Пример #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // insert your own connection string here, or use one of the other options:
            var tableStorage = CloudStorage

            // 'books' is the name of the table
            var books = new CloudTable<Book>(tableStorage, "books");

            var potterBook = new Book { Author = "J. K. Rowling", Title = "Harry Potter" };
            var poemsBook = new Book { Author = "John Keats", Title = "Complete Poems" };

            // inserting (or updating record in Table Storage)
                    new CloudEntity<Book> {PartitionKey = "UK", RowKey = "potter", Value = potterBook},
                    new CloudEntity<Book> {PartitionKey = "UK", RowKey = "poems", Value = poemsBook}

            // reading from table
            foreach(var entity in books.Get())
                Console.WriteLine("{0} by {1} in partition '{2}' and rowkey '{3}'",
                    entity.Value.Title, entity.Value.Author, entity.PartitionKey, entity.RowKey);

            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit.");
        void ClearTable(CloudTable table)
            var deviceIds = _deviceService.GetDeviceIds();

            foreach (var partitionKey in deviceIds)
                TableBatchOperation batchDelete = new TableBatchOperation();

                // gets all the entities in the table for this partition key
                string partitionCondition = TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("PartitionKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, partitionKey);
                List<DynamicTableEntity> entities = table.ExecuteQuery(new TableQuery().Where(partitionCondition)).ToList();

                entities.ForEach(e =>

                    // Azure has a limit on batch operations
                    if (batchDelete.Count == 100)
                        batchDelete = new TableBatchOperation();

                // flush out whatever is left
                if (batchDelete.Count > 0)
Пример #3
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // TODO: change your connection string here
            var providers = Standalone.CreateProviders("DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=;AccountKey=");
            // 'books' is the name of the table
            var books = new CloudTable<Book>(providers.TableStorage, "books");

            var potterBook = new Book { Author = "J. K. Rowling", Title = "Harry Potter" };
            var poemsBook = new Book { Author = "John Keats", Title = "Complete Poems" };

            // inserting (or updating record in Table Storage)
                    new CloudEntity<Book> {PartitionKey = "UK", RowKey = "potter", Value = potterBook},
                    new CloudEntity<Book> {PartitionKey = "UK", RowKey = "poems", Value = poemsBook}

            // reading from table
            foreach(var entity in books.Get())
                Console.WriteLine("{0} by {1} in partition '{2}' and rowkey '{3}'",
                    entity.Value.Title, entity.Value.Author, entity.PartitionKey, entity.RowKey);

            Console.WriteLine("Press enter to exit.");
        protected override void StartOnSchedule()
            var snapshotsToKeep = int.Parse(CloudEnvironment.GetConfigurationSetting(Names.NumberOfSnapshotsToKeepConfig).GetValue("3"));
            var accounts = Accounts.ListAccounts().ToSet();

            var snapshotToDelete = new CloudTable<CompleteSnapshotReport>(TableStorage, Names.CompleteSnapshotReportsTable).Get()
                .GroupBy(entity => entity.PartitionKey)
                .Where(group => accounts.Contains(group.Key, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && group.Count() > snapshotsToKeep)
                .Select(group => group.OrderBy(entity => entity.Value.Completed).First())
                .OrderBy(entity => entity.Value.Completed)


            var snapshot = snapshotToDelete.Value.Value;
            Put(new DeleteSnapshotCommand
                    AccountName = snapshot.AccountName,
                    SnapshotId = snapshot.SnapshotId,
                    Credentials = Accounts.BuildSnapshotOnlyCredentials()
Пример #5
 // GET: /Action/
 public ActionResult Index(string partKey = PartitionKey)
     var entities = new CloudTable<AnalysisAction>(Providers.TableStorage, TableName);
     var actions = entities.Get(partKey);
     var actionsView = AutoMapper.Mapper.Map<IEnumerable<CloudEntity<AnalysisAction>>, IEnumerable<AnalysisActionView>>(actions);
     return View(actionsView);
Пример #6
        public RestorePublisher(CloudInfrastructureProviders providers)
            // State:
            _containerRestores = new CloudTable<ContainerRestoreState>(providers.TableStorage, Names.ContainerRestoreStateTable);

            // Reports:
            _indicators = new CloudTable<MonitoringIndicatorReport>(providers.TableStorage, Names.IndicatorReportsTable);
            _messages = new CloudTable<MonitoringMessageReport>(providers.TableStorage, Names.MessageReportsTable);
Пример #7
        public SnapshotPublisher(CloudInfrastructureProviders providers)
            // State:
            _snapshots = new CloudTable<SnapshotState>(providers.TableStorage, Names.SnapshotStateTable);
            _containers = new CloudTable<ContainerState>(providers.TableStorage, Names.ContainerStateTable);

            // Reports:
            _indicators = new CloudTable<MonitoringIndicatorReport>(providers.TableStorage, Names.IndicatorReportsTable);
            _messages = new CloudTable<MonitoringMessageReport>(providers.TableStorage, Names.MessageReportsTable);
            _completeSnapshots = new CloudTable<CompleteSnapshotReport>(providers.TableStorage, Names.CompleteSnapshotReportsTable);
        public static void MyClassInitialize(TestContext testContext)
            CloudTableClient tableClient = GenerateCloudTableClient();
            currentTable = tableClient.GetTableReference(GenerateRandomTableName());

            // Populate Entities (This will add 1500 entities to a new table, enough to test continuations 
            TableServiceContext ctx = tableClient.GetTableServiceContext();
            for (int l = 0; l < totalTestEntities / 100; l++)
                for (int m = 0; m < 100; m++)
                    BaseEntity ent = new BaseEntity("partition" + l, m.ToString());
                    ent.A = ent.RowKey;
                    ctx.AddObject(currentTable.Name, ent);

Пример #9
        public LoginModule(ISaltedHash saltedHash, CloudTable<User> users)
            : base("/account/login")
            _saltedHash = saltedHash;
            _users = users;

            Get["/"] = x =>
                if (IsAuthenticated)
                    return this.AsRedirectQueryStringOrDefault("~/dashboard");


                var model = this.Bind<LoginModel>();
                return View["account/login", model];

            Post["/"] = x =>
                if (IsAuthenticated)
                    return this.AsRedirectQueryStringOrDefault("~/dashboard");


                var model = this.BindAndValidate<LoginModel>();
                if (!ModelValidationResult.IsValid)
                    return View["account/login", model];

                var user = VerifyUser(model);
                if (user == null)
                    return InvalidLogin(model);

