protected void Login_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { sResult = LG.CheckLoginStage(Userid.Value, encrypt(pass.Value)); if (sResult == "1004") { WebMsgBox.Show("Login Failed!! User is Suspended!!", this.Page); return; } else { //Below commented by Abhishek as per requirement on 19-02-2018 string RC = LG.CheckLoginStatus(Userid.Value, encrypt(pass.Value)); if (RC == "1") { pass.Focus(); pass.Value = ""; Lbl_Error.Visible = true; Lbl_Error.Text = "Sorry User is Already Logged in ..!!"; return; } //cmd = "Select B.BankCD As BankCode, B.BankName, B.MidName As BranchName, " + // "(Select IsNull(BrCd, 0) From BankName Where BranchDesc = 'HO') As HOBRCD, U.BrCd, " + // "Left(U.UserName, Case When CharIndex(' ', U.UserName) > 0 Then CharIndex(' ', U.UserName) Else Len(U.UserName) End) As UserName, " + // "U.LoginCode, U.PermissionNo, U.UserGroup, U.MultiLog, U.EPassWord From UserMaster U " + // "Inner Join BankName B With(NoLock) On U.BrCd = B.BrCd "+ //"Where U.LoginCode = '" + "ATUL7" + "' And EPassword = '******' "; //SqlCommand cd = new SqlCommand(cmd); //string cs= ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ocbs"].ConnectionString; //SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(cs); //con.Open(); //SqlDataAdapter dt = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd, con); DT = LG.GetDetaile(Userid.Value, encrypt(pass.Value)); string txtpath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/SqlConn/SYS.dat"); StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(txtpath); string line = sr.ReadToEnd(); string[] con = line.Split("\n".ToCharArray()); string Date = Decrypt(con[5].ToString()); string Date1 = LG.getdate(Date); if (Date == null || Date1 == "") { WebMsgBox.Show("Error code-305", this.Page); return; } else { if (DT.Rows.Count > 0) { Session["SessionTimeout"] = LG.GetSessionTime(); // Added by amol on 21/11/2018 (for bank details) Session["BankCode"] = DT.Rows[0]["BankCode"].ToString(); Session["BankName"] = DT.Rows[0]["BankName"].ToString(); Session["BranchName"] = DT.Rows[0]["BranchName"].ToString(); // End added by amol on 21/11/2018 Session["BRCD"] = DT.Rows[0]["BrCd"].ToString(); Session["HOBRCD"] = DT.Rows[0]["HOBRCD"].ToString(); Session["MID"] = DT.Rows[0]["PermissionNo"].ToString(); Session["LOGINCODE"] = DT.Rows[0]["LoginCode"].ToString(); Session["UserName"] = DT.Rows[0]["UserName"].ToString(); Session["UGRP"] = DT.Rows[0]["UserGroup"].ToString(); Session["MULTILOG"] = DT.Rows[0]["MultiLog"].ToString(); if (DT.Rows.Count > 0)//Dhanya Shetty-To store the activity in Avs500 table as log details// { CLM.LOGDETAILS("Insert", Session["BRCD"].ToString(), Session["MID"].ToString(), "Login _" + Session["LOGINCODE"].ToString() + "", "00", Session["MID"].ToString()); } if (DT.Rows[0]["EPassWord"].ToString() == "") { if (DT.Rows[0]["UserGroup"].ToString() == "1" || DT.Rows[0]["UserGroup"].ToString() == "2" || DT.Rows[0]["UserGroup"].ToString() == "3") { string url = "FrmSetPWD.aspx"; NewTab(url); } } else { int RS = LG.UpdateLoginsts(Userid.Value, encrypt(pass.Value), "1", Session["BRCD"].ToString()); if (RS > 0) { Session["UID"] = Userid.Value; Session["PWD"] = pass.Value; Response.Redirect("FrmBlank.aspx", true); } } } else { Lbl_Error.Visible = true; Lbl_Error.Text = "Login Fail Please Check UserId or Password ...!!"; Userid.Focus(); return; } } } }