public void OnClickEnd( ClickSource clickSource) { VelociGripper velociGripper = clickSource.GetComponent <VelociGripper>(); velociGripper.ReleaseObject(); }
public void OnClickBegin( ClickSource clickSource) { VelociGripper velociGripper = clickSource.GetComponent <VelociGripper>(); velociGripper.GripObject(this.gameObject); }
public void OnPointerClick(PointerEventData eventData) { if (enableClickSound == true) { ClickSource.PlayOneShot(clickSound); } }
public void EnterClickScope( ClickSource clickSource) { // If a second click source (such as the other hand) is beginning a click, // force ourselves to cleanly leave the prior click to avoid any fighting, such // as being grabbed by two controllers at once. if (ActiveClickSource != null) { if (DebugEnabled) { Debug.LogFormat("A second click source is incoming while we're already clicked. Forcing an early termination on the first click-source."); } ActiveClickSource.TryTerminateClick(); if (ActiveClickSource != null) { throw new System.InvalidOperationException("Failed to leave a prior click before entering a new click. This might happen if click-respondants pull shenanigans."); } } if (DebugEnabled) { Debug.LogFormat("Entering a click-scope under <b>{0}</b>.", clickSource); } ActiveClickSource = clickSource; gameObject.SendMessage( "OnClickBegin", clickSource, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); }
public void OnClickBegin( ClickSource clickSource) { OnInstantClick(clickSource); // Enforce the instant-action behavior by immediately freeing ourselves. clickSource.TryTerminateClick(); }
private void LoadGameDialogWindow(int windowId) { var scrollPosition =; if (!IsSaveGameDirExist()) { return; } var saves = GetAllSaveFiles(); if (saves.Length == 0) { return; } GUILayout.BeginArea(new Rect(10, 25, 175, 150)); GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPosition); foreach (var save in saves) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal("box", GUILayout.Height(25)); if (GUILayout.Button(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(save))) { ClickSource.PlayOneShot(clickSound); Debug.Log("Load Game Button pressed"); Debug.Log("Save File : " + Path.GetFileName(save)); var saveData = ReadFile(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(save)); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(saveData)) { return; } SaveGameData.Data = GameData.Deserialize(saveData); SceneManager.LoadScene(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.EndArea(); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(5, 220, _pauseDialogWindowRect.width - 10, 35), "НАЗАД")) { ClickSource.PlayOneShot(clickSound); Debug.Log("Back to PauseMenu Button pressed"); showLoadGameDialog = false; showPauseDialog = true; } }
public void SaveSettings() { ClickSource.PlayOneShot(clickSound); if (SettingsHelper.CheckSettings(settings)) { SettingsHelper.WriteSettingsToFile(settings); } SettingsData.Settings = settings; // ReSharper disable StringLiteralTypo ToastManager.Show("Настройки сохранены", 1f); }
private void SaveGameDialogWindow(int windowId) { stringToEdit = DateTime.Now.ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy-MM-dd h-mm"); var guiStyle =; guiStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter; GUI.Label( new Rect(10, 20, _pauseDialogWindowRect.width - 10, 30), "Название файла:", new GUIStyle { //richText = enabled, alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, fontSize = Screen.height * 2 / 100, normal = { textColor = new Color32(235, 235, 235, 255) } }); stringToEdit = GUI.TextField( new Rect(5, 60, _pauseDialogWindowRect.width - 10, 75), stringToEdit, 25, guiStyle); if (GUI.Button( new Rect(5, 180, _pauseDialogWindowRect.width - 10, 35), "СОХРАНИТЬ")) { ClickSource.PlayOneShot(clickSound); Debug.Log("Savegame Button pressed"); MenuEvents.SaveGame(stringToEdit); showSaveGameDialog = false; showPauseDialog = true; } else if (GUI.Button(new Rect(5, 220, _pauseDialogWindowRect.width - 10, 35), "НАЗАД")) { ClickSource.PlayOneShot(clickSound); Debug.Log("Back to PauseMenu Button pressed"); showSaveGameDialog = false; showPauseDialog = true; } }
public void OnClickBegin( ClickSource clickSource) { var progressCondition = GetComponent <ProgressCondition>(); bool clickIsAccepted = ( (progressCondition == null) || progressCondition.ConditionIsTrue); if (clickIsAccepted && (SpawneePrefab != null)) { Vector3 spawneePosition = Vector3.Lerp( transform.position, clickSource.transform.position, 0.5f); Quaternion spawneeOrientation = transform.rotation; GameObject spawnee = GameObject.Instantiate(SpawneePrefab); spawnee.transform.parent = SpawneeParent; spawnee.transform.position = spawneePosition; spawnee.transform.rotation = spawneeOrientation; spawnee.transform.localScale = SpawneePrefab.transform.localScale; if (ForwardClickToSpawnee) { var spawneeClickTarget = spawnee.GetComponent <ClickTarget>(); if (spawneeClickTarget) { clickSource.ForceClickOnTarget(spawneeClickTarget); } } } }
