private static void Main() { Class73.smethod_94(); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); Application.Run((Form) new Form1()); }
internal Class11(Class18 class18_0, object object_1, int int_16) { this.int_12 = new int[4320]; this.byte_0 = new byte[int_16]; this.int_13 = int_16; this.object_0 = object_1; this.int_2 = 0; Class73.smethod_227(class18_0, (long[])null, this); }
static Class79() { if (Class79.string_0 == "1") { Class79.bool_0 = true; Class79.dictionary_0 = new Dictionary <int, string>(); } Class79.int_0 = Convert.ToInt32(Class79.string_1); using (Stream manifestResourceStream = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetManifestResourceStream("{953e6385-ca31-4953-af77-f117acc05df2}")) { int int32 = Convert.ToInt32(manifestResourceStream.Length); byte[] numArray = new byte[int32]; manifestResourceStream.Read(numArray, 0, int32); Class79.byte_0 = Class73.smethod_111(numArray); manifestResourceStream.Close(); } }
private void method_1(Class1 class1_0) { try { if (class1_0 != null) { Class73.smethod_176(class1_0, this.class4_0); } foreach (KeyValuePair <Class6, Class1> keyValuePair in Class73.smethod_216(this.class4_0)) { Class73.smethod_131(true, keyValuePair.Value, this); this.socket_0.Send(Class73.smethod_155(keyValuePair.Key)); } } catch { } }
public Class29( string string_4, ushort ushort_0, uint uint_2, uint uint_3, string string_5, string string_6, string string_7, string string_8) { try { if (Class25.class29_0 != null) { return; } Class25.class29_0 = this; this.uint_0 = uint_3; this.uint_1 = uint_2; this.string_0 = string_5; this.string_1 = string_6; this.string_2 = string_7; this.string_3 = string_8; if (this.socket_0 != null) { this.socket_0.Close(); } this.socket_0 = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp); Form1.form1_0.label_163.Text = "BAĞLANIYOR"; if (!this.socket_0.BeginConnect(IPAddress.Parse(string_4), (int)ushort_0, (AsyncCallback)null, (object)null).AsyncWaitHandle.WaitOne(1000, true)) { Form1.form1_0.label_163.Text = "BAŞARISIZ"; } Form1.form1_0.label_163.Text = "ONLİNE"; Form1.form1_0.label_163.ForeColor = Color.GreenYellow; Class73.smethod_63(this); this.method_1((Class1)null); this.method_2(); } catch (Exception ex) { Class73.smethod_245(this, ex.ToString()); } }
// Token: 0x06000661 RID: 1633 RVA: 0x000383C8 File Offset: 0x000365C8 private Class2 method_10(bool bool_2) { if (!this.bool_0) { bool flag = this.bool_1 || this.symmetricAlgorithm_0 == null; if (this.symmetricAlgorithm_0 == null) { this.symmetricAlgorithm_0 = Class152.smethod_0(); if (this.symmetricAlgorithm_0 == null) { this.bool_0 = true; } } if (this.symmetricAlgorithm_0 != null) { if (flag) { this.symmetricAlgorithm_0.Key = this.method_4(); this.symmetricAlgorithm_0.IV = this.method_6(); this.symmetricAlgorithm_0.Mode = Class152.smethod_1(this.method_0()); this.symmetricAlgorithm_0.Padding = Class152.smethod_2(this.method_2()); } return(new Class4(bool_2 ? this.symmetricAlgorithm_0.CreateEncryptor() : this.symmetricAlgorithm_0.CreateDecryptor())); } } Class73 interface1_ = new Class73(new Class151()); Class22 @class; if (this.method_2() != (Enum1)1) { @class = new Class23(interface1_, Class152.smethod_3(this.method_2())); } else { @class = new Class22(interface1_); } Class25 interface6_ = new Class25(new Class188(this.method_4()), this.method_6()); @class.imethod_1(bool_2, interface6_); return(new Class3(@class)); }
unsafe void IAsyncStateMachine.MoveNext() { // ISSUE: untyped stack allocation void *voidPtr = (void *)__untypedstackalloc(5); int num = this.int_0; try { TaskAwaiter awaiter1; switch (num) { case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: try { TaskAwaiter awaiter2; TaskAwaiter awaiter3; TaskAwaiter awaiter4; TaskAwaiter awaiter5; switch (num) { case 0: awaiter2 = this.taskAwaiter_0; this.taskAwaiter_0 = new TaskAwaiter(); num = -1; this.int_0 = -1; break; case 1: awaiter3 = this.taskAwaiter_0; this.taskAwaiter_0 = new TaskAwaiter(); num = -1; this.int_0 = -1; goto label_12; case 2: awaiter4 = this.taskAwaiter_0; this.taskAwaiter_0 = new TaskAwaiter(); num = -1; this.int_0 = -1; goto label_23; case 3: awaiter5 = this.taskAwaiter_0; this.taskAwaiter_0 = new TaskAwaiter(); num = -1; this.int_0 = -1; goto label_26; default: awaiter2 = Task.Delay(2500).GetAwaiter(); if (!awaiter2.IsCompleted) { num = 0; this.int_0 = 0; this.taskAwaiter_0 = awaiter2; Class65.Class67 stateMachine = this; this.asyncVoidMethodBuilder_0.