static void Main(string[] args) { StructPixel sp; ClassPixel cp; sp = new StructPixel(10, 20); cp = new ClassPixel(100, 200); movePixel(ref sp); movePixel(cp); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// Runs the component for a particular timestep. /// </summary> /// <param name="currentTime"> /// The current model timestep. /// </param> public override void Run() { foreach (IMapDefinition map in mapDefs) { List<IForestType> forestTypes = map.ForestTypes; IOutputRaster<ClassPixel> newmap = CreateMap(map.Name); string path = newmap.Path; using (newmap) { ClassPixel pixel = new ClassPixel(); foreach (Site site in modelCore.Landscape.AllSites) { if (site.IsActive) pixel.Band0 = CalcForestType(site,forestTypes); else pixel.Band0 = 0; newmap.WritePixel(pixel); } } } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// Runs the component for a particular timestep. /// </summary> /// <param name="currentTime"> /// The current model timestep. /// </param> public override void Run() { //if (SiteVars.TimeOfLastFire == null) // SiteVars.ReInitialize(); UI.WriteLine(" Re-initializing all values to zero..."); SiteVars.FuelType.ActiveSiteValues = 0; SiteVars.DecidFuelType.ActiveSiteValues = 0; UI.WriteLine(" Calculating the Fuel Type Index for all active cells..."); foreach (ActiveSite site in Model.Core.Landscape) //ActiveSites { CalcFuelType(site, fuelTypes, disturbanceTypes); SiteVars.PercentDeadFir[site] = CalcPercentDeadFir(site); } IOutputRaster<ClassPixel> newmap = CreateMap(); string path = newmap.Path; using (newmap) { ClassPixel pixel = new ClassPixel(); foreach (Site site in Model.Core.Landscape.AllSites) { if (site.IsActive) pixel.Band0 = (byte) ((int) SiteVars.FuelType[site] + 1); else pixel.Band0 = 0; newmap.WritePixel(pixel); } } IOutputRaster<ClassPixel> conmap = CreateConMap(); string conpath = conmap.Path; using (conmap) { ClassPixel pixel = new ClassPixel(); foreach (Site site in Model.Core.Landscape.AllSites) { if (site.IsActive) pixel.Band0 = (byte)((int)SiteVars.PercentConifer[site]); else pixel.Band0 = 0; conmap.WritePixel(pixel); } } IOutputRaster<ClassPixel> firmap = CreateFirMap(); string firpath = firmap.Path; using (firmap) { ClassPixel pixel = new ClassPixel(); foreach (Site site in Model.Core.Landscape.AllSites) { if (site.IsActive) pixel.Band0 = (byte)((int)SiteVars.PercentDeadFir[site]); else pixel.Band0 = 0; firmap.WritePixel(pixel); } } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// Runs the component for a particular timestep. /// </summary> /// <param name="currentTime"> /// The current model timestep. /// </param> public override void Run() { foreach (IMapDefinition map in mapDefs) { IForestType[] forestTypes = map.ForestTypes; string path = MapFileNames.ReplaceTemplateVars(mapNameTemplate, map.Name, modelCore.CurrentTime); IOutputRaster<ClassPixel> newmap = CreateMap(path); using (newmap) { ClassPixel pixel = new ClassPixel(); foreach (Site site in modelCore.Landscape.AllSites) { if (site.IsActive) pixel.Band0 = CalcForestType(forestTypes, site); else pixel.Band0 = 0; newmap.WritePixel(pixel); } } //Erdas74TrailerFile.Write(path, map.ForestTypes); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- /// <summary> /// Runs the component for a particular timestep. /// </summary> /// <param name="currentTime"> /// The current model timestep. /// </param> public void Run(int currentTime) { foreach (IMapDefinition map in mapDefs) { IForestType[] forestTypes = map.ForestTypes; IOutputRaster<ClassPixel> newmap = CreateMap(map.Name, currentTime); string path = newmap.Path; using (newmap) { ClassPixel pixel = new ClassPixel(); foreach (Site site in Model.Landscape.AllSites) { if (site.IsActive) pixel.Band0 = CalcForestType(cohorts[site], forestTypes); else pixel.Band0 = 0; newmap.WritePixel(pixel); } } //Erdas74TrailerFile.Write(path, map.ForestTypes); } nextTimeToRun += timestep; }
static void movePixel(ClassPixel cp) { cp.x++; cp.y++; }