                // TODO: Publish event for CQRS/ES audit logging
                return this.SignIn(user, model.RememberMe);
Пример #10
        public static async Task <IActionResult> End(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "post", Route = ServiceNames.UploadEnd + "/{session}/{filename?}")]
            HttpRequest req,
            string session,
            string filename,
            [Blob(BlobNames.UploadDirectory + "/{session}")] CloudBlobDirectory uploadDir,
            [Table(TableNames.CommUpload, CommUploadPartitionKeys.Temp, "{session}")] TableEntityAdapter <UploadSession> upload,
            [Table(TableNames.CommUpload)] CloudTable uploadTable,
            [Queue(QueueNames.CommProcess)] CloudQueue processQueue,
            [Inject] App app,
            ILogger log)
                if (session.IsNullOrEmpty())
                    throw new ArgumentException("The Session Id is required.", nameof(session));

                // save the file
                var uploadTo = await req.Body.UploadTo(uploadDir, filename);

                #region unexpected behaviour notes

                 * update the OriginalEntity.Property value has cause some funny error without cloning the object
                 * System.Private.CoreLib: Exception while executing function: TransferEnd.
                 * Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.Host: Error while handling parameter upload after function returned:.
                 * Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage: Not Found.
                 * upload.OriginalEntity.UploadEnd = app.DateTimeNow;

                #endregion unexpected behaviour notes

                UploadSession UpdateOriginalEntity(UploadSession uploadSession)
                    uploadSession.UploadEnd        = app.DateTimeNow;
                    uploadSession.ManifestFile     = new[] { upload.OriginalEntity.ManifestFile, filename }.IsIfManifest();
                    uploadSession.LastUploadedFile = new[] { filename, uploadSession.LastUploadedFile }.FirstIsNotEmpty();

                // close the upload session
                upload = await upload.MoveTo(uploadTable
                                             , uploadSession => CommUploadPartitionKeys.Completed
                                             , updateOriginalEntity : UpdateOriginalEntity

                // raise the UploadCompleted event
                await new UploadCompleted {
                    SessionId = session

                return(new OkObjectResult(upload.OriginalEntity));
            catch (Exception ex)
                return(new BadRequestObjectResult(new UploadSession {
                    Errors = ex.Message
Пример #11
        private async Task MessageReceivedAsync(IDialogContext context, IAwaitable <IMessageActivity> result)
            var message = await result;

            var msg = context.MakeMessage();

            msg.Type = ActivityTypes.Typing;
            await context.PostAsync(msg);

            var        storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AzureWebJobsStorage"]);
            var        tableClient    = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
            CloudTable eventTable     = tableClient.GetTableReference("Event");


            DateTime thisDay = DateTime.Today;
            String   today   = FormatDate(thisDay.ToString("d"));

            EventEntity eventEntity = null;
            string      codeEntered = "";

            if (message.Attachments.FirstOrDefault() != null)
                string          destinationContainer = "qrcode";
                CloudBlobClient blobClient           = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
                var             blobContainer        = blobClient.GetContainerReference(destinationContainer);
                String newFileName = "";
                var    a           = message.Attachments.FirstOrDefault();

                    using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient())
                        var responseMessage = await httpClient.GetAsync(a.ContentUrl);

                        var contentLenghtBytes = responseMessage.Content.Headers.ContentLength;
                        var fileByte           = await httpClient.GetByteArrayAsync(a.ContentUrl);

                        newFileName = context.UserData.GetValue <string>(ContextConstants.UserId) + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMddyyyy-hhmmss") + "_" + "qrcode";

                        var    barcodeReader = new BarcodeReader();
                        var    memoryStream  = new MemoryStream(fileByte);
                        string sourceUrl     = a.ContentUrl;
                        var    barcodeBitmap = (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromStream(memoryStream);
                        var    barcodeResult = barcodeReader.Decode(barcodeBitmap);
                        codeEntered = barcodeResult.Text;
                        eventEntity = GetEvent(barcodeResult.Text);
                catch (Exception e)
                codeEntered = message.Text;
                eventEntity = GetEvent(message.Text);
            //Check database
            if (eventEntity != null)
                var eventName = eventEntity.EventName;

                CloudTable attendanceTable = tableClient.GetTableReference("Attendance");

                String filterA = TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("SurveyCode", QueryComparisons.Equal, eventEntity.SurveyCode);
                String filterB = TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("RowKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, context.UserData.GetValue <string>(ContextConstants.UserId));
                String filterD = TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("PartitionKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, eventEntity.RowKey);
                TableQuery <AttendanceEntity> query      = new TableQuery <AttendanceEntity>().Where(TableQuery.CombineFilters(filterA, TableOperators.And, filterB));
                TableQuery <AttendanceEntity> todayQuery = new TableQuery <AttendanceEntity>().Where(TableQuery.CombineFilters(TableQuery.CombineFilters(filterA, TableOperators.And, filterB), TableOperators.And, filterD));

                var     results      = attendanceTable.ExecuteQuery(query);
                var     todayResults = attendanceTable.ExecuteQuery(todayQuery);
                Boolean notDone      = true;
                //Survey Code
                if (codeEntered == eventEntity.SurveyCode)
                    if (results != null)
                        foreach (AttendanceEntity a in results)
                            if (a.Survey == true)
                                notDone = false;
                                await context.PostAsync("You have already completed the survey for " + "'" + eventName + "'!");

                                await context.PostAsync(msg);

                                await context.PostAsync("Talk to me again if you require my assistance.");


                        if (notDone && !ValidPeriod(eventEntity.SurveyEndDate, eventEntity.SurveyEndTime, eventEntity.EventStartDate))
                            await context.PostAsync("Sorry, this code is not yet ready for use or have already expired!");

                            await context.PostAsync(msg);

                            await context.PostAsync("Talk to me again if you require my assistance.");

                    context.UserData.SetValue(ContextConstants.Status, "3");
                    context.UserData.SetValue(ContextConstants.Survey, eventEntity.Survey);
                    //Attendance Code 1
                else if (codeEntered == eventEntity.AttendanceCode1)
                    if (todayResults != null)
                        foreach (AttendanceEntity a in todayResults)
                            if (a.Morning == true)
                                notDone = false;
                                await context.PostAsync("You have already registered this attendance for " + "'" + eventName + "'" + " today!");

                                await context.PostAsync(msg);

                                await context.PostAsync("Talk to me again if you require my assistance.");


                        if (notDone && !ValidTime(eventEntity.AttendanceCode1StartTime, eventEntity.AttendanceCode1EndTime, eventEntity.Day, eventEntity.EventStartDate, eventEntity.EventEndDate))
                            await context.PostAsync("Sorry, this code is not yet ready for use or have already expired!");

                            await context.PostAsync(msg);

                            await context.PostAsync("Talk to me again if you require my assistance.");

                    context.UserData.SetValue(ContextConstants.Status, "1");
                }//Attendance code 2
                else if (codeEntered == eventEntity.AttendanceCode2)
                    if (todayResults != null)
                        foreach (AttendanceEntity a in todayResults)
                            if (a.Afternoon == true)
                                notDone = false;
                                await context.PostAsync("You have already registered this attendance for " + "'" + eventName + "'" + " today!");

                                await context.PostAsync(msg);