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted <TaskAwaiter, Class65.Class67>(ref awaiter2, ref stateMachine); return; } break; } awaiter2.GetResult(); awaiter2 = new TaskAwaiter(); Class65.smethod_1(); awaiter3 = Task.Delay(1000).GetAwaiter(); if (!awaiter3.IsCompleted) { num = 1; this.int_0 = 1; this.taskAwaiter_0 = awaiter3; Class65.Class67 stateMachine = this; this.asyncVoidMethodBuilder_0.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted <TaskAwaiter, Class65.Class67>(ref awaiter3, ref stateMachine); return; } label_12: awaiter3.GetResult(); awaiter3 = new TaskAwaiter(); this.sqlDataReader_0 = new SqlCommand("SELECT COUNT(name) FROM master..sysdatabases where name = 'My_EventBot'", Class65.sqlConnection_0).ExecuteReader(); try { this.sqlDataReader_0.Read(); this.bool_0 = Convert.ToBoolean(this.sqlDataReader_0[0]); this.sqlDataReader_0.Close(); } finally { if (num < 0 && this.sqlDataReader_0 != null) { this.sqlDataReader_0.Dispose(); } } this.sqlDataReader_0 = (SqlDataReader)null; *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 4) = (sbyte)!this.bool_0; if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 4) != (sbyte)0) { Class73.smethod_180("My_EventBot"); } else { new SqlCommand("USE [My_EventBot]", Class65.sqlConnection_0).ExecuteNonQuery(); } Class65.smethod_3(); Class65.smethod_4(); awaiter4 = Task.Delay(2500).GetAwaiter(); if (!awaiter4.IsCompleted) { num = 2; this.int_0 = 2; this.taskAwaiter_0 = awaiter4; Class65.Class67 stateMachine = this; this.asyncVoidMethodBuilder_0.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted <TaskAwaiter, Class65.Class67>(ref awaiter4, ref stateMachine); return; } label_23: awaiter4.GetResult(); awaiter4 = new TaskAwaiter(); Form1.smethod_0("Kontroller tamamlandı."); new Task(new Action(Form1.form1_0.method_1)).Start(); Form1.form1_0.button_2.Enabled = true; awaiter5 = Task.Delay(1000).GetAwaiter(); if (!awaiter5.IsCompleted) { num = 3; this.int_0 = 3; this.taskAwaiter_0 = awaiter5; Class65.Class67 stateMachine = this; this.asyncVoidMethodBuilder_0.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted <TaskAwaiter, Class65.Class67>(ref awaiter5, ref stateMachine); return; } label_26: awaiter5.GetResult(); awaiter5 = new TaskAwaiter(); Form1.form1_0.timer_9.Start(); Form1.form1_0.timer_10.Start(); try { Class73.smethod_145(); Form1.form1_0.method_95(); } catch (Exception ex) { this.exception_0 = ex; Form1.smethod_0("Etkinlik takvimi yüklenemedi.. Hata Açıklaması => " + this.exception_0.Message); } } catch (Exception ex) { this.object_0 = (object)ex; this.int_1 = 1; } *(int *)voidPtr = this.int_1; if (*(int *)voidPtr == 1) { this.exception_1 = (Exception)this.object_0; Form1.smethod_1("Kontroller sırasında bir hata oluştu ! Bir kaç saniye içinde kontrol yeniden başlayacak...", Color.Red); Form1.smethod_1("Hata almaya devam ederseniz My_EventBot veritabanını sildikten sonra programı yeniden başlatın...", Color.Red); Form1.smethod_0(this.exception_1.Message ?? ""); awaiter1 = Task.Delay(4000).GetAwaiter(); if (!awaiter1.IsCompleted) { this.int_0 = 4; this.taskAwaiter_0 = awaiter1; Class65.Class67 stateMachine = this; this.asyncVoidMethodBuilder_0.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted <TaskAwaiter, Class65.Class67>(ref awaiter1, ref stateMachine); return; } break; } this.object_0 = (object)null; try { Form1.string_0 = Form1.form1_0.textEdit_11.Text; Form1.string_1 = Form1.form1_0.textEdit_10.Text; Form1.string_2 = Form1.form1_0.textEdit_9.Text; goto label_37; } catch (Exception ex) { this.exception_2 = ex; Form1.smethod_0("DATABASE isimleri ayarlanamadı.Lütfen SQL SERVER bölümünden gerekli alanları hatasız doldurup ayarları kaydettikten sonra programı yeniden başlatın."); Form1.smethod_0("Hata Kodu ==> " + this.exception_2.Message); goto label_37; } case 4: awaiter1 = this.taskAwaiter_0; this.taskAwaiter_0 = new TaskAwaiter(); num = -1; this.int_0 = -1; break; default: label_4: Form1.smethod_0("Veritabanı kontrolleri yapılıyor..."); this.int_1 = 0; goto case 0; } awaiter1.GetResult(); awaiter1 = new TaskAwaiter(); goto label_4; } catch (Exception ex) { this.int_0 = -2; this.asyncVoidMethodBuilder_0.SetException(ex); return; } label_37: this.int_0 = -2; this.asyncVoidMethodBuilder_0.SetResult(); }
