Пример #1
        public virtual List <SelectItem> GetSecretTypes()
            var secrets = new List <SelectItem>();

            secrets.AddRange(ClientConsts.GetSecretTypes().Select(x => new SelectItem(x, x)));

Пример #2
        public static Faker <ClientGrantType> ClientGrantTypesFaker()
            var fakerClientGrantTypes = new Faker <ClientGrantType>()
                                        .RuleFor(x => x.Id, f => f.Random.Number(10000000))
                                        .RuleFor(o => o.GrantType, f => f.PickRandom(ClientConsts.GetGrantTypes()));

        public static Faker <ClientDto> ClientFaker(int id)
            var clientFaker = new Faker <ClientDto>()
                              .RuleFor(o => o.ClientId, f => Guid.NewGuid().ToString())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.ClientName, f => Guid.NewGuid().ToString())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.Id, id)
                              .RuleFor(o => o.AbsoluteRefreshTokenLifetime, f => f.Random.Number(int.MaxValue))
                              .RuleFor(o => o.AccessTokenLifetime, f => f.Random.Number(int.MaxValue))
                              .RuleFor(o => o.AccessTokenType, f => f.Random.Number(0, 1))
                              .RuleFor(o => o.AllowAccessTokensViaBrowser, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.AllowOfflineAccess, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.AllowPlainTextPkce, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.AllowRememberConsent, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.AllowedCorsOrigins, f => Enumerable.Range(1, f.Random.Int(1, 10)).Select(x => f.PickRandom(f.Internet.Url())).ToList())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.AllowedGrantTypes, f => Enumerable.Range(1, f.Random.Int(1, 10)).Select(x => f.PickRandom(ClientConsts.GetGrantTypes())).ToList())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.AllowedScopes, f => Enumerable.Range(1, f.Random.Int(1, 10)).Select(x => f.PickRandom(ClientMock.GetScopes())).ToList())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.AlwaysIncludeUserClaimsInIdToken, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.Enabled, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.ProtocolType, f => f.PickRandom(ClientConsts.GetProtocolTypes().Select(x => x.Id)))
                              .RuleFor(o => o.RequireClientSecret, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.Description, f => f.Random.Words(f.Random.Number(1, 7)))
                              .RuleFor(o => o.ClientUri, f => f.Internet.Url())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.RequireConsent, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.RequirePkce, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.RedirectUris, f => Enumerable.Range(1, f.Random.Int(1, 10)).Select(x => f.PickRandom(f.Internet.Url())).ToList())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.PostLogoutRedirectUris, f => Enumerable.Range(1, f.Random.Int(1, 10)).Select(x => f.PickRandom(f.Internet.Url())).ToList())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.FrontChannelLogoutUri, f => f.Internet.Url())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.FrontChannelLogoutSessionRequired, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.BackChannelLogoutUri, f => f.Internet.Url())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.BackChannelLogoutSessionRequired, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.IdentityTokenLifetime, f => f.Random.Number(int.MaxValue))
                              .RuleFor(o => o.AuthorizationCodeLifetime, f => f.Random.Number(int.MaxValue))
                              .RuleFor(o => o.ConsentLifetime, f => f.Random.Number(int.MaxValue))
                              .RuleFor(o => o.SlidingRefreshTokenLifetime, f => f.Random.Number(int.MaxValue))
                              .RuleFor(o => o.RefreshTokenUsage, f => f.Random.Number(0, 1))
                              .RuleFor(o => o.UpdateAccessTokenClaimsOnRefresh, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.RefreshTokenExpiration, f => f.Random.Number(int.MaxValue))
                              .RuleFor(o => o.EnableLocalLogin, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.AlwaysSendClientClaims, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.ClientClaimsPrefix, f => Guid.NewGuid().ToString())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.IncludeJwtId, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.PairWiseSubjectSalt, f => Guid.NewGuid().ToString())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.Claims, f => new List <ClientClaimDto>())        //Client Claims are managed with seperate method
                              .RuleFor(o => o.IdentityProviderRestrictions, f => Enumerable.Range(1, f.Random.Int(1, 10)).Select(x => f.PickRandom(ClientMock.GetIdentityProviders())).ToList())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.Properties, f => new List <ClientPropertyDto>()) //Client Properties are managed with seperate method
                              .RuleFor(o => o.LogoUri, f => f.Internet.Url())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.Updated, f => f.Date.Recent())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.LastAccessed, f => f.Date.Recent())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.UserSsoLifetime, f => f.Random.Int())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.UserCodeType, f => f.Random.Word())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.DeviceCodeLifetime, f => f.Random.Int())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.NonEditable, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.RequireRequestObject, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.AllowedIdentityTokenSigningAlgorithms, f => ClientMock.AllowedSigningAlgorithms().Take(f.Random.Number(1, 5)).ToList());

