Пример #1
        public void ShippingAddressMinPlusOne()
            //create an instance of the class we want to create
            ClsOrder AnOrder = new ClsOrder();
            //string variable to store any error message
            String Error = "";
            //create some test data to pass to the method
            string ShippingAddress = "aa";

            Error = AnOrder.Valid(OrderID, OrderDate, CustomerID, ShippingAddress);
            //test to see that the result is correct
            Assert.AreEqual(Error, "");
Пример #2
        public void DateOfOrderExtremeMax()
            ClsOrder AnOrder = new ClsOrder();
            String   Error   = "";
            DateTime TestDate;

            TestDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
            TestDate = TestDate.AddYears(100);
            string DateOfOrder = TestDate.ToString(); // This should fail

            Error = AnOrder.Valid(DateOfOrder, OrderPrice, OrderStatus);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(Error, "");
Пример #3
        public void DateOfOrderMinPlusOne()
            ClsOrder AnOrder = new ClsOrder();
            String   Error   = "";
            DateTime TestDate;

            TestDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
            TestDate = TestDate.AddDays(1);
            string DateOfOrder = TestDate.ToString(); // This should pass

            Error = AnOrder.Valid(DateOfOrder, OrderPrice, OrderStatus);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(Error, "");
Пример #4
        public void CustomerIDExtremeMax()
            //create an instance of the class we want to create
            ClsOrder AnOrder = new ClsOrder();
            //string variable to store any error message
            String Error = "";
            //create some test data to pass to the method
            string CustomerID = "";

            CustomerID = CustomerID.PadRight(500, 'a');
            Error      = AnOrder.Valid(OrderID, OrderDate, CustomerID, ShippingAddress);
            //test to see that the result is correct
            Assert.AreEqual(Error, "");
Пример #5
        public void CustomerIDMin()
            //create an instance of the class we want to create
            ClsOrder AnOrder = new ClsOrder();
            //string variable to store any error message
            String Error = "";
            //string variable to store any error message
            string CustomerID = "";

            //invoke the method
            Error = AnOrder.Valid(OrderID, OrderDate, CustomerID, ShippingAddress);
            //test to see that the result is correct
            Assert.AreEqual(Error, "");
Пример #6
        public void NotesMinPlusOne()
            //create an instance of the class we want to create
            ClsOrder AnOrder = new ClsOrder();
            //string variable to store any error message
            String Error = "";
            //create some test data to pass to the method
            String Notes = "aa"; //this should be ok

            //invoke the method
            Error = AnOrder.Valid(CustomerID, Notes, Date);
            //test to see that the result is correct
            Assert.AreEqual(Error, "");
Пример #7
        public void CustomerIDExtremeMax()
            //create an instance of the class we want to create
            ClsOrder AnOrder = new ClsOrder();
            //string variable to store any error message
            String Error = "";
            //create some test data to pass to the method
            String CustomerID = "2000"; //this should fail

            //invoke the method
            Error = AnOrder.Valid(CustomerID, Notes, Date);
            //test to see that the result is correct
            Assert.AreNotEqual(Error, "");
Пример #8
        public void OrderDateMin()
            //create an instance of the class we want to create
            ClsOrder AnOrder = new ClsOrder();
            //string variable to store any error message
            String   Error = "";
            DateTime TestDate;

            TestDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
            string OrderDate = TestDate.ToString();

            Error = AnOrder.Valid(OrderID, OrderDate, CustomerID, ShippingAddress);
            //test to see that the result is correct
            Assert.AreEqual(Error, "");
Пример #9
        public void DateAddedMin()
            //create an instance of the class we want to create
            ClsOrder AnOrder = new ClsOrder();
            //string variable to store any error message
            String Error = "";
            //create a variable to store the test date data
            DateTime TestDate;

            //set the date totodays date
            TestDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
            //convert the date variable to a string variable
            string Date = TestDate.ToString();