internal unsafe void method_0(IAsyncResult iasyncResult_0) { // ISSUE: untyped stack allocation void *voidPtr = (void *)__untypedstackalloc(52); try { *(int *)voidPtr = this.socket_0.EndReceive(iasyncResult_0); *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 42) = (sbyte)(*(int *)voidPtr > 0); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 42) != (sbyte)0) { Class4 class40 = this.class4_0; byte[] byte0 = this.byte_0; Class73.smethod_70(0, class40, *(int *)voidPtr, byte0); List <Class1> class1List = Class73.smethod_192(this.class4_0); *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 43) = (sbyte)(class1List != null); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 43) != (sbyte)0) { foreach (Class1 class1_0_1 in class1List) { Class73.smethod_131(false, class1_0_1, this); *(short *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 36) = (short)Class73.smethod_89(class1_0_1); if (*(ushort *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 36) <= (ushort)20480) { if (*(ushort *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 36) != (ushort)8193) { if (*(ushort *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 36) != (ushort)8994) { if (*(ushort *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 36) != (ushort)20480) { continue; } } else { Class73.smethod_163(Class73.smethod_255(class1_0_1)); Class1 class1_0_2 = new Class1((ushort)25379); Class73.smethod_120(class1_0_2, this.string_3); this.method_1(class1_0_2); continue; } } else { *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 51) = (sbyte)(Class73.smethod_87(class1_0_1) == "GatewayServer"); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 51) != (sbyte)0) { Class1 class1_0_2 = new Class1((ushort)24832, true, false); Class73.smethod_173((object)this.uint_0, class1_0_2); Class73.smethod_120(class1_0_2, "SR_Client"); Class73.smethod_9(class1_0_2, this.uint_1); this.method_1(class1_0_2); continue; } continue; } } else if (*(ushort *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 36) != (ushort)36864) { switch (*(ushort *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 36)) { case 41216: *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 49) = (sbyte)(Class73.smethod_16(class1_0_1) == (byte)1); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 49) != (sbyte)0) { this.method_1(new Class1((ushort)24833, true)); } *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 50) = (sbyte)(Class25.class19_0 == null); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 50) != (sbyte)0) { Class1 class1_0_2 = new Class1((ushort)24834); Class73.smethod_162((byte)22, class1_0_2); Class73.smethod_120(class1_0_2, this.string_0); Class73.smethod_120(class1_0_2, this.string_1); Class73.smethod_65((ushort)64, class1_0_2); this.method_1(class1_0_2); continue; } continue; case 41217: *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 48) = (sbyte)(Class73.smethod_16(class1_0_1) == (byte)1); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 48) != (sbyte)0) { *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 16) = (int)Class73.smethod_16(class1_0_1); Class73.smethod_87(class1_0_1); *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 20) = (int)Class73.smethod_165(class1_0_1); Class73.smethod_87(class1_0_1); *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 24) = (int)Class73.smethod_11(class1_0_1); *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 28) = (int)Class73.smethod_11(class1_0_1); *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 32) = (int)Class73.smethod_16(class1_0_1); *(short *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 40) = (short)Class73.smethod_11(class1_0_1); Class73.smethod_0(*(uint *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 32), *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 28), *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 24), this); continue; } continue; case 41218: *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 4) = (int)Class73.smethod_16(class1_0_1); *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 45) = (sbyte)(*(uint *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 4) == 1U); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 45) != (sbyte)0) { *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 8) = (int)Class73.smethod_165(class1_0_1); string string_6 = Class73.smethod_87(class1_0_1); *(short *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 38) = (short)Class73.smethod_11(class1_0_1); Class19 class19 = new Class19(string_6, *(ushort *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 38), this.uint_1, this.uint_0, this.string_0, this.string_1, this.string_2, *(uint *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 8)); continue; } *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 46) = (sbyte)(*(uint *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 4) == 2U); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 46) != (sbyte)0) { *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 12) = (int)Class73.smethod_16(class1_0_1); string[] strArray = new string[12] { "Bilinmeyen Hata", "ID veya şifre hatalı", "Üyelik girişi server tarafından reddedildi", "Karakter zaten oyunda.", "Server full. Tekrar deneyin. / veya server Check.", "(C7) Bağlantı hatası", "(C8) Bağlantı hatası", "Karakter IP limit sınırına takıldı.", "Bilinmiyor", "18 yaş hatası( [GM] girişi için yetkili ip ayarlanmamış olabilir ! )", "12 yaş hatası( [GM] girişi için yetkili ip ayarlanmamış olabilir ! )", "18 yaş hatası( [GM] girişi için yetkili ip ayarlanmamış olabilir ! )" }; *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 47) = (sbyte)(*(uint *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 12) == 1U); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 47) != (sbyte)0) { ++Class25.int_0; } if ((*(uint *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 12) < 1U ? 0 : (*(uint *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 12) <= 11U ? 1 : 0)) != 0) { Class73.smethod_245(this, strArray[(int)*(uint *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 12)]); continue; } Class73.smethod_245(this, strArray[0]); continue; } Class73.smethod_245(this, "Bilinmeyen hata kodu => 0xa102 uint8 != 1"); continue; default: if (*(ushort *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 36) == (ushort)41763) { *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 44) = (sbyte)(Class73.smethod_16(class1_0_1) == (byte)2); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 44) != (sbyte)0) { ++Class25.int_0; Class73.smethod_245(this, "Captcha kodu hatalı"); continue; } continue; } continue; } } this.method_1((Class1)null); } } Class73.smethod_63(this); } else { Class73.smethod_245(this, "nReceived < 1"); } } catch (Exception ex) { Class73.smethod_245(this, ex.ToString()); } }
public unsafe void method_0(Class6 class6_2) { // ISSUE: untyped stack allocation void * voidPtr = (void *)__untypedstackalloc(67); List <Class6> class6List = new List <Class6>(); object object0 = this.object_0; *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 36) = (sbyte)0; try { // ISSUE: cast to a reference type Monitor.Enter(object0, (bool&)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 36)); *(int *)voidPtr = Class73.smethod_53(class6_2) - Class73.smethod_84(class6_2); *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 4) = 0; label_20: *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 46) = (sbyte)(*(int *)voidPtr > 0); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 46) != (sbyte)0) { *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 8) = *(int *)voidPtr; *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 12) = Class73.smethod_155(this.class6_0).Length - Class73.smethod_53(this.class6_0); *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 37) = (sbyte)(*(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 8) > *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 12)); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 37) != (sbyte)0) { *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 8) = *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 12); } *(int *)voidPtr = *(int *)voidPtr - *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 8); Buffer.BlockCopy((Array)Class73.smethod_155(class6_2), Class73.smethod_84(class6_2) + *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 4), (Array)Class73.smethod_155(this.class6_0), Class73.smethod_53(this.class6_0), *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 8)); Class6 class60_1 = this.class6_0; Class73.smethod_158(class60_1, Class73.smethod_53(class60_1) + *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 8)); *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 4) = *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 4) + *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 8); while (true) { *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 45) = (sbyte)(Class73.smethod_53(this.class6_0) > 0); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 45) != (sbyte)0) { *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 38) = (sbyte)(this.class6_1 == null); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 38) != (sbyte)0) { *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 39) = (sbyte)(Class73.smethod_53(this.class6_0) < 2); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 39) == (sbyte)0) { *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 20) = (int)Class73.smethod_155(this.class6_0)[1] << 8 | (int)Class73.smethod_155(this.class6_0)[0]; *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 