                                await context.PostAsync("Talk to me again if you require my assistance.");


                        if (notDone && !ValidTime(eventEntity.AttendanceCode2StartTime, eventEntity.AttendanceCode2EndTime, eventEntity.Day, eventEntity.EventStartDate, eventEntity.EventEndDate))
                            await context.PostAsync("Sorry, this code is not yet ready for use or have already expired!");

                            await context.PostAsync(msg);

                            await context.PostAsync("Talk to me again if you require my assistance.");


                    context.UserData.SetValue(ContextConstants.Status, "2");
                context.UserData.SetValue(ContextConstants.EventCode, eventEntity.RowKey);
                context.UserData.SetValue(ContextConstants.SurveyCode, eventEntity.SurveyCode);
                context.UserData.SetValue(ContextConstants.Anonymous, eventEntity.Anonymous);
                context.UserData.SetValue(ContextConstants.EventName, eventName);
                context.UserData.SetValue(ContextConstants.Today, today);
                context.UserData.SetValue(ContextConstants.Description, eventEntity.Description);
                await context.PostAsync("I'm sorry, I think you have keyed in the wrong workshop code or have sent an invalid QR Code, let's do this again.");

Пример #12
        public static async Task <IActionResult> Run([HttpTrigger("post", Route = "Sessions")] HttpRequest req, [Table("Session")] CloudTable sessions, ILogger log)
            log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");

            string requestBody = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync();
            var    session     = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Session>(requestBody);

            session.PartitionKey    = session.Id;
            session.RowKey          = session.Id;
            session.SpeakersIdsJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(session.SpeakersIds);


            var result = await sessions.ExecuteAsync(TableOperation.InsertOrReplace(session));

            return(new OkObjectResult(result.Result));
Пример #13
        static void CreateTable(CloudTableClient cloudTableClient)
            CloudTable cloudTable = cloudTableClient.GetTableReference("table1");

Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Imports data of DataTable to table storage
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dtSheetInfo"></param>
        /// <param name="strSheetName"></param>
        private void ImportDataToTable(System.Data.DataTable dtSheetInfo, string strSheetName)
            var    client       = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
            string strTableName = txt_TableName.Text;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(strTableName))
                Response.Write(new string(' ', 1024));
                Response.Write(String.Format("<div>Uploading {0} rows for sheet {1}", dtSheetInfo.Rows.Count, strSheetName.Replace("$", "")));

                CloudTable table = client.GetTableReference(strTableName);

                // Create a new partition key for this data instead of overwriting old data.
                var partitionKey = strSheetName + DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("o");

                var batch = new TableBatchOperation();

                for (int j = 0; j < dtSheetInfo.Rows.Count; j++)
                    ExcelTableEntity entity = new ExcelTableEntity(partitionKey, (j + 2).ToString("D5"));
                    var hasContent          = false;
                    for (int i = 0; i < dtSheetInfo.Columns.Count; i++)
                        string strCloName = dtSheetInfo.Columns[i].ColumnName;
                        if (!(dtSheetInfo.Rows[j][i] is DBNull) && (dtSheetInfo.Rows[j][i] != null))
                            hasContent = true;
                            string strValue = dtSheetInfo.Rows[j][i].ToString().Trim();
                            if (!CheckPropertyExist(strCloName, strValue, entity))
                                EntityProperty property = entity.ConvertToEntityProperty(strCloName, dtSheetInfo.Rows[j][i]);
                                if (!entity.properties.ContainsKey(strCloName))
                                    entity.properties.Add(strCloName, property);
                                    entity.properties[strCloName] = property;

                    if (hasContent)

                    if (batch.Count >= 100)

                if (batch.Count > 0)

                var pointer = new ExcelTableEntity(strSheetName.Replace("$", ""), "Latest");
                pointer.properties.Add("ID", new EntityProperty(partitionKey));

                Response.Write(String.Format("\n PartitionKey: <code>{0}</code></div><hr/>", partitionKey));
Пример #15
 public override void ClearData()
     _table = null;
Пример #16
 public UserRepository(StorageClientFactory clientFactory)
     _table = clientFactory.GetTableClient()
Пример #17
 public EvaluationClient()
     table = CreateTable();
        public static async Task <object> Run([HttpTrigger(WebHookType = "genericJson")] HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log, Microsoft.Azure.WebJobs.ExecutionContext execContext)
            // Variables
            int taskindex           = 0;
            int OutputMES           = -1;
            int OutputPremium       = -1;
            int OutputIndex1        = -1;
            int OutputMesThumbnails = -1;

            int    id               = 0;
            string programid        = "";
            string programName      = "";
            string channelName      = "";
            string programUrl       = "";
            string programState     = "";
            string lastProgramState = "";

            IJob  job             = null;
            ITask taskEncoding    = null;
            int   NumberJobsQueue = 0;

            int intervalsec = 60; // Interval for each subclip job (sec). Default is 60

            TimeSpan starttime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0);
            TimeSpan duration  = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(intervalsec);

            log.Info($"Webhook was triggered!");
            string triggerStart = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("o");

            string jsonContent = await req.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

            dynamic data = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(jsonContent);


            if (data.channelName == null || data.programName == null)
                return(req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, new
                    error = "Please pass channel name and program name in the input object (channelName, programName)"

            if (data.intervalSec != null)
                intervalsec = (int)data.intervalSec;

            MediaServicesCredentials amsCredentials = new MediaServicesCredentials();

            log.Info($"Using Azure Media Service Rest API Endpoint : {amsCredentials.AmsRestApiEndpoint}");

                AzureAdTokenCredentials tokenCredentials = new AzureAdTokenCredentials(amsCredentials.AmsAadTenantDomain,
                                                                                       new AzureAdClientSymmetricKey(amsCredentials.AmsClientId, amsCredentials.AmsClientSecret),

                AzureAdTokenProvider tokenProvider = new AzureAdTokenProvider(tokenCredentials);

                _context = new CloudMediaContext(amsCredentials.AmsRestApiEndpoint, tokenProvider);

                // find the Channel, Program and Asset
                channelName = (string)data.channelName;
                var channel = _context.Channels.Where(c => c.Name == channelName).FirstOrDefault();
                if (channel == null)
                    log.Info("Channel not found");
                    return(req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, new
                        error = "Channel not found"

                programName = (string)data.programName;
                var program = channel.Programs.Where(p => p.Name == programName).FirstOrDefault();
                if (program == null)
                    log.Info("Program not found");
                    return(req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, new
                        error = "Program not found"

                programState = program.State.ToString();
                programid    = program.Id;
                var asset = ManifestHelpers.GetAssetFromProgram(_context, programid);

                if (asset == null)
                    log.Info($"Asset not found for program {programid}");
                    return(req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, new
                        error = "Asset not found"

                log.Info($"Using asset Id : {asset.Id}");

