[HarmonyAfter(new string[] { "Another.mods.HarmonyID" })] // If another mod patches this method, apply this patch after the other mod's.
        static bool Prefix(ClassToPatch __instance, ref Parameter1Type arg1, ref string ____privateFieldInClassToPatch)
            arg1 = new Parameter1Type("ChangedValue"); // This will change arg1 for anything in MethodToPatch after this.
            ____privateFieldInClassToPatch = "private field changed";
            bool stopRunningMethodToPatch;

            if (stopRunningMethodToPatch)
                return(false); // If you return false in prefix, the rest of the code in MethodToPatch is skipped.
 /// <summary>
 /// This code is run after the original code in MethodToPatch is run.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="__instance">The instance of ClassToPatch</param>
 /// <param name="arg1">The Parameter1Type arg1 that was passed to MethodToPatch</param>
 /// <param name="____privateFieldInClassToPatch">Reference to the private field in ClassToPatch named '_privateFieldInClassToPatch',
 ///     added three _ to the beginning to reference it in the patch. Adding ref means we can change it.</param>
 static void Postfix(ClassToPatch __instance, ref Parameter1Type arg1, ref string ____privateFieldInClassToPatch)