40) = (sbyte)((*(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 20) & 32768) > 0); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 40) != (sbyte)0) { *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 20) = *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 20) & (int)short.MaxValue; *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 41) = (sbyte)(this.class5_0.byte_1 == (byte)1); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 41) != (sbyte)0) { *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 20) = 2 + Class73.smethod_103(this.class0_0, *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 20) + 4); } else { *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 20) = *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 20) + 6; } } else { *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 20) = *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 20) + 6; } this.class6_1 = new Class6(*(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 20), 0, *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 20)); } else { goto label_20; } } *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 16) = Class73.smethod_53(this.class6_1) - Class73.smethod_84(this.class6_1); *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 42) = (sbyte)(*(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 16) > Class73.smethod_53(this.class6_0)); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 42) != (sbyte)0) { *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 16) = Class73.smethod_53(this.class6_0); } Buffer.BlockCopy((Array)Class73.smethod_155(this.class6_0), 0, (Array)Class73.smethod_155(this.class6_1), Class73.smethod_84(this.class6_1), *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 16)); Class6 class61 = this.class6_1; Class73.smethod_6(class61, Class73.smethod_84(class61) + *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 16)); Class6 class60_2 = this.class6_0; Class73.smethod_158(class60_2, Class73.smethod_53(class60_2) - *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 16)); *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 43) = (sbyte)(Class73.smethod_53(this.class6_0) > 0); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 43) != (sbyte)0) { Buffer.BlockCopy((Array)Class73.smethod_155(this.class6_0), *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 16), (Array)Class73.smethod_155(this.class6_0), 0, Class73.smethod_53(this.class6_0)); } *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 44) = (sbyte)(Class73.smethod_53(this.class6_1) == Class73.smethod_84(this.class6_1)); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 44) != (sbyte)0) { Class73.smethod_6(this.class6_1, 0); class6List.Add(this.class6_1); this.class6_1 = (Class6)null; } else { goto label_20; } } else { goto label_20; } } } else { *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 47) = (sbyte)(class6List.Count > 0); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 47) == (sbyte)0) { return; } foreach (Class6 class6_0 in class6List) { *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 48) = (sbyte)0; *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 24) = (int)Class73.smethod_155(class6_0)[1] << 8 | (int)Class73.smethod_155(class6_0)[0]; *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 51) = (sbyte)((*(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 24) & 32768) > 0); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 51) != (sbyte)0) { *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 52) = (sbyte)(this.class5_0.byte_1 == (byte)1); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 52) != (sbyte)0) { *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 24) = *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 24) & (int)short.MaxValue; *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 48) = (sbyte)1; } else { *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 24) = *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 24) & (int)short.MaxValue; } } *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 53) = *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 48); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 53) != (sbyte)0) { Class0 class00 = this.class0_0; byte[] byte_0_1 = Class73.smethod_155(class6_0); *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 28) = Class73.smethod_53(class6_0) - 2; byte[] numArray = Class73.smethod_47(byte_0_1, *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 28), 2, class00); byte[] byte_0_2 = new byte[6 + *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 