                // Table storage to store and real the last timestamp processed
                // Retrieve the storage account from the connection string.
                CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = new CloudStorageAccount(new StorageCredentials(amsCredentials.StorageAccountName, amsCredentials.StorageAccountKey), true);

                // Create the table client.
                CloudTableClient tableClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();

                // Retrieve a reference to the table.
                CloudTable table = tableClient.GetTableReference("liveanalytics");

                // Create the table if it doesn't exist.

                if (!table.CreateIfNotExists())
                    log.Info($"Table {table.Name} already exists");
                    log.Info($"Table {table.Name} created");

                var lastendtimeInTable = ManifestHelpers.RetrieveLastEndTime(table, programid);

                // Get the manifest data (timestamps)
                var assetmanifestdata = ManifestHelpers.GetManifestTimingData(_context, asset, log);
                if (assetmanifestdata.Error)
                    return(req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, new { error = "Data cannot be read from program manifest." }));

                log.Info("Timestamps: " + string.Join(",", assetmanifestdata.TimestampList.Select(n => n.ToString()).ToArray()));

                var livetime = TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)assetmanifestdata.TimestampEndLastChunk / (double)assetmanifestdata.TimeScale);

                log.Info($"Livetime: {livetime}");

                starttime = ManifestHelpers.ReturnTimeSpanOnGOP(assetmanifestdata, livetime.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(intervalsec)));
                log.Info($"Value starttime : {starttime}");

                if (lastendtimeInTable != null)
                    lastProgramState = lastendtimeInTable.ProgramState;
                    log.Info($"Value ProgramState retrieved : {lastProgramState}");

                    var lastendtimeInTableValue = TimeSpan.Parse(lastendtimeInTable.LastEndTime);
                    log.Info($"Value lastendtimeInTable retrieved : {lastendtimeInTableValue}");

                    id = int.Parse(lastendtimeInTable.Id);
                    log.Info($"Value id retrieved : {id}");

                    if (lastendtimeInTableValue != null)
                        var delta = (livetime - lastendtimeInTableValue - TimeSpan.FromSeconds(intervalsec)).Duration();
                        log.Info($"Delta: {delta}");

                        //if (delta < (new TimeSpan(0, 0, 3*intervalsec))) // less than 3 times the normal duration (3*60s)
                        if (delta < (TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3 * intervalsec))) // less than 3 times the normal duration (3*60s)
                            starttime = lastendtimeInTableValue;
                            log.Info($"Value new starttime : {starttime}");

                duration = livetime - starttime;
                log.Info($"Value duration: {duration}");
                if (duration == new TimeSpan(0)) // Duration is zero, this may happen sometimes !
                    return(req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, new { error = "Stopping. Duration of subclip is zero." }));

                // D:\home\site\wwwroot\Presets\LiveSubclip.json
                string ConfigurationSubclip = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(System.IO.Directory.GetParent(execContext.FunctionDirectory).FullName, "presets", "LiveSubclip.json")).Replace("0:00:00.000000", starttime.Subtract(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100)).ToString()).Replace("0:00:30.000000", duration.Add(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200)).ToString());

                int priority = 10;
                if (data.priority != null)
                    priority = (int)data.priority;

                // MES Subclipping TASK
                // Declare a new encoding job with the Standard encoder
                job = _context.Jobs.Create("Azure Function - Job for Live Analytics - " + programName, priority);
                // Get a media processor reference, and pass to it the name of the
                // processor to use for the specific task.
                IMediaProcessor processor = MediaServicesHelper.GetLatestMediaProcessorByName(_context, "Media Encoder Standard");

                // Change or modify the custom preset JSON used here.
                // string preset = File.ReadAllText("D:\home\site\wwwroot\Presets\H264 Multiple Bitrate 720p.json");

                // Create a task with the encoding details, using a string preset.
                // In this case "H264 Multiple Bitrate 720p" system defined preset is used.
                taskEncoding = job.Tasks.AddNew("Subclipping task",

                // Specify the input asset to be encoded.
                OutputMES = taskindex++;

                // Add an output asset to contain the results of the job.
                // This output is specified as AssetCreationOptions.None, which
                // means the output asset is not encrypted.
                var subclipasset = taskEncoding.OutputAssets.AddNew(asset.Name + " subclipped " + triggerStart, JobHelpers.OutputStorageFromParam(data.mesSubclip), AssetCreationOptions.None);

                log.Info($"Adding media analytics tasks");

                OutputIndex1 = JobHelpers.AddTask(execContext, _context, job, subclipasset, (data.indexV1 == null) ? (string)data.indexV1Language : ((string)data.indexV1.language ?? "English"), "Azure Media Indexer", "IndexerV1.xml", "English", ref taskindex, specifiedStorageAccountName: JobHelpers.OutputStorageFromParam(data.indexV1));

                // MES Thumbnails
                OutputMesThumbnails = JobHelpers.AddTask(execContext, _context, job, subclipasset, (data.mesThumbnails != null) ? ((string)data.mesThumbnails.Start ?? "{Best}") : null, "Media Encoder Standard", "MesThumbnails.json", "{Best}", ref taskindex, specifiedStorageAccountName: JobHelpers.OutputStorageFromParam(data.mesThumbnails));

                log.Info("Job Submitted");

                ManifestHelpers.UpdateLastEndTime(table, starttime + duration, programid, id, program.State);

                log.Info($"Output MES index {OutputMES}");

                // Let store some data in altid of subclipped asset
                var sid = JobHelpers.ReturnId(job, OutputMES);
                log.Info($"SID {sid}");
                var subclipassetrefreshed = _context.Assets.Where(a => a.Id == sid).FirstOrDefault();
                log.Info($"subclipassetrefreshed ID {subclipassetrefreshed.Id}");
                subclipassetrefreshed.AlternateId = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new ManifestHelpers.SubclipInfo()
                    programId = programid, subclipStart = starttime, subclipDuration = duration

                // Let store some data in altid of index assets
                var index1sid = JobHelpers.ReturnId(job, OutputIndex1);
                if (index1sid != null)
                    var index1assetrefreshed = _context.Assets.Where(a => a.Id == index1sid).FirstOrDefault();
                    log.Info($"index1assetrefreshed ID {index1assetrefreshed.Id}");
                    index1assetrefreshed.AlternateId = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new ManifestHelpers.SubclipInfo()
                        programId = programid, subclipStart = starttime, subclipDuration = duration

                // Get program URL
                var publishurlsmooth = MediaServicesHelper.GetValidOnDemandURI(_context, asset);

                if (publishurlsmooth != null)
                    programUrl = publishurlsmooth.ToString();

