private async void DoRefreshQueriesAsync(object obj) { Loading = true; try { ClearQuery.Execute(this); Queries = new ObservableCollection <QueryVM>(); var result = await RestHub.MyQueries(); if (result.UserObject != null) { MyQueriesDTO myQueriesDto = (MyQueriesDTO)result.UserObject; List <QueryDTO> dtos = myQueriesDto.Queries; foreach (var dto in dtos) { Queries.Add(new QueryVM { Id = dto.Id, TanId = dto.TanId, DocumentPath = dto.DocumentPath, TanNumber = dto.TanNumber, Comment = dto.Comment, Page = dto.Page, QueryType = dto.QueryType, Title = dto.Title }); } } } catch (Exception ex) { AppErrorBox.ShowErrorMessage("Error while loading Queries", ex.ToString()); } Loading = false; }
private async void DoSubmitAsync(object obj) { if (FormQuery != null && FormQuery.Id > 0) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Response)) { MessageBox.Show("Please Add Your Message . ."); return; } try { var result = await RestHub.Submit(FormQuery.Id, Response); if (result.UserObject != null && (bool)result.UserObject) { ClearQuery.Execute(this); MessageBox.Show(result.StatusMessage); RefreshQueries.Execute(this); } else { MessageBox.Show("Can't Submitting Query . ."); } } catch (Exception ex) { AppErrorBox.ShowErrorMessage("Error while Submitting Query . .", ex.ToString()); } } else { MessageBox.Show("Please save query or select already created query to proceed . ."); } }
private async void DoSaveQueryAsync(object obj) { Loading = true; if (FormQuery != null && FormQuery.TanId > 0 && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(FormQuery.TanNumber) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(FormQuery.Title) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(FormQuery.Comment) && U.RoleId != 4) { try { QueryDTO dto = new QueryDTO() { Comment = FormQuery.Comment, Id = FormQuery.Id, Page = FormQuery.Page, QueryType = FormQuery.QueryType, TanId = FormQuery.TanId, Title = FormQuery.Title, }; var result = await RestHub.SaveQuery(dto); if (result.UserObject != null && (bool)result.UserObject) { MessageBox.Show(result.StatusMessage); RefreshQueries.Execute(this); ClearQuery.Execute(this); } else { MessageBox.Show("Can't Save Query . ."); } } catch (Exception ex) { AppErrorBox.ShowErrorMessage("Error while saving Query . .", ex.ToString()); } } else { AppInfoBox.ShowInfoMessage("Query can't be created without all required information . ."); } Loading = false; }