            //invoke the method
            Error = AnOrder.Valid(CustomerID, Notes, Date);
            //test to see that the result is correct
            Assert.AreEqual(Error, "");
Пример #10
    protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Old
        //ClsOrder AnOrder = new ClsOrder();
        //AnOrder.OrderID = Convert.ToInt32(TxtOrderID.Text);
        //AnOrder.CustomerID = Convert.ToInt32(txtCustomerID.Text);
        //AnOrder.CarID = txtCar.Text;
        //AnOrder.DateOfOrder = Convert.ToDateTime(TxtDateOfOrder.Text);
        ////AnOrder.ServiceID = DropDownServices.SelectedValue;
        //Session["AnOrder"] = AnOrder;
        // New
        ClsOrder AnOrder     = new ClsOrder();
        string   orderID     = TxtOrderID.Text;
        string   DateOfOrder = TxtDateOfOrder.Text;
        string   customerID  = txtCustomerID.Text;
        string   OrderPrice  = txtPrice.Text;
        string   OrderStatus = txtOrderStatus.Text;
        string   Error       = "";

        Error = AnOrder.Valid(DateOfOrder, OrderPrice, OrderStatus);
        if (Error == "")
            int  OID  = 0;
            bool canC = int.TryParse(orderID, out OID);
            if (canC == false)
                AnOrder.OrderID = OrderID;
                AnOrder.OrderID = Convert.ToInt32(TxtOrderID.Text);

            int  OIDC  = 0;
            bool canCC = int.TryParse(customerID, out OIDC);
            if (canCC == false)
                AnOrder.CustomerID = CustomerID;
                AnOrder.CustomerID = Convert.ToInt32(txtCustomerID.Text);

            AnOrder.CarID       = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownCars.SelectedValue);
            AnOrder.DateOfOrder = Convert.ToDateTime(DateOfOrder);
            AnOrder.ServiceID   = Convert.ToInt32(DropDownServices.SelectedValue);
            double price;
            price = Convert.ToDouble(OrderPrice);
            AnOrder.OrderPrice  = price;
            AnOrder.OrderStatus = OrderStatus;
            AnOrder.PaymentID   = Convert.ToInt32(TxtPaymentID.Text);
            AnOrder.Completed   = CheckBoxCompleted.Checked;
            ClsOrderCollection OrderList = new ClsOrderCollection();
            if (OrderID == -1)
                OrderList.ThisOrder = AnOrder;
                OrderList.ThisOrder = AnOrder;

            lblError.Text = Error;
Пример #11
    protected void BtnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        //creates a new instance of ClsOrder
        ClsOrder AnOrder = new ClsOrder();
        //capture the OrderID
        String OrderID = txtOrderID.Text;
        //capture the OrderDate
        string OrderDate = txtOrderDate.Text;
        //capture the CustomerID
        String CustomerID = txtCustomerID.Text;

        //capture the ShippingAddress
        string ShippingAddress = txtShippingAddress.Text;

        //variable to store any error messages
        string Error = "";

        //validate the data
        Error = AnOrder.Valid(OrderID, OrderDate, CustomerID, ShippingAddress);
        if (Error == "")
            //capture the OrderID
            AnOrder.OrderID = Convert.ToInt32(OrderID);
            //capture OrderDate
            AnOrder.OrderDate = Convert.ToDateTime(OrderDate);
            //capture the CustomerID
            AnOrder.CustomerID = Convert.ToInt32(CustomerID);
            //capture ShippingAddress
            AnOrder.ShippingAddress = ShippingAddress;
            //capture Order Shipped
            AnOrder.OrderShipped = chkOrderShipped.Checked;
            //creates new instance of OrderCollection
            ClsOrderCollection OrderList = new ClsOrderCollection();

            //If this is a new record i.e OrderShipped = -1 the add the data
            if (OrderShipped == -1)
                //Sets the ThisOrder property
                OrderList.ThisOrder = AnOrder;
                //adds new record
            //Otherwise it must be an update
                //find record to update
                //Sets the ThisOrder property
                OrderList.ThisOrder = AnOrder;
                //updates the record
            //redirects back to listpage
            //display the error message
            lblError.Text = Error;