                NumberJobsQueue = _context.Jobs.Where(j => j.State == JobState.Queued).Count();
            catch (Exception ex)
                string message = ex.Message + ((ex.InnerException != null) ? Environment.NewLine + MediaServicesHelper.GetErrorMessage(ex) : "");
                log.Info($"ERROR: Exception {message}");
                return(req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, new { error = message }));

            log.Info("Job Id: " + job.Id);
            log.Info("Output asset Id: " + ((OutputMES > -1) ? JobHelpers.ReturnId(job, OutputMES) : JobHelpers.ReturnId(job, OutputPremium)));

            return(req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, new
                triggerStart = triggerStart,
                jobId = job.Id,
                subclip = new
                    assetId = JobHelpers.ReturnId(job, OutputMES),
                    taskId = JobHelpers.ReturnTaskId(job, OutputMES),
                    start = starttime,
                    duration = duration,
                mesThumbnails = new
                    assetId = JobHelpers.ReturnId(job, OutputMesThumbnails),
                    taskId = JobHelpers.ReturnTaskId(job, OutputMesThumbnails)
                indexV1 = new
                    assetId = JobHelpers.ReturnId(job, OutputIndex1),
                    taskId = JobHelpers.ReturnTaskId(job, OutputIndex1),
                    language = (string)data.indexV1Language
                channelName = channelName,
                programName = programName,
                programId = programid,
                programUrl = programUrl,
                programState = programState,
                programStateChanged = (lastProgramState != programState).ToString(),
                otherJobsQueue = NumberJobsQueue
Пример #19
 public ProductsController()
     storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AzureWebJobsStorage"].ToString());
     tableClient    = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
     table          = tableClient.GetTableReference("Products");
Пример #20
        async public Task <string> GetFullString()
            TableOperation retrieveOperation1 = TableOperation.Retrieve <varsGenderEntity>("gender", "gender");
            TableOperation retrieveOperation2 = TableOperation.Retrieve <varsEntity>("rakaat", "rakaat");
            TableOperation retrieveOperation3 = TableOperation.Retrieve <varsEntity>("isWaiting", "isWaiting");

            TableOperation retrieveOperation4 = TableOperation.Retrieve <varsEntity>("rakaat1", "rakaat1");

            // Execute the retrieve operation.

            CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(
            CloudTableClient tableClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
            CloudTable       varsTable   = tableClient.GetTableReference("varsTable");

            TableResult retrievedResult1 = await varsTable.ExecuteAsync(retrieveOperation1);

            TableResult retrievedResult2 = await varsTable.ExecuteAsync(retrieveOperation2);

            TableResult retrievedResult3 = await varsTable.ExecuteAsync(retrieveOperation3);

            TableResult retrievedResult4 = await varsTable.ExecuteAsync(retrieveOperation4);

            TimeZoneInfo myTimeZone      = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Israel Standard Time");
            DateTime     currentDateTime = TimeZoneInfo.ConvertTimeFromUtc(DateTime.UtcNow, myTimeZone);

            /*XmlDocument doc1 = new XmlDocument();
             * doc1.Load("http://api.xhanch.com/islamic-get-prayer-time.php?lng=35.00931&lat=32.76158&yy=" + currentDateTime.Year.ToString() +
             *  "&mm=" + currentDateTime.Month.ToString() + "&gmt=2");
             * XmlElement root = doc1.DocumentElement;*/
            string gender    = ((varsGenderEntity)(retrievedResult1.Result)).value;
            string rakaat    = ((varsEntity)(retrievedResult2.Result)).value;
            string isWaiting = ((varsEntity)(retrievedResult3.Result)).value;

            string rakaat1 = ((varsEntity)(retrievedResult4.Result)).value;

            string str      = /*(root.GetElementsByTagName("fajr"))[currentDateTime.Day - 1].InnerXml;*/ "02:54";
            string fajrtime = "" + (int.Parse("" + str[0] + str[1]) + 1).ToString("00") + ":" + str[3] + str[4];

            string str2     = /*(root.GetElementsByTagName("zuhr"))[currentDateTime.Day - 1].InnerXml;*/ "11:37";
            string zuhrtime = "" + (int.Parse("" + str2[0] + str2[1]) + 1).ToString("00") + ":" + str2[3] + str2[4];

            string str3    = /*(root.GetElementsByTagName("asr"))[currentDateTime.Day - 1].InnerXml;*/ "15:17";
            string asrtime = "" + (int.Parse("" + str3[0] + str3[1]) + 1).ToString("00") + ":" + str3[3] + str3[4];

            string str4        = /*(root.GetElementsByTagName("maghrib"))[currentDateTime.Day - 1].InnerXml;*/ "18:48";
            string maghribtime = "" + (int.Parse("" + str4[0] + str4[1]) + 1).ToString("00") + ":" + str4[3] + str4[4];

            string str5     = /*(root.GetElementsByTagName("isha"))[currentDateTime.Day - 1].InnerXml;*/ "20:20";
            string ishatime = "" + (int.Parse("" + str5[0] + str5[1]) + 1).ToString("00") + ":" + str5[3] + str5[4];

            PrayerTimeController x = new PrayerTimeController();

            string   currentPrayer = x.GetPrayer();
            DateTime a             = ((varsGenderEntity)(retrievedResult1.Result)).first;

            TimeSpan span = ((varsGenderEntity)(retrievedResult1.Result)).last - ((varsGenderEntity)(retrievedResult1.Result)).first;

            return("" + gender + " " + rakaat + " " + fajrtime + " " + zuhrtime + " " + asrtime + " " + maghribtime + " " + ishatime
                   + " " + currentPrayer + " " + span.Minutes.ToString() + " " + span.Seconds.ToString() + " " + a.Year
                   + " " + a.Month + " " + a.Day + " " + a.Hour + " " + a.Minute + " " + a.Second + " " + currentDateTime.Year +
                   " " + currentDateTime.Month + " " + currentDateTime.Day + " " + currentDateTime.Hour + " " + currentDateTime.Minute
                   + " " + currentDateTime.Second + " " + isWaiting + " " + rakaat1);
 public AzureEventStore(CloudTable eventTable, IMessageSerializer serializer)
     _eventTable = eventTable ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(eventTable));
     _serializer = serializer ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(serializer));
Пример #22
 public PartnerService(CloudTable table)
     : base(table)
Пример #23
 public static Task <IEnumerable <TEntity> > Query <TEntity>(this CloudTable table, string qryString, int Take, int Skip, params string[] columns) where TEntity : ITableEntity, new()
     return(TableExtensions.Query <TEntity>(table, qryString, Take, Skip, null, columns));
        public static async Task <List <T> > GetAllAsync <T>(this CloudTable cloudTable)
            TableQuery <DynamicTableEntity> query = new TableQuery <DynamicTableEntity>();

            return(await GetAllByQueryAsync <T>(cloudTable, query));
Пример #25
 public static async Task DeleteEntity(this CloudTable table, ITableEntity entity)
     var addItem = TableOperation.Delete(entity);
     await table.ExecuteAsync(addItem);
Пример #26
 public TableRepository(IGetCloudTable tables)
     _CloudTable = tables.GetTable(true);
Пример #27
        public static async Task <ITableEntity> Replace(this CloudTable table, ITableEntity entity)
            var replaceItem = TableOperation.Replace(entity);

