public void updateStats(string lookupName, ClassStats updatedStats) { ClassStats updatedValue = getLevel(updatedStats); classes[lookupName] = updatedValue; SaveStats(); }
// Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. public override void _Ready() { KnightClass = (ClassStats)GD.Load("res://Classes/Knight.tres"); // resource is loaded when line is executed WizardClass = (ClassStats)GD.Load("res://Classes/Wizard.tres"); // resource is loaded when line is executed ThiefClass = (ClassStats)GD.Load("res://Classes/Thief.tres"); // resource is loaded when line is executed UpdateClassDisplay(KnightClass); }
public ClassStats[] dictToArray(Dictionary <string, ClassStats> dictionary) { string[] topicNames = { "WebDev", "GamesDevelopment", "WebDataBases", "SoftwareDevelopment", "ImageProcessing", "DataAnalytics" }; ClassStats[] statsArray = new ClassStats[6]; for (int count = 0; count < topicNames.Length; count++) { statsArray[count] = dictionary[topicNames[count]]; } return(statsArray); }
public void OnPointerEnter(PointerEventData eventData) { isOver = true; Debug.Log( + " was mouse over"); displayText.enabled = true; //ClassStats stats = manager.getStats(; ClassStats stats = GameObject.Find("Player").GetComponent <Player>().getData(; //stats.xp += 10; // manager.updateStats(stats.className, stats); displayText.text = stats.getOutputText(); }
public ClassStats getLevel(ClassStats stats) { int xpTilNextLevel = stats.xpTilNextLevel; if (stats.xp >= xpTilNextLevel) { stats.level += 1; stats.xpTilNextLevel = xpTilNextLevel + (stats.getBaseLevel() + stats.getBaseLevelIncrease() + (stats.level * 2)); //getLevel(stats); } return(stats); }
public void UpdateClassDisplay(ClassStats classStats) { ClassData = (Label)GetNode("MarginContainer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/Class/Data"); HealthData = (Label)GetNode("MarginContainer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/Health/Data"); StrengthData = (Label)GetNode("MarginContainer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/Strength/Data"); IntelligenceData = (Label)GetNode("MarginContainer/HBoxContainer/VBoxContainer/Intelligence/Data"); Profile = (TextureRect)GetNode("MarginContainer/HBoxContainer/CenterContainer/TextureRect"); Profile.Texture = classStats.Profile; ClassData.Text = classStats.Type; HealthData.Text = classStats.Health.ToString(); StrengthData.Text = classStats.Strength.ToString(); IntelligenceData.Text = classStats.Intelligence.ToString(); }
public static void ResetPlayer () { //Debug.Log (SelectedClass); PlayerMoney = 0; PlayerClass = new ClassStats (SelectedClass); playerHealth = PlayerClass.vitality; playerAgility = PlayerClass.agility; playerVitality = PlayerClass.vitality; playerAccuracy = PlayerClass.acuracy; playerDamage = PlayerClass.weaponStat.damage; playerFireRate = PlayerClass.weaponStat.firerate; playerCritChance = PlayerClass.weaponStat.critChance; playerClipSize = PlayerClass.weaponStat.clipSize; playerReloadTime = PlayerClass.weaponStat.reloadTime; }
private void CalculateFame() { int newFame = 0; if (Experience < 200 * 1000) { newFame = Experience / 1000; } else { newFame = 200 + (Experience - 200 * 1000) / 1000; } if (newFame != Fame) { Owner.BroadcastPacket(new NotificationPacket { ObjectId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xFFFF6600), Text = "+" + (newFame - Fame) + " Fame" }, null); Fame = newFame; int newGoal; ClassStats state = psr.Account.Stats.ClassStates.SingleOrDefault(_ => _.ObjectType == ObjectType); if (state != null && state.BestFame > Fame) { newGoal = GetFameGoal(state.BestFame); } else { newGoal = GetFameGoal(Fame); } if (newGoal > FameGoal) { Owner.BroadcastPacket(new NotificationPacket { ObjectId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xFF00FF00), Text = "Class Quest Complete!" }, null); Stars = GetStars(); } FameGoal = newGoal; UpdateCount++; } }