24)]; Buffer.BlockCopy((Array)BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)*(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 24)), 0, (Array)byte_0_2, 0, 2); Buffer.BlockCopy((Array)numArray, 0, (Array)byte_0_2, 2, 4 + *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 24)); Class73.smethod_170(class6_0, (byte[])null); Class73.smethod_170(class6_0, byte_0_2); } Class2 class2_0 = new Class2(Class73.smethod_155(class6_0)); *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 24) = (int)class2_0.ReadUInt16(); *(short *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 32) = (short)class2_0.ReadUInt16(); *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 49) = (sbyte)class2_0.ReadByte(); *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 50) = (sbyte)class2_0.ReadByte(); *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 54) = (sbyte)this.bool_0; if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 54) != (sbyte)0) { *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 55) = (sbyte)(this.class5_0.byte_2 == (byte)1); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 55) != (sbyte)0) { *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 56) = (sbyte)Class73.smethod_80(true, this); *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 58) = (sbyte)((int)*(byte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 49) != (int)*(byte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 56)); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 58) != (sbyte)0) { ; } if ((*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 48) != (sbyte)0 ? 1 : (this.class5_0.byte_2 != (byte)1 ? 0 : (this.class5_0.byte_1 == (byte)0 ? 1 : 0))) != 0 && (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 48) != (sbyte)0 ? 1 : (this.list_2.Contains(*(ushort *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 32)) ? 1 : 0)) != 0) { *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 24) = *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 24) | 32768; Buffer.BlockCopy((Array)BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)*(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 24)), 0, (Array)Class73.smethod_155(class6_0), 0, 2); } Class73.smethod_155(class6_0)[5] = (byte)0; *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 57) = (sbyte)Class73.smethod_139(this, Class73.smethod_155(class6_0)); *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 59) = (sbyte)((int)*(byte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 50) != (int)*(byte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 57)); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 59) != (sbyte)0) { ; } Class73.smethod_155(class6_0)[4] = (byte)0; if ((*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 48) != (sbyte)0 ? 1 : (this.class5_0.byte_2 != (byte)1 ? 0 : (this.class5_0.byte_1 == (byte)0 ? 1 : 0))) != 0 && (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 48) != (sbyte)0 ? 1 : (this.list_2.Contains(*(ushort *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 32)) ? 1 : 0)) != 0) { *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 24) = *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 24) & (int)short.MaxValue; Buffer.BlockCopy((Array)BitConverter.GetBytes((ushort)*(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 24)), 0, (Array)Class73.smethod_155(class6_0), 0, 2); } } } if ((*(ushort *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 32) == (ushort)20480 ? 1 : (*(ushort *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 32) == (ushort)36864 ? 1 : 0)) != 0) { Class73.smethod_15(class2_0, (bool)*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 48), *(ushort *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 32), this); Class1 class1_0 = new Class1(*(ushort *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 32), (bool)*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 48), false, Class73.smethod_155(class6_0), 6, *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 24)); Class73.smethod_44(class1_0); this.list_0.Add(class1_0); } else { *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 60) = (sbyte)this.bool_0; if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 60) != (sbyte)0) { *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 61) = (sbyte)!this.bool_1; if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 61) != (sbyte)0) { throw new Exception("[SecurityAPI::Recv] The client has not accepted the handshake."); } } *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 62) = (sbyte)(*(ushort *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 