            return((await table.ExecuteAsync(replaceItem)).Result as ITableEntity);
Пример #28
 public TableStorageProvider(CloudTable cloudTable)
     this.cloudTable = cloudTable;
Пример #29
        public static async Task <T> Get <T>(this CloudTable table, string partitionKey, string rowKey) where T : class, ITableEntity, new()
            var entity = await table.ExecuteAsync(TableOperation.Retrieve <T>(partitionKey, rowKey));

            return(entity?.Result as T);
Пример #30
        static void CreateMessage(CloudTable table, EmailEntity newemail)
            TableOperation insert = TableOperation.Insert(newemail);

        private async Task <Tuple <List <T>, CMPStorageError> > FetchForFilterAsync <T>(CloudTable tableReference,
                                                                                        string filterConditionString,
                                                                                        FetchProgressCallback <T>
                                                                                        fetchProgressCallback = null)
            where T : CMPTableStorageModel, new()
            if ((tableReference == null) || (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterConditionString) == true))
                return(new Tuple <List <T>, CMPStorageError>(null, null));

            var tableQuery = new TableQuery <T>().Where(filterConditionString);
            TableContinuationToken token = null;
            var fetchedResultsList       = new List <T>();

                var tableQuerySegment = await tableReference.ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync(tableQuery, token);

                var currentResultsList = tableQuerySegment?.Results?.Cast <T>().ToList();
                if (fetchProgressCallback != null)

                token = tableQuerySegment.ContinuationToken;
            } while (token != null);

            return(new Tuple <List <T>, CMPStorageError>(fetchedResultsList, null));
Пример #32
        public static async Task <IActionResult> Run(
            [HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Function, "get", "post", "delete", Route = null)] HttpRequest req,
            ILogger log)
            log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");

            string nomina = "";
            string fecha  = "";

            if ((string)req.Method == "POST")
                log.LogInformation("C# HTTP trigger function processed a request.");
                nomina = req.Query["nomina"];
                fecha  = req.Query["fecha"];
                string  requestBody = await new StreamReader(req.Body).ReadToEndAsync();
                dynamic data        = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(requestBody);
                nomina = nomina ?? data?.nomina;
                fecha  = fecha ?? data?.fecha;
                nomina = nomina.ToUpper();
                var      provider  = new CultureInfo("es-MX");
                DateTime fechaTemp = DateTime.Now;

                if (fecha == "" && nomina == "")
                    return(new OkObjectResult(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { Resultado = "NoNominaOSesion" })));
                else if (!Regex.IsMatch(nomina.Trim(), @"(^L(\d{8})$)|^l(\d{8})$") || !Regex.IsMatch(fecha.Trim(), @"^20[0-9]{2}\-[0-1]{0,1}[0-9]{1}\-[0-3]{0,1}[0-9]{1}$"))
                    return(new OkObjectResult(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { Resultado = "FormatosIncorrectos" })));

                    fechaTemp = DateTime.ParseExact(fecha, "yyyy-M-d", provider);
                    if (DateTime.Now > fechaTemp)
                        return(new OkObjectResult(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { Resultado = "SesionExpirada" })));
                catch {
                    log.LogInformation("FALLO EN PARSE");
                    return(new OkObjectResult(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { Resultado = "FormatosIncorrectos" })));
                SecretClientOptions options = new SecretClientOptions()
                    Retry =
                        Delay      = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(2),
                        MaxDelay   = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(16),
                        MaxRetries =                        5,
                        Mode       = RetryMode.Exponential
                DateTime            fechaSesion = DateTime.ParseExact(fechaTemp.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + " " + "17:00", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm", null).ToUniversalTime();
                var                 client      = new SecretClient(new Uri("https://kevaultchatbot.vault.azure.net/"), new DefaultAzureCredential(), options);
                KeyVaultSecret      secret      = client.GetSecret("storageTablas");
                string              secretValue = secret.Value;
                CloudStorageAccount storageAccount;
                storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(secretValue);
                CloudTableClient tableClient    = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient(new TableClientConfiguration());
                CloudTable       tableAsistente = tableClient.GetTableReference("asistente");
                CloudTable       tableUsuario   = tableClient.GetTableReference("usuario");
                CloudTable       tableSesion    = tableClient.GetTableReference("sesion");
                List <Usuario>   usuario        = tableUsuario.CreateQuery <Usuario>().AsQueryable <Usuario>().Where(e => e.PartitionKey == "Empleado" && e.nomina == nomina).ToList();
                List <Sesion>    sesion         = tableSesion.CreateQuery <Sesion>().AsQueryable <Sesion>().Where(e => e.PartitionKey == "Sesiones" && e.fecha_evento == fechaSesion && e.estatus == "Reservada").ToList();
                if (usuario.Count == 1 && sesion.Count == 1)
                    List <Asistente> asistente = tableAsistente.CreateQuery <Asistente>().AsQueryable <Asistente>().Where(e => e.PartitionKey == sesion[0].idSesion && e.RowKey == nomina).ToList();
                    if (asistente.Count > 0)
                        List <Asistente> asistenteRegistrado = tableAsistente.CreateQuery <Asistente>().AsQueryable <Asistente>().Where(e => e.PartitionKey == sesion[0].idSesion && e.RowKey == nomina && e.asistencia == "S").ToList();
                        if (asistenteRegistrado.Count > 0)
                            return(new OkObjectResult(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { Resultado = "YaRegistrado" })));
                                asistenteRegistrado[0].asistencia = "S";
                                asistente[0].fechaRegistro        = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                                TableOperation insertOrMergeOperation = TableOperation.InsertOrMerge(asistenteRegistrado[0]);
                                TableResult    result = await tableAsistente.ExecuteAsync(insertOrMergeOperation);
                            catch (Exception e) {
                                return(new OkObjectResult(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { Resultado = "ErrorInsert" })));
                            Asistente entity = new Asistente();
                            entity.idSesion         = sesion[0].idSesion;
                            entity.nomina_asistente = nomina;
                            entity.fechaRegistro    = DateTime.Now.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy");
                            entity.asistencia       = "S";
                            entity.PartitionKey     = entity.idSesion;
                            entity.RowKey           = nomina;
                            // Create the InsertOrReplace table operation
                            TableOperation insertOrMergeOperation = TableOperation.InsertOrMerge(entity);