public static void ResetPlayer() { //Debug.Log (SelectedClass); PlayerMoney = 0; PlayerClass = new ClassStats(SelectedClass); playerHealth = PlayerClass.vitality; playerAgility = PlayerClass.agility; playerVitality = PlayerClass.vitality; playerAccuracy = PlayerClass.acuracy; playerDamage = PlayerClass.weaponStat.damage; playerFireRate = PlayerClass.weaponStat.firerate; playerCritChance = PlayerClass.weaponStat.critChance; playerClipSize = PlayerClass.weaponStat.clipSize; playerReloadTime = PlayerClass.weaponStat.reloadTime; }
public void checkToggle() { string answer = currentQuestions.answer; bool wasFound = false; ClassStats playerStats = player.GetComponent <Player>().getClasses()[currentClassName]; for (int count = 0; count < toggleSet.Length; count++) { if (toggleSet[count].isOn) { if (toggleSet[count].GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text == answer) { playerStats.setXP(playerStats.getXP() + 10); player.GetComponent <Player>().updateStats(currentClassName, playerStats); Debug.Log("yay you got it right"); feedbackCanvas.SetActive(true); feedbackCanvas.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.SetActive(true); feedbackCanvas.transform.GetChild(1).gameObject.SetActive(false); audio[0].mute = false; audio[0].Play(0); audio[1].mute = true; Invoke("disableCanvas", 2.0f); wasFound = true; } } } if (!wasFound) { Debug.Log("you got it wrong"); feedbackCanvas.SetActive(true); feedbackCanvas.transform.GetChild(0).gameObject.SetActive(false); feedbackCanvas.transform.GetChild(1).gameObject.SetActive(true); audio[1].mute = false; audio[1].Play(0); audio[0].mute = true; this.GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play(0); Invoke("disableCanvas", 2.0f); } answerCanvas.SetActive(false); manager.GetComponent <GameManager>().canCameraMove = true; }
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider collision) { if (manager == null) { Debug.Log("the manager is a lie"); } manager.GetComponent <GameManager>().canCameraMove = false; player = collision.gameObject; playerStats = player.GetComponent <Player>().getClasses()[currentClassName]; if (collision.tag == "Player") { answerCanvas.SetActive(true); /*Player player = collision.gameObject.GetComponent<Player>(); * ClassStats data = player.getData(; * data.setXP(data.xp + 10); * player.updateStats(, data);*/ int randomNumber = Random.Range(0, questionSet.answers.Length); currentQuestions = questionSet.answers[randomNumber]; collision.GetComponent <ControladorDePersonagem>().Anima_Personagem(0); toggleSet[0].isOn = true; // string /* for(int count = 0; count < questionSet.answers.Length; count++) * { * Debug.Log("question is " + questionSet.answers[count].question); * Debug.Log("option 1 is " + questionSet.answers[count].option1); * Debug.Log("option 2 is " + questionSet.answers[count].option2); * Debug.Log("answer is " + questionSet.answers[count].answer); * }*/ questionText.text = currentQuestions.question; setToggleText(); answerCanvas.SetActive(true); //Debug.Log(questionSet.answers[randomNumber].question); } }
private void CalculateFame() { int newFame = 0; if (Experience < 200 * 1000) { newFame = Experience / 1000; } else { newFame = 200 + (Experience - 200 * 1000) / 1000; } if (newFame != Fame && this != null && this.Owner != null) { Fame = newFame; int newGoal; ClassStats state = client.Account.Stats.ClassStates.SingleOrDefault(_ => _.ObjectType == ObjectType); if (state != null && state.BestFame > Fame) { newGoal = GetFameGoal(state.BestFame); } else { newGoal = GetFameGoal(Fame); } if (newGoal > FameGoal) { BroadcastSync(new NotificationPacket { ObjectId = Id, Color = new ARGB(0xFF00FF00), Text = "Class Quest Complete!" }, p => this.Dist(p) < 25); Stars = GetStars(); } FameGoal = newGoal; UpdateCount++; } }
