Centroids;
                            mCentroids = matchCentroids(Centroids, oCentroids);

                        // save centroids
                        if (i == 0)
                            // save or overwrite
                            Helpers.Write2CSVFile(mCentroids, SavePath);
                            // append
                            Helpers.Write2CSVFile(mCentroids, SavePath, true);
                    // save in a different format to plot results easily in excel
                    Special2DWrite2CSV(SavePath, k);
Пример #29
        public void Test_FunctionRecognition()
            int numCluster = 2;
            // a value in % representing the tolerance to possible outliers
            double tolerance = 0;
            // directory to load
            string loadDirectory = rootFolder + "Functions\\";
            // directory to save
            string saveDirectory = rootFolder + "Function Recognition\\";

            //Assert.True(File.Exists("KMeans\\TestFiles\\TestFile01.csv"), "Expected file was not deployed to unit test foilder.");

            // functions' paths
            string[] FunctionPaths = new string[]
                loadDirectory + "TestFile01\\NRP10\\TestFile01 SimilarFunctions Normalized Centroids NRP10 KA2 C" + numCluster + " I500 R1.csv",
                loadDirectory + "TestFile02\\NRP10\\TestFile02 SimilarFunctions Normalized Centroids NRP10 KA2 C" + numCluster + " I500 R1.csv"

            int numTrainFun = 800;
            int numTestFun  = 200;

            Tuple <double[][], double[]> trainedClusters = formClusters(FunctionPaths[0], numCluster, numTrainFun);

            // save the formed clusters
            Helpers.Write2CSVFile(trainedClusters.Item1, saveDirectory + "Calculated Centroids.csv");
            double[][] tempMaxDistance = new double[1][];
            tempMaxDistance[0] = trainedClusters.Item2;
            Helpers.Write2CSVFile(tempMaxDistance, saveDirectory + "Calculated Max Distance.csv");

            // start testing for function recognition

            // combine testing data
            double[][] testingCentroids = new double[FunctionPaths.Length * numTestFun * numCluster][];
            double[][] loadedCentroids;
            int        testingCentroidsOffset = numTrainFun * numCluster;

            for (int i = 0; i < FunctionPaths.Length; i++)
                loadedCentroids = Helpers.LoadFunctionData(FunctionPaths[i]);
                for (int j = 0; j < numTestFun * numCluster; j++)
                    testingCentroids[i * numTestFun * numCluster + j] = loadedCentroids[j + testingCentroidsOffset];
                // only needed for to avoid training centroids
                testingCentroidsOffset = 0;
            // save the testing centroids
            Helpers.Write2CSVFile(testingCentroids, saveDirectory + "Testing Centroids.csv");

            // check functions

            //KMeans kMeans = new KMeans();
            //kMeans.setTrivialClusters(numCluster, trainedClusters.Item1, trainedClusters.Item2);

            // Creates learning api object
            LearningApi api = new LearningApi();

            api.UseActionModule <object, double[][]>((data, ctx) =>

            // basic settings for prediction
            ClusteringSettings settings = new ClusteringSettings(0, numCluster, 0, tolerance: tolerance);

            // construct trivial clusters
            api.UseKMeans(settings, trainedClusters.Item1, trainedClusters.Item2);

            double[] funResults = patternTesting(api, settings.NumberOfClusters, testingCentroids);

            // save results
            double[][] tempFunResults = new double[1][];
            tempFunResults[0] = funResults;
            Helpers.Write2CSVFile(tempFunResults, saveDirectory + "Results.csv");
        public void Test_OptimalNumberOfCLustersBasic()
            double[][] clusterCenters = new double[3][];
            clusterCenters[0] = new double[] { 5.0, 5.0 };
            clusterCenters[1] = new double[] { 15.0, 15.0 };
            clusterCenters[2] = new double[] { 30.0, 30.0 };

            string[] attributes = new string[] { "Height", "Weight" };

            int numAttributes = attributes.Length; // 2 in this demo (height,weight)
            int numClusters   = 0;                 // vary this to experiment (must be between 2 and number data tuples)
            int maxCount      = 300;               // trial and error

            ClusteringSettings settings = new ClusteringSettings(maxCount, numClusters, numAttributes, KmeansAlgorithm: 2);

            // Creates learning api object
            LearningApi api = new LearningApi();

            api.UseActionModule <object, double[][]>((data, ctx) =>
                var rawData = Helpers.CreateSampleData(clusterCenters, 2, 10000, 0.5);


            // train
            var resp = api.Run() as KMeansScore;

            Assert.True(resp.Model.NumberOfClusters > 1);

            int             points = 150;
            var             delta  = 2 * Math.PI / 100;
            List <double[]> rows   = LearningFoundation.Helpers.FunctionGenerator.CreateFunction(points, 2, delta);

            double[][] rawData2 = new double[points][];
            for (int i = 0; i < points; i++)
                rawData2[i] = new double[2];
                for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
                    rawData2[i][j] = rows[j][i];

            // Creates learning api object
            LearningApi api2 = new LearningApi();

            api2.UseActionModule <object, double[][]>((data, ctx) =>


            // train
            var resp2 = api2.Run() as KMeansScore;

            Assert.True(resp2.Model.NumberOfClusters > 1);