32) == (ushort)24589); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 62) != (sbyte)0) { *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 63) = (sbyte)class2_0.ReadByte(); *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 64) = (sbyte)(*(byte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 63) == (byte)1); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 64) != (sbyte)0) { this.ushort_0 = class2_0.ReadUInt16(); *(short *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 34) = (short)class2_0.ReadUInt16(); this.class1_0 = new Class1(*(ushort *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 34), (bool)*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 48), true); } else { *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 65) = (sbyte)(this.class1_0 == null); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 65) != (sbyte)0) { throw new Exception("[SecurityAPI::Recv] A malformed 0x600D packet was received."); } Class73.smethod_42(this.class1_0, class2_0.ReadBytes(*(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 24) - 1)); --this.ushort_0; *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 66) = (sbyte)(this.ushort_0 == (ushort)0); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 66) != (sbyte)0) { Class73.smethod_44(this.class1_0); this.list_0.Add(this.class1_0); this.class1_0 = (Class1)null; } } } else { Class1 class1_0 = new Class1(*(ushort *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 32), (bool)*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 48), false, Class73.smethod_155(class6_0), 6, *(int *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 24)); Class73.smethod_44(class1_0); this.list_0.Add(class1_0); } } } } } finally { if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 36) != (sbyte)0) { Monitor.Exit(object0); } } }
public Form0() { Class73.smethod_114(this); }
unsafe void IAsyncStateMachine.MoveNext() { // ISSUE: untyped stack allocation void *voidPtr = (void *)__untypedstackalloc(2); int int0 = this.int_0; try { TaskAwaiter awaiter1; int num; TaskAwaiter awaiter2; switch (int0) { case 0: awaiter1 = this.taskAwaiter_0; this.taskAwaiter_0 = new TaskAwaiter(); num = -1; this.int_0 = -1; break; case 1: awaiter2 = this.taskAwaiter_0; this.taskAwaiter_0 = new TaskAwaiter(); num = -1; this.int_0 = -1; goto label_11; default: this.int_1 = (int)Convert.ToInt16(this.string_0); *(sbyte *)voidPtr = (sbyte)(this.int_1 < 0); if (*(sbyte *)voidPtr != (sbyte)0) { Form1.form1_0.checkBox_25.Checked = false; Form1.smethod_1("Lisansınız bulunmamakta.Lütfen geliştirici ile iletişime geçiniz..", Color.DarkGoldenrod); Form1.smethod_1("Profilim =", Color.DarkGoldenrod); Form1.smethod_1("Facebook adresi =", Color.DarkGoldenrod); Form1.form1_0.label_13.Text = "Lisans Yok"; Form1.form1_0.label_171.Text = "Lisans Yok"; Form1.form1_0.label_12.Text = "Lisans Yok"; Form1.form1_0.timer_11.Start(); Form1.form1_0.button_2.Visible = false; Form1.form1_0.button_19.Visible = false; goto label_13; } else { *(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 1) = (sbyte)(this.int_1 >= 0); if (*(sbyte *)((IntPtr)voidPtr + 1) != (sbyte)0) { Class69.int_0 = this.int_1; Class32.bool_0 = true; Form1.form1_0.checkBox_25.Checked = true; Class73.smethod_237(); Form1.form1_0.label_12.Text = this.string_0 ?? ""; Form1.form1_0.button_19.Enabled = true; Form1.smethod_3(); Class73.smethod_69(Form1.form1_0); awaiter1 = Task.Delay(3000).GetAwaiter(); if (!awaiter1.IsCompleted) { num = 0; this.int_0 = 0; this.taskAwaiter_0 = awaiter1; Class69.Class70 stateMachine = this; this.asyncVoidMethodBuilder_0.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted <TaskAwaiter, Class69.Class70>(ref awaiter1, ref stateMachine); return; } break; } goto label_13; } } awaiter1.GetResult(); awaiter1 = new TaskAwaiter(); Form1.smethod_2(); Form1.form1_0.timer_0.Start(); awaiter2 = Task.Delay(10000).GetAwaiter(); if (!awaiter2.IsCompleted) { num = 1; this.int_0 = 1; this.taskAwaiter_0 = awaiter2; Class69.Class70 stateMachine = this; this.asyncVoidMethodBuilder_0.AwaitUnsafeOnCompleted <TaskAwaiter, Class69.Class70>(ref awaiter2, ref stateMachine); return; } label_11: awaiter2.GetResult(); awaiter2 = new TaskAwaiter(); new Task(new Action(Class65.smethod_2)).Start(); Form1.form1_0.button_24.Enabled = true; Form1.form1_0.button_25.Enabled = true; Form1.form1_0.label_146.Visible = false; } catch (Exception ex) { this.int_0 = -2; this.asyncVoidMethodBuilder_0.SetException(ex); return; } label_13: this.int_0 = -2; this.asyncVoidMethodBuilder_0.SetResult(); }