public void ParseShouldExtractAllClippings() { const string sampleClippings = @"The Design of Everyday Things: Revised and Expanded Edition (Norman, Don) - Your Highlight on page 145 | Location 3015-3016 | Added on Thursday, August 15, 2019 10:14:40 AM Forcing functions can be a nuisance in normal usage. The result is that many people will deliberately disable the forcing function, thereby negating its safety feature. ========== The Design of Everyday Things: Revised and Expanded Edition (Norman, Don) - Your Note on Location 3026-3027 | Added on Thursday, August 15, 2019 10:16:42 AM Affordances refer to the potential actions that are possible, but these are easily discoverable only if they are perceivable: perceived affordances. It is the signifier component of the perceived affordance that allows people to determine the possible actions. =========="; this.WriteText(sampleClippings); var clippings = ClippingParser.Parse(; Assert.AreEqual(2, clippings.Count); Assert.AreEqual("The Design of Everyday Things: Revised and Expanded Edition", clippings[0].Book); Assert.AreEqual("Norman, Don", clippings[0].Author); Assert.AreEqual(ClippingType.Highlight, clippings[0].Type); Assert.AreEqual(145, clippings[0].PageNumber); Assert.AreEqual(3015, clippings[0].Location.Start); Assert.AreEqual(3016, clippings[0].Location.End); Assert.AreEqual(new DateTime(2019, 08, 15, 10, 14, 40), clippings[0].CreationDate); Assert.IsTrue(clippings[0].Content.StartsWith("Forcing functions can be")); Assert.AreEqual(ClippingType.Note, clippings[1].Type); }
public void ParseShouldExtractClippingsWithLocationWithoutPage() { const string sampleClippings = @"The Design of Everyday Things: Revised and Expanded Edition (Norman, Don) - Your Highlight on Location 3026 | Added on Thursday, August 15, 2019 10:16:42 AM Affordances refer to the potential actions that are possible, but these are easily discoverable only if they are perceivable: perceived affordances. ========== Design of Everyday Things: Revised and Expanded Edition (Norman, Don) - Your Highlight on Location 3026-3027 | Added on Thursday, August 15, 2019 10:16:42 AM Affordances refer to the potential actions that are possible, but these are easily discoverable only if they are perceivable: perceived affordances. It is the signifier component of the perceived affordance that allows people to determine the possible actions. =========="; this.WriteText(sampleClippings); var clippings = ClippingParser.Parse(; Assert.AreEqual(2, clippings.Count); Assert.AreEqual(-1, clippings[0].PageNumber); Assert.AreEqual(3026, clippings[0].Location.Start); Assert.AreEqual(3026, clippings[0].Location.End); Assert.AreEqual(-1, clippings[1].PageNumber); Assert.AreEqual(3026, clippings[1].Location.Start); Assert.AreEqual(3027, clippings[1].Location.End); }
public void ParseShouldThrowIfStreamIsClosed() {; Assert.ThrowsException <ArgumentException>(() => ClippingParser.Parse(; }