public void OnClickBegin( ClickSource clickSource) { var progressStorage = ProgressStorage.LocalPlayerProgressStorage; float newProgressValue; switch (ChangeType) { case ProgressChangeType.Assign: newProgressValue = ProgressValue; break; case ProgressChangeType.Increment: newProgressValue = (progressStorage.GetProgressValueAsFloat(ProgressName) + ProgressValue); break; default: throw new System.ComponentModel.InvalidEnumArgumentException(ChangeType.ToString()); } progressStorage.SetProgressValueAsFloat(ProgressName, newProgressValue); }
public void LeaveClickScope( ClickSource clickSource) { if (clickSource != ActiveClickSource) { throw new System.InvalidOperationException( string.Format( "Being asked to leave a click that we were not engaged in. Prior click-source was <b>{0}</b>, and new click-source is <b>{1}</b>", ((ActiveClickSource != null) ? : "NULL"),; } if (DebugEnabled) { Debug.LogFormat("Leaving a click-scope under <b>{0}</b>.", clickSource); } gameObject.SendMessage( "OnClickEnd", clickSource, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); ActiveClickSource = null; }
private void OptionsDialogWindow(int windowId) { GUI.Label( new Rect(10, 20, _pauseDialogWindowRect.width - 10, 30), "Громкость:", new GUIStyle { //richText = enabled, alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, fontSize = Screen.height * 2 / 100, normal = { textColor = new Color32(235, 235, 235, 255) } }); GUI.Label( new Rect(10, 35, _pauseDialogWindowRect.width - 10, 30), AudioSliderValue.ToString(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture), new GUIStyle { //richText = enabled, alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, fontSize = Screen.height * 2 / 100, normal = { textColor = new Color32(235, 235, 235, 255) } }); AudioSliderValue = GUI.HorizontalSlider(new Rect(15, 60, 170, 40), AudioSliderValue, 0.0F, 1.0F); GUI.Label( new Rect(10, 85, _pauseDialogWindowRect.width - 10, 30), "Сложность ИИ:", new GUIStyle { //richText = enabled, alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, fontSize = Screen.height * 2 / 100, normal = { textColor = new Color32(235, 235, 235, 255) } }); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(15, 115, 40, 40), "<")) { if (Difficulty != Engine.Difficulty.Easy) { Difficulty--; } } GUI.Label( new Rect(10, 120, _pauseDialogWindowRect.width - 10, 30), Difficulty.ToString(), new GUIStyle { //richText = enabled, alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter, fontSize = Screen.height * 2 / 100, normal = { textColor = new Color32(235, 235, 235, 255) } }); if (GUI.Button(new Rect(145, 115, 40, 40), ">")) { if (Difficulty != Engine.Difficulty.VeryHard) { Difficulty++; } } if (GUI.Button(new Rect(5, 180, _pauseDialogWindowRect.width - 10, 35), "ПРИМЕНИТЬ")) { ClickSource.PlayOneShot(clickSound); Debug.Log("Apply Button pressed"); AudioListener.volume = AudioSliderValue; if (SettingsData.Settings != null) { SettingsData.Settings.Difficulty = Difficulty; } StaticEvents.SettingsChangeEvent(Difficulty); } else if (GUI.Button(new Rect(5, 220, _pauseDialogWindowRect.width - 10, 35), "НАЗАД")) { ClickSource.PlayOneShot(clickSound); Debug.Log("Back to PauseMenu Button pressed"); showOptionDialog = false; showPauseDialog = true; } }
public override void OnInstantClick( ClickSource clickSource) { Debug.LogWarning("TODO: KABOOM!"); }
public override void OnInstantClick( ClickSource clickSource) { Debug.LogWarning("TODO: Reset the spawner."); }
public abstract void OnInstantClick(ClickSource clickSource);
/// <summary> /// Initialize a new instance of the MenuClickEventArgs class. /// </summary> public MenuClickEventArgs(ClickSource source) { // Remember source _source = source; }
private void PauseDialogWindow(int windowId) { if (GUI.Button( new Rect(5, 20, _pauseDialogWindowRect.width - 10, 35), "ГЛАВНОЕ МЕНЮ")) { ClickSource.PlayOneShot(clickSound); Debug.Log("MainMenu LoadScene Button pressed"); SceneManager.LoadScene("MainMenuScene"); } if (GUI.Button( new Rect(5, 60, _pauseDialogWindowRect.width - 10, 35), "ЗАНОВО")) { ClickSource.PlayOneShot(clickSound); Debug.Log("Restart Game Button pressed"); menuEnabled = !menuEnabled; MenuEvents.RestartGame(); } if (GUI.Button( new Rect(5, 100, _pauseDialogWindowRect.width - 10, 35), "СОХРАНИТЬ ИГРУ")) { ClickSource.PlayOneShot(clickSound); Debug.Log("Save Game Button pressed"); showPauseDialog = false; showSaveGameDialog = true; } if (GUI.Button( new Rect(5, 140, _pauseDialogWindowRect.width - 10, 35), "ЗАГРУЗИТЬ ИГРУ")) { ClickSource.PlayOneShot(clickSound); Debug.Log("Load Game Button pressed"); showPauseDialog = false; showLoadGameDialog = true; } if (GUI.Button( new Rect(5, 180, _pauseDialogWindowRect.width - 10, 35), "ОПЦИИ")) { ClickSource.PlayOneShot(clickSound); Debug.Log("Option Button pressed"); showOptionDialog = true; showPauseDialog = false; } else if (GUI.Button( new Rect(5, 220, _pauseDialogWindowRect.width - 10, 35), "ВЫЙТИ ИЗ ИГРЫ")) { ClickSource.PlayOneShot(clickSound); Debug.Log("Quit Game Button pressed"); Application.Quit(); } }