private static bool smethod_9(spr[] A_0, spr[] A_1, ArrayList A_2, ArrayList A_3, bool A_4) { // This item is obfuscated and can not be translated. bool flag = false; int index = A_4 ? (A_0.Length - 1) : 0; while (A_4) { Label_0015: if (index <= -1) { return(flag); } spr r = A_0[index]; A_3.Clear(); Class318 class2 = Class318.smethod_0(); r = smethod_10(r, A_1, A_3, A_4, class2); flag = class2.method_0(); A_2.Add(r); if (flag) { return(flag); } if (A_4) { index--; } else { index++; continue; } } goto Label_0015; }
private static spr smethod_11(spr A_0, spr A_1, ArrayList A_2, bool A_3, Class318 A_4) { float minValue = float.MinValue; int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < A_4.method_4().Length; i++) { if ((A_3 && (A_4.method_4()[i] > minValue)) || (!A_3 && (A_4.method_4()[i] <= minValue))) { minValue = A_4.method_4()[i]; index = i; } } float num4 = A_4.method_4()[index]; float num5 = A_4.method_6()[index]; spr[] rArray = smethod_22(A_0, num4); spr[] rArray2 = smethod_22(A_1, num5); if (!A_3) { A_0 = rArray[0]; A_1 = (rArray2.Length > 1) ? rArray2[1] : rArray2[0]; } else { A_0 = (rArray.Length > 1) ? rArray[1] : rArray[0]; A_1 = rArray2[0]; } A_2.Add(A_1); return(A_0); }
// Token: 0x060018A1 RID: 6305 RVA: 0x000080B8 File Offset: 0x000062B8 protected Class183(Class318 owner, Struct21 hotkey, bool allow_repeat, object state = null) { this.Owner = owner; this.Hotkey = hotkey; this.AllowRepeat = allow_repeat; this.State = state; }
private static spr smethod_10(spr A_0, spr[] A_1, ArrayList A_2, bool A_3, Class318 A_4) { // This item is obfuscated and can not be translated. int index = !A_3 ? (A_1.Length - 1) : 0; while (!A_3) { Label_0012: if (index <= -1) { return(A_0); } spr r = A_1[index]; Class318 class2 = smethod_13(A_0, r); if (class2.method_0()) { A_0 = smethod_11(A_0, r, A_2, A_3, class2); A_4.method_1(true); return(A_0); } A_2.Add(r); if (!A_3) { index--; } else { index++; continue; } } goto Label_0012; }
private static Class318 smethod_13(spr A_0, spr A_1) { ArrayList list = new ArrayList(); sprᳯ rᳯ = new sprᳯ(); sprᳯ rᳯ2 = new sprᳯ(); Class726 class2 = new Class726(A_0); Class726 class3 = new Class726(A_1); smethod_15(class2, class3, list, rᳯ); smethod_14(class2, class3, rᳯ, rᳯ2); if (rᳯ.ᜆ() == 0) { return(Class318.smethod_0()); } return(new Class318(true, rᳯ.ᜆ(), rᳯ2.(), rᳯ.(), (PointF[])list.ToArray(typeof(PointF)))); }
internal static void smethod_12(spr[] A_0) { if (A_0.Length >= 2) { for (int i = 0; i < (A_0.Length - 1); i++) { Class318 class2 = smethod_13(A_0[i], A_0[i + 1]); if (class2.method_0()) { spr[] rArray = smethod_22(A_0[i], class2.method_4()[0]); A_0[i] = rArray[0]; rArray = smethod_22(A_0[i + 1], class2.method_6()[0]); A_0[i + 1] = (rArray.Length > 1) ? rArray[1] : rArray[0]; } A_0[i].ᜂ(A_0[i + 1].ᜁ()); } } }
protected override void vmethod_2() { foreach (DxfLayout layout in this.Layouts) { Class284 class284 = this.method_5(layout.Handle) as Class284; if (class284 != null && !class284.HasViewportHandles) { DxfBlock ownerBlock = layout.OwnerBlock; if (ownerBlock != null) { Class318 class318 = this.method_5(ownerBlock.Handle) as Class318; if (class318 != null && class318.OrderedViewports.Count > 0) { layout.Viewports.AddRange((IEnumerable <DxfViewport>)class318.OrderedViewports); } } } } DxfLayout dxfLayout = this.Model.method_15(); if (dxfLayout != null) { foreach (Class259 entityHeaderBuilder in this.ViewportEntityHeaderBuilders) { DxfViewport viewport = ((DxfViewportEntityHeader)entityHeaderBuilder.HandledObject).Viewport; if (viewport != null && !dxfLayout.Viewports.Contains(viewport)) { dxfLayout.Viewports.Add(viewport); } } } foreach (Class308 viewportBuilder in this.ViewportBuilders) { DxfViewport handledObject = (DxfViewport)viewportBuilder.HandledObject; if (viewportBuilder.EntityMode == (byte)0) { if (viewportBuilder.ParentEntityRefHandle != 0UL) { DxfBlock dxfBlock = this.method_4 <DxfBlock>(viewportBuilder.ParentEntityRefHandle); handledObject.vmethod_2((IDxfHandledObject)dxfBlock); if (dxfBlock.Layout != null && !dxfBlock.Layout.Viewports.Contains(handledObject)) { dxfBlock.Layout.Viewports.Add(handledObject); } } } else if (viewportBuilder.EntityMode == (byte)1) { if (this.PaperSpaceBlockRecordHandle != 0UL) { DxfBlock dxfBlock = this.method_4 <DxfBlock>(this.PaperSpaceBlockRecordHandle); if (dxfBlock != null && dxfBlock.Layout != null && !dxfBlock.Layout.Viewports.Contains(handledObject)) { dxfBlock.Layout.Viewports.Add(handledObject); } } } else if (viewportBuilder.EntityMode == (byte)2 && this.ModelSpaceBlockRecordHandle != 0UL) { DxfBlock dxfBlock = this.method_4 <DxfBlock>(this.ModelSpaceBlockRecordHandle); if (dxfBlock != null && dxfBlock.Layout != null && !dxfBlock.Layout.Viewports.Contains(handledObject)) { dxfBlock.Layout.Viewports.Add(handledObject); } } } }
public abstract void Visit(Class318 c);
public override void Visit(Class318 c) { }