Пример #4
        public virtual List <string> GetStandardClaims(string claim, int limit = 0)
            var filteredClaims = ClientConsts.GetStandardClaims()
                                 .WhereIf(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(claim), x => x.Contains(claim))
                                 .TakeIf(x => x, limit > 0, limit)

Пример #5
        public virtual List <string> GetGrantTypes(string grant, int limit = 0)
            var filteredGrants = ClientConsts.GetGrantTypes()
                                 .WhereIf(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(grant), x => x.Contains(grant))
                                 .TakeIf(x => x, limit > 0, limit)

Пример #6
        public static Faker <ClientClaim> ClientClaimFaker(int id)
            var clientClaimFaker = new Faker <ClientClaim>()
                                   .RuleFor(o => o.Id, id)
                                   .RuleFor(o => o.Type, f => f.PickRandom(ClientConsts.GetStandardClaims()))
                                   .RuleFor(o => o.Value, f => Guid.NewGuid().ToString());

Пример #7
        public virtual List <string> GetSigningAlgorithms(string algorithm, int limit = 0)
            var signingAlgorithms = ClientConsts.SigningAlgorithms()
                                    .WhereIf(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(algorithm), x => x.Contains(algorithm))
                                    .TakeIf(x => x, limit > 0, limit)
                                    .OrderBy(x => x)

Пример #8
        public List <string> GetGrantTypes(string grant)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(grant))
                return(new List <string>());

            var filteredGrants = ClientConsts.GetGrantTypes().Where(x => x.Contains(grant)).ToList();

Пример #9
        public List <string> GetStandardClaims(string claim)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(claim))
                return(new List <string>());

            var filteredClaims = ClientConsts.GetStandardClaims().Where(x => x.Contains(claim)).ToList();

        public static Faker <ClientSecretsDto> ClientSecretFaker(int id, int clientId)
            var clientSecretFaker = new Faker <ClientSecretsDto>()
                                    .RuleFor(o => o.ClientSecretId, id)
                                    .RuleFor(o => o.Type, f => f.PickRandom(ClientConsts.GetSecretTypes()))
                                    .RuleFor(o => o.Value, f => Guid.NewGuid().ToString())
                                    .RuleFor(o => o.ClientId, clientId);

Пример #11
        public static Faker <ClientSecret> ClientSecretFaker(int id)
            var testClientSecret = new Faker <ClientSecret>()
                                   .RuleFor(o => o.Id, id)
                                   .RuleFor(o => o.Description, f => f.Random.Words(f.Random.Number(1, 7)))
                                   .RuleFor(o => o.Type, f => f.PickRandom(ClientConsts.GetSecretTypes()))
                                   .RuleFor(o => o.Expiration, f => f.Date.Future())
                                   .RuleFor(o => o.Value, f => Guid.NewGuid().ToString());

Пример #12
        public static Faker <Client> ClientFaker(int id, bool generateClaims = false, bool generateProperties = false, bool generateSecrets = false)
            var clientFaker = new Faker <Client>()
                              .RuleFor(o => o.ClientId, f => Guid.NewGuid().ToString())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.ClientName, f => Guid.NewGuid().ToString())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.Id, id)
                              .RuleFor(o => o.AbsoluteRefreshTokenLifetime, f => f.Random.Number(int.MaxValue))
                              .RuleFor(o => o.AccessTokenLifetime, f => f.Random.Number(int.MaxValue))
                              .RuleFor(o => o.AccessTokenType, f => f.Random.Number(0, 1))
                              .RuleFor(o => o.AllowAccessTokensViaBrowser, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.AllowOfflineAccess, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.AllowPlainTextPkce, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.AllowRememberConsent, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.AllowedCorsOrigins, f => GetClientCorsOriginFaker().Generate(f.Random.Number(10)))
                              .RuleFor(o => o.AllowedGrantTypes, f => ClientGrantTypesFaker().Generate(1))
                              .RuleFor(o => o.AllowedScopes, f => ClientScopesFaker().Generate(f.Random.Number(1, 3)))
                              .RuleFor(o => o.AlwaysIncludeUserClaimsInIdToken, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.Enabled, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.ProtocolType, f => f.PickRandom(ClientConsts.GetProtocolTypes().Select(x => x.Id)))
                              .RuleFor(o => o.ClientSecrets, f => generateSecrets ? ClientSecretFaker(0).Generate(f.Random.Number(10)) : new List <ClientSecret>()) //Client Secrets are managed with seperate method
                              .RuleFor(o => o.RequireClientSecret, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.Description, f => f.Random.Words(f.Random.Number(1, 7)))
                              .RuleFor(o => o.ClientUri, f => f.Internet.Url())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.RequireConsent, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.RequirePkce, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.RedirectUris, f => ClientRedirectUriFaker().Generate(f.Random.Number(10)))
                              .RuleFor(o => o.PostLogoutRedirectUris, f => ClientPostLogoutRedirectUriFaker().Generate(f.Random.Number(10)))
                              .RuleFor(o => o.FrontChannelLogoutUri, f => f.Internet.Url())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.FrontChannelLogoutSessionRequired, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.BackChannelLogoutUri, f => f.Internet.Url())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.BackChannelLogoutSessionRequired, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.IdentityTokenLifetime, f => f.Random.Number(int.MaxValue))
                              .RuleFor(o => o.AuthorizationCodeLifetime, f => f.Random.Number(int.MaxValue))
                              .RuleFor(o => o.ConsentLifetime, f => f.Random.Number(int.MaxValue))
                              .RuleFor(o => o.SlidingRefreshTokenLifetime, f => f.Random.Number(int.MaxValue))
                              .RuleFor(o => o.RefreshTokenUsage, f => f.Random.Number(0, 1))
                              .RuleFor(o => o.UpdateAccessTokenClaimsOnRefresh, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.RefreshTokenExpiration, f => f.Random.Number(int.MaxValue))
                              .RuleFor(o => o.EnableLocalLogin, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.AlwaysSendClientClaims, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.ClientClaimsPrefix, f => Guid.NewGuid().ToString())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.IncludeJwtId, f => f.Random.Bool())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.PairWiseSubjectSalt, f => Guid.NewGuid().ToString())
                              .RuleFor(o => o.Claims, f => generateClaims ? ClientClaimFaker(0).Generate(f.Random.Number(10)) : new List <ClientClaim>())               //Client Claims are managed with seperate method
                              .RuleFor(o => o.IdentityProviderRestrictions, f => ClientIdPRescrictionFaker().Generate(1))
                              .RuleFor(o => o.Properties, f => generateProperties ? ClientPropertyFaker(0).Generate(f.Random.Number(10)) : new List <ClientProperty>()) //Client Properties are managed with seperate method
                              .RuleFor(o => o.LogoUri, f => f.Internet.Url());