                            // Execute the operation.
                            TableResult result = await tableAsistente.ExecuteAsync(insertOrMergeOperation);
                        catch (Exception e) {
                            return(new OkObjectResult(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { Resultado = "ErrorInsert" })));
                    return(new OkObjectResult(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { Resultado = "NoNominaOSesion" })));
            if ((string)req.Method == "DELETE")
            return(new OkObjectResult(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { Resultado = "OK" })));
Пример #33
 public void Init()
     instance = new CloudTable();
Пример #34
 public EventSubscriptionStateRepository(CloudTable table) : base(table)
Пример #35
        public ActionResult DeleteEntity(string id, string partKey = PartitionKey)
                var entities = new CloudTable<Analysis>(Providers.TableStorage, TableName);
                entities.Delete(partKey, id);

                return RedirectToAction("Index");
                return View();
Пример #36
        internal bool CheckTableAndContent(string StorageAccountName, string TableName, string FilterString, string WaitChar, bool UseNewTableNames, int TimeoutinMinutes = 15)
            var            tableExists = false;
            StorageAccount account     = null;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(StorageAccountName))
                account = this.GetStorageAccountFromCache(StorageAccountName);
            if (account != null)
                var        endpoint            = this.GetCoreEndpoint(StorageAccountName);
                var        key                 = this.GetAzureStorageKeyFromCache(StorageAccountName);
                var        credentials         = new StorageCredentials(StorageAccountName, key);
                var        cloudStorageAccount = new CloudStorageAccount(credentials, endpoint, true);
                var        tableClient         = cloudStorageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
                var        checkStart          = DateTime.Now;
                var        wait                = true;
                CloudTable table               = null;
                if (UseNewTableNames)
                        table = tableClient.ListTablesSegmentedAsync(currentToken: null)
                                .FirstOrDefault(tab => tab.Name.StartsWith("WADMetricsPT1M"));
                    catch { } //#table name should be sorted
                        table = tableClient.GetTableReference(TableName);
                    catch { }

                while (wait)
                    if (table != null && table.ExistsAsync().ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult())
                        TableQuery query = new TableQuery();
                        query.FilterString = FilterString;
                        var results = table.ExecuteQuerySegmentedAsync(query, token: null)
                        if (results.Count() > 0)
                            tableExists = true;

                    WriteHost(WaitChar, newLine: false);
                    if (UseNewTableNames)
                            table = tableClient.ListTablesSegmentedAsync(currentToken: null)
                                    .ConfigureAwait(false).GetAwaiter().GetResult().FirstOrDefault(tab => tab.Name.StartsWith("WADMetricsPT1M"));
                        catch { } //#table name should be sorted
                            table = tableClient.GetTableReference(TableName);
                        catch { }

                    wait = ((DateTime.Now) - checkStart).TotalMinutes < TimeoutinMinutes;
Пример #37
 private static AnalysisView GetOneAnalysis(string id, string partKey)
     AnalysisView view = null;
     var entities = new CloudTable<Analysis>(Providers.TableStorage, TableName);
     var analysis = entities.Get(partKey, id);
     if (analysis.HasValue)
         view = Mapper.Map<AnalysisView>(analysis.Value);
     return view;
Пример #38
 private static async Task CreateTableIfNotExistsAsync(DbTableSchema dbTableSchema, CloudTable table)
     await table.CreateIfNotExistsAsync();
Пример #39
         * Load Data Button:
         * Loads data from the azure URL provided in the program instructions.
         * Populates an azure table storage with entries parsed from the input file
         * containing a last name, first name, and variable number of attributes
        protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            const string DataURL = "http://css490.blob.core.windows.net/lab4/input.txt";

            // Establish connection to the specified URL and store it as
            // an object in blob storage
            // Flow: Account -> Container -> Blob (actual file)
            Label1.Text = "Connecting to Storage Account";
            String storageconn             = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("StorageConnectionString");
            CloudStorageAccount storageacc = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(storageconn);

            CloudBlobClient blobClient = storageacc.CreateCloudBlobClient();
            // Create container "P4Container" if none exists
            CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference("p4container");


            CloudBlockBlob blockBlob = container.GetBlockBlobReference("input.txt");

            CloudTableClient tableClient = storageacc.CreateCloudTableClient();
            CloudTable       inputTable  = tableClient.GetTableReference("p4inputTable");

            DeleteAllTableEntities(ref blockBlob, ref inputTable);

            Label1.Text = "Uploading Input File";
            // Upload file from DataURL to a blob in the P4Container

            var req = System.Net.WebRequest.Create(DataURL);

            using (Stream filestream = req.GetResponse().GetResponseStream())
            Label1.Text = "Blob Successfully Uploaded";
            // Running it again would simply update it, since the same container is reused

            // Next Step, parse the file into Azure Table entries

            // Delete table entries if previous data was already stored.

            // Create a class that defines the properties of each entity
            // First name, last name, variable number of properties (vector?)

            // Get the input file text from blockBlob reference
            string inputText = blockBlob.DownloadText();

            using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(inputText))
                // Load all entries into an insert operation. Can't use a batch operation
                // since the primary key (last name) isn't guaranteed to be the same
                string line = "";
                while ((line = reader.ReadLine()) != null)
                    // Split string. First and last name are stored in the first two elements.
                    // Everything else is an attribute
                    char[]   delimiters = { ' ' };
                    string[] info       = line.Split(delimiters, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    string   attributes = "";

                    for (int i = 2; i < info.Length; i++)
                        attributes += info[i] + " ";
                    InputEntity    newEntry        = new InputEntity(info[0], info[1], attributes);
                    TableOperation insertOperation = TableOperation.Insert(newEntry);
                // Push INSERT operation

                Label1.Text     = "Successfully added input to table";
                Button3.Enabled = true;
                Label2.Text     = "";
Пример #40
 public UniqueNamingScheme(CloudInfrastructureProviders providers)
     _containers = new CloudTable<ContainerState>(providers.TableStorage, Names.ContainerStateTable);
Пример #41
        public void TableSASConstructors()
            CloudTableClient tableClient = GenerateCloudTableClient();
            CloudTable table = tableClient.GetTableReference("T" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"));

                TableServiceContext context = tableClient.GetTableServiceContext();
                context.AddObject(table.Name, new BaseEntity("PK", "RK"));

                // Prepare SAS authentication with full permissions
                string sasToken = table.GetSharedAccessSignature(
                    new SharedAccessTablePolicy
                        Permissions = SharedAccessTablePermissions.Add | SharedAccessTablePermissions.Delete | SharedAccessTablePermissions.Query,
                        SharedAccessExpiryTime = DateTimeOffset.Now.AddMinutes(30)
                    null /* accessPolicyIdentifier */,
                    null /* startPk */,
                    null /* startRk */,
                    null /* endPk */,
                    null /* endRk */);

                CloudStorageAccount sasAccount;
                StorageCredentials sasCreds;
                CloudTableClient sasClient;
                CloudTable sasTable;
                TableServiceContext sasContext;
                Uri baseUri = new Uri(TestBase.TargetTenantConfig.TableServiceEndpoint);
                int count;