public Hero() { Stats = new ClassStats(); RecalculateStats(); InventoryClass.InventoryChangedEvent += RecalculateStats; }
public Player(Client client) : base(client.Manager, (ushort)client.Character.ObjectType, client.Random) { this.client = client; statsMgr = new StatsManager(this); Name = client.Account.Name; AccountId = client.Account.AccountId; Name = client.Account.Name; Level = client.Character.Level; Experience = client.Character.Exp; ExperienceGoal = GetExpGoal(client.Character.Level); Stars = GetStars(); Texture1 = client.Character.Tex1; Texture2 = client.Character.Tex2; Effect = client.Character.Effect; XmlEffect = ""; Skin = client.Character.Skin; PermaSkin = client.Character.PermaSkin != 0; XpBoost = client.Character.XpBoost; Credits = client.Account.Credits; Souls = client.Account.Souls; NameChosen = client.Account.NameChosen; CurrentFame = client.Account.Stats.Fame; Fame = client.Character.CurrentFame; ClassStats state = client.Account.Stats.ClassStates.SingleOrDefault(_ => _.ObjectType == ObjectType); FameGoal = GetFameGoal(state != null ? state.BestFame : 0); Glowing = -1; Manager.Data.AddPendingAction(db => { if (db.IsUserInLegends(AccountId)) { Glowing = 0xFF0000; } if (client.Account.Admin) { Glowing = 0xFF00FF; } }); Guild = client.Account.Guild.Name; GuildRank = client.Account.Guild.Rank; HP = client.Character.HitPoints; MP = client.Character.MagicPoints; Floors = client.Character.Floors; ConditionEffects = 0; OxygenBar = 100; Party = Party.GetParty(this); if (Party != null) { if (Party.Leader.AccountId == AccountId) { Party.Leader = this; } else { Party.Members.Add(this); } } if (HP <= 0) { HP = client.Character.MaxHitPoints; } Locked = client.Account.Locked ?? new List <int>(); Ignored = client.Account.Ignored ?? new List <int>(); try { Manager.Data.AddPendingAction(db => { Locked = db.GetLockeds(AccountId); Ignored = db.GetIgnoreds(AccountId); }); } catch { } Inventory = new Inventory(this, client.Character.Equipment .Select(_ => _ == 0xffff ? null : client.Manager.GameData.Items[_]) .ToArray(), client.Character.EquipData); Inventory.InventoryChanged += (sender, e) => CalculateBoost(); SlotTypes = Utils.FromCommaSepString32( client.Manager.GameData.ObjectTypeToElement[ObjectType].Element("SlotTypes").Value); Stats = new[] { client.Character.MaxHitPoints, client.Character.MaxMagicPoints, client.Character.Attack, client.Character.Defense, client.Character.Speed, client.Character.HpRegen, client.Character.MpRegen, client.Character.Dexterity }; Pet = null; for (int i = 0; i < SlotTypes.Length; i++) { if (SlotTypes[i] == 0) { SlotTypes[i] = 10; } } AddRecipes(); }
//private int pingSerial; public Player(Client client) : base(client.Manager, (ushort)client.Character.ObjectType, client.Random) { this.client = client; statsMgr = new StatsManager(this, client.Random.CurrentSeed); Name = client.Account.Name; AccountId = client.Account.AccountId; Name = client.Account.Name; Level = client.Character.Level; Experience = client.Character.Exp; ExperienceGoal = GetExpGoal(client.Character.Level); Stars = GetStars(); switch (client.Account.Rank) { case 1: Stars = 200; break; case 2: Stars = 210; break; case 3: Stars = 220; break; case 4: Stars = 230; break; case 5: Stars = 240; break; case 6: Stars = 500; break; case 7: Stars = 1337; break; } Texture1 = client.Character.Tex1; Texture2 = client.Character.Tex2; Effect = client.Character.Effect; XmlEffect = ""; Skin = client.Character.Skin; PermaSkin = client.Character.PermaSkin != 0; XpBoost = client.Character.XpBoost; Credits = client.Account.Credits; Keys = client.Account.Keys; NameChosen = client.Account.NameChosen; CurrentFame = client.Account.Stats.Fame; Fame = client.Character.CurrentFame; ClassStats state = client.Account.Stats.ClassStates.SingleOrDefault(_ => _.ObjectType == ObjectType); FameGoal = GetFameGoal(state != null ? state.BestFame : 0); Glowing = -1; switch (client.Account.Rank) { /* if (client.Client.ClientDatabase.IsUserInLegends(AccountId)) * Glowing = 0xFF0000; */ case 6: Glowing = 0xFFFFFF; break; case 7: Glowing = 0xFF0080; break; } Guild = GuildManager.Add(this, client.Account.Guild); HP = client.Character.HitPoints; MP = client.Character.MagicPoints; ConditionEffects = 0; OxygenBar = 100; Party = Party.GetParty(this); if (Party != null) { if (Party.Leader.AccountId == AccountId) { Party.Leader = this; } else { Party.Members.Add(this); } } if (HP <= 0) { HP = client.Character.MaxHitPoints; } Locked = client.Account.Locked ?? new List <int>(); Ignored = client.Account.Ignored ?? new List <int>(); try { Locked = Client.ClientDatabase.GetLockeds(AccountId); Ignored = Client.ClientDatabase.GetIgnoreds(AccountId); } catch { } Inventory = new Inventory(this, client.Character.Equipment .Select(_ => _ == 0xffff ? null : client.Manager.GameData.Items[_]) .ToArray(), client.Character.EquipData); Inventory.InventoryChanged += (sender, e) => CalculateBoost(); SlotTypes = Utils.FromCommaSepString32( Manager.GameData.ObjectTypeToElement[ObjectType].Element("SlotTypes").Value); Stats = new[] { client.Character.MaxHitPoints, client.Character.MaxMagicPoints, client.Character.Attack, client.Character.Defense, client.Character.Speed, client.Character.HpRegen, client.Character.MpRegen, client.Character.Dexterity, client.Character.Luck, client.Character.Crit }; /* if (client.Character.Backpacks >= 1) * { * Inventory.SetItems(Inventory.Concat(client.Character.Backpack1.Select(_ => _ == 0xffff ? null : client.Manager.GameData.Items[_])).ToArray()); * SlotTypes = SlotTypes.Concat(new int[8] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }).ToArray(); * } * if (client.Character.Backpacks == 2) * { * Inventory.SetItems(Inventory.Concat(client.Character.Backpack2.Select(_ => _ == 0xffff ? null : client.Manager.GameData.Items[_])).ToArray()); * SlotTypes = SlotTypes.Concat(new int[8] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }).ToArray(); * } */ Pet = null; for (int i = 0; i < SlotTypes.Length; i++) { if (SlotTypes[i] == 0) { SlotTypes[i] = 10; } } AddRecipes(); }
static void OnPostprocessAllAssets(string[] importedAssets, string[] deletedAssets, string[] movedAssets, string[] movedFromAssetPaths) { foreach (string asset in importedAssets) { if (!filePath.Equals(asset)) { continue; } ClassStats data = (ClassStats)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(exportPath, typeof(ClassStats)); if (data == null) { data = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance <ClassStats> (); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset((ScriptableObject)data, exportPath); data.hideFlags = HideFlags.NotEditable; } data.sheets.Clear(); using (FileStream stream = File.Open(filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { IWorkbook book = new HSSFWorkbook(stream); foreach (string sheetName in sheetNames) { ISheet sheet = book.GetSheet(sheetName); if (sheet == null) { Debug.LogError("[Data] sheet not found:" + sheetName); continue; } ClassStats.Sheet s = new ClassStats.Sheet(); = sheetName; for (int i = 1; i <= sheet.LastRowNum; i++) { IRow row = sheet.GetRow(i); ICell cell = null; ClassStats.Param p = new ClassStats.Param(); cell = row.GetCell(0); p.ID = (cell == null ? "" : cell.StringCellValue); p.AimOffset = new float[1]; cell = row.GetCell(1); p.AimOffset[0] = (float)(cell == null ? 0.0 : cell.NumericCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(4); p.ChangeCoverChance = (int)(cell == null ? 