Пример #13
        public static Faker <ApiScopesDto> GetApiScopeFaker(int id, int resourceId)
            var fakerApiScope = new Faker <ApiScopesDto>()
                                .RuleFor(o => o.Name, f => Guid.NewGuid().ToString())
                                .RuleFor(o => o.ApiScopeId, id)
                                .RuleFor(o => o.ApiResourceId, resourceId)
                                .RuleFor(o => o.Description, f => f.Random.Words(f.Random.Number(1, 5)))
                                .RuleFor(o => o.DisplayName, f => f.Random.Words(f.Random.Number(1, 5)))
                                .RuleFor(o => o.UserClaims,
                                         f => Enumerable.Range(1, f.Random.Int(1, 10))
                                         .Select(x => f.PickRandom(ClientConsts.GetStandardClaims())).ToList())
                                .RuleFor(o => o.Emphasize, f => f.Random.Bool())
                                .RuleFor(o => o.Required, f => f.Random.Bool())
                                .RuleFor(o => o.ShowInDiscoveryDocument, f => f.Random.Bool());

Пример #14
        public static Faker <ApiResourceDto> GetApiResourceFaker(int id)
            var fakerApiResource = new Faker <ApiResourceDto>()
                                   .RuleFor(o => o.Name, f => Guid.NewGuid().ToString())
                                   .RuleFor(o => o.Id, id)
                                   .RuleFor(o => o.Description, f => f.Random.Words(f.Random.Number(1, 5)))
                                   .RuleFor(o => o.DisplayName, f => f.Random.Words(f.Random.Number(1, 5)))
                                   .RuleFor(o => o.Enabled, f => f.Random.Bool())
                                   .RuleFor(o => o.UserClaims, f => Enumerable.Range(1, f.Random.Int(1, 10)).Select(x => f.PickRandom(ClientConsts.GetStandardClaims())).ToList());

Пример #15
 public IList <string> GetAllGrantTypes()
        public static Faker <ApiResourceDto> GetApiResourceFaker(int id)
            var fakerApiResource = new Faker <ApiResourceDto>()
                                   .RuleFor(o => o.Name, f => Guid.NewGuid().ToString())
                                   .RuleFor(o => o.Id, id)
                                   .RuleFor(o => o.Description, f => f.Random.Words(f.Random.Number(1, 5)))
                                   .RuleFor(o => o.DisplayName, f => f.Random.Words(f.Random.Number(1, 5)))
                                   .RuleFor(o => o.Enabled, f => f.Random.Bool())
                                   .RuleFor(o => o.RequireResourceIndicator, f => f.Random.Bool())
                                   .RuleFor(o => o.UserClaims, f => Enumerable.Range(1, f.Random.Int(1, 10)).Select(x => f.PickRandom(ClientConsts.GetStandardClaims())).ToList())
                                   .RuleFor(o => o.ShowInDiscoveryDocument, f => f.Random.Bool())
                                   .RuleFor(o => o.AllowedAccessTokenSigningAlgorithms, f => ClientMock.AllowedSigningAlgorithms().Take(f.Random.Number(1, 5)).ToList());

Пример #17
 public virtual List <SelectItem> GetProtocolTypes()