public void Execute(ClassicBot.ClassicBot bot, string sender, string ogMessage, string[] split) { _bot = bot; if (_isFollowing) { _isFollowing = false; bot.McClient.ClientPlayer.EntityMoved -= ClientPlayerOnEntityMoved; _currentlyFollowing = 0; bot.McClient.ClientPlayer.SendMessage("Stopped following."); return; } var senderEntity = bot.McClient.ClientPlayer.Entities.Values.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == sender); if (senderEntity == null) { bot.McClient.ClientPlayer.SendMessage("Couldn't find you!"); return; } _currentlyFollowing = senderEntity.PlayerId; _isFollowing = true; bot.McClient.ClientPlayer.SendMessage("Now following!"); bot.McClient.ClientPlayer.EntityMoved += ClientPlayerOnEntityMoved; }
public CommandHandler(ClassicBot.ClassicBot bot) { _bot = bot; _commands = new Dictionary <string, ICommand>(); _commands.Add("!say", new SayCommand()); _commands.Add("!follow", new FollowCommand()); _commands.Add("!where", new WhereAmICommand()); _commands.Add("!export", new ExportCommand()); _commands.Add("!import", new ImportCommand()); }
public void Execute(ClassicBot.ClassicBot bot, string sender, string ogMessage, string[] split) { var senderEntity = bot.McClient.ClientPlayer.Entities.Values.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == sender); if (senderEntity == null) { bot.McClient.ClientPlayer.SendMessage("Couldn't find you!"); return; } var locationString = $"{senderEntity.Position.X} {senderEntity.Position.Y} {senderEntity.Position.Z}"; var locationStringReal = $"{((ushort)senderEntity.Position.X)/32} {((ushort)senderEntity.Position.Y)/32} {(((ushort)senderEntity.Position.Z)-51)/32}"; bot.McClient.ClientPlayer.SendMessage("You are located at " + locationString + " EntityCoords."); bot.McClient.ClientPlayer.SendMessage("You are located at " + locationStringReal + " RealCoords"); }
/// <summary> /// Exports blocks to file from between the given coordinates. /// </summary> /// <param name="coords"></param> /// <param name="name"></param> /// <param name="bot"></param> public static void ExportArea(Vector3S[] coords, string name, ClassicBot.ClassicBot bot) { short minX = Math.Min(coords[0].X, coords[1].X); short minY = Math.Min(coords[0].Y, coords[1].Y); short minZ = Math.Min(coords[0].Z, coords[1].Z); short maxX = Math.Max(coords[0].X, coords[1].X); short maxY = Math.Max(coords[0].Y, coords[1].Y); short maxZ = Math.Max(coords[0].Z, coords[1].Z); int sizeX = (maxX - minX) + 1; int sizeY = (maxY - minY) + 1; int sizeZ = (maxZ - minZ) + 1; int indX = 0, indY = 0, indZ = 0; var blocks = new byte[(sizeX * sizeY * sizeZ) + 6]; // -- + 6 for the sizes. // -- Place the export size up front. var xBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((short)sizeX); var yBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((short)sizeY); var zBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes((short)sizeZ); Array.Copy(xBytes, blocks, 2); Array.Copy(yBytes, 0, blocks, 2, 2); Array.Copy(zBytes, 0, blocks, 4, 2); for (int x = minX; x <= maxX; x++) { for (int y = minY; y <= maxY; y++) { for (int z = minZ; z <= maxZ; z++) { int blockIndex = ((indZ * sizeY + indY) * sizeX + indX) + 6; blocks[blockIndex] = bot.McClient.ClientPlayer.World.GetBlockId(x, y, z); indZ++; } indZ = 0; indY++; } indY = 0; indX++; } if (!Directory.Exists(ExportDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(ExportDirectory); } File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(ExportDirectory, name + ".mbot"), blocks); }
public void Execute(ClassicBot.ClassicBot bot, string sender, string ogMessage, string[] split) { if (_importMode) { bot.McClient.ClientPlayer.SendMessage("Import mode cancelled."); bot.McClient.ClientPlayer.BlockPlaced -= ClientPlayerOnBlockPlaced; _importMode = false; return; } if (split.Length < 2) { bot.McClient.ClientPlayer.SendMessage("Please provide an import name."); return; } _importName = split[1]; _bot = bot; bot.McClient.ClientPlayer.SendMessage("Place an iron ore to import."); bot.McClient.ClientPlayer.BlockPlaced += ClientPlayerOnBlockPlaced; _importMode = true; }
static void Main(string[] args) { _cbot = new ClassicBot.ClassicBot("umby24", "", 13337); _cbot.InfoMessage += CbotOnInfoMessage; _cbot.DebugMessage += CbotOnDebugMessage; _cbot.ErrorMessage += CbotOnErrorMessage; _cbot.OnMessage += CbotOnOnMessage; _cbot.McClient.ClientPlayer.LevelFinished += WorldOnLevelFinished; _commander = new CommandHandler(_cbot); var input = ""; _cbot.Connect(); while (input != "EXIT") { input = Console.ReadLine().Trim(); if (input != "EXIT") { _cbot.McClient.ClientPlayer.SendMessage(input); } } }
public void Execute(ClassicBot.ClassicBot bot, string sender, string ogMessage, string[] split) { if (_exportMode) { bot.McClient.ClientPlayer.SendMessage("Export mode cancelled."); bot.McClient.ClientPlayer.BlockPlaced -= ClientPlayerOnBlockPlaced; _exportMode = false; return; } if (split.Length < 2) { bot.McClient.ClientPlayer.SendMessage("Please provide an export name."); return; } _exportName = split[1]; _bot = bot; ExportCoords = new Vector3S[2]; bot.McClient.ClientPlayer.SendMessage("Place 2 Iron-ore markers to mark the export area."); bot.McClient.ClientPlayer.BlockPlaced += ClientPlayerOnBlockPlaced; }
public static void ImportArea(Vector3S start, string name, ClassicBot.ClassicBot bot) { var pathTo = Path.Combine(ExportDirectory, name + ".mbot"); if (!File.Exists(pathTo)) { bot.McClient.ClientPlayer.SendMessage("That export does not exist."); return; } byte[] blocks = File.ReadAllBytes(pathTo); int sizeX = 0, sizeY = 0, sizeZ = 0; // -- get the sizes out. sizeX = BitConverter.ToInt16(blocks, 0); sizeY = BitConverter.ToInt16(blocks, 2); sizeZ = BitConverter.ToInt16(blocks, 4); for (int x = 0; x < sizeX; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < sizeY; y++) { for (int z = 0; z < sizeZ; z++) { var blockIndex = ((z * sizeY + y) * sizeX + x) + 6; var placeLocation = new Vector3S { X = (short)(start.X + x), Y = (short)(start.Y + y), Z = (short)(start.Z + z) }; bot.McClient.ClientPlayer.PlaceBlock(placeLocation, blocks[blockIndex]); } } } }
public void Execute(ClassicBot.ClassicBot bot, string sender, string ogMessage, string[] split) { var minusCmd = string.Join(" ", split.Skip(1).ToArray()); bot.McClient.ClientPlayer.SendMessage(minusCmd); }
public void Execute(ClassicBot.ClassicBot bot, string sender, string ogMessage, string[] split) { }