0 : cell.NumericCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(5); p.WeaponType = (cell == null ? "" : cell.StringCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(6); p.BulletDamage = (int)(cell == null ? 0 : cell.NumericCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(7); p.ShotRateFactor = (float)(cell == null ? 0 : cell.NumericCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(8); p.ShotErrorRate = (float)(cell == null ? 0 : cell.NumericCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(9); p.Effect_MuzzleFlash = (cell == null ? "" : cell.StringCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(10); p.Effect_Shot = (cell == null ? "" : cell.StringCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(11); p.Effect_Sparks = (cell == null ? "" : cell.StringCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(12); p.Effect_BulletHole = (cell == null ? "" : cell.StringCellValue); s.list.Add(p); } data.sheets.Add(s); } } ScriptableObject obj = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(exportPath, typeof(ScriptableObject)) as ScriptableObject; EditorUtility.SetDirty(obj); } }
public Player(Client client) : base(client.Manager, (ushort)client.Character.ObjectType, client.Random) { this.client = client; statsMgr = new StatsManager(this, client.Random.CurrentSeed); Name = client.Account.Name; AccountId = client.Account.AccountId; Name = client.Account.Name; Level = client.Character.Level; Experience = client.Character.Exp; ExperienceGoal = GetExpGoal(client.Character.Level); Stars = GetStars(); Texture1 = client.Character.Tex1; Texture2 = client.Character.Tex2; Effect = client.Character.Effect; XmlEffect = ""; Skin = client.Character.Skin; PermaSkin = client.Character.PermaSkin != 0; XpBoost = client.Character.XpBoost; Credits = client.Account.Credits; Silver = client.Account.Silver; UnlockedMoods = client.Account.UnlockedMoods; NameChosen = client.Account.NameChosen; CurrentFame = client.Account.Stats.Fame; Fame = client.Character.CurrentFame; ClassStats state = client.Account.Stats.ClassStates.SingleOrDefault(_ => _.ObjectType == ObjectType); FameGoal = GetFameGoal(state?.BestFame ?? 0); CameraOffsetX = CameraOffsetY = 0; CameraX = CameraY = 0; CameraRot = 0; FixedCamera = FixedCameraRot = false; CameraUpdate = false; warpUses = 0; Locked = client.Account.Locked ?? new List <int>(); Ignored = client.Account.Ignored ?? new List <int>(); Glowing = -1; Manager.Data.AddDatabaseOperation(db => //We dont need to await here { if (db.IsUserInLegends(AccountId)) { Glowing = 0xFF0000; } if (client.Account.Admin) { Glowing = 0xFF00FF; } }); Guild = client.Account.Guild.Name; GuildRank = client.Account.Guild.Rank; HP = client.Character.HitPoints; MP = client.Character.MagicPoints; Floors = client.Character.Floors; ConditionEffects = 0; OxygenBar = 100; Party = Party.GetParty(this); if (Party != null) { if (Party.Leader.AccountId == AccountId) { Party.Leader = this; } else { Party.Members.Add(this); } } if (HP <= 0) { HP = client.Character.MaxHitPoints; } Inventory = new Inventory(this, client.Character.Equipment .Select(_ => _ == 0xffff ? null : client.Manager.GameData.Items[_]) .ToArray(), client.Character.EquipData); Inventory.InventoryChanged += (sender, e) => CalculateBoost(); SlotTypes = Utils.FromCommaSepString32( client.Manager.GameData.ObjectTypeToElement[ObjectType].Element("SlotTypes").Value); Stats = new[] { client.Character.MaxHitPoints, client.Character.MaxMagicPoints, client.Character.Attack, client.Character.Defense, client.Character.Speed, client.Character.Vitality, client.Character.Wisdom, client.Character.Dexterity, client.Character.Aptitude, client.Character.Resilience, client.Character.Penetration }; CalculateBoost(); Pet = null; for (int i = 0; i < SlotTypes.Length; i++) { if (SlotTypes[i] == 0) { SlotTypes[i] = 10; } } Ability = new Ability[3] { null, null, null }; CacheAbilities = Ability; CacheAP = 0; AbilityCooldown = new int[3] { 3, 3, 3 }; AbilityActiveDurations = new int[3] { 0, 0, 0 }; AbilityToggle = new bool[3] { false, false, false }; AbilityToggleVar = 0; Specialization = client.Character.Specialization; UpdateAbilities(); Mood = client.Character.Mood; MaxLevel = client.Character.MaxLevel; AddRecipes(); // "default_" is default and all the rest are normal. // red, orange, yellow, green, blue. if (/*criteria*/ false) { ChatBubbleColour = "purple"; } else { ChatBubbleColour = "default_"; } }
