protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Session["UserInfo"] == null) { Response.Redirect("UserLogin.aspx"); } else { //check here user role is student then redirect to useraccount //only tutor user can access this page DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = (DataTable)Session["UserInfo"]; String roleName = dt.Rows[0]["RoleName"].ToString(); if (roleName.ToLower() == "student") { Response.Redirect("UserAccount.aspx"); } else { int userid = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["UserID"].ToString()); String courseName = ClsUsers.getTutorCourseName(userid); txtCourse.Text = courseName; } } if (!IsPostBack) { fillstudents(); } }
public JsonResult Validate(string UserName, string Password) { string DeviceType = ""; string DeviceName = ""; string Browser = ""; int userid = 0; //Session["employeeID"] = EmployeeID; ClsUsers U = Administration.getUsers().Where(p => p.userName == UserName).ToList().FirstOrDefault(); if (U != null) { if (U.resetPassword == true) { Session["ResetUsername"] = U.userName; Session["ResetID"] = U.userID; return(Json(new { id = U.userID, isSuccess = 0, msg = "PRYP" })); } } Login rs = new Login(); Tuple <ClsReturnValues, string, List <ClsUserDisplay> > result = rs.authenticateUser(UserName, Password, DeviceType, DeviceName, Browser); if (result.Item1.IsSuccess == true) { Session["MenusMenuItemsRaw"] = result.Item3; Session["SessionID"] = result.Item1.Response; Session["Token"] = result.Item2; Session["Username"] = UserName; Session["UserID"] = result.Item1.ID; userid = (int)result.Item1.ID; ClsUsers u = Administration.getUsers().Where(f => f.userID == userid).FirstOrDefault(); } return(Json(new { id = result.Item1.ID, isSuccess = result.Item1.IsSuccess, msg = result.Item1.Response })); }
public static String CHANGE_PASSWORD(int xType, String xOldPassword, String xPassword, String xUser) { //MembershipUser currentUser = Membership.GetUser(); //string user = currentUser.UserName.ToString(); ClsUsers log = new ClsUsers(); return(log.CHANGE_PASSWORD(xType, xUser, xOldPassword, xPassword)); }
public static int updateCourse(int courseid) { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = (DataTable)HttpContext.Current.Session["UserInfo"]; int userid = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["UserID"].ToString()); return(ClsUsers.updateTutorCourse(userid, courseid)); }
public static ClsReturnValues setUsers(ClsUsers obj) { //password encryption happens here obj.password = Security.Encrypt(obj.password); ClsReturnValues lst = new ClsReturnValues(); using (var db = new tdoEntities()) { lst = db.uspAddEditUsers(obj.userID, obj.userGroupID, obj.userName, obj.password, obj.password, obj.passwordCanExpire, obj.passwordExpiryDate, obj.isLocked, obj.loginAttempts, obj.lastLoginDate, obj.theme, obj.resetPassword, obj.createdByID, obj.sessionID).FirstOrDefault(); } return(lst); }
public static ClsReturnValues resetPassword(int userID, string newPassword) { newPassword = Security.Encrypt(newPassword); ClsUsers U = Administration.getUsers().Where(p => p.userID == userID).ToList().FirstOrDefault(); string oldPassword = U.password; ClsReturnValues lst = new ClsReturnValues(); using (var db = new tdoEntities()) { lst = db.uspChangePassword(userID, oldPassword, newPassword).FirstOrDefault(); } return(lst); }
void fillTutos() { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = (DataTable)Session["UserInfo"]; int CourseID = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["CourseID"].ToString()); DataTable dtTtr = new DataTable(); dtTtr = ClsUsers.GetTutors(CourseID); rptTutors.DataSource = dtTtr; rptTutors.DataBind(); }
void filldata() { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = (DataTable)Session["UserInfo"]; int userId = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["UserID"].ToString()); DataTable dtModule = new DataTable(); dtModule = ClsUsers.GetUserModule(userId); rptModules.DataSource = dtModule; rptModules.DataBind(); }
void fillstudents() { DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = (DataTable)Session["UserInfo"]; int CourseID = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["CourseID"].ToString()); DataTable dtTtr = new DataTable(); dtTtr = ClsUsers.GetStudents(CourseID); lstStudents.DataSource = dtTtr; lstStudents.DataTextField = "StudentName"; lstStudents.DataValueField = "UserID"; lstStudents.DataBind(); }
public static int updatePWD(string oldpassword, string newpassword) { string result = string.Empty; DataTable dt = new DataTable(); if (HttpContext.Current.Session["UserInfo"] != null) { dt = (DataTable)HttpContext.Current.Session["UserInfo"]; ClsUsers ObjUser = new ClsUsers(); ObjUser.UserPassword = clsEncryption.Encrypt(oldpassword);//currunt pwd ObjUser.UserID = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["UserId"].ToString()); return(ClsUsers.ChangePwd(ObjUser, clsEncryption.Encrypt(newpassword))); } else { return(0); } }
public static string login(string username, string pwd) { String result = ""; ClsUsers oBJ = new ClsUsers(); oBJ.UserName = username; oBJ.UserPassword = clsEncryption.Encrypt(pwd); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); dt = ClsUsers.Login(oBJ); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count != 0) { HttpContext.Current.Session["UserInfo"] = dt; result = "success"; } else { result = "fail"; } return(result); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { // Put user code to initialize the page here if (!IsPostBack) { HttpCookieCollection cookieCols = new HttpCookieCollection(); cookieCols = Request.Cookies; if (!(cookieCols["CMS"] == null)) { if (cookieCols["CMS"].Value != "") { short UserId = short.Parse(cookieCols["CMS"].Value.ToString()); objuser = new ClsUsers(UserId);//callingconstructor //txtuserid.Text = objuser.UserCode; chksignin.Checked = true; } else { chksignin.Checked = false; //txtuserid.Text = ""; } } } }
public Tuple <ClsReturnValues, string, List <ClsUserDisplay> > authenticateUser(string UserName, string Password, string DeviceType, string DeviceName, string Browser) { string encryptedPassword = Security.Encrypt(Password); string token = ""; List <ClsUserDisplay> ud = new List <ClsUserDisplay>(); ClsReturnValues result = new ClsReturnValues(); ClsUsers userGroup = new ClsUsers(); using (tdoEntities db = new tdoEntities()) { result = db.uspUserAuthentication(UserName, encryptedPassword, DeviceType, DeviceName, Browser).FirstOrDefault(); userGroup = db.uspGetUsers().Where(p => p.userID == result.ID).FirstOrDefault(); if (result.IsSuccess == true) { ud = db.uspGetUserDisplay(result.ID).ToList <ClsUserDisplay>(); // Token issuer TokenIssuer issuer = new TokenIssuer(); // A client of the relying party app gets the token token = issuer.GetToken(result, ud.First().userGroupID); } } return(new Tuple <ClsReturnValues, string, List <ClsUserDisplay> >(result, token, ud)); }
public static int register(ClsUsers ObjUser) { int result = ClsUsers.InsertUpdate(ObjUser); return(result); }
public static int deleteStudent(int userid) { return(ClsUsers.deleteStudent(userid)); }