                // SAS via connection string parse
                sasAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(string.Format("TableEndpoint={0};SharedAccessSignature={1}", baseUri.AbsoluteUri, sasToken));
                sasClient = sasAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
                sasTable = sasClient.GetTableReference(table.Name);
                sasContext = sasClient.GetTableServiceContext();
                count = sasContext.CreateQuery<BaseEntity>(sasTable.Name).AsTableServiceQuery(sasContext).Execute().Count();
                Assert.AreEqual(1, count);

                // SAS via account constructor
                sasCreds = new StorageCredentials(sasToken);
                sasAccount = new CloudStorageAccount(sasCreds, null, null, baseUri);
                sasClient = sasAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
                sasTable = sasClient.GetTableReference(table.Name);
                sasContext = sasClient.GetTableServiceContext();
                count = sasContext.CreateQuery<BaseEntity>(sasTable.Name).AsTableServiceQuery(sasContext).Execute().Count();
                Assert.AreEqual(1, count);

                // SAS via client constructor URI + Creds
                sasCreds = new StorageCredentials(sasToken);
                sasClient = new CloudTableClient(baseUri, sasCreds);
                sasContext = sasClient.GetTableServiceContext();
                count = sasContext.CreateQuery<BaseEntity>(sasTable.Name).AsTableServiceQuery(sasContext).Execute().Count();
                Assert.AreEqual(1, count);

                // SAS via CloudTable constructor Uri + Client
                sasCreds = new StorageCredentials(sasToken);
                sasTable = new CloudTable(table.Uri, tableClient);
                sasClient = sasTable.ServiceClient;
                sasContext = sasClient.GetTableServiceContext();
                count = sasContext.CreateQuery<BaseEntity>(sasTable.Name).AsTableServiceQuery(sasContext).Execute().Count();
                Assert.AreEqual(1, count);
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="TableLoggingService"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 public TableLoggingService()
     logTable = this.GetConnectionTable();
Пример #43
        private static void SaveAnalysis(Analysis analysis, string partKey = PartitionKey)
            var rowkey = ShortGuid.NewGuid().Value;
            var cloudObject = new CloudEntity<Analysis>
                PartitionKey = partKey,
                RowKey = rowkey,
                Value = analysis

            var entities = new CloudTable<Analysis>(Providers.TableStorage, TableName);
Пример #44
 public static HttpResponseMessage AddTable([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "get", "post", Route = null)] HttpRequestMessage req, [Table("sampletable")] CloudTable table, ILogger log)
     return(new AddTableFunction(table, req, log).Execute());
Пример #45
         * Query button:
         * Queries the currently stored table for a last name and first name.
         * Displays the names of matching results and their attributes.
         * Precondition:    The input file and corresponding table must already
         *                  be stored. Query button is disabled otherwise
        protected void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            String storageconn              = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("StorageConnectionString");
            CloudStorageAccount storageacc  = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(storageconn);
            CloudBlobClient     blobClient  = storageacc.CreateCloudBlobClient();
            CloudTableClient    tableClient = storageacc.CreateCloudTableClient();
            CloudTable          inputTable  = tableClient.GetTableReference("p4inputTable");

            // Case 1: Partition and row key provided (last and first name)
            if (TextBox1.Text != "" && TextBox2.Text != "")
                TableOperation retrieveOperation = TableOperation.Retrieve <InputEntity>(TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text);
                TableResult    retrievedResult   = inputTable.Execute(retrieveOperation);
                if (retrievedResult.Result != null)
                    TableRow  r      = new TableRow();
                    TableCell cLast  = new TableCell();
                    TableCell cFirst = new TableCell();
                    TableCell cAtr   = new TableCell();

                    cLast.Text  = ((InputEntity)retrievedResult.Result).PartitionKey;
                    cFirst.Text = ((InputEntity)retrievedResult.Result).RowKey;
                    cAtr.Text   = ((InputEntity)retrievedResult.Result).attributes;


                    // Output empty row
                    TableRow  r     = new TableRow();
                    TableCell cEmpt = new TableCell();
                    cEmpt.Text = "No results found";
            // Case 2: Only partition key provided (last name)
            // Can return multiple results
            else if (TextBox1.Text != "")
                // Code used from:
                // https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/visual-studio/vs-storage-aspnet5-getting-started-
                TableQuery <InputEntity> query = new TableQuery <InputEntity>().Where
                                                     (TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("PartitionKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, TextBox1.Text));
                TableContinuationToken token = null;
                int resultCount = 0;
                    TableQuerySegment <InputEntity> resultSegment = inputTable.ExecuteQuerySegmented(query, token);
                    token = resultSegment.ContinuationToken;

                    foreach (InputEntity entity in resultSegment.Results)
                        TableRow  r      = new TableRow();
                        TableCell cLast  = new TableCell();
                        TableCell cFirst = new TableCell();
                        TableCell cAtr   = new TableCell();

                        cLast.Text  = entity.PartitionKey;
                        cFirst.Text = entity.RowKey;
                        cAtr.Text   = entity.attributes;


                } while (token != null);

                if (resultCount == 0) // No results found
                    // Output empty row
                    TableRow  r     = new TableRow();
                    TableCell cEmpt = new TableCell();
                    cEmpt.Text = "No results found";

            // Case 3: Only row key provided (first name)
                TableQuery <InputEntity> query = new TableQuery <InputEntity>().Where
                                                     (TableQuery.GenerateFilterCondition("RowKey", QueryComparisons.Equal, TextBox2.Text));
                TableContinuationToken token = null;

                int resultCount = 0;
                    TableQuerySegment <InputEntity> resultSegment = inputTable.ExecuteQuerySegmented(query, token);
                    token = resultSegment.ContinuationToken;

                    foreach (InputEntity entity in resultSegment.Results)

                        TableRow  r      = new TableRow();
                        TableCell cLast  = new TableCell();
                        TableCell cFirst = new TableCell();
                        TableCell cAtr   = new TableCell();

                        cLast.Text  = entity.PartitionKey;
                        cFirst.Text = entity.RowKey;
                        cAtr.Text   = entity.attributes;


                } while (token != null);

                if (resultCount == 0) // No results found
                    // Output empty row
                    TableRow  r     = new TableRow();
                    TableCell cEmpt = new TableCell();
                    cEmpt.Text = "No results found";
 public void MyTestInitialize()
     CloudTableClient tableClient = GenerateCloudTableClient();
     currentTable = tableClient.GetTableReference(GenerateRandomTableName());
Пример #47
 public ActionResult Edit(AnalysisView updatedAnalysis)
         var analysis = Mapper.Map<Analysis>(updatedAnalysis);
         var cloudObject = new CloudEntity<Analysis>()
             PartitionKey = updatedAnalysis.AnalysisPartKey,
             RowKey = updatedAnalysis.AnalysisRowKey,
             Value = analysis
         var entities = new CloudTable<Analysis>(Providers.TableStorage, TableName);
         return RedirectToAction("Index");
         return View();