public Bandit(int id) { Stats = new ClassStats(); Id = id; }
public ClassStats ClassStats(int classGroupId) { try { LoginController.checkOnAccess(this.Request.Headers); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; }; var db = new DBModel(); ClassStats cStats = new ClassStats { RDist = new List <LessonResDistribution>(), ADist = new List <LessonAttempts>() }; try { //Get all the records of the results in the class grouped by lesson, then grouped by student var results = from lc in db.LessonsToClasses where lc.ClassId == classGroupId join l in db.Lessons on lc.LessonId equals l.Id join rl in db.ResultInLessons on l.Id equals rl.LessonId join sc in db.StudentsToClasses on lc.ClassId equals sc.ClassId where sc.StudentId == rl.StudentId group rl by l.SeqNum into lRes select new { lRes.Key, studentsRes = from lrg in lRes group lrg by lrg.StudentId into studRes select studRes }; if (results.Any()) { List <double> avgRes; List <double> avgBestRes; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Lesson Results Distribution *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ //Loop through each lesson foreach (var lesson in results) { avgRes = new List <double>(); avgBestRes = new List <double>(); //Create lesson object cStats.RDist.Add(new LessonResDistribution { LNum = lesson.Key }); //Loop through each student's results in the lesson and calc his average and max results foreach (var res in lesson.studentsRes) { avgRes.Add(res.Average(x => x.Result)); avgBestRes.Add(res.Max(x => x.Result)); } ; //Calc overall 'average' and 'average best' results cStats.RDist.Last().AvgRes = avgRes.Average(); cStats.RDist.Last().AvgBestRes = avgBestRes.Average(); } ; //Adding empty lessons objects to fill up the list to 10 for (int i = cStats.RDist.Count; i < NUM_OF_LESSONS_IN_CLASS; i++) { cStats.RDist.Add(new LessonResDistribution() { LNum = i + 1, AvgRes = 0, AvgBestRes = 0 }); } ; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Lesson attempts and completion distribution *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int passed; //Loop through each lesson foreach (var lesson in results) { passed = 0; //Create lesson object cStats.ADist.Add(new LessonAttempts { LNum = lesson.Key }); //Check each student's results to see if he passed the lesson foreach (var res in lesson.studentsRes) { if (res.Max(x => x.Result >= StudyController.MIN_RES_TO_PASS)) { passed++; } ; } ; cStats.ADist.Last().StFinished = passed; cStats.ADist.Last().StTried = lesson.studentsRes.Count(); } ; //Adding empty lessons objects to fill up the list to 4 for (int i = cStats.ADist.Count; i < NUM_OF_LESSONS_IN_CLASS; i++) { cStats.ADist.Add(new LessonAttempts() { LNum = i + 1, StFinished = 0, StTried = 0 }); } ; /*------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Course average result *------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ var query = from pc in db.ProgressInClasses where pc.ClassId == classGroupId select pc.Result; if (query.Any()) { cStats.AvgRes = (double)query.Average(); } else { cStats.AvgRes = 0; }; } else { cStats.AvgRes = 0; }; return(cStats); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; }; }
public ClassStats getStats(string lookupName) { ClassStats stats = classes[lookupName]; return(stats); }